The most interesting salads for the New Year. Snacks for the New Year - 12 simple and delicious recipes

Bright, fresh and unexpected ideas and solutions - this is what you and your dear guests will love and will definitely like! What is important: we did not use exotic, expensive or problematic ingredients and chose those salads that you can prepare quickly and easily.

Beet Christmas trees

A light snack and an original decoration for the New Year's table. Beetroot trees will take their rightful place next to rolls, rolls, canapés and sandwiches. Filling with delicate cheese with an unusual lemon tint and the healthiest avocado - in a word, a win-win option. And, mind you, no mayonnaise!


What do you need:
(for 6 servings)

6 small beets
150 g soft cheese
1 tsp lemon zest
2 cloves garlic
1 avocado
1 tsp thick sour cream
1 tsp lemon juice
salt, freshly ground pepper - to taste
greens - for decoration

6 wooden skewers

How to prepare beet Christmas trees:

Rice salad with liver

This recipe is for those who absolutely cannot imagine their holiday feast without all kinds of puff salads with mayonnaise. But this is the New Year, which means that any wishes should be fulfilled immediately!

If you cook with mayonnaise, then only with homemade mayonnaise. And serving the salad in portions will prevent you from eating too much.


What do you need:
(for 5-6 servings)

1 tbsp. steamed rice
500 g beef liver (for a more delicate taste, beef liver can be replaced with veal or chicken)
4 boiled eggs
200 g hard cheese
200 g canned corn
flour - for breading
vegetable oil - for frying

Homemade mayonnaise:
3 yolks
150 ml vegetable oil
30 ml lemon juice (1/4 lemon)
1 tsp Russian mustard
1 tsp Sahara
a pinch of salt

How to prepare rice salad with liver:

    1. There are several secrets in cooking liver that will help make it soft and juicy.

    Always choose fresh liver, not frozen.
    Pour boiling water over the liver and immediately immerse it in cold water. Remove the outer film with a knife and soak in milk for 1 hour. Cut the liver into pieces 1 cm thick, do not add salt, roll in flour.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add pieces of liver, fry for about 30 seconds and turn over. Then fry the liver again for about 1.5–2 minutes on each side.

    It is important that the oil is hot. In this case, a crust immediately forms on the liver, which retains all the juice inside. Cook the liver over medium heat until the juice becomes clear when pierced.

    Place the finished liver on a paper towel and blot with a napkin to absorb excess oil.

    Grate the cooled liver on a fine grater.

    At the same time as preparing the liver, boil the rice until tender and rinse in cold water.

    Drain liquid from corn.

    Divide the eggs into white and yolk, grate separately on a fine grater.

    Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

    For mayonnaise, place the yolks in a bowl, add salt, sugar and mustard. Whisk vigorously for 1 minute.

    Add lemon juice to the beaten yolks and beat lightly.

    Continuing to beat the egg-lemon mixture, add vegetable oil in a thin stream and beat the mixture to the consistency you need.

    In traditional homemade mayonnaise, lemon juice is usually added at the end of cooking, resulting in a thicker, smoother texture. If you first introduce the juice, the mayonnaise turns out fluffy and airy. It is especially good to keep this sauce in the cold for at least 1-2 hours.

    Layer the salad: beef liver, rice, corn, cheese, egg white and yolk. Lightly coat the liver, rice and cheese with mayonnaise.

    Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and garnish with herbs before serving.

Salad “Shrimp on a snow bed”

If you think that you can give up on your figure during the New Year holidays, and are already mentally preparing to go on a diet after the winter holidays, then this salad with shrimp is exactly what will save you from the need for hungry fasting days. It contains such a powerful dose of protein that, even combining a salad with sauce, you can safely indulge in a portion of gastronomic pleasure without thinking about the consequences.

A dream salad from the “what to eat to lose weight” series.


What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
200 g hard cheese
4 boiled eggs
400 g shrimp
1 pot lettuce

7 quail eggs
150 ml vegetable oil
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp Sahara
a pinch of salt
juice of 1 lime
cilantro and dill - to taste
freshly ground pepper
lime zest

How to prepare the “Shrimp on a snow bed” salad:

Warm salad with chicken

How do you like the idea of ​​serving a hot salad? Yes, yes, a hearty salad with the usual potatoes and chicken, but combined with fresh herbs and a light, low-calorie sauce. And the most important thing for the housewife on New Year's Eve: in order not to stand at the stove when everyone is having fun, the food can be prepared in advance, all that remains is to heat up the salad in a couple of minutes!

By the way, men really like warm chicken salad; they won’t even notice the absence of harmful and fatty mayonnaise.


What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
400 g chicken breast fillet
1 onion
4 boiled potatoes in their jackets
2 green apples
2-3 cloves of garlic
lettuce mixture
vegetable oil - for frying
salt - to taste

300 g thick natural yogurt
1 bunch of cilantro
1 bunch of dill
2 tsp honey
2 tbsp. lemon juice
salt - to taste
freshly ground pepper mixture - to taste

For this dish, it is better to use deep plates so that the salad retains heat longer. Before serving the salad, plates can be warmed slightly in the microwave.

How to make warm chicken salad:

New Year's spicy salad with a twist

An appetizer salad or even a dessert salad - this dish is radically different from many usual salads. Savory blue cheese combines incredibly with roasted caramelized walnuts, subtle notes of pear and balsamic. Gourmets, your choice!


What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
2 packages fresh spinach (can be replaced with any leaf lettuce or salad mix)
150 g blue cheese (we used the most affordable inexpensive option)
2 pears
1 tbsp. walnuts
2 tbsp. honey
0.5 tsp vegetable oil

200 g natural yoghurt
3 tsp grain mustard
1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

For this snack, it is better to choose pears that are fairly firm, but ripe and moderately sweet.

But nuts in caramel should not be replaced with raw chopped ones, since they are the second most important component after blue cheese.

How to prepare a spicy New Year's salad with a twist:

Happy holidays, peace, goodness and prosperity to you!

New Year celebrations in our country are always celebrated on a grand scale. It just so happened that on this day the tables are simply bursting with all sorts of treats and goodies. The festivities continue until the morning, so there should be enough treats for the entire holiday. As a rule, the New Year's table differs from the usual holiday table in a wider variety of dishes, various snacks, as well as decoration of the table itself. In this article we will tell you about all the features of the festive New Year's table, and also provide some amazing recipes for salads, appetizers and hot dishes for your New Year's table.

New Year's table - features

New Year is a special holiday. And we also celebrate it in a special way: the house is decorated, each family member puts on a beautiful outfit, and of course, a festive table is served. The New Year's banquet usually consists of many different dishes. This must include:

  • slicing;
  • snacks;
  • salads;
  • meat and fish hot dishes;
  • Dessert;
  • beverages.

The housewife decides what dish to prepare for the New Year.

Depending on the symbol of the New Year, this or that dish may be present in abundance on the table, or, on the contrary, absent altogether.

For example, in the Year of the Pig, many people exclude pork from the New Year's menu so as not to offend the symbol of the year. However, not everyone does this. It all depends on whether people believe in omens or not.

It is important that the New Year's menu is not only tasty, but also balanced. Therefore, when you have heavy meat dishes, always pair it with sliced ​​fresh vegetables.

Don't forget about table setting! On New Year's Eve everything should be beautiful and festive. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help decorate the table. You can install beautiful candlesticks, be sure to add napkins and don’t forget about an elegant tablecloth.

Well, now let's move directly to the New Year's menu. Next, we will present the most delicious recipes for New Year's appetizers, salads and hot dishes. All of these dishes are very easy to prepare. And they taste simply incredible!

New Year's snacks

Snacks on the New Year's table must be present. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the feast, as a rule, lasts quite a long time (sometimes until the morning), and guests periodically sit down at the table. Secondly, there are alcoholic drinks on the New Year's table, which should also be accompanied by snacks. In this article, we have collected three of the most prominent representatives of snacks that all your guests will definitely enjoy.

Appetizer "Olivier roll"

This dish is especially for those who are tired of preparing Olivier salad for the New Year, but want to keep the tradition. The Olivier Roll appetizer will fit perfectly on the New Year's table.

Required ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 2 jokes;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Boiled sausage - 100 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • Thin lavash - 1 piece;
  • Processed cheese - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables and boil until tender. Boil and peel the eggs as well. Carefully spread the pita bread and let it lie for a while.
  2. Grease the pita bread generously with melted cheese.
  3. Grate the sausage and place on top of the lavash greased with cheese.
  4. Also grate the boiled carrots and place on top of the sausage.
  5. Following the carrots, a layer of grated boiled potatoes is placed on the pita bread.
  6. Next, a layer of grated pickled cucumbers is laid out on the pita bread and a very thin mesh of mayonnaise is applied.
  7. A layer of boiled grated egg is laid out on the mayonnaise mesh.
  8. The pita bread is carefully rolled into a roll and cut into small portions.
  9. Slices of roll are laid out on a serving plate and decorated with herbs.

Cheese balls

An amazing crispy snack that will not leave anyone indifferent. It disappears on the holiday table in a matter of minutes.

Required ingredients:

  • Cheese - 200 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • 1st grade wheat flour - 4 tablespoons (for dough);
  • 1st grade wheat flour - 3 tablespoons (for breading);
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites until stiff foam and add a little salt.
  3. Then add 4 tablespoons of flour to the whites and mix.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the bowl with the whites and flour. Mix well again.
  5. Pour flour onto a plate, roll the resulting dough into balls with wet balls and roll in flour.
  6. Deep fry the balls so that they float in the oil.
  7. As soon as the balls have acquired a golden hue, they must be taken out and placed on a dish with napkins so that excess oil is absorbed.
  8. Next, place our cheese balls on a serving plate and decorate with herbs. You can serve various types of sauces with the balls if desired.

Tartlets for the festive table

Another wonderful snack on the New Year's table will be tartlets. Tartlets can be filled with almost anything. Our New Year's tartlets will be filled with chicken, pineapple and walnuts. A light and at the same time satisfying snack.

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 2 pieces (about 300 grams);
  • Tartlets - 10 pieces;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Canned pineapple rings - from 5 to 7 pieces;
  • Walnuts - 50 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Greens and a few walnuts for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly, boil and cool in the broth, cut into small cubes.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and place in one bowl with the chicken fillet.
  3. Also finely chop the walnuts and pineapple.
  4. Combine all crushed ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix well.
  5. Place the resulting mixture into tartlets and garnish with herbs and half a walnut.

In addition to walnuts, tartlets can be decorated with several pomegranate seeds. This way the appetizer will look brighter and more impressive on the New Year’s table.

New Year's salads

Salads are a traditional dish on the New Year's table. They are present in abundance on the holiday menu. Every year housewives try to surprise their households and guests with some new, delicious salad. In our article, we have collected three, in our opinion, the most successful salads that will become a real decoration for your New Year's table.

Salad "Tsarskiy"

The ideal salad, which was created especially for those who want to celebrate the New Year in a truly royal way. It has all the ingredients to make this salad the center of attention on your New Year's table.

Required ingredients:

  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Eggs - 3 jokes;
  • Potatoes - 3 jokes;
  • Lightly salted red fish (salmon, trout) - 200 grams;
  • Red caviar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Dill greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil carrots, eggs and potatoes, peel and let cool.
  2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and place on prepared foil, grease with mayonnaise.
  3. Next, grate the potatoes on a fine grater, place them on top of the carrots, brush with mayonnaise and add a little salt.
  4. Following the potatoes is a layer of grated eggs, and again lightly greased with mayonnaise.
  5. Finely chop the dill and cut the red fish fillets into strips.
  6. Place chopped dill and chopped fish on one edge of the foil.
  7. We wrap our salad in a roll, starting from the fish edge. We wrap it entirely in foil and send it to soak in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  8. After the time has passed, we take out our salad roll, cut it into portions, place it on a serving dish with herbs and decorate with a small amount of red caviar.

This salad can be prepared not only in the form of a roll, but also as a regular puff salad. To do this, you need to put chopped salmon and dill at the very bottom, and lay out the remaining ingredients in the reverse order.

Salad "Lady's whim"

An ideal salad to please lovely ladies on New Year's Eve. It is light, very beautiful and at the same time satisfying. Try to prepare such a salad - and your guests will not remain indifferent.

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken thighs - from 2 to 3 pieces;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Prunes - 50 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • Pomegranate - 1 piece;
  • Mayonnaise - from 4 to 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs and carrots until tender and peel.
  2. Boil the chicken thighs until tender and cool in the broth. Separate the meat from the bone. and cut into small pieces
  3. Place the glass on a large flat plate and place the chopped fillet around the glass. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  4. Place finely chopped prunes on top of the meat.
  5. After prunes, finely chopped boiled eggs are placed on a plate and a mayonnaise mesh is applied.
  6. Grind the boiled carrots on a fine grater and place them on top of the eggs. Grease with mayonnaise again and salt to taste.
  7. After the carrots comes a layer of grated cheese and again mayonnaise.
  8. Cut the kiwi into thin slices and place on top of the cheese.
  9. Cover the uncovered part of the salad with pomegranate seeds. Remove the glass and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

This salad can be decorated with more than just kiwi and pomegranate. You can add a few slices of pineapple, or lay out some pattern of prunes cut into strips.

Salad "Blizzard"

A very rich and bright New Year's salad. It will perfectly complement the New Year's table and will not leave guests hungry.

Required ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • Champignon mushrooms - 6 pieces;
  • Canned green peas - 100 grams;
  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 50 grams;
  • Green onion - a small bunch;
  • Vegetable oil for frying potatoes;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into strips;
  2. Place the chopped potatoes in a heated frying pan and fry until golden brown. Place on a separate plate and let cool.
  3. Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices and also fry with a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  4. Cut eggs and pickles into small cubes. Cut the ham into strips. Three cheese on a grater.
  5. Add the fried mushrooms, green peas and previously chopped products to the bowl.
  6. Season everything with mayonnaise, mix well and add salt to taste.
  7. We put our salad in a salad bowl, sprinkle fried potatoes and green onions on top.

IMPORTANT! Unlike the Olivier salad, the Vyuga salad is not recommended to be left for the second day. It must be eaten on the day of preparation so that it does not lose its taste or spoil.

New Year's hot dishes

Hot dishes are always at the center of the New Year's table. They attract guests not only with their aroma, but also with their stunning appearance. Of course, hot dishes for the New Year's table should consist mainly of meat. However, fish should not be ignored either. Below we present three amazing hot dish recipes, including meat and fish options. Each housewife will be able to choose the appropriate option for herself, and perhaps prepare all three types of hot dishes. Especially considering that their preparation time is relatively short.

Beef stew with mushrooms and prunes

A wonderful dish to celebrate the New Year. It turns out very satisfying and simply incredibly tasty.

Required ingredients:

  • Beef - 800 grams;
  • Champignon mushrooms - 400 grams;
  • Prunes - 100 grams;
  • Cream with fat content from 15 to 20% - 180 milliliters;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak prunes in a small amount of water.
  2. Rinse the beef well, cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan (deep frying pan) over low heat.
  3. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, cut into slices and add to the meat.
  4. Cut the previously soaked prunes into small pieces and add them to the pan with the meat.
  5. All this is simmered in a saucepan for about 15-20 minutes, then salt and spices are added to taste. Cover with a lid and simmer for about 40-50 minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, add cream to the pan, stir and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  7. Next, check the meat for readiness; if it is still a little hard, then add a little water and simmer for another 15-20 minutes.
  8. For those who like a richer creamy taste, you can add grated processed cheese or pieces of mozzarella along with the cream.

Salmon in cream sauce

A most delicate, gourmet dish that will definitely not be left for the second day. The fish turns out surprisingly juicy and amazingly tasty. What else do you need for a New Year's dish?!

Required ingredients:

  • Red fish (for example salmon) - 1.5 kilograms;
  • Cream with very high fat content - 500 milliliters;
  • Hard cheese - 400 grams;
  • Onions - 2 pieces;
  • Lemon, olives and herbs - for decoration;
  • Salt and spices to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly, place in a colander and let the excess water drain.
  2. Separate the fish fillet from the bones and cut into portions.
  3. To prepare the sauce, add salt and spices to the cream to taste.
  4. Grease a baking tray or baking dish with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  5. Place the fish in a mold, pour in the prepared sauce and place in an oven preheated to 180°C.
  6. A few minutes before it is ready, remove the fish from the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese and return to the oven.
  7. You can decorate the finished fish with herbs, lemon slices and olive halves.

In addition to salmon, you can cook other seafood, such as shrimp, in a similar way. The sequence of actions and ingredients are the same, only instead of salmon you need to use shrimp.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese

This hot dish can please absolutely everyone. It will be very useful on the New Year's table. Chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese are a universal dish for any holiday. And such a masterpiece is prepared very simply and quickly. And the taste is just to die for!

Required ingredients:

  • Onions - 1 piece;
  • Chicken fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Champignon mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • Cream 10% fat - 200 milliliters;
  • 1st grade wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Greens for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion very finely. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and cut into slices.
  2. Fry the onions and mushrooms together in a small amount of vegetable oil for about 6-7 minutes.
  3. Wash the chicken fillet well, beat it, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Grate the cheese and place on each fillet. Roll the fillet with cheese into a roll, secure the edge with toothpicks.
  5. Place chicken rolls in a frying pan and fry on each side until golden brown (about 3 minutes).
  6. Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add flour to them, mix well and add mushrooms fried with onions.
  7. Place the fried rolls in a baking dish and pour over the prepared creamy mushroom sauce.
  8. Place the form in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes.
  9. Place the finished rolls on a serving plate and garnish with herbs.

There are only a few days left until the New Year and it’s time to think about the holiday menu. How do holiday salads for the New Year differ from regular ones? First of all, themed decoration. Beautiful design is the key to success. But you should also not forget about taste. Original and simple salads for the New Year are not difficult to prepare. We offer you recipes for simple and delicious salads for the holiday table that will bring joy to you and your loved ones.

How to prepare simple salads for the New Year - 15 varieties

A simple salad for the New Year - “Chicken under the coat”

The moderately spicy and spicy “Chicken under the Coat” salad will be a discovery for housewives and will be included in the list of “favorites”.


  • Boiled chicken fillet 300 gr.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Korean carrots 200 gr.
  • Cheese 100 gr.
  • Boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • Tomato 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 100 ml.
  • Parsley 1 bunch


Cut cheese, chicken, eggs and onions into small cubes.

Place the salad in layers on a flat dish in the following order:

  1. Chicken
  2. Korean carrots
  3. Eggs.

Decorate each layer with a mesh of mayonnaise.

Decorate the dish with a lush tomato flower and parsley leaves.

A simple salad for the New Year - "A la Caesar"

A simple and tasty salad that can be prepared instantly and is very similar in taste to the classic Caesar salad.


  • Peking cabbage 1 pc.
  • Chicken fillet 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese 100 gr.
  • Cherry tomatoes 8-10 pcs.
  • Crackers 1 pack
  • For the sauce:
  • Mayonnaise 150 gr.
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Dill 30 gr.
  • Lemon juice 2 teaspoons


  1. Prepare the chicken according to your taste - boil or fry.
  2. Break the chicken down into fibers.
  3. Cut the cabbage into thin strips.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  5. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  6. Place all ingredients in a salad bowl and mix gently.
  7. Prepare the sauce. In a blender, mix mayonnaise with a couple of cloves of garlic, herbs and lemon juice until smooth.
  8. Serve the sauce separately.

Simple salad for the New Year - "Candle"

Do you want to spend a warm New Year with your family? Prepare a beautiful and tasty “Candle” salad. Perhaps it will become a symbol of the comfort and warmth of your home. How to prepare a simple and tasty salad? Very simple.


  • Chicken eggs 3 pcs.
  • Squid 3 carcasses
  • Green apple 3 pcs.
  • Any hard cheese 100 gr.
  • Light mayonnaise 100 ml.
  • Bell pepper (contrasting colors) 2 pcs.
  • Corn 1/4 can
  • Olives 8 pcs.
  • Parsley 1 bunch
  • Pomegranate seeds.


  1. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan, add salt and place the washed squid carcasses into it. Cook for exactly 3 minutes. Remove the squid and immediately cool under cold water. Remove the film and cut into cubes.
  2. Hard-boil the eggs, cool, and remove the shells. Separate the white from the yolk.
  3. Finely chop the white.
  4. Wash the apple, peel and grate.
  5. Grate the cheese.
  6. Assemble the salad in layers:
  7. Proteins, fill the layer with mayonnaise.
  8. Boiled squid, season with mayonnaise.
  9. Yolks and apples, fill the layer with mayonnaise.
  10. Grated cheese.
  11. To decorate the salad, cut a candle and a flame from the bell pepper, garnish with corn, olives, pomegranate and herbs

Thanks to the rich taste of simple ingredients, the salad turns out very tasty and juicy.


  • Boiled beef 500 gr.
  • Boiled eggs 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers 6 pcs.
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Nuts 1 cup
  • Mayonnaise 200 ml.


  1. Finely chop or disassemble the boiled beef into fibers.
  2. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater, carefully squeeze out the brine.
  3. Pass the garlic through a press.
  4. Mix cucumbers with garlic.
  5. Chop the walnuts and fry in a dry frying pan.
  6. Grate the boiled eggs on a coarse grater.
  7. Layer the salad in layers:
  8. Coat the meat with mayonnaise.
  9. Cucumbers with garlic, coated with mayonnaise.
  10. Eggs, coat with mayonnaise.
  11. Walnuts.

Place the salad in the refrigerator to brew.

Your guests will surely note and appreciate the recipe for this salad. This light, low-calorie dish has a fresh taste and aroma.

It is better to combine vegetables for salads 30 minutes before serving.


  • Rye bread 200 gr.
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Sweet green pepper 1 pc.
  • Sweet red pepper 1 pc.
  • Any hard cheese 200 gr.
  • Canned corn -1 can
  • Olive oil 40 ml.


  1. Cut the black bread pulp into small cubes, finely chop the garlic and dry everything over low heat in olive oil for 10 minutes.
  2. Chop red and green peppers into cubes.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes.
  4. Layer all the ingredients in a salad bowl and add sweet corn.
  5. Season with a little olive oil.
  6. Add spices and salt to taste.

There are only a few days left until the New Year and it’s time to think about the holiday menu. Salad with squid and cucumber is delicious, light and refreshing. Your guests will love it!


  • Squid 600 gr.
  • Cucumbers 2 pcs.
  • Quail eggs 8 pcs.
  • For refueling:
  • Olive oil 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Grain mustard 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash the squids and place them in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Then cool the carcasses, peel and cut into small squares or rings.
  2. Peel the cucumbers and cut into small cubes or slices.
  3. Break the quail eggs into a plate, add salt and whisk. Prepare an omelet. Cut the cooled omelette into small squares.
  4. Prepare the dressing by mixing olive oil with mustard and stirring thoroughly.
  5. Combine the salad ingredients and pour the dressing over the dish.

A simple salad for the New Year - “Cheese chips”

A harmonious combination of ingredients, quick preparation and bright taste are not all the advantages of this dish. The original combination of products in the salad will make you remember this aromatic dish for a long time.


  • Smoked beef 100 gr.
  • Hard cheese 120 gr.
  • Boiled eggs 4 pcs.
  • Processed cheese 2 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes 3-4 pcs.
  • Canned corn 1 can
  • Mayonnaise 100 gr.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Coarsely grate the cheese. Dry it in the oven at 160 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown. Cool.
  2. Grease a deep dish with mayonnaise.
  3. Place the grated potatoes on a coarse grater and smooth them out carefully. Cover the layer with mayonnaise.
  4. Separate the beef into fibers and place on the potatoes. Cover the layer with mayonnaise.
  5. Grate the processed cheese on a coarse grater and place it in a dish on top of the potatoes.
  6. Coarsely grate the eggs and place them in a dish. Cover the layer with mayonnaise.
  7. Place a layer of corn.
  8. Break the oven-dried cheese into small pieces with your hands and decorate the salad with them.

Simple salad for the New Year - "Obzhorka"

The ingredients included in the salad are quite simple and can be found in any housewife’s pantry. Therefore, it can be served not only for a festive occasion, but also on an everyday table.

To prepare salads, it is better to pour onions with boiling water after cutting. After this, it will acquire a new taste and become much more tender.


  • Boiled chicken meat 250 gr.
  • Onions 3 pcs.
  • Carrots 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 100 gr.
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste


  1. Peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater.
  2. Fry in a frying pan for 5-8 minutes until golden brown. Cool and transfer to a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the boiled chicken meat into small pieces.
  4. Cut the cucumber into thin strips and carefully squeeze out the brine.
  5. Peel the onion and chop into small strips.
  6. Transfer the prepared products into a salad bowl, mix, salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise

The salad is created for special moments of pleasure. Delight your guests and loved ones, and thanks to the juicy grapes, even our youngest guests will enjoy this dish.


  • Smoked ham 100 gr.
  • Lettuce leaves 200 gr.
  • Salted pistachios 50 gr.
  • Grapes 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise 50 gr.


  1. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands.
  2. Peel the pistachios and cut with a knife.
  3. Cut the meat into small cubes.
  4. Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds.
  5. Combine all salad ingredients and season with mayonnaise.
  6. Place the salad in the shape of a bunch of grapes and garnish with grapes, cut into two parts.

Chicken salad recipes are the most popular among holiday salads and salads for the New Year.


  • Fresh mushrooms 400 gr.
  • Boiled chicken fillet 350 gr.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Onion 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml.
  • Mayonnaise 100 ml.
  • Salt.


  1. Boil the chicken fillet, separate it into fibers or cut it into small cubes.
  2. Chop the mushrooms, fry, cool.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan until golden brown, let cool.
  5. Mix all prepared products, add salt and season with mayonnaise.
  6. Place in a salad bowl and garnish with herbs if desired.

Simple salad for the New Year - "New Year's" in verrines

Thanks to its unusual presentation, a salad made from ordinary products can become a real delicacy and a decoration for the holiday table.


  • Raw carrots 2 pcs.
  • Boiled beets 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese 150 gr.
  • Raisins 50 gr.
  • Walnuts 50 gr.
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Boiled chicken breast fillet 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise 200 gr.


Steam raisins in boiling water.

Peel the carrots and grate on a fine grater.

Mix with raisins and mayonnaise.

Grate the cheese.

Chop the garlic.

Mix cheese, garlic and mayonnaise.

Grate the beets on a coarse grater.

Chop walnuts.

Mix beets, nuts and mayonnaise.

Finely chop the boiled chicken breast.

Place the salad in verrines or tall glass glasses in layers in the following order:

  1. Carrot
  2. Chicken breast
  3. Beet.

Garnish with herbs and serve.

Simple salad for the New Year - "Sdrifts"

Layered salads are especially popular among housewives, because they do not require mixing ingredients, and this speeds up the cooking process.

You can replace the chicken in the salad with meat and add any vegetables to your taste. In any case, the “Snowdrifts” salad will turn out very beautiful, tasty and satisfying.


  • Chicken breast 400 gr.
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Chicken egg 5 pcs.
  • Bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Cheese 150 gr.
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Mayonnaise 250 gr.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste


  1. Boil the skinned chicken breast until tender. Cool and disassemble into fibers.
  2. Boil potatoes and carrots, cool and grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the bell pepper into small cubes.
  4. Place the salad on a plate in layers:
  5. Potatoes, coat the layer with mayonnaise.
  6. Carrots, coat the layer with mayonnaise.
  7. Chicken, coat the layer with mayonnaise.
  8. Bell pepper.
  9. Boil the eggs, peel them and cut them into two equal parts. Carefully remove the yolks, being careful not to damage the whites, and set them aside in a separate bowl.
  10. Using a fork, mash the yolks, add pressed garlic, mayonnaise and a little salt. Mix it all.
  11. Fill the empty whites with the mixture obtained from the yolks and garlic and place them on a layer of bell pepper so that the whites are lined up. Lightly coat with mayonnaise.
  12. Grate the cheese on a medium grater and distribute it evenly on top of the salad.

Simple salad for the New Year - "Malachite bracelet"

Everyone has long loved the Pomegranate Bracelet salad, but the New Year is a time of change - it’s time to change traditions and prepare something new. A very original dish!


  • Chicken fillet 700 gr.
  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Egg 4 pcs.
  • Sausage cheese 200 gr.
  • Kiwi 2-3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 200 gr.
  • Bay leaf
  • Black peppercorns
  • Dill


Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan, add salt, a couple of bay leaves and about five black peppercorns. Place chicken fillet in it. Cook the meat until done. After cooking, cool the chicken meat and disassemble it into small fibers.

Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs. Cool, remove the peel. Grate on a coarse grater.

Chop the sausage cheese very finely.

Divide all prepared products into two parts.

Take a flat dish and place a straight glass in the center.

Layer the salad in layers.

  1. Cooked meat.
  2. Potato.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Mayonnaise.
  5. Egg.
  6. Smoked cheese.
  7. Mayonnaise.

Repeat layers again

Coat the top well with mayonnaise and decorate with slices of peeled kiwi.

One, two, three and the salad is ready. The salad recipe and ingredients for it couldn’t be simpler, but the result is a unique hearty dish for the New Year’s table.


  • Ham 500 gr.
  • Boiled eggs 4 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber 1 pc.
  • Canned corn 1 can
  • Dill 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise 150 ml.
  • Salt to taste


  1. Peel the eggs and cut into small cubes, place in a salad bowl.
  2. Add corn, after draining the liquid.
  3. Peel the pepper from seeds, cut into thin strips, and place in a salad bowl.
  4. Cut the cucumber into thin strips and place in a salad bowl.
  5. Cut the ham into thin strips and place in a salad bowl.
  6. Season the salad with mayonnaise and mix gently.
  7. Garnish with dill sprigs.

Salad with sprats will please your guests. The dish is very simple to prepare and requires minimal preparation. When planning your menu, keep in mind that this salad is quite filling.

The New Year 2017 bears the proud name of the Fire Rooster, which means it will bring good luck, although, as astrologers say, you will have to fight for it. Only the most stubborn, persistent and courageous will achieve success.

And in order to appease the owner of the coming year from the very beginning, you need to take care of his proper meeting, especially about the festive table and snacks. Let's start with recipes for the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Rooster.

How to organize a New Year's table

The Rooster loves everything simple and natural, nourishing and tasty, but he will not refuse bright serving and elegant decoration. The best choice is dishes that are easy to prepare but impressively presented.

Be sure to put as many vegetables and herbs on the table as possible; our selection of salad recipes for the New Year 2017 will come in handy here.

But chicken dishes are undesirable guests; it is better to use other meat. And don’t forget to put a basket with different types of bread on the table - the Rooster will be grateful to you.

When thinking about the table for the New Year 2017, recipes for salads and appetizers, use our tips!

Simple New Year's salads 2017

As a rule, the lion's share of the housewife's time is spent on preparing hot dishes. Therefore, salads for the New Year's table are most often chosen as simple as possible, not requiring long preparation, but tasty and attractive in appearance.

To please your family and guests, try using tried and true salads for the New Year 2017.

Pay special attention to the New Year's salad "Rooster", as well as the interesting salad "New Year's Clock", "Christmas Tree".

New Year's recipe 1 - Chicken Coop salad with croutons and smoked meats

Any smoked meats - 100 g (baked pork, any ham or smoked sausages are suitable)
Onion - 1 pc.
Beijing cabbage - head weighing 0.5 kg
A little grated cheese
Crackers, mayonnaise


Cut the Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped smoked meats and onions, add croutons just before serving, mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

As you can see - fast, simple and inexpensive. It is these New Year's salads for 2017 that are especially highly valued.

New Year's recipe 2 - Salad “Fresh Idea”

Cauliflower - 0.5 kg
Fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
Fresh dill or parsley - 1 bunch
Garlic - 1-2 cloves
Lemon - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil


Boil a head of cauliflower, disassembled into florets, in salted water. Cut the tomatoes into neat slices. Mix tomatoes and cabbage directly in a salad bowl, add chopped garlic and chopped herbs. Before serving, drizzle with oil and lemon juice and stir gently. Thanks to tomatoes, lemon juice and herbs, such salads on the New Year's table are especially juicy and fresh.

New Year's recipe 3 - Sea Rooster Salad

Sea kale - 200 g
Onion - 1-2 pcs.
Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
Salt, pepper - to taste
vegetable oil and mayonnaise - for dressing


Everything is very simple: cut the onion into half rings and fry in oil, add seaweed and grated eggs, if desired, season with mayonnaise, but you can leave it as is.

New Year's recipe 4 - New Year's Watermelon Salad

Usually they try to arrange salads for the New Year's table in some unusual way, even if the composition of the salad is the simplest. When studying salad recipes for the New Year 2017, you won’t be able to pass by the original and spectacular “New Year’s watermelon”.

Turkey fillet - 100 g
Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.
Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
Hard cheese - 100 g


Olives or black olives without pits, salt, pepper, mayonnaise

Boil the fillet and separate it into fibers. Cut vegetables into neat small pieces. Mix meat with grated cheese and chopped olives. Place the mixture on a plate, giving it the shape of a watermelon slice. Now, based on the photo, place chopped vegetables, a thin layer of cheese and chopped olives on top - they will play the role of watermelon seeds.

Original salads for New Year 2017

Preparing to celebrate the New Year 2017, we are looking for recipes for salads and appetizers wherever possible: in magazines, from friends, on the Internet, etc. and so on. If you want to surprise your guests with unusual options, try preparing original salads for the New Year 2017. The main thing is to decorate them correctly and beautifully. For example, the New Year’s salad “Rooster” can become a real table decoration - it’s not difficult to prepare, even children will enjoy doing it.

New Year's recipe 5 - New Year's salad "Rooster"

Bell pepper - 3 pcs. (multi-colored, yellow and red)
Smoked meat - 300 g
Pitted olives - 1 jar
Boiled egg yolk - for decoration
Mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste


Mix diced meat, sliced ​​olives and diced pepper in a bowl. Don't forget to set aside a few bright pepper rings for decoration.

Season the salad with mayonnaise and mix again. Lay out the figure of a cockerel from the mass and decorate: sprinkle with grated yolk, make a wing and tail, a comb and a beard from pepper rings, an eye and a beak from olives and greenery.

New Year's salad "Rooster" is ready!

New Year's recipe 6 - Salad “Christmas ball”

When collecting salad and appetizer recipes for the New Year 2017, try preparing this simple but very beautiful dish.

Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
Crab sticks - 250 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Mayonnaise, ketchup - to taste
Corn, peas, red caviar, carrots and olives - a little each, for decoration


Mix crushed crab sticks, eggs and onions, season with mayonnaise, and then place in the shape of a Christmas ball and start decorating. Imagine!

New Year's recipe 7 - Starfish salad

New Year's salads 2017 should be bright and colorful, which means “Starfish” will be a win-win option.

Hard cheese - 200 g
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Boiled shrimp - 300 g
Lightly salted salmon or salmon - 150 g
Pitted olives - 100 g


Grate boiled eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the olives in half. Shrimp - peel and grate (you can use crab sticks instead). Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate, giving the mixture the shape of a starfish. Place thin slices of fish on top, garnish with olives, lemon slices, and herbs.

New Year's recipe 8 - New Year's Clock Salad

It won’t take you much time to prepare the “New Year’s Hours” salad, but it will certainly attract the attention of everyone at the holiday table.

Turkey breast - 200 g
Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 0.5 kg
Potatoes - 2 medium tubers
Carrot - 1 pc.
Hard cheese - 100 g
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Salt, herbs, mayonnaise


Slice and fry mushrooms. Boil the breast, eggs, potatoes and carrots and cool. Now place the food in layers on a flat plate, after placing a round shape on it.

The first layer is peeled and grated potatoes. The second layer is torn into fibers or finely chopped meat. The third one is fried mushrooms. Then - grated eggs on a coarse grater. Each layer should be coated with mayonnaise, lightly salted and leveled.

The last layer is hard cheese grated on a fine grater.

Now remove the round shape and fill the future “clock” well with cheese. And the last step - cut out 12 neat circles from boiled peeled carrots and place them in a circle, add carrot arrows. Decorate the entire structure with chopped herbs; you can draw numbers on the circles using mayonnaise.

The spectacular and tasty salad “New Year's Hours” is ready!

New Year's recipe 9 - First Snow Salad

Salad recipes for the New Year 2017 are designed not only to feed, but also to provide aesthetic pleasure, to remind you of the friendly and beautiful winter outside the window.

Hard cheese - 100 g
Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
Onion - 1 pc.
Large green apple - 1 pc.


Peel the apple, carefully cut into slices and place in one layer on a flat dish. Grease with mayonnaise. Scald the onion cut into half rings with boiling water to remove the bitterness. After a couple of minutes, drain the boiling water, place the onion on the apple and also grease with mayonnaise. On top are thin circles of eggs. Also grease with mayonnaise. The last detail is to fill the salad with “snowball”, which must be made from hard cheese by grating it on a fine grater.

New Year's recipe 10 - Salad “Merry Holiday”

Without a doubt, New Year's salads 2017 are a great reason to please yourself and your guests with delicious dishes. Allow yourself to feel the luxurious taste and admire the bright elements, because almost all salad recipes for the New Year 2017 amaze the imagination with bright colors and delicious ingredients.

Hard cheese - 100 g
Large shrimp - 200 g
Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
Bell pepper - 1 pc.
Cherry tomatoes - 7-8 pcs.
Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste
Balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon
Olive oil – 1 teaspoon


Boil and peel the shrimp. Then they need to be fried for several minutes in heated sunflower oil. Vegetables - cucumber, tomatoes and peppers - cut into neat pieces and mix in a bowl. Add diced hard cheese and chopped herbs. Finally, fried shrimp will go into the salad bowl. Season the mixture with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

New Year's recipe 11 - Herringbone salad

When choosing salad and appetizer recipes for the New Year 2017, don’t forget about the main guest - the green Christmas tree. You can prepare an unusual and very tasty salad in her honor.

Soft cheese - 250 g
Fresh tomato - 1 pc.
Canned salmon - 1 can
Dill - 1 bunch
Ground paprika - 1 teaspoon
Juice from 1 lemon
Some pomegranate seeds


Finely chop the salmon, mix with grated cheese, season with lemon juice and paprika. The result is an adhesive mass from which you can easily form a future Christmas tree - give the mass a cone shape.

Carefully cut out a star from the tomato - you will need a sharp knife for this. Sprinkle the cone with chopped dill - these will be “needles”. The pomegranate seeds will play the role of Christmas tree decorations, and the tomato star will be installed, as expected, on the top of the “Christmas tree”.

All salads for the New Year 2017 are a tribute to the new “master” of the year, the Fire Rooster. Prepare selected salads for the New Year's table. And you will see - you will definitely be lucky in 2017!


If you are already sitting and racking your brains about what new and interesting things to prepare for the New Year, then this means... Hurray! It has happened in just a couple of hours, we will all hear the chimes and say the right words and congratulations! Well, then we’ll sit down at the festive table and start devouring everything with gusto. Where do we usually start? Of course with salads. That's what we'll talk about today.

Friends, choose any New Year’s cooking option you like and create culinary masterpieces. I tried to make this collection useful; it contains all the new recipes from the last two months. I hope you will appreciate my work and exclaim: “Incomparable!”

All presented salads will be decorated in a rather original and beautiful way, but most importantly, they will turn out delicious in any case. After all, what you will see is all checked by me personally, that’s first of all. And secondly, each option will be shown in detail, and colorful photos will help you understand everything so that no questions arise. And in general it’s easier to decorate dishes with them. How do you think?

I suggest you immediately add this collection of recipes to your bookmarks so as not to lose them. After all, after the holiday on the night of December 31 to January 1, exactly 7 days later another event will come, Christmas. So, they will help you out more than once.

Friends, I did not include salads that are already well-known to everyone, I think you all know them perfectly well! I decided to show you others. I definitely recommend preparing an appetizer in the shape of a New Year’s symbol. Do you know who? Of course, a pig or a wild boar, it is this animal that will patronize us for the whole coming year. That's where we'll start! So…

Take notepads or take screenshots on your phone so that later in a store or supermarket you don’t forget to buy all the necessary ingredients according to the list.

At the end of the note there are two surprises waiting for you, do you want to know which ones? Then, immediately read the entire article from the beginning to the very end.

Salad in the shape of a Pig for the New Year 2020 with smoked chicken

Let's start with the most basic salad, which, well, definitely needs to be put on the table. In the previous issue I showed you a whole dozen. This one will differ from all previous ones in its simplicity of design and, of course, amazingly delicious taste. They are both tender but have a slight hint of smokiness.

Take a look at the list of products, they will not hit your wallet at all, which means the snack will be budget-friendly and will easily fit into menu. By the way, for decoration you can use any green stuff, for example dill or fresh cucumbers. But, I suggest taking an ordinary carrot and making stars out of it, and decorating the diameter of a round saucer with parsley.

We will need:

  • boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • jacket potatoes - 0.4 kg
  • egg C1 - 4 pcs.
  • smoked chicken - 0.2 kg
  • lightly salted or pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 45 g
  • boiled sausage as garnish
  • olives
  • mayonnaise


1. Since the salad will be flaky, immediately prepare a serving tray. And start laying out the products in this order, peeled boiled potatoes come first. Grate it on a coarse grater in the shape of a sun (1 pc.). Lubricate with a mesh of mayonnaise.

2. The next layer is chicken cut into small pieces. You feel the aroma when you make this cut, it just asks to be in your mouth. So, add chicken meat, season with mayonnaise, then grate the boiled whites on a fine grater, then chop the cucumbers into small cubes.

You can add salt or pepper to taste, but this is at your discretion, because the salad uses mayonnaise, and it is already quite salty.

4. Now disguise the snack, cover the resulting cake with grated potatoes on top and sides, season thoroughly with mayonnaise.

5. This is done so that the grated yolks can be secured, like this, as shown in this picture.

6. Now turn on your imagination, you can decorate it however you like, but since the coming year we have a wild boar, then put the head of this animal out of the sausage. Have fun!

And for those who like to watch videos and videos from the Internet, I also recommend watching this story, look how wonderful the three little pigs are, just adorable, and even on the lawn.

An incomparable salad for the New Year 2020, which will be the first to be swept away at the festive table

And now the moment has come when I wanted to surprise you once again. I decided that it was this kind of execution of everyone’s favorite and unique salad, like Mimosa, that deserves respect. Housewives usually prepare this dish with canned saury, but I think it’s too primitive, although I adore it in this version. And if you need instructions, then here is a reminder.

But if you still want to add some zest to it, I suggest replacing the saury with salmon or trout. You can take pink salmon, because I don’t know all your preferences.

After all, you must admit, it will be much richer and more luxurious. Well, that's not all. Hold on, now you will be shocked, we will pack it in special molds, which you will make by hand. Of course, you can also take a pastry ring, but where can you get them in such quantities?

We will need:

  • trout or salmon - 0.2 kg
  • olive oil - 2 tsp
  • boiled peeled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • boiled peeled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • hard-boiled egg - 3 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - a pinch
  • mayonnaise
  • apple - 1 pc.


1. Before you begin the work process itself, you need to wind these cones out of foil. Use a glass jar as a base for this.

The foil paper is initially folded 8-9 times, and only then stapled on the side (together with the joint).

2. Now prepare all the necessary ingredients, peel the boiled potatoes and carrots, and remove the shells from the eggs. Chop trout or salmon into cubes with a sharp knife.

Onion cut finely cut into cubes and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown. This is the highlight of this salad! Mmm.. it turns out great!

Prepare the blanks, place them on a parchment base.

4. Place food in this order:

  • potatoes + mayonnaise;
  • onions fried in oil;
  • fish cut into pieces + mayonnaise;
  • carrots + mayonnaise;
  • eggs, first grated whites, then yolks.

5. This is what a layer of fried onions looks like, is it impressive?

6. Distribute the fish evenly among the preparations so that there is enough, as everyone says).

8. The final layer, it would seem, is grated yolks, which in some sense remind us of mimosa flowers.

9. Before serving, you need to wash the green apple and cut it into slices.

Important! Take it the same size as the diameter of the molds.

10. Using a spatula, carefully drag one piece onto the apple slice first, then all the rest.

Advice! Apples have the ability to turn black, so to prevent this from happening, sprinkle them with lemon juice.

11. And serve it to the table in such an unusual form! Well, how do you find it so lovely? If you liked it, be sure to write if you used this non-standard solution and what happened).

Shocking salad Herring under a fur coat in an unusual presentation

I assure you that you have never seen anything like this before. Of course, if you take a walk online, you can come across options where the herring is on the coat and under it, and even laid out in the shape of a large goldfish. I introduced you once.

Still, I thought and thought and decided to show you first the classic recipe, which is presented below in the infogram, and then... wow, wow, there will be a brand new masterpiece.

You won’t guess how we will place this favorite salad in Russian families.

You can take ready-made tartlets, or you can go the other way and make them from puff pastry.

This appetizer will simply charm your guests, outshine and melt any hearts, I am 100 percent sure of it. Try it, and then write me your impressions of what you saw below. Cool!

We will need:

  • herring fish fillet
  • boiled beets - 1 pc.
  • quail eggs
  • red onion - 1 pc.
  • puff pastry without yeast - 1 package


1. So, take pieces of puff pastry and use them to make tartlets or you can call them baskets. Make blanks, cut the plate into squares (8 pieces). And that’s not all, you need to do it in the middle, as you see below, as if to draw another square inside the square. There is no need to pierce through, just go carefully with the knife.

2. Place the dough in the oven for 15 minutes, follow the instructions on the package.

3. Now use the same sharp knife to remove the center. This work is not difficult and will not take much time, especially since the result will be great.

Peel the quail eggs and cut them in half. That's all, all that remains is to beautifully chop the herring fillet into portioned pieces. Below you will understand what I am talking about.

5. Fill each piece with beets, place half an egg and plastic fish on top. Hooray! All is ready! Serve quickly and enjoy!

6. For an elegant touch, you can also garnish with red onion rings; it will never be out of place and will also add brightness.

New and very tasty kiwi and chicken salad

Well, what can I say, if you want to smell winter and that rosy mood, then there is one elegant masterpiece especially for you in the form of a green beauty. I know that a lot of such salads have already been invented, and usually the Christmas tree is decorated with dill. But this time everything will be different, make it out of exotic fruits. How do you like this idea? Stunning! Wow!

And how happy your little children will be, mmm... I can already see how this will happen.

We will need:

  • Smoked meat, chicken is perfect - 300 g
  • Hard cheese - 220 g
  • Boiled chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 8 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Canned pineapple cubes - 250 g
  • Mayonnaise


1. Chop the meat into small pieces and apply it to the surface of the plate in the form of a geometric figure; you can even first outline the contours with mayonnaise. This will be a triangle.

You can take boiled chicken rather than smoked, the taste will then be more tender and piquant.

Apply mayonnaise over the meat and draw a mesh. Next, lay out pieces of exotic fruit - pineapples. Again a drawing from mayonnaise.

2. Afterwards, powder the pineapples with fresh garlic squeezed through a press. After these steps, apply finely chopped boiled carrots + a layer of mayonnaise and grated cheese. Which is also covered with mayonnaise so that everything is perfectly soaked.

3. And now, the most beautiful thing to do. Peel the kiwi from the skin, and then chop it quite thinly into slices in the form of circles. Afterwards, cut each piece in half and decorate the Christmas tree with just these elements.

Sprinkle grated cheese on the bottom, or you can use protein (in case there was some left over from another salad). It will act as snow. And the pomegranate seeds will become toys or a garland. Cool! Well, it looks very nice! Try it too, friends!

New Year's luck - a simple and interesting recipe

As they say, catch luck by the tail, and we will catch it by the crab))). Ah-ha, in general, I found such a mind-blowing option, boys and girls, when you see the result, you will be delighted too. And I think that after what you’ve seen, you will continue to decorate this incomparably delicious appetizer this way in the future. After all, besides the New Year, there is also something we cook there too). Well, let's begin the execution process.

But, before that, I want to note that you can add another green apple to this salad, just cut it into small cubes and mix with all the ingredients, it will turn out very juicy and cool, I have personally tested it!

We will need:

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • green onions - 5 feathers or onions - 0.5 pcs.
  • chicken egg - 4-5 pcs.
  • canned corn - 350 g
  • crab sticks - 1 package - 245 g
  • mayonnaise
  • lettuce leaves - 1 pack


1. So, start boiling the eggs, and after 15 minutes have passed, cool them and peel them. Take a vegetable cutter, it will make a cube of the same size and drive the eggs through it.

2. Chop the onion quite finely. And, to reduce tears, place it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours or at least two in advance. Afterwards he will be gentler with you) and will not let you cry.

3. You can also use green onions, because it will make it even more flavorful, but this is not a prerequisite. I always manage without it.

5. Cut the crab sticks into strips or cubes, there is not much difference. Whoever likes it more. The only thing is to separate the top, that is, the red part of 6 pieces, from the sticks.

6. These blanks should be prepared in advance for work. It is from these that the crab is subsequently created, which will bring good luck and happiness, wealth in everything.

7. And now, take a large bowl and put chopped eggs, onions, crab sticks and corn into it. Don't forget to drain all excess liquid from it. Add mayonnaise, and if you are preparing such a miracle for children, season the salad with sour cream. Stir.

8. Take a glass cup and first put all the prepared mass into it, and place the body of the crab from the red tops of the sticks. This is done in absolutely 1 minute, take a look at the picture and you will understand everything at first glance! The final touch is to make a pattern of mayonnaise droplets all over the body.

I also forgot to say, place a couple of lettuce leaves in the bowl, and also under it. Bon appetit! And catch it quickly).

Cocktail salad with shrimp and squid - the most delicious recipe

There is nothing to say here; from the name itself it is already clear that this is deliciously tasty and rich! I think this miracle should become one of the leading favorites in your kitchen. After all, the dish is actually quite simple, but healthy, because it is made from seafood.

Any company will be delighted with such a snack, there’s no doubt about it. And even faster it will fly apart, right at the speed of light, or it will fly off the table first.

Take note! The trick of this recipe is an unusual decoration; it will be served in glasses or wine glasses.

We will need:

  • crab meat - 140 g
  • shrimp - 12 pcs.
  • squid - 1-2 pcs.
  • boiled chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • red caviar - 2 tbsp
  • sour cream - 1 tsp in one glass
  • lime - 1 pc.


1. First boil the squid according to all the rules, and remember that they cannot be overcooked, otherwise they will become like rubber (cook for 1 minute after boiling). Then peel them and let them cool. Boil and peel the shrimp in advance (we will use them whole). But chop the squid and crab meat (or sticks) into strips.

2. Peel chicken eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Chop the egg white into half rings with a knife. Leave the yolk for later, you will decorate the dish with it, or mash it into crumbs with a fork.

Do the same with cucumbers, remove all the pulp, and chop it also in the form of feathers (half rings), that is, use only the skin.

If you don’t remove the core, there will be a lot of juice, it’s of no use here.

3. Add a spoonful of sour cream to each glass and sprinkle with yolk crumbs.

4. To create chic and delight from what you see, throw red caviar into each container and place a piece of lime on the side of the glass. Enjoy!

Salad recipe with pomegranate and meat

When you want something unique and awesome, you won’t believe it, but this option will be the best find. Because everyone has long been tired of everything familiar, but they want to try everything with spoons of know-how. Is not it? When do you put something on the table that no one has ever eaten before? What emotions at once, yeah, at once everyone takes big spoons and eats with caution until... they eat it! Familiar! That's it, I guess I'm a psychic))).

True, it also happens when members of the household quietly try it and the guests have nothing left, it’s hilarious). So, be careful, hide it in a secluded place. Well, or quietly themselves, you know.

We will need:

  • chicken meat - 0.2 kg
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • pomegranate seeds
  • mayonnaise and salt
  • quail egg (for decoration, you can do without them) - 1 pc.
  • any sausage - 1 piece
  • olives


1. Boil the beets and potatoes, then peel and grate on a medium grater. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise to each vegetable and stir.

Boil the chicken in salted water, cool and cut into pieces.

Next, start assembling, you can lay it out in a pile, or you can use a culinary mold or a ring. So, lay out the potatoes first and distribute them evenly over the entire area of ​​the pan. Then chicken pieces + mayonnaise mesh. Then grated beets with mayonnaise. There is no need to tamp it down with a spoon.

2. Grate boiled chicken eggs on a fine or medium grater, lay them in almost the final layer, you can lightly flavor them with mayonnaise and salt. Next, scatter the pomegranate seeds. They will add sourness to this culinary creation and give it an unforgettable appearance.

3. Well, since it’s the year of the pig, make wonderful piglets out of quail eggs. Cut out the ears, nose (heel), and paws from the sausage. Well, how do you like the composition? Lovely! Don't forget to refrigerate the salad. Bon appetit!

New product with Korean carrots, smoked sausage and fresh cucumber

Oh, what's going to happen now is definitely a shock. The first time I prepared such a dish, after tasting the first spoon, I realized that this was mine. True, instead of crackers according to the recipe there was cheese (200 g), which I grated. All other ingredients on the list were the same.

Well, today for some reason I wanted to show you this particular recipe with kirieshka. Because I know many of you like to add these crunchies to salads.

Friends, I’ll even tell you how I whip up Korean carrots for this appetizer, if it’s not possible to buy them in the store (and honestly, your own is always 100 times better).

We will need:

  • smoked sausage, I like Vienna cervelat - 200 g
  • Korean carrots - 200-300 g
  • canned corn -1 can
  • mayonnaise + sour cream or one mayonnaise
  • kirieshki with bacon or ham flavor - 1 pack

If you make Korean carrots yourself, you will need:

  • carrots - 3 pcs. (around 30o)
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • vinegar 9.% - 3 tbsp
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 0.5 tbsp


1. So, start by preparing carrots in Korean, if you have purchased them, then skip this step. So, chop the carrots on a special grater, and add everything you need from the list to it. Pour in vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and seasoning. Mix everything thoroughly in a bowl and cover the dishes with a lid or cling film.

Leave to marinate at room temperature for 3-4 hours (open and stir occasionally.) Then put in the refrigerator overnight.

2. So, now cut the sausage into pieces; by the way, to make them even and uniform, you can run them through an egg slicer. Chop fresh cucumbers into fairly small pieces too.

2. Now take a large bowl or a couple of small ones and lay them out in this order.

  • cubed sausage + mayonnaise;
  • sliced ​​cucumbers + mayonnaise;
  • Korean carrots and a layer of mayonnaise;
  • corn and kirieshki

3. And look what happened, it’s already touching your soul, you want to take a spoon and enjoy the taste. Have a nice experience!

Advice! Place the crackers immediately before serving so that you can crunch them and so that they do not soften in the refrigerator.

New Year's Tatar salad with beef and pickled onions

This version of the salad is quite bright, and the most important thing is that those invited can choose what they like best. Vegetables are taken as the basis, and any vegetables that you like or those that you have. It’s the same with meat, it can be absolutely anything, even poultry.

True, there is one thing, it should be served mainly with sour cream, that is, the recipe without mayonnaise, exclude it.

We will need:

  • Beef (or absolutely anything, chicken, pork) - 0.3 kg
  • Fresh or boiled carrots, as desired - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - bunch
  • Boiled beets - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 30 ml
  • Salt and pepper
  • Sour cream – 100 ml
  • Red bell pepper - 2 pcs. different colors
  • Vinegar 9% – 20 ml
  • Water – 50 ml


1. Pickle the onion, cut it into half rings and add boiling water. Let stand for 3-4 minutes, then drain the water. And just now, add water and vinegar, stir and wait 15 minutes. If desired, you can add sugar and salt.

2. Boil beef or any other meat in water, cool and cut into long strips. Wash the bell pepper, remove the entire seed capsule and chop into strips.

3. For this dish, potatoes are fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown. It turns out like fries. Cut it into cubes and fry until cooked, then transfer to a paper napkin to drain all the fat.

4. Grate the beets and carrots on a Korean grater. Wash the parsley and let the moisture drain.

And now the moment of truth has come, place all the edible ingredients on a round dish, place sour cream in a heap in the middle or place it in a small saucepan. Bring it into the studio! Enjoy! Good luck!

Bomb salad with chicken and pineapples - you've never eaten anything like this before!

This culinary masterpiece is called a round dance of Christmas trees. It sounds tempting, I think you’ve already started to imagine. Well then let's go, what else are you waiting for?

Secret technology! To convey the smell of the New Year, place a spruce branch and a couple of tangerines next to you. And when you prepare this dish, your mood will immediately rise and your mood will appear.

We will need:

  • boiled chicken meat - 300 g
  • canned pineapples in a jar - 350 g
  • onion - 1 head
  • quail egg - 4 pcs. or chicken - 2 pcs.
  • cream cheese - 120 g
  • mayonnaise
  • mustard
  • sour cream
  • greens - a bunch (parsley, dill)
  • pomegranate seeds


1. Grind the chicken pieces into small fibers. Taste it and add salt if desired.

2. Chop the onion into small cubes with a knife.

3. Then chop the whites and yolks into small pieces. True, do not use all the protein, leave 2 pieces. (if quail eggs and 1 piece if chicken).

4. Grate the whites on a fine grater. Pineapples, if they are already cut into small pieces in the jar, then fine, if not, then chop them. Drain the juice.

5. Now prepare the sauce, mix sour cream, mustard and mayonnaise at your discretion. This is usually done in the following proportions: 1:0.5:1.

6. Place all the ingredients in a deep cup as follows: chicken meat, onions - eggs - pineapples and cheese, grate it on the finest grater. Sprinkle with grated egg white.

Important! Coat each next layer with homemade sauce, or regular mayonnaise (the latter is not greased).

7. The final stage - lay out Christmas trees from parsley and dill sprigs, let them spin and dance the waltz. Pomegranate seeds and carrot cubes will be an excellent addition to make an outfit for forest beauties. Bon appetit!

Snowdrifts - a salad that melts in your mouth!

I also wanted to show you a rather spontaneous recipe that popped into my head. I am sure that such balls that you will see just below will not upset you, but on the contrary, will make you happy. After all, in some way, this recipe will remind everyone, only in a different version.

We will need:

  • Feta cheese - 0.1 kg
  • parmesan - 35 g
  • fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • avocado
  • fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • lettuce leaves - a bunch
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp
  • aromatic herbs or Italian - 0.5 tsp
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp


1. In a deep container, mix lemon juice, aromatic herbs with olive oil and salt. Stir. The filling is ready in a matter of minutes.

2. Rinse tomatoes, bell peppers and fresh cucumbers well in running water. Dry with paper towels, and then cut into small plastic pieces as you like. Pour in the prepared sauce, stir.

3. Also rinse the lettuce leaves and allow all excess moisture to drain. Tear them into pieces and place them directly on top of the vegetables.

4. Now the trick, roll the feta cheese into balls and dip them in finely grated Parmesan. Wow, cool!

5. You guessed it and there are snowballs that you place on the green leaves. What a treasure, and even with a riddle inside! Eat for your health! Be careful not to swallow your fingers, I'm already licking them))).

P.S. First I wanted to show you the Snow Queen salad, and then I remembered that I had shown its execution, and I had to correct myself. Still, keep the video, in case someone wants to see it right now.

+ 20 recipes for something new and interesting to cook in the Year of the Boar

P.S Well, and the second surprise moment, I want you to remember this evening for a long time, and I suggest you print out a lottery, hand out such tickets to your guests and you will be happy! By the way, on the back you can also sign congratulations. If you like the idea, write me, I’ll send it to you by email almost immediately.

I wish everyone good health and fulfillment of desires! Bye!