DIY spaghetti recipe. How to make homemade pasta

Previously, many women who strictly monitored their weight included dishes made from pasta, noodles and other flour products into the list of strictest taboos. Today it is reliably known that pasta made from durum wheat flour does not harm the figure at all.

Healthy homemade noodles

This is good news, since there are countless dishes that can be prepared from noodles, pasta or vermicelli. And some housewives prefer not to buy pasta, but to make homemade noodles themselves.

Store shelves today are literally overflowing with pasta from various manufacturers, of all shapes, sizes and even colors. But there is nothing tastier than noodles prepared at home, with your own hands, according to the recipes of our great-grandmothers, grandmothers and mothers.

But a modern woman already has a huge burden of responsibilities: work, household chores, childcare. Most often, in a free minute you want to spend on yourself, and not stand for hours in the kitchen. So it turns out that we buy a finished product, trying to save our time.

However, if you want to pamper your family and friends, cook them homemade noodles. We are sure that this dish will warm their soul, because they will feel your boundless love and care. And so that preparing homemade noodles takes as little time as possible. Get your household members involved. After all, everyone likes the taste of homemade noodles, and therefore it is unlikely that your family will refuse to help you prepare it. So, you can entrust your husband with the responsible and rather labor-intensive task of kneading and rolling out the dough, and the kids probably won’t refuse to help their mother cut the noodles into thin strips!

Making noodles at home (recipe)

So, let's start by preparing the dough. To make homemade noodles you will need:

  • 400 gr. flour
  • 8 yolks
  • 50 gr. vegetable oil
  • 2-3 gr. salt
  • 1 tbsp. water

Making homemade noodles:

  • Pour 400 grams into a large bowl or directly onto the table. flour, make a hole in the top.
  • Then, in a separate bowl, mix 8 yolks with salt, vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of cold water, beat until smooth.
  • Pour the resulting yolk mixture into the well in the flour and begin to gently mix it with the flour. When the dough is thick enough, start kneading it with your hands.

The dough should be as tight and flexible as possible, the quality of the resulting noodles depends on this. Therefore, at the stage of kneading the dough, you cannot do without the strong hands of your beloved man - he will cope with the dough faster and better than you. The steeper the dough, the better the noodles will turn out, and therefore we call a representative of the strong half of humanity and solemnly entrust him with this important task, of course, under your strict guidance.

  • Leave the dough for 10-15 minutes before rolling out. covered with a towel or an inverted bowl, it should stand.
  • Then we get to work again. To begin, sprinkle the table with a fairly thick layer of flour, place the dough on it, and begin rolling out, gradually pouring flour under the rolling pin in order to avoid the dough sticking to the rolling pin.

While rolling, turn the dough periodically to prevent it from sticking to the table. The thinner the dough is rolled out, the better, so, again, you can call a strong man for help. The ideal option is when the thickness of the dough does not exceed 1 mm.

  • Once the dough has become thin enough, you need to leave it for 10 minutes to dry.
  • In the meantime, consult with your household about what kind of noodles you want to cook: long or short. Short noodles are indispensable when preparing soups, and long noodles make an excellent side dish.

In order to make short noodles from the rolled out dough, you need to cut the dough into strips of 1.5-2 centimeters, then fold the resulting strips into a pile, not forgetting to sprinkle them with flour to avoid sticking.

  • Now take a thin, sharp knife and start cutting the noodles, try to make them as thin as possible. During the cutting process, do not forget to turn over and shake the already cut noodles so that they do not have time to stick together.

If you decide to make long noodles, then sprinkle the rolled out dough with flour and roll it into a roll, then cut it thinly and shake the resulting noodles so that they unfold.

  • Now you have reached the finish line, now all that remains is to dry the homemade noodles, to do this, spread them in a thin layer on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour or a table and leave them to dry for about 30-40 minutes.

What to make from homemade noodles?

The noodles can be prepared for future use; to do this, they need to be dried until brittle, sprinkled with flour and stored in a linen bag.

Before cooking, place homemade noodles in a sieve and shake slightly to remove excess flour. Now everything depends only on your tastes and imagination.

  • Boiled homemade noodles are good as a side dish.
  • Fans of milk soups will certainly like the following preparation: place the pre-boiled noodles in a colander, let the water drain, then pour in boiled milk, add sugar and butter to taste.
  • And chicken soup with homemade noodles is simply a classic of culinary art. To make homemade chicken noodles, you will need rich chicken broth. Separate the boiled chicken meat from the bones, cut into small portions, and place in the broth along with the noodles. Remove from heat after 10 minutes. after boiling. You can add a little chopped parsley.

Homemade noodles: many options

  • If you're not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, there are tons of different variations of homemade noodles you can make. For example, replacing wheat flour with buckwheat and giving up eggs, you will get homemade buckwheat noodles.
  • To prepare rice noodles you will need 3 cups of rice flour, 2 tbsp. l. starch, salt and 2 cups of cold water.
  • In addition, those who have a sweet tooth will surely like the taste of chocolate noodles, to prepare which you only need to add about 40-50 grams to the dough. cocoa powder.
  • For lovers of unusual and original dishes, you can suggest making homemade colored noodles, especially since it is so simple. You just need to add a little beet or carrot juice to the egg mixture before mixing it with flour - as a result you will get single or yellow noodles.
  • In addition, using special knives and various molds, you can create various versions of shaped homemade noodles.

Homemade carrot noodles recipe

Another option for making homemade noodles is carrot noodles.

To prepare carrot noodles you will need:

  • 200 gr. carrots
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 eggs
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 3-4 tbsp. flour

Making homemade noodles:

  • Cut the peeled carrots into pieces and boil.
  • After the carrots have cooled, rub them through a sieve or grind them in a blender, add all the ingredients except flour, and beat.
  • Then, gradually adding flour, knead into a tight dough.
  • Divide the dough into 3-4 parts, roll out thinly and cut into long strips.
  • Boiled carrot noodles are an excellent side dish for meat and vegetables!

Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and surprise your family! Bon appetit!

Translated from Italian, the word “pasta” means dough. Therefore, all flour products originating from Italy are generally called pasta. At the same time, there are a great variety of pasta varieties: spaghetti, fettuccine, vermicelli, noodles, cannelloni, farfalle, tagliotelli, etc. Of course, if you decide to cook lunch or dinner, there is nothing easier than going to the supermarket and buying ready-made pasta in the desired shape. But if you spend a little time and apply your own efforts, you will get delicious homemade pasta, fresh and flavorful. In this article we will tell you how to make pasta dough at home, give you a recipe for homemade pasta and share the secrets of making real Italian pasta.

Pasta at home

To make pasta at home as tasty as a professional chef’s, you should definitely buy durum wheat flour! This is the kind of homemade pasta that will not boil in water, taking on the appearance of a sticky mass.

The second point - do not overcook the pasta! It must retain its famous taste “al dente” - “to the tooth”, i.e. be slightly undercooked. The optimal cooking time is 3-5 minutes.

The last trick is to use only homemade eggs! The yolks of these eggs are especially bright, which is to our advantage: your pasta should be a pleasant bright yellow color.

If you want to prepare pasta at home in different colors, then take care of natural dyes: for a green shade you will need fresh spinach juice or any greens, for orange and yellow - a solution of turmeric and carrot juice. To make the pasta pink or burgundy, add fresh beet juice to the dough. You will only be able to try this unique black pasta in a restaurant, since cuttlefish ink gives this color to the dish; it is prohibitively expensive and cannot be found on the open market.

To prepare homemade pasta, the recipe for which we will give a little later, in addition to the ingredients, you should stock up on a special machine for rolling out dough (some food processors have special attachments), or you can get by with the rolling pin we are used to.

You will also definitely need:

    • a sharp knife for cutting noodles or attachments of different shapes on a machine for rolling out dough, depending on the type of pasta you are preparing,
    • cling film,
  • fabric bags for subsequent storage of finished pasta.

All is ready! You can start preparing delicious Italian pasta and macaroni!

Pasta dough

Classic pasta dough, like pasta dough, consists of only 2 components: egg yolks and durum wheat flour. This is ideal, the maximum that is allowed is a little water to make the dough easier to knead.

A classic Italian pasta dough recipe will require the following ingredients:

    • flour – 400 g
    • egg yolks – 3 pcs.
    • water – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • a pinch of salt

The preparation is very simple step by step:

    1. Lightly beat the egg yolks with a fork
    1. sift the flour through a sieve, pour it onto the table and make a hole in it into which to pour the beaten eggs
    1. Add water and salt here, then knead the dough. It should be smooth and elastic
    1. After kneading, let the dough rest for 30 minutes, covering it with cling film
    1. Roll out the rested dough as thin as possible, if you have a machine for rolling out dough, then pass it through a press
    1. then sprinkle the dough well with flour, roll it up and cut it into thin strips or use special attachments to give the dough the desired shape: for lasagne, cut thin layers of dough into rectangles, for farfalle, cut the dough into squares with a side of 3-4 cm, and then collect the square in the center in a bow, etc.
    1. All that remains is to dry the paste, to do this, spread the paste on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour and leave for a day
  1. After this time the paste should be hard and brittle. In this form, the paste can be stored in airtight containers for a month.

Now let's talk about how to make homemade pasta. In principle, their composition is the same as pasta. The same yolks, water, salt and durum wheat flour. If you want your pasta to be colored, add beet, carrot or spinach juice instead of water. You can make pasta dough by hand, or you can use a bread machine. The pasta will differ only in its shape. You can cut noodles without special tools. You just need to roll out the dough thinly and cut the layer with a sharp knife into strips of the desired width.

Advice If you plan to use the noodles for making soups, make them not too long, cut the layer into thin strips, and then, turning the knife, cut the resulting strips also diagonally.

As you can see, making pasta and pasta dough is quite simple. It just takes a little effort and patience. The taste of homemade pasta is much better than even the most expensive store-bought ones! At the same time, no chemicals or preservatives. Enjoy your meal!

And if now we mostly buy noodles in the store, then quite recently neither Russian nor Italian housewives had much choice, and they constantly made pasta at home. There is nothing complicated about this (especially if you get a pasta machine), but you will know exactly what products your pasta is made from. Today you will find a long read - first the recipe itself, and then a video and a story about various methods of preparing pasta.

How to cook pasta, noodles and macaroni at home

In Italy, typo 00 flour from durum wheat is used to make pasta, and if you are going to cook Italian dishes from your pasta, look for it in supermarkets: this is a particularly finely ground flour, and the pasta from it turns out to be denser and less boiled. However, if you can’t find such flour, take regular high-grade wheat flour; with it, the pasta will not be the same as that of Italian grandmothers, but also not bad.

Sift 200 grams of flour into a bowl, break two large chicken eggs into it, add a pinch of salt and knead the dough. It should be stiff but elastic without sticking to your hands, so you may need to add a little flour or water when you cook the pasta. This is impossible to predict - it all depends on the quality of flour, the weight of the eggs, air humidity and other factors, but over time you will learn to feel the correct consistency of the dough. After kneading the dough vigorously, roll it into a tight ball, cover and let rest for half an hour or longer.

Roll out the dough ball into a sausage and cut it into several smaller balls. Roll each ball into a thin rectangle, generously sprinkling flour on both the surface of the table and the dough itself on the top side - so that it dries faster and does not stick to the table and rolling pin. Having rolled out all the dough, arm yourself with a sharp knife and cut it into strips of the desired thickness (for spaghetti and noodles - very narrow, for tagliatelle - wider), rectangles for either beshbarmak, or any other shape that you like. The dough for all varieties is prepared in the same way: it is better to prepare them right away, but all other types of pasta should first be dried and then put in the refrigerator or frozen.

How to Cook Pasta Using a Pasta Machine

From the kitchen equipment for the method described above, you only need a bowl, a rolling pin and a knife, but besides them you will need remarkable strength - after all, kneading and then rolling out stiff dough is not as easy as it seems at first. In this sense, a pasta machine is a very useful tool - so useful that I highly recommend getting one for anyone who loves pasta, noodles, etc., and regularly prepares dishes with them. Such machines can be manual or electric, and in my case this role was played by attachments for a mixer, which I wrote about quite recently.

The set includes three attachments, one of which is used for rolling out the dough, and the other two are for cutting the rolled sheets for linguine and tagliatelle, respectively. This arrangement surprised me - for some reason I expected that it would be possible to change the cutting width, but here there are only two rigidly fixed options, to switch between which you also need to change the nozzles. At the same time, their width is only about 10 centimeters, that is, it is better not to initially overdo it with the amount of dough that you will roll out at a time.

However, in practice, making pasta using these attachments is quite convenient. Having installed the attachment for rolling out the dough - it is attached to a special connector in the head of the mixer - turn on the second speed (the instructions suggest setting the speed from 2 to 4, but the lower it is, the less risk of spoiling something), and set the thickness of the dough to 1 First, roll a small piece of the rested dough a couple of times until it forms a thick but flat sheet, then pass it through the roller several times, folding it in half after each roll to make the dough as elastic as possible. After this, reduce the thickness of the dough by 1 division, each time rolling the sheets through the attachment 2-3 times until you reach a dough thickness of 5. After this, you can install the selected attachment for cutting the dough and pass all the rolled sheets through it. To prevent the pasta from sticking, do not be greedy with flour for dusting; you should not wash the attachments themselves with water after finishing work - instead, let the dough dry and clean the attachments using the included brush.

In principle, your pasta is already ready: you can either dry it by hanging it on a special stand, the box with which I captured in a couple of photos above, and then either put it in the refrigerator or freeze until better times. In the latter case, it is better to roll the paste into nests for easy storage. By the way, KitchenAid, in addition to these attachments, also has a press that allows you to form tubes of various diameters, spirals and spaghetti, but for my needs these are enough for now.

For better clarity, I made a video recipe for homemade pasta, which, in my opinion, describes this process in quite detail and exhaustively:

(As you know, video recipes are not my thing, so I will be very glad if you leave your comments about what you liked and what you didn’t, so that I can make it even better next time).

If you are interested in the attachments that were used in the filming of this video, here they are - KitchenAid Pasta Roller Cutters.

Finally, I’ll give you some advice - more homemade pasta, noodles and pasta, good and different! They're worth it.

I recently looked at my catalog of recipes and, without surprise, emphasized once again that my blog is mostly "Italian": pasta, risotto, pizza... even sweets are mostly Italian. It’s not surprising, because Italian cuisine is beloved in our family and has long become homely and dear. Favorite restaurants are also Italian. The most delicious family Sunday lunch... Italian of course! I can confidently say that on my blog the number of Italian dishes will now increase for three reasons:
1. I have increased the number of cookbooks on Italian cuisine.
2. Italian dishes, or rather recipes and ideas, I dream about at night or suddenly appear in my head when, for example, I am walking down the street or driving a car...
3. Ta-dam! I now have KitchenAid Pasta Press Attachment. Today I’m telling you about her miraculous nature! I will also tell you about my experiments with pasta dough, share recipes and tips so that you, too, will be inspired by the idea of ​​making homemade pasta!

So, let's take a closer look at this miracle attachment.

The most important thing I want to note is universal nozzle and fits both the new mixer with a 6.9 l bowl and the mixer with a 4.83 l bowl. The function of the attachment is to form a variety of pasta from the dough. The set includes six plates for forming different types of pasta: Spaghetti, Bucatini, Rigatoni, Fusili, Large Macaroni, Small Macaroni.

The principle of operation of the nozzle is this: the dough is simply passed through the press, and at the end all that remains is to cut the products to the desired length. Assembly of the nozzle is simple and the instructions are provided with detailed pictures. As always, KitchenAid has no unnecessary parts, everything is accessible and functional. A simple example: a part such as the Combo Tool simultaneously serves as a wrench for tightening the attachment and a press for pushing the dough. The kit includes a special brush for cleaning the plates, because... You can't wash them!

The process of installing the attachment on the mixer will also not take much time. The nozzle is installed in the “socket” and then tightened with the fastening handle. All.

The most important what a housewife should do before preparing pasta, choose the right dough. It would seem that everything is simple - there are many recipes for pasta dough. Yes, of course it is. But, having tried more than one pasta dough recipe, I can assure you that not all of them are ideal and for each specific task (preparing lasagna sheets, ravioli dough, curly pasta, etc.) there is a “perfect” recipe , and most likely, each housewife has her own recipe. So, experiment! I have already tried several dough recipes, and I have plans for at least 5 more, or even more. There is no limit to imagination here. Actually, only bold ideas from you, and KitchenAid will do the rest.

1. Form the finished dough into balls the size of a walnut.
2. Place the required plate on the pasta attachment. Secure the nozzle.
3. Set the mixer speed (6-10) depending on the type of paste and recommended speed. For Fusili, speed 6 is recommended as the maximum. In general, the shorter the paste, the slower the speed. So, Spaghetti can be cooked at speed 10.
4. Place the balls one at a time into the “funnel”, pushing with the back of the “key” if necessary. In general, the machine is smart and “picks up” the dough perfectly.

How long should the finished pasta be?

My personal opinion is whatever you want. But in general, recommendations regarding the length and speed of kneading are as follows:

Spaghetti - speed 10, length 24 cm
Bucatini - speed 10, length 24 cm
Rigatoni - speed 6, length 4 cm
Fusili - speed 2-4, length 24 or 4 cm
Large Macaroni - speed 6, length up to 5 cm
Small Macaroni - speed 6, length up to 4 cm

As I already said, there can be thousands of pasta recipes and it is possible that you will invent your own unique recipe. Therefore, the recommendations are general and it cannot be said with confidence that they work in all cases without exception. You can use different flours, make the dough with or without eggs, add water, olive oil, puree... All this will affect the result. But anyway:

1. Practice. At the beginning, it is better to prepare the dough with a reserve to see how it behaves when using different plates. I noticed this peculiarity for myself - the dough that is ideal for spaghetti does not seem ideal to me in the case of rigatoni. You may have a different opinion.
2. As a rule, in the case of egg paste, you don’t need a lot of liquid; you can do without it at all. In order for the finished products to “keep their shape” well, the dough must be very tight. The correct consistency of the dough is this: you take a small piece of dough from the mixer bowl (for example, at the moment you change the flat mixer to the hook) and squeeze it with your fingers. The right dough sticks together without sticking to your hands or crumbling. Then look: the dough is dry, crumbly - add a little water, the dough is sticky - add flour.
3. The pasta dough should be kneaded well. At least 10 minutes by hand and at least 5 minutes in a mixer. During the process of kneading the dough, gluten threads are formed (gluten swells), thanks to which the dough holds its shape. However, if you knead the dough too long, the bonds will break, so it is important to stop kneading when a homogeneous, elastic mass has formed.
4. After kneading, leave the dough covered with a damp towel or wrapped in cling film for at least 30 minutes to an hour.

1. Pasta can be cooked immediately after cooking. As a rule, in this case, 2-4 minutes of boiling is enough (depending on the type of pasta and dough). Cook dry pasta for about 7 minutes.
2. To dry the pasta, place the pasta in one layer on a towel placed on a flat surface.
3. You can store the paste in a vacuum container in the refrigerator for about 5 days. The paste can be frozen and stored for up to 4 months. Frozen pasta is boiled immediately, without prior defrosting.
4. For easy storage, the long paste can be dried in a "nest" shape.

To get started, you have a choice of 4 simplest pasta dough recipes. I've tried every dough with every attachment, so I'm making recommendations based on what worked for me.

1 dough - BASIC, egg dough (universal, but works somewhat worse with curly pasta, for example, rigatoni and fusili)


300 g white flour type OO
3 eggs
a pinch of salt

How to do:

1. Install a flat mixer. Pour the sifted flour and salt into the mixer bowl. At mixer speed 2, start mixing, adding eggs one at a time. Knead for 30 seconds. The mixture will look like cookie crumbs.

2. Install the hook attachment. At second speed, knead the dough until elastic. The longer you knead, the tighter and more elastic the dough will be. So, it is recommended to knead by hand for at least 10 minutes. 5 is enough in the mixer. But this is individual and depends on everyone’s preferences. The dough turns out quite tough. If you find the dough too dry, add a little olive oil while kneading.
3. Form the finished dough into a ball with your hands, wrap it in cling film or cover with a damp towel and leave for 30 minutes to an hour. After a while, you will notice that the “ball” has become soft and elastic.

4. Form the “rested” dough into balls the size of a walnut.
5. Place the required plate on the pasta attachment. Set mixer speed (6-10) depending on the type of paste and recommended speed. Next, lower the balls into the “funnel” one at a time, pushing them with the back of the “key” if necessary.



2 dough - Egg dough (harder and more elastic than Basic, therefore ideal for preparing rigatoni, fusili)


500 g white flour type OO
3 eggs
2 yolks
a pinch of salt
olive oil optional (if dough is too dry)

How to do:

Cm. BASIC, egg dough(elastic, with a pronounced yellow color, universal)

3 dough - With semola


200 g flour type OO
75 g semolina
7 yolks
1 egg
a pinch of salt

How to do:

Cm. BASIC, egg dough

Fusili(note the bright yellow color due to the large number of yolks, I also had country eggs)

Important! The only thing I never managed to achieve was perfectly curled Fusili. Those. they had to be brought to “perfection” by hand. I assume that some special dough recipe is needed in order for the pasta to come out fully prepared.


4 dough - Pasta made from durum flour (perfect in every sense)


300 g semolina
150 ml warm water (about how much flour will take)
a pinch of salt

How to do:

1. Install a flat mixer. Pour the sifted flour and salt into the mixer bowl. At mixer speed 2, start mixing, gradually adding water. Knead for 30 seconds.
2. See BASIC, egg dough(from 2 points)

Large macaroni

Important! Here, carried away by photography, I forgot to cut the pasta 5 cm long... I remembered when they were already drying together on the towel. I didn’t get upset, but decided to leave it in this form as an experiment to test its strength. To my surprise, pasta made from this dough is actually much stronger, does not break and retains its shape perfectly during cooking. True, eating them so big was not very convenient, but the taste... The taste fixed everything!

Small pasta


Having tried several types of dough, I opted for pasta made from durum flour.

Advantages over egg paste:

1. Beautiful milky color that does not change during storage.
2. The dough is tight, holds its shape perfectly, and is very elastic.
3. After drying, the paste is not fragile and stores well.
4. During cooking, it does not break, crumble or deform.
5. This paste, when dried, has the longest shelf life.
6. The most dietary and healthy pasta, which definitely plays a decisive role when it comes to healthy eating.

PS. Looking ahead, I will say that soon there will be recipes for delicious pasta and you will see how beautiful homemade pasta is and that absolutely nothing happens to it during the cooking process.

P.P.S. For those who have not seen reviews of the KitchenAid mixer itself, you can look at

All types of pasta are the hallmark of Italy.

They are prepared everywhere there.

Each city and province has its own traditional recipe, based on geographical conditions.

On the coast - spaghetti with fish and seafood.

There are only two provinces that are far from the sea, and spaghetti with meat or cheese and vegetables is prepared there. In Italy, cooking is generally simple: if there is no pizza, then they cook spaghetti.

Of course, the radiant climate allows you to add fresh vegetables to this dish all year round. Olives - exotic for the Slavic climate - are an invariable component in almost every Italian dish. If not olives, then olive oil is a must. But sunflower oil or butter goes just as well with pasta.

So in our area, spaghetti dishes have taken root remarkably well, along with the name itself, although no one objects to ordinary noodles either, especially since the dough for it is prepared according to the same principle.

Homemade spaghetti: how to make spaghetti at home - general technological principles

Why cook spaghetti at home when you can buy it in any supermarket? Experts say that fresh, home-cooked pasta is healthier than those sold in stores.

Housewives in Italy prefer to cook their own pasta. They even have special terminology that separates homemade and purchased pasta: secca– dry paste, and fresca- the kind that is prepared at home, from water, olive oil and egg yolks.

Real, dry pasta should consist only of flour and water, but the boiled products should not stick together or fall apart. Transparent yellow spaghetti, in beautiful packages with all sorts of inscriptions, is not necessarily prepared with egg yolks: a beautiful color may indicate that the pasta was dried quickly and at a very high temperature, so the beneficial properties remain in the flour from which it was made very, very little. As you know, vitamins are the first to be destroyed during heat treatment. For example, vitamin B6 contained in flour is destroyed by exposure to sunlight, like other vitamins of the same group. As a result, only carbohydrates are eaten along with such pasta. Properly dried pasta has an almost white color if it does not contain additives from melange, which gives the pasta a yellow color, or for its production, bran is added to durum wheat flour, from which the products acquire a brownish tint. The industry also produces pasta with the addition of spinach, carrots, basil, tomatoes and some other natural additives. This spaghetti can be prepared at home.

There is an opinion that the taste of a finished pasta dish is determined not only by the dough from which the pasta is made, the ingredients and sauce with which it is served, but also by the form of the pasta itself. Even the Italians themselves find it difficult to count the number of types of pasta.

Only long pasta exists more than 10 types, except spaghetti: spaghettini, spaghelone, linguine and other forms of long pasta, flat and round.

Such a variety of additives and forms expands the creative possibilities for making homemade spaghetti. How to make spaghetti at home? For this, first of all, in addition to flour and additional ingredients, you will need some equipment. If you want to make pasta yourself, then you should buy a pasta machine - an inexpensive and very convenient device for rolling and cutting dough, which allows you to cope with preparing fresca much faster. In addition, this device allows you to prepare hollow pasta of different diameters. If the meat grinder comes with additional attachments for preparing noodles, this is also a solution to the problem. If pasta is not often on the menu, then a rolling pin and cutting board with a knife will be enough.

For variety and aesthetics, you can purchase knives for figure cutting: this will turn an ordinary and rather boring task into a creative process of preparing homemade spaghetti. How to make spaghetti at home? It's time to talk about the raw materials and recipes for making the dough.

Used to make the best homemade spaghetti durum wheat flour: premium grade, fine grains. The use of flour with a lower fiber content is also allowed, but such products are cooked less than spaghetti made from durum wheat. Pasta dough should be very stiff, with a moisture content of no more than 30%.

Dough prepared on the basis of eggs or only egg yolks, with or without little water, with or without added salt. Using vegetable additives Replace water with juice from carrots, beets, tomatoes, spinach or other vegetables.

Colored spaghetti is a very original and bright ingredient for salads and other pasta dishes. The paste is remarkable because as a component it goes perfectly with almost any product. Just like the number of types of spaghetti themselves, it is difficult to count the number of sauces that go with them, making pasta a varied, new dish every time.

1. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home using egg yolks


Yolks 6 pcs.

Flour, wheat 600 g (+100/150 g for working with dough)


Sift flour onto a work surface and make a well in it. Beat the chicken yolks until volume increases and pour them into the flour, kneading the dough until smooth. Wrap the finished dough in film and leave it on the table for an hour. Sprinkle the table with flour, divide the dough into 2-3 parts and start rolling it out, one very thin layer at a time, not forgetting to cover the remaining pieces with film so as not to dry out prematurely. Dust the surface of the dough with flour while rolling it out until the dough is almost transparent. Flour it once, on both sides, so that the layer does not stick together and roll it into a roll.

Using a sharp knife, cut the entire roll into thin slices. Do the same with the remaining pieces of dough. Unfold the cut strips and hang them to dry. You can use any kitchen items, for example, a stand for kitchen appliances - the main thing is to ensure uniform air access so that the product is dried on all sides. You can leave the spaghetti to dry on the counter, but you will need to turn it over periodically.

Pack the finished spaghetti in film and store it in the refrigerator for no more than a week. In dry freezing mode, provided they are sealed, they can be stored longer, but you need to roll the paste in vegetable oil. Frozen pasta is cooked without defrosting.

2. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with vegetable additives


Juice of fresh carrots, green basil, tomatoes - 50 ml each (150 ml)

Water 50 ml

Yolks 8 pcs.

Premium flour 1.2 kg (+200 g per mixture)


Divide all the sifted flour into 4 parts and separately knead a stiff dough with each portion, adding water and 2 yolks to one of them, and to the rest - a portion of different juice, also with yolks. Prepare spaghetti as described in the first recipe.

To make the pasta more beautiful, you can use a pasty roller or other cutting tools to cut the curly noodles. Roll the finished semi-finished products into rings and leave to dry in a ventilated area.

From colored paste you can prepare an exquisite side dish for any meat or vegetable dishes, or a salad.

3. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with tomato and basil


Spicy herbs (basil, parsley)

Spaghetti (or any long pasta) 250 g

Tomato juice (or paste)

Spices: coriander, cloves, pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf

Salt, sugar

Olive oil

Flour (passing)


Brown the flour for sautéing, add butter, ground dry spices and pour in a glass of tomato juice, or replace it with two tablespoons of paste diluted with 150 liters of water. Add a little sugar to the sauce for piquancy. Boil water, salt it and boil the spaghetti. Use a tall pan to avoid breaking the pasta. Drain the finished spaghetti through a colander and place it in a saucepan. Simmer until boiling. Serve with fresh herbs.

4. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with Bolognese sauce


Garlic 20 g

Spaghetti 400 g

Celery stalk 50-80 g

Onion, chopped 150 g

Carrots, grated 100 g

Meat, minced (pork and beef) 0.5 kg

Oil 70 ml

Tomatoes in their own juice 200 g


Boil spaghetti in salted water and drain. Separately from the vegetables, first simmer the meat and then lightly fry it. Sauté the prepared vegetables in vegetable oil, adding peeled tomatoes into slices at the end. You can use fresh blanched tomatoes. The sauce should not be liquid. Combine the prepared vegetables with chopped meat, season with spices and bring to readiness, simmering the Bolognese for another five minutes. Serve the spaghetti with the hot sauce on top.

5. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with cheese and eggs


Boiled spaghetti 500 g

Eggs 5 pcs.

Butter, sweet butter 50 g

"Suluguni" 250 g


Line a baking dish with oiled foil. Place the boiled pasta in it and pour the beaten eggs over the mixture. Place the filled pan in the preheated oven, also covering with foil on top, and bake the pasta until the eggs are ready. Tear “Suluguni” into thin threads. Remove the pasta casserole, remove the top layer of foil and sprinkle the dish with cheese. Bake again until golden brown.

6. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with chicken breast, cheese and mushrooms


Spaghettini, boiled 600 g

Cream 250 ml

Onion, sautéed 100 g

Champignons, fried 300 g

Parmesan 150 g

Boiled chicken breast 0.5 kg

Butter 120 g

Spices, herbs


Bring the cream to a boil. Place sautéed onions and fried champignons in a blender, add spices and grind the ingredients to a paste. Add the crushed mass to the cream and boil the sauce. Cut the breast into large cubes and fry them in butter until golden brown. Place the chicken on top of the pasta, pour the prepared sauce over it and sprinkle with grated cheese.

7. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with sweet cottage cheese and raisins


Pasta, boiled 250 g

Cottage cheese, whole 200 g

Powdered sugar 50 g

Butter 30 g

Whipped cream 150 g


Place the boiled paste combined with cottage cheese, raisins and powder into a silicone mold greased with oil. Place whipped cream on top in peak shapes and bake until golden brown. Sweet dog can be served with fruit for dessert.

Homemade spaghetti. How to make spaghetti at home: useful tips and tricks

    When buying ready-made pasta, avoid purchasing clinking, bright yellow products: they are dried at high temperatures and do not contain useful substances.

    Well-prepared spaghetti dough should not fall apart when cooked. Good pasta does not need to be rinsed after draining.

    The products are white, but if necessary, you can make them colored: boil them in water colored with fruit or vegetable juices.

    The pasta cooking water is salted before the pasta is added to it.

    Spaghetti made from durum wheat takes longer to cook than products made from lower grade flour.