Contents of HR management technologies at McDonald's. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

“If, due to self-interest or negligence, someone takes food from others, he will be a penny richer and a ruble dumber.”

E. Topsell: Four-legged animals(1607) To save money, you will need to cut costs. There are many ways to “stretch” your rubles. Some of these steps will require planning and research, but they are worth it. And others, you can do right now. Some will require a small investment, but will pay off over time. The outcome of your attempts will depend on the finances available and your budget.

The first thing you need is an understanding of where your money is going; Next, you can think about ways to cut costs depending on your lifestyle. Remember that not only cheapness is important, but also efficiency. Analyze your needs and do the math. The most important thing is to understand that cutting costs is about changing your lifestyle and changing the way you think. Don't think that pennies don't count.


    Determine where you are spending your money. If you don't know where your money is going, you're probably spending too much. Within one month, you can specifically understand your expenses. Write it down All what you buy, down to the last ruble. Don't stop at regular expenses like rent, utilities, gas and food. Include minor details like lemonade and chocolates, as well as chewing gum or cigarettes. Use a spreadsheet or other software to keep track of your spending history each month. If you use a debit card, the bank will do this for you.

    Eliminate unnecessary expenses immediately. On the one hand, this will not be the biggest part of your savings, but on the other hand, it is important and simple. Do you have to visit a coffee shop on your way to work? How critical are those lemonades and a few chocolate bars that you buy from the vending machine at work? The coffee you make at home costs a few rubles, as does the lemonade you can buy a pack of at the grocery store. These ten lottery tickets... your chances are almost zero. These are small details and most of them are habits. You may feel a psychological burden at first, but when you add up the rubles you've saved, you'll see an immediate difference.

    • Before you go to the store, make a shopping list and stick to it. This is especially important for impulsive buyers. Have you ever gone shopping for eggs and walked out of the store with a basket of 15 items? Did you really need two bags of marshmallows? No. You probably didn't need half of these things, but you bought them anyway. A shopping list allows you to be clear about your grocery needs without buying unnecessary items.
  1. Think about your utility bills.

    • Heating or cooling (gas or electric): When you leave the house, set the thermostat to the “away” setting. Don't put it out with the idea that it will take a long time to reach the desired temperature: 18°C ​​in winter and 27°C in summer will be sufficient temperatures for your comfort. A programmable thermostat will do this for you.
      • Set it so that the temperature changes between evening-morning and afternoon-evening, and thus you will be comfortable waking up and coming home after work.
      • Consider purchasing ceiling fans - they cost around 700 rubles and they critically reduce the cost of heating and cooling by circulating air. If you don't spend that much and don't plan to stay in the same place for a long time, then you may not have time to save a lot of money. Consider electric blankets and mattresses.
    • Electrical: lighting is expensive. When you leave the room, turn off the lights behind you. The idea that it costs more electricity to turn on a light bulb than to keep it lit is not true. When you turn on the light, you spend an amount of energy equal to 1 second of the light bulb glowing. Energy-saving light bulbs are economical. This is an investment that will pay off over time. Turn off your computer and laptop when you are not using them. All voltage adapters (including those found in stereo components) use electricity, even if they are not charged or inserted into the device. Of the total electricity used, 40% is spent on devices when they are turned off. Unplug the power cord from the outlet, or buy a smart device that will regulate this for you, for example, a Smart Power Strip (from 900 to 1300 rubles, at If you have a digital adapter with a power outlet, then plug your TV into it, and program it to turn off power when the adapter is turned off. For stereo components, connect them to an adapter that can be easily disconnected. During the day, open the curtains, instead of using electricity. Use lighting only when you need it necessary Clean the radiator on the back of your refrigerator if it's dirty, thereby increasing the efficiency of one of the most expensive appliances in your home.
    • Water: Save water consumption and you will save money. Invest in a water saving device - they cost next to nothing and will immediately start saving you money. They work on the principle of reducing the water pressure on the shower, and the change in flow is almost unnoticeable. Learn to take a quick shower - an inexpensive bathroom timer will come in handy. Fix a toilet and a running faucet - this is a terrible waste of your water. When you are not using water from the tap, turn it off. For example, when brushing your teeth, do not leave the tap running. Don't buy bottled drinking water; you can get rid of the chlorine taste by leaving the water in the jug and refrigerator for several hours; In addition, chlorine in water strengthens your teeth and reduces the cost of their treatment.
    • Gas and more: Do as much laundry as necessary, but as little as possible - for many people, this will be a pleasant step. Turn down your shower temperature a few degrees; The less your water heater runs, the less money you'll spend. Also, keep your water heater thermostat on a low temperature (if possible). (Turn off the electrical power in the house before making any changes.) Use the microwave instead of the stove as often as possible—the cost of heating in the oven is more than the cost of cooking in the microwave. Open windows during good weather to reduce heating (and cooling). If you live where gas is used only in winter, then turn off the gas supply at other times of the year so as not to pay for this privilege without using it for its intended purpose.
    • TV and telephone: Do you really need 1000 channels and every premium channel, including HD channels? You can save up to 3,000 rubles using free online television. If you want to save money, take a hard look at your priorities. For your phone, choose the right tariff. If you call long distances, then consider unlimited tariffs. IP telephony may be right for you. Some services like Skype, gChat (Google), and Windows Live! allow you to make free video calls to other users, or make calls to telephone lines at a low cost.
    • Telephone: SMS cost money. “No, I have unlimited messages!” Yes? And how much did this option cost you? Does every member of your family really need a phone? Parents should set rules for telephone use. Another important question is if you have a mobile phone, do you need a landline? Think about it. If you rarely use your cell phone, consider a plan that pays only for the minutes, messages, and data you spend. On the other hand, keep in mind that low-cost, unlimited plans can be very beneficial, depending on your situation.
    • Economical tariffs for mobile phones: Some mobile plans are really good and economical. Many mobile operators offer contracts and PAYG plans, depending on your preferences, for example, someone who texts a lot or another who calls a lot. For example, some mobile operators reward using a lot of text messages, which can be useful and much cheaper than calling. Remember that calls to telephone numbers of other operators or landline lines most often cost more. Avoid plans that pay per kilobyte or per message. Try to find a tariff with an acceptable cost.
  2. Think about gas and other car expenses: When gas was fired during World War II, a popular phrase was “Is this journey necessary?” Ask yourself this every time you get into your car. Make a list before your trip to the store so you don't have to make additional trips. Don't ride for pleasure - walk instead. Check the pressure on your tires. Convertibles rev less with the roof up (of course, the cost of a couple of extra liters won't be much compared to the pleasure of driving with the roof down.) A poorly running engine is a huge expense, even replacing the spark plug can make a big difference, as well as good oil. In addition, the less you drive, the less often you will have to change your tires, oil, and reduce the need for repairs. These are savings that will accumulate over time. Another way to save gas is to change the way you drive. Driving smoothly, without jerking, can save a fair amount of gas (you can do the math yourself on this website). Try to avoid driving in traffic jams. City transport with an online schedule can often be an excellent replacement for your own transport in big cities.

    Save on entertainment. It's funny when so many people complain about not having enough money and then talk about the new movie and the cost of popcorn at the cinema. In addition, sporting events, music concerts, or play tickets can cost thousands of dollars per date. Seriously, can you feel the difference between a bottle of wine that costs 300 rubles and one that costs 900? When you go out to eat, think about the prices on the menu. Consider sharing dinner between two people if the restaurant allows. Never order expensive food to be delivered to your home; you only enjoy food, and at an expensive price, when you can easily cook for yourself without spending so much money. Think about a vacation - have a tent holiday with your children instead of an expensive amusement park.

    • Most people, with the exception of professional athletes, actors and musicians, cannot distinguish a good performance from a perfect one. Even if they can, they would rather enjoy more quantity and variety. Enjoy school performances and varsity sports, community theater and other low-cost events.
  3. Revisit your old items instead of purchasing new ones unnecessarily. Dress up and show off in the retro items that were lost in your closet. Organize your belongings to avoid losing them in the future.

    Consider the cost of your insurance: The quickest way to cut costs for most people is to look at paying for insurance. Insurance companies compete strongly with each other. Find out about other options. As you do this, remember that low down payments won't always be the best value for money.

    • Car insurance: Look at your franchise. Avoid sudden increases in your deductible - analyze the entire plan based on your needs and expectations; First of all, do a risk analysis. If you have an inexperienced driver in your home and no savings, a high deductible may not be the best choice. If your car is financed, then the minimum insurance will be enough for you. However, if you have a lot of good driving experience and your own car, then you may want to consider a high deductible to save on premiums.
    • Health insurance: Check out the different offers. Find an insurance plan that fits your lifestyle. Compare your needs with what is currently written. The average person in good health in their 30s might choose a high-deductible plan or a low-deductible partial insurance plan, while a married couple who is considering marriage may want to consider a high-deductible plan with longer coverage. The point is to find what you want necessary.
    • Life insurance: There is no doubt that this is important to many people. The rule of thumb is that for a person with a family, three to five years of income replacement is needed. However, if you are 20 and single, then think carefully and decide if you are happy with your insurance. On the other hand, if you are over 60 and you are mainly interested in “funeral provisions”, then again these companies are highly competitive. We want to leave our loved ones (if that time comes) in abundance, but not at the expense of waste during your life.
    • Home and Rental Insurance: This can be a huge expense and many home owners are unaware of how much they are paying as it is taken out of the house payments. Review your insurance plan with your agent. Is your property worth the 9 million stated in the terms and conditions? Also, look at the missing points. Damage from flooding; from snow; hail? Think about it if you need it. Is something important missing? Is something included that you don't need? Yes, of course, Aunt Martha's chair means a lot to you, but do you need a separate item for it?
  4. Think about second hand items: This is a good way to save money. If you really need something, you don't have to buy a new item from a boutique. There are many second-hand stores where you can buy good things for next to nothing.

    Actively manage your credit: Poor credit management will cost you a huge amount of money over the years due to interest. View history; check anything that seems incorrect. Pay your bills on time. Pay off your credit cards and put them aside.

    Avoid overspending on debit cards: Overspending may seem normal, but it's an extra step towards debt. Even if your bank doesn't charge interest on overdrafts on your debit card, if you have persistent overdrafts, they will. The advantage of such cards is that you spend money that you do not have, but as a result, overspending will reduce your financial discipline. Do not do that! If you really need to use a debit card and overspend, then do not forget to calculate the interest on all cards and the overdraft. When paying off a loan, try not to borrow a lot of money.

  5. Avoid excessive housing costs. A safe area, and if you have children, then one where they can study safely - this is important. If you like a big yard and big windows, or easy access to shopping (an overall detrimental feature, like neighbors living extravagantly and beyond their means), find and pay for a place like this. However, the house sits in the rain and slowly rots, and can be replaced within a few months. There is plenty of open space around to build houses, and less developed areas are likely to have high competition. History shows that this is not the best “investment”, although it has a good residual value and some people make money from it.

    • Think about every purchase before you make it. Ask yourself whether you need this item or just want it. Do you already have something similar? Is it good quality or will you have to replace it after a few uses? Most importantly, are you willing to spend your savings just to get it? If an item is unnecessary, then simply say no.
    • Use the 24 hour rule. Wait 24 hours before buying something you don't really need.
    • Limit your alcohol intake. You can save a lot of money by stopping or reducing your alcohol consumption.
    • Forget about excitement. If you gamble (only if you know how to consistently win and get rich)… stop. Stop doing this. For example, the chances of winning the lottery are about 1 in 150 million.
    • Quit smoking. In addition to the fact that you spend up to 5,000 thousand rubles a month, there is a huge risk to your life and health.
    • Consider investing in reusable items. Rechargeable batteries are a good option if you use them frequently - the question you need to ask yourself is, Why Your battery consumption is so high, and how can you change it?
    • If you signed up for services that are not very necessary, for example, satellite radio, then mentally prepare to refuse them, and at the same time call the office of this company. Tell them that you want to cancel these services, and in the process, if you are transferred from one person to another, say the same thing - the truth that you are not able to support the monthly payment for their services. Perhaps they will provide you with a discount, but if so, then simply refuse these services and save up your money.
    • Isolate. Insulating your roof and walls will save you money over time. Check for drafts near doors. If you see light between the door frame and the wall, then buy construction foam and cover these holes.
    • Plant a garden. Even a small harvest can provide enough food. Sure, you can spend whatever you want at the grocery store, but do the math and think about your own harvest.
    • Stop using paper napkins and towels. Rag towels are highly absorbent and can be used many times. Rag scarves can be made from an old tablecloth. They clean much better than paper.
    • Use things twice. Shopping bags are a great solution for taking out trash. Brew coffee twice. If you want two cups of tea, then one bag will be enough.
    • Check your resource consumption. An energy monitor is an effective device for recording energy expenditure. It shows, in real time, how much electricity is consumed in your home, in rubles, kopecks and kilowatts. Tests have shown that using such information results in savings of 10% to 20%.
    • Use tissues when you are healthy. They are not disgusting if washed frequently, they are hygienic, and more convenient than paper napkins.

Reducing costs at an enterprise is a logical process in conditions of economic instability. How to do this correctly? Step-by-step information about effective methods for reducing company costs is further in the article.

You will learn:

  • What types and options exist for cost reduction?
  • How to plan and implement cost reduction measures
  • What methods of reducing costs are most effective in practice?
  • How to reduce material costs
  • What are the benefits of reducing transportation costs?
  • How cost reduction strategies are chosen
  • What are the basic cost principles to consider?

Classification of costs in an enterprise

    Effective and ineffective. There may be effective costs (they relate to generating income through the sale of products for the production of which they were allocated) or ineffective costs (they relate to tasks that are not related to generating income and involve losses). Among ineffective expenses are any types of losses - due to defects, theft, downtime, shortages, damage, etc. Therefore, you need to focus on reducing the amount of ineffective expenses. Therefore, it is necessary to establish acceptable technological costs, determining liability in case of violation of acceptable standards.

Another area of ​​cost reduction is analyzing the effectiveness of auxiliary work using outsourcing companies in some areas. Involving third-party contractors on a competitive basis is a real and effective option for reducing costs for medium and large organizations. Although sometimes it is more profitable to maintain your own departments compared to attracting third-party organizations, this situation is no longer considered the rule, but the exception.

    Relevant and irrelevant. Any manager needs to monitor whether control and planning depend on his management decisions. If they depend, then such expenses are relevant, but otherwise they will be irrelevant. In particular, expenses during past periods are irrelevant because the CEO can no longer influence them through his decisions. And opportunity costs are among the relevant ones, so management should pay special attention to them.

    Constants and variables. Variable, fixed or mixed costs are possible - depending on the level of production. Variable costs are directly proportional to the level of production, without affecting fixed production volumes; mixed costs contain both constant and variable parts. This separation ensures cost optimization – a particularly important condition for controlling fixed costs.

    Direct and indirect. Direct or indirect costs are possible depending on the method of attribution to the cost of production. You can attribute direct costs to a specific type of product or service. This category includes costs for the purchase of raw materials, supplies, and wages of production workers.

Indirect costs do not have a direct connection with a particular type of product. Indirect costs include the costs of managing and maintaining departments to manage and maintain the enterprise as a whole. If an enterprise produces only one product, then all costs of its production and sale will be direct.

A set of instructions for a manager that will save a company from ruin

A smart checklist and 18 instructions, prepared by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine, will help you figure out how to urgently change the work of the sales department so that the results at the end of the year will please you and not disappoint you.

Where to start reducing costs in an enterprise

The first step is to classify expenses into clearly defined categories.

The second step is to determine which costs are subject to adjustments.

The third step is to plan and reduce expenses.

6 ways to reduce costs

1. Reduce labor costs

The provisions of the current domestic legislation allow companies to reduce both the number of employees and wages.

2. Reducing costs for materials and raw materials. To reduce the cost of purchasing materials and raw materials, the following steps can be taken by the enterprise.

– review of contract terms with existing suppliers;

– search for new suppliers;

– use of less expensive components whenever possible;

– helping suppliers reduce their costs;

– purchasing materials together with another buyer from one supplier;

– independent production of necessary materials;

– introduction of resource-saving technological processes that help save on the cost of raw materials;

– giving primary importance to the procurement process of materials and raw materials;

3. Reduce production costs. Let's look at questions that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of cost-cutting efforts:

1) Lease payments:

– is it possible for the company to revise the terms of the current lease agreement?

– Is it possible to move to another room or building?

– is it possible to sublease part of the company’s occupied space?

– Could it be more profitable for a company to buy out the leased premises?

2) Utility payments:

– Is it possible for the company to have stricter control over energy consumption?

– does the company have the opportunity to implement more cost-effective processes?

– is it possible to transition to new conditions for paying utility tariffs?

3) Equipment repair and maintenance:

– is it possible to postpone certain work for a long or short time as part of routine equipment maintenance?

– whether it might be more profitable for the company to refuse the services of contractors and undertake equipment repairs on its own. Or would it be cheaper to hire a specialized organization if the company itself is responsible for ongoing maintenance?

– can the company come to an agreement with current contractors to improve the terms of the equipment maintenance agreement in its favor?

– is it possible to search for new service providers for the company?

4) Integration and disintegration

– Is it possible to reduce company costs through vertical integration with suppliers or customers, or through horizontal integration with other manufacturers?

– Is it possible to reduce the company’s costs by expanding the scope of its business to other parts of the production cycle, without working with related companies? Or would it be more profitable to narrow the production scope, part of the production cycle, or carry out auxiliary work out of the hands of another manufacturer?

5) Transport:

– Is it possible to limit the number of official vehicles?

– Can the option of outsourcing the functions of a motor transport workshop to a motor transport company be considered?

– wouldn’t it be easier to attract a logistics company (or a professional logistician) for the purpose of consultations on reducing transport costs?

  • How to optimize business expenses: instructions for managers

– is there data that confirms the compatibility of an increase in advertising spending with an increase in sales volume?

5. Additional cost reduction measures. Is it possible to reduce company costs in the following areas:

– conducting development and research work;

– maintaining a wide product range;

– maintaining a certain quality of services provided;

– maintaining a wide range of clients;

– mechanization of the production process;

– increasing the level of personnel qualifications;

– careful selection of components and raw materials that meet certain technical parameters;

– speed of order fulfillment;

- organization of production;

– maintaining flexibility in the production process;

– maintaining the existing policy on maintenance of machinery and equipment;

– support of distribution channels for manufactured products.

6. Government support. Is it possible for a company to benefit from a certain government program to support entrepreneurship through the following actions:

– lobbying for the adoption of relevant federal and local legislation;

– receiving subsidies and benefits.

  • Attracting borrowed funds: how to speed up the formation of company financial funds

What other ways are there to reduce costs?

1. Reducing tax costs:

– conclude an agreement with the individual entrepreneur.

– conclude agreements with legal entities. persons.

– organize a holding structure operating under a simplified taxation system.

– transfer management functions to a separate legal entity. face.

2. Reducing the cost of maintaining unused property:

– sell materials that were generated during the dismantling process;

– do not write off, but sell depreciated fixed assets.

3. Innovative cost reduction:

– introduction of more economical equipment and technologies.

– develop low-cost production.

4. Reducing costs associated with depreciation:

– transfer the property for repeated use of premium depreciation. The company has the right to write off up to 10% of the original price of a fixed asset as a lump sum as expenses of the current reporting period.

– reduce the period of use of the object by the time during which it was used by the previous owner for the purpose of calculating depreciation.

– proof of the repair nature of the work instead of modernization and reconstruction;

– recognition as an expense of the redemption value of the leased property, in the case of accounting for the object with the lessor.

5. Dealing with debt:

– implementation in any cases of measures to collect debts.

4 methods to reduce logistics costs

    Review of the logistics service. The logistics of the enterprise is built on the principle of “it just so happens”, and not according to a pre-established plan. But even when organizing this work on the basis of a plan, according to experts, a quarterly review of the main functions in the department is necessary to determine whether any of them have lost their relevance.

Practice confirms that thanks to this review, many points of loss of time and finances for the company can be identified.

Thanks to the logistics audit, it is possible to critically. In particular, one company had several specialists on staff who translated the same type of invoices for customs and banks. Based on the results of consultations with the broker and the bank, a glossary of frequently used words was sent to customs, with the compilation of certain templates for translation, which made it possible to part with translators.

If you organize a logistics system in a company with a clear structure, understandable KPIs and control, these measures will allow you to get an immediately noticeable effect. Next, it is necessary to optimize individual functions of the enterprise.

    Inventory Management. It is necessary to calculate the required stock of warehouse supplies, the minimum safety stock, the volume of products that are in transit, with the development of delivery schedules and payment of bills. Thanks to this, it will be possible to significantly reduce associated costs.

    Transportation planning. First of all, in order to reduce logistics costs, reliable transportation in terms of timing and safety of the cargo is necessary. Thanks to this, the transport can be used as a warehouse on wheels, with a significant reduction in overall storage costs.

To reduce transportation costs, it is important not so much to demand discounts from carriers as to competently plan for cost reduction. It is noteworthy that the most effective option for reducing transport costs is loading in 2 years. In 2nd place in terms of efficiency is maintaining stability of downloads according to schedule.

    Choosing the right logistics service provider. In this matter, you need to take a critical approach to “old loyalties”, conducting constant research into available services and prices.

When summing up, it can be noted that to optimize logistics and reduce related costs, the main condition is a systematic approach. In a company in which a holistic system can be established, training employees to constantly draw up plans, make decisions based on calculations rather than traditions, daily process improvements occur, and periodic audits involve only making minor adjustments, contributing to the achievement of success for the company. Experts from the General Director School will tell you more about accounting and division of expenses.

First of all, you need to start with optimizing the logistics department

Maria Isakova,

logistics expert, Moscow

Companies in most cases strive to optimize the part of logistics that is managed by counterparties. Often, such optimization begins with the transport component, negotiating with carriers and forwarders to reduce prices. But it can be clearly stated that it is impossible to achieve lower prices from carriers every time, and the effect of such a reduction is reduced. To ensure maximum results, the beginning of a policy to reduce logistics costs should be the optimization of the logistics department.

Sample cost reduction plan

Cost reduction planning involves a set of activities divided by time frame:

  1. Maintaining financial discipline. Measures are being taken to ensure compliance with financial discipline. In particular, a plan is developed, strictly following the approved data. Decisions made by the manager and recorded in the budget can only be violated in exceptional cases.
  2. Organization of accounting. To systematically reduce the costs of an enterprise, it is necessary to implement a system of financial accounting and control. Not only costs, but also income of the enterprise are subject to accounting. It is necessary to carry out operational measures aimed at debt collection. Also, the enterprise itself needs to promptly make budget payments, and payments for staff and contractors, which allows you to avoid penalties.
  3. Development and implementation of a cost reduction plan. The goals of the cost reduction program are to present the most detailed target values ​​for cost items to be reduced. As part of these activities, it is planned to develop a plan for the entire enterprise, identifying weak points where cost reduction is possible, and for each structural unit to strengthen local financial discipline.
  4. Carrying out inspections. In order to assess the effectiveness of cost reduction, it is constantly necessary to conduct independent monitoring, which will allow an assessment of natural loss, possible shortages, technological losses, with the necessary adjustments being made to the corresponding cost reduction plan.
  5. Loss analysis. Any result, including a negative one, should be carefully rechecked to reduce further costs. It is necessary to analyze production losses that force the sale of products (services) at reduced prices. Defects, alterations and defects also deserve special attention. This not only leads to a reduction in production costs, but also to additional costs. Production interruptions and waiting for products can also cause increased costs.

What problems may arise during cost reduction?

  1. It is difficult to identify the most important cost items that require reduction. These errors are typical for medium and small enterprises, because usually their management is well informed about the most significant expenses. But as companies expand and become more complex, they may encounter a situation where management may not notice increased costs in certain areas.
  2. The source of the enterprise's costs was incorrectly identified.
  3. Along with the extra costs, they lost their individuality, resulting in the competitiveness of the product, especially if its distinguishing feature was quality.
  4. Seriously damaged relations with the parties involved in the business
  5. Reduced costs in important areas below the acceptable limit.
  6. Misunderstanding of the enterprise's cost mechanism.

Lack of motivation

Konstantin Fedorov,

development director of PAKK company, Moscow

When optimizing costs, enterprises usually use administrative leverage according to the principle “if you don’t cut costs, we’ll fire you.” Because of this, a situation arises when ordinary employees and managers of the company begin to sabotage the changes, either explicitly or openly. Moreover, many consider optimization a sign of the weakness of their leadership.

Advice. You should agree in advance how the company will thank all participants in the cost reduction program after its implementation. However, this gratitude does not necessarily have to be financial. In particular, you can think about a career advancement or other options.

  1. Keep track of your expenses and they will decrease. Sometimes cost reduction can be achieved simply by taking it into account and understanding it.
  2. Your employees are your like-minded people. You should convey to your employees the importance of cutting costs. You need to explain to them that you appreciate their cost-cutting suggestions.
  3. Sort out your costs according to the degree of dependence on production. Accounting systems are mostly divided into variable and constant. Variable costs (direct labor costs, raw materials, etc.) depend directly on the volume of output. Fixed expenses (travel expenses, salaries for management personnel, bills for water, heat and energy, etc.) usually do not depend on production volumes. Some companies have adopted a classification of variable costs depending on the ease of their adjustment when production activity changes.
  4. Divide costs according to how easily they can be adjusted using alternative solutions.
  5. Monitor not only the cost structure, but also the reasons for their occurrence. Thanks to this, it is possible to take the necessary measures aimed at eliminating the causes of unwanted increases in costs.

Cost planning and control – from prices to energy consumption

Walter Bory Almo,

General Director of the Ufa Meat Canning Plant

Our financial planning department processes all available information to plan and control costs - from ingredient prices to equipment performance and energy consumption. Constant analysis is the basis for further cost reduction. We divide the costs of our work into 2 categories - for some, significant investments are required, in the case of others, simple procedures will be sufficient. Don’t give up on simple solutions that can help you achieve tangible results with minimal spending.

To analyze the results, we use the KPI system of key performance indicators. The data is compared with the results of five companies in our holding. It is not always possible to achieve results thanks to this information, because we are leaders in many indicators. Therefore, we are also collecting data on our competitors.

We also involve employees in our work to reduce costs. For any employee, thanks to whose idea it was possible to achieve a tangible economic effect, a bonus of 3 thousand rubles is allocated.

Information about the author and company

Maria Isakova, logistics expert, Moscow. She started her career as a logistician for Bayer. In 2001–2008 – head of the logistics department, since 2009 – head of the logistics and order management department of the Lanxess company.

Walter Bory Almo, General Director of the Ufa meat-packing plant. OJSC "Ufa Meat Canning Plant" is one of the leading enterprises in the meat processing industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It produces more than 150 types of food and technical products, as well as raw materials for the leather and medical industries.

Zoya Strelkova, Leading financial analyst, head of the “Company Economics” department of the group of companies “Training Institute - ARB Pro”, Moscow. Specializes in researching the economic state of companies, developing economic business models, strategic planning and other issues. Participated in the implementation of more than 20 strategic planning projects for enterprises in various industries. Conducts seminars “Strategicity of everyday life. PIL-approach" and "Finance for managers". "Training Institute - ARB Pro". Field of activity: business training, HR consulting, strategic management, information support for business. Form of organization: group of companies. Territory: head office – in St. Petersburg; representative offices - in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk. Number of staff: 70. Main clients: Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy, Sberbank of Russia, Gazprom, Irkutskenergo, Svyaznoy, Ekookna, Coca-Cola, Danone, Nestle2.

Konstantin Fedorov, development director of PAKK company, Moscow. CJSC "PAKK" Field of activity: consulting services, professional assistance in business development. Number of personnel: 64. Average annual turnover: about 110 million rubles. Completed projects: more than 1000.

Every family sooner or later faces a problem: how to cut costs. After all, very often unreasonable spending, in which there is not enough money even for food or travel, leads to complete bankruptcy. In this article we will look at all kinds of ways to save money. Useful tips will help you rethink the whole essence of the family budget.

What you shouldn't do

Almost all people, when faced with a lack of funds, begin to look for additional ways to earn money besides their main job. Of course, this is a very good option, but only on the condition that you have time for sleep, personal life and hobbies. In addition, you will not be able to work without rest for a long time. Fatigue will make itself felt in any case.

Undoubtedly, additional sources of income are a very good opportunity to have a large amount of money. But without the skills to distribute them correctly, it will be meaningless. So let's look at the main ways to cut costs while enjoying your life.

Spending analysis

Typically, spending analysis helps you clearly understand how much money you spent and how much you earned. At the beginning of keeping such records, you will see some difficulties, but after a few months, believe me, you will even begin to enjoy it.

By carrying out this analysis daily, you will begin to understand where the money you earned went. Thus, saving the family budget will help you understand your funds. You'll be able to see where you wasted your money and won't make the same mistakes next time.

Unnecessary costs

Most often, people go shopping immediately after receiving their salary. After all, what could be more pleasant than pampering yourself or your loved one with a nice thing? In principle, there is nothing wrong with such purchases. However, it is still better to pay attention to some nuances.

You should not go to the store after receiving your salary. After all, it is at such a moment that you have a considerable amount of money, which means you can also spend a lot. It’s better to wait a little, make a list of things of primary importance and only then make a purchase. Also, never forget about the need to pay utilities and loans. Set aside money from your salary for them right away.

Subsidies for utility bills

Be sure to find out about the possibility of receiving a subsidy for your family. This is a great way to save money during harsh winters. Contact the appropriate centers not only on your own behalf, but also register your parents there.

Believe me, after receiving a subsidy, you will be able to significantly reduce your family expenses, and finally go on a trip or fulfill any other long-standing dream. Subsidies for utility bills are significant government assistance to your family.

Minimize your use of credit cards

On the one hand, what difference does it make how you pay for your purchase? But, on the other hand, there is still a difference. Of course, it is much more convenient to make a purchase via the Internet, paying by bank transfer, but when you go to the store yourself, for example, for groceries, you risk spending much more if you have a credit card with you. If you pay with cash, you'll be able to stop filling your cart much faster.

Please note that it is best to buy food a week in advance. This way you will visit the store much less often, which means you will spend less. Of course, the exception is perishable foods.

Discounts and discounts

If you think that having a discount card is not so profitable, then you are very mistaken. This is especially true if you most often go to the same stores. Having a discount card with you, you can easily understand how to reduce expenses without straining too much.

If you visit a gym, it is better to buy an annual subscription right away, this will also allow you to save a considerable amount of money.

Buy in bulk

Some groceries and household goods can be purchased in bulk. Family budget savings greatly depend on this. Of course, no one is talking about buying any product several years in advance. But, for example, it is quite possible to buy sugar, cereal or sunflower oil in bulk. This also includes household chemicals. If you're wondering how to cut costs, shopping in bulk can help you figure it out for yourself.

Shopping out of season

If you don’t follow fashion, but love good and high-quality things, then the best way to save money would be to buy winter clothes in the summer and summer clothes in the winter. During the hot season, you can buy coats or boots with a discount of about fifty percent.

And at some sales the discount may be even greater. The main thing is to make sure that things are of high quality, otherwise you will not only not save, but will also incur additional expenses.

Advantages of online stores

Many families are interested in how they can save money. And such interest is completely justified. After all, with the funds saved you can fulfill your dream, and simply significantly improve your standard of living.

Economists recommend not bypassing online stores. You can buy the usual things there, but much cheaper. Very often, people save quite a lot of money by even buying furniture online. It is worth considering that you can save money even on delivery. After all, some suppliers provide it for free. Don’t be lazy and find out more information about shopping in online stores.

Savings on utilities

If you are still wondering what you can save on, then utilities are exactly the budget cell that you should pay special attention to. Install gas and water meters. Believe me, one expense will help you spend your money wisely in the future.

Also, don’t forget about the possibility of applying for a subsidy. Planning a family budget begins with taking into account the little things, so approach the issue of saving on utilities with all seriousness.

A few words about electrical appliances

Tell me honestly, do you turn off electrical appliances when you leave for work? Unfortunately, most of humanity does not do this. And very much in vain! Unplug all electrical appliances that you do not use every minute. This includes a washing machine, TV and other equipment. Thus, you can save money not only on kilowatt consumption, but also protect your equipment from short circuits.

Saving on medicines

Family budget planning depends on many factors. Every little detail is important in this matter. Be sure to pay attention to purchasing medications. It has long been no secret that many doctors receive a percentage from pharmacies when recommending drugs of certain brands.

If you do not want to encounter such problems, directly ask your doctor whether there are other cheaper analogues for this product. Most often, all expensive medicines have them. If the doctor is silent about this, analyze the information from other accessible and reliable sources.

Payment for communication, internet

In this article we look at how to reduce family budget expenses. Have you ever wondered how much money you spend on using the Internet and mobile communications? Today there is huge competition in the world, so you have every chance of finding a good provider who will have to pay much less for the Internet. The same can be said about using a mobile phone.

Please also pay attention to the use of paid channels. Do you really watch TV that often? Maybe you should stop watching paid channels altogether?

Availability of a piggy bank

It is very important to understand all the principles of how to reduce family expenses. We really ignore some opportunities, which is why we can end up in extremely ridiculous situations. As a child, probably each of us had a piggy bank. This is how money was collected for a bicycle or other very important thing. So is it worth giving up having this much-needed accessory now?

Saving even the smallest sums of money can save you from situations where there is no money for travel or bread. Buy a piggy bank and you won't regret it. This will be a very useful acquisition.

Give up loans

If you are wondering how to reduce your expenses to a minimum, then forget about such a thing as a loan. This is especially true when shopping for clothes or money for a vacation. After all, you will rest now, but a year will pass, and you will want to do it again. And the loan for the last trip has not yet been paid.

Try to avoid such situations, especially considering that the economic situation in the world is quite unstable. What will you do if you are unable to repay the loan? It’s better to be patient a little and make a purchase with your own funds.

Learn to save from every paycheck

In order not to face unpleasant situations, start saving for a rainy day. Ten percent of family earnings is not a very large amount. If you follow the saving methods described above and save money from each paycheck, you will notice that finding money for a vacation or something else is not so difficult.

Don't forget about deposits

Set a goal for yourself about what exactly you are saving money for. This way you will be much less tempted to spend it. You will especially want to do this if you have them lying around at home.

Therefore, the best solution would be to open a bank deposit. And if you know a little about economics, then invest it in securities or engage in stock trading. Thus, you will begin not only to save, but also to receive additional money. At first, your income will not be very large, but over time, its growth and stability will confirm the correctness of your choice.

However, not in all cases you need to think specifically about reducing costs. If a family has very little income, then you need to think about increasing income. But in any case, you need to understand the issue of how to reduce food costs, especially when it is not healthy for your body. Think about your spending and you will understand that in all situations you can find the right way out. The main thing is to learn to control yourself. Your life is in your hands.

Revenue consists of income and expenses that the organization has to bear. That is why reducing the company’s expenses becomes the only source of high profits. A wrong strategy to reduce a company's costs can lead to its bankruptcy. How to reduce enterprise expenses without risking your business?

The organization’s work is aimed at generating high income, which is why the company’s employees try to reduce the company’s expenses. Carrying out such a procedure is problematic, since it can affect the quality of work of staff and the organization as a whole. Reducing cash costs can be implemented in several directions. Mainly, this may be a reduction in non-operating and operating expenses, which has a major impact on the cost of goods. The role of such expenses is the cost of management, production of goods, etc.

How to avoid unnecessary costs

  1. The company must be able to operate profitably and get rid of accounts receivable as quickly as possible.
  2. If production costs cannot be completely eliminated, the planning system should be reconsidered.
  3. Increase quality by reducing the production of products with defects and defects.
  4. Correctly plan the methods of moving materials and the location of process equipment. Often, in order to perform a certain operation, a worker has to travel to the other end of the city, and the enterprise incurs new expenses.
  5. The company should deal only with “live” goods, and not leave them in reserve, which can only “dead” the activity of the enterprise.
  6. To reduce costs, unnecessary processing technologies must be avoided. In other words, the company spends extra money on the production of unclaimed characteristics.
  7. We must not allow periods of downtime and waiting, which may be caused by the fault of suppliers, equipment breakdowns and miscalculations in planning the utilization of production capacities.
  8. Don't get carried away with loans. Entrepreneurs need to make forecasts for their future and constantly monitor capital growth. Profit receipts may vary from time to time resulting in cash gaps. In any case, the bank will demand payment of the debt at full rate, and this can cause a serious blow to the financial position of the enterprise.
  9. If a company obtains a license for a product, this can significantly reduce monetary losses.

To reduce costs, entrepreneurs prefer to change unrealized expenses, which are classified as additional, since they have nothing to do with the operation of the company. Saving on quality can significantly reduce demand for a product. And if you limit spending on the development and progress of the company, over time the product risks becoming unclaimed.

Ways to reduce costs

There are 3 main ways to reduce company costs, affecting different areas of activity.

Saving on rent. First, the organization can reduce costs on various leasing and rental payments to outside organizations and private representatives for the use of equipment or real estate. It is more profitable to purchase everything you need than to make a monthly payment for something that will never become personal property. You need to select a room so that there is not a lot of free space left, for which you will have to pay money.

Savings on labor costs. Some organizations employ a large number of staff, or some of them simply cannot cope with their responsibilities. Such workers should be identified and removed from work. Changing the way wages are paid can also increase income. For example, staff are not interested in work efficiency when they receive a salary. If the company offers them a piece rate, their ambition to attract new clients will increase, their earnings will increase, and following this the company's income will begin to increase. You can also change the number of working hours if there is no need for staff to be present at the workplace full time.

Tax savings. Also, optimization of enterprise expenses depends on the level of taxes. Especially for entrepreneurs, the government has developed a series of various preferential programs for production that can help in business. But here you need to have a special approach and act only within the framework of the law.

Specialization and reorganization of the company can be identified as a separate area of ​​savings. The method is most productive if you simultaneously reduce some of the workers. In such a situation, the organizational structure of the enterprise completely changes.

In the current environment of economic growth, such steps are considered quite effective methods for increasing the financial independence of a company.