The coolest cakes. Recipes for the most delicious cakes in the world

Easy to prepare, yet incredibly delicious cakes!

1. Snickers cake


Meringue crust:

✓ 4 squirrels

✓ 250 g sugar.

✓ 1 can of condensed milk

✓ 150 g butter

✓ 200 g roasted peanuts.

✓ 100 g butter

✓ 1 cup sugar

✓ 1 glass of sour cream

✓ 1.3 cups flour

✓ 1/2 cup cocoa powder

✓ 1 tsp soda

✓ 1/2 tsp. salt.


Cake: beat 4 egg whites with 250 g of sugar, make one cake with a diameter of 26 cm.

Cream: Beat a jar of boiled condensed milk and 150 g of butter at room temperature.

Nuts: Roasted peanuts, 200 g (or to taste), crush with a rolling pin not very finely.

1. Beat softened butter with sugar until the butter turns white.

2. Continuing to beat, add eggs one at a time. Then add sour cream and beat well too.

3. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, salt, soda and cocoa.

4. Add the dry ingredients to the butter-egg-sour cream mixture and stir until the flour has dissolved but the dough is still lumpy. There is no need to vigorously beat the dough with flour.

5. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Grease a large cake pan with butter and fill the pan 1/3 full with dough. Bake for 30-40 minutes. We check the readiness of the biscuit by piercing the biscuit with a knife or wooden stick. If the dough does not stick to the stick, you can take out the biscuit.

1. If you get a dry sponge cake, soak it in sugar syrup or compote.

2. Cool the biscuit and cut it into two halves lengthwise.

3. Grease the surface with half the cream, sprinkle thickly with nuts.

4. Cover with meringue cake, also grease with cream and sprinkle with nuts.

5. Place sponge cake on top and press down slightly.

6. Pour chocolate icing and sprinkle with nuts.

2. Bounty Cake


✓ margarine - 250 g (room temperature)

✓ sugar - 2/3 cup

✓ flour - 200 g

✓ baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons

✓ eggs - 4 pcs.

✓ milk - 4 tables. spoons

✓ cocoa - 3 table. spoons

✓ vanillin


Beat butter with sugar. Add one egg at a time, beating well each time.

Add the remaining ingredients one by one. Grease the mold and place the dough there.

Bake in a preheated oven (180 C) for 25-40 minutes (until done).

Cool and cut lengthwise into 2 parts.

Coconut filling:

✓ milk - 500 ml

✓ semolina - 6 tables. spoons

✓ drain. butter - 200 g

✓ sugar - 2/3 cup

✓ coconut flakes - 200 g


Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and semolina, put on fire and stirring frequently with a whisk, bring to a boil.

Cook until thickened. Remove from heat.

Add sugar and coconut flakes.

Mix well.

Place the bottom cake in a springform pan. Place the coconut filling on top and press down tightly and smooth out.

Place the second cake layer on top and refrigerate overnight.

Decorate with chocolate glaze.

Bounty cake is ready!

3. Pancho Cake


✓ 2 cups sugar

✓ 1 tsp soda

✓ 4 tbsp. cocoa

✓ 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice

✓ 1 cup walnuts

✓ 700 g sour cream

✓ 250 g flour

✓ 1/2 bar of dark chocolate.


1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a strong foam (10 minutes with a mixer).

2. Then, continuing to beat, add 1 cup of sugar in small portions.

3. Add egg yolks (one at a time).

4. Sift cocoa through a sieve so that there are no lumps, pour into the dough and mix gently.

5. Then add flour and soda, quenched with lemon juice, in several additions.

6. Grease the mold with oil. Divide the dough into two parts. Pour 1 part of the dough into a round pan and place in the oven. Bake at 180°C until done. Do the same with the second part of the dough.

7. Divide the first cake crosswise. Cut the second cake into 2-3 cm cubes.

8. Beat the sour cream for about 10 minutes until it becomes fluffy and airy.

9. Add 1 cup granulated sugar, beat for about 5 minutes.

10. Grease 1 part of the cut cake with sour cream, add crushed walnuts, and do the same with the second part.

11. Dip the cubes in cream and place on the cake. Fold the cake into a mound shape.

12. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and apply the design.

4. Chocolate cheesecake


✓ 400 g cottage cheese (9% fat)+

✓ 3 tablespoons sour cream+

✓ sugar (to taste)+

✓ a little heavy cream (33%).

Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator.

✓ for 2 cakes (I divided each cake into two more, so there are 4 cakes in the photo) you will need

✓ 2 plates. dark chocolate;

✓ pack of drain oil;

✓ Art. Sahara;

✓ 2 p. vanillin;

✓ 4.5 tbsp. heaped flour;

✓ a pinch of salt;

✓ a pinch of soda.


Melt the butter and chocolate over low heat (stirring).

Mix eggs with sugar, salt and soda, add vanilla and flour, mix well.

Add chocolate gradually. Pour half of the contents into a greased mold.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake in it for 15-20 minutes.

To remove the cake from the pan, run a spatula around the edges of the pan, press firmly with a wide flat plate (or wooden board) and invert.

Carefully cut each cake into two parts and let them cool.

for fondant:

✓ Sour cream - 2 tables. spoons

✓ Cocoa powder - 2 tables. spoons

✓ Sugar - 3 tables. spoons

✓ Butter - 1 table. spoon

While the second cake is baking, we need to prepare the fudge.

To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, add sour cream, cocoa and sugar and cook, stirring, until a thick, homogeneous consistency.

After the cakes have cooled, coat each one with cream. The very last one is just fudge.

Decoration - to your taste. I have whipped cream and grated chocolate.

5. “Bird's milk” (no baking)


✓ 400 gr. sour cream

✓ 250 gr. Italian mascarpone cream cheese

✓ 250 ml milk

✓ 150 gr. low-fat cream

✓ 4 tbsp. l. Sahara

✓ 30 gr. gelatin

✓ 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder

✓ 1 cup sugar

✓ strawberry


1. Pour 10 g of gelatin into a glass of cold water for the chocolate layer. Let it brew.

2. Stir 4 tbsp. sugar and 4 tbsp. cocoa powder.

3. When the gelatin swells, add sugar and cocoa to it. Heat until the gelatin dissolves. Pour into prepared pan (greased). Place in the freezer for 20-30 minutes until the mixture hardens.

4. Pour 20 g of gelatin into 1 glass of cold milk.

5. Let the gelatin swell.

6. Beat sour cream, mascarpone, low-fat cream and 1 glass of sugar until thick.

7. Warm up the gelatin swollen in milk and pour it into a container with the milk mass, without turning off the mixer, and beat until completely mixed. Leave for 10 minutes to allow the mixture to cool.

8. Remove the mold with the frozen chocolate layer from the freezer. Pour a white layer on top. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

9. We turn the form over and begin to turn it inside out.

Bon appetit!

Cake. Cake is a confectionery product, usually round or rectangular, with fruit, cream, chocolate, etc. As a rule, it consists of several layers.

Initially, cakes were baked only in round shapes. This was associated with the sun and it was believed that baked goods in this shape were a symbol of fertility. This tradition has been preserved in the preparation of loaves and wedding cakes. Decorating cakes with candles also came to us from our ancestors. According to beliefs, it was believed that blowing out candles is a sacred act: along with the smoke from the candles, our desires are carried into the sky, which are sure to come true.

Today, the variety of cakes is amazing. They can consist of several tiers, be decorated with various figures or made in the form of cartoon characters, cars, dolls, etc.

Cakes can be made from sponge, puff, shortbread or waffle dough. Chocolate, cream, marmalade, fruit, jelly, meringue, etc. are used as decorations.

As a rule, cakes are baked to mark some special event. Depending on this, they are decorated accordingly.

All cakes are conventionally divided into three categories:
*real cakes. They are baked whole. These usually include pies, Easter cakes, Easter cakes;
* Italian type cakes. They are also called Neapolitan cakes. The basis of such cakes is a dough crust. There is a filling on it - fruit, cream, etc.;
* prefabricated cakes. This is the most common group of cakes. The dough cakes are baked separately and then laid out in layers, which are soaked and coated with cream.

Depending on the type of dough from which the cake is made, there are also several types:
* French. They are usually prepared from puff pastry or biscuit dough. The puff pastries are baked and then coated with cream and stacked on top of each other. The sponge cake is baked as one large cake, and then carefully cut lengthwise into several cake layers, which are necessarily soaked in some kind of syrup.
* Viennese. These cakes are based on yeast cakes, which are soaked in milk-chocolate or milk-coffee cream.
* waffle. Waffle cakes are most often soaked in boiled condensed milk. Such cakes are stored for a very long time and are easily transported, but the taste is very monotonous.
* sand. As a rule, they are coated with marmalade or fruit and berry filling. These cakes are the cheapest. They are not recommended for people who are prone to obesity.
* "liquid". This type of cake is common in the UK. The base is a biscuit. Method of preparation: place a sponge cake in a deep bowl. Pieces of biscuit of various shapes and sizes are placed on it in a chaotic manner, leaving large gaps between them. This whole mass is filled with cognac syrup, and then with liquid marmalade or butter-egg cream. You can add nuts, raisins, candied fruits. After this, the cake is placed in the cold for a day.
* curd. From the name it is clear that the main component in the dough is cottage cheese.

You can decorate cakes with cream, icing or various decorative elements made of chocolate, marmalade, etc.

1. Cake "Vanka curly"


Kefir – 200 grams

Eggs - 3 pieces

Sugar - 1 glass

Soda - 1 teaspoon

Vanillin - to taste

Flour - 6 tbsp. spoons

Cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons

Sour cream - 200 grams (cream)

Sugar - 1 cup (cream)

Milk - 100 grams (glaze)

Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons (glaze)

Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons (glaze)

Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon (glaze)


Grind eggs with sugar and vanilla in a bowl. Pour in kefir, add flour and soda slaked with vinegar. To stir thoroughly.

Divide the dough into 2 parts.

Add cocoa to one part. Place the dough in the molds and bake 2 cake layers in a preheated oven.

Cut the white cake into cubes.

Dip each cube into sour cream.

To prepare the cream, beat sour cream and sugar with a mixer. Spread the chocolate cake with sour cream and place a pile of white cake cubes on it.

To make the glaze, pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Add sugar, cocoa and cook for 4 minutes.

Add butter and cook for 3 minutes.

Pour the prepared glaze over the cake.

Instead of frosting, you can sprinkle the cake with grated chocolate.

2. Cake “Bird's milk”


Egg - 4 pcs.

Sugar - 1 glass

Flour - 1 cup

Vanilla sugar 1 tsp.

Oil for lubrication

For cream:

Milk - 1 glass

Butter 300 g

Egg - 10 pcs.

Sugar - 2 cups

Gelatin granules - 40 g

Potato starch - 1 tbsp.

Vanilla sugar 3 tsp.

For the glaze:

Dark chocolate (60% cocoa) - 150-200 g

Butter - 50 g


For the dough, beat eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar until white, add sifted flour and beat until smooth.

Grease a deep baking tray generously, sprinkle with flour and pour about 1 cm of dough into it. Level the top with a knife and bake in an oven preheated to 180°C until golden brown, 7-10 minutes. The cake is ready when a toothpick comes out clean. Cool the finished biscuit and cut it horizontally into 2 halves.

For the cream, separate the whites from the yolks. Dissolve starch in 1 tbsp. l. water. In a deep heat-resistant bowl, grind the yolks with 1 cup of sugar and vanilla sugar, pour in the milk, stir, add starch, beat until smooth, place the bowl in a water bath over a saucepan of boiling water and cook until thick. Cool, add softened butter and beat with a mixer until fluffy.

Pour gelatin into 150 ml of water for 20 minutes, then heat in a water bath or low heat, stirring until dissolved; strain. Beat the egg whites with 1 cup of sugar. Quickly pour gelatin into the whipped whites in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Add the prepared cream and mix thoroughly.

Place one half of the sponge cake in a deep pan, fill with cream, cover with the second cake and leave to harden for 4-5 hours in the refrigerator.

To make the glaze, melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath or in the microwave, remove the frozen cake from the mold and pour it over the top and sides. Let set in the refrigerator for 1 hour and serve.

3. Cake "Tenderness"

Prepare the cake: 200 flour, 40 g cocoa, 2 eggs, 100 sugar, 160 milk, 2 tsp baking powder, 80 rast. oils

Knead the thin dough, pour it into a round pan and bake at 180 degrees until done.

While our cake is being prepared, prepare the curd soufflé: pour 10g of gelatin into 1 tbsp. milk (leave for 30 minutes), then put on fire and heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved (do not boil).

Beat 300 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of sugar in a blender and add our mixture with gelatin there, beat everything well.

We take out our cake, cool it, take out the core (so that the sides and bottom remain. We put bananas on the bottom of our cake (I have 4 pieces), and then fill it with the curd mixture, crumble the rest of our cake on top and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

4. Sour cream cake

For light dough:

Sour cream - 200 g;

Margarine - 100 g;

Soda - 1/2 teaspoon;

Sugar - 1/2 cup;

Flour - 2-2.5 glasses.

For the chocolate dough:

Sour cream - 200 g;

Margarine - 100 g;

Soda - 1/2 teaspoon;

Sugar - 1/2 cup;

Flour - 2-2.5 glasses;

Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.

For cream and glaze:

Fat sour cream - 400 g;

Sugar - 150 g;

Poppy - 25 g.

To prepare light and chocolate dough, combine the ingredients: sour cream, softened margarine, flour, sugar, soda (you don’t have to quench it) and cocoa in two different bowls.

Knead the fluffy dough and divide each into 2 parts, you will end up with 2 light parts and 2 chocolate parts.

Roll each piece of dough into a circle approximately 25 cm in diameter and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 10-12 minutes (time depends on the properties of the oven).

The baked cakes can be trimmed to the same size (for example, along the lid or on the plate, etc.), but I did not do this for my homemade version...

For cream and glaze, beat sour cream with sugar, add poppy seeds and beat again.

Assemble the cake by coating the layers with sour cream.

Bring the rest of the sour cream to a boil, cook while stirring over low heat - this is the glaze, which you carefully pour over the top surface of the sour cream cake.

After 3-4 hours (or overnight) of soaking in the refrigerator, the sour cream cake with sour cream is ready.

5. Chocolate cake

For the biscuit:

350 g condensed milk,

125 g wheat flour,

25 g cocoa,

1 tsp. soda

For cream:

500 ml milk,

150 g sugar,

70 g flour,

25 g cocoa.

For the glaze:

150 g chocolate,

75 ml cream 35% fat.


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy and light, add condensed milk and soda, mix.

Add flour and cocoa and mix (do not beat).

Pour the dough into a greased medium baking pan and bake for 25 minutes.

Beat the egg, mix with milk and flour.

Place on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Add cocoa and mix well. Let cool.

Cut the cooled sponge cake into three layers.

Coat the cakes with cream, assemble the cake and put it in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.

Melt the chocolate in the cream over low heat and immediately pour it over the chocolate.

Let the glaze harden.

6. Banana Delight Cake


1 tbsp flour

1 tbsp sugar

1/4 tsp vanilla

200 gr. not dry cottage cheese (I have low-fat)

200 gr. sour cream

4 bananas

4-5 tbsp sugar

Jam (optional)


We are preparing a biscuit. First, sift the flour, preferably 2 times. We separate the beams from the yolks. Pour the yolks into a separate bowl, and the whites into a large container. Beat the whites, gradually, without ceasing to beat, add sugar to them, one spoon at a time, add vanillin. By the time the sugar runs out, the protein mass should become white and quite thick. Next, we begin to add the yolks, again one spoon at a time, without ceasing to beat. When all this is done, put the mixer aside and start flouring. Add flour to the resulting mass gradually, while stirring with a spoon from bottom to top. Then quickly pour the resulting dough into a greased pan and place in a preheated oven. Bake for ~25 minutes. at 190-200 degrees. When the sponge cake is being prepared, do not look into the oven! When the specified time has passed, turn off the oven and take out the biscuit for another 5 minutes, again without looking.

The recipe must be strictly followed. Of course, you can prepare a sponge cake using baking powder (I did this before), but when I tried this recipe, I realized that a classic sponge cake is many times tastier than the one prepared with baking powder.

While the biscuit is baking, start filling. Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork, add 150g. sour cream + 3-4 tbsp. sour cream, half a banana, beat. Cut bananas into slices.

Divide the biscuit into 3 parts. Pour jam over each cake (you can do without it), add curd filling, and place bananas on top.

Decorate the cake at your discretion. You can beat 50g. sour cream with 1 tbsp. sugar, brush the top and edges with this. Place bananas on the cake, sprinkle grated chocolate on top and sides.

7. Sponge cake with curd layer and jelly


1 cup of sugar

1 cup flour

1 pack of jelly

1 pack of gelatin

400 gr. sweet curd

200 ml cream 10-15%

Fruits - tangerines, grapes, lemon, carambola, kiwi...


Bake a sponge cake according to my recipe. Now prepare the creamy mixture - mix the curd with cream. Dilute a pack of gelatin in a glass of hot water and, without letting it think for a long time, just cool it and pour it into the curd mass.

Now let it “think” a little - when the mass begins to thicken, put it on a sponge cake and quickly put it in the refrigerator, let it thicken completely. Now place the prepared fruits on the bird's milk and pour a glass of colored jelly. When it hardens, the cake is ready!

8. Creamy curd pancake cake with cherry jam

For pancakes:

375 ml milk

200 g wheat flour

40 g sugar

25 ml vegetable oil

For filling:

300 g cottage cheese

300 ml cream 35%

35 g powdered sugar

200 g cherry jam

100 ml water

1 tsp. starch

30 g sugar

¼ tsp. cinnamon

30 g almonds


1. Prepare pancakes (you should get 9-10 pieces, you will need 9).

2. Trim the edges of a plate with a diameter smaller than the pancakes by 1-2 cm. Whip the cream with powder into a cream and mix with cottage cheese.

3. Assemble the cake: grease 3 pancakes with cream, 1 with jam, then again grease 3 with cream, 1 with jam and the rest with cream. Also grease the sides with cream. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

4. Pour boiling water over almonds and leave for 5 minutes. Peel and lightly grind in a blender.

It’s so good that today there is a huge selection of different delicacies, ranging from simple cookies to exquisite cakes, but I am of the opinion that one homemade cake is better than two store-bought ones. Therefore, I invite you today to get acquainted with the best and fastest cake recipes that will not leave anyone indifferent. You won't even believe how easy it is to create these masterpieces with your own hands. Take out your kitchen devices and cook deliciously with “Very Tasty”.

So, the best selection of cakes for any celebration!

Cake “Cherry under the snow”

This dessert is not only tasty, but also beautiful; it will effectively complement your holiday. Be sure to take note.


  • butter - 1 pack;
  • wheat flour - 0.5 kilograms;
  • sour cream - 1000 grams;
  • sugar - 1/2 kilogram;
  • soda - 5 grams;
  • salt - 5 grams;
  • pickled cherries - to taste.

Cake “Cherry under the snow”. Step by step recipe

  1. First marinate the cherries in cognac.
  2. Baking powder must first be poured into sour cream (200 grams).
  3. Pour a glass of sugar into the butter, pour in sour cream and beat with a mixer.
  4. Next, knead the dough, adding sifted wheat flour.
  5. Now divide the dough into 12-15 parts and put it in a cold place for three hours. Wrap our parts of the dough with stretch film (food film).
  6. When the time is up, roll out each piece into a long rectangle and place a cherry in the center in a strip from the beginning of the rectangle to the end, sprinkle with sugar, and cover with a pipe.
  7. The rectangles must be the same length.
  8. Place the baking sheet with the tubes in a preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes at 190 degrees.
  9. Take out and prepare the cream.
  10. Beat sour cream (800 grams) with sugar.
  11. Place 5 tubes on a dish, this is the bottom tier. Lubricate with cream, then 4, then 3, 4 and the top is 1 tube.
  12. Cover everything with cream.

Bon appetit!

Are you already hearing rave reviews from your guests? No? Then prepare the “Cherry in the Snow” cake, delight and attention are guaranteed! This recipe will go on the list of your regular dishes on the table.

Cake “Unusual hut”

Today I invite you to upgrade your old recipe and bake a delicious dessert in a completely new way.


For pancakes:

  • milk - one glass;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 70 grams;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • flour;
  • sugar - 80 grams.

For filling:

  • strawberries - 1000 grams (to taste);
  • dark or milk chocolate - one bar.

For cream:

  • sour cream 30% - 500 grams;
  • vanilla - 1 sachet;
  • sugar - 1 glass.

Cake “Unusual hut”. Step by step recipe

  1. Beat eggs with salt, add hot water (0.5 cup) to this mixture.
  2. Then you need to add one glass of milk, which is just from the refrigerator, then you need to add sugar and vegetable oil. Gradually add flour.
  3. Bake pancakes in a frying pan. There should be about 15 of them. Or you can take your favorite thin pancake recipe.
  4. Beat the sour cream and sugar with a mixer at highest speed. This will be our cream.
  5. Place strawberries in each pancake, sprinkle with sugar, and roll up.
  6. Line up our tubes in a house, 5 pancakes at the bottom, then 4, then 3, 2 and 1 pancake on top.
  7. Decorate with chocolate and cream, you can use it from a spray can, or you can whip it yourself!

Bon appetit!

Prepare this unusual dessert and you and your guests will be pleased. The juiciest cake made from pancakes and strawberries “Unusual Hut” is an ideal delicacy that will become a highlight on every table. Be creative when cooking, surprise with unusual desserts, replace the filling with the one you like best, be sure to try it with cherries.

Incredibly delicious cake “Royal Taste”

This cake combines different flavors, which is what makes it special!


For one cake:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream 30% - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • starch - 1 teaspoon;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • addition to the crust - to taste.

For cream for 4 layers:

  • sour cream - 1 kilogram;
  • powdered sugar - 250 grams;
  • vanilla - 1/3 sachet.

Cake "Royal Taste". Step by step recipe

  1. You can bake as many cakes as you like - from two to five, if you really want to surprise your guests.
  2. I used the following additions to the crust: peanuts (any nuts can be used), raisins, cocoa and coconut flakes.
  3. Knead the dough: beat eggs with sugar, pour in sour cream, add flour, baking powder, starch, our first addition for the crust and a pinch of salt.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees in a parchment-lined pan. Remove while hot.
  5. Repeat the same steps with each cake.
  6. Assemble the cake and grease it with cream. Decorate with chocolate.

Bon appetit!

Prepare a real masterpiece with a good mood and love! The cake consists of 4 delicious cake layers, and the highlight is that each cake layer has different additives.

Sour cream cake “Truffle”

I really love chocolate and its derivatives, so I’m sharing a recipe for a gorgeous all-chocolate “Truffle” cake. Soft, tender, chocolatey, soaked - that's all about the “Truffle Cake”, which simply melts in your mouth. The hands reach out for the second piece on their own.


  • flour - 375 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • sour cream - 250 milliliters;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • vinegar - 15 grams;
  • cocoa - 100 grams.

For cream:

  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • cocoa - 100 grams.

Sour cream cake “Truffle”. Step by step recipe

  1. Mix the egg and sugar, it is better to beat with a mixer, pour in sour cream, add soda, quench with vinegar, flour, and cocoa powder. This will be our dough.
  2. Place the mixture in a special baking dish, sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
  3. Bake at 190 degrees for 45 minutes.
  4. Cut the cake into two parts.
  5. Cream: butter plus one can of condensed milk - beat, add one hundred grams of cocoa, mix.
  6. Spread each layer of cake with cream.
  7. To make the dessert more saturated, leave it in a cold place for 12 hours!

Bon appetit!

This cake is easy to prepare, but amazing in its taste. Simply chocolate delight. Plunge into the world of beauty with “Truffle” sour cream cake.

Unusual cake “Volcano”

Take note, because this dessert is prepared instantly. The presentation will amaze everyone!


For the test:

  • egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • nuts - 100 grams.

For cream:

  • sour cream 25% - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • chocolate - 100 grams.

Cake "Volcano". Step by step recipe

  1. First, mix the butter and sugar well, or even better, beat it with a mixer, add eggs, soda, slaked with vinegar to the same mixture and continue whisking. Then flour, and knead the dough, it should not turn out tight.
  2. Divide our kneaded dough into circles. Place the nuts in the middle and make balls so that the nuts remain in the middle. You can make more or fewer balls, as you like.
  3. Do this with all the dough.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 30 minutes.
  5. For the cream, beat the sour cream and sugar with a mixer.
  6. After cooling, spread the circles with cream on all sides and place them like a “volcano”.
  7. Decorate the top with boiled glaze.
  8. Leave for soaking.

Bon appetit!

This is such an interesting and delicious cake. You haven't tried this before. The cake consists of balls with a surprise inside, absolutely everyone will like it.

Cake "Milchmädchen"

This cake came to us from Germany, they loved this delicacy very much, and every family considers it a tradition to prepare this cake for every holiday. Try it, and you will be delighted with the ease and ease of cooking and the impeccable taste!


  • condensed milk - 360 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • baking powder or soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • cream 35% - 400 milliliters;
  • sugar - 250 grams;

Cake "Milchmädchen". Step by step recipe

  1. First, mix the condensed milk with the eggs with a whisk, then add the flour. This will be our dough.
  2. Set the dough aside for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, pour two full spoons of dough into a mold lined with parchment and level it out.
  3. Bake 6 cakes in total.
  4. Bake the cakes at 190 degrees for 5-8 minutes.
  5. Let's prepare the cream for our cake: beat the cream with sugar at maximum mixer speed, beat until thick.
  6. Spread the cakes with cream.
  7. Leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

This dessert is something incredible, it is impossible to describe this divine taste. See for yourself that this is the perfect treat for your family! Cook delicious food together with “I love to cook.”

Chocolate cake “Kefir”

The simplest cake that is accessible to everyone! It will surprise you with its taste, so feel free to start cooking! I have already been convinced of this many times!


  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 40 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 50 grams;
  • soda;
  • flour - 500 grams.

Ingredients for cream:

  • sour cream - 1 packet;
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • butter - 100 grams.

Chocolate cake "Kefir". Step by step recipe

  1. Beat the eggs, adding refined sunflower oil and kefir.
  2. Next, take another bowl and mix wheat flour, sugar, soda and cocoa powder. Add the egg mixture and stir.
  3. Pour into a special baking dish, sprinkled with breadcrumbs or simply greased with butter. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
  4. After cooling, remove from the mold and cut into 2-3 layers.
  5. For the cream, take softened butter, sour cream, sugar, and beat. The cream is ready.
  6. Spread the cakes.

A dessert that does not require much effort is the Kefir cake. Prepare and rejoice! Can you imagine the delight of your family when you make a cake with your own hands that is better than a factory-made one?

With such super recipes for homemade cakes from “I Love to Cook”, forget about going to the stores for ready-made products. Cook at home and delight your loved ones with homemade, delicious baked goods. And remember the main principle of making delicious cakes: if you approach cooking in a good mood, then the result will be unsurpassed! If you liked my selection of recipes, write comments. And be sure to try it too.

“Very tasty” wishes you a bon appetit!

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Recipes for original cakes

Cake "Spartak"

Cake "Spartak" is a chocolate and honey cake. It consists of cakes and cream. The cakes are soaked in buttercream and become juicy and tender. Decorate the cake with condensed milk honeycombs and bees.

Great Wall of Chocolate Cake

The Great Wall of Chocolate cake is a very original and unusual cake, which is now wildly popular in America. You've definitely never tried anything like this before!

Cake "Three Milks"

Three milk cake (Tres Leches) is one of the most popular cakes among French housewives. The cake is quite simple, so it’s perfect for making at home.

SpongeBob Cake

SpongeBob is a worldwide popular cartoon character adored by children. I recommend making a cake that will delight any child. The SpongeBob Cake recipe is not easy, but it's worth it!

Cake "Leningradsky"

Cake "Leningradsky" is a cake that was no less popular in the Soviet era than the famous Kiev one. I’m telling you how to make a “Leningradsky” cake - the kind that was sold in the Soviet Union.

Zebra" cake"

Every housewife probably prepared Zebra cake at the beginning of her culinary career. It’s not difficult to prepare, but it turns out festive and beautiful.

Snickers cake

A recipe for making a sponge cake with nuts and cream, which in consistency and taste is very similar to a Snickers chocolate bar. Hence the name - Snickers cake.

Brownie cake

The Brownie cake migrated to us from overseas - initially it was very popular in America, but today it is well known here too. I'm telling you how to make a brownie cake.

Cake "Temptation of Adam"

The “Temptation of Adam” cake is a truly delicious temptation that is not easy to resist. Making the “Temptation of Adam” cake is not very easy, but believe me, it’s worth it.

Cake "Enchantress"

The familiar store-bought “Enchantress” cake can easily be prepared at home. Sponge dough, custard and chocolate icing are the main components of this delicious cake.

Honey cake"

The well-known “Honey Cake” cake is a pleasure that even people who are indifferent to sweets cannot refuse. I'm telling you how to make a Honey cake at home.

Cake "Lady fingers"

Lady fingers cake is a delicate cake with a deep chocolate and creamy taste. The cake got its name from the elongated cookies that are part of it and look like an elegant lady’s finger.

Cake "Raffaello"

A light and delicious cake with cream and coconut flakes, reminiscent of the taste of famous candies. The Raffaello cake is perfect for a festive table or a romantic dinner.

Cake "Prague"

The recipe for making a festive Prague cake is for your attention. “Prague” cake has been the most desired cake in our family for many years, so we learned how to cook it at home.

Minecraft cake is a cake based on the popular computer game. A delicious gift for a gamer or a child who is interested in this game. I'm telling you how to make a Minecraft cake at home!

Cake "Milk Girl"

Already by the name you can guess that the “Milk Girl” cake is a very light, airy milk cake. By the way, otherwise it is also called a cake for lovers. I am sharing the cake recipe.

Cake "Strawberry"

Cake "Strawberry" is a delicious sponge layer cake with strawberries. You'll have to work hard to prepare it, but it's worth it. I'm telling you how to make Strawberry cake at home.

Caprese cake is a cake that Gorky, Tchaikovsky, Lenin and Stanislavsky probably ate. A traditional cake from the Italian island of Capri, which the dessert table there cannot do without.

"Honey cake

Honey cake (or Medovik) is very popular in Russia. Both adults and children adore him. This cake is usually baked for holidays. Despite the fact that everyone knows honey cake and eats it often, we still want it.

Black Forest Cake

Do you want to make a lasting impression on your guests? Make a Black Forest Cake! Guests will be pleasantly surprised not only by the extraordinary taste of the cake, but also by its beauty! Let's cook!

Cake "Count's Ruins"

The recipe for making the “Count's Ruins” cake is to help anyone who has decided to bake some spectacular cake for the holiday table. It will be much easier to prepare it with step-by-step photographs;)

Cake "Anthill"

Recipe for a delicious birthday cake "Anthill". The taste of this cake is probably familiar to everyone from childhood. It’s not difficult to prepare “Anthill” at home - the recipe will help you with this.

Hungarian Dobos cake

Hungarian Dobos cake is an incredibly delicious layer cake covered with delicate chocolate glaze. It's quite simple to prepare. It's much harder to stop once you try :)

Cake "Izba" with cherries

This is not only one of the most delicious, but also beautiful cakes! Its unusual appearance and stunning cherry aroma will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent. So, a simple recipe for Izba cake with cherries.

Barbie cake

If you think that only a professional pastry chef can make a Barbie cake, then you are mistaken. Anyone who has patience and the necessary ingredients can prepare it.

Napoleon cake"

A simple recipe for making the festive and beloved Napoleon cake. This cake will decorate any holiday table and will delight both children and adults. And Napoleon absolutely delights those with a sweet tooth!

Truffle Cake

“Truffle” cake is a unique delicacy that every lover of sweets (especially chocolate) will be happy with. This cake will undoubtedly decorate your holiday table!

Cake "Romance"

Here is a recipe for chocolate-cherry cake with cognac. This cake is perfect for Valentine's Day. Chocolate cake with cherries is a classic. That’s why I recommend a red dress to go with it!

Cake "Negro in foam"

Cake "Negro in foam" is both delicious and fast! It will help you out when guests are about to arrive, but there is absolutely no time to prepare something extraordinary. I advise you to take note of the recipe!

Mini cake "Esterházy"

The Esterhazy cake came to us from the former Austria-Hungary. Today it is very common in Germany. I’m telling you the recipe for the “Esterhazy” cake, which will turn out simply magical!

Cake "Bear"

Of course, you can buy a beautiful cake in a store for your child’s birthday. But cooked with your own hands, it will delight your child even more.

Cake "Sheep"

This is a very interesting cake for children's birthdays. Your little one will be surprised to see such a wonderful cake.

Cake "Smetannik"

The Smetannik cake is very easy to prepare. It is tender, tasty, refined. This is a wonderful end to a holiday or an ordinary evening, which, after a piece of such a cake, will definitely become festive.

Cake "Natasha"

I bring to your attention a classic, quite simple and delicious Natasha cake. Both adults and children simply adore it, and it can be different every time.

Cake "Three Chocolates"

Delight your loved ones with a delicious cake made from layers of milk, white and dark chocolate, cream liqueur and whipped cream, which tastes like soft and airy ice cream!

Cake "Snake"

Do you want to surprise your guests and please your children? Then I bring to your attention a simple recipe for “Snake” cake, because it is distinguished not only by its great taste, but also by its festive appearance.

Cake "General"

If you haven't tried the General cake yet, be sure to hurry to the kitchen. This combination of an appetizing and soft cake with the most delicate cream will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cake "Anechka"

I bring to your attention a very simple but incredibly delicious cake “Anechka”. Crispy cakes with the most delicate sour cream and nuts - this delicacy will appeal to both adults and children.

Cake "To my beloved mother"

Delicious, rich cream cake “To My Beloved Mommy” is easy to make. Sponge cakes and thick cream.

Cake "Monastery Hut"

The “Monastery Hut” cake with cranberries is being prepared. The preparation is simple, the cream is amazing! Let's bake together.

Spiderman Cake

The Spider-Man cake is a real decoration for a children's party! The child will be no less happy about this dessert than about the gifts, because the cake not only looks impressive, but is also delicious to eat! Let's cook!

Cake "Luntik"

“Luntik” is an excellent cake for a festive table in honor of your child’s birthday! The cake looks very interesting and colorful, which will undoubtedly delight children.

Cake "For Lovers"

The “For Lovers” cake takes about four hours to prepare. It needs to sit in the refrigerator. So start preparing it in advance. I will tell you the recipe for sponge cake and frosting for the cake.

Quick Napoleon cake

Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for the classic execution of this masterpiece. The taste will not be affected :) So, let's whip up the Napoleon cake!

Cake "Food of the Gods"

From the name you might have already guessed how delicious this cake is! You can’t call it light or low-calorie, but the words “yummy” and “delicious” are perfect to describe it! Let's cook!

Halloween Vampire Cake

I don't really like Halloween baked goods that look like skulls, severed fingers, etc. Chocolate figurines of bats and red cream on a sponge cake look much more edible.

Cake "Oriental Beauty"

A very tasty and easy-to-prepare “Oriental Beauty” cake is prepared with a little surprise - dates. They are like a beauty under a burqa, hidden at the bottom of the cake. Give it a try.

Cake "For my beloved wife"

Cake "To my beloved grandmother"

I made this unusual cake for the first time for my grandmother's birthday. To pleasantly surprise her. I managed! Colored cake “To my beloved grandmother” with almond paste - very tasty!

Cookie cake "Fish"

Fish Cookie Cake is the easiest to make and most economical cake I know. The recipe for “Fish” cookie cake is so simple that even a child can figure it out.

Cake "For my beloved girl"

My husband came up with a delicious and very unusual cake “For my beloved girl” for my birthday. With pineapples, pistachios and cherries.

Cake "Ferrero Rocher"

I saw the recipe for Ferrero Rocher cake on a cooking show. I really liked it. It’s not difficult at all, and the cake and cream are easy to prepare. Decorated with Ferrero Rocher candies. Give it a try.

Rainbow Cake

Rainbow cake is shock, delight and fun! Imagine, I’m running to a friend’s house, and her children are eating paints smeared on a plate. But they calmed me down and gave me a whole piece of colored cake. Here is the prescription!

Cake "Pancho"

Here is a recipe for making the original Pancho birthday cake at home. The cake is festive and will look good on a birthday table.

Cake pigeon's milk"

We all love Bird's Milk cake. Did you know that this cake is a Soviet invention? This cake was first prepared in 1980 at the Prague Hotel in Moscow.

Cake "Golden Key"

Your children will love the Golden Key cake! It is prepared with boiled condensed milk and whipped cream. I'm sharing the recipe.

Sushi cake "Starfish"

Dedicated to all sushi lovers. Similar in taste, but much more original in presentation, the Starfish sushi cake will surely delight you. Yes, sushi can be served as a cake! :)

Cake "For Valentine's Day"

Chocolate cake "For Valentine's Day" with strawberries in the shape of a heart. Simple recipe. Give it a try.

Tiramisu cake

Tiramisu cake is a famous Italian dessert. It’s easy to prepare and doesn’t require baking; it infuses in the refrigerator. I usually prepare it the evening before the next day. This cake is fresh and bright.

Cake "Hedgehog"

If you want to surprise your child with a homemade treat, then I bring to your attention the “Hedgehog” cake. This recipe only seems complicated at first glance, but the main thing is just not to be afraid to take action and everything will work out.

Cake "Soccer Ball"

Is your child interested in football? Then make him a “Soccer Ball” cake for his birthday! The child will be delighted with such a dessert, because the cake not only looks great - it is also very tasty!

Cake "Black Prince"

Here is a simple step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cake with cream. Each step is illustrated with photographs. This cake is suitable for any occasion. The Black Prince cake is delicious.

Cake "Mashenka"

A simple recipe for a cake with condensed milk cream, which can even be prepared for dinner.

Cake "Vanka curly"

Recipe for making a cake with sour cream and chocolate glaze.

Cake "Drunk Cherry"

The “Drunk Cherry” cake is gorgeous, wonderful, topped with juicy cherries. A piece of this cake with a cup of coffee guarantees unforgettable pleasure. Chocolate, cherries, delicate cream and rum - a great combination!