Homemade egg sandwich recipes. How to cook delicious hot sandwiches in a frying pan - step-by-step recipes with photos

Place filling to taste on hot croutons. - Make a hole in the round bun and pour in the loose yolk in the white, bake in the oven along with other ingredients. - Boil an egg hard, peel, cut into rings and decorate the sandwich. Or grind and mix with other ingredients: processed cheese, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, canned sprats. Use the resulting mass as a spread. - Beat the lezon and carefully pour onto the surface as a setting component for hot canapés to bake the crust.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

The fastest snack option is to put a piece of omelette on bread and add sauce. Delicious food combinations: smoked fish, hard or soft cheese, all sandwich vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, radishes, herbs, sausages, boiled poultry. Butter is best for greasing bread. Boiled eggs are a little dry, so you should take care of a suitable thick consistency sauce: tartar, garlic, mustard, sour cream, cream. It would be nice to decorate a plate for ready-made sandwiches with lettuce leaves or parsley sprigs - it looks beautiful and appetizing.

step by step recipe with photos

Simple, yet popular, egg sandwiches are essentially egg toast, but served in a different form. You can add sausage, cheese, tomatoes, chicken meat, even pieces of fish to this recipe - the filling will be cooked together with the egg, inside the sandwich itself. We believe that children will like this option more than regular croutons.

You can take these sandwiches to work or on a trip (as a snack), but keep in mind that after a while they will no longer be crispy and the scrambled eggs inside will harden.


  • 2–3 slices of bread
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil
  • 2–3 chicken eggs
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • vegetables, pickles for serving


1. You can use different bread: store-bought or homemade, rye, wheat or mixed flour, with garlic, seeds, spices. Cut a couple of slices 6-7 mm thick (you can also buy already sliced ​​bread).

2. Now the task is to cut out the central part in each piece with a knife. That is, you should get an improvised frame.

3. Heat a frying pan and add some oil. Place the bread pieces - frames and centers. Fry over low heat for a couple of minutes until golden brown.

4. Turn the bread pieces over to the other side.

5. Beat the eggs into the frames. You can also use quail eggs if you increase their quantity proportionally.

I love this sauce for its simplicity and incredibly tasty combination of ingredients. And it takes just... seconds to prepare it!
So, in a small dish, mix 3 tsp. mustard and...

...3 tsp. honey.

Mix the sauce thoroughly until smooth. Honey mustard sauce is ready! All? - you ask me. Yes, that's all! The spiciness of mustard and the sweetness of honey - they interrupt each other, as if they were competing, but we know that friendship wins... and love, of course :)) We try, if it seems very sweet - add a little mustard, and if the mustard is spicy - add a little more -a little honey.

Let's fry the eggs

Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan. I took a small frying pan specifically for eggs (you can see it in the photo). It fits perfectly as the scrambled eggs are the same size as the toaster bread. However, if you don’t have such a little one, maybe you have a cookie cutter? You know, this kind of metal or silicone? But make sure it is not too small. If there is nothing like that, break two eggs one at a time in a regular well-heated frying pan. Let's start frying on one side for about 3-4 minutes. Season well with a pinch of salt and pepper and add paprika. I have a delicious paprika that I bought at a food festival - sun-dried tomato flavored paprika. I admit, this is something! Add sweet or hot paprika or any other seasoning that your significant other just loves. After all, this is supposed to be a romantic breakfast! :) Chopped basil, cilantro, dill or parsley are also great for this dish!

Now turn the egg over and fry the other side for about a minute. We need this so that the yolk does not burst when we assemble the sandwich. Remove the frying pan from the heat.

Let's assemble a sandwich

Let's cut up the ham and cheese if you used whole foods. You can make your life easier and buy them already cut into plastic.

We will spread our sauce on two pieces of bread, and leave the second two untouched, this will be our top. Again, this is a matter of taste, you can lubricate both parts. The taste will be more intense! Wash the fresh arugula and place it in a mound on top of the sauce. Like this:

Now put one or two pieces of ham and a plastic piece of cheese on top. If you wish, you can add another piece of cheese.

Helping yourself with a spatula, place the egg on top and cover the sandwich with the second bread.

Let's toast a sandwich

The final touch is to make our sandwiches crispy and hot, and the cheese in them chewy. To do this, we will need either an electric grill, like mine, or a grill pan, oven or regular frying pan. So, in the case of the oven: place the sandwiches in an oven preheated to 180C and leave for 5-7 minutes. Remove and check, if necessary, leave for a few more minutes until the cheese melts. If you decide to cook in a frying pan, simply place the sandwiches on a dry, heated frying pan and press down with a spatula. Fry in this way on both sides for 3-5 minutes on each side. Well, in my case, grill it until the cheese melts.