Herring salad under a fur coat is a beautiful design. Classic herring under a fur coat, beautifully decorated, very tasty recipes for any holiday table

Herring under a Fur Coat is traditional salad on the New Year's table. The classic salad recipe is known to everyone, in fact this puff salad necessarily includes lightly salted herring, which is buried under a layer of vegetables - onions, boiled potatoes, carrots and beets. All layers are lubricated. The top layer should be beets. And one more thing - the salad should be infused in the refrigerator, soaked. And if on casual table Few people bother with decorating “Herring under a fur coat”, but the situation is different with the New Year’s table - it should be beautifully and originally decorated. And therefore, dear readers, we offer you a selection of fur coats for herring under a fur coat.

Herring under a fur coat photo 1

The classic salad “Herring under a fur coat” looks exactly as I described at the beginning.

1 layer - bones and skin removed, chopped lightly salted herring

2nd layer - boiled and grated potatoes.

3rd layer - onions.

4th layer - carrots.

5th layer - beets. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.

Herring under a fur coat photo 2

Herring under a fur coat can be served in portions; this method is more time-consuming, but looks quite nice. if you have special form For this method serving, then this is good, but if not, then you can use a jar of sour cream. I wrote about this in more detail in the article of the same name ““.

Herring under a fur coat photo 3

Can be used silicone molds and gelatin. The taste of “Herring under a Fur Coat” will change somewhat, of course, but you will be guaranteed the delight of the audience.

Herring under a fur coat photo 4

Here's another one Silicone molds, in the shape of a heart, and another way of decoration. It looks gentle and attracts attention.

Herring under a fur coat photo 5

The next method is to lay out the herring under a fur coat, with a traditional layer of beets and mayonnaise on top. Garnished with green peas and parsley leaves, and green onions around the edges.

Herring under a fur coat photo 6

In this photo the salad is laid out in the classic way- in a salad bowl. Decoration on top in the form of flowers made from bulbs. The twigs and leaves are made with mayonnaise and pickled cucumber.

Herring under a fur coat photo 7

Herring is laid under a fur coat traditional way, beet juice is added to mayonnaise, this will be the top layer. It needs to be leveled and a pattern applied. For example, a sprig of flowers. Flowers made from egg whites, sprigs of dill and green onions.

Herring under a fur coat photo 8

Or on last layer a delicate mayonnaise pattern is applied.

Herring under a fur coat 9

Now the fish theme of the “Herring under a fur coat” decoration. Upper layer- mayonnaise, white. And decorations made of greens and vegetables. It turns out to be the seabed.

Herring under a fur coat photo 10

Here the technique is the same, the top layer is beets with mayonnaise. The fish are made from beets, the seabed is made from carrots and greens.

Herring under a fur coat photo 11

Option for laying salad in the shape of a fish. Used as decoration boiled carrots, boiled eggs, Chinese cabbage, some beets and bell pepper. It turned out to be a flirty fish.

Herring under a fur coat photo 12

And this herring under a fur coat looks more like a clown fish. Decorate it with boiled carrots, egg white and olives.

Herring under a fur coat photo 13

In this version, champignon is added as fish scales.

Herring under a fur coat photo 14

A herring under a fur coat, looking like a flower bed. A more detailed description of preparing the salad can be found here in the article

Herring under a fur coat photo 15

And this Herring under a Fur Coat exactly to New Year's table . Here is a New Year's wreath. The herring under the fur coat is placed in the form of a circle, an empty glass is placed in the middle, this way there will be an empty space in the middle after placing the salad. Garnished with cherry tomatoes, parsley and egg yolk.

Herring under a fur coat photo 16

The richest option for decorating a herring under a fur coat presented here. It is laid in the same way as in option 15, only in a slide. And decorated with red caviar, greenery, egg yolks, pomegranate seeds.

Herring under a fur coat photo 17

And this is a herring under a fur coat in the form of a clock that will soon strike twelve and the New Year will come. The top layer is carrots with mayonnaise. The arrows and numbers are pomegranate seeds.

Herring under a fur coat photo 18

Herring under a fur coat in the form of a Christmas stocking for gifts. The top layer is just beets, mayonnaise as a decoration, green pea, greens, crab sticks.

Herring under a fur coat photo 19

Herring under a fur coat in a salad bowl on film is laid in layers in reverse, because the bottom will be on top after turning over. Decorated with a mayonnaise snowflake.

Herring under a fur coat photo 20

And the last salad option. It is decorated in the same way as the previous one, only the herring under the fur coat is simply placed in a salad bowl. The method is much simpler, of course.

Here is a selection of salad decorations " Herring under a Fur Coat"to the New Year's table. I hope that you will definitely like some idea. And here is a selection of photo recipes ““.

Each housewife prepares “shuba” in her own way, always tasty and unique. The quantity and composition of ingredients may also vary, but it is necessary to take into account the accepted proportion for this salad: for one medium herring take a medium onion, a couple of medium potato tubers (one large), one medium sized carrot and one sour apple, as well as three boiled eggs. As for the beets, take one large or two medium ones, but since the beets in our salad are also needed for decoration, there is a little more of it in our recipe. Boil the vegetables and eggs for the “fur coat”, cut the herring into boneless fillet pieces, then peel all the ingredients from the husks and shells (onions/eggs) and outer skins (potatoes, beets, carrots).

We chop all the peeled vegetables for the salad: cut the carrots and eggs into cubes (preferably into small ones or grate them on a fine grater), grate the potatoes coarsely, chop the onion into a thin half ring, also finely chop the beets for the salad, and simply peel the small ones, which are intended for decoration, from the top peels.

Immediately take a suitable salad dish so that it is wide enough and suitable for laying out a heart shape using the ingredients. Place the herring in a thick base as the first layer.

Place onion on the herring.

And then potatoes.

Lubricate the potatoes well with mayonnaise so that the first layers of the “fur coat” do not turn out to be dry.

Carefully place the carrots in a tower, repeating the originally indicated heart shape. Next, coat all layers with mayonnaise as desired and in the amount you like best, but taking into account that your “herring under a fur coat” does not float from the abundance of mayonnaise.

Sprinkle carrots and mayonnaise with eggs (a little mayonnaise is optional).

The apple was not chopped in advance, as its flesh instantly darkens. Therefore, just now we grate it and immediately spread it in a separate layer (mayonnaise, again, optional).

The coat for the herring is almost ready, all that remains is to sprinkle the top and sides of the salad with boiled beets, and then lightly press with a fork so that the “coat” takes on a more distinct shape. The main salad is ready and, in principle, could be presented to the table in this form, but we will go further and decorate our herring under a fur coat with beet roses.

We will prepare beet roses from not too large boiled tubers, which must be cut into thin slices with a vegetable slicer or a sharp knife. Place the beet slices overlapping in an even row on a cutting board.

And then we just roll them up. Since the beets are boiled, the petals stick together well, but if your roses fall apart for some reason, chop them off with a toothpick.

All that remains is to trim the bottom of each rose for stability and “plant” our roses on the salad. We mask the gaps between flowers with greenery. Of course, it’s better to decorate the salad just before serving, so that the roses can be preserved. appearance and didn’t get winded. To better preserve the roses, you can lubricate their petals vegetable oil, in this case they will retain their freshness for a longer time.

I hope we answered your question: " How to decorate a herring under a fur coat?. And you will cook it holiday dish according to our recipe with photos! Happy holiday and bon appetit!

Publication date: 11/27/2017

In the previous article I showed simple classic recipes this salad. And in this article we will also look at complex recipes, since the ingredients are usually the same, with small variations. But decorations made according to these recipes immediately make it clear that these dishes are prepared for the holiday.

But we already prepare a variety of salads for the holidays. As a rule, we prepare in advance. We try to make our table as beautiful as possible. That's why I'm giving you several salads with herring, with beautiful decorations.

How to cook herring under a fur coat. Classic step-by-step recipes for herring salad prepared with vegetables at home

All salads shown here can be classified as classic. There are various tricks in preparation and decoration. But the base of these salads is almost the same. Let's get down to business.


  1. Herring under a fur coat, “Festive Rainbow” salad
  2. Festive fur coat with herring, a very beautiful salad
  3. Lazy herring on a fur coat, quick and tasty recipe
  4. Video - Herring under a fur coat at home

    1. Herring under a fur coat, “Festive Rainbow” salad


  • Fillet salted herring- 3 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled beets - 1 pc.
  • Pickled onion - 1 head
  • Marinade for onions - 1 glass of water + 1 tbsp sugar + 4 tbsp 9% vinegar
  • Homemade mayonnaise to taste
For decoration:
  • Hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Green onions - 4 tbsp.
  • Carrots and beets


1. Grate boiled potatoes onto coarse grater. Place in a dish and level.

2. Grease the potatoes with a little mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions. Place the herring cut into thin pieces on top.

3. Place finely chopped pickled onions on the herring.

Pour the onion with water with a tablespoon of sugar and 4 tablespoons of vinegar added to it. Mix everything and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Drain the marinade and the onion is ready.

4. Place the next layer of carrots grated on a coarse grater. Top with mayonnaise.

5. Grate the beets in advance on a coarse grater, place them in a small colander and let the excess juice drain. We lay out these beets as the next layer.

6. And the last layer on top of the beets is mayonnaise. Distribute mayonnaise evenly over the entire surface. The salad is ready, let's start decorating.

7. We make small strips across the dish and mark them for decoration.

8. Place grated beets on the strips located on both sides of the central one. Don't forget to let it sit in a strainer to drain the juice. Then, through the gap closer to the edge of the beets, lay out a strip of carrots.

9. Between the beets and carrots, on both sides, lay strips of egg white grated on a fine grater. We spread the central strip between the beets with grated yolk.

10. Fill the remaining gaps on the sides with chopped green onions. We apply dots along the strip with carrots with mayonnaise, for beauty.

Salad ready. It looks like a rainbow and Christmas tree toy. You can see for yourself how beautiful it turned out.

Bon appetit!

2. Festive fur coat with herring, a very beautiful salad


  • Boiled potatoes - 350 g.
  • Herring fillet - 250 g.
  • Boiled carrots - 300 g.
  • Boiled beets - 400 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 g.
  • Onions - 1 medium head
  • Sunflower unrefined oil- 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cold plain water- 25 ml.
  • Gelatin - 5 g.
For decoration:
  • Mayonnaise - 50 – 100 g.
  • Fresh viburnum (or fresh cranberries)
  • Fresh parsley


1. Peel potatoes, carrots, beets. We boiled them in the evening. Ours are cold.

2. Pour gelatin cold water and set aside until it swells.

3. For this salad, we usually take a whole herring, clean it and fillet it. She's juicier and tastier than that fillet, which is sold ready-made. Cut the fillet into small pieces.

4. Peel the onion, cut into small pieces, and add to the fillet. Season the herring and onions with a spoon of unrefined sunflower oil.

Well, if someone doesn’t like unrefined, replace it with anything. But keep in mind, unrefined sunflower oil very aromatic and gives special taste salad, even in small quantities.

5. Mix everything well and set it aside for now.

6. Grate the beets on a coarse grater and also set aside.

7. Our gelatin has already swelled well, almost like winter honey. You need to dissolve it in a steam bath.

We are usually in a ladle with hot water put a bowl with thickened gelatin, the water should not reach the edges of the bowl, bring the water to a boil and keep the gelatin in the water until it becomes like liquid honey. Let it cool a little and use it for its intended purpose.

8. The gelatin has been dissolved, it has cooled a little, and through a strainer we pour it into the mayonnaise. Mix everything well.

Let's start collecting the salad.

9. Let's take it deep form. Cover the bottom and sides of the pan with cling film. If you don’t have a mold like the one in the photo, you can use a springform pan or a deep plate.

10. Place grated beets on the bottom of the mold. Let's tamp it down well. Lubricate the beets with mayonnaise.

11. Grate the carrots onto the beets using a coarse grater. Level over the entire surface. Let's also tamp down a little.

Keep in mind - tamp down well, that is, press down with a spoon so that the layer becomes even and uniform. This does not mean that you need to take a masher and compact the layers.

12. Lubricate the carrots with an even layer of mayonnaise

13. On the next layer, grate half the potatoes on a coarse grater. This can be done directly into the form. We also grease the potatoes with mayonnaise.

14. Place chopped herring fillets mixed with onions and butter on potatoes coated with mayonnaise. Level it according to shape.

15. Rub the remaining potatoes onto the herring. Spread the remaining mayonnaise on the potatoes. Cover the mold with film and place it in the refrigerator for 4 hours so that it is well soaked and hardened.

16. After 4 hours, the salad was well soaked and frozen. We take it out of the refrigerator, remove the film and begin to remove it from the mold. Cover the form with the dish on which we will serve the salad on the table and turn the form over onto the dish, holding the dish with your hand.

17. This handsome man was hiding in our uniform.

18. Coat the sides and surface with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Let's start decorating it.

19. For decoration we take pastry bag filled with mayonnaise and a special star attachment.

20. We begin to squeeze out the mayonnaise with small circular movements,

make ruffles around the perimeter of the salad.

21. Using a nozzle, squeeze out three mayonnaise flowers along the center of the salad. Between them we lay out a couple of sprigs of viburnum berries. Place one berry in the corners of the salad, on top of the mayonnaise.

22. Decorate the bottom of the salad with green parsley around the entire perimeter.

Our holiday salad- Herring under a fur coat, ready.

I think your guests will be pleased and surprised, and you will hear many pleasant words.

Bon appetit everyone!

3. Lazy herring on a fur coat, quick and tasty recipe


  • Hard boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc. average
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 pc. average
  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Boiled beets - 1 pc. average
  • Herring fillet - 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste;
  • Mayonnaise to taste.


1. In the evening we boiled potatoes, carrots, and beets. We always boil beets separately from other vegetables so that these vegetables do not get stained. beet color. I actually tried boiling the vegetables all together. If the beet skin is not damaged, then it does not stain its neighbors. But it's better not to take risks.

2. We put the eggs in a saucepan, filled them with cold water, added a teaspoon of salt and cooked after boiling for 15 minutes. For other salads, eggs can be cooked less, about 10 minutes. But for this we need strong protein. Once the eggs are cooked, place them under cold running water to cool and make them easier to peel.

3. The herring was cleaned and filleted. We only need 1 fillet, I think you will find a use for the second fillet.

The next day we start preparing the salad.

4. The eggs were shelled. Carefully cut in half lengthwise. We take out the yolks and put them aside, the whites in another. And so are all the eggs.

Traditionally, the festive table is decorated with dishes that were prepared by our grandmothers. But I don’t want to repeat myself, so modern housewives coming up with creative options for serving appetizers and salads. In this article we will look at design ideas for the well-known “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad.

Here you can use your imagination. But in order not to spoil the taste, you need to follow the recipe and use necessary products. The easiest way is to decorate the dish with figures of vegetables and herbs, but to prevent them from wilting, decoration must be done immediately before serving.

To decorate the salad you may need the following products:

  • Chicken eggs.
  • Lemon.
  • Carrot sticks.
  • Cucumber peel.
  • Slices of boiled beets.
  • Olives.
  • Canned corn and peas.
  • Nuts.
  • Greenery.
  • Pomegranate seeds.

Let's look at a few design ideas...


Using a homemade mold, you can arrange the ingredients in the form of a tower. In this case, the first layer should be potatoes, otherwise the salad will not hold up. For decoration, use caviar, shrimp, tomatoes, pieces of herring.


To lay out the ingredients in this way, you need to cover the board plastic film. Only you need to start laying out the products from the beets, that is, in the reverse order. Add the herring lengthwise to the very center. Then roll it up and serve.


If you use gelatin to prepare a snack, you can carefully place it in a baking dish, on the bottom of which there is a relief image. You can form a square cake using a regular spatula.


A good option is to serve in transparent cups.


Herring under a fur coat is often shaped like a fish. Scales can be made from canned corn or peas, onions, cucumber or carrot slices.

There are several more options original presentation herring under a fur coat.

The appetizer can be beautifully decorated in the shape of a fish. To do this, carefully place the pickled onion half rings on the top layer.

Lay out all the layers sequentially, and decorate the top with flowers made from radishes.

Decorate the top layer with mayonnaise mesh, boiled carrot flowers and chicken protein. Add fresh herbs before serving.

The classic rainbow salad looks very beautiful. To do this, the top layer needs to be decorated with strips of grated carrots, chopped herbs, beets, whites and yolks.

For original serving, you can use a container from confectionery. You need to carefully place all the products in plastic container, put in the refrigerator. Before serving, invert the pan onto a plate.

Below in the photo you can choose suitable option dish decoration.

Traditional salads on New Year in our country - "Olivier" and "Herring under a Fur Coat". Everyone loves them very much and enjoy cooking them. Of course - from a minimum of simple and cheap products you get a very tasty, festive salad. Let's do "Herring in a fur coat" the most original salad on New Year's table. Each family prepares it differently. Some people like it with potatoes and carrots, some people think that you can’t do without eggs and apples, some people definitely add pickled cucumber, some fried mushrooms, some cheese. You can cut the ingredients into cubes or grate them. Choose the recipe to your liking. I'll just try to give some tips to surprise my guests.

First, let's select fresh and beautiful vegetables. Remember, the cooking time for potatoes, carrots and beets is different. Therefore, it is better to cook them in different pans. Beets take the longest to cook - about 2-3 hours, depending on the size. Carrots and potatoes are cooked for about 40-60 minutes, but carrots are slightly faster than potatoes. Wash vegetables thoroughly before cooking and always cook over low heat. After cooking, cool the ingredients and remove the skins.
The most delicious herring- barrel. It is much better to buy barrel herring and fillet it yourself than to buy already clean fillets, saving time and spoiling the taste of the salad. Rules for cutting herring can be found on the page

Basics rule - salad prepared in layers. The order of layers may differ, but the main thing is that each layer is smeared with mayonnaise.

Now let's talk about decorating herring under a fur coat

1. The easiest way. We put the salad on a plate in the shape of a fish and on the top beet layer we draw scales with mayonnaise or lay them out from onions. We make the eyes from eggs, the tail and fins from carrots and beets. You can even make “sponges” for our herring.

2. If you want to receive exotic colorful fish- decorate it with semicircles of green cucumber, red beets and orange carrots.

Here they are another option for decoration - really Fugu fish. Scales from Beetroot, carrots, eyes-bulbs, mouth-carrots or beets (as in previous photos).

3. "New Year's watch". Everything is very simple. Place the salad in layers on a dish and decorate with slices of carrots or beets and numbers written on them. Very New Year's.

4. "Herringbone" We simply decorate the salad with dill and “toys” from pieces of beets and carrots

5. "Chamomile Field"- an unconventional decoration “Herrings under a fur coat” - very suitable for March 8th. The top layer is made from egg yolks, sprinkle the edge thickly with herbs. And we “plant” daisies from eggs on top.

6. "Rainbow". Let more colors into your home! Protein, yolk, greens, beets, carrots, potatoes (or apple, depending on the recipe) - decorate the top of the salad with strips of all the ingredients, grated on a fine grater.

7. Rolls"Herring under a Fur Coat". Make mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes, add mayonnaise. For about 2 large potatoes, one spoon of mayonnaise. We make the roll using a sushi making mat, on which we place cling film. Cover the film with herring fillets and layers of vegetables, roll everything tightly. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Before serving, cut into pieces. These rolls this year can be decorated in the form

8. And, of course, a little humor It won't hurt on the holiday table.

9. It is very beautiful to decorate “Herring under a fur coat” with flowers from various fruits. See how to do this. Look at the technique you can make decoration for any salads

10 ."Herring under a fur coat" made from pancakes requires a separate story. Read.

11. "Herring under a fur coat" in a roll.

Squeeze out the grated beets and place them in a layer on cling film. Cover with another film and press lightly for density.

Place carrots on the beets. The carrot layer should be slightly narrower than the beet layer. Cover with a bag and press. Coat with mayonnaise.

Place a layer on carrots grated potatoes, slightly narrower than a carrot layer. Press down and grease with mayonnaise.

Place a layer of eggs on the potatoes, also a little less than potato eggs, coat with mayonnaise.

Place the herring and onion in a strip in the center.

Roll everything tightly into a roll. Decorate the roll with parsley leaves and wrap it in film. Place in the refrigerator for 2 – 3 hours, or better yet overnight, to steep. Transfer to a plate and remove the film. And cut into pieces.

12. How to do "Herring under a fur coat" in a loaf look . It's very tasty and original snack will delight your guests.

Well, and finally, let's smile a little. I really liked this drawing