The secret of toning fabric for textile dolls. How and what to dye fabric in flesh colors for sewing a tilde

Today we are going to talk about dyeing fabrics in flesh colors. That is, there are colors that are simply necessary for Tilda dolls. How and what it is possible and necessary to dye fabrics, we will figure it out further. All helpful information collected in a plate. The fabric is used everywhere suitable for sewing Tild Ikeevskaya white Lenda.

So let's start with manganese staining. It is difficult to find it now, but it is worth it: things are permanently stained, and the color of the paint is not washed off.

We paint like this: pour a small amount of manganese, fill it with water, getting a dark cherry liquid. Mix well, completely dissolving the manganese. And we look at the results of dipping, as well as after 1, 3, 6, 10, 20 minutes. And then after 1,2,3 hours. It is important to stir periodically, otherwise the fabric will be colored unevenly!

Also, the dyed pieces for 1-2 hours are dipped in a solution with kukrkum, which makes the color yellow.

Next, we experiment with instant coffee... Here we used Pele in a red jar - 2 options - 1.5 teaspoons for 200 ml of boiling water and 3 teaspoons for 200 ml of boiling water. Mix, paint in the same way, stirring occasionally. We dry, iron and watch. The colors are warmer, more intense in a thick solution.

And turmeric coffee. Great option if coffee or tea is colored with a gray tint, but a warmer color is needed. So, dyed with coffee or tea, dip in a solution with turmeric. If the shade is not yellow enough, dip again. We paint with gloves.

Well, where without tea. We drink it and paint it with it. "Princess Nuri Alpine" packaged. We brew tea 2 options - 2 sachets for 200 ml of water and 4 sachets for 200 ml of water. We insist with a lid for 5 minutes, and then take out, squeeze and discard the bag. We paint according to the old scheme, rinse in cold water, dry. And experimenting with staining with turmeric in pure form and added to tea.

Unpainted fabric is highlighted in red for convenience. And don't forget to stir to avoid streaking!

An important question for all craftswomen of Tilda dolls, where to get the tissue for the calf? There are few fabrics of the necessary colors on the store shelves, because it is customary to sew Tilda in beige or mustard color, and then what should be done? Very simple. Craftswomen came up with a convenient way to get out of this difficult situation, the fabric was dyed. It can be painted different ways and by various means. Today I will show a small workshop on dyeing fabrics with instant coffee, as well as tell you what you need to pay attention to in order to avoid mistakes.

Which fabric to choose is up to you, it can be calico, cotton or linen, you choose the fabric depending on what kind of doll you will sew. For painting, I bought a white calico. The photo above shows how it was colored with instant coffee, I liked the color, but in my opinion it was necessary to add a little more coffee, then the color would be even darker, another time I will take this fact into account.

And so, to begin with, a piece of fabric must be washed or soaked for 20-30 minutes, so that the fibers become loose and better absorb the paint.

While the fabric is soaking, you need to prepare a solution in which the fabric will be dyed. This will require salt and coffee.

Coffee can be bought not expensive, I took a small jar of 50 g. You need to boil the water, add a tablespoon of salt and 30-40 g of coffee, just do not pour coffee into boiling water, first screw the fire on the stove, otherwise the coffee will climb over the edge.

There should be enough water in the pot to cover the entire fabric. You need to cook it for 10-15 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly, so that the fabric is evenly colored. After staining, the fabric must be rinsed under cold water and then smooth it out well. The fabric should be hung to dry in a taut form, because if the fabric is not evenly dried or folded, smudges will remain. The big disadvantage of this painting is that any water ingress on the fabric leaves streaks, so the dolls cannot be washed. When the fabric is dry, it needs to be ironed well, I ironed it with a steamer, the fabric was a little damp and there were no streaks, except for one place, this is also important to remember, when ironing the fabric, do not iron along the edge of the ironing board, I got a stain on the silhouette of the ironing boards, which means you need to iron only in the middle without going over the edges. If your iron is leaking and a few drops fall on the fabric, divorce cannot be avoided, be careful. But when working with fabric, there are no problems, do not be afraid to take it in your hands, it will not dye them, but it will become a wonderful decoration for your doll.

Behind the seeming primitiveness and deliberate negligence of the attic doll's execution, the painstaking work of the craftswoman who created it is hidden. In order for a new Tilda doll to be born, the needlewoman has to work hard.

It all starts with a picky choice of a suitable fabric. For the manufacture of Tilda dolls are used natural fabrics: linen, cotton. However, the colors of fabrics made from natural fibers are discreet and have a monotonous, inexpressive color scheme.

What if you want to make an attic doll bright and spectacular, but you don't want to spend a lot of money on the purchase of special expensive American fabrics? There is an exit! You can independently dye linen or cotton fabric to create Tilda in various colors using the tools at hand that are available in the kitchen of every housewife.

The most common ways to dye fabric for Tilda are:

Dyeing coffee fabric;

Dyeing the fabric with turmeric

1 - fabric before dyeing,

2 - fabric dyed with instant coffee,

3 - fabric dyed with turmeric.

Let's consider in detail each of these methods.

It is very important to wash the fabric with laundry soap before any staining. Then the fabric after painting will acquire an even shade.

Wet the fabric before immersing it in the staining solution. It will also help to dye the fabric evenly and avoid streaking.

To fix the color obtained when dyeing the fabric, you can add 1 tablespoon of sodium chloride to the dyeing solution.

It is better to use enamel dishes for dyeing fabrics.

0.5 liters of boiling water,

5 tablespoons of instant coffee (coffee can be taken the cheapest and completely unusable for its intended purpose :))

Dissolve coffee thoroughly in boiling water. Place a cloth in the solution and boil, stirring occasionally, for 40 minutes.

After dyeing with instant coffee, the fabric acquires a pleasant light chocolate shade and a delicate coffee aroma.

To make the fabric dyed with instant coffee even more aromatic, you can add vanillin to the dye solution and ground cinnamon... Only in this case, the solution will have to be pre-filtered to remove non-dissolving pieces of cinnamon. Otherwise, dark brown specks will form on the fabric when dyed.

A solution of coffee, cinnamon and vanilla can also be dyed on an already sewn attic toy.

0.5 liters of water

4 teaspoons of turmeric

Strain the solution. Place the cloth in the solution. While stirring, bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes.

After dyeing with turmeric, the fabric takes on a cheerful, bright lemon shade.

Dyeing fabrics with instant coffee and turmeric has a fairly long-lasting effect. However, with subsequent washings, such fabric will still lose color. To fix the resulting shade, the dyed fabric can be dipped 1-2 times in a solution of 1 liter of cold water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (do not rinse, just dip!). Also, to fix the color, the dyed fabric should be ironed with a hot iron without steaming, first from the wrong side, and then from the front side.

The dyed fabric does not need to be rinsed or wrung out. After dyeing, the fabric must be dried by hanging it vertically and stretching it as much as possible. This will prevent streaking.

The above methods are used to dye not only fabric for making a Tilda doll. You can also dye your embroidery canvas with instant coffee or turmeric.

By the way, if you liked the Tilda model, which demonstrates how to dye fabric with natural coffee dyes and turmeric, you can sew a Tilda doll using this pattern:

1 - part of the upper body (2 parts),

2 - detail of the leg (4 details, the dotted line shows the place where the leg is bent at the knee),

3 - hand detail (4 parts)

Create with HobbyMama!

Today, the Tilda doll is becoming more and more popular, which can be used not only for play, but also for interior decoration. And if you make a housekeeper in this way, then he will become an excellent talisman for your house, capable of protecting him from everything bad. In addition, in the process of creativity, you can relax your soul and tune in to the positive.

Do not forget that you can present a self-made Tilda to your good friends, and believe me - it will be a great present. And do not think that the tilde can only be in the form of men. Not at all! You can shape it into all kinds of animals. The main thing in its creation is fantasy! And the colors can be original if you decide to dye the fabric at home using natural dyes.

Features of making Tilda dolls

As for the history of the appearance of these amazing dolls, then, most likely, even our grandmothers created something similar in childhood. But only in 1999, Tilda production was put on stream and they began to be used for room decoration. When buying such a doll for decoration purposes, you can purchase a Tilda filled with a collection of fragrant herbs that can fill your home with pleasant aromas.

When making such a doll, keep in mind that this work requires meticulousness from you. Even the smallest details must be sewn together carefully. Do not forget that thin arms and legs also need to be stuffed with padding polyester, and then carefully sewn. Pay attention to the seam, which traditionally runs in the center of the face. Try to make the halves of the head equal, otherwise the face will look asymmetrical.

If we talk about clothes, then they are usually sewn to the body.

This must be done very carefully so that the seams are not visible to prying eyes. If you want your doll to sit, it is worth making a few stitches under the knee. In this case, the doll's pose will not look tense.

As for the seams, all parts of the Tilda need to be sewn together with a blind seam to make it look solid. And as we already said, in order for Tilda not only to decorate your interior, but to flavor it, you can put special sachets with aromatic herbs... Moreover, you can add finely ground cinnamon or vanillin to the filling.

You can fill Tilda with sea salt. But before you mix it with a filler, you should aromatize it. To do this, you can simply add a few drops of essential oil to the salt.

Another option for flavoring is adding to sea ​​salt small amount chopped mint, lemon balm and other aromatic herbs.

One of the peculiarities of making these dolls is the light brown color of the parts.

Unfortunately, it is with him that difficulties most often arise, because it is rather difficult to choose the right shade. And so today we will talk about how to dye fabric in the desired shade at home.

This can be done by adding the following ingredients to the water:

  • Coffee,
  • Zelenki.

And now we will consider the coloring technology using the presented ingredients.

How to dye fabric with tea

There is nothing complicated in the method of painting with tea. First of all, in this case, you need to cook a special solution. To do this, you will need an enamel saucepan, a few tablespoons of black custard tea, and cold water.

We make the solution as follows:

  1. Pour into a saucepan cold water... Pour a few spoons of tea there. Attention! The amount of tea will directly depend on what color you want to get in the end.
  2. Put water and tea on the fire and bring to a boil. At the same time, make sure that too much water does not boil away, since in this case you will not have anything to dye the fabric with.

After the solution is ready, filter it through a two- or three-layer gauze. Add a little salt to the resulting liquid. This is done in order to natural dyes absorbed more strongly and practically did not wash out.

To paint our future Tilda, you need to do the following: just dip the cloth in water and boil in the solution for an hour and a half.

Attention! During the boiling process, do not forget to stir the fabric periodically so that it does not stain with streaks. And one more thing: never dry the fabric in an upright position, as stains will definitely form at the point of contact of the fabric with the rope or clothespins.

How to dye fabric with coffee

Before you start dyeing fabric for Tilda in this way, keep in mind that after such a procedure, the doll will most likely smell of coffee. You can give your Tilda a light tan color by preparing a solution of coffee, which should be applied to the fabric with a regular brush.

The solution in this case must be prepared as follows:

  1. Dissolve from three to five tablespoons in half a glass of water ground coffee... Attention! The coffee should be natural, not instant, because otherwise it will be almost impossible to predict the color of the fabric. By the way, if you wish, you can add half a teaspoon of vanillin to this solution to give the fabric an even more sophisticated and multifaceted aroma. Also, pay attention to the fact that the solution must be thoroughly filtered before use, as coffee lumps can cause dark brown spots or streaks on the fabric.
  2. In order for the fabric to be dyed evenly, be sure to wash it thoroughly before dyeing it with laundry soap.
  3. Before dyeing the fabric, it is best to completely shape all parts of Tilda's body. If the color is too saturated, then you can simply squeeze out the part with a damp cloth or gauze. And then all the extra color will remain on it. And one more nuance: when drying, try to do so that the fabric does not come into contact with other surfaces, since in the places of contact, the color will be less saturated.

How to paint a fabric green

If you need to paint some details of your Tilda's outfit in emerald color, then for this you can use green paint.

Methods for dyeing fabric in flesh colors for sewing TILDA

Methods for dyeing fabric in flesh colors for sewing TILDA

Fabric dyeing - MANGANESE

Very persistent staining. Things painted with potassium permanganate were washed many times and the color is not washed off. Used Ikeevskaya white Lenda

Quite a bit of manganese was poured into the warm water from the tap, the solution turned out to be a dark cherry color. Stir well to dissolve. She put the pieces of fabric. I took it out immediately, after 1,3,6,10,20 minutes, then after 1,2,3 hours (did not forget to stir).

I dipped two more pieces, stained for 1 and 2 hours, in a solution with turmeric. Then I dried, ironed and arranged everything on the sheet. And here's what happened:

Manganese gives a good color, and with turmeric you can make it a little yellower, it turns out pretty. :) Do not forget to wear gloves when painting and stir the fabric in the solution for even dyeing.

Fabric dyeing - COFFEE

Used instant Pele in a red jar.
Brewed with boiling water (2 options - 1.5 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water and 3 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water), mixed well to dissolve. She put the pieces of fabric. I took it out immediately, after 1,3,6,10 and 20 minutes (did not forget to stir). I dried, ironed, and then arranged everything on the sheet. And here's what happened:

The colors are good, light, warm. In reality, the gradient from piece to piece is better visible. Although this scan is closest to the original. Where the coffee is thicker, the color is a little more saturated.

In the third version with coffee turmeric. Oh, and a vigorous thing! :) With her, I made the following conclusion - if the fabric turned out to be with a gray tint (from coffee or tea, this can also be) and you want to make it a little warmer, yellower, then after dyeing in tea / coffee you need to quickly dip the fabric into a solution with turmeric. Dry, look - if yellow is not enough, then dip again. Because with a long stay in a solution with turmeric, the fabric is very strongly stained yellow, but if you do it like this in a quick way, then you get a neat toning of yellow. Yes, and don't forget to wear gloves when painting!

Fabric dyeing - TEA

It took me for my needlework to dye the fabric in a flesh shade. Tried different ways and as a result, whole "color cards" were compiled - a useful and necessary thing in the handicraft industry. :)
Today I'll show you what happened with the tea. Used "Princess Nuri Alpine" packaged.
Ikeevskaya white Lenda was at home. This is a thick cotton, well suited for sewing Tilda type toy bodies.
The tea was brewed and infused for 5 minutes under a lid (2 options - 2 sachets for 200 ml of water and 4 sachets for 200 ml of water), squeezed the sachets, threw them away, dipped a cloth into the tea leaves. Then, immediately or after 1.3.6 minutes, the fabric was taken out, rinsed in cool water and dried, spreading it out on a towel. And then I ironed it and looked what happened.
I also experimented with pure turmeric and added to tea.
The result was drawn up in the following plate:

The scan is the closest to the original. :) Unpainted fabric is highlighted in red.

Remember to stir and move the fabric for an even color. Otherwise, the tea will settle to the bottom (and turmeric too) and stains will appear on the fabric. For samples, I didn't really need it, so my cloths are partially striped. :)