French gypsy salad is ideal for serving with meat! French gypsy salad from Ekaterina pearl Gypsy salad from Ekaterina pearl.

Here is what E. Zhemchuzhnaya herself said about it: “I discovered this salad in Paris, French gypsies shared the recipe with me. And since then I cook it very often and every time I am surprised at how delicious it turns out. In addition, this salad is not high in calories at all and is suitable for those who are watching their figure.”
The salad attracted me with its unusual combination of products. All ingredients combine well and do not contradict each other. Cheese, garlic and mayonnaise are a classic combination, while grapes and pineapple make the salad lighter and more interesting.

250 grams of quiche-mish grapes,
150 grams of canned pineapples (you can also use fresh ones)
150 grams of hard cheese,
1-2 cloves garlic,
mayonnaise to taste.

1. Wash the grapes and place on a plate. You don't have to cut it. But if you want, you can cut it into halves.
2. Cut the pineapple into cubes.
3. Grate the cheese.
4. Pass the garlic through a press.
5. Combine all ingredients with grapes, mix and season with a small amount of mayonnaise.

Salad ready!
Bon appetit!

Here is what E. Zhemchuzhnaya herself said about it: “I discovered this salad in Paris, French gypsies shared the recipe with me. And since then I cook it very often and every time I am surprised at how delicious it turns out. In addition, this salad is not high in calories at all and is suitable for those who are watching their figure.”
The salad attracted me with its unusual combination of products. All ingredients combine well and do not contradict each other. Cheese, garlic and mayonnaise are a classic combination, while grapes and pineapple make the salad lighter and more interesting.

250 grams of quiche-mish grapes,
150 grams of canned pineapples (you can also use fresh ones)
150 grams of hard cheese,
1-2 cloves garlic,
mayonnaise to taste.

1. Wash the grapes and place on a plate. You don't have to cut it. But if you want, you can cut it into halves.
2. Cut the pineapple into cubes.
3. Grate the cheese.
4. Pass the garlic through a press.
5. Combine all ingredients with grapes, mix and season with a small amount of mayonnaise.

Salad ready!
Bon appetit!

Many have already heard about the delicate French kiss salad. This dish is usually served with meat, and the recipe is so simple that practical housewives are happy to make this particular salad. It can be combined with rice and meat. It will harmonize well even with fish dishes. But the best ensemble of French gypsy salads is made with beef or pork, which is why it is usually served with meat. Our recipe will allow you to make a classic dish and appreciate all its benefits.

It is important to note that some nuances depend on what specific products you will use and how correctly you prepare them in advance. One housewife draws attention to an important point: “The fewer ingredients in the salad, the more clearly each of them is heard. For example, in a French gypsy salad you can easily detect the slightest shades of smell and taste of each product. This places a certain responsibility on the cook. As an experienced housewife, I know very well that it is very easy to spoil such dishes if you choose a product incorrectly. For example, in this recipe, pineapple always comes first for me.

That is why I choose it especially carefully; I always take fresh pineapple, not canned. Now, if you’re lucky with pineapple, you can safely look for other ingredients. Half of the work is already practically done. True, this does not mean that you can take not very good cheese or withered Chinese cabbage. Everything must be perfect. The simple pineapple really plays the leading role here. It must be chosen and cut correctly.”

To create a French gypsy salad, you will need grapes and pineapple, Parmesan cheese, fresh garlic and bok choy. Season the dish with regular mayonnaise without flavorings or additives, and serve it with meat. True, many housewives and cooks note that this salad would benefit from a dressing with the addition of olive oil. If you like its natural smell, you can opt for an unrefined product. It is very important to remember all the nuances, not only write down the cooking recipe itself, but also take into account all the features and follow the recommendations.

Ingredients for French Gypsy salad. Accurate selection guarantees great taste!

Our recipe involves the use of garlic and cabbage, grapes and pineapple. Grapes also play a significant role here. By the way, you also need to be able to choose mayonnaise. Not every product is suitable for this dish. Take mayonnaise without additives. Pay attention to pineapples too. For example, if you use the usual canned pineapples, you definitely won’t achieve that amazing flavor bouquet and rich aroma for which the French gypsy salad is famous. That is why, according to our recipe, you need to put only fresh pineapple in the dish. Let's look at all the nuances in more detail.

  • Cheese. In this salad, cheese will play one of the main roles. Of course, you need to make sure that your cheese is real, fresh, and fully ripened. It’s great if you purchase it at a retail outlet where there are direct deliveries from Italy or France. This is where they make great Parmesan. Unfortunately, it is worth noting that it is advisable not to take domestically produced Parmesan, since the proprietary technology has not yet taken root in our country. Never buy cheese of questionable quality! Remember that Parmesan is quite light, has a uniform shade, and the same density. It is easy to cut and rub. If you try to cut a thin slab, there should be no problem. A real Parmesan leaf will bend well and not crumble in your hands. There should be no bitterness or unpleasant odor. All this is important to remember, since now ordinary unripe cheese is often passed off as Parmesan. But such fake cheese most often has an uneven color, near the crust it is lighter and tastes bitter. Look for the freshest cheese, it’s great if it has a short shelf life. This means that the amount of chemicals contained in it is minimal.
  • Pineapples. According to our recipe, it is recommended to use fresh pineapple rather than canned one. Only fresh pineapples retain vitamins and valuable microelements in full. In addition, fresh pineapple has a noticeably richer taste and aroma. Since pineapple becomes the base fruit in a French gypsy salad, it is advisable not to skimp on it. But you need to choose it carefully. Avoid pineapples that are too dark or too hard. Please note that soft fruit is not suitable for you either. It should be quite dense, springy, but not so soft that it looks like it is already rotting. Interestingly, a too strong sweetish smell from pineapple also indicates that the fruit is beginning to rot. There is no need to buy such fruits. The top of the pineapple should be brownish-golden, without any greenery. Immediately discard pineapples that have dents, discolorations, scratches or cuts. Remember that if you lightly squeeze a fresh, ripe, but not rotten pineapple, it will squeak a little and begin to smell stronger.
  • Cabbage. You need to take lettuce or Chinese cabbage. Our recipe requires fresh Chinese cabbage. It is advisable to take greens in pots, where they will retain their aroma, taste, and all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  • Garlic. You can also add young garlic to this salad. If you take small young cloves, you need to add about 1.5 times more of them to the salad so that the garlic note is clearly audible. If you want to use large garlic, you must avoid Chinese garlic. Some chefs like it because it practically does not spoil. But experienced people know for sure that it is not worth taking. Here’s what the chef of one of the Moscow cafes noted: “I don’t like Chinese garlic. Many people praise it because the cloves practically do not deteriorate, look great, and retain a strong taste and smell for a long time. But this is not the aroma and taste of garlic at all! Please note that cloves of Chinese origin are simply bitter; you cannot find a rich flavor bouquet in them. It is better to buy good domestic garlic. It should be dense, not soft. Good heads of garlic are white or lilac. When strong yellowness is visible, this certainly indicates that the garlic is already stale.”
  • Grape. For our salad, it is better to take fresh grapes, green, round. The so-called “lady fingers” have too bright a flavor, which no longer fits well into the overall bouquet of the French gypsy salad.
  • You should use regular mayonnaise as a dressing. You should not take special sauces or mayonnaises with various additives and flavorings. What you need is classic mayonnaise, which does not contain anything extra. Any additives can spoil the taste of our salad.

When you know how to choose the right ingredients for a dish, you need to proceed directly to cooking.

According to some sources, the Gypsy salad was first prepared in France at the wedding of a Gypsy baron. And since then it has been prepared everywhere. This unusual salad with grapes is perfect for gala dinners and holiday tables. A gypsy salad recipe with grapes can be prepared in ten minutes and surprise unexpected guests with an exquisite dish.

Classic salad recipe

Ingredients for 4-6 people:

  • Seedless grapes of any color - 400 grams.
  • Two types of hard cheese (for example, Russian and Dutch or French blue cheese) - 600 grams.
  • Canned pineapples - 200 grams.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 grams.


  1. First, grate both types of cheese on a medium or coarse grater.
  2. Cut the wine berries into slices. If the variety turns out to have seeds, be sure to remove all the seeds.
  3. We also cut the pineapples into slices of the same size, having first thoroughly decanted them from the juice.
  4. The garlic needs to be chopped very finely and mixed with mayonnaise, and then season the prepared ingredients with this mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.

Secrets of the French "Gypsy"

Secret 1: Cheeses in this dish are the main ingredient, so you need to choose types of hard cheeses that differ in taste and spiciness.

Secret 2: If the choice of one of the cheeses for the salad fell on French blue cheese, then you need to take half as much of it as the main cheese.

Secret 3: If you put “Gypsy” with grapes, pineapples and garlic in the refrigerator for one or two hours, it will reveal all its aromas and turn out even juicier.

How else can you prepare Gypsy salad?

Gypsy salad with grapes and pineapples can be varied.

First way- This is to add ready-made crackers to it. They can be any flavor you like. To prepare a version of this dish with croutons, you need to make the dish according to the classic recipe, and before serving, carefully mix it with the croutons from the pack. The main thing in this recipe is that the crackers remain crispy.

Second variety This French salad is a twist on the classic chicken breast recipe. 300 grams of boiled chicken breast is separated into fibers and added to the rest of the ingredients.

Third option - To make “Gypsy” with pineapples and garlic more airy, sometimes in addition to the main ingredients, thinly sliced ​​Chinese cabbage is also added to it.