Crackers in the oven on what mode. Cooking time

Rusks are healthier than regular bread. Anyone can prepare them at home. Simple tips on how to properly dry crackers will help you achieve the desired result. After all, ideal crackers should not be fragile and should not bend. You can dry crackers in the oven, in the sun, in a frying pan and even in the microwave.

How to make crackers with garlic? As an addition to various dishes, you can prepare crackers with garlic at home. For this you will need: a loaf of white bread, olive or sunflower oil, garlic, salt, preferably with spices. Pour oil into a deep container. Then peel the garlic and pass it through a garlic press and add it to the oil. Add salt to taste (if you are preparing crackers for beer, you can add more salt). Cut the loaf and place it in a container with malo, mix well. There are two ways to bring the crackers to readiness: place the crackers on a baking sheet and bake in the oven or fry the crackers in a frying pan.

How to make crackers from bread? To make crackers, it is better to use brick-shaped rye bread. The bread should be fresh, but not hot. The breadcrumbs can be given any shape. These can be vertical rectangles, squares, diamonds or triangles. The main thing is to try to make them equally thin. To prepare crackers you will need: rye bread, salt. The sliced ​​pieces of bread are laid out on a baking sheet so that there is no contact with adjacent pieces, preferably in one layer. Bake crackers in the oven at a temperature of 150 to 170 degrees. To speed up the drying process, you can leave the oven door ajar. It is necessary to rotate the pan to dry evenly. As soon as the crackers are browned, they need to be taken out of the oven to a dry place and allowed to cool.

How to make crackers in the microwave? You will need: rye or wheat bread (preferably not fresh), sunflower oil, salt, seasonings. Slice the bread, pour oil on it, mix, salt, add spices to taste. Place the bread pieces on a flat plate and cover with a microwave-safe lid. Microwave at maximum power for a couple of minutes. Then remove from the microwave and stir the crackers. Leave for another two minutes. Remove from microwave and let cool. A quick snack is ready.

How to make kvass from crackers? To prepare this recipe you will need: 1 liter of water, 200 g of crackers, 10 g of yeast, 50 g of sugar. Pour crackers into a glass jar, add boiling water, close with a tight lid and let steep for 3 hours. Strain the resulting mixture, add yeast and sugar. After mixing well, put the kvass in a warm place for 5 hours. Cool. The drink is ready to drink.

Crackers are available in a variety of flavors in the store. A significant disadvantage of a product manufactured in an industrial environment is flavorings and preservatives. To enjoy your favorite food without harm to your body, prepare your own crackers in the oven. If you know how to dry it correctly and what seasonings to add, the product will turn out even tastier than store-bought.

How to cook crackers correctly

At what temperature? It is important to consider the quality and type of bread, as well as the features of the oven, gas or electric.

The temperature for preparing crackers from black bread is a maximum of 180˚ C, white bread - no higher than 170˚ C, pieces of wheat bread - 160˚ C. Butter crackers should be baked at low heat, up to 150˚ C. Cooking savory crackers with spices is done at 200˚ C C, but the baking period is very short.

How long. It should be borne in mind that the maximum period of time in the oven for butter crackers is 10 minutes. Black bread and rye crackers are prepared in approximately 20 minutes.

Food must be placed in a preheated oven.

Recipe 1. From black or rye bread

Homemade fragrant bread crackers are an excellent component for first courses and salads, as well as an excellent snack.


  • black bread;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • spices (Provencal herbs are best);
  • salt.


  1. Cut the bread into cubes no more than 1 cm thick. Larger crackers will be difficult to chew.
  2. Combine seasoning, salt and oil in a bowl.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with foil or special baking paper, place the bread sticks on it and pour in a mixture of butter and herbs de Provence.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.
  5. As soon as the crackers turn golden, remove them from the oven, place them on a plate and let cool.

Recipe 2. For salads

Crautons prepared according to this recipe are perfect for Caesar salad.


  • 1 loaf (white bread);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • dried herbs or spices;
  • butter.


  1. Cut white bread into small cubes.
  2. Pour pre-melted butter into a bowl and combine it with spices and chopped garlic.
  3. Pour the mixture over the bread cubes. They should be soaked evenly.
  4. After this, pour the bread onto a baking sheet.
  5. Preheat the oven to 150-170˚ C, place future crackers in it.
  6. Dry the bread in the oven for no longer than 10 minutes, checking periodically for readiness.
  7. The fact that the dish is ready is indicated by a golden brown crust appearing on the pieces of bread.

Recipe 3. For “Kirieshki” beer

To prepare this recipe you will need slightly stale white bread or a loaf.


  • 1 loaf (white bread);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of paprika;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil;
  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • pepper or a mixture of peppers.

Advice! For those who do not like spicy dishes, it is not necessary to add pepper; the crackers will not lose their taste.


  1. Cut the bread, you should get neat cubes of the same size. Place them in a bowl.
  2. Mix salt, paprika, oil and a little pepper.
  3. Sprinkle the spice mixture over the bread cubes.
  4. Place the bread pieces on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven.
  5. Cook at 170 degrees until a golden brown crust appears on the surface of the crackers.
  6. Remove the finished product from the oven and pour onto a plate to cool completely.

Advice! If your oven has a convection function, be sure to turn it on. This will ensure more even drying.

Recipe 4. For beer with garlic

This option will appeal to lovers of garlic flavor. The minimum cooking period and the addition of spices at the very end - the aroma and taste are even more intense.


  • 1 loaf of black bread;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • salt.


  1. First cut the loaf into slices, and then each of them into cubes.
  2. Line a baking tray with foil or baking paper and pour out the pieces of bread.
  3. Place in a hot oven and bake until the crackers form a golden crust at a temperature of 160-170˚ C.
  4. Grind the garlic, passing it through a press (“garlic press”), combine with vegetable oil.
  5. When the croutons are ready, remove them from the oven, transfer them to a plate and cover with oil and garlic. Stir quickly.

Advice! Crackers prepared according to this recipe will be especially tasty with tomato sauce. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste with 3 chopped cloves of garlic, 100 ml of water and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil. Add salt and mix well.

Dip the croutons into the homemade sauce and enjoy!

  1. Don't try to cut spongy bread into small pieces; it will result in nothing but a mountain of crumbs. For this reason, if you want to get small crackers, then choose loaves and loaves with a dense crumb.
  2. Slightly stale bread is ideal for making croutons. This is because it is easier to cut it as needed.
  3. Seasonings and spices can be absolutely anything; through trial and error, you can create your own uniquely delicious culinary masterpiece.

There are many recipes for drying crackers. They are mainly culinary, but I want to talk about how to prepare crackers for a hike. After all, no journey is complete without them. I have often observed a situation where crackers prepared by different participants differed greatly in taste. Some were simply masterpieces of culinary art and were sold in great demand, others, of course, were also eaten, but out of despair and the lack of more appetizing alternatives.

Useful articles:

  • Meals on the hike

How to dry crackers in the oven

Which bread should you choose? Both black and

This is a simple option for making crackers. Further, each housewife acts taking into account her own preferences and imagination. If the bread was dried as a delicacy for tea, it can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. Do this immediately after removing the pan from the oven. Salt and spices should be sprinkled on raw preparations before going into the oven.

For lovers of borscht with breadcrumbs, we offer a recipe for preparing them in garlic sauce. Take white or black bread and cut it into small, but not very small pieces. Pour 0.5 tbsp into a shallow bowl. olive oil. Squeeze 3-4 cloves of garlic into it and add chopped herbs. Roll the chopped pieces in the mixture. Place them on a baking sheet and bake using the above method until done.

In the microwave

You can also make bread croutons in the microwave. However, when choosing this drying option, you must be extremely careful. There is always a risk of not following the process and overcooking, or even completely burning the future delicacy.

Cut the bread into equal pieces and place them on a plate. Place the dish in the microwave. Select drying mode. Do this carefully, as there is a high probability of burning the workpieces. With a high oven power, try not to set the timer for longer than 2-3 minutes.

When drying crackers in the microwave, you need to be careful that they do not burn. It is recommended to set the process duration to no more than 3 minutes.

After the oven turns off, remove the crackers and check their doneness. If they are not dry enough, turn them over and microwave again for 2-3 minutes. During drying, do not move far from the operating device and make sure that the product does not burn. Otherwise, the inside of your microwave will become covered with a yellow coating that is difficult to wash off.

That's all the tricks for preparing a tasty and appetizing snack from simple bread. If you have a lot of crackers, store them in a dry, airtight container in a cool, dark place, away from strong odors. However, it is better to eat freshly prepared food. Therefore, try to cook as many crackers as you can eat at a time.

Stale leftover bread and buns are a common problem for every housewife. Many people simply throw the wasted pieces into the trash, not knowing what tasty and healthy snacks can be made from them. They can be useful as an addition to salads, pasta or soups, as snacks for beer or as a treat for children.

You can dry crackers at home from any type of bakery product. This could be black or white bread, a loaf that is starting to go stale, leftover Easter cakes after Easter, baked pies or buns that were not eaten on time. The main thing is that the bread has not yet begun to mold; if this happens, it will have to be thrown away.

For different dishes, bakery products are cut into different portions:

  • To complement soups or salads, it is best to use croutons cut into 1*1 cm cubes.
  • Thin bars measuring 1*2.5 cm are suitable as snacks for beer.
  • It is recommended to cut sweet crackers for tea or milk for children into slices across the entire width of the bun or loaf.

It is very important that all the pieces in one batch are the same size, otherwise, with equal cooking time, some will burn and others will remain soggy.

Drying crackers at home in the oven

The simplest and most common way is to dry the crackers in the oven. The portioned pieces should be laid out on a baking sheet in one row and placed in the oven, preheated to 130 degrees. To avoid burning, after 10 minutes we begin to check the readiness. When the crackers are browned on the bottom side, you need to turn them over and keep them in the oven for another 7-10 minutes. The total drying time takes 30-40 minutes, but may vary depending on the size of the pieces.

Preparing croutons with spices and additives

If you want to get a more unusual and interesting taste, you can dry the crackers with the addition of spices and seasonings.

A simple option is to crush the chopped pieces with dry spices and mix them thoroughly before putting them in the oven.

A more complex option using liquid dressings will take a little more time and effort, but the result will not leave anyone indifferent.

  1. First of all, prepare the liquid sauce. This could be vegetable oil with garlic and spices, tomato juice or sweet milk.
  2. Carefully and quickly dip each piece in the liquid. You shouldn’t soak the bread for a long time, otherwise it will become soggy and you won’t get crackers.
  3. Place the pieces on a baking sheet in one row and dry as described above.

Drying crackers in a frying pan

If, due to circumstances, there is no oven in the house, this does not mean that you will have to do without homemade crackers. With no less success, you can dry leftover bread and rolls in a frying pan. To do this, the pre-prepared pieces need to be laid out in a dry, heated frying pan and dried over low heat, stirring every 3-5 minutes, otherwise they will burn and become bitter. Before each next batch, crumbs and remnants from previous crackers should be removed from the pan.

Making homemade crackers in the microwave

The fastest and most dangerous way to make homemade crackers is the microwave. One extra minute can lead to the whole house stinking of acrid smoke, and the stove itself will take a long time to wash and ventilate.

The prepared pieces of future crackers should be laid out in one layer on a flat plate and placed in the microwave. Every minute you should open the oven, turn the crackers over, checking their readiness at the same time. Total cooking time is 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

An important point - when drying crackers in the microwave, do not cover the plate with a special lid. It helps retain moisture in the food and cooking will take much longer.

This video will help you prepare crackers correctly in the microwave.

Storing crackers

Properly prepared crackers are a practically non-perishable product; they can be stored in a dry, dark room for several years. To do this, put the completely cooled pieces into a fabric bag, tie them and put them in a storage cabinet. Unfortunately, the option with plastic and glass containers is not suitable for long-term storage of crackers, because... Without access to air, they begin to become moist and “suffocate.”

You can only store completely dried pieces; if even one is damp inside, it will begin to mold and ruin everything. When preparing for long-term storage, it is better to overcook it a little and even burn it, rather than vice versa.

Video tutorial on making salted crackers

There are many recipes for drying crackers. They are mainly culinary, but I want to talk about how to prepare crackers for a hike. After all, no journey is complete without them. I have often observed a situation where crackers prepared by different participants differed greatly in taste. Some were simply masterpieces of culinary art and were sold in great demand, others, of course, were also eaten, but out of despair and the lack of more appetizing alternatives.

Useful articles:

  • Meals on the hike

How to dry crackers in the oven

Which bread should you choose? Both black and white bread will do. You can dry both for variety. For slicing, a standard brick is more convenient, rather than a round one or a loaf. I prefer bread without additives or raising agents, not spicy. It’s better to cut the loaf yourself, because... The factory cut is very thin.

Step 1
Before drying crackers, you need to cut the bread. There are many ways to cut: into strips, cubes, large pieces. In my opinion, the most optimal size for a hike is a quarter of a piece of bread.

Small crackers will crumble faster and are only suitable for home use. And such a square is neither small nor large.

It is more convenient to cut the loaf lengthwise, then each half again lengthwise, and then crosswise into squares.

Step 2

Grease (lightly) a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Place pieces of bread on it (as tightly as possible) and sprinkle sunflower oil on top.

Step 3
Many people ask me the question at what temperature to dry crackers. As I cook them, I lower the temperature. First preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Salt the crackers and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Step 4
Be sure to follow the process! It's easy to burn crackers, because everyone's oven is different. How long to dry the crackers in the oven depends on this.

Usually after 20-25 minutes (when they are browned) I turn them over, switch the oven to 100 degrees and leave the crackers in it for another 30 minutes. So there is no one, laconic answer to the question at what temperature to dry crackers.

Step 5

Turn off the oven and let the breadcrumbs cool with it. The product is ready! I hope you are convinced that there is nothing complicated about how to dry crackers in the oven.

“Norms” and storage of crackers while camping

What should I pack the finished crackers in? Even if you know how to properly dry crackers, you need to take care of how to properly store them during a hike.

Many people pack crackers in a cloth bag. Under the weight of the rest of the things in the backpack, they partially crumble.

In order to better preserve it, I put, exactly put, the crackers in stacks, rather than falling asleep, in a milk or juice bag. This way they better retain their appearance and taste.

The bag can be sealed with regular tape to prevent it from opening. Typically, a standard loaf fits in a two-liter bag.

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