Salad of processed cheese and eggs. Recipes for salads with processed cheeses

The popularly known salad with processed cheese, garlic and mayonnaise is a typical representative of the so-called “Soviet” salads. During my childhood, not a single significant home feast was complete without a “standard” list of salads, which, as a rule, were prepared from the most readily available products. In those days, when even ordinary chicken was in short supply, you could buy processed cheese in any store, which became the basis for a snack - processed cheese salad.

Processed milk cheese is obtained by processing regular cheese. The essence of the process of making processed cheese is the melting of finished cheeses in the presence of melting salts at a temperature below the boiling point of water. This process was invented in Switzerland a little over 100 years ago and now inexpensive processed cheese is sold everywhere and is one of the main ingredients of fast food. You can't have cheeseburgers or hamburgers without sliced ​​processed cheese.

To prepare the salad, you need store-bought processed cheese, which is sold in the form of rectangular bars weighing up to 100 grams. It is worth considering that the fat content of the product is more than 50%, so processed cheese salad is a very high-calorie snack, and you simply won’t be able to eat a lot of it. It is ideal to prepare processed cheese with garlic in small quantities and serve it with croutons or as part of sandwiches. It is quite possible to cook from processed cheese, it is only important to choose the frying mode so that the soft cheese does not drip.

People call garlic salad with melted cheese Jewish salad, “squirrel” salad or, quite rarely, “abramchik”. Why this is so - I don’t know. By and large, since the salad contains eggs and a dairy product, it is possible that this may contradict some canons of faith, and make the food not kosher. But, as it happened, the Jewish salad and its name stuck among the people.

The amazing thing about a simple snack, processed cheese with garlic, is that it never remains. Sandwiches turn out to be exceptionally tasty - a light snack, in terms of preparation.

Processed cheese with garlic and mayonnaise - prepares very quickly, and most of the time is needed to boil the eggs and cool them. The advantage of such a snack is that all the ingredients are available and cheap. If guests suddenly arrive, preparing a Jewish salad from processed cheese takes 20-30 minutes. By using your imagination, you can always approach cooking creatively, turning a seemingly ordinary salad with melted cheese into a beautiful and even varied appetizer.

Salad with processed cheese. It is he!

Ingredients (4-6 servings)

  • Processed cheese 3 pcs
  • Egg 2 pcs
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Homemade mayonnaise 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Basil 1 sprig
  • Loaf or tartlets for filing
  1. Salad with processed cheese is so simple and popular that even a child can prepare it. Just grate all the ingredients on a fine grater, mix them and season with mayonnaise. The result is an ordinary, popular Jewish salad. Like everyone else, no worse and no better. But, as one actor proved, he can even become a “Delhi Spinosa” if he wants to. Or vice versa.

    Processed cheese, eggs, garlic and mayonnaise

  2. First you need to hard boil two chicken eggs. Eggs are usually stored in the refrigerator, so you shouldn't put them in boiling water; most likely they will crack and leak. Place the eggs in cold water and place the saucepan on the fire. Count 10 minutes from the start of boiling and cool the eggs under running cold water. Peel the eggs immediately. Separate the boiled white from the yolk.
  3. Processed cheeses are needed without flavorings or additives. I remember that during my childhood, the most popular cheese was “Druzhba”, and they made a salad from Druzhba cheese. Nowadays the choice of cheese curds is more varied, but it is worth making sure that the composition does not contain palm oil, unclear names and the ubiquitous “E-shek”. Grate the processed cheese onto a fine grater.

    Grate processed cheese onto a fine grater

  4. Grate and add egg white to the cheese. The amount of garlic is strictly optional, but, to my taste, garlic cheese salad should have a strong garlic flavor. Usually one large clove of homemade garlic grown in the garden is added to one processed cheese, then the Jewish salad turns out to be moderately spicy. Our local varieties of garlic are many times more aromatic and “garlicy” than imported ones. Focus on your taste. Grate the garlic.

    Add grated garlic and egg white

  5. Mix processed cheese, egg white and grated garlic. Add Mayo. Of course, you can buy mayonnaise, and it’s quite good. But it’s easy to make homemade mayonnaise yourself, using the same principle as for shrimp. It's quick and not difficult. Leave 1 tsp. mayonnaise - you will need it to decorate the appetizer. Using a fork, thoroughly mix the garlic salad ingredients, breaking up any lumps and making sure everything is evenly mixed.

    Add homemade mayonnaise

  6. Actually, the garlic Jewish salad is ready. But, we will go further, our goal is to prepare a beautiful appetizer worthy of a festive table. Divide the salad with processed cheese into three parts and arrange them in different bowls. One third of the salad will remain as it is - a pleasant, almost white shade.

    Divide the salad into three parts and mix them with individual additives

  7. Remove the leaves from the prepared basil sprig and chop them with a knife. Place the basil in a mortar and add 1 tsp. mayonnaise. Grind the mayonnaise and basil as thoroughly as possible until the mayonnaise turns green. The presence of large pieces of greenery in the sauce is acceptable and even encouraged. Add the colored sauce to the second bowl with the processed cheese salad and mix thoroughly. The salad will turn a nice pale green color.
  8. Grate all the egg yolk that was set aside into the third bowl and mix as well. Depending on the color of the yolk, the Jewish salad with processed cheese will turn from yellow to orange in color. You can start decorating.

    The salad is ready to be served

  9. In the simplest and fastest version, it is enough to put the Jewish salad in salad bowls and serve as an appetizer. I advise you to prepare small tartlets from unsweetened dough in advance. You can buy them ready-made, or buy puff pastry, divide it into squares or circles and bake the tartlets yourself, like mini-pizza.

Step 1: prepare the carrots.

First of all, using a kitchen brush, thoroughly wash the carrots. Then we put it in a small saucepan, fill it with regular running water so that the liquid level is 7-8 centimeters higher than the vegetable, and put it on medium heat.

After boiling, cook the carrots until soft, this will take approximately 30 -40 minutes, depending on the variety. Periodically check its readiness with a table fork. If the teeth enter without pressure, help yourself with a slotted spoon, place the carrots in a deep plate and cool to room temperature near an open window.

Step 2: prepare chicken eggs.

At the same time as carrots, prepare chicken eggs. Place them in a small saucepan and fill with running water, 5–7 centimeters above the level.

Add a couple of tablespoons of salt and 9% vinegar there. After boiling, boil the eggs hard 10 –12 minutes, then using a slotted spoon, transfer them to a bowl of ice water and cool to room temperature.

While the boiled products are cooling, put a couple of processed cheeses into the freezer for 25 -30 minutes and bring a kettle full of purified water to a boil.

Step 3: prepare the onions.

At the same time, we deal with the onions, peel them, wash them, dry them with paper kitchen towels, place them on a cutting board and cut them into cubes up to 1 centimeter in size.

Then transfer the slices into a colander with a fine mesh and place it on the surface of a small bowl. After this, scald the chopped onion until softened with boiling water from a kettle and leave it in this form until the moment of use, so that it completely cools and dries.

Step 4: prepare the salad with melted cheese.

After the boiled ingredients have cooled, you can begin the final stage of preparing the dish. Peel the eggs, wash and dry. Separate the whites from the yolks and grate them on a fine or medium grater into separate deep plates.

We remove the skin from the carrots and the food casing from the ham, place them one by one on a cutting board and cut into small cubes or thin layers.

We take the processed cheese out of the freezer, remove the aluminum foil from it and grate it on a coarse grater into a separate small bowl, you should get a loose mass.

Then we take a salad bowl and place egg white on its bottom in an even layer.

Place shredded processed cheese on top. Lubricate it with a generous portion of mayonnaise, about 1 centimeter thick.

Then we distribute carrot cubes on it in an artistic disorder and chopped ham on top of them.

Apply another portion of mayonnaise to these products and sprinkle its layer with already cooled onions.

We re-distribute mayonnaise on the surface of the chopped vegetable, this time the thickness of its layer can be reduced to 5 millimeters, and sprinkle the finished salad with egg yolk.

Cover the salad bowl with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After the required time has passed, we serve the finished dish to the table.

Step 5: Serve the salad with melted cheese.

After preparing the salad with processed cheese, leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that all layers are saturated with mayonnaise, and serve chilled.

This dish is prepared without salt, which is found in sufficient quantities in ham and cheese, and therefore has a pleasant, unsweetening aftertaste. This salad will bring pleasure and diversify your everyday or holiday table!
Bon appetit!

Carrots and eggs can be boiled prematurely;

Very often, green onions are used instead of onions;

Replacement for ham - boiled sausage, boiled chicken, pork or beef;

Before serving, the salad can be decorated with any fresh herbs, for example, sprigs of dill, parsley, cilantro or green onion stalks.

Currently, the number of different types of cheese has exceeded tens of thousands. Moreover, the technologies of each of them are very different.

Cheese is also an easily digestible and incredibly healthy product. Due to the content of vitamins B and A, calcium, methionine, tryptophan and proteins, it has a positive effect on human health.

Cheese can be called concentrated solid milk. It retains all the benefits of whole milk. However, the energy value of cheese is several times higher than that of milk cheese and is approximately 300-400 kcal, depending on the variety.

Due to its high calcium content, this dairy product can be an excellent way to prevent osteoporosis. In addition, daily consumption improves the condition of bones, nails and hair. It is especially recommended to eat cheese for breakfast, as it helps awaken your appetite and gives you energy for several hours ahead.

Hundreds of different dishes can be prepared from cheese. One has only to look at the cuisines of the whole world. In Italy it's pizza and spicy Italian salads. In the Balkans - salads with feta, in the Caucasus - salads with feta cheese. It is known that dishes not only with whole pieces of cheese, but also with processed cheese are widespread.

As a rule, processed cheese is heated to the melting temperature and then it is simply poured over dishes. This unusual way of decoration gives the dish an additional delicate taste of cheese. For example, hot salads are prepared in a similar way in Eastern countries.

On our website we have already addressed cheeses several times. Be it salads with mozzarella or original salads with feta or feta cheese. In any case, today we will experiment a little with ordinary hard cheese, namely, we will melt it and try how it will feel in a salad.
So, the best recipes for salads with processed cheese.

Necessary ingredients for preparing vitamin salad:

  • processed cheese - 3 pcs.
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • prunes – 325 g
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • green onions – 7 feathers
  • salad mayonnaise - 1 jar
  • chopped walnuts - 0.5 cups

Cut the finished processed cheese into cubes of approximately the same size. Soak the prunes in water for 10 hours, then chop into thin strips.

Cut green onions into pieces. Peel the walnuts from the shell. Pass the kernels through a meat grinder or kitchen blender. Crush the garlic cloves with the wide side of the knife.

Boil chicken eggs (preferably hard-boiled) and cut into cubes. Combine all ingredients, season with salad mayonnaise. Mix everything carefully. Cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator, then serve festively colored. For decoration, you can use any ingredients used in the salad.

Sausage salad with melted cheese

Ingredients needed to make sausage salad:

  • processed cheese – 120 g
  • boiled sausage – 30 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • baked milk - 45 ml
  • butter – 25 g
  • mild mustard
  • iodized salt
  • canned cucumbers – 45 g
  • basil

Cut the boiled sausage into cubes. Chop hard-boiled chicken eggs with a sharp knife, keeping the whites and yolks separate, since the whites will go into the salad, and the yolks will be used to decorate it.

Melt the cheese in melted milk over low heat. Add a little butter there and stir. Cut the canned cucumbers into thin strips.

Mix everything in a small salad bowl. Drizzle with mustard. Add salt. Mix dynamically. Pour the cheese and milk mixture over the salad. And sprinkle chopped yolk on top. Garnish with fresh basil leaves.

Salad with melted cheese and chicken fillet

Ingredients needed to prepare the salad:

  • processed cheese – 100 g
  • green apple - 1 pc.
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • chicken fillet – 225 g
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • canned corn – 210 g
  • quail eggs - 3 pcs.
  • green onions – 6 feathers
  • sunflower oil
  • pitted olives
  • training
  • tomatoes
  • parsley
  • dill

Peel and seed the apple and cut into equal cubes. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Boil the chicken fillet, cool and cut into cubes.

Chop fresh cucumbers randomly. Pour the canned corn from the jar into a colander and wait until all the excess liquid has drained. Hard-boil quail eggs and chop finely with a knife. Cut the green onions into pieces no more than 1-2 cm long.

Remove the pits from the olives and cut them into halves. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Cut the cheese into pieces and heat in a frying pan until liquid.

Mix all prepared ingredients. Season with dressing and sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly. Pour over melted cheese and garnish with fresh dill and parsley leaves.

Necessary ingredients for preparing pollock salad:

  • processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • red onion - 1 pc.
  • ripe tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • pollock fillet – 225 g
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • mustard – 15 g
  • cold pressed olive oil - 60 ml
  • lemon juice – 0.5 lemon
  • low-fat cream - 40 ml
  • green leaf salad - 1 bunch
  • seasonings

Cut the processed cheese into small cubes. Chop the red onion finely and fry in olive oil. Peel ripe tomatoes (you can pour boiling water over them, it will be faster), cut into equal-sized slices.

Remove the pollock fillet from the bones, cut into cubes and boil in salted water with seasonings to taste. Finely chop the hard-boiled chicken eggs with a knife.

To prepare the dressing, mix mustard, lemon juice, and low-fat cream in a separate bowl. Beat this mixture until smooth. Place green lettuce leaves in a salad bowl. Place the prepared ingredients on them. Drizzle with homemade dressing. Mix well.

Vegetable salad with melted cheese

Necessary ingredients for preparing vegetable salad:

  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.
  • radishes – 2 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 1 pc.
  • stalk celery – 90 g
  • Chinese cabbage – 150 g
  • carrot – 1 pc.
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • parsley
  • arugula
  • extra virgin olive oil – 4 tablespoons
  • iodized salt
  • spices to taste

Cut the processed cheese into small cubes. Cut the radish into small slices lengthwise. Cut the cucumbers into strips. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Chop the stem celery finely enough. Separate the Chinese cabbage into separate leaves and finely chop them. Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Chop the garlic with the side of a knife.

Tear the parsley and arugula directly with your hands. Combine all the necessary ingredients in a beautiful salad bowl. Drizzle with olive oil. Add a little salt. Mix well.

Simple salad with melted cheese and radish

Ingredients needed to make radish salad:

  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.
  • green radish – 210 g
  • celery root – 100 g
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • parsley
  • mayonnaise provencal
  • ground black pepper

Cut the cheese into cubes. Grate the green radish and celery root on a medium grater. Cut the cucumber into small slices. Chop the parsley. Mix. Add a little salt. Dress a simple salad with Provencal mayonnaise. Mix dynamically. Serve immediately.

Hello dear readers. “Jewish” salad is not just a hearty, healthy appetizer with a specific taste, it is a legend. It’s not for nothing that the salad was mega popular during the era of “stagnation” of socialist society and the emergence of modern class inequality.

Rarely has any festive event, from a spontaneous kitchen sabantuy to side-by-side ceremonies dedicated to celebrating the victory of the poor over the rich, been complete without such a global snack.

The national love for salad did not arise out of nowhere. The ease of preparation of the recipe, low cost, versatility, and extraordinary pungent taste are the cornerstones of the popularity of salad made from processed cheese and garlic. To prepare a cold appetizer you will need to spend only 15 minutes, or even less.

The products used in the recipe are absolutely ridiculous. I think you are familiar with the saying, “Keep it simple and people will be drawn to you.” I probably wouldn’t be revealing America to you if I told you that it also applies to culinary recipes. Today's dish is an example of this.

There are definitely a couple of long-forgotten processed cheeses lying around in your refrigerator, bought without a specific purpose. “Let them lie there and suddenly they will come in handy.” So they came in handy. What can we say about garlic, eggs and mayonnaise, which are mandatory in the food basket of every refrigerator.

The dish received its original name back in the Soviet years. The main idea of ​​the salad, in my opinion, was the ability to adapt to any conditions without losing its individuality and dignity. Perhaps this is precisely what served as the pretext for such an objective nickname - Jewish salad.

Being a distant descendant of Polish Jews, I feel especially proud of this work of culinary art. What’s good about cooking is that styles and trends that are dissimilar to each other coexist peacefully here, without denying or competing with each other.

Calmly tolerates a Jewish fellow man. It, in turn, does not conflict with Arab or Orthodox cuisine. Peace, love and understanding reigns on the culinary blog. It's a pity that this doesn't happen in life.

“Sanya, where have you gone, don’t forget about the topic of the article. Let's slow down. Ask the question you have in mind and begin the story of how to prepare a salad with melted cheese. Get to the point!"

These are the thoughts of the companion living within me. And here is the actual question itself. Tell me, dear friends, in your opinion, why the salad received such a name. The reader who voiced the most interesting guesses will receive 50 rubles in his e-wallet in 10 days.

Jewish processed cheese salad

The following ingredients will be required:

  • Fresh chicken eggs (three to five pieces).
  • Processed cheese (two or three pieces).
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Salt and black pepper.
  • Garlic (two or three cloves).
  • Fresh herbs (optional).

At the beginning of preparing the dish, I boil the eggs.

After cooling, I peel the boiled eggs from their shells, and the processed cheese from the packaging.

Then I grate the eggs on a fine grater. I also grate processed cheese.

I peel the garlic.

I chop the garlic with a knife. You can also use a garlic press for this purpose.

I mix all the ingredients, salt, add ground black pepper, and then season the salad with mayonnaise. To give the salad a delicate texture, I recommend adding a small piece of butter.

Then I mix again.

As a dressing, a suitable option would be natural homemade mayonnaise, the recipe for which is. If you use it, the snack will delight you not only with its expressive taste, giving it the missing touches of aftertaste, but it will also definitely become much healthier.

Salad with processed cheese - general principles of preparation

Cheese - this rich and irreplaceable product became known to mankind many centuries, one might even say, millennia ago. We received the cheese unexpectedly. The milk turned sour and hardened under the influence of high temperature. People could not help but notice the noble smell and refined taste of this new product and have since become actively involved in cheese production. The birthplace of cheese is the Middle East, but today every country is proud of its variety of cheese. It is enough to look at the cuisines of the world, where you can often find famous Italian salads with cheese; popular salads made from fet cheese have also become famous in the Balkans.

Cheese can be used in preparing not only cold dishes and snacks; they are often included in recipes for soups, pasta, meat and fish delicacies. If we consider the benefits of cheese products, it is, first of all, calcium. You should eat cheese at breakfast, as the components contained here promote appetite and maintain a healthy balance of essential microelements in the body. Eating dishes with cheese every day guarantees healthy skin, nails and hair.

Salad with processed cheese - preparing food and dishes

So, the variety of cheese varieties is amazing, but in this article we’ll talk a little about processed cheese, or more precisely about what amazing salads you can prepare with this most delicate ingredient. To begin with, we note that no matter what kind of processed cheese you choose, and there are a huge variety of them, the prepared food will turn out above all praise. Processed cheeses come in sausage, pasty, sweet and slice varieties. Each of these types is rich in its own bouquet of aromas and taste qualities. When preparing hot salads, it is recommended to heat the processed cheese and then pour over the prepared dish. As for the combination with ingredients, processed cheese can be used in the preparation of vitamin-rich fruit salads and meat dishes, especially in the preparation of juicy vegetable salads.

Recipes for salad with melted cheese:

Recipe 1: Salad with processed cheese

As noted above, you can prepare a salad with processed cheese, both fruit and meat. But that's not all. An amazing combination is formed by cheese and dried fruits. In this recipe we will use prunes, but you can add dried apricots and raisins to the dish.

Required ingredients:

  • 3 pcs. - processed cheese;
  • 3 teeth - garlic;
  • 7 feathers - green onion;
  • 50 g - walnuts;
  • 4 things. - egg;
  • 100 ml - mayonnaise;
  • 300 g - prunes.

Cooking method:

Markets sell small processed cheeses, “Yantar”, “Volna”, etc. They are usually used for making sandwiches, but today these cheeses will come in handy for our salad. Take three pieces and cut them into cubes. While we are making cheese, you can pour boiled water over the prunes for 10 minutes. Afterwards we also cut them into small pieces. Those who like to taste dried fruits can cut one prune into three parts. Go ahead. Grind the feathers of green onions, then you need to grind the walnuts, for this you can use a blender or the old-fashioned way - grind through a meat grinder. Peel the garlic and press it with a knife. There are chicken eggs left, you will need them boiled, then cut into cubes and put into a common bowl with the previously prepared salad ingredients. We take salad mayonnaise, light and natural, and season it; you don’t have to overdo it with this dressing. After 15 minutes, the salad can be served. Don't forget to garnish with chopped nuts.

Recipe 2: Salad with processed cheese and fillet

For a more satisfying version of salad with melted cheese, we recommend paying attention to this very interesting and rich salad. It contains canned corn, apples, cucumbers and tomatoes, but the most important thing is processed cheese with chicken fillet. Those who like dishes that are richer in taste can pre-bake the meat in the oven. For adherents of diet and fast food, it is recommended to simply boil the fillet in lightly salted water. Also sprinkle some pepper and bay leaf for flavor.

Required ingredients:

  • 150 g - processed cheese;
  • 6 feathers - green onions;
  • 3 teeth - garlic;
  • 70 g - pitted olives;
  • 1 - 2 pcs. - tomatoes;
  • 1 b. - canned corn;
  • 3 pcs. - quail eggs;
  • 300 g - fillet;
  • 1 PC. - cucumber;
  • 1 PC. - apple;
  • greens for decoration.

Cooking method:

As you can see, the set of ingredients is quite solid. However, preparing the salad is not so labor-intensive. Just chop all the ingredients and then season with vegetable oil. Let's start with meat, cook it, some bake it, some boil it in water. After cooling, cut the meat into fibers. We also boil quail eggs, but you can replace them with chicken eggs, then cut them into cubes. A green apple (this is the fruit that is recommended for salads) is peeled and cut into cubes. Garlic, grate it. The time has come for processed cheese; it is better to cut it into large cubes in order to focus on this ingredient. Then lightly melt the cheese in a hot frying pan. Chop the olives, chop the green onion. Tomatoes and cucumbers are also chopped at the discretion of the cooking chef. Drain liquid from corn. Combine the ingredients, season the salad with oil and serve. Those who cannot imagine a salad without fresh herbs can add a little parsley or dill.

Recipe 3: Salad with processed cheese and pollock

Processed cheese goes well with seafood. You can verify this by preparing this most delicate salad. The recipe uses low-fat cream for dressing the dish, but fans of sour cream or mayonnaise can take their favorite ingredient and prepare a salad dressing with melted cheese with it.

Required ingredients:

  • 100 g - processed cheese;
  • 1 bundle - leaf salad;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - mustard;
  • 300 g - pollock;
  • 2 pcs. - egg;
  • 50 ml - cream;
  • 2 pcs. - tomato;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - lemon juice;
  • 2 pcs. - egg.

Cooking method:

We need pollock fillet, remove the bones and boil until tender. Then cut into cubes. Processed cheese is also cut into cubes, as are boiled chicken eggs. We also chop the tomato and green onion randomly. Prepare the dressing, mix cream with lemon juice, add mustard and stir. Place the salad on plates. First, we lay out a green leaf of lettuce, chopped and mixed ingredients on it, and pour whipped dressing on top of this bright beauty. Amazing salad with melted cheese.

Recipe 4: Salad with processed cheese and radish

Sometimes it’s so difficult to come up with or find a simple, but healthy and quickly prepared recipe. Processed cheese can come in handy in this case too. If you want to diversify your daily menu with simple but amazing salads, prepare this type of salad with melted cheese.

Required ingredients:

  • 200 g - processed cheese;
  • 1 PC. - cucumber;
  • 50 ml - mayonnaise;
  • 250 g - radish;
  • 100 g - celery;
  • parsley.

Cooking method:

For the salad, you need to take celery root, which is grated, like radish. The processed cheese itself is cut into cubes. The parsley is chopped, the cucumber is grated. Salt everything and season with mayonnaise. Fast and useful!

Recipe 5: Salad with cream cheese and shrimp

In this salad, processed cheese is melted and then mixed with cream. Despite the small number of ingredients, the salad with melted cheese turns out very tender and rich.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 pcs. - cucumbers;
  • 6 pcs. - shrimps;
  • 50 ml - cream;
  • 1 PC. - tomatoes;
  • 100 g - processed cheese.

Cooking method:

First of all, let's cut the vegetables, cut the cucumbers into strips, and cut the tomatoes randomly. Boil the shrimp, you can chop them a little. We prepare the cheese sauce, melt the melted cheese in a heated frying pan, and then mix with cream, you get an amazingly delicate consistency. First, place the chopped vegetables on a plate and pour over the cheese sauce. The shrimp are placed on top of the sauce. This salad will be an unsurpassed decoration for the holiday table.

Salad with processed cheese - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

In order for the cheese to fully reveal its aroma, it must be removed from the refrigerator several hours before cooking and allowed to stand for a couple of hours at room temperature. This will enrich the taste of any prepared dish.

When heated, processed cheese forms a uniform, smooth consistency. It is recommended to heat the cheese over low heat, which will make the cheese consistency more tender.

If a recipe requires melting the cream cheese, do this at the very end, and then pour the ingredients on top.