Recipes for schoolchildren to take with them. Breakfast for a schoolchild: recipes and tips

The school year has begun, which means that for any child who goes to the preparatory group of a kindergarten or is already at school, the daily routine becomes quite busy. After school, many children go to sections, additional classes in academic disciplines, and there is no time to run home and eat properly. Of course, you can simply give your child pocket money so that he can have a snack somewhere. But it is unlikely that the child will prefer to eat something healthy; he will buy soda, fast food, just to fill his stomach. Therefore, every conscious parent needs to control what their child eats so that he does not have any health problems. We offer you options for quick and healthy snacks that you can give your child with you to school and beyond.

There is a heated debate among modern parents about whether children need a snack. The essence of this debate is that people simply do not understand the difference between what healthy and disordered eating is:

  • If a child constantly chews something (it could be candy, cookies, sandwiches, other fast food), then this is not a snack, but a disordered diet that will definitely not bring any benefit to the child’s body.
  • If a child eats a small portion of low-calorie food between main meals, and he does this constantly at the same time, then this is the right snack that helps him replenish the calories expended and not experience severe hunger until the next main meal.

Important! Children under 5 years old must have a snack in the form of lunch (second breakfast) and an afternoon snack. At this age, they are quite active and mobile, and their body needs to consume at least 1,400 calories per day. With proper nutrition, a child cannot eat so much for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so you definitely need to make sure that your baby has a snack. Otherwise, he will have problems with the digestive system.

The conclusion is this: a child definitely needs the right snacks. However, getting a baby to eat when he is very enthusiastic can be extremely difficult. So that parents do not have problems teaching their child to snack, we have made a small cheat sheet with tips:

  1. Buy your child an interesting lunch box. It should be childish and capacious. It is desirable that there are quite a lot of divisions in it. This lunch box will be fun for your child to fill and carry with him.
  2. All products that you want to put in your lunch box must be prepared. They need to be peeled, finely chopped, giving each piece an original shape. The child should simply open and eat what his parents gave him.
  3. You should not put large foods in your baby's mouth. Replace everything with small portions of berries, fruits and cookies.
  4. Don't give your child a new product every day. He has to get used to it. It is enough to use a new ingredient once a week, or better yet, every 12 days, because that is how much time the baby needs to get used to the diet.
  5. Turn snacking into a game for your child. For example, let him assemble a sandwich himself from what you give him with you (just place each ingredient in the appropriate compartment in the lunch box).

What to give for a snack

Now let's figure out what you can give your child to school for a snack, and what is better not to:

  • Dairy products are very healthy, but they are perishable. Therefore, do not take risks and do not put anything dairy in your child’s lunch box. From dairy, you can only give your baby a piece of hard cheese.
  • Vegetables cut into small pieces are a great option. But these should be vegetables that are not very juicy and easily soiled, because the child may get dirty when he eats them. Give preference to radishes, celery, carrots, cucumbers and sweet peppers.
  • From fruits, add small apples (but it is better not to cut them, because they will become chapped and will not give your child an appetite). You can also give your child grapes or any other berries, but not juicy ones.
  • For meat, you can give either homemade boiled pork or boiled chicken fillet. Be sure to season the meat with spices and salt. Under no circumstances should you give your child sausage, because there are always many doubts about its quality and what it is made from.
  • Boil an egg, preferably a quail one, as it is healthier, and it will be more interesting for the child to eat it, because it is small.
  • Bread made from coarse flour is a great option. A couple of slices of such healthy bread will definitely recharge your child with energy and bring great benefits to the body.
  • Don't forget about water too. It is better to give clean water to the child, instead of various teas and compotes. Teach your child to drink properly, because water allows all organs and cells of the human body to work correctly.

Healthy snacks

Remember that the snack should be small in size and the number of calories it contains. Based on this principle, we have compiled the following list of healthy snacks:

  1. Seasonal fruit and a small handful of nuts. This could be an apple and 20 g of walnuts or hazelnuts.
  2. A sandwich made from whole grain bread and home-cooked cold meat or fish. You can also add cucumber or any vegetables cooked in the oven.
  3. Dried fruits. For your child to eat them, you just need to prepare them in an unusual way - grind them in a blender, form into balls, roll in honey and cool.

Back to school snack ideas

  1. Cut vegetables or fruits into thin slices and dry it all in the oven. You will get chips that children love very much.
  2. Bun with meat filling. Take a regular bun, remove all the crumb from it, and fill it with a mixture of meat, cheese and herbs. To make it even tastier, place a small piece of butter on the bottom of the bun and season the meat dressing with tomato sauce.
  3. Pita with meat or steamed minced chicken cutlet. This dish is very similar to fast food, but it belongs to the category of healthy quick dishes.

Delicious snacks

  1. You can make so-called onigiri - these are rice cakes with meat or fish filling inside. They are prepared simply: the rice is boiled, the filling is made, the finished rice is stuffed, balls are formed from this, which are rolled in sesame seeds. To prevent the ball from falling apart, it is best to wrap such onigiri with a sheet of nori.
  2. Puff pastry envelopes with any filling. Envelopes with cheese and chicken fillet are very tasty. Instead of chicken fillet, you can use salmon.
  3. Muffin with raisins or milk chocolate. Every mother can bake such a delicacy at home from biscuit dough, which children love very much.

Light snacks

  1. You can make your child several different canapés. It is modern, tasty, healthy and not very high in calories.
  2. Fitness bars. These sweets are called that, but in fact they simply belong to the category of dietary food. They are made from muesli and honey. Such sweets will not bring any harm to children, so they can be safely given as a snack.
  3. Croissant with cheese filling. It is advisable to prepare it from puff pastry without yeast, so that you get a really light snack, and the child does not feel heaviness in the stomach after it.

Snack recipes

  1. Ciabatta: These are rolls made from pita bread and various fillings. Roll out the pita bread, brush it with cheese sauce, and place omelette slices, ham, vegetables and herbs on top. After this, roll everything into rolls and bake in the oven.
  2. Chicken snacks: Boil the chicken fillet, cut it into pieces, and then roll each piece in chopped nuts with an egg and bake in the oven. To make sure your child enjoys a snack, add some of his favorite sauce to his lunch box.
  3. Apple with peanut butter: Take a regular apple and cut it into several pieces horizontally. Spread each apple piece with nut butter and sprinkle with raisins or seeds. You can add honey as a sauce.

Snacks for Teens

A teenager is already an adult who is able to independently make some not very difficult decisions. For example, he decides whether he needs a snack or not. But if from childhood you teach such a child to eat something between main meals, then there will be no problems with this. If you are the parent of a teenager, here is what you can feed him in snacks:

  1. A piece of boiled or baked dietary meat with grilled vegetables. You can also give your child compote or herbal tea, which will tone him down.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole with berries and chamomile tea.
  3. Ham sandwich and some kind of fruit. You can also give him a smoothie made from the berries he likes. Do not add fermented milk products to smoothies, as this may make the drink unsuitable.

Healthy and healthy snacks

  1. Vegetable muffins. You can add pieces of vegetables directly to the dough or make a separate filling.
  2. Carrot or pumpkin pie.
  3. Carrot sticks with cheese sauce and a slice of whole grain bread.
  4. Steamed minced turkey cutlet and cherry tomatoes.
  5. Cupcake with meat filling. You can replace it with any homemade sweet cupcake.

Low-calorie snacks

  1. An ordinary apple or a couple of slices of carrots and cucumber are not a very filling snack, but they are considered dietary. In any case, the child will not feel hungry until lunchtime.
  2. A handful of almonds - literally 10 pieces. If you eat more, you will end up with too many calories.
  3. Ham rolls with herbs as filling and lettuce.
  4. Banana is a very filling fruit, which, by the way, contains happiness hormones. It will not only saturate your child, but will also lift his spirits.
  5. Citrus and herbal tea. Tangerines are a storehouse of vitamins that will help your child feel energetic throughout the day.

Quick snack recipes

  1. Prepare the pancake, spread it with peanut butter, place a sliced ​​banana on top, and place an almond on each slice. This is definitely a filling snack. Therefore, it should be small in size, and the child can be given either water or herbal tea as a drink.
  2. Pizza in the form of rolls. Lay out the puff pastry and cut it into triangles. Stuff them with meat and cheese and then place in the oven for 15 minutes. Everything needs to be cooked at a temperature of 200°.
  3. Ham rolls: Brush a slice of ham with cheese sauce and add some other sliced ​​vegetables (carrots, celery or cucumber). Roll the ham into logs.
  4. Apples in honey and cinnamon. Cut the apple into slices without removing the peel. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon to taste. Microwave for 15 minutes. Cook using the “Grill” mode.
  5. Take 2 bananas and cut them into equal sized pieces. Dip each piece in Greek yogurt with any fruit topping and refrigerate overnight.

Even when you prepare a light snack for your child for school, choose foods that you are absolutely confident in. There should be nothing raw in a child’s lunch box - every meat or dairy product must undergo heat treatment, and vegetables and fruits must be washed under running water.

Video: “Child’s snack for school”

Any pediatric nutritionist will tell you that breakfast is the foundation of health! Those who ignore it begin to suffer from gastritis and obesity - it has been found that 44% of obese boys and 20% of obese girls do not eat breakfast (their metabolism is disrupted and food is stored in reserve). Academic performance also directly depends on the morning menu. Judge for yourself - at school, a child will have a snack only after the 2-3rd lesson, which means that for several hours his brain will suffer from glucose starvation and the baby simply will not be able to think normally. By the way, the “gray cells” of modern schoolchildren spend even more calories during classes than the “heads” of their parents: 25% of energy versus 3-4%. If a child studies in a special school with in-depth study of a particular subject, his brain requires even more nourishment.


Delicious exercise

The duration of breakfast should be at least 20 minutes, and the calorie content should be 15-20% of the entire daily diet: it turns out that toast with cheese or tea with a cookie will clearly not be enough for your child. However, it’s also not worth stuffing a plate of hot borscht or a cutlet with mashed potatoes into it early in the morning - such serious dishes will cause a rush of blood to the stomach, and the “de-energized” brain will begin to fall asleep. Ideally, a student should eat warm, low-fat, and not very sweet food for breakfast, which will provide useful energy until the next snack.

Food for thought

The brain feeds on carbohydrates, which is why you need to start a new day with them. But not with a white loaf sandwich, waffle cake, a pack of cookies, a straw with cream or chocolate bars. These tasty simple carbohydrates will clear your head, but not for long. Within an hour the child will feel lethargic and tired. To avoid this phenomenon, the brain must extract sugar from complex carbohydrates. Therefore, cook a variety of porridges in the morning and add fresh or dry fruits and nuts to them. This is an ideal combination of healthy sugars that will ensure a stable supply of glucose to brain cells. To prevent your child from getting tired of porridge, treat him with low-fat pancakes or delicious pancakes once a week. For variety, you can also offer a “cereal breakfast”, but just don’t do it every day: puffed cereal is an unnatural product and not very healthy.

Delicacies - aside

A child grows up, carries a heavy backpack to school, plays during breaks, does physical education, runs after school to practice or dance - for all this he needs proteins. In addition, they are involved in the production of dopamine and adrenaline, which speed up reactions and thinking processes. Ideal sources of morning proteins include eggs and dairy products - they are most easily absorbed by the child's body. Just offer your baby not a giant scrambled egg with sausages, cheese and mayonnaise (hard on the stomach), but 3-4 fried quail eggs or a fluffy omelet with bell peppers and broccoli. From dairy breakfast dishes, choose light cottage cheese (fill it with honey, jam or nuts), yogurt (necessarily light and “alive”), cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole, milkshake with fruit or a sandwich with multigrain bread and cheese. True, if a child feels unwell or has just been ill, do not feed him hard varieties and delicacies with mold (Camembert, Roquefort, Brie) - a weakened body may not be able to cope with them.

And stop buying sausages and sausages in the morning, especially smoked ones - they contain a minimum of healthy proteins, but they contain a lot of obvious or hidden fats, dyes, preservatives and other substances harmful to the child’s body.

Cocoa is better than tea

If you cook porridge for your child for breakfast, also offer him reconstituted juice with pulp or freshly squeezed carrot juice - other fresh ones are too sour, so they are recommended to be given only an hour after a snack. If a schoolchild eats cottage cheese or yogurt in the morning, he must definitely drink something warm - naturally, not coffee, but lightly brewed tea or cocoa. The latter (especially with milk) is considered the best drink for breakfast - it is moderate in calories and quite healthy due to the presence of antioxidants, vitamins and iron. Cocoa invigorates, but the alkaloid theobromine it contains is much milder than caffeine. Therefore, brew the drink yourself or dilute instant powder (the second option is worse - it contains more sugar and preservatives). And don’t forget to take care of what your child will drink at school: put a bag of juice or a bottle of still water in his backpack.


How to create a menu

Any adult does not like monotony in food, and even more so children constantly need something new and tasty on the table. Therefore, do not get hung up on cereals or yoghurts, constantly change the morning menu and do not be lazy to cook beautifully and originally - of course, there is nothing better than buckwheat or good old oatmeal, but it is unlikely that you will be able to cram such boring dishes into a 12-year-old child. A little imagination - and healthy food will become interesting. For example, porridge can be colored with cocoa and made “chocolate,” curd cheesecakes can be turned into funny faces using a pastry bag and fruit jam, and regular cottage cheese can be topped with a little whipped cream, sprinkled with raisins and nuts and served in bowls like ice cream.

Healthy breakfasts for the week

Monday Omelette with vegetables. Cocoa with milk.
Tuesday A bowl of oatmeal with fresh strawberry sauce. Apple juice with pulp.
Wednesday 100 g of curd mass with dried apricots, raisins and candied fruits. Sweet tea and multigrain toast with a slice of cheese.
Thursday 2 cheesecakes with pitted cherry jam. 1 glass of “live” yogurt. A glass of cocoa with milk.
Friday A bowl of buckwheat porridge with warm milk. Tea with a piece of milk chocolate.
Saturday 2 low-fat pancakes with baked apple. A glass of milkshake with strawberries and banana.

Scrambled eggs from 2 chicken eggs or 4 quail eggs with tomatoes. A glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice with cream.

Expert opinion

Maryana Bezrukikh, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education

Many parents say: “My son (or daughter) has no appetite in the morning.” In fact, the problem most often lies in the wrong daily routine. You need to wake up your child an hour before leaving the house, and not 20-30 minutes. Let him calmly wash himself and get dressed - during this time his appetite will work up, and he will eat with pleasure. Just don’t urge him while eating: “Hurry up, we’re late!”, otherwise the child will go to school in poor working order.

Stars about breakfast

Alexander Pushnoy

I remember that I didn’t eat at home in the morning, but went to the school canteen, where there was a completely balanced breakfast - squash caviar, a boiled egg and compote. Today's schoolchildren live in an era of chemical nightmare, when it is difficult to find natural products - chips, soda, artificial curds are everywhere. My son currently eats the porridge that my wife prepares, but when he goes to school, then we’ll see. But I won't let him eat chemicals.

Victoria Lopyreva

If children are allowed to eat what they want, they will have breakfast with chocolate spread with nuts, cream desserts from jars, various full-fat yoghurts and sweets with tea. As a child, I also didn’t understand what was useful and what was harmful. I grew up in the Caucasus, where there was always a cult of food, so I could easily have breakfast, for example, stuffed peppers or kebab with fresh vegetables and hot sauce.


My daughter doesn’t go to school yet, but I think our breakfasts will not change in the future. She loves semolina porridge with milk. Dad cooks it superbly. When we get tired of porridge, we make different omelettes - my daughter likes a simple one made from eggs, flour, milk and cheese. My husband and I love it when it contains dill, pepper and ham. There is a pastry shop next to our house, so sometimes we have croissants for breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And with the pace of life that is accepted in our time, very often it is he who suffers. Not everyone realizes how big problems this diet can cause in the future, let alone children who spend so much energy at school gaining new knowledge and experience. But the body is growing, this is the most important time! So, you need to give this aspect as much importance as possible, because you want to be happy for your child’s successes, and not see his constant ailments and irritability.

Unfortunately, years of early rising and constant running around in the morning completely disrupt the natural regime and therefore many adults prefer to give it up, postpone it for several hours or be content with something quick and not very nutritious - for example, corn flakes or some kind of cereal a candy bar.

However, doctors strongly do not recommend passing on such habits to children. Studies have shown that this contributes to a longer awakening time for the body, loss of strength and mental activity, and even the occurrence of stress, which our children have to deal with many times in schools.

And this is where the question arises: what can be prepared for a child in the morning so that it is quick, healthy and nutritious and tasty enough for the child to accept it with pleasure. The task is really not the easiest, because it is quite difficult to come up with constantly varied dishes, and the same scrambled eggs every day probably will not seem like a tempting idea to a child.

In fact, there is no need to panic. Although it is not always possible to cope with such a difficulty on the fly, there is always a way out. After all, there are a lot of simple dishes suitable for breakfast in world cuisine; it’s not in vain that a variety of chefs have worked for centuries.

The main thing when creating a menu is to remember the basic principles of a healthy breakfast - it must contain slow carbohydrates in order to charge the brain with glucose, which will be gradually released throughout the day. Also, breakfast should certainly contain fats - ideally both plant and animal. They give the body quick energy, warmth and promote the absorption of nutrients from food. And, of course, nowhere without proteins. Protein, as you know, is the basis from which the body draws material to build a strong and healthy body, as well as the energy needed for sports.

By following these recommendations, it will be much easier for you to prepare the right breakfasts. And we make sure that they turn out to be varied. Especially in order to save your time and deprive you of unnecessary worries, we have compiled for you a selection of five different breakfast options that you could prepare quickly and without excessive effort. These breakfasts contain all the elements necessary for a growing body and, by the way, will be no less useful for you, dear parent.

The recommendations will provide simple short recipes for prepared breakfasts, as well as recommendations for preparing any products in advance. We hope that you find the article extremely useful and wish health and energy to your dear children!

Breakfast No. 1 - egg

So, as we already wrote above, a full breakfast must certainly contain a sufficient amount of fats, complex carbohydrates and proteins. There are many sources of protein suitable for breakfast. For example, chicken eggs are nothing more than pure protein and do not contain significant amounts of fat or carbohydrates. Or, for example, cottage cheese or cheese. This is a different type of protein, but by no means less valuable. By including these products in your breakfast, you provide your young body with pure and noble protein, which is easily absorbed. Especially in the morning.

But what kind of protein is highly not recommended to be consumed in the morning is meat. Especially in large quantities. The fact is that the body needs much more energy and enzymes to digest meat than many other foods. And if by lunchtime the body is already fully awake, full of energy and ready to take in such a heavy product, then in the morning it only gives the digestive system an extra load, completely unnecessary at such an early time.

In this breakfast option we will offer you a combination where egg white plays a key role in building a healthy and tasty meal. A big plus of eggs in breakfast is that this product is prepared simply indecently quickly, be it boiling, frying or another method of processing. In addition, there are many studies confirming that eggs are the product most suitable for morning meals.

And yet, how to cook eggs so that your child likes them? In boiled eggs, picky eaters often leave the yolk uneaten, and with scrambled eggs the situation is not much different. What can we do? An omelet would be a great solution! It cooks very quickly and turns out superbly juicy, tasty and whole - the yolk is inseparably beaten with the white. We will share with you a couple of tricks that will allow you to turn such a familiar and ordinary dish into a real masterpiece that will only take you about 5 minutes.

· chicken eggs – 2 pieces;
· soy sauce – 1 teaspoon;
· cold water – 1 teaspoon;
· cold milk – 1 tablespoon;
· hard cheese – 30-40 grams;
· greens – a couple of sprigs;
· tomato – 3-4 slices (optional);
· champignon – 1 large mushroom (optional);
· a couple of slices of whole grain bread and butter or soft cheese

How to cook?

Step 1. First, lightly fry the bread in a dry or lightly sprayed frying pan. This will be our source of carbohydrates and it is enough just to slightly dry it and grease it with butter or cheese - the child will eat it with great pleasure, especially in combination with such a magnificent omelette.

Step 2. Beat two eggs into a small but deep bowl. Using a fork or whisk, lightly whisk the eggs so that the yolk and white are completely mixed, but do not beat them until foamy - this will only ruin the structure.

Step 3. Pour cold water, soy sauce and cold milk into the egg mixture. Soybean is used here as salt and a source of unusual flavor. If you don’t have it at home, you can mix a pinch of salt with a pinch of sugar and dissolve them in a teaspoon of water - this can at least approximately replace the product. Then, finely chop fresh herbs there. Shake the mixture again so that all products are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

Step 4: Heat a small, low-sided frying pan with a good nonstick surface. Lightly spray it with vegetable oil and spread it over the surface by hand or with a kitchen brush.

Step 5. Place the tomato and champignon thinly sliced ​​into small pieces into the frying pan. Fry them lightly to remove excess moisture. Then, adding another drop of oil if necessary, pour the egg mixture onto the surface. The pan should be hot enough so that the bottom of the omelette cooks quickly enough without burning.

Step 6. At this point, grate a small piece of cheese and spread the cheese evenly over half of the omelette, the surface should still be damp. When you can see that the bottom layer is cooked, but the top layer is still runny, use a spatula to fold the omelette in half so that the other half just covers the half sprinkled with cheese.

At this point, turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. From the heat retained on the surface of the frying pan, the omelette will begin to cook inside and puff up.

After a couple of minutes, you can safely put the omelette on a plate, put pieces of bread on the side and delight your child with this breakfast. You will be surprised how tender and juicy the omelet turns out and how satisfied the child is. And all this in a matter of minutes!

Breakfast No. 2 – cottage cheese

And here is the second, most suitable source of protein for the morning - cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a very flattering product for our country, because in few other countries you can find something like this, and it is a real storehouse of the most useful and nutritious substances. Here you have calcium, protein, lactic acid and even fat - but only in reasonable quantities.

The simplest dish made from cottage cheese is, of course, just a plate of cottage cheese with sour cream and jam. And while some people might quite like such a breakfast, others prefer to be picky and outright refuse such a prospect. Then casseroles, cheesecakes and other delights come into play. But, since casserole is a product that requires a long baking time, we will be happy to provide you with a great recipe for cheesecakes, with oatmeal and chocolate - all in one!

· fresh cottage cheese with a fat content above 5% - 150 grams;
· egg yolk;
· butter – 1 teaspoon;
· sugar – 1\2 tablespoon;
· wheat flour – 1 level tablespoon;
· semolina – 1 level tablespoon;
· milk chocolate – 3 squares;
oatmeal – 2-3 tablespoons.

How to cook?

Step 1. Place half of the cottage cheese, butter and egg yolk in a deep bowl or small saucepan and stir. Then, using a blender, turn the mixture into a smooth paste.

Step 2. Add semolina and sugar, stir and let stand for 5 minutes.

Step 3. Meanwhile, grind the oatmeal in a blender. There is no need to turn them into flour, just grind them slightly to make it easier to roll the cheesecakes in them.

Step 4. Add the remaining cottage cheese and flour to the mass, knead the mass until smooth. You can add a little vanilla and, if desired, a little more sugar.

Step 5. Divide the mixture into three parts. Place each part in crushed flakes, place a piece of milk chocolate in the middle and form a cheesecake.

Step 6. Fry on each side for 5-6 minutes over medium heat, serve with sour cream or fresh banana.

Here is another option for a delicious and nutritious breakfast, the preparation of which will not take more than 20 minutes. But how much energy for the whole day!

Breakfast No. 3 – American

There are many rumors about the stupidity of Americans and the culture of poor nutrition in their lives. It is quite difficult to argue with these arguments, because silent but clear statistics speak for them. But you can still argue with these stereotypes if you delve into the topic a little deeper.

For example, the fact that obesity is caused by a highly competitive market. The fast food culture has indeed spread very quickly and widely across the mainland and has therefore caused a wave of major health problems. Because such food has become more accessible - cheaper, faster and easier. That’s why it’s “fast-food” - literally translated as fast food.

However, the food culture of American families who abstain from such unfortunate addictions, and there are actually very few of them, takes its roots largely from English cuisine. Although it is not famous for its particularly low-calorie content, it has always combined a variety of products, thus saturating consumers with all the necessary substances for life in such a changeable climate.

That is why we want to draw your attention to what kind of breakfasts are preferred by “correct” families in the United States and explain their beneficial principles.

Choice ours fell on them also because the Americans are the people who are constantly on the move. Whether this is good or bad from the point of view of psychology and philosophy, it just so happens that with such a saturated market, people constantly have something to do and therefore the morning meal is clearly not an aspect on which they are willing to spend most of their precious time. So let's find out how they manage to quickly prepare a hearty breakfast without losing taste.

And we will offer you the simplest option and, you can believe me, very tasty and nutritious - granola with yogurt and fruit and toast with peanut butter and jam! Yes, yes, the same peanut butter that American children love so much and our Soviet mothers do not understand. Did you know that in fact, the right peanut butter contains EVERYTHING you need for a nutritious breakfast! These are complex carbohydrates, these are noble vegetable fats and a large portion of vegetable protein! A real treasure trove. Of course, such a product cannot be abused. But 1-2 tablespoons of this paste for breakfast will give you a lot of energy and a delicious start to the day!


Peanut butter – 1.5-2 tablespoons;
· jam or preserves - to taste;
· 2 slices of toast bread;
oatmeal - a handful;
· honey – 1-2 teaspoons;
· seeds, nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruits - any additives;
· vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon (can be coconut or flaxseed);
· white yogurt – 5 tablespoons;
· any fruits or berries.

How to cook?

Step 1. First of all, prepare the granola. To do this, in a deep bowl, mix oatmeal, vegetable oil, honey, various additives (raisins, coconut and flax seeds are best). Then, spread the mixture in an even layer on foil or baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Step 2: While the granola is baking, toast the toasted bread in a dry pan until slightly crispy. You can also finely chop the fruit.

Step 3. Spread the dried pieces of bread generously with peanut butter and layer with your favorite jam, melted chocolate or even cucumber - any addition will come in handy. Then, put both pieces together and cut them diagonally - the American morning sandwich is ready!

Step 4. Stir the prepared granola in a bowl and let it cool for a couple of minutes. Then top with white yogurt and chopped fruit or berries.

Ready! A very nutritious and tasty breakfast is ready, hurry up to please your child with such a varied menu.

Breakfast No. 4 – vegetable

Lately, people have been shouting from all sides about how harmful animal products really are. Sometimes it becomes downright embarrassing to give your child scrambled eggs after reading yet another article revealing all the terrible poisons and other terrible things that smart scientists have recently discovered in them.

Of course, absolute refusal is not a very wise choice. The point is not even that all the information written in the articles has nothing to do with the truth and seeks to intimidate you. The point is rather that these studies are carried out in certain parts of our world where such laws are actually relevant. This is the main problem of the information unity that we have recently achieved. Of course, in a matter of seconds you can see, read or hear some incredible thing that happened on the other side of the planet and this is great, very great progress. But the laws, which operate differently depending on climate, culture and other factors, are somehow incredibly overlooked and, as a result, are accepted with equal readiness by both ladies from Cambodia and Siberians.

So you can rest assured, there is nothing wrong with consuming all these products during our cold winters, especially considering the shortage of quality vegetables and fruits in our country in winter. BUT. Still, it’s worth thinking about the fact that everything is useful in moderation. This means that, daily giving preference to animal proteins, we completely forget about plant proteins, which are no less necessary for our dear body. Therefore, we urge you to consider this breakfast option, which contains only vegetable fats and proteins, and dilute your child’s diet with it a couple of times a week. Rest assured, this will have the best effect on him!

And preparing such a nutritious and easy breakfast is not difficult at all!

· whole grain bread – 4 slices;
· hummus – chickpea paste – 2 tablespoons;
· avocado – 1/2 fruit;
· cucumber;
· tomato;
Peanut butter – 1 tablespoon;

How to cook?

And we will prepare vegetable sandwiches. Eating them is pleasant and quick, and the products contain a maximum of the most beneficial substances.

Step 1. Dry the pieces of bread in the oven or in a dry frying pan.

Step 2. Cut the avocado, tomato and cucumber into thin slices.

Step 3: Spread two slices of bread with peanut butter and layer with fresh cucumber. Stack the pieces together and cut diagonally.

Step 4. Spread two more pieces with hummus, layer with tomato and avocado, fold together and cut diagonally.

A delicious, nutritious and incredibly healthy and easy breakfast is ready. Bon appetit!

Breakfast No. 5 – liquid

We have prepared this breakfast option for parents whose children are very stubborn about eating in the morning. Especially if such a habit was previously accepted normally, it is unlikely to be an easy task to teach a child to sit down at the table every morning and eat a full meal.

But don't despair. This does not mean that you will now have to put up with the problems that may occur to a child who adheres to such wrong habits. In such a situation, you can resort to one small but very useful trick - turn healthy and nutritious foods into a delicious smoothie!

Yes, yes, in fact it is not difficult at all. You just need to get a convenient and powerful blender. The fact is that it is much easier to drink all the same foods that were laid out on the plate, and if you add your child’s favorite chocolate or strawberries, the emotions will be similar to the joy received from a milkshake, which we are not at all used to perceiving as a healthy snack. . The secret is only in choosing the right products so that the taste suits the whim. You will be surprised at how easily he will absorb in a couple of sips a whole glass of delicacy, in which oatmeal, cereal, and other healthy foods are very thoughtfully hidden.


· banana – 1 piece;
· cottage cheese – 50 grams;
· white yogurt or kefir, milk – 200 ml;
oatmeal – 3-4 tablespoons;
· melted chocolate or any jam – 2-3 tablespoons.

And preparing all this is impossible! Mix all the products in a blender and beat thoroughly until everything turns into a homogeneous cocktail. You can add a little more milk to give it a thinner texture. That's all!

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First of all, keep in mind that in some cases it is not necessary to “fool” with this. If the school's food service is well-organized - and this presupposes not only that the children receive food according to hours and at the optimal temperature, but also that this food is tasty - it is better to pay for school breakfasts and lunches.

“The quality of products intended for children, including in educational institutions, is strictly monitored,” emphasizesElena Tikhomirova, nutritionist at SM-Clinic . – A hot dish freshly prepared in the dining room, all other things being equal, will be better than a cold snack that has been sitting in your briefcase. It’s another matter if your offspring complains that the school food even looks disgusting, slimy and inedible. Then he better pack something with him. Otherwise, he will remain hungry all day, and the intervals between meals for a child, like an adult, should ideally not exceed four to five hours.”

Healthy snack for schoolchildren: main rules

1) Food should be such that it can be eaten with your hands. It’s not a fact that at the right moment your child will find a spoon, and a clean one at that, rather than try to “pick” a dish brought from home with a ruler found under the radiator or a chewed pencil.

2) Food should not stain the child’s hands and clothes. Don't create complicated or outlandish dishes: children tend to be conservative.

3) Try to pack a healthy snack so that your daughter or son gets both carbohydrates (they provide the energy necessary for brain function and outdoor games) and proteins with fats (they satiate).

4) Use only the freshest ingredients when preparing a snack for a schoolchild. “Don’t forget that food will spend some time without refrigeration, at room temperature, and in school classrooms it can be quite hot,” says Elena Tikhomirova. – Fresh food will withstand even 4-5 hours without any problems, but in food that has already been sitting or spoiled, dangerous bacteria can begin to actively multiply. Better not take risks."

5) Place food in a lunch box or container designed specifically for food. “As a rule, they have the marking “glass and fork” or “glass and spoon,” says Elena Tikhomirova, “and are made of high-quality plastic, which does not “give” anything into the food. Such a “storage” should be hermetically sealed and easy to open (so that a child can handle it) and ideally have a couple of compartments.”

6) The weight of one snack should be no more than 120–140 g.

Ideas on what to give your child to school:

1) Lavash with filling. “Lubricate it with soft curd cheese or, if the child loves cottage cheese, with paste-like cottage cheese,” advises Elena Tikhomirova, “and on top place pieces of baked meat, oven-cooked or grilled chicken and sliced ​​vegetables, such as cucumbers or bell peppers. Roll the pita bread into an envelope or into a roll closed at both ends. If your child has a sweet tooth, use Philadelphia-type cheese for the filling and his favorite fruit cut into pieces, for example, a pear, banana or not very juicy persimmon.”

2) Cheesecakes. Good for at least two reasons. First of all, they are easy to eat with your hands. Secondly, they are sweet, in the minds of many children they are almost a dessert. Want to make this snack healthier? Replace some of the wheat flour with ground oatmeal and do not fry them in oil, but bake them in the oven.

3) Classic sandwich. Since it will not be possible to completely “close” it, it is better to use a drier filling. For example, put a piece or two of hard cheese between slices of grain bread. By the way, it contains quite a lot of salt - a natural preservative that will prevent the product from quickly deteriorating without refrigeration. To accompany him, pick up washed and dried lettuce leaves and slices of the same sweet pepper. If the child does not like such a “multi-story” structure, exclude vegetables and give fruit in addition to the sandwich.

4) Yogurt. Basically, it’s drinkable, and not something that requires a spoon. Purchased, not fermented by mom herself. Homemade fermented milk is more capricious, while store-bought milk does not spoil as quickly, and the bottle will be sealed hermetically. “Study the ingredients carefully,” reminds Elena Tikhomirova. – The shorter the list of ingredients, the better. The ideal formula could generally consist of regular milk, yogurt starter and pieces of fruit or jam - if the child loves sweets and is not overweight. Yogurt will definitely be better than a bag of fruit juice, which in terms of benefits is almost equivalent to sweetened water or tea. In addition to it, put a couple of pieces of oatmeal cookies in your student's bag. Or a mixture of nuts and dried fruits.”

5) Pie with filling. For example, meat, cabbage or apple. Basically - baked, not deep-fried. “It is acceptable to purchase such baked goods in the school canteen,” says Elena Tikhomirova. – For some reason, parents think that this is a bad choice for their child. But as a nutritionist, I say: no. The dough in such pies is usually as simple as possible: water, flour, salt. Due to the unsweetened filling, this pastry is not too high in calories. The main thing with pies is not to overdo it. If you bake at home yourself, give your child a portion of no more than the already indicated 120 g.”

Our regular food blogger Zhenya Gorozhankina shares interesting and simple ideas to make it quick, satisfying and healthy. These will fill your child up before school and help put him in a good mood for the whole day.

Oatmeal steamed in the evening is also good - it will take very little time to bring it to perfection in the morning and season it with honey and fruit; a banal sandwich with butter and cheese or yogurt with, which is also most convenient to prepare in the evening: by the morning, the hard flakes will be well soaked in the yogurt and will become soft.

Open sandwich with egg and tomatoes

You can bring your child along for this quick breakfast. While he is “fighting” with the toaster and cutting tomatoes, mom quickly fries the eggs and helps to carefully form.

  • Take two slices of bread and toast them in the toaster. You can take toast bread or whole grain bread.
  • Place tomato, cut into thin slices, on bread. Set aside.
  • Gently crack two eggs into the frying pan, wait until the whites set, place a piece of toast cheese on the yolk and cover the frying pan with a lid for a minute.
  • Carefully spoon onto each sandwich and serve.

Quesadilla with ham and cheese

Thanks to the variety of fillings, you can prepare a different breakfast every day, not only for your schoolchild, but also for the whole family.

Quick breakfast for schoolchildren: ham and cheese quesadilla recipe

  • Place thinly sliced ​​ham on one tortilla and mozzarella slices on top.
  • Cover with the second tortilla and fry on both sides in a dry frying pan until the tortillas are browned and the cheese is melted.
  • Serve immediately. Instead of ham, you can take thinly sliced ​​roast beef or.

Avocado toast

Quick breakfast for school: avocado toast recipe

  • Toast two slices of bread in the toaster. It is better to take rye or whole grain wheat bread.
  • While the bread is toasting, take a ripe avocado, cut it in half, scoop out the flesh and mash it with a fork. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Spread the avocado puree on the toast, sprinkle with coarse sea salt and, if desired, pepper.
  • You can always supplement with pieces of lightly salted fish or a boiled egg.

Open banana sandwich

  • Heat a glass of milk in a small saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt and pour a quarter cup of semolina into it.
  • Stir continuously to prevent lumps from forming. Cook for 3-4 minutes.
  • Remove from heat, add a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar, half a teaspoon of butter, stir well and serve hot with fruit, dried fruit, nuts and seasonal berries.
  • Top with honey, maple syrup or jam.