Baking mode how many degrees. Delayed start (delay) and temperature for the heating function in the multicooker

Surely almost every self-respecting housewife already has in her kitchen a device such as a multicooker, which greatly facilitates the process of preparing dishes. Thanks to modern technologies and their achievements, the presented devices are equipped with many different functions. And one of them will be discussed in this article.

How many degrees is the baking mode for multicookers of different brands?

What is the temperature in the multicooker in baking mode? The mode guarantees the device a temperature from 116 degrees to 125. Of course, the scale will vary depending on the model of the unit. The minimum possible indicator for the device can be one hundred degrees. In this case, the food will cook in approximately 50 – 60 minutes.

Using this mode, you can prepare a lot of variations of products, ranging from pizza, cakes to pies, biscuits, muffins and charlottes.

As for individual brands of seller-manufacturers, these are:

  1. REDMOND. The parameter considered in the model ranges from 118′ to 122′.
  2. POLARIS. Operates at 122′. Calculated for 50 minutes.
  3. VITESS. Used at the hundred degree level.
  4. LUMME. Heats up to 170′.

Can the temperature be adjusted?

Unfortunately, regulation of this aspect of the device in question is not provided by the manufacturers. Only if you press the “cancel” button to complete the unit operation process. This is explained by the fact that the program is set by the mode itself, which cannot be changed in any way during the cooking process.

Therefore, the following situation arises: the owner of the multicooker is not able to indicate the desired level of heat flow. Naturally, you can change the time yourself. The default setting is usually one hour for cooking. However, with an interval of 5 minutes, you can change the time period from 30 minutes to four hours, which compensates for the inconvenience of adjusting the temperature.

What is the baking mode for?

This function is necessary for making many types of baked goods or casseroles. You can also bake meat products and even potatoes. In addition, it is possible to “tinker” with a product made from yeast dough, but this takes much more effort.

If you are planning to bake bread, it is worth remembering that you need to hold it on both one side and the other so that the product bakes evenly. Moreover, it is permissible to prepare frying for borscht and make juicy chops. And also fry the ingredients together, as a result of which they will be suitable for further stewing.

The next morning it is very convenient to prepare an omelet for breakfast, which will be done in a matter of minutes. You can also bake vegetables, so they will not lose the optimal amount of vitamins and are great for lunch or dinner.

The usual indicator in a multicooker is quite consistent with the standard indicator of the stove, equal to 180 degrees. However, it happens that the housewife is used to working with the oven. In this case, for complete readiness in such an apparatus, the time should be set several times longer than it would be in the oven, since the temperature is not so high.

If you use a multicooker for a non-standard purpose, then you have the opportunity to experiment: replace the “baking” mode with the built-in “frying” program, and you will end up with a wonderful dish.

ATTENTION! Since the above mode has the possibility of a sharp change in temperature parameters, cooking can be carried out either too quickly or too slowly.

In any case, when purchasing a device, instructions and a book are included, where you will find many recipes for various dishes that can be prepared in the purchased model.

Manufacturers of multicookers are trying to create a device that can perform the functions of several devices at once. The modes in a multicooker are becoming more varied and complex. An ordinary home multicooker can cook almost any dish: grill, pasta, boil food in the classic way or steam it like a double boiler. Cooking modes differ in complexity and functionality. Let's figure out how different programs and modes work in a typical multicooker.

Home use of the product

Manual modes

Such programs are a response to user requests. Those who are used to cooking according to their own recipes want the multicooker program to be able to set the heating temperature and cooking time manually.

The manufacturer Redmond was the first to provide this opportunity, then other manufacturers followed suit.

In multicookers of different brands, this cooking option may be called differently, and the basic characteristics will also differ. The minimum temperature that this mode allows you to set is about 30 degrees Celsius. It is convenient for making yoghurts and preparing yeast dough. The upper limit will be different for each manufacturer. The range is 100–200 degrees.

Manual cooking program names: multicook, manual, your mode, multichef and other options. It makes sense to experiment with manual cooking if the owner of the device has a good understanding of the process of preparing a dish and understands what and how to do it. If you have little experience, it is better to start by trusting the standard automatic modes, the results of which will be consistently successful.

Using manual mode without proper experience is fraught with unexpected consequences

Automatic modes

There are several automatic modes that ensure high quality dishes.

"Warming" program. A fairly simple option that allows you to keep a ready-made dish warm while waiting for lunch or dinner. Some housewives use this mode to defrost or melt butter. In most multicooker models, heating turns on automatically after cooking.

The multicooker mode is very similar to conventional oven cooking at low temperatures. Well suited for cooking porridges, jellied meats, broths, in a word, those dishes that require simmering. The finished product is aromatic and uniform in structure. The timer can be set from half an hour to twelve hours.

The baking or baking option is convenient for those who like to prepare biscuits and sweet pastries. Non-trivial options for using “baking” include using this program for frying vegetables or meat products.

Baking mode in a multicooker

The mode configured for cooking porridge may differ in name and temperature settings. This program is also suitable for pilaf, crumbly porridges, and porridges with milk. Cooking time varies from forty minutes to an hour.

Some models for pilaf have a special mode, in which the food is browned on the bottom and the rice turns out crumbly. In this mode you can bake potatoes or fry dumplings.

The “Krupa” or “Buckwheat” programs are intended for preparing crumbly, but not browned porridges. In this case, the liquid is thoroughly evaporated. It should be remembered that the multicooker will begin counting the cooking time after it has heated the internal contents of the bowl to operating temperature. Depending on the volume of the bowl and the power of the device, this will take an additional 10–20 minutes.

Preset program options

Double boiler. This program allows you to cook food using steam. The dishes are specific in taste, but more healthy than those prepared in the traditional way. To use this mode, you will need an additional plastic container on which to place the food. Water is poured into the bottom of the bowl, then a plastic stand with food is inserted. The mode works when the lid is closed.

Almost all multicookers have a frying mode. Some models combine frying with a baking program. The program allows you to fry meat, eggs and other foods. Manufacturers usually recommend using the lid-open mode to constantly monitor the process - just like in a frying pan.

The Pasta program allows you to prepare dough dishes such as dumplings, pasta, dumplings. Resourceful housewives note the similarity of this mode with modes like “Porridge” and use them if “Pasta” is not in the multicooker’s arsenal. Using this functionality is not possible with delayed start.

Options for dishes that can be prepared in a slow cooker

Another of the automatic modes – “express” – is used for quickly preparing simple dishes in a multicooker. The device quickly evaporates the liquid from the stored products and intensively fries at the end of the cycle. When using this program, classic navy pasta, fried potatoes and similar dishes are perfectly prepared.

Smoking program - not available in all multicookers, allows you to smoke meat, fish, sausages. To smoke, you need to place a small container with cherry or other wood chips in a special bowl and place the products on the grates. Two smoking options are available: hot and cold. Hot occurs at a temperature of about 125 degrees, cold - at 30. For cold, only products specially prepared by marinating are used. The process occurs more intensively than when using traditional technologies. When using this mode, you should take care of ventilation in the room, since either during the process or when opening the multicooker after cooking, the smell of smoking will enter the kitchen.

Pressure cooker - this option allows you to cook dishes by creating excess pressure in the multicooker pan. The disadvantage of such a program is the inability to add ingredients during the cooking process without an emergency release of pressure. This mode is convenient for preparing jellied meat or other dishes that require a long cooking time.

The delayed start function is not a pure cooking mode, but it has a great impact on convenience. The program allows you to postpone cooking for up to a day. However, the function is not available for baking and frying.

Sterilization and pasteurization. These programs can be distinguished as separate, although in some models they are presented under other names. Pasteurization involves heating to 70 degrees to preserve the freshness of products and get rid of unwanted microflora, which are killed during heat treatment. Sterilization is intended for processing dishes - children's or intended for canning. The process occurs at a temperature of about 100 degrees. In fact, this mode duplicates the “steamer”, since sterilization occurs under the influence of hot steam.

The “Dessert” mode is not present in all models; it is intended for preparing sweets such as candies and caramel.

Operating principle of the pressure cooker mode

Temperature in the multicooker under different modes and features of each program

Each manufacturer supplies the device with instructions that allow you to understand the basic parameters of use. The lowest temperatures are used when creating yoghurts and heating dishes, the highest temperatures are used when frying and deep-frying. 35–40 degrees ensures normal preparation of yogurt and preparation of yeast dough. At temperatures of 50-80 degrees, excellent drinks such as punch, tea, and mulled wine are obtained.

80-100 degrees is the most common range for most dishes. Porridges, soups, jams and other dishes that require simmering are perfectly cooked at these temperatures.

Temperatures over 100 degrees are used when cooking meat, baking, and roasting vegetables. If the device has a pressure cooker function, then various soups can be cooked at high temperatures.

The highest temperature - 170 degrees - is used for cooking meat in batter and French fries.

Differences between modes in different models

Options for cooking programs are provided by manufacturers. Naturally, more expensive and multifunctional models have greater variability and a range of tasks to be solved.

Thus, Mulinex multicookers offer up to one hundred automatic operating programs; the Scarlett brand has about twenty of them. The same option can be called differently.

To clarify, when purchasing, be sure to look at the characteristics of the product, without getting carried away by the attractive names that manufacturers come up with for the simplest programs.

Cooking meat dishes

So, the options “Stew”, “Soup”, “Milk porridge” are almost the same. They involve cooking the dish at a temperature of about 90 degrees Celsius for a long time.

Some multicookers have a “Crust” program, which allows you to fry the prepared dish with a crispy crust. In some ways, this mode is reminiscent of frying, but, according to reviews from consumers who have used both, there is still a difference.

Manufacturers do not advertise the intricacies of a specific program; the user sees only general characteristics: temperature, cooking time, presence of excess pressure. If you do not cook for gourmets, then small differences in the taste of the finished dishes are insignificant.


When choosing a multicooker for your home, you need to imagine what it is for. This is not only a kitchen decoration, but also a real assistant in daily cooking. More budget models have fewer modes and functions and are made from cheaper materials, but their consumer qualities are often in no way inferior to products from leading brands. It is worth considering whether you need to overpay for the “grill” or “deep frying” functions if the multicooker is purchased mainly for preparing children's porridge.

Baking program
Bakery- works at a temperature of 118 - 122 degrees, the temperature is not adjustable, the program is designed for 50 minutes, there is no way to decrease or increase it unless you press the “Cancel” button. Biscuits, cakes, pies with batter, and pizza are more successful in this program.

The program is ideal, the signature dish at home is charlotte with apples, from the same charlotte dough you can make any other pie with fruits and berries. Just a great dessert for kids.

Steaming- 115-120 degrees, cooking time is adjustable from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

Frying– temperature is adjustable from 100 to 160 degrees, time is adjustable from 10 minutes to 1 hour. You can fry with the lid open. Quite a powerful program, start with a low temperature, and then increase until the best result, otherwise there is a risk that everything will burn. Fried potatoes, ideal in a slow cooker.

Paste 118-120 degrees, time from 8 minutes to 20 minutes. You can prepare sauces, gravies, pasta.

Groats- 110 degrees, time 25 minutes, nothing is adjustable. An ideal program indeed. I had problems with the first cartoon with this program, everything was browned in it, but then it turned out to be a perfectly crumbly porridge.

Milk porridge- 95 degrees, from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Sometimes 30 minutes is not enough, for corn grits you need all 50 minutes, you have to add it later. And so the program is ideal, you can cook any milk porridge.

Extinguishing- 93 degrees, from 2 to 8 hours. The program is unsuccessful, it takes a very long time to cook, so I often replace it with the “multi-cook” program, with the time set (40 minutes) and the temperature at 110 degrees), so it’s faster to simmer.

Soup- 93 degrees, from 1 hour to 8 hours. I don’t know what kind of soup can be cooked for so long, but I don’t have enough patience, the temperature is low, I replace this program with a multi-cooker with a time setting (30 minutes) and a temperature of 140 degrees.

Yogurt– temperature 38-40 degrees, constantly maintains it. I watched the multicooker in this mode for some time. Every about 20-30 minutes, the multi automatically turns on and warms up, then sleeps and turns on again, and so on for the whole 8 hours. How to make yogurt is written here.

Multicook– temperature from 40 degrees to 160, time from 5 minutes to 12 hours, my favorite program in which you can cook anything, from soups to baked goods.

Pizza– time from 20 minutes to 50 minutes. A terrible program, pizza comes out on it, in general, the crust burns on this program. And eat it as if it were a cracker. I do not recommend it for raw pizza; it is better to make the pizza in the baking mode for 40 minutes. I don’t know the temperature, but it’s definitely above 120.

Oatmeal(for quick oatmeal preparation, 10-30 minutes),

Dessert(for making jams, preserves, caramel, sweets, marmalade, etc., cooking time is 1-4 hours, adjustable).

Baking, time from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. The program helps bake vegetables, meat, mushrooms, etc.

Crust, time from 1-2 hours, adjustable. Helps create a crust on any dish. That is, it cooks until golden brown.

Beans, time 1-4 hours, adjustable, intended for cooking legumes: peas, beans, lentils, etc.
There is also a heating program and a separate button that helps keep the dish warm.

Cooking temperatures in the “Multi-cook” mode

Delayed start (delay) and temperature for the heating function in the multicooker.

Many modern models of multicookers are equipped with features such as delayed start (delayed start) and heating. Do you know what exactly these functions offer owners of multicookers, how to enable them, and how to set the correct delay settings on your device? If not, then this article is just for you.

Delayed start in a multicooker

What is the delayed start function and how to use it correctly? Imagine that you want to have delicious food for breakfast, be it porridge, omelette, yogurt, bread or any other dish, but in the morning you simply don’t have time to prepare it. No problem. A multi-cooker-steamer can cook almost without your participation, just as well as a professional chef. You just need to put the finished products in it in the evening and set the delayed start timer in accordance with the instructions. The device will start cooking exactly when you “tell” it through the settings.

This function will be no less useful in the evening if you put food in the morning. Just imagine. You decided to try some interesting recipe, for example, baking, but after work you simply don’t have the energy to cook. We prepare food in the morning or even in the evening, if the device allows you to delay the start for 24 hours, after which we simply adjust the timer according to the table or according to an already worked out scheme, and wait for the result when we get home! When you enter your apartment, you will be greeted by the delicious aroma of the finished dish. Please note that the delay in a multicooker applies only to automatic programs with microprocessor-based setting of cooking time. These are Pilaf, Buckwheat, Milk porridge, etc.

How to enable delayed start?

Let's look at specific examples.

1. Breakfast

Let's say you want to get milk porridge by 7 am. We put in the groceries at 10 p.m., do some basic calculations, and find out that there are 9 hours left until 7 a.m. We will need this data at the final stage. If you need porridge in a slow cooker with a delay, then put the cereal, sugar, salt, milk and butter into the pan, then mix with a wooden or special spoon. Metal, as you know, cannot be used. On the multicooker panel, click “Menu”, then select the Milk porridge program. Next, click on “Timer” and set it to 8 hours. Why 8 and not 9? It's simple. In nine hours everything should be ready, but the device needs an hour to prepare. So, in accordance with the program, the equipment starts at 6 and by 7 already serves you hot porridge.

2. Dinner

Everything is similar here. We put in the food at 9 am and expect it to be ready by 7 pm, that is, in 10 hours. We will prepare steamed cutlets with a side dish. Remember that the insulation and temperature in a multicooker allow the technique to work like a thermos, as a result of which frozen semi-finished products can remain unthawed for a long time, and the milk will not sour. So, put the cutlets in the container and the side dish in the pan. Select “Menu” and the Buckwheat mode, which in this case is more preferable. Next, press “Timer”, subtract an hour from the calculated cooking time and set it to 9 hours. When you come home, everything will be ready.

So, now you know that to enable delayed start you need to use three buttons: Menu, Timer and Start. The Menu will help you select the desired mode, the Timer will help you select the delay time, and Start will start the program. Please note that the timer must be set taking into account the cooking hour, even if the dishes will be cooked for much less time. After cooking, the temperature will be taken care of by the heating mode, which I will discuss below. During the waiting period, the Timer button will glow green. When the multicooker starts cooking, a red “eye” will appear on the “Menu” button.

Heating mode in a multicooker

Imagine that you set a delayed start program, but overslept in the morning, or were late at work in the evening. It would be logical to assume that cold food will be waiting for you upon arrival. But no! To please busy users, manufacturers have provided an extremely useful heating mode, which automatically turns on after cooking is complete. Depending on the model, the heating mode can operate from 1 to 24 hours. As for the temperature of the modes, it does not in any way affect the heating temperature, which is at the level of 40-80 degrees, depending on the model. Let me note once again that the heating mode in the multicooker is fully automatic and does not need to be turned on with any button. But read the instructions carefully! If heating is designed for an hour, and you are delayed for two, then the dish will be waiting for you cold.

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Updated 09/21/2017

Multicookers are versatile devices that have many different functions. They know how to boil, fry and stew food, as well as steam. Each process has a specific program, and each of these programs has a specific temperature. More on this below...

Baking mode. When this mode is activated, the system sets the temperature in the range of 118-122 degrees (this value may differ slightly in different models). In this case, the user will not be able to set his own temperature parameter. In this mode, it is set by the program, and it can no longer be changed during the cooking process. This mode with this temperature is perfect for cooking pies, pizza and various sponge cakes. Do you want to make a delicious charlotte with apples? Choose the baking mode – that’s what it’s designed for.

Steam cooking is the second program. Don't confuse it with a steamer. There are many differences between a multicooker and a double boiler, and it makes no sense to compare these devices. The steam mode operates at a temperature of 115-120 degrees. Depending on the type of dish, the cooking process lasts from 10 to 60 minutes. This mode is suitable for preparing dietary food, steamed cutlets, for example.

Frying. In this mode, the heating temperature is 100-160 degrees. Unlike other modes, this one works when the lid is open. This program is powerful, so you need to handle it carefully. It is better to start frying at low temperatures and increase it as it cooks. Otherwise, the dish may simply burn.

Pasta – The program operates at a temperature of 116-120 degrees and can last 8-20 minutes. Suitable for making sauces and gravies.

Special mode for cereals – 110 degrees. It does not allow you to adjust any parameters, but the program itself is correct. With its help you can make the perfect crumbly porridge.

Milk porridge - program with heating up to 95 degrees. Usually the mode works for 30 minutes, but for some porridges this is not enough. You can simply reactivate the mode or add minutes if the functionality supports it.

Braising – 95 degrees. This function assumes operation from 2 to 8 hours. Judging by the reviews, this program is not the best, because... works for a long time. Its excellent analogue is “multi-cook” - this is a similar mode that copes with the carcass much faster.

Soup – a program for cooking soup, which assumes a temperature of 95 degrees. It works for 8 hours. You should already be convinced that a multicooker is not for quick cooking.

Yogurt – works at a low temperature of 38-40 degrees. In fact, the device only maintains this parameter and activates or deactivates heating every 20-30 minutes. Preparation of yogurt is described in the recipe book included with the multicooker.

“Multi-cook” mode at a temperature of 40-160 degrees with the ability to adjust. This is a universal program that allows you to cook anything: baked goods, soups, stews, etc.

Dessert– for making caramel, sweets and other sweets. Temperature can be adjusted according to recipe.

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