Kikkoman soy sauce benefits and harms. Calories in Kikkoman soy sauce

Recently, Europeans' interest in the culture of China, Korea and Japan has grown significantly. Chinese philosophy, Eastern religions, Japanese and Korean martial arts, the lunar calendar, the tea ceremony and much more have found their admirers and followers on both sides of the Atlantic.

The words: geisha, ninja, judo, aikido, hara-kiri, kamikaze, sakura, bonsai, ikebana have become firmly established in many languages. And oriental hieroglyphs can even be found on the skin of our compatriots in the form of tattoos.

Background of appearance

We didn't miss out on Asian cuisine either. Recipes, proven over a century and even a thousand years of experience, attract not only their exoticism, but also their guaranteed safety. And the most popular product of Far Eastern cuisine is soy sauce.

Discovered in China no later than the 5th century BC, soy sauce is the oldest currently known seasoning, produced by fermentation using Aspergillus fungi. The Chinese invention included: soybeans, salt and water. 1500 years ago it came to Japan. Improving the ancient sauce recipe, the Japanese began to add wheat to it and increased the fermentation time.

In the first half of the 18th century, merchants of the East India Company brought soy sauce to the Netherlands, and it soon became popular throughout Europe.

Food market researchers claim that the most popular soy sauce in Japan, the USA and European countries is produced by Kikkoman, whose main facilities are located in the city of Noda, near Tokyo. The company conducts its

history since 1603, when the Takanashi and Mogi families established a seasoning factory on the Yedo River.

The photo shows Kikkoman classic sauce in a standard 250 ml glass container. The exceptional composition of Kikkoman sauce and its naturalness make the product universal. It goes well with exotic Asian delights and traditional European dishes.

You only need to follow two rules:

  • keep the bottle of sauce tightly closed, in the dark and cool;
  • seasoning consumption should be moderate: 1-2 tbsp. l. in a day.

For more than 200 years, Kikkoman soy sauce has been the official sauce of the court of the Emperor of Japan. Today, the company's factories also operate in Australia, Singapore, the USA, Taiwan, the Netherlands and China. In 2014, about 400,000,000 liters of the popular product were produced. Since 2002, Kikkoman began to be officially supplied to Russia.

In addition to classic soy sauce, the company produces light low-salt Kikkoman for those who support a healthy diet, a sweet sauce for dessert lovers, and a Kikkoman teriyaki marinade sauce made according to a medieval recipe.

The marinade contains:

  • soy sauce;
  • wine;
  • spices.

In Japanese cuisine, the word “teriyaki” refers to a special method of frying food in a sweet sauce until the sugar in it caramelizes. Kikkoman teriyaki is used as a marinade for fish, poultry and beef when grilled. The products are obtained with a unique shine and bright taste.

Teriyaki chicken in the photo and “in real life” pleases the eye and stimulates the appetite.

The main thing is fermentation

Technologically, soy sauce is produced in two ways. The naturally brewed (fermented) product is light in color and transparent, the smell and taste of which are perfectly balanced, and is prepared for several months.

Uncooked - often opaque, with a pungent odor and taste - produced by acid hydrolysis of soy protein. This sauce has an unknown composition, is quickly made, has a longer shelf life, but may contain carcinogens.

The exact composition of natural Kikkoman soy sauce is, of course, kept a big secret. The Japanese joke that one of the main ingredients in soy sauce is time.

The main technological process in the production of seasonings is natural fermentation, consisting of 3 stages:

  1. Soybeans are steamed and ground wheat grains are fried. Both ingredients are combined in equal parts and an aspergillus starter culture is added, under the influence of which the enzymes necessary for fermentation are formed in the mixture.
  2. Water and salt are added to the already obtained mixture. The composition obtained at this stage is placed in large containers. Enzymes break down soy proteins into simple amino acids, and wheat and soy starch into sugar, which is then converted into lactic acid and alcohol. Fermentation lasts about six months. If you get the sauce earlier, the desired taste will not be achieved.
  3. The matured mixture is packed into special bags and pressed. The draining liquid is filtered and pasteurized to stabilize color and aroma.

The sauce is ready. Waste - cake - is also not thrown away; it will be used as livestock feed. The quality of each batch of products is carefully checked by the factory laboratory. In case of non-compliance with the established parameters, everything is mercilessly destroyed, and it is impossible to reprocess the product.

Kikkoman is a low-calorie product and does not contain fat: energy value: 100 g - 73 kcal. 8.1 g of carbohydrates provide 32 kcal (44%), and 10.3 g of protein provide 41 kcal (56%).

The seasoning contains macroelements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium; sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • and microelements:
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.

It also contains almost the entire group of B vitamins, which play an important role in normalizing the body’s metabolic processes.

Soy sauce is an ideal “friend”:

  1. With squirrels. Does not interfere with their absorption;
  2. With olive oil. Their combination is an excellent dressing for vegetable salads;
  3. With lemon juice as a marinade for meat or fish.

Those who choose mono-diet on cereals for weight loss should say a huge thank you to the inventors of this product. During diets, dishes should not be salted, and soy sauce helps to endure the difficult time of food restrictions.

The composition of soy sauce worries many fans of Asian cuisine. This product has a pleasant taste and a sharp characteristic odor. Many people fell in love with it for its unique ability to transform any dish and add piquancy to it.

What is soy sauce made from? A natural product made from soybeans, wheat, water and salt. Give them a year to interact and you will get a dark, aromatic liquid. To date, only Kikkoman sauce has retained this composition. Other popular types - Heinz, Amoy, SEN SOY - add various chemical elements to speed up the fermentation process. We will talk about these and other details further.

This product is considered the standard among its peers. Kikkoman was known in China 2500 years ago. This country is considered his birthplace. The history of the sauce in Japan began in the 17th century when two brothers began producing it at home. The original recipe is still kept in the strictest confidence.

We only know that Kikkoman sauce requires soybeans, wheat grains, water and a little salt. These components must be given from 6 months to 1 year so that they brew, ferment well and create a unique aroma that combines more than 300 notes.

The uniqueness of the kikkoman product lies in its naturalness. The sauce does not contain dyes or synthetic additives. The manufacturer focuses on this and indicates on the label only the ingredients indicated above. The cost of the product is higher compared to other types, but you can be sure that Kikkoman will not cause harm to the body.

Production stages

Since kikkoman is a role model, let's look at his example of the production process.

It includes the following steps:

  1. The basis.
    Soybeans are steamed and ground wheat grains are roasted. Then both ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Next, “koji” is formed - a dry mixture that is used only for kikkoman. The fermentation stage begins. During it, many natural components are synthesized.
  2. Formation of aroma and taste.
    Water and salt are added to the resulting mixture. The substance is called "moromi". During this stage, kikkoman matures in large quantities. Fermentation processes are accompanied by the breakdown of soybean proteins into amino acids, and starch into sugars. The latter is then transformed into lactic acid and alcohol.
  3. Treatment.
    After the allotted time has passed, the moromi is placed in special containers and squeezed out. The liquid that glass is the notorious kikkoman sauce. It can be refiltered and pasteurized. The waste is used as animal feed.

As you can see, only natural processes make it possible to create tasty and healthy Kikkoman seasoning.

Vitamin and mineral composition

In addition to the fact that kikkoman has a pleasant taste and aroma, it also saturates the body with useful substances. It is possible that other types of sauces (heinz. amoy, soy) also partially duplicate the chemical composition given below, but the effect of preservatives in some types can neutralize them.

So, we know for sure that Kikkoman includes:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);
  • vitamin PP;
  • choline;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, copper;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • protein (not less than 7%).

The energy value of 100 g of dark liquid is 73 kcal. Kikkoman can be a natural alternative to salt and improve health conditions, such as clearing free radicals from the body, improving blood circulation and delaying the aging process.

Features of Sen Soy sauce and its subtypes

This seasoning is in second place in terms of naturalness only because it contains sugar. This means that manufacturers speed up the fermentation process by introducing additional components. The price category is also somewhat different, because the product is manufactured in Russia.

  1. Sen Soi "Classic" has a lower energy value compared to kikkoman - 60 kcal per 100 g. Available in different forms and with different tastes. Depending on this, the ingredient composition changes. For example, the “Light” sauce contains the preservative sodium benzoate. Probably thanks to it, the calorie content of the seasoning is reduced to 57.2 kcal per 100 g.
  2. Sen Soi "For Sushi" In addition to the standard base, it contains vinegar and Kombu seaweed. The energy value is already slightly higher - 65.2 kcal. The sauce is considered an ideal addition to sashimi, rolls and sushi.
  3. Sen Soi "Spicy" is the most diverse in ingredient composition. It includes fresh ginger, onion, garlic, vinegar and pineapple juice. This combination allows the liquid to be used as dressings, marinades and additions to main dishes. Calorie content – ​​72.5 kcal.
  4. Sen Soy "Marinade" stood out among all subspecies for its low energy value - only 46 kcal per 100 g. Vinegar, garlic, spices and the preservative sodium benzoate were added to the list of its ingredients.

If you want to taste a relatively inexpensive but natural product, give preference to the classic sauce. The chemical composition of the seasoning is as close as possible to the standard Kikkoman.

Ingredients for other types of soy sauce

Let's start with Heinz. What it is made from is of interest to many, because the product is popular among consumers. A closer look at the label, if not disappointing, then surprises - the composition is fundamentally different from that indicated above. Heinz contains the following components: drinking water, soy extract, glucose, sugar, table salt, lactic acid, spices, caramel and yeast extract.

The energy value is overestimated - 183 kcal per 100 g.

Another manufacturer of the “classic” Heinz labels the following ingredients: drinking water, soybeans, wheat flour, table salt, citric acid, flavor enhancer 5′-calcium ribonucleotide.

What is Amoy made from? The main ingredients are soybeans, water, wheat, burnt sugar and salt. Chemical components (monosodium glutamate, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbic acid) stabilize the substance and enhance the taste.

Its price is the lowest of all the listed types, but the composition is often written in hieroglyphs, which does not allow most buyers to appreciate the “inner kitchen”.

Other brands completely forget about the main component - soy. Instead they put soy sauce powder, a huge amount of taste and aroma stimulants, dyes and preservatives.

The seasoning may taste little different from the natural product, especially if you guess the proportions of the components. However, such soy sauce slowly but surely aggravates the health condition.

Based on the chemical and ingredient composition, you probably understand which type deserves maximum praise. But it is often overpriced. You can find a cheaper analogue, and it will not be inferior in quality.

  1. Do not buy seasoning by the bottle, especially at the market.
  2. The best container for soy sauce is clear glass. If the liquid is stored in a plastic container, know that this product is of poor quality.
  3. The color of the seasoning should be dark brown.
  4. A more or less natural product cannot be very cheap.

We have indicated the basic ingredients, they should be the basis. Refrain from purchasing if there are many chemicals on the label. But such natural additives as onions, garlic, dill and others do not make the product harmful.

- This is a worldwide common type of seasoning for all kinds of dishes. Having Asian roots, it won the hearts of European housewives with its culinary merits and became firmly established in their home menus. It is also used in restaurants and cafes. Kikkoman sauce is considered a classic representative of a whole army of sauces prepared in a special way.

Kikkoman is obtained from the natural fermentation of soybeans. Under natural conditions, this process takes a long time. The beans are kept warm for about a month, during which special fungi act on the raw material, giving it a specific smell and taste. During industrial production, the fermentation process is accelerated, and ready-to-eat kikkoman is obtained much faster.

History of the creation of the sauce

The first appearance of soy sauce on the dinner table dates back to the ancient history of China. At that time, the sauce did not yet have its modern name, but was already actively used in Asian cuisine. The authors of the classic recipe, which is still used to make the famous kikkoman, are considered to be monks. What exactly prompted them to decide to remove dairy and meat products from their diet, replacing them with soy, is not known for certain. Perhaps the reason was the long shelf life or the range of beneficial properties of the beans, but in addition to the sauce, they offered the world soy milk and vegetarian cheese based on it.

Despite the impressive distances separating China and Japan, Kikkoman sauce was quickly adopted by local chefs. In the 18th century, when Japanese cuisine was on the rise, the modern recipe that is used to prepare kikkoman today was developed.

The first printed publication of Kikkoman sauce recipes was presented in the Japanese cookbook Yoshufushi in 1965. Several food writers have offered their own versions of Kikkoman cooking. Almost every prefecture in Japan has its own version of the condiment, but Osaka is widely considered to be the best Kikkoman sauce.

When the production of Kikkoman sauce acquired an industrial scale, its export to other countries of the world began. Dutch sailors obtained the first official permission to supply kikkoman to Europe. They also came up with a unique method of transporting it, which preserved all the amazing culinary qualities of Kikkoman sauce.

In Europe, Kikkoman has become a common addition to dishes since 1968, but Kikkoman sauce came to Russia only in the 90s. Gourmets quickly tried it, and housewives boldly adopted it, using kikkoman as a gravy and marinade for meat and chicken.

Culinary features of the sauce

What is the secret of the popularity of Kikkoman, why is it unconditionally recognized in Europe and America? The fact is that classic Kikkoman soy sauce embodies the best culinary qualities of all soy sauces. The seasoning is produced by the Kikkoman company, after which it is named. It supplies its famous products to most countries in Europe, Asia, and America. The assortment includes sesame, gluten-free and Kikkoman teriyaki. Experts note that the price and quality of any type of kikkoman are ideally matched.

Kikkoman sauce also looks decent in culinary terms. The first thing that catches your eye is the rich red-brown hue of the seasoning, which is unique to this type of soy sauce. The main melody of Kikkoman is built on the unique taste characteristics of “Umami”, a mysterious fifth taste made up of glutamate, guanylate and inosinate. The Kikkoman aroma is an amazing extravaganza made from more than three hundred components. In order to achieve such amazing results, it took more than a dozen years of experiments with composition and proportions.

What's in the sauce?

Authentic Asian Kikkoman sauce is a completely natural product made from fermented soybeans, wheat, salt and water. In China and Japan, it serves as an excellent salt substitute. If we look deeper into the composition of Kikkoman, we can find in it many elements that are beneficial to our body.

What are the benefits of Kikkoman sauce?

B vitamins, sodium, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium - all these substances are present in Kikkoman sauce. By regularly using it in cooking, we help our body improve metabolic processes, and more. The list of beneficial effects of the sauce includes:

  • Strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Beneficial effects on the body of people suffering from hypertension, ischemia, and atherosclerosis.
  • Increasing the protective functions of the immune system.
  • Maintaining the correct water-salt balance. Helps avoid swelling in the extremities and reduces the load on the kidneys.
  • It has a positive effect on the nervous system, eliminates sleep problems, calms and relaxes emotional stress.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer and slows down the aging process of the body.

What dishes should you use the sauce in?

Kikkoman, despite the brightness of its components, does not suppress the taste of the main dish and goes well with a wide variety of foods. Very often they resort to its help in cooking chicken. The main thing is that the sauce is added at the end of cooking, then it will not overshadow the natural taste of the poultry meat.

If you want to decorate beef kebab with soy sauce, you need to heat the gravy. When using Kikkoman sauce for fish, experienced chefs advise diluting it with a small amount of honey. Try making salmon kebab and serving it with kikkoman this way, your family will be delighted.

Traditional dishes that simply cannot be imagined without soy sauce are sushi and rolls. In China and Japan, soy sauce is a universal gravy for many dishes. There they not only love it, but consider it a national treasure and a symbol of the culinary traditions of these countries.

We all know that most health problems are directly related to poor diet, and in particular the abuse of sugar and salt.

If it is quite difficult to fight your addiction to candy and other sweets, then replacing harmful salt with healthy and tasty soy sauce is not difficult. But here, too, pitfalls can await us: there are a lot of sauces, but only a few natural and truly high-quality ones - we’ll sort it out in order.

China is considered the birthplace of soy sauce. The reason for its occurrence was a recipe for fermented fish with beans, which was served to the table back in the 8th century BC. Under the influence of new culinary trends, a method of making soybean sauce was invented.

The advantages of historical sauce

Let's highlight four main advantages of soy sauce, although, of course, there are many more.

First– excellent aroma and rich color. These two indicators depend on the period of aging and fermentation. So, for dressing salads, a lighter sauce is ideal, it has a light consistency and tastes quite salty. A darker colored sauce with a pronounced aroma is perfect for meat dishes.

Second— despite the salty taste, the sauce does not contain much salt. In accordance with this, we can talk about the safety of the product for joints and metabolism. Soy sauce is chosen by people watching their health and weight.

Third- This is the ability to refine odors. The sauce adds a special spicy aroma to fish dishes and lamb, eliminating the specific smell.

Fourth– the ability to use the sauce as a marinade, which allows you to store food for a longer time.

Fifth– there are so few calories in soy sauce that it can be used in diet food without fear of putting on extra pounds.

Over the past few years, an increasing number of people have been puzzled by this question, as the product itself has become more popular. Of course, it is impossible to answer this unequivocally. It is required to take an individual approach to the decision, weighing all the pros and cons.


You can’t ignore the beneficial properties of the sauce.

  • Firstly, it is high in amino acids.
  • The vitamin C content of the product is several times higher than that of citrus fruits. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant. In other words, it protects skin cells from aging.
  • Consumption of soy sauce has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, blood circulation and metabolism. The product contains elements that promote the regeneration of nerve cells.
  • The product is recommended for insomnia, swelling, pain and muscle spasms, sprains. Even scientific medicine notes the ability of the sauce to debug the process of the whole organism.


The harm of the sauce depends entirely on the ingredients. Unfortunately, in stores you can buy both a high-quality product and a cheap, and most importantly, dangerous surrogate. It is prepared in just a few days, adding dyes, flavors and other chemicals.

The reason for this scam is the constant demand for soy sauce. The best option for a surrogate product is the addition of microorganisms that accelerate the fermentation process. The worst option is the hydrochloric acid included in the composition. As a result, the output is a cheap product of the lowest quality, capable of harming the human body.

As for consuming too much soy sauce, it is safer than consuming too much salt.

Use in cooking

Soy sauce has such an original taste and aroma that it can be combined with completely different dishes. For example, it can completely replace salt and marinade for red fatty or lean meat, chicken, seafood and fish.

The sauce goes perfectly with stewed, boiled and raw vegetables.

How to use the sauce correctly

Some believe that the ingredient is served as a seasoning exclusively for rolls and sushi. But this is far from true. The sauce goes well with meat and fish dishes; it is also used in preparing soups, main courses, seafood and even desserts. Season salads, marinate and evaporate. In other words, it is used wherever salt is needed.

Shrimp, mushroom, mustard and other gravies are prepared from soybean sauce. Which soy sauce is best suited for their preparation is up to each cook to decide individually.

The quality of a product is primarily judged by the bottle - it must be glass. In plastic jars, the sauce loses its aromatic piquancy.

Soy sauce can contain about 8% protein.

If the label indicates that the sauce was prepared by natural long-term fermentation, then this also applies to its advantages.

A quality sauce should include the following ingredients: wheat, beans, vinegar, sugar and salt. Peanut or garlic extracts may also be added in some cases.

Before buying, you should check the sauce against the light: its color should be uniform, no sediment is allowed. Natural sauce is brown, artificial sauce is almost black.

Storing the sauce

To prevent soy sauce from spoiling ahead of time, you must follow storage rules.

  • You should make it a rule to never leave a bottle open. The taste of the sauce will only be preserved in a vacuum. The product can be served on the table in a small bowl, and the bottle itself can be closed and put away.
  • Exposure to sunlight is also not recommended, as this will cause the sauce to quickly deteriorate. The jar can be stored, for example, in a cabinet or any other dark place, but not on the windowsill.
  • The sauce can also deteriorate at elevated temperatures in the kitchen, so we remove it away from the stove and, preferably, closer to the floor, since hot air always rises.
  • As a result, it is recommended to store a jar of soy sauce either in a cabinet or in the refrigerator. This is the only way to be sure of the safety of the product.

Kikkoman is the best manufacturer

Today there are not many manufacturers whose products you can be sure of. One of these is Kikkoman.

Kikkoman soy sauce contains only four ingredients: soybeans themselves, salt, water and wheat. It is produced using natural fermentation, without any additives.

Calories in Kikoman soy sauce

This product is low-calorie. On average about 50 kcal per 100 ml. Given that, as a rule, 1-2 tablespoons are used in dishes, that is, 2.5-5 ml, you don’t have to worry about your figure at all. By the way, the average resident of Japan consumes up to 25 grams of sauce per day, and, as you know, looks quite thin and fit.

Diet and soy sauce

Nutritionists around the world clearly place soy sauce above the usual salt. There are quite a few reasons for this, and here are the main ones:

  • The product combines ideally with proteins, without interfering with their proper decomposition and removal from the body, which cannot be said about salt in its pure form.
  • The sauce is combined with olive oil, and together they are an ideal dressing for vegetable salads. The calorie content of the dish is reduced, on average, by 50 - 70 kcal.
  • The sauce can be diluted with lemon juice and used as a marinade for meat or fish dishes.
  • What you should be careful about is consuming sauce during periods of low-calorie diets, as this can cause problems with the stomach.
  • It’s difficult to say for sure which soy sauce is better for a diet. If the diet involves restrictions on salt, then you should choose a lighter product, the concentration of which is lower. This could be, for example, a light sauce that contains 43% less salt.


It is up to us to decide whether soy sauce will bring benefit or harm. It depends on the rationality of its use. The recommended daily dose is 2 tablespoons.

You must immediately stop using the sauce if you experience pain in the stomach, swelling of the eyelids, cheeks, toes and hands. All these symptoms indicate the presence of an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the product.

  • allergic reaction to animal protein;
  • the presence of ischemic disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • after heart attacks and strokes;
  • with overweight and obesity;
  • for diabetes;
  • for cholecystitis and constipation;
  • in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis or arthrosis).

You need to know that soybean sauce adversely affects the endocrine system. Scientists have found that children who consume soy too often are more likely to develop thyroid diseases.

The sauce is not recommended for pregnant women in large quantities. It contains isoflavones, which are similar in structure to female hormones. They have a positive effect on a woman’s body, but can have a very negative effect on the development of the brain in the fetus. In addition, isoflavones increase the risk of premature miscarriage.

Soy sauce can cause an allergic reaction, which most often affects children under three years of age.

Kikkoman sauces are held in high esteem in our family. I marinate meat and fish in them, and add them to some dishes to add a spicy Asian touch. The price-quality ratio suits me more than very well.

I have never tried a tastier soy sauce than Kikkoman, so I have been happy to remain faithful to it for many years.

This version differs from the classic one in that the sauce is organic. I didn't notice any differences in taste.


The first mention of Kikkoman dates back to the mid-17th century. In the Japanese city of Noda in Chiba Prefecture, the Mogi and Takanashi families began producing a dark brown sauce made from soybeans, wheat, water and salt. It was this city that became the birthplace of Kikkoman.

Dutch merchants nicknamed soy sauce “black gold” and brought it to Europe. It soon took a strong position in the European market, where it received wide recognition.

The uniqueness of Kikkoman soy sauce lies in the natural origin of all ingredients and the absence of additives or dyes. The manufacturer claims that the distinctive taste and aroma of the sauce is obtained as a result of the production process, which is based on the method of natural fermentation.

It all starts with selected soybeans and wheat, which are mixed with water and salt.

The important ingredient is time. Despite the development of technology, the fermentation process cannot be accelerated. It takes several months to achieve the rich, juicy taste and full bouquet of Kikkoman sauce.

A huge advantage of this particular soy sauce is that it does not spoil and does not thicken over time, which is the problem with cheaper analogues.

Soy sauce is my regular purchase. In addition to various marinades, I often use it when preparing meat dishes instead of salt. Also, oddly enough, it goes great with dumplings. Highly recommend.

The word "teriyaki" comes from the noun "teri" meaning shine and "yaki" meaning fried.

The method of preparation is to fry the food in the sauce until the sugar in it caramelizes, which gives the dish a shine.

Teriyaki sauce is made from soy sauce with added sugar, sake and/or mirin.

Outside of Japan, teriyaki generally refers to dishes prepared simply with a sweet sauce, or using the sauce as a marinade.

Teriyaki sauce is one of the classic sauces of national Japanese cuisine.

It has gained enormous popularity and recognition due to its unique taste, aroma and versatility. It goes well with meat, fish and vegetable dishes of both Asian and European cuisine.

In addition to the classic set of ingredients, Kikkoman Teriyaki sauce contains onion and garlic powder, ginger and sesame seeds.

The sauce is thick, rich, aromatic. It has a lot of sesame.

I marinate meat in it (the sauce gives the meat an unusual, smoked taste), fish, seafood and vegetables.

It can be added to salads, used as an independent sauce for a side dish, or as an ingredient for more complex dishes.

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