Sour cream jelly is thick or liquid. Sour cream jelly with berries

Sour cream jelly turned out to be even tastier than cocoa jelly. For lovers of this type of dessert, I offer another option for making sour cream jelly. Dessert it turns out tender and light, and calories can be reduced due to the fat content of sour cream. Berries can be fresh or frozen. They are added for a brighter taste and color.

In order to prepare jelly from sour cream with gelatin and berries, we need only a few ingredients (see photo).

Pour gelatin with cold water. For 12 grams of gelatin you need 100 ml of water.

Leave the gelatin to swell for 30 minutes, if instant gelatin, 15 minutes will be enough.

Boil syrup from sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. It is better to do this in a saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom; heating will occur slowly and the sugar will not burn.

When the sugar dissolves, the syrup needs to be cooled.

Heat the gelatin in a water bath or in a microwave until hot and liquid. Sour cream should be at room temperature. Pour warm syrup and gelatin into the sour cream, stir everything quickly.

Pour sour cream jelly into molds and add berries.

For jelly, you can use not only silicone molds, but also any deep containers, after covering them with cling film or a bag.

After 1-2 hours the jelly will harden and be ready for use. Carefully remove from the molds and serve garnished with berries.

Sour cream jelly is a very easy-to-prepare dessert that even children can trust. It always turns out tender, creamy and very tasty! You can experiment with the filling by adding candied fruits, nuts and chocolate to the sour cream. Sometimes housewives dip pieces of biscuit or soaked cookies into sour cream - this is how they get a real cake without baking.

To make sour cream jelly you will need high quality sour cream, preferably homemade. If you are going to use store-bought sour cream, it must have a fat content of at least 21%. The dessert is prepared with the addition of gelatin, but it can be replaced with agar-agar.


Recipe for sour cream jelly with fruits

Pour gelatin into a third of a glass of warm boiled water and leave to swell for about one hour. Pour cooled sour cream into a deep bowl, add sugar, vanilla extract and beat with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved. To make the mass more airy, you must first beat the sour cream at low speed, and then increase it to maximum.
You can add any berries and even cookies to sour cream jelly! Rinse the fruits thoroughly, remove the skin from banana, orange and kiwi, and cut the pulp into small pieces. Remove the stem from the strawberries and cut each berry into two or four pieces. Place the swollen gelatin on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Pour the hot gelatin mass into the sour cream and stir.

You can use a mixer for more thorough mixing. Add fruit to sour cream and gently stir from bottom to top. There is no need to shake the mixture too much, otherwise the fruit will lose its shape. Place the sour cream mixture in bowls or portion molds, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator to set for two hours.

Five simple sour cream jelly recipes

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Who's talking about what, and I'm talking about jelly dessert again. And all because in case of diabetes, this is the best option for those who do not want to bother too much, and at the same time want to prepare a harmless dessert. Well, if you add something else to taste, for example, cocoa or cottage cheese, then even a spoiled gourmet will want to try our diabetic sour cream jelly.

In this article I want to offer you the most popular options for a delicious recipe " sour cream jelly » .

I wrote it as briefly as possible, which will allow you to master five recipes at once in just a few minutes of reading.

It’s worth dwelling a little on the carbohydrate content of this dessert. . Like all other jellies, the bulk of the carbohydrates are contained in the sweetener. If you have mild diabetes, you can add honey or fructose. In such recipes, I always suggest stevia as the most suitable sugar substitute for diabetes. And all because, unlike fructose, stevia does not contain carbohydrates, which means it can be consumed even with the most severe forms of diabetes. you can become more familiar with stevia and its properties.

Classic white sour cream jelly

Sour cream jelly is very easy to prepare. Mix 350 grams of sour cream 15% fat with prepared dissolved gelatin . Choose the amount of thickener yourself depending on the desired degree of hardening. To completely harden this amount of sour cream, 10 grams of instant gelatin is enough. How to prepare gelatin is always written on the packaging, or read about it in the article.

Add a sugar substitute to the mixture, or you can add nothing at all, but then be prepared that the dessert will be tasteless.

Well, after mixing all the ingredients, put the jelly into molds and leave to harden. White sour cream jelly is ready.

Calorie content of this jelly 77 kcal per 100 grams, but only 0,1 grams of carbohydrates .

Sour cream and cocoa jelly

This dessert is perfect for chocolate lovers. Plus, we all know from that cocoa contains flavonoids, which reduce the resistance of body tissues to insulin.

Sour cream jelly with cocoa is prepared according to the same principle as classic white jelly. Cocoa powder (20 grams) needs to be heated in water until completely dissolved. We need 400 ml of this cocoa water. When it cools down a little, dissolve gelatin in it, and then mix it with sour cream. Add a sugar substitute to taste, but I can say that sweetness is no longer necessary in this chocolate jelly, especially for those who love dark chocolate.

The richness of jelly with sour cream and cocoa - 2 grams of carbohydrates And 85 kcal per 100 grams.

Sour cream jelly in layers

Now imagine that we mixed the two previous recipes. In this case, you get a very beautiful layered jelly that can be safely served to guests for any occasion.

Of course, you will have to bother and prepare the jelly several times longer, letting each layer harden and laying a new one on it. But what can you do for a beautiful and light dessert?

You understood how to prepare layers for this jelly from previous recipes. All I have to do is show you the layer blending options.

Use a toothpick to draw lines to create a web

sour cream jelly cake

easter jelly eggs

tilt the mold as it hardens for the original shape

successive layers

mix different layers to form shades

Let's free our imagination and move forward.

Sour cream jelly with fruits

To prepare delicious sour cream jelly with fruits, you need to remember the main rule - you can mix any fruit except kiwi and pineapple . They are very picky about gelatin, and your dessert may simply not harden.

I have already told you how to prepare a sour cream jelly base for dessert. By the way, a very tasty option is sour cream jelly with cocoa and banana as a fruit filling.

Plus jelly with fruits, you don’t have to add sweeteners. The downside is that the carbohydrate content of the dessert increases significantly and is proportional to the amount of fruit. If you have a severe form of diabetes, you should avoid jelly with sour cream and fruit in favor of pure sour cream jelly.

Jelly from cottage cheese and sour cream

Our latest version of a dessert made from jelly and sour cream is protein-rich, thanks to the cottage cheese in the composition. Cottage cheese should be taken in the form of low-fat curd mass and mixed with sour cream. At the same time, reduce the amount of sour cream in proportion to the amount of cottage cheese. My favorite option is 200 grams of sour cream and 150 grams of cottage cheese. Do not forget that the recipe should not contain more than 350 grams of milk filler, otherwise the portion of gelatin indicated in the recipe will not cope and will not thicken.

Calorie content per 100 grams of this dessert option is: 62 kcal , 1.4 grams carbohydrates and 7 grams of protein.

Today we will prepare a wonderful dessert from fruits and sour cream with gelatin, beautiful, simple and very tasty.

This fruit dessert is available all year round; in winter you can use persimmons, bananas, kiwis, oranges, canned fruits, but during the berry and fruit season the choice is generally huge. It is advisable to prepare the dessert about an hour before serving, then the sour cream filling in the finished dessert has a taste and consistency similar to the soufflé in the Bird's Milk cake, and not at all like jelly. This information is for those who don’t really like jelly. But the next day the dessert is very tasty, only the filling becomes denser. And how nice it is to open the refrigerator on a hot day and see that such a cold, so beautiful and such a delicious dessert made from fresh berries and fruits and sour cream is waiting for you!

So, let's get ready.

(for 6 bowls)

  • 500 g sour cream of any fat content
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 20 g gelatin (2 bags of 10 g each)
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar (10-15 g) or vanillin (1.5 g)
  • any fruit of your choice


First, prepare the fruits by cutting them into cubes:

Now let’s quickly prepare the sour cream filling. Pour 100 ml of warm water into a glass and pour 20 g of instant gelatin into it. Place the glass in a deep bowl with very hot water. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla with a mixer until the sugar dissolves. Then pour in the gelatin and beat again.

Pour sour cream into the fruit bowls.

Decorate the top with fruits, berries, chocolate and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

As a lover of various types of jelly, I couldn’t help but try one of the simplest, fastest and at the same time delicious options for preparing it - sour cream jelly. You can also find the name “sour cream jelly”.

It only took me half an hour to prepare it. And it froze in my refrigerator in just 40 minutes - an excellent time if you suddenly need to quickly rush in time for the arrival of guests.


- sour cream (15%) - 400 g (it is better to take not too fatty, because it will be easier to beat it with sugar, and the dessert will be more tender and dietary);

- 150-170 g sugar;

- some raisins;

— instant gelatin — 35-40 g;

— 2 glasses of hot water (70º-80º);

- black chocolate.


In order for the sugar and sour cream to beat well, it is better to remove the sour cream from the refrigerator in advance.

I mix them with a spoon first and then use a blender. It is quite possible to beat by hand, but you must use a whisk, and not a spoon or fork - only then the mass will turn out to be truly airy.

Do not set aside the sour cream for long.

Let the water heat up (without bringing it to a boil!!) and at the same time make the raisins.

It needs to be washed well and doused with hot water, slightly dried and added to sour cream.

Mix well and move on to gelatin. I made my jelly in the following proportion: diluted 35 g of gelatin in 400 g of hot water. I thoroughly mixed the gelatin until it was completely dissolved, then I also used a blender.

In order to avoid small lumps of gelatin, which still remain despite the fact that the gelatin is instant, I strained the liquid and mixed thoroughly with whipped sour cream.

The consistency is a little thicker than milk. Pour the jelly into serving containers. From the above products I got 6 small bowls.

Here I want to make a reservation: The jelly in this proportion of gelatin, sour cream and water turned out to be very tender and light. Those who prefer a richer sour cream taste can increase the amount of sour cream to 500 g, mix it with more sugar, add vanilla or lemon juice. Or reduce the amount of water to 200 g and, accordingly, gelatin to 20 g. But in the latter option, you need to take into account that the yield will be less.

As I said above, the jelly froze literally after 40 and forty minutes. All that remains is to grate the dark chocolate on a fine grater, sprinkle it on the dessert, and you can begin your midday pampering of the stomach in the form of a cup of aromatic freshly brewed coffee and light jelly with a surprise in the form of raisins.