Light beef salads. Simple salads

Meat by-products are a budget-friendly raw material for incredibly satisfying, tasty and nutritious original dishes: salads, cutlets and even soups. In addition, they make snacks that are not embarrassing to imagine even on a holiday table, not to mention the daily diet. In this publication, we will look at several options for how to prepare an unusual salad from beef lung and its pork counterpart.

Nutritious snack


Cooking method:

  1. Boil the offal in water with salt for an hour, periodically removing the noise and monitoring the liquid level in the pan;
  2. Boil the egg and chop into slices;
  3. Cut the onion into large pieces and sauté in sunflower oil until golden brown;
  4. Light, chopped into slices, mix with the rest of the ingredients, salt, pepper and season with medium-fat mayonnaise.

A similar salad made from pork or beef lung must be left in the refrigerator for 24 hours, which will make it tender and tasty.

With carrots and offal

Everyone who tries this salad of boiled lung with onions and carrots for the first time wonders what kind of fillet is present in its composition? In fact, the dish is elementary both in terms of the food set and the method of processing and combining them.


Cooking method:

  1. The lung is boiled, cooled and cut into slices;
  2. The onion is chopped, sprinkled with vinegar and placed in a container with light;
  3. Leave the workpiece for 30 minutes, and during this time chop the garlic clove and hot pepper;
  4. Mix everything and combine with carrots, season with salt and vegetable oil;
  5. If desired, the appetizer is supplemented with fresh herbs and infused in a cool place for several hours in a row.

"A la mushrooms"

As with the preparation of the previous pork delicacy, this option is made very simply and quickly, and the end result is often mistaken for assorted mushrooms. Why? It's simple: a special mushroom filling is made, and properly boiled lung acquires a structure very similar to a mushroom one.


Cooking method:

  1. Lightly boil, let cool, remove veins and cut into slices;
  2. You need to do this with onions and carrots: peel, wash, cut and grate;
  3. All ingredients are placed in a deep serving salad bowl, flavored with a generous portion of mayonnaise, and infused in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, the dish acquires a pronounced “mushroom” taste, not to mention the aroma.

"Cardiopulmonary" snack

The following salad recipe delights with its refined and piquant taste, all due to the presence of pickled onions.


Cooking method:

  1. The offal is boiled and cut into thin cubes;
  2. Onions cut into half rings are marinated in vinegar and water mixed in equal quantities;
  3. After 30 min. the onion is sent to the meat, all the remaining ingredients and mayonnaise are added there. Please note that such a snack can be made almost dietary if seasoned with any vegetable oil.

A little exotic

Let's move on to how to make a salad from boiled lung in Korean.


  • 400 g beef offal;
  • purple onion;
  • 150g of ready-made carrots “Korean style”;
  • fresh hot pepper;
  • garlic clove and pepper;
  • a couple of bay leaves, sunflower oil and parsley;
  • 30 ml of balsamic vinegar and two fresh cucumbers.

Cooking method:

Preparing salads and light dishes in general is a budget-friendly and satisfying way to diversify the usual menu, make it tasty, unusual and “long-lasting”.

Be sure to master several recipes using offal, and your family will appreciate your delights.

This recipe is intended for lovers of offal dishes. Beef lung appetizer salad will become a favorite “guest” on your table. This salad takes a little longer to prepare than classic appetizers. Don’t let this moment scare housewives, because the salad is worth it.

Beef lung is always used for food in boiled form, but with further variations in preparation. When cooked correctly, it turns into tender pulp, which is suitable for salads, as in our case, and for stuffing or goulash. Our salad will be complemented with carrots, garlic and fresh cucumbers. For dressing - mayonnaise.

The ingredients for the salad come from the list. It is better to take the lung fresh and chilled.

It will take at least 2 hours to cook the lung. To speed up this process, it is better to cut the offal into small pieces, first rinse it under cold running water, and then place it in a large saucepan. During cooking, I either carefully remove the foam or change the water twice. The lung is cooked with the addition of salt and bay leaf - for taste. The readiness of beef lung is determined using a knife. If the knife easily penetrates the pulp, then the offal is ready.

The film is removed from the lung. After which the pieces are cut into strips.

The carrots are peeled and chopped into thin strips. For convenience, you can use a Korean carrot grater.

By the way, there is a version of beef lung salad with Korean carrots. Surely you would like him too.

Onions and garlic are fried in sunflower oil until light golden. After which the hot onion and garlic fry is sent along with oil to the carrots.

The carrots are mixed and salted to taste. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The carrots can be prepared while the lung is cooking.

The lung straw is placed in a bowl with chilled carrots.

Fresh cucumbers are chopped into thin slices.

Add the cucumbers to the carrots and lungs.

The main ingredients are mixed into a salad.

Place in a serving salad bowl, decorated with lettuce leaves. Beef lung salad is ready!

The appetizer is seasoned with mayonnaise and served to the table. It is not recommended to store beef lung salad. It’s better to eat it right away, because it’s so tender and tasty.

Often, dishes made from offal are more tasty than from meat tenderloin. But not everyone knows how best to prepare liver, tongue or lung, so they don’t take on this task, refusing to diversify the menu. If you invite your guests to try a salad prepared according to this recipe, they will unanimously say that the dish is very tasty, but they will not be able to accurately determine what ingredients it was prepared from. Whether to reveal the secret of cooking or not is up to you.

Beef or pork lung is often used as a filling for pies and pancakes, but there are not many successful salad recipes using it. This salad was originally prepared with large quantities of onions, light onions, mushroom relish (in stock cubes), and mayonnaise, and was a constant delight among all who tried it. But still, culinary imagination demanded innovation - the mushroom seasoning was replaced by real mushrooms. The dish only benefited from this and acquired a noble taste.

  • Beef or pork lung - 0.5 kg,
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.,
  • Fresh champignons - 0.5 kg (can be replaced with pickled or salted forest mushrooms),
  • Onions 2-3 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise -100 g,
  • Salt,
  • Pepper,
  • Vegetable oil.

Dip a clean, prepared lung into salted boiling water and throw in bay leaves. If you have frozen beef lung, then before cooking, defrost it, rinse it thoroughly, and remove any remaining trachea. It is better to divide it into 2 parts, this will make it easier to turn over.

Due to the fact that there are air cavities in this offal, a piece of lung will not sink to the bottom of the pan, but will appear on the surface of the water. At the very beginning of cooking, you will have to turn it over several times and skim off the foam. You can cover the lung with a lid, the diameter of which is smaller than the pan, so that the offal is completely immersed in water. If you don't really like this design, just cover the pan with a suitable sized lid.

The lung is cooked over low heat under the lid for one and a half to two hours. It will be ready for consumption much earlier, but it is thanks to prolonged cooking that the fibers of the connective tissues will soften and the taste of the salad will significantly improve.

Meanwhile, start preparing the mushrooms and onions. Peel the onion, wash and finely chop. Fry in oil until golden brown.

The more onions, the better and tastier the salad turns out. Gather the fried onions on one side of the pan to catch any excess oil. Or drain it in a colander.

Wash the champignons, chop and fry until tender in any convenient way, on the stove or in a slow cooker.

Any mushrooms are good for salad, for example, pickled boletus. If you take them, then remove the fried onions from the frying pan and fry the pickled boletus in the remaining oil. Cool them and cut them into pieces. Cut the lung into small cubes or strips.

Add mushrooms and onions, pepper, salt and season with mayonnaise. Stir the salad and let it sit in the refrigerator before serving, half an hour will be enough.


If you have free time and you don’t need the salad in a hurry, then put the offal under pressure. To do this, the lung is placed on a flat dish and a weight is placed on top. When the offal cools, its structure will become similar to boiled tongue. You can refrigerate without pressing, the salad will still turn out delicious.

Enjoy a delicious and filling snack!