Risotto recipe with chicken and dried mushrooms. Cooking Italian risotto with chicken and mushrooms: recipes for all occasions

Well, a very tasty roast can be cooked on the stove. Of course, it is better to use a cauldron for these purposes, preferably a cast iron one. But many housewives make excellent home-style roast in a pan. In this case, it is advisable to use a thick-walled pan. The roast meat turns out so tender and so tasty! Just lick your fingers!


  • 800 g;
  • 1 kg ;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 70 g tomato paste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. flour (optional);
  • a little oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 3-4 glasses of hot boiled water.

Homemade Pork and Potato Roast Recipe

1. Wash the pork pulp and dry it with a paper towel. Cut into small cubes with a side of about 2 cm.

2. Pour 1-2 tbsp into a cauldron or saucepan. vegetable oil and heat thoroughly. Carefully transfer the pieces of pork into the cauldron. If meat is immersed in a cold pan with oil, it may burn, and then the whole roast will burn. Therefore, the pan or cauldron must be well heated beforehand. Fry the pork over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring, avoiding burning.

3. Peel the onions and carrots and cut them into quarter rings (a ring into 4 pieces).

4. Add to the cauldron with pork and fry over medium heat until the onion is transparent, stirring occasionally.

5. Salt and pepper everything, add 2 bay leaves and tomato paste.

6. Stir and pour prepared hot boiled water so that it completely covers the meat. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

7. Meanwhile, peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small cubes.

8. Immerse the potatoes in the roast and add enough water to cover the potatoes. Leave to simmer over low heat until the potatoes are soft (you don’t have to cover the lid so that the roast doesn’t get all dirty).

9. Wash and chop the parsley. Peel and pass the garlic through a garlic press.

10. Add to the cauldron. The perfect roast is one in which the potatoes are soft but not mushy. And the roast itself comes with gravy and juice from meat and vegetables. To thicken this juice a little, add 1 tbsp. flour. You may end up with a thicker roast; a lot depends on the type of potato and how quickly the water evaporates. In this case, there is no need to add flour. Mix everything, then cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Let it brew for 15 minutes.

There you go the most delicious homemade roast! Bon appetit!

Roast is one of the most popular dishes in Russian cuisine. According to the classical canons, roast pork is a whole piece of meat baked over high heat (that's where its name comes from). Before placing in the oven, this piece should be fried for a short time to form a crust, which will preserve the juiciness of the meat, and only then bake in the oven, transferring it to a baking sheet. Before serving, the finished meat should be cut into smooth, beautiful pieces and served with horseradish or mustard.

But modern roast is most often prepared in the form of meat baked in a pot or other container, often with potatoes, vegetables, etc. This roast is prepared a little differently. First, fry the meat in pieces, then place it in a pot with vegetables (potatoes, mushrooms, onions, green peas, carrots, spices), then, add salt and pepper, close the lid and bake in the oven. This roast should be served in the same pots in which it was baked.

Roast pork - food preparation

The ideal choice of meat for roast pork would be the neck, since the neck meat of the pig is tender and has sufficient fat content. Having chosen a piece of pork to prepare the roast, remove the tendons and films from it, wash and dry it with a paper towel. Meat that is planned to be baked in one piece is often marinated in a wine or lemon marinade for several hours.

Preparing vegetables for cooking roast pork in pots involves washing, peeling and cutting them according to the recipe; if necessary, pre-fry them in sunflower oil.

Roast pork - preparing dishes

As a rule, roast pork is cooked in pots. It also turns out very tasty in a cauldron or other cast iron container that retains heat well. In this case, during cooking, the meat is saturated with its juices and the aroma of the vegetables with which it is cooked, and it turns out unusually tasty and appetizing.

If the roast is cooked in clay pots, it is recommended to soak it in warm water about half an hour before placing the food in it. Then its pores will be filled with moisture, which during cooking will preserve the juiciness and aroma of the cooked meat and vegetables.

Roast pork - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Roast pork with prunes and dried apricots

Roast pork with prunes and dried apricots has an original, slightly spicy taste. This meat baked in foil is an excellent hearty dish for a regular family dinner, however, it would also be very appropriate on a holiday table.


0.5 kg pork neck;
3 cloves of garlic;
1 onion;
100 gr. prunes;
50 gr. dried apricots;
1 medium apple;
half a glass of mayonnaise;
2/3 cup meat broth;
salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into thin rings, soak dried apricots and prunes in water, peel the apple and cut into cubes.

1. Cut the pork into portions and, after rubbing them with garlic, add salt and pepper and place each on foil.

2. Grind dried apricots and prunes and place them along with chopped onions and apples on the meat, pour mayonnaise and broth on top. Lifting the ends of the foil up, seal the edges of the foil and bake on a baking sheet in the oven.

Recipe 2: Italian Roast Pork

A very simple recipe, it does not require much time or products, and the result is simply excellent. The peculiarity of this roast pork is the use of tomatoes, in the juice of which our pork is stewed along with spices.


1 kg pork;
0.5 kg of fresh tomatoes;
2 medium onions;
50 gr. lard,
salt, pepper, meat spices to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces.

2. Peel the onion and cut it into several parts.

3. Melt lard in a cauldron so that it turns into cracklings, remove it from the cauldron and place the meat there in small portions, in several batches, so that it is fried in one layer, this is important. The fact is that meat that does not immediately come into contact with boiling fat will release juice, and this will make it tough. You should not salt the meat during the first frying.

4. While frying the last portion of meat in a cauldron, add onions to it, fry them together until the onions acquire a golden color and then add the previously fried meat pieces.

5. Having scalded the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin from them, grind them in a meat grinder and place them in a cauldron with the meat and onions, simmer together for about 5 minutes.

6. Season everything with salt, ground black pepper and spices, mix and simmer over low heat for about an hour and a half, stirring from time to time.

Recipe 3: Homemade roast

The variety of components of this dish determines its rich taste and very appetizing appearance. Pork cooked with onions, carrots, white roots, dried mushrooms and potatoes is very nutritious, and it is not at all difficult to prepare even for a novice cook.


300 gr. pork neck;
2 onions
2 medium carrots;
celery root, parsley;
100 gr. dried mushrooms;
1 tbsp. l. flour;
5 medium potatoes;
1 tbsp. l. melted lard or vegetable oil;
150 ml mushroom broth;
salt, pepper, bay leaf, and other spices to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the mushrooms for about 2 hours, then boil them.

2. After washing the meat, dry it with a paper towel, add salt and pepper, roll it in flour and quickly fry it.

3. Cut the onion into rings, carrots into circles. Finely chop the roots and boiled mushrooms and place all the vegetables and meat in layers in a ceramic stewing pot.

4. Fry the potatoes and also put them in the pot.

5. Fill everything with mushroom broth, salt, pepper, add spices and simmer in the oven until the meat and potatoes are cooked.

  • If you want to cook a real juicy roast from a piece of pork, then under no circumstances should you salt it until it is fully cooked, as salt causes juice to leak out of the meat and dry it out.
  • If roast pork is cooked in a pot with potatoes, then there is no need to make it for future use, since after heating the dish will lose its taste. In this case, the potatoes should first be quickly fried in vegetable oil so that they do not turn into porridge in the pot.
  • When cooking roast pork in the oven, experienced cooks advise placing meat in the dish first, then carrots and onions, the last layer should consist of potatoes.

Pork stew. An extremely popular dish, especially loved by representatives of the stronger half of humanity. However, both women and children will not refuse such food. Roast pork is especially tasty when combined with tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes.

A classic roast pork is a whole piece of meat baked over high heat (in fact, this is the reason for the name of the dish). Before placing this piece of meat in the oven, it is lightly fried until a crust appears on it, which helps the meat not lose its juiciness, and only then the meat is transferred to a baking sheet and sent to the oven. And before serving, such meat is cut into even, beautiful pieces and served with mustard or horseradish.

It is worth noting that few housewives now adhere to the classic method of preparing roast pork - most often, modern roasts are prepared in the form of pieces of meat, baked either on a baking sheet or in pots. And almost always the meat is baked in this case with various vegetables. To prepare roast pork in pots, cut the pork into pieces, first fry it a little, then put it in a pot with vegetables, mushrooms and spices, add some salt, pepper, cover it with a lid and put it in the oven. This roast is served to the table directly in the pots in which it was cooked.

It is best to use pork neck for roasting - such meat will always be very tender and quite fatty. All films and tendons must be removed from the meat, after which it is washed and thoroughly dried with a paper towel. And if the meat is baked as a whole piece, you can marinate it for several hours in a lemon or wine marinade.

If vegetables are added to the roast, they must be thoroughly washed, peeled, chopped and fried in vegetable oil (if necessary). You can cook roast pork not only on a baking sheet or in pots, but also in a cauldron or in some other cast-iron vessel that can retain heat well. If the roast will be cooked in pots, then it is recommended to soak the pots in warm water about half an hour before cooking - their pores in this case will be filled with moisture, and this moisture, evaporating during cooking, will help make the finished dish more juicy and aromatic. And in all cases, add salt to the meat at the end of cooking, since salt greatly contributes to the leakage of juices from the meat, which often leads to its drying out.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Roast pork with potatoes according to this recipe with photo is very simple to prepare: we will not use pots or simmer, we will choose the most accessible method and cook it on the stove, in a deep frying pan or in a cauldron. All ingredients, except potatoes, will be fried and then simmered over low heat until tender. If you like the potato pieces to remain whole and not boil over, then you can do it differently - fry the raw potatoes in oil and add to the meat with onions and carrots. During further cooking, the golden brown crust will prevent the potato pulp from boiling, and the potato pieces in the finished dish will retain their shape.
This is a basic pork roast and potatoes recipe, using only vegetables that are available and inexpensive all year round. During the season of fresh vegetables, in addition to onions and carrots, you can add whatever you like to the roast: zucchini, cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes and much more. In winter, fresh tomatoes are usually replaced, but it is recommended to add a little so as not to interrupt the taste of other products.

- pork (ribs, shoulder, neck) – 350-400 g;
- vegetable oil or lard – 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
- potatoes – 600-700 g;
- carrots – 1 large;
- onion – 2 large onions;
- ground black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
- sweet ground paprika – 1 teaspoon (to taste);
- salt - to taste;
- water - an incomplete glass;
- garlic – 3-4 large cloves;
- hot chilli pepper – several rings.

How to cook with photos step by step

We cut the selected piece of meat into smaller pieces, portionwise; if these are ribs, we cut them into strips with one bone between the layers of meat and fat. It is advisable that the meat is not completely lean.

Sprinkle with salt and spices, mix, rubbing the seasonings into the meat pieces with your hands. Leave for 10-15 minutes.

Heat the fat or heat the vegetable oil, lay out the meat and quickly fry it over high heat, stirring, until a brownish-brown crust forms. It is important at this stage not to overcook the meat or dry it out. When fried, reduce the heat and continue frying for another 10-12 minutes on low heat.

As soon as the heat is turned down, we begin to prepare the vegetables. Peel the potatoes, cut the tubers into slices or larger-than-average pieces. We cut the carrots into longitudinal strips or slices across the root vegetable.

Chop the onion rings into quarters, chop the garlic, and cut off several rings from the pepper pod.

Increase the heat to medium and add the onion to the meat. Fry for about ten minutes, until the onions acquire a golden-transparent hue. During frying, it will give off its taste and aroma to the oil and become completely soft.

Add carrots, garlic and hot peppers, mix with meat and onions. Fry for a few minutes, soaking the carrots in fat, the aroma of garlic and spices.

Pour in a little water to cover the meat halfway or even less. We wait until it starts boiling and reduce the heat to almost a minimum. Cover and simmer for 35-40 minutes. During this time, all the liquid will evaporate, the meat will become soft and tender.

Add potatoes, mix and fry. The potatoes will quickly become saturated with oil, change color, and the top layer will become transparent. Add the rest of the water, add salt to taste, cover and cook until the potatoes are soft. We don’t add water, but if all of it has evaporated and the potatoes are still hard, then add a little.

When the potatoes are ready, let them sit for 5-10 minutes, covered. Then place the roast pork and potatoes on plates, sprinkle with herbs, garlic, make light

Roast is one of the dishes that we prepare for every day, but we also enjoy eating on holidays. The simplicity and relative speed of its preparation speak in favor of the daily menu. And versatility and variability testify in favor of the festive. So, the main ingredients of a roast are meat and vegetables. Housewives often choose pork as meat, but you can also use chicken, beef, turkey, and rabbit. Cooks like to cook potatoes as vegetables, as they go well with meat, but you can also add cabbage, zucchini, beans, etc. Today I'm cooking roast pork with potatoes and mushrooms.

The history of the dish goes back to ancient times. Roasts were then often cooked in clay pots in the oven. Today I will also use my version of a pot - a ceramic saucepan.

So, to prepare roast pork with potatoes in the oven, cut the meat into pieces about 3-5 centimeters long. From the very name of the dish you can understand that we will have to fry it. We will do this using vegetable oil or lard.

While the meat is frying, let's cut the potatoes into larger pieces than we would cut for soup.

Chop the onion for sautéing and coarsely chop the champignons (I just cut them into 4 parts).

Mix the meat in a frying pan and add onion and grated carrots to it and fry.

Let's start assembling. Place potatoes, sautéed meat and mushrooms in a saucepan. Add water to lightly cover the contents, add salt and pepper.

Cover with a lid and place in the oven. If you have a ceramic mold, then you need to remember that you need to put it in a cold oven. We cook the roast from the moment the water boils in the pan (we can tell by the smell) for an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how long it takes for the meat to simmer until soft.

In an hour and a half, our roast in the oven will be ready. Let's taste it and add some salt if necessary.

Let's add the spices and herbs that you have and love. I added dried parsley and fresh dill.

Roast pork with potatoes is ready. This meat dish combines meat, side dish, and sauce at once - a truly universal option!