Secrets and recipes for cooking fried forest mushrooms. The best recipes for cooking honey mushrooms

A product such as mushrooms is becoming more and more common on holiday and everyday tables. This is mostly explained by the fact that they can be used to prepare not only first or appetizers, as well as salads. Honey mushrooms can be collected from the end of August until almost the first frost, and in winter you can simply buy them frozen in almost any supermarket, while mushrooms can be fried, stewed, pickled, etc. If we talk about dishes from honey mushrooms, then they turn out nourishing and tender, having an original, unique taste.

For example, it’s good to make soup from frozen mushrooms. For it you will need beef, honey mushrooms, onions, carrots, several potato tubers, salt and spices, sour cream. The meat is cooked in boiling water for about an hour, taken out, and thawed mushrooms are added here. Onions and carrots are peeled, cut into two halves, and added to the broth. Vegetables are cooked for about 40 minutes. After which the onions and carrots are removed, the beef, cut into portions, is put back together with the potatoes cut into cubes. The soup is salted, peppered, and cooked until the potatoes are soft. It is good to serve it on the table, seasoned with sour cream. For this honey mushroom dish, you can take not only thawed, but also fresh mushrooms.

Main courses in pots are very tasty and easy to prepare; moreover, they retain a large amount of nutrients contained in the products. So, mushroom stew stewed in tomato turns out rich.

Several small potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes. 3 tablespoons of rice cereal are washed and dried. About 20 grams of fresh mushrooms are fried with onions in a frying pan, a little tomato paste is added, and everything is simmered for about 10 minutes. Potatoes and mushrooms are placed in prepared pots, mixed well and salted. The dishes are placed in a preheated oven to simmer for about 20 minutes. Then rice and green peas are laid out here, and the stew is again sent to the oven until done, which is checked by the degree of softness of the potatoes. This and similar recipes for honey mushroom dishes can be varied by adding other vegetables, for example, zucchini, eggplant, carrots. The finished stew is sprinkled with green onions or chopped dill.

Honey mushroom julienne has a delicate creamy taste, an almost traditional dish made from mushrooms. The onion is fried in a frying pan and fresh mushrooms are added to it. After a few minutes, add a spoonful of flour, salt, spices, mix everything well, pour in a small amount of sour cream (if it’s too thick, you can dilute it with water or replace it with heavy cream). Under a closed lid, mushrooms are stewed for about 10 minutes, add a spoonful of grated cheese and stir. The dish is ready when the cheese is completely melted.

Variants of this honey mushroom dish may be different, as some prefer to cook julienne in the oven, with the addition of chicken. To do this, boil the breast or chicken, cut into cubes, mix with mushrooms, pour in sour cream and mayonnaise sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

What’s great is that you can prepare them yourself. For the next recipe you will need 1.5 kilograms of frozen mushrooms, which are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. After the mushrooms have surfaced, they are boiled for 20 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a spoonful of salt to the marinade per liter of water, bring to a boil and leave on the fire until everything is dissolved. The mushrooms are placed in a colander and the water is allowed to drain. In prepared jars (two half-liter jars will be enough for these proportions), bay leaves, peppercorns, and mustard seeds are placed on the bottom. Honey mushrooms are placed in a bowl, poured with marinade, and twisted tightly. They are ready to eat in 3 days. Similar dishes made from honey mushrooms can be eaten with fried potatoes or meat products.

Honey mushrooms are a tasty source of complete proteins, zinc, iron, phosphorus and vitamin C. Eating these mushrooms helps the body overcome viral diseases and be filled with vitality. But many housewives avoid this forest product, citing the difficulty of cleaning and preparing honey mushrooms. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.

How to clean honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are a perishable product, so you need to start cleaning them immediately after returning from the forest, or from the store. Mushrooms are very fragile and small, but the cleaning process will not take much effort:

  • Sort through the harvest. All rotten, rotten and insect-damaged specimens should be thrown into the trash without a twinge of conscience.
  • Remove organic “garbage” - twigs, leaves, soil.
  • Next, you need to determine what kind of processing the mushrooms will undergo. If you want to dry them, cut off the bottom segment of the stem and remove the film under the cap. If the mushrooms are required fresh, you should additionally soak them in water (maximum 1 hour), and then clean the film (skirt).

How to cook boiled mushrooms

After cleaning, you can begin heat treatment of mushrooms:

  • Take an enamel pan and boil salted water in it.
  • Place the mushrooms in boiling water for 10 minutes, being sure to skim off the foam.
  • Drain the mushroom broth and fill the mushrooms with clean water.
  • After boiling, boil the mushrooms for 30-40 minutes.
  • When the honey mushrooms are completely cooked, they will settle to the bottom of the dish.
  • Drain the mushrooms in a colander and rinse them with water. This will wash away excess mucus.

How to cook fried mushrooms

Fried honey mushrooms with onions are probably the most delicious way to prepare them:

  • Boil honey mushrooms first.
  • While they are cooking, fry the onion, cut into rings, in butter.
  • Add honey mushrooms to the onions, salt them, and cook the dish for about 20 minutes.
  • When serving, sprinkle the fried mushrooms with chopped green onions or basil.

How to cook pickled mushrooms

Pickled honey mushrooms can be used to prepare salads and snacks.

  • Boil the mushrooms and separate the stems from the caps.
  • If the mushrooms are large, cut them in half.
  • Next, add chopped garlic, onion half rings and herbs (dill or parsley) to the mushrooms.
  • If desired, you can add bay leaf, pepper and other spices.
  • Now add salt: for every kilogram of mushrooms - 2 tbsp. l. salt.
  • Mix all the ingredients, place in an enamel container and place under pressure for 5 days.
  • After this time, place the honey mushrooms in a sterilized jar and place in the refrigerator.
  • After 20 days, the mushrooms will be ready.

How to cook pickled mushrooms

Homemade honey mushrooms in marinade are much tastier than their store-bought counterpart.

  • Boil the mushrooms.
  • Do not pour out the second mushroom broth and strain.
  • Prepare the marinade: 500 mg water; 1 tbsp. l. sugar and salt; a set of spices (bay leaf, cloves, cardamom, allspice).
  • Add all the ingredients for the marinade to the mushroom broth; after it boils, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  • Pour the boiling broth over the prepared mushrooms.
  • In 2-3 hours the honey mushrooms will be ready.

Cooking honey mushrooms is not a labor-intensive culinary process. But dishes with their “participation” will always decorate a gala table or dinner with the family.

Honey mushrooms are mushrooms that are quite popular; not many mushrooms can boast of such wide use in cooking. Along with boletus or porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms are actively harvested by housewives for future use in the winter. Thanks to their excellent taste and excellent physical characteristics, they are suitable for preparing first courses, as well as for pickling or pickling. But despite their popularity, these mushrooms are quite a dangerous product and it is important to know exactly how long to cook honey mushrooms before consuming, so as not to cause indigestion or more serious troubles.

How they get to the table

If the housewife wants to please her household with a delicious dinner made from these mushrooms, then there are two options for appearance. The first of them is the simplest and safest - buy the product in a supermarket. Modern industry is engaged in the industrial production of any popular goods, including mushrooms. In addition, buying them in a store will be the safest, due to the fact that honey fungus is a dangerous mushroom and has poisonous twin brothers, a store-bought product excludes their appearance in the product.

The second method is self-harvesting. This should only be done by experienced mushroom pickers who know exactly how to distinguish the right mushroom from its poisonous counterpart, which often grow on the same stump. Harvesting occurs at the end of August and continues until the end of October, depending on the region of growth. These mushrooms are very convenient to collect; they grow in large families on old stumps, and sometimes on living trees. Having discovered one mushroom tree, you can collect the required amount of product in one place. At the same time, returning here the next year, the mushroom picker will also find a nursery.

Advice! If the mushrooms have been collected, but there are doubts about their quality, throw half an onion into a pan of water in which the product is initially boiled. If there are poisonous representatives in the pan, the onion will turn blue.


After collection, it is important to subject the mushrooms to proper heat treatment. This determines how safe the dish is to eat. In addition to the high content of nutrients, protein and microelements, honey mushrooms have the property of absorbing heavy compounds and other harmful substances from the environment. In this regard, it is strongly not recommended to collect product growing within the city or close to the roadway.

You need to cook honey mushrooms correctly in two stages. At the first stage, the product is filled with water and put on fire, after some time, the water will begin to boil, it is important to remove the foam and boil the mushrooms for five minutes. After this time, it is necessary to change the water. The old drainage needs to be poured fresh and spices and spices added to it to taste. At the second stage, the honey mushrooms should be cooked for 20-25 minutes until the product completely settles to the bottom of the pan.

The cooked product should be placed in a colander and excess liquid should be drained. If you plan to prepare the first dish, then the second water in which the honey mushroom was cooked can be used as broth.

In supermarkets, honey mushrooms are sold frozen; they are good for frying or making soups. But before cooking the main dish, they also need to be boiled. Frozen honey mushrooms should be cooked for 20-25 minutes, but preliminary boiling can be skipped. Whether or not to defrost the product before boiling is up to the housewife, depending on the situation. If time allows, then you can let the mushrooms thaw, and if you don’t have time to wait, then frozen honey mushrooms can be cooked immediately.

Preparation of dried mushrooms

Honey mushrooms, due to their dense structure, are often harvested in winter by drying. Dried, they hold their shape well and retain their aroma. Before drying, raw mushrooms are cleaned of debris, soil and dark spots on the stems or cap, and then subjected to the drying process.

In order to prepare something from dried honey mushrooms, they must first be soaked in water for 4-12 hours so that the mushrooms are saturated with moisture and return to their original shape. After this, cook the mushrooms according to the principle of cooking a fresh product: in two waters for a total of 30-35 minutes.

Pickled mushrooms have an amazing taste and will be an excellent snack in the winter; dense small mushrooms that do not contain flaws are selected for pickling. Large overgrown mushrooms can be used to make caviar. But whatever the preparation, honey mushrooms must be pre-cooked.

With the onset of warmth, honey mushrooms grow in forest clearings and roadsides - whole “necklaces” of mushrooms with flat caps and long stalks cover old stumps and roots of fallen trees. For lovers of “quiet” hunting, it will not be difficult to bring home several bags of honey mushrooms, especially if the forest is wet and under appropriate weather conditions. Due to its excellent nutritional qualities and low calorie content, honey mushrooms are widely used for preparing various dishes, including dietary ones. So, what to cook from honey mushrooms? Here you will find the best recipes step by step with photos and videos of delicious mushroom dishes. For the first course, you can cook an amazing soup with honey mushrooms and spices - every housewife will learn how to do this from our recipe. Many will enjoy fresh honey mushrooms fried in a frying pan in sour cream or with potatoes and chicken, as well as an amazingly tasty mushroom salad. Having collected a rich harvest of field mushrooms, you can not only cook mushrooms for lunch and dinner every day, but also make supplies for the winter - write down the recipe and get started!

What to cook from fresh honey mushrooms for the winter - recipes for a mushroom appetizer with Korean carrots, with photos step by step

Fresh honey mushrooms are an excellent “raw material” for preparing many tasty and healthy dishes. Thus, these unpretentious mushrooms contain iron, phosphorus, and vitamin C. In addition, regular consumption of honey mushrooms provides protection against the development of cells in the body that cause cancer. What to cook from fresh honey mushrooms for the winter? We bring to your attention a step-by-step recipe with photos of honey mushrooms with Korean carrots and spices - such a dish will decorate the festive and everyday table. Delicious and aromatic mushroom appetizer!

Mushroom appetizer for the winter made from honey mushrooms with Korean carrots - necessary ingredients:

  • carrots – 1 kg
  • honey mushrooms – 1 kg
  • vegetable oil – 1 cup
  • garlic – 7 cloves
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • ground red pepper – 1 tsp.
  • ground basil and coriander - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for preparing fresh honey mushrooms with Korean carrots for winter:

  1. We clean the carrots and grate them on a “Korean” grater. Place in a separate bowl and knead a little with your hands to release the juice. Leave for about 30 minutes at room temperature.

  2. We sort through fresh mushrooms, removing spoiled mushrooms and debris, and rinse thoroughly under running water. Pour a little salt and a couple of pinches of citric acid into a saucepan with water, add the peeled honey mushrooms and boil for 20 minutes. After cooking, place the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain.

  3. Place chopped garlic in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry slightly.

  4. Pour pepper, basil and coriander into the grated carrots, and also add oil and garlic. Mix all components. Add vinegar and mix again.

  5. Place the boiled mushrooms in a bowl with carrots and, after stirring, leave to soak for a couple of hours.

  6. That's it, our honey mushrooms with Korean carrots and spices are ready - you can start taking the “sample”. To prepare for the winter, you need to place the mushroom appetizer in sterilized jars, cover with lids and boil in a pan of water for 40 minutes. Then we take the cooled mushrooms to the pantry or cellar for storage until winter - simply delicious!

What can you quickly and deliciously cook from fresh honey mushrooms for dinner - a step-by-step recipe with photos

Among the many recipes for mushroom dishes, we can note those that are especially popular and loved by many. So, what to cook from fresh honey mushrooms for dinner? We will be happy to share with you a quick and tasty recipe for solyanka with honey mushrooms and cabbage - with step-by-step instructions and photos. Spicy and aromatic, mushroom solyanka with vegetables is perfect for a family dinner or a holiday dinner party. Let's stock up on fresh honey mushrooms and start creating!

List of ingredients for a delicious hodgepodge with honey mushrooms and cabbage for dinner:

  • cabbage – 500 gr.
  • fresh honey mushrooms – 600 gr.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • carrot – 1 pc.
  • dill or parsley - 1 bunch

The procedure for preparing a quick mushroom hodgepodge from honey mushrooms and cabbage for dinner according to the recipe:

  1. First you need to chop the cabbage and place it in a saucepan or bowl. Salt and mix thoroughly with your hands. Place the container with the chopped cabbage on the fire and pour in a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil and ½ cup of water. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots and cut into small strips. Pour into a frying pan and fry in vegetable oil. Then we put the vegetables into the pan with the stewed cabbage and mix thoroughly.
  3. We first sort out the honey mushrooms for hodgepodge and wash them in cool water. Fry in a frying pan with heated oil until tender, not forgetting to salt the mushrooms to taste.
  4. We send the finished mushrooms to the vegetables and continue to simmer everything together over low heat for another 20 minutes. At the end, add chopped herbs and serve the honey mushroom solyanka to the table - dinner is ready!

What to cook from honey mushrooms and chicken - salad according to a simple recipe, photo

Chicken and mushrooms go well together in a variety of cold and hot appetizers. Today we will study a simple recipe with a photo of a delicious and satisfying salad of honey mushrooms and chicken - such a dish will fit perfectly into any menu. If you don’t know what to cook from honey mushrooms and chicken, we suggest using our quick and tasty recipe. The cooking is simple and delicious!

We stock up on ingredients for the recipe for salad with honey mushrooms and chicken:

  • pickled honey mushrooms – 2 cups
  • boiled chicken – 250 gr.
  • onions – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • canned peas – 200 gr.
  • pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt and vegetable oil - to taste

Recipe for salad with honey mushrooms and chicken - step-by-step description:

  1. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and cut into pieces or cubes. In a heated frying pan with oil, fry the chopped vegetables until golden brown.
  2. We wash the pickled mushrooms in a colander under running water and put them in a separate container.
  3. Cut the pre-boiled chicken into pieces or simply “tear” it into fibers with your hands and send it to the mushrooms.
  4. Add finely chopped pickled cucumbers and fried onions and carrots to the bowl with mushrooms and chicken. Add canned peas.
  5. Mix all the components of the honey mushroom salad thoroughly with mayonnaise and add salt to taste. Before serving, place it on a beautiful dish, decorate with sprigs of herbs and enjoy the unique taste. Simply a fabulous dish!

How to cook fried honey mushrooms in sour cream - recipe with photos

At every festive feast, fried mushrooms in sour cream are a constant success. This dish is truly versatile - it can be served cold or hot, as well as in addition to potatoes, rice and pasta. How to cook honey mushrooms with sour cream and onions? Following our recipe with photos, even an inexperienced housewife can quickly make an amazing appetizer from the harvested forest harvest - delicious mushrooms in a delicate sour cream sauce. Real jam!

Ingredients for the recipe for fried honey mushrooms with sour cream:

  • honey mushrooms – 1 kg
  • medium-sized onion – 2 pcs.
  • homemade sour cream – 500 gr.
  • butter – 200 gr.
  • salt and pepper - to taste

Step-by-step instructions for preparing fried honey mushrooms in sour cream sauce:

  1. We clean the mushrooms, rinse them under running water and put them in a saucepan. Boil for 15 – 20 minutes.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into pieces and brown in a heated frying pan with butter.
  3. Add the boiled honey mushrooms to the onion and fry everything together for 5 minutes.
  4. Add sour cream and ½ cup of water to the mushrooms and mix. Salt, pepper and mix all ingredients again.
  5. Continue to simmer under a closed lid over low heat until fully cooked. Fried honey mushrooms in sour cream can be served as a side dish or an “independent” dish. And what a fabulous aroma the mushrooms have - words cannot describe it! All that remains is to write down the recipe and cook.

How to cook potatoes with honey mushrooms in a frying pan - step-by-step recipe, photo

Delicious aromatic potatoes with honey mushrooms for lunch or dinner will not leave anyone indifferent - besides, the dish is easy to prepare. Fans of fried mushrooms will love our step-by-step recipe with photos of potatoes with honey mushrooms, which can be bought at the market or collected in the forest with your own hands during the season. With the help of a simple recipe, your daily menu will become more varied and tastier - cook honey mushrooms in a frying pan with the addition of your favorite spices.

List of ingredients for the recipe for fried potatoes with honey mushrooms:

  • potatoes – 200 gr.
  • red onion – 70 gr.
  • honey mushrooms – 100 gr.
  • lard or bacon – 50 gr.
  • salt and spices - to taste
  • greens - for decoration

Potatoes and honey mushrooms fried in a frying pan - recipe description step by step:

  1. We wash the honey mushrooms and boil them in water with the addition of salt.
  2. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into pieces or cubes. Chop the onion into strips.
  3. Place the frying pan on the fire and after heating, fry the pieces of lard for 1 - 2 minutes. Add mushrooms with potatoes, salt and pepper and continue cooking over high heat. When a golden crust appears on the potato pieces, add the chopped onion and reduce the heat.
  4. We continue to fry until the potatoes soften, and then bring them to readiness - under the lid.
  5. All that remains is to sprinkle the hot potatoes with honey mushrooms with chopped herbs and invite your family for dinner - bon appetit!

How to cook mushroom soup with frozen honey mushrooms and potatoes - video recipe

Hot soup with mushrooms and potatoes will perfectly satisfy your hunger and warm you up during the cold season. Having stocked up on frozen mushrooms, you can always treat your family and guests to a plate of aromatic mushroom soup. How to make honey mushroom and potato soup? Watch the video with the recipe for this wonderful first course.

So, now you know what to cook from honey mushrooms and how to do it correctly - our step-by-step recipes with photos and videos are accessible and understandable even to a novice cook. When composing the menu for a festive dinner, the list of possible dishes can include aromatic soup with frozen honey mushrooms, mushrooms in sour cream or a delicious salad of honey mushrooms with chicken. An appetizer with fresh honey mushrooms and Korean carrots according to our recipe is perfect for preparing for the winter. Mushrooms and potatoes fried in a frying pan will seem like a simple and everyday dish to many - after trying our recipe, you will surprise your family and guests with an original combination of the most common ingredients. Happy mushroom cooking!

In a frying pan. how to fry frozen honey mushrooms in minutes. How long to simmer honey mushrooms? how to properly fry honey mushrooms.

1. Clean honey mushrooms from dirt and soil.

2. Cut large mushroom caps into pieces.

3. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt (for 1 kilogram of honey mushrooms - a tablespoon of salt), add honey mushrooms, cook for 15 minutes, then drain the water.

4. Rinse the mushrooms and let the water drain.

5. Peel and cut the onion (for 1 kilogram of honey mushrooms - 1 medium onion).

6. Place the frying pan over medium heat.

7. Pour in sunflower oil, about 3 tablespoons.

8. Add onion, fry for 10 minutes, stirring.

9. Place the honey mushrooms, fry for 30 minutes covered and 20 minutes without a cover.

10. Salt the mushrooms.

11. Place honey mushrooms from the frying pan into jars.

12. Pour the hot oil left over from frying over the honey mushrooms.

Nutritional value of honey mushrooms:, carbohydrates - 0.5 g, fats - 1.2 g, proteins - 2.2 g.

Calorie content of honey mushrooms- 22 kcal.

We hope you received an answer how long to cook honey mushrooms and you will do it right.

How to cook honey mushrooms tasty and correctly. how to cook honey mushrooms with potatoes. what can be prepared from honey mushrooms. how to boil, fry, prepare honey mushrooms

How to cook honey mushrooms tasty and correctly. What do honey mushrooms look like?

Honey mushrooms include a large amount of protein, as well as zinc and copper. The great value of this product depends precisely on these minerals, which are simply necessary for proper hematopoiesis, helps to produce antiviral and anticancer substances, as well as substances that normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. That is why honey mushrooms are simply an irreplaceable product for maintaining health. This article will tell you useful tips how to cook honey mushrooms.

How to cook delicious honey mushrooms

To prepare delicious fried mushrooms you need to take the following ingredients:

  • honey mushrooms (800 grams);
  • red pepper (two medium pods);
  • zucchini (two pieces);
  • onion (one piece);
  • butter or olive oil;
  • vegetable broth (150 milliliters);
  • soy sauce (two tablespoons);
  • spices and sugar.

Cooking method:

To prepare honey mushrooms deliciously, you need to peel the mushrooms, chop them finely, and then fry them. How to fry honey mushrooms? They need to be fried in preheated olive oil for three minutes. Chop the onion and red pepper, then take the zucchini and cut into thin rings. Take a clean frying pan and fry the chopped onion in it, then add the chopped vegetables and vegetable broth to the onion, simmer everything for ten minutes. After this time, you need to add fried mushrooms to the vegetables, which you need to season with soy sauce, add sugar and black pepper, and you also need to add a little salt. In order for the dish to acquire a creamy taste, then you need to add full-fat sour cream (about 200 grams) and simmer the vegetables for another two minutes.

How to cook honey mushrooms with potatoes

To prepare delicious honey mushrooms with potatoes, you need to take the following ingredients (calculated for 4 servings):

  • salt (one and a half teaspoons);
  • onions (two pieces);
  • potatoes (800 grams), it is advisable to use only young potatoes);
  • honey mushrooms (one kilogram);
  • ground black pepper (0.25 teaspoon);
  • sour cream (about 300 grams).

Cooking method:

To prepare honey mushrooms with potatoes, you first need to peel the mushrooms, then place them in slightly salted water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, you need to boil the mushrooms for 15 minutes (no longer), after which you need to drain the water. After the mushrooms have cooled a little, cut them into several pieces.

Take the onion, peel and cut into thin strips, then take a frying pan and heat the vegetable oil in it, then fry the onion a little until it becomes translucent. Peel the potatoes, then cut them into cubes (small) and add the potatoes to the pan with the onions, stir and fry the potatoes for 15 minutes, it is very important to stir the potatoes regularly, add salt and pepper.

When the potatoes become softer and the onions acquire a golden color, you can add mushrooms, sour cream and mix everything thoroughly. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for seven minutes, keeping the heat low. Remove the pan from the heat, transfer the mushrooms to plates and add any fresh vegetables and herbs.

How to cook delicious honey mushrooms, how to cook honey mushrooms

What can be prepared from honey mushrooms? Honey mushrooms are very tasty mushrooms that you can start collecting at the end of summer and before frost begins. These mushrooms are truly universal, since they can be prepared in completely different ways - pickled, fried, boiled, salted or dried. Before you start preparing the dish, you need to carefully sort out the mushrooms, then place them in cold, slightly salted water and keep them in this water for several hours. You know how to cook honey mushrooms? Honey mushrooms need to be cooked for a maximum of 1 hour. After boiling, foam forms - you need to change the water for honey mushrooms and cook in new water for 40 minutes to 1 hour.

What can be prepared from honey mushrooms

One of the most common recipes for preparing honey mushrooms is fried honey mushrooms with sour cream. If you decide to cook fried mushrooms, then you need to take the peeled and washed honey mushrooms and boil them in water (the water should be slightly salted) for about five minutes, then transfer the mushrooms to a colander to drain excess water. When the mushrooms have cooled slightly, cut them into thin strips and fry along with chopped onions. At the very end, when the mushrooms are almost ready, add a little sour cream (it is recommended to use full-fat sour cream) and simmer for a few more minutes. Before serving, fried mushrooms should be sprinkled with fresh herbs and can be served as a separate dish or complemented with any side dish. Now you know how to cook honey mushrooms and how to fry them, and cook them deliciously! Bon appetit!

  • How to fry honey mushrooms:: fry honey mushrooms for:: food:: how easy it is to do everything

    You can prepare a variety of options for tender chicken meat. side dishes. If you're on a diet and want something light to go with your white poultry, make a vegetable salad or pumpkin puree with zucchini. When you need a hearty hot side dish, make mashed potatoes or baked potatoes with herbs. Drizzle the side dish and chicken with a variety of homemade sauces. Each dish you prepare will have a beautiful appearance and an extraordinary taste.

    Recipes from honey mushrooms, 108 recipes, photo recipes /

    Honey mushrooms appear at the end of August, and they can be collected before the autumn frosts. In terms of the number of fruiting bodies, the autumn honey fungus surpasses all edible cap mushrooms. Mushrooms are suitable for frying, boiling, salting, pickling and drying. Of all the lamellar mushrooms, except milk mushrooms, honey fungus is the most delicious mushroom, especially if the mushrooms are fried, added to soup, pickled or pickled. The color of salted-pickled mushrooms is brownish or brown, the scales are preserved. Before cooking, you need to sort out the mushrooms, add salt water and leave for several hours.

    Honey mushrooms - beneficial properties, application and - calorie content, what are the benefits and harms of the honey mushroom product, how much to cook - [email protected]

    Autumn honey fungus (Armillaria mellea)


    The name of the honey mushroom comes from their habitat. These mushrooms grow on living and dead wood, in other words, on stumps. Honey mushrooms are found mainly on birch and also on coniferous stumps, sometimes in nettle thickets. Honey fungus is a very popular and very productive mushroom, growing in large colonies from late August to late autumn. The caps of honey mushrooms are spherical and reach 13 cm in diameter, with edges curved inward. The flesh of the mushroom is dense, the stem is up to 15 cm long, with a diameter of up to 2 cm.

    History and distribution

    Honey fungus is one of the most wonderful and beloved mushrooms. These mushrooms are loved because they grow very closely, and by finding one family of these mushrooms, you can collect a whole basket. An interesting fact about this mushroom is that the honey fungus appears every year almost always at the same time and in the same places. Therefore, avid mushroom pickers always have a few treasured stumps in mind, which they visit at a certain time, carefully collecting the grown harvest.

    Today, in many countries, special enterprises are being created where honey mushrooms are grown in artificially created conditions. Grown in an artificial environment, they are in no way inferior in their properties to mushrooms collected in the forest.


    Due to its abundance, this mushroom is widely used in various dishes. Russian cuisine knows many recipes for ancient dishes that contain this mushroom. It is fried, boiled, stewed, salted and pickled. For hot dishes, this mushroom must be boiled for at least 30 minutes, as there are known cases of poisoning from undercooked autumn mushrooms. Autumn honey mushrooms usually appear in early autumn for a short period of up to 15 days, after which they disappear. When collecting these mushrooms, you must be very careful not to confuse them with false honey mushrooms.

    Composition and properties

    Honey mushrooms withstand transportation well. They are like rubber, compress, spring, but do not break. They are very easy to process. This tasty mushroom belongs to the third category. It is rich in vitamins B1 and C. When preparing honey mushrooms, you must adhere to certain rules. This mushroom should be boiled well. Eating undercooked honey mushrooms can cause stomach upset. By the way, it is precisely because of this property that in Europe they do not like honey mushrooms, and some even consider them inedible. However, this mushroom contains trace elements that are very important for our body, such as copper and zinc. And they are known to participate in the process of hematopoiesis. 100 g of honey mushrooms contains the daily dose of these microelements necessary for the human body. It is recommended to eat this mushroom for people who have problems with hematopoiesis.


    When collecting honey mushrooms, you need to be very careful and not confuse them with false honey mushrooms. They differ from false honey mushrooms primarily in their smell and taste, the color of the cap and plates, as well as the structure of the stem.

    How long to cook honey mushrooms

    Fresh honey mushrooms must be boiled for at least 40 minutes. Maximum - 1 hour. As soon as the honey mushrooms boil and foam forms, the water must be changed and the mushrooms cooked until tender. Frozen honey mushrooms must be thawed and simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

    Calorie content and nutritional value

    The calorie content of honey mushrooms is 22 kcal.

    Nutritional value of honey mushrooms: proteins - 2.2 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.5 g