Peruvian salad with crab sticks. Salad with crab sticks and corn

Crab salad is well known to many. The taste of childhood comes from this dish. Today, the appetizer is prepared less often, but when you can try this culinary masterpiece, you are immediately transported to another time, ten years earlier. Crab stick salad - a simple recipe that has not changed to this day. A simple recipe for crab salad is perfect for a holiday table, as well as for a regular family dinner.

You can also prepare other interesting snacks for the celebration, for example, or.

Regular crab salad is made from a small amount of ingredients that can often be found in the refrigerator.

Ingredients required for salad (serves 4):

  • Crab meat – 180 g;
  • Sweet corn – 155 g;
  • Large chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise – 45 ml;
  • Pepper – 7 g;
  • Salt – 12 g;
  • Greens - 55 g.

Simple salad with crab sticks and corn:

  1. Boil chicken eggs and add cold water. Then peel and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel the crab sticks from the packaging and chop into pieces.
  3. Rinse and chop the greens.
  4. Drain any excess liquid from the corn.
  5. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise, add salt and spices, mix.
  6. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

For our readers, we have prepared other salad ideas for the holiday, for example, or.

Simple salad of crab sticks with cheese

Cheese is a very healthy product that is rich in calcium and also carries a sufficient amount of protein for the body. Therefore, being part of a salad, it enriches the dish, bringing a lot of necessary substances into the composition.

Required products for cooking:

  • Crab meat – 230 g;
  • Corn - 160 gr;
  • Fresh cucumbers – 140 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • Cheese – 90 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 55 ml;
  • Onion – 80 g.

Simple salad of crab sticks and corn:

  1. Cut the crab meat into cubes.
  2. Boil chicken eggs until tender, then cool, peel and chop.
  3. Peel the onion and finely chop it.
  4. Grate the cheese on a grater with large holes.
  5. For cucumbers, it is better to use young, small gherkins. If you come across large ones, it is better to peel the fruits from the outer skin and then cut them into cubes.
  6. Place the corn in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  7. Combine all ingredients (except cheese) in a bowl and stir.
  8. Place the salad in serving glasses, pour over mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese.

To diversify your menu, try cooking.

Simple salads with crab sticks

This salad contains selected products that together form a very soft and truly delicate taste. The dish is very filling thanks to boiled potatoes, so it can be used as a snack or light dinner.

Ingredients of this dish (for 4 servings):

  • Boiled potatoes - 280 g;
  • Boiled carrots - 240 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Crab sticks - 220 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 60 g.

Simple salads with crab sticks:

  1. Wash and boil the root vegetables. Then cool, peel and grate into different plates.
  2. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and grate.
  3. Thaw the crab sticks and separate them into fibers.
  4. The salad must be assembled in layers, covering each product (except the last) with mayonnaise: potatoes, crab sticks, eggs, carrots.

Crab salad - a simple recipe

This salad belongs to the category of vitamins, as it includes vegetables and herbs. The dish turns out juicy and crispy, so even the kids will like it.

Products required to prepare 4 servings:

  • Canned corn – 130 g;
  • Beijing cabbage – 180 g;
  • Crab meat – 170 G;
  • Young cucumbers – 120 g;
  • Parsley – 25 g;
  • Salt – 13 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 70 g.

Crab stick salads - simple recipes:

  1. Rinse the Chinese cabbage with water and chop into thin strips.
  2. Cut the crab meat into cubes.
  3. Wash the cucumbers and chop into cubes.
  4. In a large, deep plate, mix cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, pour corn and chopped crab meat from a jar.
  5. Salt the mixture and season with mayonnaise, stir.

Recipe – crab salad with tomatoes

Adding a tomato to a dish makes the appetizer much juicier, because soft and meaty vegetables go well with all the ingredients that make up the salad.

Amount of products needed to prepare the dish:

  • A pack of crab sticks;
  • Fleshy tomatoes – 100 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces;
  • 1 onion;
  • Salt – 11 g;
  • Fresh greens – 35 g;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream – 40 ml.

The simplest crab stick salad:

  1. Boil chicken eggs until tender, cool, peel and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the onion and finely chop it.
  3. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into cubes, but you need to remove all the seeds, because they carry excess moisture, which is not very good for dressing.
  4. Chop the crab sticks into medium-sized cubes.
  5. In a dish, mix tomatoes, crab meat, eggs, onions, and salt the salad. Add mayonnaise or sour cream and stir.
  6. Before serving, sprinkle the appetizer with washed and finely chopped herbs.

As can be seen from the recipes discussed above, a simple crab salad is very easy to prepare, does not require much time, and therefore is loved by many housewives who value their time.

This salad is not a very frequent guest in our homes, but it has not gone very far from Olivier. Most often, crab salad means rice, corn, crab sticks, eggs and mayonnaise. That's right, this is what they call a classic crab salad.

Well, what about without new experiments? Without this we will not be ourselves. But as usual, we will keep the intrigue a little longer for those who are already barely waiting for the list of recipes.

Do you know what crab sticks are? Surely, not every one of you knows that these are not crabs. For those who are not yet in the know, we will reveal a “terrible” secret. There is not a drop of crab meat in the crab sticks. They consist of white fish meat. Surprise!

But we sincerely hope that after this you will not stop eating crab sticks. In fact, we can say that they replace crab sticks with fish in a salad. That is, our salads will be fish based. How do you like this turn? But if “with crab sticks” still sounds better, then so be it. Choose for yourself J.

Today, as usual, we will surprise you with variety by providing a good list of recipes. We will prepare a classic crab salad, then with cheese and apples, with cheese and cherry tomatoes, with cheese and corn. All of them will be incredibly tasty and unforgettable.

But to make them even tastier, we strongly recommend that you do not season them with store-bought mayonnaise, but prepare mayonnaise at home. It really is a thousand times tastier. It will be so delicious that you will be ready to eat it without salad, just a tablespoon.

Can we start? Join us!

What you need to know to prepare

To prepare a delicious salad, it’s not enough to buy ingredients, cut them and combine them in a bowl. You need to know what you are buying. Always choose quality. Well, of course, a few more tips from us.

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. At the top of the list should be “surimi” or “minced fish”. This means that the sticks are indeed made from white fish. If you didn’t find such words in the first place, most likely the sticks contain ordinary fish soy;
  2. The appearance of crab sticks plays an important role. The color of the meat should be white. If it is yellow, the meat has already gone bad. If it is gray, then cheap, low-quality fish was used in the sticks or flour was added. The red stripe should only be on one side of the sticks. Color from pink to red. If the color is too saturated, the manufacturer simply went too far with the dye;
  3. When buying a chilled or frozen product, be sure to pay attention to where you got the product from. The location must be appropriate. That is, frozen sticks should be in the freezer, but chilled ones should be in the refrigerator.

These are the three most important criteria by which you can determine the freshness of crab sticks and their quality. Be sure to remember our tips to buy a good product.

Classic salad with crab sticks

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

An excellent salad with the most delicate, light and aromatic taste of crab meat. Grains of snow-white rice will add satiety, juicy onions will give crunch, and eggs will finally add richness to the salad. You shouldn't miss this!

How to cook:

Tip: when cooking rice, you can add 15 ml of lemon juice to the water, so the rice will be snow-white.

Crispy sweet apples, salty cheese and, of course, crab sticks. Some more hearty eggs, mayonnaise and the perfect salad can be brought to the table.

It will take 35 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 125 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the eggs and boil until the yolk is firm;
  2. When cool, they need to be peeled and the whites and yolks separated. Grate individually;
  3. Remove the crab sticks from the packaging and cut into strips;
  4. Peel the onion, wash it, cut off the roots and chop it;
  5. Place the butter in the freezer for fifteen minutes, then grate it using a grater;
  6. Wash the apple, remove the core and grate it too;
  7. Grate hard cheese;
  8. Then spread the ingredients evenly in layers, each time brushing with a little mayonnaise. Layer order: protein, onion, cheese, butter, crab sticks. And at the end there is an apple and a yolk;
  9. Let the dish sit for half an hour, after which you can serve.

Tip: You can add various spices to mayonnaise in advance to give the dish a new taste.

Salad with cheese and corn

Corn will add sweetness to any salad you add it to. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that this salad will turn out incredibly tasty.

It will take 25 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 100 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the garlic from dry peels, cut off the dry roots and chop the cloves in any convenient way;
  2. Rinse the dill, shake off the water and chop finely;
  3. Grind the crab meat into equal pieces. If you have whole carcasses, you will have to boil them first, but if they are canned, then you are very lucky;
  4. Drain the corn in a colander and let it drain;
  5. Grind hard cheese using a grater;
  6. Peel and cut eggs into cubes;
  7. Combine eggs, dill, cheese, crab sticks, garlic, corn and mayonnaise;
  8. Mix all the ingredients together and let the salad brew for at least half an hour.

Tip: When serving, the salad will be beautifully garnished with fresh basil tops.

Add cherry tomatoes

Cheese and tomatoes are classics in cooking. This is an excellent combination that you can never ruin anything with, even if you really want to.

It will take 20 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 174 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the eggs with water and pour water into a saucepan, which, in turn, put on the stove;
  2. Boil the eggs until the middle is firm, which is about twelve minutes from the moment of boiling;
  3. Cool the finished eggs in cool water, then peel and chop with a grater;
  4. Cut the crab sticks into cubes or rings by removing them from the packaging. If they are frozen, do not forget to remove them from the freezer in advance;
  5. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into quarters;
  6. Rinse the pepper, remove membranes and seeds, cut into strips;
  7. Peel and chop the garlic, mix it with mayonnaise;
  8. Grind the cheese with a grater;
  9. In a salad bowl, combine cheese, tomatoes, crab sticks, pepper, eggs and garlic mayonnaise;
  10. The salad can also be seasoned with spices and served.

Tip: the salad can also be assembled in layers, decorating the very top with delicious grated cheese.

Classic salad with crab meat

A rich salad will make your snack incredibly colorful and delicious. Many flavors are mixed together, but each one is responsible only for itself. It's not often you see this.

It will take 35 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 217 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the eggs, put them in a saucepan and put them on the stove to cook;
  2. Boil the eggs until the center is firm and then cool;
  3. Peel and chop the eggs into cubes;
  4. First cut the crabs, boil them and disassemble them into pieces;
  5. Then cut them into half rings;
  6. Open the peas and drain in a colander, repeat the same with the corn. You can even drain at the same time;
  7. Rinse the green onions and chop them with a sharp knife;
  8. Combine onions, peas, eggs, crab sticks, corn, mayonnaise in a dish;
  9. The salad can be seasoned with spices and cooled.

Tip: to make the salad even tastier, replace the mayonnaise with homemade mayonnaise. It's incredibly delicious!

The most important nuance in preparing such salads is the quality of the products. Above we have described for you the criteria by which you need to choose our main product - crab sticks.

It is also advisable to check eggs for freshness in a store so as not to waste money. Greens can be judged by their appearance, but check canned goods for their expiration date. It’s better to prepare homemade mayonnaise, it’s not only safer, but also much tastier.

The salad must be given time to rest. Mayonnaise will permeate all the products, which, in turn, will combine their tastes and aromas into one to make it tastier for you.

Crab stick salad is an incredibly simple appetizer. It can be prepared by both a professional cook and a beginner. You can have a salad in the morning, for an afternoon snack, or eat it for dinner or lunch. It is not very high in calories, so you don’t have to worry about your figure. Cook with love and eat with pleasure. Bon appetit!

Good day, seekers of delicious recipes! You are in the right place, because I have collected for you 12 options for preparing a salad with crab sticks. All these dishes are prepared quickly and simply. You don't need to be a chef to make them perfectly.

Just follow the steps as I described. Although there is nothing to do there. Basically you need to chop the ingredients and mix them. The main thing is to remember to try what you got so that you can add the missing link in time.

I’ll start today’s selection with a classic that is familiar to everyone. This is a salad with crab sticks, corn and cucumber. In this version, I think everyone has tried this masterpiece. And then you will find more rare combinations, but no less tasty. Read the content and choose!

Salad with crab sticks, corn, egg and cucumber - a classic recipe without rice

Most often, salad with crab sticks is made according to this recipe. I think he is the most popular. This option is often found on tables during the holidays. It is prepared quickly and simply. You just need to boil the eggs first, the rest is already ready. The proportions of the ingredients can be changed to suit your taste, this is not the case.

Some people like to add some pickles along with the fresh ones. In this case the taste will change. And if you want to experiment, it’s better to take one spoon of the prepared salad, add pickled cucumber and try it. If you like it, then feel free to add this product to the general mass.


  • crab sticks - 300 gr.
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • corn - 1 can
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs. (average)
  • salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste

Cooking method:

1.Open the can of corn and drain all the brine. Pour the grains into a salad bowl.

2.Cut the onion into small cubes.

To prevent the onion from becoming bitter, I recommend scalding it with boiling water. Do not pour or leave in hot water so that it does not cook. It is better to put the slices in a colander and pour (or dip into a pan) boiling water. You can also take salad sweet onions or green onions, it will be even better.

Another option is to pickle the onions. But in this case, it will be felt very brightly in the salad, interrupting the taste of the main ingredient. Therefore, this move must be used with caution. If you decide, see the recipe for pickled onions.

3.Cut the cucumbers into small cubes and place in a common bowl.

4. There is no need to chop crab sticks. Therefore, first cut each of them in half, and then into cubes. This product should feel good.

5.The eggs should already be boiled and peeled. Cook after the water boils for 8 minutes. This time is enough for the yolk to curl completely, but at the same time remain bright yellow. If you overcook this product, the yolk will turn grey. Cut the eggs into cubes, you can use an egg or vegetable cutter (grid).

6. All that remains is to season the salad with mayonnaise. You can also add pepper to taste. It’s better not to add salt first. Taste the finished dish and add salt if necessary. Add a little mayonnaise so that the appetizer is not dry.

It’s better to prepare homemade “Provencal” from natural products. Prepared in 5 minutes, it turns out just as tasty as in the store.

At first I made mayonnaise with eggs, now I started cooking with milk. The taste is the same, but now I can give this sauce to children without fear of consequences. I have an immersion blender on my website.

7.Mix everything well and can be served. If you are making a salad on the eve of a holiday, it is better not to season it right away. Add mayonnaise before serving! You can also decorate this dish with fresh herbs.

8. This recipe is a win-win, everyone likes it, both big and small. Write in the comments, did it turn out delicious?

Delicious salad with crab sticks and cabbage without corn (video recipe)

Friends, I always try to find the best video recipes for you. And now I suggest you watch one of these. The video lasts only 1 minute. But during this time the whole recipe is shown and revealed. This is actually a very simple dish, with only 4 ingredients, not including the dressing. It’s called “Freshness” because it contains fresh cabbage, cucumber and green onions.

That is, it is practically a vegetable salad, light and healthy. And crab sticks give it a special taste. It is impossible to refuse such a dish. It will be without mayonnaise, with an interesting sauce. So, you will need:

  • young cabbage - 0.5 pumps
  • cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • green onions - a few feathers

For refueling:

  • vegetable oil - 60 ml
  • lemon - 1\2 pcs. (juice from it)
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • ground white pepper - 1 tsp.
  • sesame - 1 tbsp.

How to make crab salad with rice? Simple, tasty and inexpensive recipe

Rice goes well with fish products. Therefore, you can also add it to a salad with crab sticks. This will result in a more satisfying dish, there will be more of it, which is also important if you need to feed a lot of people.

You want the rice to be crumbly. And for this it needs to be cooked correctly. I will write the main points that need to be taken into account:

  • Rice must be thoroughly rinsed until the water is clear (change the water 10 times)
  • you need to put the cereal in boiling, salted water
  • there should be twice as much liquid as rice (per glass of cereal - two glasses of water)
  • do not stir the porridge while cooking, cook over low heat with the lid closed
  • take long grain rice or steamed


  • crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • rice - 100 gr.
  • hard-boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc. large
  • canned corn - 200 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1.First you need to cook the rice, as I described above, and the eggs. Cook the last ones for 8 minutes, then immediately fill them with cold water, so they can be easily cleaned. Cool hot ingredients.

2.If you use frozen sticks, you need to defrost them gradually. That is, in the evening, transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator, by the morning they will thaw. Dice crab products. The cutting method can be any: smaller or larger.

3. Cut the eggs into cubes too. The cucumber needs to be chopped quite finely.

4. Place all the ingredients in a container - corn without juice, cucumber, eggs, crabs, rice and mix.

5. Season the salad with mayonnaise, stir again, try to see if everything is enough. Maybe you need to add a little salt? Or if you want more freshness, then add more cucumber. In general, at this moment only you can understand what is missing. Or maybe everything will be in moderation.

6.To serve this festive dish beautifully, cover a deep bowl with cling film. Place the prepared snack there to the very edges, compact it a little.

7.Cover with a nice flat plate and turn over. Remove the bowl and film. The result will be a salad in the shape of a hemisphere (or in another shape, depending on the type of bowl).

8. Decorate as you wish. You can put some red caviar and herbs, or you can use the products that are in the composition (sprinkle with yolk, lay out corn kernels or pieces of crab sticks).

Red Sea salad with crab sticks, tomatoes, garlic and cheese

A salad called “Red Sea” has recently become very popular. It is prepared both for the New Year and just for dinner. You can prepare this dish very quickly, literally in 10 minutes. And plus another five minutes to cook.

There is another option for preparing this salad. It also contains red bell pepper, cut into strips. It also turns out very tasty, with peppers and tomatoes together.


  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • crab sticks - 240 gr.
  • cheese - 100 gr.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1.Tomatoes are first cut lengthwise into plates and then into strips. The seeds can be left or removed. It seems to me that it will be better without the juicy pulp, because a puddle will not form in the salad.

To remove the seeds, cut the tomato in half, then each half into 2-3 more pieces. Remove unnecessary elements and chop the fleshy part.

2.Cut the crab sticks diagonally into ovals.

3.Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Place everything in one container, squeeze the garlic into it. You can take a smaller amount if you don’t want the taste too spicy.

4.Add salt and ground black pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise.

5. Mix everything, try it and you can present it. You can decorate with parsley leaves and grated cheese. For a more aesthetic appearance, lay out the workpiece using a ring. This is how you can easily and simply prepare a delicious salad with crab sticks.

Prepare a delicious salad with Doshirak (noodles) and crab sticks

I hope this recipe will delight and surprise you. You will be pleased that this salad with crab sticks is quick to prepare; it turns out delicious and festive. And it will surprise you with its composition. After all, you need to put instant noodles here! Once you try this dish, you will cook it often, because you can’t help but like it. And guests will ask for the recipe.


  • crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • instant noodles - 60 gr. (you can take any small pack: Rollton, Petra, Big Bon, Doshirak, etc.)
  • salad onion - 1 pc. small
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Without opening the package, break the vermicelli so that it is not too long. Pour the resulting pieces into a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a plate and let the noodles steam.

2.Meanwhile, cut the cucumber into small cubes. First, cut the vegetable into plates, then lengthwise into strips and finally across into squares.

3.Also cut crab sticks and hard-boiled eggs into cubes. Place everything in one container.

4. Place the noodles in a colander and let the water drain. Leave the vermicelli to dry and cool.

5.Chop a small onion as finely as possible and add to the rest of the ingredients.

6.When the vermicelli has cooled, pour it into a common container and stir. Salt and pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise. Stir everything again and taste. If you are satisfied with the taste, everything is enough, pour the appetizer with crab sticks into a beautiful bowl and decorate as desired.

7. The result is a very appetizing “curly” salad, which is always the first thing to fly off the table.

Crab sticks, orange, eggs - exotic salad for the New Year

Are you looking for a recipe for a new, not boring salad? He is in front of you. Just what you need for the New Year. This is an unusual combination of products that will pleasantly surprise you. Try this dish. And then write in the comments if you liked it.


  • crab meat (or sticks) - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1.Carrots and eggs need to be boiled and cooled.

2.All ingredients are cut quite coarsely. Cut the crab sticks into pucks. Cut the carrots into medium cubes.

3. Eggs should also not be too small, make a large cube. Place everything in one bowl.

4. All that remains is to deal with the orange. You only need the loin part, without the thin skin. To get it, first peel the fruit with a knife, cutting off the top of the pulp.

5.Now look at the fruit. Separations between the lobules will be visible. Cut out the slices by trimming these veins. That is, first make a cut in front of one film, then in front of the second. In your hands you will have a clean slice made only of pulp.

Watch the video below to see how to quickly fillet an orange.

6.Cut out all the slices and cut them into cubes, add to the salad.

7.Put a pinch of salt and just a little ground black pepper. Season with mayonnaise and mix well. This will be the finished dish. When serving, you can garnish it with pieces of crab sticks. You can also garnish with orange slices (use another fruit for this). Now you already know how quickly you can get rid of this citrus fruit in order to use it in various recipes.

8.To give shape, you can use a salad ring with a press. Greens against a background of orange and red will also look good. Fantasize and cook deliciously!

Dietary crab salad with beans: recipe without mayonnaise

This dish can be prepared for holidays or just for dinner. It turns out nourishing and tasty, and also quickly. Beans should be taken already prepared in their own juice. All that remains is to boil the eggs and chop everything. Let's start cooking!


  • red beans in a jar - 200 gr.
  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • dill (parsley) - 0.5 bunch

Cooking method:

1. Boil hard-boiled eggs and immediately throw them into ice water. Then peel and cut into cubes. First cut the crab sticks in half lengthwise, then into cubes.

2. Finely chop the greens and drain the liquid from the beans.

3.Combine all prepared products in one bowl. Salt, pepper and season with sour cream.

If there is not enough sourness in the taste, add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

4. This is the kind of salad you can whip up and have a satisfying meal. Bon appetit!

A simple recipe for salad with crab sticks and avocado

Avocado has not yet firmly entered our everyday life. Mostly they buy it to cook something festive and unusual. Despite its original taste, this fruit is a fruit that behaves very well in salads.

For the New Year or another event, I suggest preparing a salad with crab sticks and this exotic plant.


  • cucumber - 150 gr.
  • lettuce leaves - 100 gr. (can be replaced with Chinese cabbage)
  • canned corn - 160 gr.
  • ripe avocado - 1 pc.
  • crab sticks - 100 gr.
  • onion (white or onion) - 1/4 pcs.
  • lemon - 1/4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • salt, herbs - to taste


1. Greens and lettuce leaves should be thoroughly washed and dried. Chop the leaves quite large, or you can tear them with your hands, as is customary.

2.Cut the cucumber into cubes and finely chop the onion. Place everything in one container.

3. Cut the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the pit by prying it with a knife. Using a tablespoon, scoop out all the ripe pulp. At the same time, work carefully so as not to tear the skin, it will be needed for serving.

4.Cut the extracted pulp into cubes, add to a common bowl and immediately pour over lemon juice, which will prevent darkening.

5.Chop the crab sticks quite coarsely and diagonally. Finely chop the greens. Place all the ingredients in one deep bowl, don’t forget the corn.

6.Add mayonnaise, mix well and taste. If necessary, add salt to taste. At this point the cooking is complete and you can serve it to the table.

7.To serve the salad effectively and in an original way, place it in the empty avocado halves. You can decorate with crab pieces. It turns out quite festive and elegant!

The most delicious salad with Chinese cabbage, corn and crab sticks

This is probably the simplest salad from my entire selection today. It is prepared in a matter of minutes, all products are already ready for use. This recipe will come in handy when you need to quickly feed unexpected guests. And you can also safely serve it on the holiday table, because it is truly fabulously tasty.


  • Chinese cabbage - 700-800 gr.
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt - a pinch
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp.


1. Wash the Chinese cabbage well and cut into pieces. Avoid cutting the dense part of the leaves at the base to preserve the delicate texture.

2.Crab sticks need to be cut into strips, as shown in the photo below.

3. Crush one large clove of garlic with a knife, and then chop finely.

4.Add a pinch of salt to the cabbage, stir and use your hands to make the leaves softer.

5.Add all the other ingredients to the peking: garlic, corn and crab sticks. Mix the ingredients.

6. All that remains is to add mayonnaise and mix everything again until smooth.

7. Transfer to a nice plate and serve. Fast and tasty!

Step-by-step recipe for a new crab salad with Korean carrots

This appetizer combines the sharpness and piquant taste of carrots with the tenderness of crab sticks and cheese. The result is a very rich, multifaceted taste. This is one of my favorite salads, which I prepare for many holidays.

By the way, you can prepare it yourself in advance. It will be cheaper than buying, and without adding chemicals.


  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • Korean carrots - 200 gr.
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • dill - 20 gr.
  • green onions - 20 gr.
  • salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise - to taste

Cooking method:

1.Drain excess liquid from carrots and cut them into short straws. Chop the crab sticks into cubes and grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Squeeze the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater into a bowl with all the ingredients. Finely chop the greens. Cut the eggs into cubes.

3.Salt and pepper the resulting mixture to taste, season with mayonnaise and stir.

4. The dish is ready, lay it out and treat your family. I will definitely be preparing this delicious salad for the New Year. And you?

Video on how to prepare a salad of crab sticks and squid for the holiday

I bring to your attention a festive salad with seafood. There are squid, crab sticks, and red caviar. One of the most important points is to cook the squid correctly. If you keep them on the stove, they will become rubbery. Therefore, cook these seafood for 1 minute after the water boils. And immediately plunge into cold water to stop the cooking process.

It’s better to buy cleaned squid right away so that you don’t have to worry about cleaning them later.

The recipe will be in video format. Everything was filmed very high quality and beautifully. So you will get aesthetic pleasure and add useful advice to your piggy bank.


  • boiled squid - 500 gr. (this is 1 kg raw)
  • crab sticks (or meat) - 400 gr.
  • cheese - 250 gr.
  • egg whites - 6 pcs. (boiled)
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr.
  • red caviar - 140 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Layered salad with tomatoes, cheese and egg - an easy recipe

I left a simple recipe for last. This salad can be prepared during the fresh vegetable season or for a holiday. In winter, when everyone misses cucumbers and tomatoes, such a snack will be in great demand.


  • crab sticks - 100 gr.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • salt - to taste


1. Boil hard-boiled eggs and grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop the crab sticks. Place in one bowl, season with mayonnaise, add salt to taste and stir.

2.Cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into small cubes.

3.Assemble the salad in a ring. Place cucumbers on the bottom and add a little salt.

4.Place the crab-egg mixture on top and press down.

5.The next layer is tomato pieces, add a little salt.

6.Remove the ring and grate the cheese on top on a fine grater. Salad ready!

As you can see, you can make a lot of delicious things from crab sticks. They go well with many products, so you can safely experiment using any recipe as a basis. Write which option did you like best, what will you cook first?

Read recipes for other delicious holiday salads. See you in the next article!

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Seafood is a necessary part of any person’s diet; everyone knows about its benefits. Unfortunately, the gifts of the world's oceans are not cheap, so many housewives actively use their substitutes. For example, instead of crab meat, you can add crab sticks to salads.

This original product is made from ground white fish meat. Sticks are a ready-made product that does not require heat treatment; many salads can be prepared from them today. Below are the most popular and affordable dishes.

Classic salad recipe with crab sticks and rice

Since chopsticks came to Russia from the East (Japan and China), the best “companion” for them is rice. This cereal is adored by the Japanese and is considered very healthy. That is why it (together with crab sticks) forms the basis of a classic salad; below is its recipe.


  • Crab sticks (or so-called crab meat) – 250 gr.
  • Sea salt.
  • Canned corn - 1 can.
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs., depending on the size.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Rice – 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - to the hostess's taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. At the first stage, you need to boil chicken eggs and rice. Rinse the cereal, bring water (1 liter) to a boil, add washed rice, salt, stir, cook until tender. Secret: if you add a little lemon juice at the end of cooking the cereal, it will acquire a beautiful snow-white color and slight sourness.
  2. The cooking process is 20 minutes (with constant stirring). Place in a fine-mesh colander, rinse, and cool to room temperature.
  3. Boil the eggs in water (salted) until hard-boiled (10 minutes). Place the eggs in cold water to cool and peel.
  4. Peel the crab meat from the film. Peel and rinse the onion.
  5. You can start actually preparing the salad. To do this, cut crab sticks, onions and boiled eggs (can be into small cubes).
  6. Open the canned corn and drain the water.
  7. Place the ingredients in a large enough container. Before serving, the salad must be salted, then seasoned with mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce.
  8. Serve chilled. This salad can serve as a side dish for meat, fish or be an independent dish.

Recipe for crab salad with fresh cucumbers – photo recipe

The familiar and boring crab salad can be easily updated by adding fresh vegetables to the ingredients. Fresh peppers, onions or cucumbers work great here.

It is with the latter that you should prepare the crab salad first. It turns out to be especially aromatic and juicy. It’s also nice that the cucumber cubes have a crunch. This is sure to please kids and other vegetable lovers.

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Crab sticks: 300 g
  • Fresh cucumbers: 200 g
  • Eggs: 4 pcs.
  • Corn: 1 b.
  • Mayonnaise: to taste

Cooking instructions

How to make crab and corn salad

Canned corn takes an honorable second place after rice in terms of compatibility with crab sticks. It sets off the fishy aroma of the sticks and gives the salad a pleasant sweetness and juiciness. Here is one of the easiest salads to prepare, popular among Russian housewives.


  • Crab sticks – 400 gr.
  • Canned corn – 350 gr.
  • Mayonnaise – 150 gr.
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Onion (feather) – 1 bunch.
  • Rice – 100 gr.
  • Parsley – 1 bunch.
  • Salt.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. This simple dish can be prepared without rice (less work) or with rice (more work, but also the yield). Rinse the rice with water, place in salted boiling water, and cook until fully cooked (20 minutes or a little less). To prevent sticking and burning, constant stirring is required.
  2. Boil the eggs until fully cooked, hard-boiled, time – 10 minutes. Drain water from corn. Wash the greens and dry them.
  3. You can actually start preparing the salad. First cut the sticks and eggs into small or medium cubes. Chop the greens.
  4. In a deep salad bowl, mix corn, rice, chopped sticks, and eggs. Add salt and lightly season with mayonnaise. This should be done immediately before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

The white, yellow and green colors of the salad look very bright, festive, and spring-like!

Delicious crab salad with cabbage

Russian housewives, unlike Japanese ones, actively use ordinary white cabbage in combination with crab sticks. Indeed, these two products complement each other, cabbage makes the salad more juicy, and chopsticks give the dish a pleasant fishy aroma. In addition, the cost of the original ingredients is quite low, so even students can prepare it.


  • White cabbage – 200-300 gr.
  • Crab sticks – 200 gr.
  • Onion (small head) – 1 pc.
  • Canned corn - ½ can.
  • Lemon – ½ pc.
  • Salt.
  • Mayonnaise sauce (mayonnaise) – a few tablespoons.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. For this salad, you do not need to boil the vegetables, so you can start cooking almost before eating. Shred the cabbage, ideally into thin strips (beginner housewives will have to practice, experienced housewives have already mastered this rather complex technological process). The thinner the cabbage is sliced, the sooner it will release its juice, and the dish will look more appetizing.
  2. Cut the sticks crosswise or into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Place shredded cabbage, chopped sticks, and half a can of corn in a deep salad bowl.
  4. Peel the onion, rinse under the tap, cut into cubes, their size depends on the skill and desire of the housewife. You can scald it with boiling water, then its sharp taste will disappear.
  5. Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice into a salad bowl, or drizzle over the prepared ingredients. Lightly salt, mix gently, add mayonnaise.

You can immediately add salt to the chopped cabbage and crush it a little. Then it will be more tender and juicy, and at the end of cooking there is no need to add salt.

Crab salad with tomatoes

Cheese and tomatoes are two products that go well together. But experimenting housewives have found that crab sticks can provide “pleasant company” for this couple. A little effort, a minimum of ingredients and a wonderful salad becomes a real highlight of the dinner.


  • Crab sticks (crab meat) – 200 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 300 gr. (4-5 pcs.).
  • Hard cheese (such as “Dutch”) – 250-300 gr.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise (to the hostess’s taste).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Tomatoes need to be washed. Peel the garlic, rinse, squeeze it into mayonnaise, let it brew a little.
  2. You can start preparing the salad: it is better to use a glass salad bowl, since the salad looks very beautiful “in cross-section”.
  3. Cut the tomatoes and sticks according to the “cook’s” wishes – into small cubes and strips. Grate the cheese using a grater with medium holes.
  4. Place half of the crab sticks in a glass salad bowl and brush with mayonnaise and garlic. Top with a layer of tomatoes, mayonnaise, and a layer of cheese.
  5. Then repeat once again crab sticks, a layer of mayonnaise, tomatoes, a layer of mayonnaise. The top “cap” of the salad should be made of cheese.
  6. This salad is well decorated with fresh herbs - parsley, dill or onion feathers.

Salad with crab sticks and cheese

Crab sticks are a unique product; they go well with many vegetables, eggs and cheese. Below is one of the easiest recipes to prepare; even a novice housewife will turn out delicious.


  • Crab sticks – 240 gr.
  • Hard cheese (like “Dutch”) – 200 gr.
  • Chicken eggs – 4-5 pcs.
  • Salt.
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves (depending on size).
  • Corn - 1 can.
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. First you need to boil the eggs - you need to put them in boiling water, slightly salted, so that they do not burst.
  2. The cooking process is 10 minutes, then quickly immerse them in ice water, this helps in removing the shell. Peel, cut.
  3. Cut the so-called sticks into plates. Grate the cheese.
  4. In a deep container, mix sticks, boiled eggs, corn, and cheese. Lightly add salt.
  5. Peel the garlic, rinse, pass the cloves through a press into mayonnaise.
  6. Season the salad with mayonnaise-garlic sauce. Let it brew (up to 15 minutes).

How to make crab salad with beans

Interestingly, instead of canned corn, many housewives use ready-made beans packaged in tins with the same success. And the most skillful cooks prefer to cook beans (or beans) for salad themselves. True, this matter will take quite a lot of time.


  • Ready canned beans – 1 can.
  • Crab sticks (or meat) – 200-240 gr.
  • Salt.
  • Greens - a bunch of dill, parsley.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise (can be replaced with mayonnaise sauce).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pre-boil fresh eggs (cooking time until hard-boiled - 10 minutes). Cool the finished eggs and peel them. Cut into cubes (large or medium, as desired).
  2. Remove crab sticks from packaging, cut each into cubes or slices.
  3. Rinse the greens, immerse in ice water for 10 minutes, and dry. Drain the water from the beans.
  4. Place the prepared ingredients in a deep, beautiful salad bowl - eggs and slices of crab sticks, add beans and very finely chopped greens. Add salt and season with mayonnaise.

The salad that uses red beans looks especially beautiful. On top, additionally decorate the salad using greens or cherry tomatoes, cut into 2 or 4 parts.

Red Sea salad with crab sticks

Another dish, based on crab sticks, consists of affordable ingredients and is easy and quick to prepare. It received the name “Red Sea” because of the color of the main ingredients - sticks, tomatoes and bell peppers, also red.


  • Crab meat (or sticks) – 200 gr.
  • Juicy, ripe tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • Red (Bulgarian) pepper – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves.
  • Hard cheese – 150-200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise sauce (or mayonnaise).
  • Salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. There is no need to pre-prepare anything (fry, boil) for the salad, so you can start cutting food immediately before lunch or dinner.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stem, cut into long thin strips with a very sharp knife.
  3. Wash the bell pepper, remove the tail and seeds, and cut into strips.
  4. Then carry out the same operation with crab sticks: remove packaging and cut.
  5. Grate the cheese (you can choose large or medium sized holes).
  6. Peel the garlic, rinse, crush with a knife, add salt to release more juice, and mix with mayonnaise.
  7. Mix the ingredients in a glass salad bowl, season with garlic-mayonnaise sauce, and do not add additional salt.

Crab Salad with Pineapple Recipe

It would be nice to use real crab meat for the next salad (canned). If finances are tight, you can replace them with regular crab sticks; they also go well with pineapples.


  • Sticks – 1 package (200 g).
  • Mayonnaise sauce (unsweetened yogurt, mayonnaise).
  • Hard cheese – 200-250 gr.
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • Canned pineapple pieces - 1 can.
  • Chicken eggs – 4-5 pcs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. This salad looks great in layers, so the ingredients need to be prepared and then placed in a deep salad bowl.
  2. Boil chicken eggs for 10 minutes (hard-boiled), cool, cut the whites into cubes, mash the yolks with a fork in a separate plate.
  3. Drain the filling from the pineapples.
  4. Grate the cheese (grater with small or medium holes).
  5. Cut the peeled and washed onions into thin half rings, scald, and rinse with water.
  6. Place chopsticks on the bottom of the salad bowl and coat with mayonnaise. Then - whites, chopped onion half rings, pineapple cubes, grated cheese. Between the ingredients there is a layer of mayonnaise.
  7. Decorate the top of the salad with mashed yolk, add a little herbs, your favorite parsley or, for example, dill.

Important: the salad does not need to be salted; on the contrary, thanks to the pineapples, it will have a slightly sweet original taste.

How to Make Layered Crab Salad

The same salad can be served in two different ways, and your household won’t even believe that it’s the same dish. The first time, you can mix all the ingredients and simply season with mayonnaise (sauce).

The second time, you can place the same products, prepared and chopped, in a salad bowl in layers, each coated lightly with mayonnaise. Here's a recipe for one of these stick salads that looks amazing and tastes delicious.


  • Crab sticks – 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Apple (sweet and sour) – 1 pc.
  • Salt.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Fresh carrots – 1 pc.
  • Cheese (ideally hard varieties) – 150 gr.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Eggs will require the most time for cooking - they need to be boiled with salt in the water for 10 minutes, cooled, and peeled. Separate the whites and yolks from each other by cutting them into different containers.
  2. Chop the sticks into strips.
  3. Wash the apple and cut into strips.
  4. Peel the carrots, rinse, grate (grater with large holes).
  5. Place in a salad bowl one by one - sticks, apples, whites, yolks, carrots, cheese. At the same time, grease each layer with mayonnaise.
  6. Sometimes you can find the same recipe, only unsweetened yogurt is offered instead of mayonnaise. Then the dish becomes truly dietary.

Delicious salad with crab meat and mushrooms

The original recipe suggests using crab sticks and canned champignons. Quite a rare combination, but why not try to conduct a creative experiment in the kitchen and surprise your household.


  • Sticks – 200 gr.
  • Champignons – 400 gr.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Pepper, salt, vinegar.
  • Chicken eggs – 5-6 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens for garnishing the dish.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. For this recipe, you need to pickle the onions. To do this, cut it into strips and place it in a porcelain bowl. Add salt, add sugar, pour over apple cider vinegar (ideally).
  2. Fry carrots in oil until soft, cool.
  3. Remove the packaging from the crab sticks and cut into slices or cubes.
  4. Boil eggs for 10 minutes in salted water, remove shells, cut into cubes.
  5. Drain the filling from canned champignons and cut into slices.
  6. Mix the prepared products in a deep bowl, then carefully transfer to a beautiful salad bowl.
  7. The dish is ready, you can invite relatives and friends to taste the new original salad!

Crab salad with apples

For a salad that contains crab sticks, rice and corn are most often chosen as “partners”. But if you add just one apple, the taste of the dish will change dramatically. The salad will be more tender and dietary.


  • Crab sticks – 240-300 gr.
  • Rice (long grain) – 150 gr.
  • Corn - 1 can.
  • Sweet and sour apple – 1-2 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise and salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The first step is to boil the rice: rinse it, put it in salted boiling water, cook for 15-20 minutes (until tender), stir all the time so that it does not stick together. Drain the water, rinse the rice, and leave to cool.
  2. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes, cool and peel.
  3. Cut sticks, boiled eggs and apples the same way - into strips.
  4. Add rice and corn kernels to the same container.
  5. Season with mayonnaise and add a little salt.
  6. A little greenery turns an ordinary salad into a masterpiece of culinary art that friends and colleagues will undoubtedly appreciate.

Spicy salad recipe with crab sticks, cheese and garlic

The so-called crab meat or its analogue, crab sticks, is a neutral product and does not have a pronounced taste or aroma. That's why you can often find garlic in salad recipes; it adds flavor and spiciness to the dish.


  • Crab sticks – 340 gr.
  • Corn – 1 can.
  • Eggs – 4-5 pcs.
  • Greens (dill) – 3-5 sprigs.
  • Hard cheese – 200 gr.
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Boil fresh eggs (time norm: 10-12 minutes). Cool, clean.
  2. Cut eggs, cheese, and sticks into cubes.
  3. Squeeze the garlic into the mayonnaise, leave for 10 minutes to infuse.
  4. Mix all the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, add corn and chopped dill.
  5. Mix carefully, then season with mayonnaise and add a little salt.
  6. The light aroma of garlic stimulates the appetite, and therefore the salad disappears in the blink of an eye.

Healthy crab salad with carrots

Naturally, crab meat is much more useful than sticks called crab meat, but it is quite expensive. On the other hand, completely different products (more affordable in price and availability) help make a salad healthy. For example, a salad recipe with canned corn and fresh carrots.


  • Crab sticks – 1 package.
  • Canned milk corn – 1 can.
  • Boiled eggs – 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1-2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Sea salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Everything is extremely simple. Peel the carrots, rinse them from dirt, chop them into very thin strips or grate them.
  2. Boil chicken eggs and grate.
  3. Place the corn in a sieve.
  4. Cut the sticks into slices.
  5. Mix the salad ingredients in a container, pour in mayonnaise, and mix again.
  6. Now place in bowls or in a salad bowl, sprinkle with herbs.

Unusual Korean crab salad

“Carrot-cha” is a well-known product, popular in the East. In this form, your favorite vegetable is good on its own, as a snack and as part of various dishes.


  • Crab sticks – 200-250 gr.
  • Korean carrots – 250 gr.
  • Boiled eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Corn - ½ can.
  • Mayonnaise (or mayonnaise sauce) – 1 pack.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chop the carrots quite finely, cucumbers and crab sticks into strips, and boiled eggs into cubes.
  2. Place ½ can of corn in a colander.
  3. Mix everything, sprinkle with salt, mayonnaise, mix again.
  4. Sprinkle the salad with fresh herbs (finely chopped), the dish of the day is ready!

How to make a salad with crab sticks and chicken

Another recipe suggests combining crab sticks and chicken together. Chefs take into account the fact that there is nothing from real crabs in the sticks, and the modern product is prepared from ground fish.


  • Sticks – 100 gr.
  • Boiled chicken meat – 100 gr.
  • Canned corn - ½ regular can or small can.
  • Boiled chicken eggs – 3-4 pcs.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Salt (you can use sea salt), mayonnaise.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Boil chicken fillet (half a breast) with onion, salt and seasonings.
  2. Cut the chicken sticks and meat into strips.
  3. Place the corn in a sieve.
  4. Boil eggs (10 minutes), cool. Then chop them and the onion feathers.
  5. Simply mix the products in a salad bowl, add salt, mayonnaise (or unsweetened yogurt), and mix again.

Household members may spend a long time trying to guess what ingredients are used in this salad, except for onions and corn.

Tender crab salad with avocado

Many housewives successfully use rare vegetables and fruits, such as avocado, in cooking. It spices up the familiar.


  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Crab sticks – 200 gr.
  • Hard cheese – 100-140 gr.
  • Lemon juice – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves.
  • Oil (preferably olive).
  • Sea salt to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. This simple salad is prepared just before serving; wash, peel, and chop the avocado and cucumber.
  2. Cut the crab sticks into slices or cubes, grate the cheese or into cubes.

Hello, dear friends! Today I want to offer you a lot of amazing, but at the same time simple recipes for making salad with crab sticks.

This wonderful, versatile seafood goes well with almost all vegetables, rice and even fruits. Therefore, there are a huge number of cooking options.

I think almost everyone knows the classic method, but today I will diversify your horizons on this product and you will certainly discover new ideas that you will love and will constantly delight your guests with.

There are really a lot of recipes and it’s simply impossible to mention them all. I've made a selection of my favorite options. And on my colleague’s website, I also found an amazing idea for a dish from this seafood Well, let's get started and look at the very best and simplest ways to prepare salads from everyone's favorite crab sticks.

A very simple and uncomplicated option from the available products. This appetizer is most often made for a regular lunch, although it is also quite capable of decorating any holiday table. Especially if you decorate it beautifully.


  • Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs
  • Green peas - 1 can
  • Crab sticks - 2 pack
  • Fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium)
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs
  • Green onions - bunch
  • Salt, ground pepper or spices - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 150-200 gr


1. Boil potatoes in their skins and cool, then cut into small cubes. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and also cut into cubes. Also cut the cucumbers and crab sticks into cubes. Chop the green onions.

2. Place all the chopped products in one deep bowl. Add salt and ground pepper or your favorite spices. Add mayonnaise to taste. Mix everything properly.

3. In principle, all that remains is to transfer it to a salad bowl or on a plate. When serving, you can decorate it as you wish. For example, in the same way as in the photo. Or be guided by your imagination.

Crab stick salad with rice, corn, egg and cucumber (classic recipe)

This was the very first recipe that I learned a long time ago. It was he who became one of the most popular somewhere in the early 90s and always stood on the table next to the traditional Olivier.


  • Rice - 1 glass
  • Cucumber - 1 large or 2 medium
  • Boiled egg - 4 pcs
  • Green onions - bunch
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack (or 300 g)
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise – 250 gr
  • Salt to taste


1. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and place on the fire until it boils. Rinse the rice thoroughly under running water. Place it in boiling water and leave to cook until done.

2. While it’s cooking, let’s start chopping the remaining ingredients. Cut the crab sticks into cubes. Cut the cucumber into strips. Peel the boiled eggs and cut them into small cubes too. Chop the green onions with a knife. Place all products in a deep bowl. Add corn from a can here.

3. By this point, the rice should already be cooked. Drain the water through a colander and rinse it with running water. Leave it to cool. Then add it to the rest of the ingredients. Stir everything evenly.

4. Salt the salad to your taste and add mayonnaise. Stir well again. All is ready. Place it beautifully in a salad bowl and place it on the holiday table.

Delicious “Tenderness” salad of squid and crab sticks

And this recipe is already without rice. It is laid in layers and comes out with a very interesting taste. If you don’t have fresh squid or don’t want to bother with them, no problem. You can always buy a canned product at the store.


  • Squid – 800 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cheese - 100 gr
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Crab sticks – 200 gr
  • Avocado - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise


1. Place fresh squid in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 2 minutes, then drain and peel off the skin. After heat treatment it will come off very easily. You can easily remove it directly with your hands. Also take out all the insides. Once cleaned, rinse with water.

2. Pour more water into the pan and put on fire. When it boils, add the peeled squid and cook for exactly 1 minute. After this, immediately remove and cool them in cold water.

3. Now that they have cooled, cut them into thin strips. Finely chop the cucumbers. Cut the crab sticks in half and then cut into small cubes. Peel and pit the avocado and chop it finely.

4. Place a ring on a flat salad bowl to form the salad. Place the squid in a deep plate, add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, mix and place in the first layer. Level it properly.

5. Place the next layer of avocado. Add a little salt. Then come boiled eggs, grated on a coarse grater. Level and cover with a mesh of mayonnaise. Next comes a layer of crab sticks. The next layer is made of cucumbers, which is also covered with a mesh of mayonnaise.

6. Sprinkle finely grated cheese on top. All that remains is to decorate and refrigerate for at least two hours. After this, carefully remove the form and place it on the table.

Salad with squid, crab sticks and red caviar

I couldn’t ignore this option either. He is one of my favorites. This salad can be prepared on the eve of the holiday. It will not deteriorate and will not become soggy.


  • Boiled squid – 500 g
  • Crab sticks (or crab meat) - 400 g
  • Cheese – 250 gr
  • Boiled egg whites - 6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr
  • Red caviar – 140 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste


1. Cut the onion into very thin strips. Then transfer to a bowl, add sugar, a little salt and vinegar. Cover it completely with water and knead it well with your hand. Set it aside to marinate.

2. Clean the squid, boil and cool completely as described above. Cut them into strips. Place them in a deep dish.

To get 500 grams of boiled squid, you need to take 1 kg of raw squid.

4. By this time, the onions have already been pickled. Drain the water through a sieve or colander, squeeze it out a little and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Mayonnaise can be added just before serving.

Crab salad with tomatoes, cheese, garlic and bell pepper

This miracle is called the “Red Sea”. I prepared two options for laying this dish - mixed and in layers. Personally, I like it better when layered. It looks so beautiful on the holiday table. And you choose for yourself how you like it.


  • Large tomato – 1 pc.
  • Red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Crab sticks – 200 gr
  • Hard cheese – 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste


1. Everything is extremely simple. Cut the crab sticks into large strips. Chop the bell pepper in the same way, after removing the stem and seeds. Cut the tomatoes into slices and cut out their pulp, then also cut into strips. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Place all the products in a salad bowl, add salt, add finely chopped garlic, mayonnaise and mix. The result is a very light but tasty salad.

3. There is another option for this miracle - you can lay the products in layers. First comes a layer of crab sticks. Place chopped tomatoes in a second layer. Next, add a layer of grated cheese and chopped bell peppers on top. Cover each layer with a mesh of mayonnaise. Refrigerate for a couple of hours to set, then remove and decorate to your liking before serving.

Recipe for salad of crab sticks with cheese and pineapple in tartlets

This snack is very convenient. Since the salad has already been divided into small portions, all that remains is to put them in your mouth and gobble them up with pleasure. In general, almost any option proposed today can be placed in these sand baskets. It will be very elegant and tasty.


  • Canned pineapple – 100 gr
  • Hard cheese – 50 g
  • Crab sticks - 3 pcs
  • Natural yogurt (without flavoring additives) - 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 0.5 cloves
  • Lettuce leaves for decoration
  • Tartlets


1. Cut crab sticks, pineapple and cheese into small cubes. Add chopped garlic. Pour in yogurt and mix everything.

2. Place lettuce leaves in tartlets and place mixed ingredients in them. The result will be a very beautiful, tasty and tender snack. Although, of course, you can put it in a salad bowl and serve it on the table, having previously decorated it.

Crab sticks with tomatoes, eggs and cheese layers

Here I will present you two almost similar recipes with only a small difference. And you choose at your own discretion. These are very light and tasty salads. And they are done very quickly.

First option:

  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 70 g
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons


1. Grate boiled eggs and crab sticks on a coarse grater, add mayonnaise and stir until smooth. The cheese also needs to be grated on a fine grater. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes.

2. Now we begin to lay down the layers. They can be placed either in a deep salad bowl or on a flat plate. The first layer should be half the mixture of eggs and crab sticks. Flatten, and then add cucumbers and flatten as well. Top with a layer of the remaining crab-egg mixture. The next layer of tomatoes.

3. Make a cap of grated cheese as the last layer. Decorate the finished salad with herbs and place on the table.

Or you can cook it like this:

  • Crab sticks - 200 gr
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Tomato - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoon

1. Place crab sticks in the first layer. Second layer of boiled eggs. Place tomatoes in a third layer and cover the top with grated cheese.

2. Apply mayonnaise in thin strips in a zigzag pattern to the cheese. To do this, pour the sauce into a regular plastic bag and cut off a corner, just a little. And then just squeeze it out with your hands and draw any design. And be sure to decorate the salad with herbs.

Prepare a salad of crab sticks with cabbage and corn in 5 minutes

If you have guests and you haven’t had time to properly prepare for their arrival, then this recipe is just for you. Five minutes and you have a delicious masterpiece on your table.


  • Cabbage - 250 gr
  • Cucumber (medium) - 2 pcs.
  • Green onions - bunch
  • Crab sticks – 240 gr
  • Canned corn – 280 gr
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons


1. Chop the cabbage into strips. Finely chop the cucumbers into cubes. Cut the crab sticks into cubes too. Chop the green onions with a knife. Place everything in a deep salad bowl.

2. Then add corn, salt and add mayonnaise. Mix everything evenly. This simple and quick salad is suitable for both an everyday dinner table and a festive one.

Video on how to prepare a delicious salad with crab sticks without rice

Very tasty and light salad. It is prepared quickly, but the result is a bright and beautiful dish for the festive and even New Year's table. Try this recipe and you will fall in love with it.


  • Canned corn - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sweet and sour apples – 2 pcs.
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Lettuce leaves

I recently made this salad for my birthday. My guests really liked it and it was one of the first to leave the table. And then I realized that this dish needed to be made a little more.

Layered salad of crab sticks “Dinner Party” with mushrooms

This is a very beautiful, very light and very tasty holiday dish. You will spend very little time preparing it. But it will have the most favorable impression on the guests.


  • Mushrooms – 400 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • Crab sticks – 300 gr
  • Hard cheese – 150 gr
  • Processed cheese – 100 g
  • Mayonnaise – 250 gr
  • Dill for decoration

You can take absolutely any mushrooms. These can be canned or fresh champignons, or frozen mushrooms. In general, whatever is at hand. They should be fried along with onions.


1. For a beautiful shape, take a split ring and place it on a salad plate. Cut the crab sticks in half and chop them very finely. Lay them out as the first layer.

2. Place 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and spread all over. Next, lay out the eggs, grated on a coarse grater, and brush with mayonnaise again.

3. The next layer is fried mushrooms with onions. Gently smooth around the entire perimeter and place a layer of coarsely grated cheese on top. Then cover again with a layer of mayonnaise. Cover the salad with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours to soak.

4. Freeze the processed cheese in the freezer and then grate it. Before serving, cover the top layer with it and garnish with dill. Then remove the ring and place your masterpiece on the holiday table.

New salad with crab sticks, pickled cucumber, corn and cheese

And this recipe is quite suitable for the everyday table. I often prepare it and assemble it for my hard workers. It is very filling and can be eaten in one sitting.


  • Crab sticks – 200 gr
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Corn - 100 gr
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste


1. Cut the crab sticks into fairly large pieces and place in a dish. Cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Next add the corn. Cut the boiled eggs into small cubes too. Then add the finely grated hard cheese, leaving a little for decoration.

2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add salt and pepper. All that remains is to season the salad with mayonnaise, mix again and sprinkle the remaining hard cheese on top.

Royal salad with shrimp and crab sticks

I think that such a salad will become the number one decoration at the holiday table. This is a real masterpiece. And so as not to miss anything, I added a video in which all the stages are described in detail.


  • Potatoes - 300 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cheese - 150 gr
  • Crab sticks – 200 gr
  • Shrimp – 200 gr
  • Capelin caviar – 1 mainka
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr
  • Olives - for decoration

Prepare such a masterpiece for the holiday and make it the king of the table. I assure you that it will outshine even Olivier or Mimosa and your guests will appreciate it first of all.

A simple and tasty salad with Chinese cabbage and crab sticks

This light snack salad is also suitable for both everyday eating and a holiday table. Another quick recipe. I recommend to all.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 piece
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Crab sticks – 150 gr
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons


1. Cut the Chinese cabbage into strips. For convenience, first cut it in half, and then divide each part into halves again.

2. Then cut the crab sticks into small cubes. Cut the cheese into cubes too. Place all ingredients in a salad bowl, add corn.

3. Salt everything to taste and season with mayonnaise. Mix everything well and decorate it. Then put it on the festive table with the rest of the dishes.

Layered salad “Corrida” with crab sticks and croutons

Another masterpiece with our seafood. It is better to take crackers from white bread. I like them not to be too hard. He looks very elegant.


  • Tomato – 4 pcs
  • Cheese - 150 gr
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Crab sticks – 200 gr
  • Crackers - 60 gr
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr


1. Cut the tomatoes into slices and remove the pulp from them. If this is not done, the salad will leak. Then cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Place them in a bowl. Add garlic and salt passed through a press. Mix everything and set aside for 10 minutes. After this time, they will release juice, which will need to be drained. Cut the crab sticks into half rings. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

2. Now we put everything in layers in a special split ring. The first layer of tomatoes. Place crab sticks in the second layer. Then there is a layer of corn and a layer of cheese finishes it all off. Level all layers thoroughly and then apply a mesh of mayonnaise on them.

3. All that remains is to place the crackers on top, carefully remove the mold and decorate with herbs. It turned out to be a very beautiful and appetizing salad.

Festive salad with orange and crab sticks “Guests on the threshold”

I want to offer you another simple and quick recipe. Orange gives this dish a special taste. Be sure to try cooking it.


  • Crab sticks – 7 pcs
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs
  • Orange – 1 piece
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Canned corn – 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr
  • Greens for decoration


1. Cut crab sticks into cubes. Grate the boiled eggs on a coarse grater. Peel the orange and remove the pulp from the membrane, then cut into small pieces. Finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press. Place everything in one bowl and add corn.

2. Mix all ingredients. Then add mayonnaise and stir thoroughly again, transfer to a salad bowl and garnish with herbs. Now there is no shame in putting it on the holiday table.

Well then, friends. Today I worked hard for you and showed you a lot of interesting recipes. I think you will definitely take a few of the options you like into your piggy bank and use them as soon as the right opportunity presents itself.

Bon appetit! Bye.