The healthiest carrot casserole: excellent recipes on how to prepare it quickly and tasty. Carrot casserole: recipes for children and adults

Want to diversify your diet? Then this delicious casserole is just for you! Even diabetics are allowed to eat it, since it does not contain sugar, and dark raisins give it a sweet taste.

Required components:

  • 250 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 4 juicy carrots;
  • raisin;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • one yolk;
  • 75 grams of semolina.

Preparation in six steps:

  1. Take the raisins, put them in a bowl and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Peel the carrots, wash them, and then chop them on a fine grater.
  3. Take a bowl and place eggs and 50 grams of semolina there. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer. Next, add carrots, 1/2 of the raisins and mix thoroughly again.
  4. Take a separate bowl and mix cottage cheese with yolk, 25 grams of semolina, and also add the remaining raisins.
  5. Take the pan in which you will bake the pie, cover it with parchment paper, and then lay out two layers. The bottom one will be made from cottage cheese, the top one will be made from carrots.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the mold in it. Cook the casserole in the oven for forty minutes. Once it is ready, let it cool and then place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

It should be served chilled with yogurt.

Casserole “Like in kindergarten”: recipe for children with photos

By preparing a casserole according to this recipe, you will get an amazing and unusually tasty dessert. We can say about this casserole that it tastes “like in kindergarten.”

5 best recipes for Moscow buns

Required components:

  • 7 juicy carrots;
  • half a glass of semolina;
  • three glasses of milk;
  • one glass of homemade cottage cheese;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • three tbsp. l. breadcrumbs;
  • sugar, salt, sour cream - to taste.


  1. Preparing carrots. The carrots must be washed and peeled, chopped into small pieces and placed in a small saucepan, and simmered until fully cooked over low heat. After the carrots are ready, you need to drain the remaining water from them and crush them. Then set the pan aside for a while.
  2. Preparing semolina. Take a separate saucepan and cook thick semolina in milk. As soon as the semolina is ready, add carrots, cottage cheese, and eggs to it. Add sugar and a pinch of salt to the resulting slurry to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. The last step to the finished casserole. Take a mold with sides, grease with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place all the carrot-curd mixture in a frying pan, and then transfer it to the oven, preheated at 180-190 degrees, for 50 minutes. After the casserole is ready, place a dish on top of it, slightly larger than the size of the pan, quickly turn it over so that the pan is on top, then remove the pan. You will have the finished casserole on your plate.

Let the finished casserole cool and then serve with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Miracle casserole with carrots and cottage cheese

There are a lot of recipes for making casserole, but you can cook just such an incredibly tasty one only using this recipe. It will turn out airy and fluffy thanks to the special ingredients.

Simple recipes for cottage cheese casserole with semolina

Required components:

  • 8 medium-sized carrots;
  • 400 grams of homemade cottage cheese;
  • 50 grams of semolina;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • 60 grams of butter:
  • 25 grams of breadcrumbs;
  • 120 grams of sour cream;
  • 70 grams of sugar;
  • salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel and wash the carrots thoroughly, chop into small pieces. Then take a pan and put the carrots in it. After this, fill the carrots with water above its level by about a finger and let it cook for ten minutes. Next, remove it from the water, let it cool and pass through a meat grinder. After this, take a bowl, place carrots in it and sprinkle with semolina. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for a while.
  2. Take the cottage cheese and carefully grind it through a strainer. After this, add carrots, eggs, sugar and salt to the cottage cheese, mix everything well one last time.
  3. Next, take a mold with high sides and grease it with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the prepared mixture into the prepared pan, level the surface so that the casserole is even, and place finely chopped pieces of butter on top of it over the entire area of ​​the casserole.
  4. Then transfer the pan to the oven (preheat it to 180 degrees). The casserole should be in the oven for 40 minutes.
  5. Once the cooking time is up, remove the casserole, let it cool slightly, and then cut into portions. When serving, garnish with sour cream on top. Bon appetit!

How to cook unusual pancakes

Recipe for carrot-curd casserole in a slow cooker

Required components:

  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 80 grams of milk;
  • half a kilo of carrots;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • one egg;
  • 2 tablespoons semolina.


  1. Wash and peel the carrots, chop on a fine track.
  2. Place in the slow cooker: grated carrots, milk, butter. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode for a quarter of an hour. After cooking the carrots, wash and dry the multicooker bowl.
  3. Then heat the milk in the same mode. Turn off the unit and add semolina to the milk. Close the lid and leave the cereal to swell for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Rub the cottage cheese until smooth and add two yolks and a pinch of salt.
  5. Add sugar to the cooled egg whites separated from the yolk and beat with a mixer.
  6. In a separate bowl, combine cottage cheese, carrots and whipped egg whites.
  7. Place the carrot-curd mixture into a washed and dry multicooker (the bottom of the bowl must first be greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs). Set the multicooker to “baking” mode for an hour.

After the unit turns off, let the casserole stand in it for another quarter of an hour.

After the time has passed, you can take the casserole out of the multicooker, cut it into portions and start drinking tea with family and friends.

Carrot-curd casserole according to Dukan's recipe

This recipe for carrot and curd casserole was developed by Dukan specifically for the diet of the same name. But it is not only dietary, which is necessary for those who want to lose excess weight, but also incredibly tasty.

  • In a separate cup, thoroughly beat the eggs with a mixer until thick foam, then add vanilla to them and beat these two components again.
  • Combine carrots with cottage cheese, eggs with vanilla and add salt and soda to them. Stir with a spoon and wait for the mass to rise in volume due to the soda.
  • Then you can take a baking sheet, grease it with oil and lay out the resulting mass. You can also use a silicone mold. There is no need to spread it with oil; the dough does not stick to the walls of the silicone mold and can be removed without problems.
  • Place the casserole in the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees. Bake for thirty minutes.
  • After the time has passed, look: if the top of the casserole is covered with a golden crust, then it is ready.
  • The carrot-curd miracle can be served either hot or cooled with jam, cream or sour cream. Bon appetit!

    Delicious carrot-curd casserole (video)

    If you liked one of the recipes, that's great, but you can experiment yourself, creating your own new recipes, with such healthy products as carrots and cottage cheese. In any case, your casserole will turn out great: soft, evenly baked, the kind you wouldn’t be ashamed to serve to your friends.

    It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of carrots for a child who is 1 year old. However, children are not always happy to eat this root vegetable raw or boiled. The peculiar taste can repel a picky baby. Therefore, we have to prepare different dishes so that the child can appreciate the sweet and fragrant root vegetable. For example, carrot casserole for children can be baked very quickly. All you have to do is choose the appropriate recipe. And there are many of them: cottage cheese-carrot, carrot-apple, options with pumpkin, potatoes, rice.

    Casserole with carrots allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients that are included in the main products of the recipe. When cooked in an oven, slow cooker or steamer, the structure of the dish becomes softer. Such food is easier to digest and, as a rule, is dietary.

    Properties of carrots

    • First of all, carrots are so rich in keratin that no other plant can compare with it in terms of its content except sea buckthorn. All other fruits and fruits are inferior to this root vegetable.
    • B vitamins are presented in full. It is very useful for a child to sometimes chew carrots, since this way he receives the maximum amount of necessary microelements. There are much fewer of them in grated vegetables.
    • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant; it protects against the negative effects of the environment. Carrots are rich in this microelement.
    • Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, the lack of which is constantly felt, even in the summer.
    • Calcium, iron, magnesium are those minerals that contribute to the normal growth and development of the child’s body.
    • Fiber or dietary fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • The protein contained in carrots is a building material for body cells.

    What determines the quality of a dish?

    • From the dishes in which it is prepared.
    • From the products chosen for cooking, from their quality, freshness, combination.
    • From the method chosen for preparation.
    • From the literacy and accuracy of the recipe.
    • From the talent of the cook.

    Carrot casserole recipes

    For babies

    You can prepare carrot casserole for a child aged 1 year and older using the following recipe.


    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 egg;
    • 100 ml. milk;
    • 50 g butter;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 3 tbsp. l. semolina;
    • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


    1. Fry carrots, grated on a fine grater, in vegetable oil.
    2. Add sugar, milk and butter and simmer for 10 minutes.
    3. Reduce heat, add semolina to the resulting mass and bring until thickened.
    4. Transfer the resulting mixture to another bowl and cool.
    5. While the carrots are cooling, separate the egg whites and yolks.
    6. Beat the whites, mix the yolks with the cooled mixture and add the whipped whites. Mix everything.
    7. Place the resulting mixture in a greased pan and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

    Carrot casserole, the recipe for which, just like in kindergarten, will allow you to feed your baby a new tasty dish and thus diversify the child’s daily diet.

    Sunny dessert: video

    Option with semolina

    There are a large number of recipes for such a dish. Here is another version of this casserole.


    • 4 eggs;
    • ½ kg. carrots;
    • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 1 tbsp. l. semolina;
    • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
    • salt to taste.


    1. Simmer the grated carrots until soft.
    2. Remove from heat, mash into a single mass until pureed, cool.
    3. Add semolina, let stand, then add butter, sugar and salt, mix everything.
    4. Beat the yolks separated from the whites and pour into the resulting mass.
    5. Beat the whites separately to a strong foam and mix everything together again.
    6. Place the entire mixture in a greased pan, apply a layer of sour cream on top and bake in the oven until golden brown.

    This healthy and tasty casserole will appeal to both children and adults.

    Semolina and carrot pie: video

    With cottage cheese and carrots

    Cottage cheese and carrot casserole is made according to a recipe using a certain technology to create a fluffy and airy dish.


    • ½ kg. carrots;
    • a pack of cottage cheese;
    • 3 tbsp. l. semolina;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 75 g butter;
    • 1 tbsp. milk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • salt.


    1. Place grated carrots in a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil and simmer, adding a little water in the process.
    2. Bring the mixture until half cooked and add hot milk, as well as add semolina, salt and sugar.
    3. Bring everything to a boil while stirring and turn off.
    4. Make a puree by adding butter.
    5. While the finished mixture is cooling, mash the cottage cheese with sour cream and add the yolks.
    6. Beat the egg whites and pour into the carrots. Combine everything and mix well.
    7. Bake at 200 degrees.

    Curd and carrot casserole turns out very tender and is perfect for baby food.

    Video recipe with cottage cheese

    From apples and carrots

    In the summer, you can diversify the menu for your child with various vegetable and fruit casseroles. It’s good to add apple, pumpkin, and potatoes to carrots. Children especially like carrot-apple casserole.


    • 350 g apples;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 30 g semolina;
    • 250 g carrots;
    • 60 g sunflower oil;
    • 70 g sugar;
    • 100 ml. water.


    1. Wash, peel and boil the carrots. When it cools down, grate it.
    2. Grate the apples too, mix everything and add sunflower oil and semolina.
    3. Let it sit for about half an hour.
    4. Mix eggs, beaten with sugar, into the carrot-apple mixture.
    5. A slow cooker is ideal for baking this dish. Place the resulting dough in a multicooker mold and cook on the setting for 1 hour.

    The casserole prepared according to this recipe in a slow cooker turns out to be very tender and is suitable for the diet of a child aged 1 year and older.

    Recipe with apple: video

    Carrot and potato

    A child aged 1 year is reluctant to eat vegetable dishes. They should be cooked in such a way that it is tasty. Carrot and potato casserole is one such healthy and tasty dish.


    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 medium potatoes;
    • 1 small carrot;
    • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
    • 1 tsp. salt.


    1. Boil carrots and potatoes in salted water.
    2. After adding butter, mash with a masher or grind in a blender.
    3. Place the entire mixture in a baking dish, having previously greased it.
    4. Apply a layer of sour cream on top. Bake for 30 minutes.

    Tasty and satisfying - this is how this dish can be described.

    Carrot with pumpkin

    Pumpkin and carrots go well together because they are both rich in beta-carotene, which is essential for a growing body. This casserole is very useful for a baby in the first year of life.


    • 100 ml. milk;
    • 1 egg;
    • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 200 g pumpkin;
    • 200 g carrots;
    • salt.


    1. Peel the pumpkin and carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.
    2. Bring the milk to a boil and place the mixture into it.
    3. Cook until everything turns into a single mass.
    4. Cool the mixture and add salt and semolina.
    5. Leave for half an hour to swell.
    6. Add eggs beaten with sugar to the resulting mass.
    7. Transfer to a slow cooker pan and bake for 45 minutes.

    This doubly healthy casserole will decorate your table and fill your baby’s body with a burst of vitamins.

    Pumpkin pudding: video


    This casserole is often prepared in kindergarten. Her recipe is simple and the result is quite tasty. However, due to the viscosity of rice, this dish is best suited for children over 1.5 years old.


    • 3 small carrots;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 tbsp. rice;
    • 2 tbsp. water;
    • 1.5 tbsp. milk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
    • salt to taste.


    1. Boil rice in water until it becomes porridge.
    2. Stew the grated carrots in milk and make a puree.
    3. Mix boiled rice and carrot mixture.
    4. Add butter, egg, sugar and salt.
    5. Bring to a homogeneous consistency.
    6. Place in pan and bake.

    The recipe for carrot casserole is simple, the ingredients are always available.

    Such casseroles will appeal not only to one-year-old children. Schoolchildren and adults will be happy to join in and taste delicious carrot-based dishes.

  • carrots - five hundred grams;
  • chicken eggs - three pieces;
  • sugar - two to three tablespoons;
  • semolina (corn flour) - three tablespoons;
  • soda on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • sour cream to taste.
  • Cooking process:

    1. For this dish you will need boiled or stewed carrots. If you decide to stew it, first peel the vegetable and then grate it. If you boiled carrots, then you also need to peel them and grate them on a medium grater. In any case, this vegetable should already be ready for casserole.

    2. While the carrots are cooking, take a deep bowl and beat eggs into it, add sugar and semolina, add soda. Mix all the indicated ingredients.

    3.Next, mix the grated carrots and the prepared mixture. You should get a homogeneous mass.

    4.Now take a heat-resistant form and place the future casserole in it. If you have small molds, you can make a small casserole for each child or family member.

    5.Preheat the oven in advance, and then place a large pan or several small ones in it. Cook the casserole until its surface turns golden brown (20-30 minutes). Remove the pan from the oven and cool.

    The delicious casserole is ready. Serve it for breakfast or afternoon snack, after cutting it into pieces. Add sour cream or your favorite jam to it. Bon appetit!

    Many women are once faced with the question of what to cook for their household for breakfast. When you are already tired of the usual omelettes, pancakes and cheesecakes, a carrot-curd casserole cooked in the oven will help diversify your morning diet. The best recipes for such a healthy dish are presented in our article.

    Secrets of making a delicious casserole

    The following secrets will help you prepare such a healthy cottage cheese and carrot casserole:

    1. The calorie content of the casserole largely depends not only on the fat content of the cottage cheese, but also on the amount of sugar. Therefore, if you are on a strict diet or just watching your weight, feel free to reduce the amount of this ingredient to a minimum or eliminate it altogether.
    2. To ensure that the crust of the casserole is not only golden brown, but also crispy, it is recommended to sprinkle it with breadcrumbs before putting the dish in the oven.
    3. Before adding carrots to the dough, squeeze them well from the juice. Otherwise, the cottage cheese and carrot casserole (recipe in the oven) will turn out too wet and will not bake.
    4. The whites for the casserole should be whipped separately from the yolks and introduced into the dough carefully so that the mass does not settle. If this condition is met, the splendor of the baked goods will be guaranteed.

    Recipe for cottage cheese and carrot casserole without semolina

    Semolina or flour is used as a source of gluten in the casserole. Cereals give baked goods a denser, pudding-like structure. Thanks to flour, the casserole becomes more like a pie, which goes great with tea or coffee. Although for comparison it is worth preparing both options. In any case, you will get a very tasty cottage cheese and carrot casserole.

    The oven recipe involves the following step-by-step preparation:

    1. Melt butter (50 g) in a saucepan.
    2. Grate carrots (500 g) on ​​a coarse grater.
    3. Place the carrots in a frying pan with butter, pour in milk (300 ml).
    4. Add 1 yolk, a pinch of salt and sugar (70 g) to cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%. Mix well.
    5. Sift flour (1 tbsp) into the curd-egg mixture.
    6. Remove the carrots from the stove and cool.
    7. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
    8. Beat the whites of 2 eggs until stiff foam.
    9. Add the cooled carrots along with milk to the curd mass.
    10. Carefully fold the whites into the dough.
    11. Sprinkle the baking dish with breadcrumbs.
    12. Carefully transfer the dough into the mold.
    13. Brush the top of the casserole with egg yolk.
    14. Place the pan with the dough in the oven for 20 minutes.

    The casserole is served with sour cream.

    Curd casserole with carrots

    This delicious cottage cheese casserole with the addition of carrots is perfect for adherents of strict diets. It contains a lot of nutritious protein (10 g) and a minimum of fat (5.5 g) and carbohydrates (15 g). Absolutely everyone will benefit from this carrot and cottage cheese casserole for both breakfast and dinner. The calorie content of baked goods is only 148 kcal, so you don’t have to worry about slimming your waist.

    Sequence of cooking:

    1. Beat the egg with honey (1 tablespoon).
    2. Semolina (2 tablespoons) is poured with kefir (100 ml), after which it must be left on the table for half an hour so that the semolina swells.
    3. The oven is heated to 200 degrees.
    4. The egg mass is combined with semolina, 250 g of grated low-fat cottage cheese is added.
    5. Carrots (75 g) are grated on a fine grater and added to the rest of the ingredients.
    6. 20 g of raisins are added to the dough.
    7. The baking dish is greased with butter (2 teaspoons) and the prepared dough is laid out in it.
    8. The cooking time for the casserole is 30 minutes.

    Delicious carrot-curd casserole

    This casserole tastes more like carrots than cottage cheese, but this does not diminish the benefits of baking. However, it is not recommended to change the amount of ingredients so as not to spoil the aromatic baked goods.

    Prepare carrot-curd casserole in the oven according to the following recipe:

    1. First of all, grate the carrots (1 kg) on ​​a medium grater.
    2. Place the carrots in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add enough water to cover the grated vegetable, put on the heat and bring to a boil. After this, you need to add salt (½ teaspoon), sugar (2 tablespoons) and butter (120 g) to the pan.
    3. Cook the carrots, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, for 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and cool.
    4. Separate the whites of 5 eggs from the yolks.
    5. Grind cottage cheese (0.5 kg) through a sieve and add egg yolks to it.
    6. Beat the whites with salt (a pinch) until high and stiff peaks form.
    7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
    8. Line a casserole dish with baking paper.
    9. Combine the curd part with the cooled carrots, sift 50 g of flour into it and knead thoroughly.
    10. Carefully fold the egg whites into the dough using a spatula.
    11. Transfer the resulting mass to a parchment-lined pan and place in the oven for 45 minutes or until a golden brown crust forms on the surface of the casserole.

    The finished casserole needs to be cooled well, and only then can the baked goods be cut into portions.

    Curd and carrot casserole in the oven for children

    This casserole is often compared to the one most of us tried in kindergarten. It turns out to be tender and soft, so it is also suitable for feeding children over 1 year old.

    Carrot-curd casserole with semolina is prepared in the following sequence:

    1. Peeled carrots (250 g) are grated on a fine grater, transferred to a saucepan, poured with a glass of milk and simmered on low heat for 20 minutes. Also, don’t forget to add a tablespoon of sugar, butter (70 g) and a pinch of salt to the carrots.
    2. The cooked carrots are ground in a blender until pureed, transferred to a saucepan, semolina is added and simmered on low heat for another 5-7 minutes until the mass begins to thicken.
    3. Remove the pan from the heat and add 2 yolks to the carrot mixture. Then everything needs to be mixed well and cooled at room temperature.
    4. The oven is heated to 190 degrees.
    5. Cottage cheese (0.5 kg) is mixed with sour cream (3 tablespoons) until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
    6. The whites of two eggs are whipped into a thick foam.
    7. The curd part is combined with the carrot part, a little more sugar is added (3 tablespoons). The mass is well kneaded, then the whipped whites are added.
    8. The dough is placed in a greased form and placed in the oven for 60 minutes.

    Dietary casserole of cottage cheese and carrots

    For supporters of a gluten-free diet, the following casserole option is ideal. Neither flour nor semolina are added to it - products containing the same gluten. The baked goods are not so fluffy, but they are as beneficial as possible for the body.

    Prepare carrot-curd casserole in the oven according to this recipe as follows:

    1. Carrots (100 g) are peeled and chopped in a blender.
    2. One by one, other ingredients for the dough are added to the carrots: cottage cheese, pre-ground through a sieve (200 g), egg, kefir (2 tablespoons).
    3. To taste, you can add sugar or honey, raisins, or cinnamon to the dough.
    4. The curd and carrot mixture is poured into small muffin tins.
    5. The cupcakes are baked for just half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    If using a large pan, the baking time should be increased.

    How to cook cottage cheese and carrot casserole in a slow cooker?

    If you don’t have an oven, you can prepare an equally delicious casserole in a slow cooker.

    To do this, you must adhere to the following instructions:

    1. Mix cottage cheese (350 g) with chopped walnuts (½ tbsp.).
    2. Add sugar (½ tbsp.), grated carrots (2 pcs.) and 2 yolks.
    3. Separately beat 2 egg whites, then add the fluffy mass to the other ingredients.
    4. Knead the dough well and place it in the multicooker bowl.
    5. Select the "Baking" mode. Set the cooking time to 60 minutes.
    6. After cooking, do not open the multicooker lid for another 10 minutes. Then the dietary carrot-curd casserole will not fall apart.
    7. After the specified time, remove the casserole from the bowl, cool and serve.

    The benefits of carrot-curd casserole

    Everyone has known about the benefits of fresh natural cottage cheese for a very long time. But no less useful is a casserole prepared on its basis. This dish is deservedly included in the menu of kindergartens and schools and is included in the menu of most weight loss diets.

    It is known that cottage cheese, like other fermented milk products, has a positive effect on intestinal function. Accordingly, by eating casserole instead of pies, you can not only enjoy a delicious dessert, but also benefit your body. At the same time, fiber is no less important for intestinal function. Therefore, carrot-curd casserole in the oven turns out to be even more beneficial for the body. In addition, carrots are also rich in vitamins and minerals. This means that the benefits for the body from such baking will be twice as great.

    This carrot casserole in the oven will appeal to all lovers of healthy and tasty food. The casserole turns out sweet, aromatic and very healthy. We will need the simplest and most affordable products, which, as a rule, can be found in any kitchen. Instead of prunes, you can take raisins, dried apricots, or add a little of everything at the same time. You can serve the casserole sprinkled with powdered sugar, sour cream or honey. Carrot casserole is a great idea for a tasty and healthy breakfast, and is also suitable for a light lunch or a late snack for dinner. Not only adults, but also children eat it with pleasure, I recommend preparing this wonderful vitamin dish for a change!


    • 500 grams. sweet carrots.
    • 4 chicken eggs.
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of semolina.
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar.
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder.
    • 0.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
    • 1 packet of vanilla.
    • 100 grams of pitted prunes.
    • 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar.
    • Number of servings: 8.

    Carrot casserole in the oven, step-by-step recipe with photos:

    Three carrots on a medium grater. Add a small amount of water to it and simmer under the lid on the lowest heat for about 7-10 minutes until soft. If you want to give the casserole a more uniform structure, you can puree the carrots in a blender. For this recipe, it is advisable to take carrots that are not very large and of sweet varieties, so that your casserole does not turn out tasteless.

    Then transfer the stewed carrots into a deep bowl and let it cool slightly.

    Then add the eggs. Semolina. Sugar, baking powder, vanillin and cinnamon to taste.

    Mix everything well and add prunes. Before doing this, prunes must be soaked for several minutes in warm water, rinsed well and cut into four parts.

    Mix everything again and transfer the carrot mixture into a greased form. The bottom can be covered with baking paper. I have a mold with a diameter of 19 cm, if you take a larger mold, it is better to increase the amount of ingredients.

    Cook the casserole at 180*C for about 30-40 minutes in a preheated oven.

    Let it cool a little so that it holds its shape better and serve. When serving, the top can be decorated with powdered sugar, whipped cream, sour cream or honey. Casserole with carrots in the oven is moderately sweet, with an incredible aroma and delicate structure. This dish can be an excellent dessert for those who adhere to proper nutrition, as well as for those who want to diversify their menu with a tasty and healthy dish.

    Bon appetit!!!

    Best regards, Oksana Chaban.