White chocolate rose. How to make chocolate roses? Variants of chocolate roses

How to make a chocolate rose. Chocolate mastic recipe

Don’t want to make a beautiful and delicious chocolate rose with your own hands? You can decorate cakes, pastries, ice cream... whatever you want with roses)

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To create a rose we need to prepare chocolate “plasticine”. We take ordinary chocolate, black or white, and syrup

For 50 grams of chocolate you need to take 1 tablespoon of syrup
Break the chocolate into cubes and throw it in the microwave to melt. It will take about 60 seconds

Now you need to stir well and add syrup. Stir until the chocolate comes off the sides of the bowl and turns into plasticine.

We place the plasticine in a plastic bag and use it as needed. Before sculpting roses, plasticine should be slightly warmed in the microwave, no more than 10 seconds.

Dishes for plasticine must be dry. Hands must be dry when sculpting. If a layer of chocolate has stuck to them and it has already begun to interfere, then wipe it off with a napkin. You should sculpt slowly. When kneading the “dough” into the desired shape, you need to press it with your fingers, wait a couple of seconds and continue. White chocolate can be painted with dry or gel paints. After lying down, the plasticine becomes better, more suitable for sculpting roses :)

Let's look at the photo master class:

To prepare chocolate mastic we will need: 100 grams of white chocolate and 2 tablespoons of liquid honey

Dissolve the chocolate in a water bath, remove and add honey. Stir with a spoon and then knead well with your hand. It needs to be done over a plate as excess honey will drip off. The result will be a plastic mass. Place in a plastic bag and let sit and cool for a bit. Chocolate mastic is ready. Now all that remains is to wind the roses. Take a little chocolate mastic, add red paint (gel) and knead until the color is uniform.

Roll out red mastic and wrap a white flagellum in it

Cut into pieces

Knead each piece separately, making one side thin

We collect roses. The petals stick together without water, the mass is like plasticine

Photos from the site lulussweetsecrets.blogspot.ca/

Chocolate roses are considered an original edible decoration for desserts and cakes. They allow you to make the product complete. You can build such a decoration yourself if you follow simple rules for creation. Every housewife can learn how to do them.

Features of jewelry

To make the dessert more original, a variety of equipment is used: plotters, airbrushes for dyes. Various equipment is also used - molds and a syringe. The work uses food coloring, icing, confectionery gels, and kits. They make the decorating process easier.

What kind of chocolate do you need?

To work, you need tempered chocolate, which has been processed in a special way. As a result, the product acquires plasticity, which is necessary for modeling. If you heat the product, crystallization of the cocoa butter will cause the appearance of crystals, and therefore the chocolate will not be plastic. It is best to follow the tempering procedure.

It involves heating and cooling chocolate. The product maintains shine and texture. If you often make cake decorations, it is advisable to purchase a special thermometer that will allow you to control the procedure.

Sculpting flowers can be done with thin rubber gloves, but this is inconvenient. The work should be done quickly, as the heat causes the chocolate to lose its shape. Jars with a narrow neck are suitable for drying. It's not too difficult to do this job. If you try to make several flowers, then over time you will get beautiful roses. They are perfect for decorating cakes and pastries.

What will you need?

Chocolate roses make it more luxurious. You don't need professional equipment to do the job. It is enough to have available means. To make jewelry you will need:

  • rolling pin;
  • a form for obtaining circles or a glass;
  • plastic container.

Completing of the work

To create one rose from chocolate you will need 200-250 g of mastic. The product should be kneaded with your hands and then rolled out with a rolling pin to obtain a thin paste 3-4 mm thick. Then you need to take a glass or mold and make circles. There should be 15 of them: about 10 for the petals, and the others for the bud. After this, you can collect chocolate roses.

To obtain a flower you need chocolate mastic. A circle is created from it, and then it is rolled into a tube. This work is done with each circle. Then the upper edges are slightly bent, and stretched, and turned outward. This decoration will become more realistic. This will create the first petal for the bud.

You need to take the second blank, place it under the first, press the petal to the petal. You will get the first bud. Three tubes serve to form the second bud. They are then placed in a container for 3 hours to dry. In the same way, you need to collect a rose flower: you need 10 tubes, placed one below the other. Their upper edges are stretched and bent. After receiving the rose, it is placed in a container to dry. After that, you can decorate the cake with them.

What is required for chocolate dough?

Chocolate roses can be made from chocolate dough. For this you will need:

  • dark chocolate (100 g);
  • sugar (350 g);
  • hot water (150 ml);
  • soda (1.5 g);
  • citric acid (2 g);
  • cling film;
  • rolling pin;
  • a form for obtaining circles or a glass;
  • putty knife.

These are the main ingredients and means to obtain beautiful jewelry. With their help, classic roses are prepared. They are made from white chocolate, as well as from a mixture. If you combine colors, you get a magnificent decoration.


To make roses for the cake, you need to prepare: Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Then sugar is added and the solution is boiled. When it boils, add citric acid and cover the pan with a lid. The syrup is cooked for about 50 minutes over low heat. Then it should cool down.

Boiled water is added to the soda, and then the syrup is poured. When foam appears, you need to increase stirring. The resulting syrup has a yellow tint, similar to honey. To make chocolate decorations, you need to make chocolate dough. The treat bar should be crushed, the mass should be placed in a water bath, the product should become melted. Then syrup (30 ml) is added and the composition is mixed until a thick mass is obtained. Then it is laid out on cling film and covered with another film. Then everything is left for 12 hours to harden.

Making a flower

Once hardened, you can make chocolate roses. You need to break off a little dough, knead it with your hands, and use a rolling pin to create a thin layer. Then you need to take a mold or glass and cut out 15 circles. They are placed on a tray, and the remains are removed with a spatula. The circles need to be given the shape and thickness of rose petals, slightly stretched.

Create a ball from the dough and make it cone-shaped. During assembly, the petal is wrapped around the cone, and then another petal is fixed to the first. The third is located under the open part of the second. The open part of the second part is closed on the third. This is how all the details are recorded. The petals must be bent outward, making the flower realistic.

At the base you need to eliminate excess dough. This concludes the making of the rose. If there are several roses on the cake, then you will additionally need to make other decorative elements, such as leaves. Dark and white chocolate can be used. Chocolate roses will make any cake more beautiful.

I wandered onto the site - “Magazine about bright, confectionery”, http://kiev-best-cake.livejournal.com/, God, there are so many sweet masterpieces here from real confectionery professionals and virtuosos. You can just watch, or you can learn something...

Molded chocolate - cake decoration

A delicious coffee and caramel cake with white chocolate roses will be an excellent decoration for any holiday.
Inside there is passion fruit mousse, banana jelly, pistachio sponge cake and a crispy layer of white chocolate and coconut.

Here is the recipe for molded chocolate:
-340 g white chocolate
-125 g glucose
-25 g syrup (sugar, water 1:1, boiled until sugar dissolves)
-25 g cocoa butter

Break white chocolate with cocoa butter into pieces and slowly melt in a water bath. Cool to 26 C. Add syrup and glucose, the temperature of which is 25 C. Leave for a minute, stir gently. Wrap in film and leave in the refrigerator.
After an hour, remove from the refrigerator and stir well again. Wrap in film and leave to harden for 24 hours.
After a day, take out the chocolate, mash it and start working.
Molded chocolate tends to weather and dry out over time, so work with a portion and keep the rest in film.

1. Roll out the chocolate on a surface sprinkled with starch. Wipe the rolling pin with starch too.
2. Use a notch to cut out the petals. Make a cone out of chocolate - the basis for applying petals with a thin tip.

3. Place the petal on cling film, and also cover it with cling film on top. Roll out like this: place the rolling pin diagonally and roll from the center to the left, then from the center to the right, so that a petal comes out. Cover the finished petals (there will be 7 of them for one rose in total) with cling film.

4. Let's make a flower bud. It will consist of the first three petals out of a total of seven.
Place the first petal in the center of the cone, so that the petal is located 5 mm above the tip of the cone. Attach the left side of the petal to the cone and wrap it completely into the petal. Leave the right edge straight.

5. Place the second petal with its left edge under the open edge of the petal on the cone, secure it and leave its right edge open. It will be located 180 degrees relative to the right edge of the first petal, that is, symmetrically to it.

6. Bring the third petal along the open edge of the second petal. It should look like this:

Then roll each petal in turn. Spread it with a skewer so that there is a small distance between each petal. The bud is ready.

7. Attach the next four petals one by one directly, placing half on the previous petal.
We bend the upper edges of the petal with a skewer.

8. Let the rose dry a little, cut it off the stem.

Secret: the tenth rose comes out more beautiful than the first, and the twentieth one - you can’t take your eyes off it!

And now I suggest you admire the sugar flowers. Yes, I repeat, these are not real flowers, they are really edible and really made from sugar!

Sugar floristry from sofita04 (Alla Karbivnychnaya) - http://sofita04.livejournal.com/

1. Get 200g of chocolate mastic. Knead it in your hands. So that she becomes soft and obedient. Roll white mastic in powdered sugar, milk or black mastic in cocoa powder. Take a rolling pin and roll out the mastic into a thin layer

2. Using a special small diameter cutter or glass, cut circles from a sheet of mastic. For one rose you will need 9 circles, for a bud - 4-5.

3. Start sculpting from the center of the rose. Take one of the circles and twist it into a cylinder. Take another circle and use your fingers to shape one edge of the circle into the thickness of a piece of paper. This will make the rose petal look more delicate. Repeat the procedure with the remaining rose petals.

4. Wrap the first petal around the cylinder. The top of the petal should be flush with the top of the cylinder. Glue the bottom of the petal to the bottom of the cylinder, pressing lightly. The bud is ready. If you intend to continue, turn the top edge of the petal slightly outward.

5. Take the next petal and attach it to the flower. The edge of the second petal should be under the first. The edge of the third petal, accordingly, should be under the second.

6. Attach the remaining five with a petal, slightly turning the thin edge of the petal outward. A lot of excess mastic will accumulate at the base of the rose. Remove it and use it to sculpt subsequent roses. Leave the roses at room temperature for 24 hours to dry. Once the roses are dry, they can be stored in an airtight container indefinitely.

    Here are some more ideas for chocolate roses. This is such a delicious dessert you can prepare. Instead of strawberries, you can take any other fruit. The strawberries are covered with a layer of white chocolate and then the petals are attached.

    You can color white chocolate with food coloring and make a basket of roses like this.

    It can be done quite simply. Buy these molds and pour melted chocolate into them.

    In the answers we have already written about other methods on how to make roses from chocolate, but I want to offer you a creative method on how to make roses from chocolate. You need to take real living roses with petals and leaves, and cover it all with hot melted chocolate, and then after cooling put them in the refrigerator and let them harden. And this is how everything will turn out after the roses have hardened.

    And then with these roses you can make one and decorate any confectionery.

    You can initially, if you have a garden, cover the bud with rose petals with melted chocolate.

    In any case, such a rose will be edible, because rose petals are eaten and jam is even made from them.

    Chocolate rose

    As it turned out, such beauty, with effort, can be made easily. The main thing is to properly prepare the mass for sculpting the flower; for this we will need 100g of white chocolate and 2 tbsp of honey. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, then add honey and knead until it becomes a plastic substance.

    You can see all the stages of sculpting on this website.

    And if someone wants dark chocolate rose, then all stages of modeling are shown here in great detail.

    Here's what beauty you can get:

    My hobby is baking cakes and decorating them myself. The cakes decorated with chocolate roses look quite interesting and original. The most difficult thing is to make the right dough for sculpting these very roses. So, a fairly suitable dough is obtained from a mixture of chocolate and Sharshmallow (equal proportions 100 grams) + powdered sugar (a little more is needed, 120-130 grams).

    So, knead well and proceed to the modeling itself.

    You can see how to make a rose in the photo below:

    As you can see from the photo, you first need to roll out the mass, then use a regular glass to make circles (as if for dumplings), then take one circle and simply roll it into a bud. Then everything is simple: clockwise, one by one, we cover the resulting bud with additional petals until we get a rose.

    Do rose not made from chocolate difficult. For this you need white or dark chocolate, we will melt it in a water bath so that it becomes more liquid and then rose petals can be cast from it.

    In addition to pure chocolate, so that the mass is plastic and not brittle, for every 100 g of chocolate mass you need to take two tablespoons of honey.

    Chocolate products in the shape of a rose will beautifully decorate various cakes, pastries, and muffins.

    This is how a flower is formed from petals step by step:

    White chocolate rose:

    This is how you can make a white rose and decorate a vanilla cupcake, step by step:

    Products decorated with chocolate are very beautiful and are perfect for the most special holidays.

    There is nothing more delicious than a homemade cake, made with love and from natural ingredients. However, once cooked, the decorating process begins. You don’t want to do the same thing every time, so you have to come up with something new all the time. Roses made from chocolate can be a great solution to this problem. The most important thing is to make the modeling mixture correctly so that the roses turn out more natural.

    The chocolate mass can be prepared as follows: for 100 grams of chocolate you need to take 2 tablespoons of honey. Honey should be liquid. First you need to melt the chocolate, then add honey to it and mix thoroughly. Next, we sculpt roses according to the scheme:

    This site describes each action in great detail.

    Here is a video showing one of the techniques for making chocolate roses.

    Here's another one, but about petals.

    Very tasty dessert. I advise you to prepare it. For example, for the New Year.