Charlotte with apple jam 2 eggs. Charlotte with jam: recipes

In the classical sense, charlotte is a sweet dessert with apples baked with dough in the oven. However, the creative nature of culinary specialists in different parts of the world demanded that they add some of their own flavor to the recipe. And now berries, cream, cream, jam, various spices and nuts are added to the dough.

Let's figure out how the innovative recipe differs from the common classic method of preparing this dish. The pinnacle of culinary skill would be to bake a pie like charlotte with apples and jam: not every housewife will agree to reveal the recipe for an original cake.


  1. Sugar – 160g;
  2. Flour – 180g;
  3. Cherry jam – 4ds.l.;
  4. Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  5. Baking soda – 1/2 tsp;
  6. Table vinegar 9% – 3 tsp;
  7. Ground cinnamon – 5g;
  8. Nuts to your taste – 50g.

Charlotte with jam: a simple baking recipe

It’s quite easy to prepare a pie like a delicious charlotte with jam in your own kitchen; you can quickly find a recipe with photos.

But it’s easy to do without pictures when the cooking instructions are described step by step:

  1. Carefully break the eggs, separate the whites and yolks into different containers.
  2. Combine the whites with sugar to beat with a whisk or mixer into the thickest foam possible.
  3. Mix the yolks with the beaten whites, stir until smooth.
  4. Add the sifted flour to the eggs in small portions, mixing the dough thoroughly.
  5. Over a bowl of dough, quench the baking soda with vinegar and pour the resulting solution into the egg-flour mixture.
  6. Add cinnamon, nuts, mix all ingredients with cherry jam.
  7. Place the dough in a baking dish.
  8. The oven must be pre-prepared - preheat the temperature in the gas oven to at least 200 degrees.
  9. At this temperature, the charlotte with jam is baked for about half an hour.
  10. To check if the cake is ready, pierce it with a toothpick. If the stick remains dry, your charlotte with cherry jam is completely ready.

This pie can be cooked not only in the oven. Charlotte with jam in a slow cooker is perfectly prepared in the “Baking” mode. Suitable parameters can also be selected in the microwave.

Apple charlotte with jam: recipe with photo

The recipe for apple jam charlotte is not much different from making cherry pie. Instead of baking soda and vinegar, use baking powder. In addition, they take less sugar and proportionately more jam.

In order for a fluffy charlotte with apple jam to be successful, the recipe must include thick jam; liquid jam is not suitable for this purpose.

Like any pie recipe, charlotte with jam has its own subtleties of preparation:

  • It is recommended to pre-cool the eggs before beating them;
  • The recipe calls for medium sized eggs. If they are too small, use four instead of three;
  • If you like a thick, crispy crust on top of a pie like a simple charlotte with jam, the recipe should use a little less sugar for a given number of eggs.

Charlotte is one of those dishes that does not cause any special worries and is baked very quickly. And having prepared it yourself, you can have no doubt about the freshness of the dessert and the quality of the ingredients.

Charlotte with jam step by step with photos

The word “Charlotte” evokes the most delicious associations. Baking “with the taste of childhood,” a fragrant pie made from simple and affordable ingredients. The classic charlotte recipe involves apple filling. But no one forbids you to fantasize! We offer a simple step-by-step recipe for charlotte with apple jam.


  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • wheat flour – 1 cup (approximately 200 – 250 g);
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • baking powder – 10 g;
  • jam – 150 – 200 g;
  • powdered sugar – 80 g.


Preparing the filling

For the filling you can use not only jam, but also confiture, marmalade, jam. Also get creative with flavors: strawberry, cherry, raspberry, currant or plum. Any jam will be delicious in its own way in a charlotte. You can also combine them, for example, strawberry and raspberry jams go well together.

Preparing the dough

Turn on the oven to preheat while you prepare the dough.


Top with a few apple slices and a mint leaf. Bon appetit!

  • It is better to use jam or marmalade that is thick enough, otherwise during baking it will release moisture and the cake will bake unevenly.
  • When preparing the dough, you can separate the whites from the yolks by separately beating the whites to peaks and the yolks until white. This will make the dough more airy and porous.
  • Spices - nutmeg, cinnamon, as well as raisins or ground hazelnuts - diversify the taste and add piquancy to the charlotte.

Housewives all over the world simply adore charlottes: this is an incredibly simple way to prepare dessert for the whole family. Simply mix all the ingredients and bake them. Recipes for jam pies are especially popular in winter, when vitamins are needed and there are almost no seasonal fruits on the store shelf.

Simple recipe

Cooking charlotte with apple jam in the oven:

Charlotte with jam and apples

  • 60 g butter;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 2 apples;
  • 35 g sugar;
  • 200 ml jam.

Time – 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​226 kcal/100 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Sift the flour and mix it with sugar. You don’t have to add it at all if the jam and apples are sweet;
  2. Soft butter should be cut into pieces and placed in flour. Using your hands or in a food processor, grind the entire mass into crumbs;
  3. Add only the yolks. And the whites can be left for other baked goods or whipped and added on top when serving. Knead the crumbs with the yolks into a homogeneous mass;
  4. Roll out the dough until it is about 4mm thick. Place it in a fireproof form; there must be sides;
  5. You need to pour the jam into the resulting basket. You can use any. For a better taste, you can use sweet raspberry jam if the apples are sour. And if they are sweet, then cherry with a slight sourness will do;
  6. Wash the apples and cut out their cores. Cut into fairly large slices and place them in a circle directly on top of the jam. The sides of the dough can be slightly bent, and the apples can be sprinkled with cinnamon;
  7. Send to bake for forty-five minutes at 170 Celsius. Serve with either egg whites, ice cream, or cream.

Charlotte with strawberry jam

  • 320 g flour;
  • 3 g soda;
  • 7 ml vinegar;
  • 280 g jam;
  • 30 ml sour cream;
  • 90 g sugar.

Time – 45 min.

Calorie content – ​​280 kcal/100 g.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to beat the eggs with a mixer. You should get foam, into which you then need to add sugar. Continue whisking until the foam becomes stronger and the grains are completely dissolved;
  2. Take a spoon and add flour little by little, mixing it thoroughly. There should be no lumps;
  3. After this, pour vinegar over the soda and stir in this effervescent mixture;
  4. At the end add sour cream. Mix, you should get a liquid homogeneous dough;
  5. Gradually add jam (preferably with whole berries) to the dough. There is no need to stir too much;
  6. Grease the mold with oil and pour the whole mixture into it;
  7. Bake for thirty-five minutes at 200 Celsius. Serve with a glass of compote.

Recipe for baking with jam in a slow cooker

  • 2 apples;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 60 g cottage cheese;
  • 15 ml oil;
  • 45 g sugar;
  • 60 g jam;
  • 190 g flour;
  • 20 g butter.

Time – 1 hour 25 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​198 kcal/100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer. When foam appears, add jam with butter and beat again;
  2. Next add cottage cheese. It is desirable that it be with a minimum percentage of fat content, or even completely low-fat. Stir it in too, so that there are no grains;
  3. Add flour and continue kneading, using the same mixer;
  4. At the end, add soda and mix everything. The result will be a fairly liquid consistency;
  5. Wash the apples, remove their cores and cut into small pieces. They need to be mixed directly into the dough. If there are no apples, you can simply use apple jam, where these fruits are also sliced. But then you should put less sugar in the dough;
  6. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil. The dough should be poured into it;
  7. Place the mold and close the lid. Select the “Baking” mode with a timer for fifty minutes;
  8. After the multicooker signal, you need to change the mode to “Frying” and leave for another fifteen minutes so that a beautiful crust forms on the pie.

Soda is almost always added to the charlotte, otherwise the cake will be very dense and may not bake. Baking soda helps the dough become fluffier and softer. You can add baking powder instead. If you don’t have either, you can use yeast or mineral water, and some housewives even add a couple of spoons of beer. This will not affect the taste.

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious charlotte with jam - the secrets of perfect taste

2017-10-09 Yakovleva Kira





In 100 grams of the finished dish

7 gr.

4 gr.


43 gr.

260 kcal.

Option 1: Charlotte with jam - classic recipe

To prepare charlotte, you can use any jam that is not too liquid; it is prepared in almost the same way as a traditional recipe with apples, but requires less sugar.

You can experiment with the usual charlotte recipe, for example, add raisins, chocolate chips, nuts or candied fruits, and decorate with coconut flakes, cinnamon or poppy seeds.

Ingredients for classic charlotte with jam:

  • flour - 150-200 grams;
  • apple jam - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 4 jokes;
  • sugar - 70 gr;
  • text baking powder - 5 g;
  • salt - 10 gr.

Step-by-step recipe for charlotte with jam:

Cool the eggs and beat them with a mixer, gradually adding sugar to them. Whisk until it is completely dissolved.

Sift the flour and add to the eggs, stirring constantly. As a result, the dough should be homogeneous, without a single lump.

Add baking powder and salt.

Mix the dough with jam, pour into a baking dish greased with a piece of butter.

Bake for 45 minutes at 180Cº. You can check the readiness by piercing the pie with a toothpick; if it remains dry, then the charlotte is ready.

In the absence of baking powder, it is allowed to use soda (½ teaspoon) quenched with a few drops of vinegar.

Jam can be added in several ways: either simply mix it with the dough, or pour it in a gentle stream in a circle when the dough is already in the mold. In the second case, you should not stir, then the taste will be brighter. The main thing is not to use too liquid jam.

Option 2: Charlotte with jam - a quick recipe in a slow cooker

This recipe is ideal for those housewives who like to please their loved ones with delicious baked goods, but do not have a lot of time for this.

You can choose any jam, and if you show a little imagination and decorate the finished dish, you will definitely appreciate the delicious dessert.

Ingredients for charlotte with jam in a slow cooker:

  • flour - 300 gr;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • any berry jam - 1 glass;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon

Step-by-step recipe for quick charlotte with jam:

Beat the eggs until fluffy foam forms.

Gradually add flour to the eggs, stirring continuously. Bring until smooth (no lumps).

Add baking powder.

Pour sour cream and sour cream into the dough, mix everything until smooth.

Grease the multicooker container with a small amount of oil, not forgetting the walls, and pour the dough into it.

Cook for 40 minutes in the “Baking” mode.

It is best to serve charlotte by decorating each serving with a couple of mint leaves and adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream or ice cream. This is usually what they do in cafes.

Option 3: Charlotte with jam and apples

For this recipe, it is important to choose the right apples. They should not be too sour so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Do not forget about the benefits of apples; they contain beta carotene, iron and many vitamins A, B, C and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body, such as magnesium, calcium, nickel, phosphorus and sodium. They also have a lot of fiber, which has a good effect on intestinal activity. To prevent atherosclerosis and the occurrence of cancer, doctors advise eating at least one apple a day.

Only people with gastritis or ulcers should not eat apples and apple desserts. Even a slight sourness of these fruits can cause pain in the stomach.


  • flour - 300 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sweet and sour apples - 2-3 pieces;
  • berry jam - 4-5 tbsp. spoon;
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon.

How to prepare charlotte with jam and apples:

Chop the washed apples into thin equal slices and add 100 grams of sugar. To prevent them from darkening, you need to sprinkle them with lemon juice.

Beat the eggs until fluffy white foam forms, slowly add the remaining sugar and stir until it dissolves.

Combine the sifted flour with the eggs, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Add soda, pre-quenched with vinegar, to the dough.

Mix the jam with apples and dough or place it in a separate layer on top, then some of it will only sink a little, due to which the taste and aroma of the finished dish will be brighter.

Pour the dough into the prepared pan and bake for at least forty minutes at 180 Cº.

Cut apples tend to darken due to the oxidation of the iron contained in them by oxygen. It certainly doesn’t look very appetizing, so to avoid this effect, you need to lightly sprinkle the apple slices with lemon juice.

Option 4: Charlotte with jam and custard

Custard will add a new taste to a familiar dish and will be an excellent decoration, while its preparation will take very little time and require a minimum of ingredients.


  • wheat flour - 140 gr;
  • jam - 100 gr;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • eggs - 4 jokes;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • raisins - 100 gr;
  • milk - 200 ml.

Rinse the raisins with hot water and pour boiling water for half an hour.

Wash and core the apples, cut into thin pieces, no more than half a centimeter.

Mix two eggs and two whites (leave the yolks aside for now), beat thoroughly until a thick foam forms.

Mix the sifted flour with salt and gradually add to the eggs, remembering to stir so that no lumps form.

Add jam and mix everything.

Place apple slices on the bottom of the prepared pan, greased with oil, sprinkle raisins on top and pour the dough over everything.

Bake at 180 Cº for forty minutes until the pie is covered with a golden brown crust.

Remove the finished charlotte from the oven and let cool slightly (at least fifteen minutes). Then you can transfer it to a beautiful dish.

While the cake is cooling, in a separate bowl (preferably glass), mix the yolks, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of flour, stir everything thoroughly.

Pour the resulting cream mixture into a small saucepan and wait until it boils over low heat, remembering to stir constantly. As soon as it boils, immediately remove from heat and stir. Until it cools down.

Cover the top and sides of the charlotte with the prepared cream.

The pie can be decorated in any way you like, but it will be prettiest with chopped walnuts and chocolate chips. There is no shame in serving such a dish even at a festive table.

If you prepare twice as much cream, you can spread the charlotte inside by cutting it horizontally into two parts.

Option 5: Lenten charlotte with jam

The time of fasting is not at all a reason to give up your favorite charlotte with jam. Despite the absence of milk and sour cream, it will turn out almost as tasty as prepared according to the classic recipe.


  • flour - 200 gr;
  • apples - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 130-150 g;
  • jam - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • black strong cha - 200 ml;
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Mix butter and sugar in a deep container. Add jam, it is best to choose from cherries or apricots.

Pour strong tea into the mixture, just be careful not to let a single tea slip through.

Cut the apples into thin slices and add to the dough.

Sift the flour, quench the baking soda with vinegar, and mix everything with the other ingredients until smooth.

Grease the multicooker container with a small piece of butter and pour the dough into it.

Bake for an hour on the “Baking” mode.

Of course, real charlotte is still a dessert with apples baked in the oven. But thanks to the creative impulses of culinary experts around the world, the traditional recipe has become a thing of the past; now the pie can be prepared with jam, berries, nuts, cream and a variety of spices and additives, while proudly calling the result of your labors “Charlotte”.

But, in the end, what difference does it make what the dish is called and what it’s made from if guests are always asking for more?