Types and varieties of coffee - which is the most expensive in the world, characteristics and which one to choose. Everything you wanted to know about coffee: types of beans and how to choose them correctly in the store

Perhaps one of the most popular and widespread drinks in the modern world is coffee. It is drunk in all corners of our planet, and many people cannot imagine life without such an amazing drink. Coffee can give you energy, add good mood and set you up for the work day.

For many, tasting this aromatic drink has become a kind of ritual. However, few coffee lovers have information about its varieties. Let's talk on the www.site about what varieties and types of coffee beans exist, and also consider their properties.

Types of coffee beans

On our planet there are just over ninety varieties of plants that belong to the coffee genus. However, only two of them are used for the industrial production of beans, which are then used to make coffee. These are Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee, also known as Congolese coffee. These two types represent ninety-eight percent of the coffee produced. Seventy percent of this volume comes from Arabica and thirty from Robusta. There are 2 more “main”, but less known - Liberica (West Africa) and Excelsa (Congo, Venezuela, Vietnam, Philippines, Kenya).

The most common variety of coffee is Arabica; such plants grow quite high above sea level - from nine hundred to two thousand meters. The grains of these crops have an oblong shape and a smooth surface. There is an uneven line on them, curved in the shape of the Latin letter “S”; after roasting, you can see unburnt crumbs of coffee berries in it.

Robusta is considered a faster growing species and is also slightly more resistant to pests than Arabica. This plant is found at levels from zero to six hundred meters above sea level, mostly in Indonesia, India and tropical areas of Africa. Robusta grains are characterized by a round shape, and their color can vary from light brown to grayish green.

True connoisseurs believe that Robusta is a less refined coffee due to its aroma. However, this type of bean contains a larger amount of caffeine, which allows it to be actively used in espresso mixtures, thereby achieving pronounced foam and reducing cost.

Other types of coffee are not of industrial importance; they are represented primarily by Liberica and Excelsa. At the same time, there are several varieties of Excelsa - mocha, soft Colombian, bourbon, typica, maracajou. Trees of this type of coffee are very demanding on soil and moisture, so plantations are limited. It is customary not to mention liberica at all. This is an aromatic but tasteless coffee with a small amount of caffeine.

Some varieties of Arabica coffee beans:

Colombian coffee "Medellín Arabica"
Sweetish taste, acidic

Costa Rican coffee "Tarrazu Arabica"
Walnut shade

Jamaican Blue Mountain Arabica coffee
Refined taste

Yemeni coffee "Mocha Arabian"
Wine taste, acidic and chocolate undertones

Kenyan Arabica coffee
Strong, sharp taste

Indian coffee "Mysore"
Sourish, winey taste, delicate aroma

Tanzanian coffee "Kilimanjaro Arabica and Moshi"
Pronounced aroma, sharp acidity

Hawaiian Kona Arabica coffee
Sweetish taste, strong aroma

Indonesian Arabica coffee from Java
Sweetish taste and smoky aroma

Indonesian Arabica coffee from Sumatra
Spicy taste

Ethiopian coffee "Harar Arabica"
Winey taste of currants, strong aroma

Why are coffee beans valued, what properties do they have?

Coffee beans are a very popular product that can now be easily purchased in almost any store. As you know, they are used to prepare an amazingly tasty and attractive drink of the same name. Both the benefits of such a drink and its properties have been controversial for many years.

Coffee beans are a source of a huge number of different chemical compounds, including phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium and other elements. In general, such raw materials consist of nitrogenous elements, sugar, caffeine, fiber and fat, as well as vitamins and mineral elements. Separately, it is worth highlighting alkaloids, by analyzing which we can talk about the quality characteristics of coffee. It is these substances that are responsible for the aroma of the prepared drink and the invigorating effect it has on the body.

Scientists have concluded that coffee can significantly improve memory in older people. This drink is also an excellent aphrodisiac and helps cope with some sexual disorders. In addition, systematic consumption of coffee in moderate quantities saturates the body with a huge amount of antioxidants. Such elements quite successfully prevent oxidation processes, which cause active aging and subsequent cell destruction. Antioxidants also protect the body from free radicals. It is worth noting that the maximum amount of these beneficial substances is contained in lightly roasted beans.

Consuming natural coffee in moderation helps reduce the likelihood of developing liver cancer and cirrhosis, as well as diabetes and even Alzheimer's disease. There is evidence that such a drink quite successfully prevents Parkinson’s disease.

In addition, scientists have concluded that drinking coffee has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive and immune systems. This drink activates the synthesis of digestive juice, improving metabolic processes and ensuring optimal absorption of food. Drinking coffee without sugar will also help protect against tooth decay.

Doctors are confident that moderate drinking of such an invigorating drink has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and lungs. Moreover, coffee can even reduce the frequency of asthma attacks; for this you need to drink about two to three cups a day.

Coffee beans help increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, reduce the harm from nicotine addiction and make gym workouts especially effective.

Drinking high-quality coffee helps prevent depression, increase concentration, improve memory and attention. However, the tonic effect is rather short-lived.

Such plant raw materials can be used not only to prepare a tasty drink, they are also actively used in cosmetology and cooking.

It is worth considering that excessive coffee consumption can be harmful to health, causing calcium leaching from bones, headaches, insomnia, tachycardia and hypertension. This drink is not recommended for children at all.

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Rarely do coffee gourmets, while enjoying another portion of their favorite drink, think about which province or corner of the globe the coffee beans were delivered from. Meanwhile, only conditions ideal for coffee trees - fertile lands, favorable highland climate, plenty of sun - can provide impeccable quality to the beans.

  • Bourbon was brought from the island of the same name near Madagascar.
  • The famous Blue Mountain is from Jamaica.
  • The controversial Luwak is from the coast of Indonesia.

Coffee beans can be of different varieties and degrees of roasting.

Species diversity

The coffee genus includes several dozen plant species. Several species are used for food. But only two of them are being developed on an industrial scale.

Interesting to know!
About 70% comes from Arabica coffee, about 30% from Robusta, and about 2% from other types.

Arabica beans are extracted from the fruits of low trees growing in foothill and mountainous areas. The grain is quite large, oblong, very dense, smooth. It is characterized by the presence of a curved line in the center of the grain.

The robusta variety is less susceptible to natural conditions and pests. And the variety has a higher yield due to the high growth of plants. Tropical regions of Africa and India have an ideal climate for cultivating this species. The rounded beans are smaller than Arabica beans. They have a light brown or greenish tint.

To determine which coffee beans are better, you need to focus on taste preferences. Lovers of exquisite aroma and soft taste choose Arabica varieties. Robusta contains twice as much caffeine. Admirers of the fortress choose it. Often varieties are successfully combined in carefully selected mixtures. This union allows us to achieve better characteristics of the drink.

The three most famous types of coffee beans are:

Ripening of coffee beans

Despite the availability of coffee types for cultivation, the process of growing and harvesting the fruit is a troublesome task. The fruits set for almost a year, then ripen for 8 months. Moreover, ripening often occurs unevenly. To get delicious bean coffee, you have to use manual labor. Ingested unripe fruits give an unpleasant aftertaste and bitterness. To preserve the crop, it is necessary to process it directly on the plantation. There are two processing methods, carried out at different times:

  • Dry. It is carried out during the dry season. In Brazil, for example, it happens twice a year. There is one in Yemen. After harvesting, ripe fruits are placed in the sun to dry and stirred periodically. Coffee enzymes bring the beans to condition. Coffee gains strength and taste. Only after this the pulp is removed from the fruit.
  • Wet. You can collect the fruits during the rainy season. This is what they do in India and Colombia. Fully ripe fruits are treated with a strong stream of water, and the pulp is removed at the same time. The resulting raw materials are poured into special pits and subjected to fermentation. Then they are washed again with water. Next comes the drying process and final fermentation. This is the main stage on which the strength of the coffee depends.

Coffee beans ripen unevenly, so it is important to choose red berries

What determines the quality of coffee?

So, the fruit goes through all stages of growth and processing, giving the manufacturer the final product - grain. The size of the beans will help you buy good quality coffee beans. The larger it is, the better the quality of the berry, the tastier the drink you can brew from them. The grains are sorted into fractions at the production stage.

The next most important stage is roasting. It is important to maintain the temperature and frying time. All taste and aroma characteristics of the product depend on the roasting stage:

  • Cinnamon. Coffee beans are slightly brownish in color. The taste is light, the aroma is slightly spicy and bready.
  • American. Inherent sourness. The surface of the beans is dry. The color is light brown.
  • Full City. The color of the beans is brown. The taste is balanced. Oil traces appear on the surface.
  • Viennese. Bright brown shade. Drops of oil on grains. The taste is strong, deep, with muted acidity.
  • Espresso. The surface of the beans is dark, shiny, with oil drops. The predominant taste is bittersweet.
  • French. Almost black color. Strong caramel and bitter taste.
  • Italian. The coffee has almost no aroma. Burnt taste predominates.

Roasting beans in a special machine

Rating of the best brands

How many people - so many opinions. Everyone prefers a pleasant bitterness, a heady aroma, hints of sweet cream and caramel, or a light alcoholic aftertaste. The main thing is that a cup of freshly brewed coffee gives pleasure and invigorates a sleepy morning.


There is such a variety of coffee varieties
that only specialists can understand them.
General opinion.

The number of coffee varieties has long exceeded a thousand, and the coffee genus itself has about a hundred species of coffee trees. But, despite this, all these numerous varieties of coffee trace their botanical origins to just four of its main types: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica And Excelsia. Moreover, only a fifth of them are used for commercial purposes, and two types of them are used directly to create coffee drinks, the rest - mainly in the confectionery industry.

The two most famous types of coffee trees, Arabica and Robusta, produce more than 90% of all coffee consumed. It is these two types of coffee that are most loved by consumers all over the world. And it is from them that the main varieties of coffee are created.

In the botanical sense, coffee, also coffee tree (lat. Coffea), is a genus of evergreen plants of the Coffee tribe (tribe is a taxonomic rank in biological systematics, standing in the hierarchy of systematic categories below the family and above the genus) of the Rubiaceae family. It lives wild in the highlands of tropical Africa and Asia, and has been cultivated throughout the tropics for the last two hundred years. Most species are small trees or large shrubs, up to 8 meters high. In indoor conditions, they often take the form of a bush. All parts of plants contain caffeine, evolutionarily produced by the plant as a biochemical agent to repel pests.

As mentioned above, only two types are of commercial interest: Arabian And Congolese coffee trees, from the seeds of which “varieties” are respectively obtained - ( Coffea arabica ) And ( Coffea canephora ). Coffee is also cultivated in small quantities for seed production. Cameroonian and coffee Bengal.

Coffee blooms with small white flowers with a strong tropical scent. The flower contains both male and female reproductive organs (pistils and stamens) and is capable of self-pollination. The berries ripen in 3-4 months, when ripe they are bright red or burgundy (now varieties with other colors have already been bred) ellipsoids with 1-3 grains inside, sitting on a short stalk directly on the branch. Under the pulp are seeds, the color of which before processing is yellowish-greenish-gray.

Seeds (beans, grains) Coffee from different locations and plantations may have distinctive characteristics such as aroma (aroma criteria include terms such as “citrusy” and “earthy”), caffeine content, body, flavor and acidity. These properties depend not only on the variety ( cultivar), but also on the environment surrounding coffee trees and cultivation technologies. Thus, the quality and production characteristics of a single coffee variety can vary greatly from region to region—coffee exhibits clear regional variations. Coffee originating from one area (region, country, plantation) is usually called single-origin.

Most varieties are hybrids and bud mutations of natural (occurring in nature) varieties. The main ones are Bourbon(Bourbon or Bourbon) and Typika(Typica).

Low-growing trees are grown on cultivated plantations (it is known that wild coffee forests still exist in Ethiopia) - they are not only more productive, they are more convenient to process and harvest. The branches of the coffee tree are almost horizontal, the leaves are oblong, dark green, shiny, up to 30 cm in length, hanging on the trees for 3 to 5 years. White tubular, up to 2 cm long, fragrant flowers are borne in their axils. The fruits are similar to stone fruits - the size of a large cherry, with two seeds, red or black and blue. Sometimes one large seed ripens in the fruit. Such grains are collected separately and are called pearl grains and are especially valued by experts. The fact is that when roasted, pearl coffee beans brown evenly and taste better.


The best coffee grows in loose, warm, moist but not wet soil, which is rich in potassium carbonate, nitrogen, and phosphorus oxides. The air should also be humid. Therefore, coffee plantations are planted approximately 25° north and 30° south of the equator. Some varieties do well only in equatorial and tropical countries, since the coffee tree is very sensitive to changes in heat.

Coffee is most often grown at altitudes up to 2000-2500 m above sea level. In the mountains it ripens more slowly, but it is tastier and more valuable. It is very important to establish the plantation correctly; coffee trees are planted between tall, straight trees with not very dense crowns. Already in the second year of life, the seedlings are transferred to the plantations, two years later the first fruits appear, and after five to seven years the tree is considered mature.

The coffee tree bears fruit for up to 50 years, especially in the first 15 years. Blooms and bears fruit all year round. In the mountains, where it is cooler and drier, the fruits ripen more slowly, so the crop is harvested only once, and in warm and humid valleys - up to 4 times a year. On average, about 3 kg of green coffee beans are harvested from one tree each year, although some varieties may be more productive. The yield of some varieties changes every 4-5 years, while the yield of hardy varieties changes every 4-3 years.

Arabic coffee trees grow up to 5-6 m. The fruits ripen within 6-8 months and set throughout the year, so they can only be harvested by machine in Brazil, where the crop ripens at the same time. Therefore, most often the fruits are collected by hand.

There are several classifications of coffee in the world; different countries and different industries have adopted different identification systems, based on quality and origin, in production and in sales.

Coffee varieties in the sales system are divided into two large groups: mixed coffee varieties and unblended coffee varieties.

Mixed coffees (blend)- These are mixtures of ground coffee beans. In this case, coffee beans can belong to different types of coffee trees. They can be collected on different plantations and even continents, at different times of the year.

Mixing the coffee beans to get the best blended coffee is the most difficult and painstaking part. After all, you need to emphasize the advantages of the taste of different coffee beans and at the same time hide and disguise their shortcomings. When creating a mixed variety of coffee, coffee beans are used, the taste characteristics of which complement and reveal each other. As a rule, coffee beans with a similar or, conversely, sharply opposite taste are not used. It may take four types of coffee beans to create one blended coffee. And to create another - and all fourteen. There are other tricks used to create blended coffees. For example, coffee beans are mixed in different proportions. Coffee beans of different roast levels can also be mixed. The result is a unique flavor bouquet that distinguishes different types of coffee.

Unblended coffees- These are coffee beans taken from one type of coffee tree. Speaking about unblended coffee varieties, one cannot help but mention the specifics of their names. First, unblended coffees may bear the name of the country or locality in which the particular type of coffee tree grew. For example, Colombian coffee. And secondly, unblended coffees can be named after the port through which they are shipped throughout the world. This is, for example, coffee Santos, named after the famous port of Santos in Brazil. Knowing these tricks, you can easily determine the origin of a particular type of coffee. Also, the name of an unblended coffee variety can often reflect its quality, the altitude of the plantation above sea level, the size of the beans, the processing method and much more.

Recognizing coffee varieties is the job of true professionals. After all, not everyone can distinguish the taste and aroma of coffee beans grown on Brazilian, Colombian or Puerto Rican plantations. And creating a mixed coffee, mixing coffee beans, only adds to the confusion. Such specialists who know how to distinguish types of coffee are called cap testers.

The drip tester can, firstly, recognize the flavor shades of different types of coffee beans. He achieves this by giving up smoking and eating a variety of spices. A cap tester always protects his sense of smell and taste buds.
Secondly, the drip tester is able to distinguish so-called “pure” coffee varieties by taste. That is, varieties consisting of one type of coffee bean. This is a very difficult skill. After all, it is achieved only through long training and numerous tastings.
And thirdly, he knows the rules by which coffee varieties are mixed. This allows him to avoid possible mistakes. For example, cutting off varieties with opposite or, conversely, identical characteristics that cannot exist in one type of coffee.

Thus. Three types of coffee have wide practical application.

The classification of coffee beans is quite complex and ambiguous to accurately formulate. Therefore, the coffee industry has a simplified list of types and varieties based on the most popular ones.

Types of coffee

Types of coffee is a broader concept than coffee varieties. They refer to the variety of coffee trees known botanically and described in the literature. There are about 40 of them and they differ both in appearance and in the quality of the fruit. There are coffee trees that are more like shrubs, and there are real giants, reaching tens of meters in height.

To obtain beans, mainly 4 types of coffee are used:

  • Robusta;
  • Arabica;
  • Liberica;
  • Excels.

The most valuable of them is Arabica. It is cultivated in 50 countries of the world, but in each region it has its own characteristics. This concerns the taste and aroma of the drink prepared from it. It is by the region of cultivation that the coffee variety that belongs to one of the tree species listed is determined.


A small tree up to 6-7 meters in height, which on plantations is pruned to 4 meters for ease of fruit collection. The grains of this species are oblong, convex, with a rich aroma and sweet taste. It contains a lot of essential oils and little caffeine (about 1.5%). If you make coffee from high-quality Arabica coffee, it will be sweetish and very aromatic.

Arabica is much higher in price than all other types of grains. The reason for this is not so much the taste and aroma as the difficulty in growing it. Trees can only grow on mountain slopes in frost-free regions. In addition, they are very capricious in terms of soil and are susceptible to diseases. The highest grade of Arabica is Brazilian Bourbon Santos. It is used for the production of bean and ground coffee, both in single varieties and in elite blends. In general, there are about 45 varieties of Arabica in the world, some of which differ greatly in taste and aromatic properties. In the world market, Arabica accounts for about 70% of all coffee production.

External differences between Arabica and Robusta

From one tree per year, about 5 kg of green beans are obtained, after roasting which only 1 kg of finished coffee is obtained. The fruits ripen unevenly, after flowering they take about 9-10 months to grow and ripen. During this period, the tree requires watering, fertilizing and pesticide treatment against pests and diseases. The tree reproduces by seeds, which further complicates and lengthens the growing cycle.


Trees of this species were first discovered in Africa in the Congo River basin. Robusta beans contain a lot of caffeine, so they make strong drinks.

Robusta is not used as a single variety, as it has a weak aroma and taste. The bitterness in the prepared drink is clearly felt.

Robusta accounts for about 30% of global production. Growing trees is not difficult. They can withstand prolonged drought and even frost. Can grow in poor soils. In addition, they are very resistant to disease and are not as susceptible to insect attack. Propagated by cuttings.

Most often, beans of this type are added to Arabica mixtures to give the finished drink a good strength and bitterness, which many coffee lovers like. It takes 10-11 months for Robusta fruits to fully ripen. The best beans are used for blending, while smaller and substandard beans are used for the production of instant coffee.


A type of coffee that grows primarily on the African continent. Its trees reach a height of 10 meters, but do not produce too much fruit. That is why Liberica is not as popular as Arabica and Robusta, although it is resistant to most diseases.


It is quite widespread in the wild, but is not grown on plantations of economic importance. Trees of this species are very tall, it is difficult to cultivate them, as well as to collect the fruits. In addition, the grains themselves do not have bright taste and aromatic properties.

Many people believe that coffee prices are artificially high. Perhaps this opinion can be applied to some rare and exclusive coffees. But given the long production cycle and low yield, the cost of this product is justified.

Coffee varieties

It is almost impossible to say exactly how many varieties of coffee there are. The point is not only in the fairly wide region of its cultivation. For many years, breeders have worked and continue to work to create high-yielding varieties that are resistant to diseases and changing climatic conditions. Many new varieties have been developed, but so far none of them can boast of good yields and high quality grains.

Despite this, there are several varieties that are most widely used in coffee production.

Widespread but high-quality Bourbon grown on the mountain plateaus of Brazil

Brazilian Bourbon Santos

It is collected from young trees in the first 4 years of their fruiting. The taste of the drink, made from Bourbon grains, is very subtle, giving off sweetness and slight bitterness with a slight sour aftertaste. This is a unique balance of the three main tastes characteristic of good coffee.


Grown in Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico and other regions. Trees of this variety produce very large fruits. The taste of the finished drink is sour, very aromatic and sweetish.


The best of Colombian coffees. It is grown in accordance with the latest technologies and carefully sorted. The grains of this variety are smooth, shiny, very aromatic, worthy of the highest ratings from experts.

Colombia Excelso

Another high quality product from Colombia. The drink made from grains is slightly sour, with a subtle fruity-wine aroma.

There are some really high quality Arabica varieties grown in Colombia.


Originally from Venezuela. Produces aromatic grains, the drink from which has notes of good dry wine. It is similar in quality and taste to the best Colombian varieties.


A whole group of good Mexican varieties. The taste of the finished drink has light vanilla notes with a hint of maple syrup and nuts. Very appreciated by gourmets all over the world.

Antigua and Cobano

Two similar varieties of Guatemalan coffee. They have medium acidity and high strength. The drink turns out very aromatic.

El Salvador Jalatenango

Coffee with exquisite taste. The drink has a slight sweetness, a taste of almonds and cocoa, and smells of flowers. One of the most fragrant varieties. Grown from locally adapted Brazilian Santos.

Ethiopia Mocha

A variety known for its chocolate and fruity notes. Very gentle and light, as it contains little caffeine. This is the first African Arabica variety that began to be supplied to Europe.

Yemen Moha

One of the most versatile products in taste and aroma. Due to its bright characteristics, it is not used in single varieties, only in mixtures.

As you can see, the names of coffee varieties primarily reflect the region where they are grown. In addition, the finished grains have certain taste and aromatic properties that can be distinguished by product connoisseurs. Experts in this field know how to correctly combine different varieties in order to obtain good mixtures that will gain their customers and be market leaders for many years. The composition of most coffee blends from global manufacturers is kept strictly confidential and is a trade secret.

Growing regions

The range of coffee presented on the world market is indeed very wide. This is Arabic coffee, products from Africa, Vietnam, Jamaica. Brazil and Colombia have been considered the undisputed leaders in the market for many decades. In these countries, vast territories are occupied by Arabica and Robusta plantations, and grain exports constitute the main income of the state and its population.

Vietnamese coffee and its preparation method are gaining popularity in Europe

More than 50 countries around the world grow coffee. But the most important producer of this finished product is Italy. Italian coffee is judged by its main drink - strong, aromatic and invigorating espresso. Many Italian brands have created a variety of special espresso blends so that every lover can prepare a delicious drink at home.

In addition, among the coffee drinks for which special blends are created, lattes and cappuccinos stand out, not as strong as the ubiquitous espresso, but very tasty and original in terms of presentation.

Elite and rare varieties

Elite varieties are not just rare and expensive. They have an unforgettable exotic taste and aroma. In addition, they are characterized by stability of their main characteristics. They cannot be called basic, since their production is too limited. Lots of such a product are usually purchased on an ongoing basis by the same buyers.

What types of elite coffee are there? The best of them are described below.

Coffee from Jamaica is a noble drink whose taste cannot be confused with any other

Jamaica Blue Mountain– one of the leaders among elite varieties. The beans of this variety have a blue-turquoise hue. The grains are very aromatic, giving the drink a nutty flavor. The drink is too versatile in terms of aftertaste and has good acidity. Due to the fact that the bulk of this rare coffee is purchased by Japan, it is impossible for the average coffee lover to purchase it on the market.

Kopi Luwak is considered one of the most expensive. Produced in Indonesia. A local rodent, nicknamed luwak, is directly involved in its production. It eats ripe coffee beans, and partially digested coffee beans are extracted from its feces, which are roasted and ground to create a gourmet drink.

Old Java is the so-called aged coffee. It is obtained after 6 years of storing grains under certain conditions. The drink obtained from them has a thick consistency and unusual aroma.

Coffee varieties are a very broad concept. It is difficult to describe their exact number, but we were able to describe the majority of those on the market in this article.

Natural coffee is a drink without which most of the world's inhabitants cannot imagine life. This miracle product, unlike tea, is consumed in all countries and on all continents. This drink is drunk to cheer up in the morning; it is not ignored in receptions of high-ranking officials and at business negotiations. Until now, researchers have not come to a clear conclusion about the harm or benefit of the product. Over the several hundred years of existence of this drink, humanity has accumulated a lot of recipes for its preparation and serving, and special kitchen appliances have been invented that prepare it independently. Which is better: bean coffee or instant coffee? What kind of drink is it that says “sublimated”? Let's try to answer.

Coffee: an invigorating miracle

When you pour yourself a cup of aromatic, hot, invigorating drink in the morning, you don’t think about how much effort is spent on getting it to our table. There are many stages in the production process of coffee, and there is a whole legend about how it was acquired by humanity.

The grains that go into making the drink grow on a short tree with large green leaves. First, the coffee tree blooms, delighting with beautiful white flowers similar to jasmine. Then the fruits appear, inside the juicy pulp of which the treasured grain is hidden. The final taste of the drink on our table depends on the quality of the fruit: the larger it is, the tastier the coffee made from it will be. The tree must be carefully cared for for six years, and only then will it produce suitable grains.

According to legend, humanity received an invigorating drink thanks to a shepherd who noticed that sheep, after biting off the leaves and shoots of a certain tree, became too active. He tried to make a decoction for himself and noted how the body’s strength was restored. Soon the rumor about the wonderful properties of the tree spread everywhere.

Coffee: pros and cons

We are used to hearing about the various negative effects of caffeine on the human body. However, the drink also has a lot of positive qualities, and in some conditions it is highly recommended to drink it.

Firstly, strong coffee is an excellent stimulant. This will be said with confidence by those who drink it every morning to wake up. In addition, this property helps activate the brain and improves memory. It is not for nothing that this drink is drunk at important meetings and in companies where intellectual activity comes first.

Secondly, coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants. One cup drunk per day is a quarter of the daily requirement of these beneficial substances, which will not allow the body to age.

Thirdly, systematic consumption of the drink (no more than 3 cups per day) reduces the risk of such serious diseases as:

  • Liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol consumption.
  • Oncology of the colon and bladder.
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Cholelithiasis.

Coffee will help cope with depression, activate creative thinking, and improve kidney and heart function.

Who will the drink harm?

This drink, for all its benefits, is not so harmless. Every now and then the results of studies are published, from which it is clear that it has a harmful effect on the body.

Based on this, natural coffee is contraindicated for use if you have one of the following conditions:

  • Kidney diseases.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Glaucoma.
  • It is not recommended to give coffee to children.

It is worth saying that scientists have reconsidered their opinion about the use of coffee by pregnant and lactating women. Previously, it was absolutely prohibited because it was believed that it would provoke a miscarriage and have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of the newborn. Now pregnant women are allowed to drink the drink, but in very moderate quantities.

You should also remember that coffee helps wash calcium out of the body, so those who are afraid of osteoporosis should add milk to their favorite drink.


The type of grain determines its unique taste, but also its beneficial qualities, the percentage of caffeine and other substances. It directly depends on the type of tree that brought the harvest. The three most common are Arabica, Robusta and Liberica.

The Arabica variety is not strong, it contains a small amount of caffeine, but the aroma is rich and alluring. All thanks to the high content of essential oils. Arabica trees are the most demanding, but the beans grow only of the highest quality.

The Robusta variety is completely different: it has a pleasant bitterness and strength. It contains much more caffeine than Arabica. The tree that produces fruit for this variety is very unpretentious and easy to grow. This means that Robusta is much cheaper than Arabica. But the fruits ripen irregularly and are of varying quality. This coffee is preferably used to prepare instant varieties, sometimes mixed with other varieties to combine, for example, the aroma of Arabica and the pleasant astringency of Robusta. Also, the special qualities of this variety provide good foam when preparing espresso.

Another variety is Liberica. It lags far behind the previous ones due to low productivity and whimsicality. It is not in great demand due to the low quality of the grains. Typically, Liberica is used to extract caffeine, as well as in various mixtures.

South American varieties

The taste of the drink will differ depending on the country in which the coffee is produced: we will now analyze the varieties of the South American, Central American and African drink.

The largest producing countries on the South American continent are Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru.

The best varieties (we list the varieties in order of their quality) are Bourbon, Maragodzhip, Minas and Paransky. The first one is considered the highest quality and tastiest; it has a specific bitterness. Reviews about Maragogipe are mixed: some consider it very tasty, others consider it very mediocre. Minas has a distinct medicinal flavor due to the fact that it is grown in iodine-rich soils. The Parana variety is the cheapest, but the quality is incomparable to those described above.

The Medellin, Armenia and Manizal varieties are often combined with the word "Mam". The drinks have a pleasant sourness, are moderately bitter and very aromatic. It is worth mentioning two more Colombian varieties: Huila Excelso and Colombia Excelso. They are recognized as the best not only in their country, but also in the world. The first has a pleasant fruity flavor and a weak consistency, while the second is strong, with light notes of wine.

Venezuelan and Peruvian coffee are recognized as the best in the world: varieties of Maracaibo, Merida, Caracas, Chanchamayo, Norte and Cuzo combine a pleasant taste and a rich, slightly tart aroma. The last three varieties are grown in Peru and are positioned as environmentally friendly.

Central American Coffee

In Central America, the largest producing countries are Jamaica, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti.

Mexican coffee, varieties of which are collectively called Tres Oros, is grown in Oaxaca. What they have in common is the unique ability to become stronger as they cool. Depending on the roasting method, the palette of flavors varies from shades of vanilla to maple syrup and hazelnuts.

Guatemalan bean coffee has a wonderful aroma, moderate acidity and a pleasant, not astringent taste. The quality of grain depends on the elevation of the plantation above sea level. The most beloved by consumers are Cobano and Antigua. Another variety that has its fans all over the world is Guatemala Lagos Shb. It has a smoky taste, quite sour and tart.

The exclusive variety Jamaica Blue Mountain is grown in Jamaica. A truly refined taste with light notes of nuts determines the title of the variety: “king of coffee beans.” Finding Jamaican coffee on the market is quite difficult, because 70% of it is purchased from Japan. Counterfeits are common.

If we talk about Salvadoran varieties, we should highlight a variety with a cocoa flavor and a light floral aroma - El Salvador Chalatenango. The cooled drink takes on a rich almond flavor.

African coffee

There are quite a few countries in Africa that export coffee. Let's look at the largest suppliers.

  1. Angola. He grows Arabica and Robusta varieties, the latter of quite good quality. This is explained by the excellent natural conditions and the country’s experience in bean production: coffee trees have been cultivated here since the 15th century.
  2. Zambia. The most popular variety is Zambia AA Lupili. It has a pleasant spicy taste, with hints of tangerine peel. The aftertaste of caramel is surprising.
  3. Zimbabwe. You can try the Zimbabwe AA Salimba variety only by visiting the country. This coffee is moderately sour and very aromatic. Unfortunately, there are problems with transporting grain from the country, so you are unlikely to find a truly tasty drink in the markets.
  4. Rwanda. Coffee from this country has a pronounced chocolate taste. The Seven Lakes variety is especially prized. Moderately strong, it leaves a vanilla aftertaste.
  5. Tanzania. The drink will delight you with a combination of flavors and almonds. When chilled, it has a jasmine flavor. The most popular Arabica varieties from Tanzania are Tanzanian AA and Tanzanian Peaberry.
  6. Ethiopia. Mocha Sidamo is a variety recognized by drink connoisseurs around the world. This is an ideal Arabica from a country that has been growing it for centuries. Also worth highlighting are Harar Longberry and Ethiopia Irgochief.
  7. Kenya. A country that produces some of the best coffee in the world. Varieties such as Ruiruiru or Kenya AA Ruiruiru are unique and can only be purchased at auctions. A bouquet of aromas develops as you move towards the bottom of the cup, from a slightly sweet taste to hints of cinnamon, clove and tobacco towards the end.

Coffee beans, ground and freeze-dried

If you want to make a truly tasty, aromatic and healthy drink, it is better to use coffee beans. Of course, this will take much longer, because the grain needs to be ground, and then brew coffee in a Turk using sand, gas, or use a household appliance - a coffee maker. Recently, special machines have appeared that grind and prepare the necessary drink.

It’s easier to prepare an instant drink: just pour boiled water over it. This is, for example, Nescafe coffee. There are several types: granular, powder and freeze-dried.

The latter retains its beneficial properties as much as possible.

The principle of sublimation involves “freeze drying”. Pre-roasted grains are ground, boiled, frozen, crushed and vacuum dried. This process is quite energy-intensive, so freeze-dried coffee is the most expensive among all types of instant coffee, but it tastes more like freshly ground coffee beans.

Review of manufacturers

Let's look at the most popular brands of an invigorating drink that are sold on the Russian market. One of the most popular is Nescafe coffee. Both granular and freeze-dried versions are available. The manufacturer offers a variety of flavors and strengths. There are even caffeine-free versions available. Consumers speak quite well of Nescafe and consider it one of the best in its segment.

Another type of instant freeze-dried coffee - Based on consumer reviews, we can conclude that it is rated better than Nescafe. The taste is softer and closer to natural.

Another Russian-made brand is Black Card coffee. It is available in various forms: grain, freshly ground and instant (sublimated). A variety of flavors are offered, and preparation options are also taken into account: in a coffee machine, in a Turk or in a cup. According to customer reviews, Black Card coffee beans are much better than freeze-dried coffee. As noted, it is ideal for kitchen appliances.

A recent innovation is capsule-type coffee machines. One such option is Lavazza coffee. Consumers note the unique taste and aroma. The only drawback is the high price, because one capsule makes one cup of drink. Consumers also highly appreciate Lavazza instant coffee.

Cooking options: Turk, machine and coffee maker

You can prepare your favorite drink in different ways: coffee on sand or on gas in a Turk, in a coffee maker or coffee machine - everyone chooses the most optimal method for themselves. Of course, the latter will provide the most rich and aromatic drink.

Let's look at the most unusual method of preparation - coffee on sand. This recipe comes from the desert Bedouins, for whom firewood was scarce.

The drink prepared in this way is especially aromatic, but the most important thing is its foam, elastic and very appetizing. The recipe is simple: place a Turk with ground grain in hot sand, filled with clean (not tap) water. As soon as the “cap” begins to rise, the Turk must be removed and this operation must be repeated several times. To taste, you can add cinnamon, cloves or other favorite oriental spices. Regular sugar can be replaced with honey, caramel or cane sugar.

Popular cooking recipes

Let's look at the most popular types of serving and recipes:

1. Americano and Espresso. The latter is the basis of many coffee drinks. This is especially concentrated coffee, prepared in coffee machines: water of 95 degrees is passed through the ground beans under strong pressure. Americano is the same espresso, only weaker, diluted with 120 ml of hot water.

2. Cappuccino. It is prepared on the basis of espresso: milk is added, whipped into firm foam.

3. on the first syllable). Almost the same as the previous drink, only the concentration of milk here is greater.

4. Latte Macchiato. A very impressive recipe and serving method: espresso is poured into hot milk. The result is a breadth of flavors, a certain “striation”: milk, foam and coffee. Served in a glass glass with a straw.

5. Viennese. Espresso topped with whipped cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

6. Affogato. Ice cream filled with espresso.

7. Coffee with added alcohol: Coretto (liqueur), Irish coffee (Irish whiskey), coffee brulot (brandy).