Salad with squid and shrimp - food combination options. Shrimp salad: delicious recipes Squid salad shrimp eggs

Let's cook lightly!

We cook seafood. We need to peel the shrimp and cut it into two or three parts, and cut the squid into small pieces. Let's leave a couple of whole crayfish necks for garnishing the dish.

Grate the eggs on a fine grater. Place all ingredients in a deep bowl. Salt, pepper, mix. Season with mayonnaise immediately before eating. Real jam!

  • What about those who are used to more complex ensembles? It’s very simple: add some cucumbers, onions, olives, crab sticks. The result is new and always “Hurray!”
  • Are you tired of eggs? Let's change course for a rich serving of greens. Tear more lettuce leaves or Chinese cabbage and add 2-3 tablespoons of canned corn or peas.
  • Let's not forget about the spicy dressing: it gives the dish a fresh touch. A chic option, beat with a fork.

Olive oil (50 ml) + mustard (½ teaspoon) + 1 clove of garlic + pinch of salt and sugar + pinch of black pepper + balsamic or apple cider vinegar (1/3 teaspoon)

  • Want a simpler version of the sauce? No problem: place dill, olive oil and lemon juice in a blender. We chop. Fragrant, rich and healthy!

“Royal” puff pastry with red caviar

Royal and traditionally layered salad with shrimp and squid, as well as red caviar. Already in the photo the recipe looks very appetizing. It is ideal for holidays, birthdays and romantic dinners.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Squid (raw) - 2 carcasses
  • Shrimp - 150-200 g
  • Eggs (boiled) - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes (boiled) - 2-3 pcs. medium size
  • Red caviar - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise, salt

How to cook.

Cook the squid and cut into thin strips. Cook and peel the shrimp.

We turn the potatoes into neat small cubes. Separate the egg whites and also cut into cubes. Mash the yolks with a fork.

Place the salad on a plate in layers.

  • Potatoes - squid - shrimp - whites - yolks. Grease the top of each layer with mayonnaise and add a little salt.

Do you want to change the taste of your dish and show your culinary imagination? Feel free to change the order in which the layers are arranged and play around with the spices. A set for fish, a mixture of peppers, red paprika, and Italian herbs are suitable.

The dish is crowned with the red queen - caviar. A sprig of greenery for contrast: you're done!

“Crab attack” with crab sticks and corn

What kind of salad is there in the CIS without crab sticks and corn?! A very tasty recipe with shrimp and squid is especially recommended for those who have... an acute deficiency of seafood in the body. We must, we must get treatment!

Product set:

  • Squid (raw) - 300-400 g
  • Shrimp (raw) - 300 g
  • Crab sticks - 100 g
  • Canned corn - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sweet bell pepper - ½ large vegetable
  • Apple (with bright sourness) - 1 pc.

The preparation is simple.

Cook and peel the shrimp. Finely chop the raw squid. Stirring continuously, fry their meat in a frying pan over high heat for 2-3 minutes. Pay attention to the photo: the squid should not burn! The cut remains light in color.

Chop crab sticks. Three eggs and cheese on a grater.

Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise. Decorate the dish with strips of pepper and lemon or apple slices. A couple of spoons: oh, miracle! The seafood balance has returned to normal.

Made a mistake buying canned corn? Are the grains dry and hard? Do as we do! Cut the pepper and apple into a salad into small cubes and replace the corn with the usual, finely chopped herbs - dill and parsley.

“Taste Thai” with tomatoes and rice noodles

Asian salad with shrimp and squid combined with rice noodles and tomatoes - a real trip to the tropics in your plate! The recipe with photos is clear and simple, and the result is very tasty, but without going too exotic.

We need:

  • Shrimp (raw) - 300 g
  • Squid (raw) - 300 g
  • Rice noodles (or funchose) - 40 g
  • Green onions - 5 feathers
  • Onion - ½ small onion
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Celery - 1 stalk
  • Lemon (or lime) - 1 pc. (need juice)
  • Chili pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Soy sauce - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - 1 glass

Forward to the gentle South!

Let's start with sugar syrup. Let 1 glass of water boil, add sugar and boil the sweet solution by 1 third.

Combine the dressing ingredients: thin rings of chili pepper, lemon juice, syrup and soy sauce.

Cook rice noodles. Pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.

Boil seafood. Clean the shrimp and cut the squid into rings or thin strips.

We cut vegetables. Tomato - cubes, onion - half rings, celery and onion feathers - to taste. First, try large, as in the photo below. We ourselves are not fans of green onions cut this way, but in this salad such cutting is surprisingly organic.

Mix the preparations in a bowl, pour over the dressing and go on a mini-vacation to the treasured Tai!

Don't particularly respect overseas noodles and soy sauce? We offer a spring vegetable option. Noodles can be successfully replaced with ½ bell pepper, onion rings and a little parsley. And as a dressing, mix 3 components: 20 ml of olive oil, 1 clove of garlic and the juice of one lemon. Tasty, familiar and nutritious!

“Summer in Asia” with pineapples and mushrooms

And again, under the wing of our plane, Thailand. Cashew nuts, mushrooms, pineapples and green onions. We will need all of them to prepare a hot Thai salad with shrimp and squid. A recipe with step-by-step photos for this very tasty and original dish will help even the most inexperienced cook feel like a chef.

We need:

  • Squid (raw) - 100 g
  • Shrimp (raw) - 100 g
  • Pineapple (canned) - 200 g
  • Champignon mushrooms - 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc. small size
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1/2 vegetable
  • Garlic - 1 large clove
  • Green onions - 3-4 feathers
  • Cashews - 50 g
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Oyster sauce - ¼ cup (optional)
  • This sauce can be purchased in the sushi department.

This is how magic happens in the kitchen.

We start with slicing. Pineapple - in cubes, carrots, peppers and onions - in strips, and garlic, crushed with the flat part of a knife - in a thin strip. We will turn the champignons into neat plates, and cut the squid into rings.

Pour oil into the frying pan. Wait for it to heat up and start frying the garlic. After a minute, add onions, squid, peppers, carrots, shrimp and mushrooms. Fry the ingredients briefly - 2 minutes.

Add pineapple, oyster and soy sauce. Fry for another 5 minutes, add cashews and coarsely chopped green onions, mix and remove from the stove.

If we use pineapple from a can, add it later - 1-2 minutes before the nuts and herbs.

Serve the salad hot - in half a pineapple, as in the photo. No fruit? no problem! On the most ordinary plate, a masterpiece remains a masterpiece. We quickly arm ourselves with a fork and... words are powerless!

“Spanish” with rice and green peas

Since we are talking about hot salads, we cannot ignore the invention of passionate Spanish fishermen. Strictly speaking, according to the recipe below you will prepare paella with seafood. But it is so similar to a warm salad with shrimp and squid, complemented with rice and fish soup.

Ingredients for a miracle:

  • Squid (raw) - 400 g
  • Shrimp (raw) - 150 g
  • Rice (round) - 250 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Fish broth (ear) - 750 g
  • Can be replaced with water with fish spices
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Green peas - 50 g
  • Saffron - 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

A magical but easy process.

Grind seafood. Fill the frying pan with oil, add the squid, fry, stirring thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. Add the shrimp and keep the seafood on the stove for another 2-3 minutes, remembering to work vigorously with a spatula. Add salt and pepper.

Pour finely chopped garlic into a frying pan and pour in tomato paste. We continue stirring.

Now it's the turn of rice and saffron. Wow, we have so much stuff on the stove!

Another 1 minute has passed - fill the frying pan with fish soup (or water with spices for fish). Distribute the rice evenly throughout the entire volume of liquid. If the dish seems a little fresh, add salt.

Cook the dish over high heat for 7 minutes. Throw in the peas. Reduce the heat and wait for the entire ear to evaporate. Remove from heat, cover with a towel and let sit for 5 minutes.

The signor who tastes the sea paella will defeat all the bulls and win the hearts of the first beauties! Tested by practice!

And what can you say at the end of the colorful salad selection? Which shrimp and squid salad caught your fancy? We hope the recipes and photos successfully described the very tasty options. Prepare at least one - please yourself and your loved ones!

Published: 07/17/2016
Posted by: AnyutkaM
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

If you love seafood, then this amazing “Sea Cocktail” salad with shrimp and squid, crab sticks will surely become your favorite dish. I say this because I know the taste of this salad and I understand like no one else that such a dish can be served as an original appetizer at a buffet table or simply for a family dinner. I am impressed by its composition, and therefore I cook it with special pleasure, especially since we all really love seafood.
Considering that the salad contains several types of seafood, it can easily be called festive, especially since it looks very impressive on the table. As for the taste, it’s simply magical - squid goes perfectly with cucumbers, adding freshness to the taste, and shrimps add tenderness and sophistication. This dish can be seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream sauce at your discretion.
It is important to buy quality seafood, and then the dish will definitely be the way you want it to be. When buying squid, pay attention to the condition of their skin; its color, as a rule, does not matter, it depends on the type and habitat of the mollusks. But if the skin is torn in places, then it is better to refuse the purchase, since it may be a frozen carcass, and therefore a low-quality product.
You can present the salad in different ways, it depends on the number of servings and your imagination.
The recipe is for 4 servings.

- crab sticks – 200 g,
- chicken table egg – 2 - 3 pcs.,
- fresh frozen squid – 1 pc.,
- fresh cucumber fruits – 1-2 pcs.,
- shrimp – 100 g,
- onions – optional 0.5 pcs.,
- sauce (mayonnaise) – 50 g.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

First of all, defrost the squid naturally. Then we scald the carcasses with boiling water and remove the skin in one sharp movement. We clean the carcass from the entrails and chords, rinse with running water. Then we put the carcasses in boiling salted water and cook for no more than three minutes, but no more, otherwise the shellfish will be hard.
Cool the carcasses and cut them into cubes.

Boil the eggs hard, to do this, fill them with cold water, as soon as it boils, set for 8 minutes, and cook them. Cool the eggs, peel them and cut them into cubes.

We clean the crab sticks from the packaging and cut them into small cubes.

Wash the cucumbers and wipe dry. Then, if necessary, peel them and cut them into cubes the same size as the rest of the ingredients.

Mix chopped eggs and seafood in a salad bowl, add cucumbers and shrimp strained from the liquid. You can use ready-made shrimp, marinated, or boil frozen ones in salted water.
You can also add onions at this stage. It will add some piquancy and spiciness to the salad. If you decide to add it, chop it very finely.

Mix the salad with the sauce and serve immediately. Also try to cook something equally tasty and easy to prepare.

How you want to put something unknown on the festive table, something that will delight your guests, earning a portion of compliments and the title of the best hostess among your friends! Familiar feeling? Then you have come to the right place, because we have selected the best combination of products for you and every recipe here is invariably successful.

So, today we will talk about salads with shrimp and squid. In addition to their bright, specific taste, these sea inhabitants are very healthy, because they contain easily digestible protein and fatty acids, and are rich in micro- and macroelements. In addition, they are more nutritious than meat and do not contribute to obesity. The secret to successfully cooking squid and shrimp lies in the cooking time. Do not move away from the pan while it is boiling, because every extra minute can ruin the product. If you want a stronger flavor, use sea salt. Sauces based on balsamic vinegar will emphasize and enhance the aroma of salads with squid and shrimp.

“Sea Pearl” salad with shrimp, squid and caviar

An incredibly tasty and bright salad. Instead of canned squid, you can use fresh or frozen carcasses, after boiling them. Recipes for any squid and shrimp salads benefit in taste and nutrition if homemade mayonnaise is used.

  • large fresh frozen shrimp - 300 grams
  • canned squid - 240 grams
  • eggs - 5 pieces
  • red caviar - 120 grams
  • mayonnaise - 80-90 grams
  • bay leaf
  • 4-5 peas of allspice

For registration:

  • 1 quail egg
  • fresh parsley and dill
  • large olives without pits

Cooking method:

Boil all the eggs hard, cool in cold water, and then peel. Separate the chicken eggs and yolks, finely grate them separately on a grater. Boil a liter of water in a small saucepan, add salt, bay leaf and peppercorns, and simmer the spices for a couple of minutes. Then immerse the frozen shrimp in aromatic boiling water. The shrimp will immediately turn pink, cook them after boiling for another three minutes, no more. Do not let them sit in boiling water longer than expected, otherwise the tender meat will become tough. Drain the water, cool the shrimp and peel them.

Drain the canned squid and cut it into thin strips. If you use a squid carcass, it must be cleaned of film and entrails, then immersed in boiling salted water and boiled for no more than 3 minutes. So, you have prepared all the ingredients, and the recipe for salad with squid and shrimp is close to forming the “Pearl of the Sea”. Place in a deep salad bowl in layers: squid, egg yolk, mayonnaise, half of the shrimp, grated egg white, mayonnaise, red caviar. The salad is complete - decorate the top with shrimp tails and herbs, and place a whole quail egg in the center - this is the “pearl”. Place an olive in each curve of the shrimp tail. Bon appetit!

Salad with shrimp, cheese and squid

This salad with shrimp and squid will be a wonderful addition to the holiday table. The recipe does not specify what size shrimp to use, so you can use small salad ones, but remember that king ones will look especially beautiful.


  • squid - 2 carcasses
  • peeled shrimp - 200 grams
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • onion
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • chopped dill greens

Cooking method:

Blanch the squid carcasses with boiling water and remove the skin, entrails and chords. Boil about a liter of water in a small saucepan and boil the squid for no more than 2 minutes, otherwise they will turn rubbery. Cut the squid and onion into thin rings, chop the eggs and cheese on a coarse grater, cut the tomatoes into slices, then mix everything with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill. If you have cherry tomatoes, use them to garnish this tender shrimp and squid salad. Bon appetit!

Seafood salad “Pigalitsa”

This recipe is absolutely loaded with seafood. Their taste is wonderfully refreshed by fresh tomatoes, and cheese adds a particularly delicate note.


  • 2 squid carcasses
  • frozen or boiled-frozen shrimp - 250-280 grams
  • lightly salted salmon - 150 grams
  • hard cheese - 70 grams
  • fresh tomato - 2 pieces
  • tartar sauce - 40 grams

For registration:

  • red caviar - 50 grams
  • dill greens - 6-8 sprigs

Cooking method:

Use the tips given in the shrimp and squid salads above to boil the seafood. Cut the squid into strips and the salmon into cubes. Check each piece of fish for any stray bones. Grate the cheese into a transparent salad bowl, cut the tomatoes into slices and place the prepared shrimp, squid and salmon. Season the salad with tartar sauce, garnish with herbs and red caviar. Bon appetit!

Salad with shrimp and squid in avocado

The highlight of this salad is in its presentation. The recipe itself is very simple, and the avocado halves give it a special charm and delicate taste.


  • avocado - 2 pieces
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • squid - 1 carcass
  • boiled peeled shrimp - 200 grams
  • cream - 15 grams
  • mustard - coffee spoon
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
  • salt, white pepper
  • bunch of fresh basil

Cooking method:

First of all, clean the squid carcass from the skin, entrails, chord and boil in salted water for 3 minutes. Then immediately immerse in cold water, cool, and cut into very thin short strips. Wash the basil thoroughly and chop finely. Remove the juicy core from the tomatoes and chop the fleshy walls into small cubes. Peel both avocados, remove the cores and finely chop them. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and add sauce. His recipe is extremely simple: combine cream with mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Season the salad with the resulting sauce and arrange among the avocado halves. Serve on a platter decorated with herbs. Bon appetit!

Salad with seafood and cucumber

Seafood, fresh cucumber and canned corn - this recipe is full of great flavor surprises. You can dress this salad with either regular mayonnaise or a mixture based on balsamic vinegar. After all, such a dressing will highlight any salad that contains squid and shrimp. Whatever sauce you choose, the dish will be a success on the holiday table.


  • squid carcasses - 700 grams
  • frozen shrimp - 250 grams
  • canned sweet corn - 1/2 can
  • fresh cucumber
  • egg - 5 pieces

For the sauce:

  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • water - 2 tablespoons
  • Dijon mustard - teaspoon
  • unrefined olive oil - teaspoon

Cooking method:

If you received frozen squids, quickly bring them to normal temperature by placing them in cold water. Clean the carcasses as described above, and then boil them. Cool them in cold water, then squeeze and finely chop. To the resulting mass, add boiled and peeled shrimp and hard-boiled and chopped eggs. Cut the peeled cucumber into strips.

You have completed the preparation of the products, now it’s time for the dressing - mayonnaise or sauce. If you choose a recipe for squid and shrimp salad with balsamic vinegar dressing, simply mix the ingredients from the list for the sauce in a separate container and pour it over the chopped ingredients. The main condition for a successful dish is that all components must be as dry as possible, otherwise the salad will lose its taste and visual appeal. Bon appetit!

Salad with Chinese cabbage, squid and shrimp

This recipe is perfect for a weeknight dinner. Fresh vegetables in shrimp and squid salads perfectly complement the taste of seafood.


  • Chinese salad - 100 grams
  • squid - 100 grams
  • frozen shrimp in shell - 100 grams
  • fresh cucumbers - 50 grams
  • juice of half a lemon
  • unrefined olive oil
  • salt, freshly ground pepper

Cooking method:

Wash the salad, cut out the thick part and cut into strips as thin as possible. Clean and boil the squid. Place the carcasses in a colander, cover with cold water, and then chop finely. Boil frozen shrimp and remove the shell. Of course, you can take already peeled and boiled shrimp, but such seafood is rather dry and not as tasty as their shelled relatives. Peel the fresh cucumber from skin and seeds, cut into strips. Mix all salad ingredients.

Season the dish with the following sauce: mix olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl and season with the prepared ingredients. Salads of squid and shrimp will look good on a dish with green leaves laid out. Bon appetit!

Seafood salad in tartlets

Undoubtedly, individual serving of this dish will make this salad the pearl of the buffet table.


  • Squid - 500 grams
  • 2 onions
  • frozen shrimp - 500 grams
  • mayonnaise
  • sweet pepper (red and yellow) - 1 pod each
  • shortbread or waffle tartlets

Cooking method:

The recipe for this bright, juicy salad with squid and shrimp is simple. Boil and clean the seafood according to the method described above. If you put a bay leaf and a couple of allspice peas into the water, the meat will acquire a spicy aroma. Cool the boiled shrimp and squid, chop the latter and pour into a deep bowl.

Cut the sweet bell pepper into short strips. Peel and finely chop the onion, scald with boiling water - the excess pungency will go away. Add a little salt, season with a small amount of mayonnaise and mix gently. The preparation is almost complete, all that remains is to spread the salad into tartlets, sprinkle with herbs and serve. You can decorate it with red caviar and slices of olives or green olives. Bon appetit!

Seafood salad with champignons, nuts and cheese

Undoubtedly, this recipe for squid and shrimp salad, as they say, is not for everyone. After all, the combination of mushrooms, cheese and nuts is unexpected in itself, and in the company of seafood it turns out to be a very satisfying and tasty meal.


  • 500 grams of squid carcasses
  • 500 grams of champignons
  • 300 grams of processed cheese
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise
  • 200 grams of walnut kernels

For decoration:

  • king prawns - 150 grams

Cooking method:

If necessary, clean the squid from the skin, entrails and chords. Boil in boiling water for 3 minutes and cover with cold water. Meanwhile, boil the whole mushrooms in slightly salted water, cool, chop and mix with the squid. Chop the garlic and toasted nuts with a knife. Grind them into a homogeneous mass with grated cheese and homemade mayonnaise. Combine the resulting mass with a mixture of seafood and mushrooms - this will give the squid and shrimp salad a special, unique taste! Place frozen shrimp in boiling water and boil them for literally 3 minutes. Peel them from the shell and garnish the salad with their necks and the rest of the chopped nut kernel. Bon appetit!

Salad “Women”, with squid, shrimp and mussels

This shrimp and squid salad recipe is packed with flavor from seafood and vegetables.


  • squid - 2 large carcasses
  • 1/2 kilogram peeled shrimp
  • 1/2 kilogram of mussels
  • butter - 50 grams
  • tomato - 3 pieces
  • onion
  • sweet pepper pod
  • a small bunch of lettuce, parsley and dill each
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • 70 grams of refined sunflower oil
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

As usual, boil the squid according to the methods described above. Cut the chilled carcasses into strips. Heat a dry frying pan and heat the shrimp in it without defrosting. Let all the liquid evaporate, then add the butter and sauté until soft. Boil the mussels in boiling lightly salted water for 3-4 minutes. The seafood is ready, the recipe moves on to chopping the vegetables.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes. If their skin is thick, scald the fruit with boiling water and remove it. Peel the sweet pepper from seeds and cut it into strips. Also cut the onion thinly and blanch it with boiling water to remove the bitterness. Wash salad leaves and greens with special care - they may contain sand. Tear the salad into large pieces with your hands, and chop the dill and parsley thoroughly. Now it’s the turn of the garlic: it should be crushed with salt and pepper.

In a deep salad bowl, combine all the vegetables (except garlic) and seafood, mix carefully. Now in a small bowl, combine the dressing ingredients: vegetable oil, lemon juice. Beat in with a fork, add the aromatic garlic mixture and season the prepared dish with this sauce. The taste of this squid and shrimp salad will be wonderfully complemented by toasted bran bread. Bon appetit!

Any recipe for salads with squid and shrimp can be adapted to your individual desires: instead of regular tomatoes, you can take the “cherry” variety, and if you couldn’t buy king shrimp, you can easily replace them with small ones, the so-called salad ones. The main thing is that each of your dishes is prepared with inspiration and love!

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Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones not with the usual salads with sausage, meat or the same crab sticks, but with something more refined - seafood. Not only is it tasty and original, it’s also healthy! There are many salads based on seafood, and shrimp and squid go especially well together.

Recipe for the most delicious salad with shrimp and squid

The most delicious combinations usually turn out to be a small number of products, from which, as a rule, the simplest ones are chosen. And the result is a fresh and tender salad.

The eggs need to be hard-boiled and then cut into thin strips. The squid also needs to be boiled - put in boiling water for a couple of minutes, cool and also cut into strips. Boil shrimp in salted water for 5-7 minutes. The cucumber is also cut into strips according to the size of the remaining prepared ingredients. Parsley is chopped. All that remains is to mix all the ingredients, add salt to the salad to taste and season with sour cream. Ready!

“Tsarskiy” salad with seafood

The name of the salad reminds us of the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession,” doesn’t it? In any case, there would definitely be a place for him on that royal table.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg squid;
  • 300 gr. shrimp;
  • 1 jar of red caviar;
  • 5 medium chicken eggs;
  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 150 gr. any hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise and spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 30-40 minutes plus several hours of standing time.

Calorie content: about 160 Kcal/100 g.

It is advisable to first boil the potatoes and eggs and let them cool. Boil the shrimp in salted water for 5-7 minutes, and lower the squid into boiling water for a couple of minutes and also cool, and then cut into strips.

Potatoes and eggs need to be grated separately, just like hard cheese. Now you can assemble the salad - it is layered, so the products are laid out on a flat dish, each coated with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

First comes the potatoes, then the squid and eggs, then the shrimp and cheese. At this stage, the salad needs to be put in the refrigerator for several hours to soak, and just before serving, decorate its top with red caviar.

For example, you can do it this way - put a grid of mayonnaise on the salad, and put a few eggs (about half a teaspoon) in each cell. After this, the salad is ready!

Salad cocktail “Sea”

The more seafood there is in a salad, the more seafood it is considered. So you can already “play big” and prepare a real sea delicacy.

Required ingredients:

Cooking time: 20-25 minutes.

Calorie content: about 120 Kcal/100 g.

Squid and shrimp need to be boiled (squid in boiling water for a couple of minutes, shrimp in salted water for 5-7 minutes), and mussels fry for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. But before you send the mussels to fry, you need to cut the squid and crab meat into strips.

When the mussels have already been fried for 5 minutes, you need to add all the specified salad ingredients to them, except for dill. After 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and cool the salad. When this happens, it will remain sprinkled with chopped dill.

Recipe for sea salad with shellfish

Still, whatever one may say, crab sticks are a product too dear to our hearts, so it’s tempting to add it to salads. And there is no particular reason to deny yourself this desire.

Required ingredients:

  • 3 medium squid carcasses;
  • 400 gr. boiled frozen shrimp;
  • 400 gr. crab sticks;
  • 5 medium chicken eggs (already boiled);
  • mayonnaise and spices to taste.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: about 170 Kcal/100 g.

Since all the ingredients in the salad, except for the squid, are already ready, you just need to cook them by putting them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

While the squid is cooling, cut the eggs and shrimp into small pieces.

If the shrimp were in the shell, then they need to be cleaned. All that remains is to cut the squid into strips and mix all the prepared products along with mayonnaise.

If desired, the salad can be salted a little more and decorated to your taste.

Salad "Women's"

For women's get-togethers, you always want to cook something tasty, savory and at least relatively dietary. This salad can be an excellent solution to the problem.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 large squid carcasses;
  • 0.5 kg of peeled shrimp;
  • 0.5 kg mussels;
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • 1 large bell pepper;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • a bunch of fresh lettuce, dill and parsley;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 70 gr. unrefined vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: approximately 40 minutes.

Calorie content: about 130 Kcal/100 g.

Boil the squid by placing it in boiling water for a couple of minutes and cut into strips. Boil the mussels in salted water for 3-5 minutes. Without defrosting, the shrimp should be placed in a dry frying pan and heated until the liquid has evaporated, and then add butter to them and simmer until soft.

While the shrimp are cooling, cut the tomatoes into cubes or slices, bell pepper into strips, and onion into thin strips. Finely chop the parsley and dill, and tear the lettuce leaves with your hands. Garlic must be crushed with salt and black pepper.

Now all the ingredients, except garlic, must be combined in a bowl and mixed carefully. For the dressing, just mix vegetable oil with garlic and lemon juice and beat well with a fork. Add this dressing to your salad and you're done!

Salad in tartlets

Sea salads look especially impressive and original when served individually, and can become a real gem of a holiday or buffet table. In addition, this has a beneficial effect on their taste: the taste and texture of the tartlets give the salad even more soft nutrition. And children like any dishes in tartlets!

To prepare such a delicacy, you can use the most delicious recipe already presented above and place the finished salad on shortbread or waffle tartlets. On top they need to be sprinkled with chopped herbs or decorated with caviar (for example, you can use imitation).

A good and tasty decoration is pieces of olives. By the way, when preparing a salad for placing in tartlets, squid and shrimp can be boiled in water with the addition of bay leaves and allspice.

To prepare seafood salad in general and squid with shrimp in particular so that guests ask which chef did it, you need to know that:

  1. Such salads love dressings like no other. And it’s best if it’s sour cream. Moreover, the longer it soaks, the better it will be;
  2. You can add boiled eggs to any squid and shrimp salad, even if they are not in the recipe. This product will not hinder them in any way and, on the contrary, will make them more satisfying;
  3. It is not recommended to experiment with greens in the case of such dishes - parsley and dill work well, but other types can give the salad a strange taste;
  4. For salads with shrimp and squid, it is not necessary to cut crab sticks or meat - it will be more successful if you can separate them into thin fibers with your hands;
  5. If you don’t have red caviar or for some reason you don’t want to use even its imitated variety, you can decorate the sea salad with pomegranate seeds;
  6. For preparing salads, it is best to purchase dry-frozen shrimp, and in the case of squid, it is important that the cleaned carcasses do not have a yellowish tint;
  7. It is good to serve such salads in portions, immediately placing them in bowls;
  8. The “royal” salad can be made even more delicious by garnishing it with black caviar;
  9. Shrimp and squid are very rich in protein, which makes their dishes an indispensable source of protein for anyone who watches their figure and plays sports;
  10. If the shrimp were purchased unpeeled, then after removing the shell from them, it is imperative to remove the intestines in which sand accumulates. This can be done by slicing the shrimp and using a toothpick to pull out the black strip;
  11. There is no fundamental difference in buying peeled or unpeeled squid. This only affects the speed of cooking, but does not affect the taste;
  12. If you bought boiled-frozen shrimp, then you only need to defrost them, but do not try to boil them again, otherwise they will lose their taste and aroma;
  13. When purchasing unpeeled shrimp, you should immediately take into account that the recipes indicate their weight in peeled form, and when the shells are removed, about a third of the weight is lost;
  14. For dressing shrimp and squid salads, unrefined olive oil is best suited, which also has a positive effect on their benefits;
  15. If you use Korean-style squid for a salad, this will automatically make them oriental: this is how the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans prepare them. They also add seaweed.

Bon appetit!