Recipe for low-calorie sandwiches baked in the oven. Diet sandwiches: simple recipes

Adherents of healthy eating and those who practice diets attach significant importance. But healthy eating is not associated with sandwiches. How to prepare diet sandwiches to turn them into a proper breakfast? Read!

Why do I need it?

Dietary nutrition is not directly related to weight loss. The system of food intake, the ratio of nutrients in each meal - all this can be aimed at different goals. And weight loss is just one of them. With the help of a therapeutic diet, you can, for example, maintain well-being for years in case of chronic diseases of the internal organs. And using a high-calorie complex -.

We will only consider diet sandwiches for breakfast that are suitable for the system of losing and maintaining weight.

A healthy start to a productive day

Nutrition experts are sure: a good breakfast is the key to a good day. To wake up the body, it is recommended to drink a cup of plain water on an empty stomach. There are also tips to drink water acidified with a slice of lemon or sweetened with a spoon of honey. And breakfast foods should consist of protein and/or complex carbohydrates.

Important! Complex carbohydrates are foods with a low glycemic index. They do not cause insulin spikes in the blood and are absorbed slowly, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Foods with a high glycemic index should not start the day. In the morning, many processes in the body are still inhibited, and it is difficult for the body to reduce the risk from such food. In addition, there is almost nothing useful left in fast carbohydrates - refined sugar, white bread, sweet breakfast cereals - due to processing. And our task is not just to greet the new day with a dietary meal, but also to provide ourselves with all the necessary substances, which is not always possible in the diet menu.

More details about the dish

Of course, if you generously butter a bun, this is unlikely to have anything to do with dietary nutrition. But it’s worth replacing the butter with cheese and egg spread, and the baked goods with crispbread or whole grain bread, and you’ll get the breakfast of a champion!

It is important to create a recipe for a diet sandwich according to the rules of a healthy diet - and voila, a familiar and quick dish is already becoming truly healthy.

Please pay attention to the following points:

  1. Bread. We take wholemeal rye, slightly dried (fewer fermentation products) or bread with whole grains or bread with bran. Store-bought breads and lean flatbreads without yeast (lavash, pita bread, etc.) are also suitable.
  2. We do not use butter, mayonnaise or industrial ketchup sauces.
  3. For meat fillings, we choose chicken, turkey, rabbit, and lean veal.
  4. We give priority to raw products. We steam, boil or bake the remaining ingredients - frying is not suitable for us, frying oil adds calories.

"Protein" options

Ideal for those who exercise in the morning, and for those who always manage to get hungry long before lunch: a protein meal will help avoid this. It is important, however, not to overeat, otherwise instead of vigor, heaviness in the stomach is guaranteed. The following are recipes for diet sandwiches with photos of ready-made dishes.

Bread with cheese spread and eggs with herbs


  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of low-fat yogurt without additives;
  • 20 g dietary cheese;
  • a sprig of parsley and dill;
  • any acceptable bread.

Grind the egg and cheese, mix with finely chopped herbs, season with yogurt. Place the resulting puree on bread and heat in the microwave.

"Chicken in a bun"


  • 50 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 2 leaves of green salad;
  • 1 tbsp. l yogurt;
  • half a clove of garlic;
  • slice of lemon;
  • 5-6 olives;
  • diet rye bun.

Squeeze the garlic and juice of a lemon wedge into the yogurt. Cut the bun lengthwise, not all the way through. Grease both halves with the prepared sauce, put chicken slices and chopped olives inside.

With meat and vegetables


  • lean ham or boiled meat 2 slices;
  • 2 tomato slices;
  • 2 slices of cucumber,
  • greenery,
  • half a teaspoon of mustard and 1 spoon of yogurt,
  • bread.

Spread the bread with yogurt sauce mixed with mustard, place meat, tomatoes, cucumbers on top, garnish with herbs.

With bread and cottage cheese

In diet sandwiches with bread:

  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • salt;
  • seasonings;
  • greenery;
  • 2 diet breads.

Mix cottage cheese with chopped herbs, add spices to taste, place on 1 loaf of bread and cover with a second one.

With fish


  • canned fish in its own juice (without oil and tomato);
  • egg;
  • greenery;
  • bread.

Mash a piece of canned fish, mix with chopped herbs and egg, place the paste on bread.

Experiment: lightly salted, boiled, baked fish is an excellent basis for the morning menu. Mix, change and create even more simple breakfast dishes.

Vegetable delicacies

The best option for adherents of a vegetarian menu and for those who feel heavy from protein foods in the morning. Fiber from vegetables and healthy grains increases in volume in the stomach, as a result, you are not hungry for a long time, but at the same time you do not eat extra calories!

Sandwich with vegetables


  • 0.25 avocado;
  • 2 cherry tomatoes;
  • slice of lemon;
  • 1 egg;
  • bread.

Remove the skin from a slice of avocado, mash with a fork, sprinkle with lemon juice, spread the paste on bread, place sliced ​​eggs on top, garnish with cherry tomato halves.

Appetizer with vegetable caviar


  • at your discretion - industrial or homemade squash/eggplant caviar/beans, marinated with tomatoes;
  • pickled peppers;
  • half an egg;
  • greenery;
  • Rye bread.

Place the selected vegetable product on the bread, garnish with herbs and egg slices.

Lavash rolls - a “non-boring” option

An excellent alternative to open sandwiches, canapés and sandwiches is to wrap the filling in a lavash bag. This is a thin, completely dietary bread, and any set of healthy products can be used as filling. For example:

  • steamed minced meat, herbs, homemade tomato ketchup;
  • green lettuce, spicy carrot salad, tomato, chicken breast;
  • a mixture of sliced ​​vegetables with a spiced yogurt dressing;
  • kiwi, pear, berries dressed with yogurt;
  • stuffed with tofu with herbs and lightly salted fish.

Create your own healthy breakfast sandwich recipes by substituting ingredients to suit your tastes.

Baked dishes

Having at least a little time to tinker with breakfast, you can diversify your diet with diet sandwiches cooked in the oven. Use slices of the recommended bread and light cheeses, place the filling on the base and top with crumbles or a thin piece of cheese. Such a breakfast is not just healthy, but beautiful and original - make a holiday out of your diet meal right in the morning, and the day will be set. Sample products for dietary hot sandwiches:

  • shrimp, greens, cucumber slices, cheese;
  • chicken by-product pate, fresh carrots, cheese;
  • squid, cottage cheese with spices, cheese;
  • tomatoes and cheese;
  • plums/lingonberries/cranberries, mozzarella or other type of soft unleavened cheese.

What to add so as not to “overwhelm”

Sandwiches made from healthy ingredients are a good start to the day. However, it is important not to spoil the effect of this dish. Here are the basic rules:

  1. Don't get carried away with quantity. Eating 1 piece is a diet, and 5 is already overeating, despite all the benefits of the products used.
  2. Watch your drinks. Give preference to herbal or green tea, black coffee, coffee with a spoon of cream, a decoction of your favorite berries, but refrain from adding sugar.
  3. Avoid store-bought drinks – soda water, boxed juices, tea drinks. They contain so many refined carbohydrates that all the benefits of breakfast diets will come to naught.


For those who save morning minutes and also strive to stick to a diet or diet, diet sandwiches for breakfast are suitable. The advantages of such a diet are that cooking does not take time; the range of products for this dish is essentially limited only by the imagination of the cook. And the variety of shapes, textures, and flavors makes you feel like you’re not on a diet at all, and besides, this breakfast is suitable for the whole family. Start your day with healthy pleasure!

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  • Sandwich with chicken breast and pineapple

— Canned pineapples – 5 pcs.
- Peas (canned) - 2 tbsp. l.
— Egg – 1 pc.
— Chicken breast – 1 pc. (200 g)
— Low-fat yogurt – 50 g.
— Whole grain bread – 5 slices
- Salt and pepper, one pinch each.

Grind the egg into crumbs and mix with the peas. Add a little salt to the mixture and pour in the yogurt. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes. Cut off the crust from the bread, and using a mold or glass, cut out circles in the pulp. The bread base should be of such a size that a circle of pineapple fits on it. Place a piece of chicken on top and brush it with egg wash. Decorate the sandwich with fresh herbs.

Understanding the principle of how to prepare diet sandwiches is very simple; anyone can do it. And it is better to prepare a sandwich dressing based on low-fat dairy products.

  • Sandwich with feta cheese

— Rye bread – 5 slices
— Eggs – 2 pcs.
— Small carrots and onions – 1 pc.
— Cheese (low-fat) – 120 g.
- Greenery for decoration.

Grind the yolks separately from the whites into crumbs, grate the cheese and carrots on a medium grater. Finely chop the onion and mix all the ingredients except the proteins. Add a pinch of salt to the mixture. Spread a slice of bread with the prepared paste. Sprinkle the sandwich with whites and chopped herbs.

To the question: “What are dietary sandwiches made from?”, nutrition experts recommend giving preference to fillings made from vegetables, boiled meat and seafood.

  • Tuna sandwich

— Canned tuna – 1 can
— Bran bread – 4 slices
— Olive oil – 1 tsp.
— Apple (sweet and sour) – 1 pc.
— Processed cheese – 50 g.
— Dill for decoration.

Wash the apples with water and cut into thin slices. Lightly dry the bread pulp in the oven (toaster). Finely chop the dill and mix with the cheese until smooth. Grease the bread with olive oil. Place a couple of apple slices, tuna, and cheese mixture on top of the bread base. We serve sandwiches both warm and cold.

  • Sandwichod with liver

— Rye bread – 90 g.
— Butter – 20 g.
— Liver (chicken or beef) – 100 g.
— Greens for decoration
— Lemon juice – 0.5 tsp.

Boil the liver until tender and grind through a meat grinder, grind with butter and add lemon juice. Lightly fry the bread in a frying pan (without oil) and grease the surface of the sandwich with liver mixture.
You can prepare your favorite and best diet sandwich recipes almost every day without harming your figure.

What they miss most is not cakes and pastries with cream, but the most ordinary sandwiches. Sausage and cheese, butter and bread are contraindicated in most diets. Delicious hot sandwiches, which simply drive you crazy with their aromas and delicious crispy crust, are also prohibited.

There is an exit

If you also adhere to proper nutrition, but miss bread and butter, then the recipes for simple sandwiches are dietary! - will be a real find. To prepare such snacks, of course, you will have to choose products more carefully, combine them correctly, and take into account calorie content and grams. But it’s not at all difficult, especially if you have recipe “tips” on hand that will help you build a delicious sandwich in a matter of minutes and not worry about weight gain after such a meal.

By the way, diet sandwiches, if you change their size and the amount of food used for cooking, can become not a simple snack, but a full meal. With the help of a low-calorie sandwich, you can lose extra pounds, enrich your body with vitamins, and stay full for a long time.

Crispbread with red fish and cottage cheese

Diet sandwiches with bread are perhaps the most popular snack option. Bread is an excellent alternative to white bread, which is not at all beneficial for a losing weight. These sandwiches are perfect for breakfast, and also serve as a healthy and tasty snack during working hours.


  • Two dietary breads.
  • One hundred grams of low-calorie cottage cheese.
  • Spices.
  • A bunch of fresh herbs.
  • Lightly salted red fish.

Finely chop fresh herbs and mix with cottage cheese. Salt and season with your favorite spices. Spread the bread with the curd mixture and place pieces of red fish on top. These dietary sandwiches are decorated with a leaf of parsley or a sprig of dill.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 98 Kcal.

Hearty chicken breast sandwich

Very often, bread sandwiches are made for complete and hearty snacks. It is a mistaken belief that you cannot eat sandwiches with black bread on a diet. Nutritionists recommend avoiding whites, baguettes and loaves. But whole grain dark bread in moderation has never harmed a losing weight body.


  • Boiled chicken breast.
  • Two slices of black bread (optional with bran).
  • Tomato.
  • Salt.
  • Avocado.


A healthy fruit - avocado - can replace harmful mayonnaise and sauces in sandwiches. Mash the pulp with a fork and get an amazingly tasty, nutritious and healthy cream. Spread it on diet sandwiches, place pieces of boiled chicken fillet on top, followed by a circle of ripe, juicy tomato. Season with salt, pepper and garnish with fresh herbs.

If desired, you can also put a boiled egg, finely grated garlic or lettuce on such sandwiches with black bread.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 122-148 Kcal (depending on the composition and quantity of ingredients).

Sandwich "Traffic Light"

Unfortunately, most people have very little time to prepare food in the morning. That is why in such cases they are a real godsend for those losing weight. A sandwich under the original name “Traffic Light” will help you quickly feed your family breakfast, please your guests, and add a drop of nutrients and vitamins to your children.


First, you need to prepare a paste from low-fat cottage cheese and avocado pulp. You can add your favorite spices and salt. Spread the mixture onto the bread. The green traffic light is ready.

A circle of ripe and juicy tomato will burn brightly red. But a yellow traffic light is half a boiled chicken egg. The design of sandwiches is an important nuance, although this is not required here: the dish already has a bright, presentable appearance. However, a sprig of fresh parsley will not be superfluous, because even it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements useful for the body.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 112 Kcal.

Hot lavash

It is a mistaken opinion that everyone is harmful to the figure. In fact, you can make the right warm sandwich that will be tasty, filling, and healthy. Hot dietary lavash sandwiches are an ideal option in this case.


Cut the pita bread into small squares. Place a lettuce leaf and finely chopped chicken fillet (boiled!) in the center. Salt and add chicken spices. Cut the tomato into thin slices. Place them on top of the chicken. Sprinkle with grated cheese and wrap. It turns out to be a kind of roll or shawarma.

You can prepare similar hot diet sandwiches in two ways:

  • Heat a dry frying pan without adding vegetable oil. As soon as the crust appears golden brown, turn the sandwich over and fry on the other side.
  • Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 180-190 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with foil or baking paper. Place the prepared sandwiches and bake for fifteen minutes.

Both options are suitable for dietary nutrition, as they do not involve the use of vegetable oil, that is, harmful fats. The first one will, of course, be faster in time, but after the oven the sandwiches stay hot longer. The choice is yours.

How many calories are in a roll sandwich? Per 100 grams of the finished product there are only 140-152 Kcal. This is an ideal option for a hearty and satisfying breakfast or lunch.

Sandwich with fish pate

Fish and white meat are the products most often used to prepare dietary dishes. Sandwiches are no exception.


  • Whole grain bread bun (you can use bread rolls).
  • Mackerel.
  • Egg.
  • A tablespoon of sour cream (low-fat).
  • One small lime.
  • Small chili pepper.
  • One small onion.

How to cook

This recipe is good not only because fish pate is healthy and does not negatively affect your figure. The big plus is that you can prepare it “in reserve.” It keeps well in the refrigerator for three to five days. So, by preparing the pate once, you can provide yourself with tasty and healthy sandwiches for a whole week.

Let's get started. The first step is cutting the fish. We get rid of the head, skin and entrails. We wash the mackerel carcass under cold water and cut into small pieces. Boil them in lightly salted water for ten minutes. Leave to cool.

Boil the chicken egg, cool and grate on a fine grater. Chop the onion very finely. All you need from a green lime is grated zest. Place sour cream in a bowl, add zest, egg and onion. Carefully mix the ingredients of the future pate together.

Chili pepper will help add spiciness and piquancy to fish paste. If necessary, rinse and carefully cut in half. It is recommended to remove the seeds, since they contain the main spiciness and bitterness of the pepper. We grate the pulp on a coarse grater or cut it with a knife, but as finely as possible. Add pepper to the pate.

All that's left is to add the fish. When the mackerel has cooled, remove it from the broth using a holey spoon and thoroughly mash it into a paste with a fork. Now the fish can be sent to a common container. By mixing, you get a surprisingly aromatic and tender fish pate with a hint of spicy bitterness. All that remains is to spread it on the base (bread, pita bread, diet bread).

As for the issue of decorating sandwiches, even such a simple sandwich with pate can be decorated in such a way that it would not be a shame to serve it at the holiday table. Take a large plate and place the sandwiches on it. Place a small sprig of parsley or a sprig of dill on top of each. Along the edges you can add pieces of chili pepper and small slices of lime as decoration. The composition is ready. Bon appetit!

For 100 grams of such a sandwich with fish pate there are about 152-160 Kcal, if it is a diet bread or Armenian thin lavash. If you took a white bread bun as a basis, then the calorie content will increase to 192-200 Kcal.

1. Salmon on lettuce
This amazing dish not only saturates the body with incredibly healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but also relieves hunger for a long time.

2. Bell pepper sandwich
The role of the bun in this vegetable sandwich is played by pepper. If you want it to be not only tasty, but also satisfying, use your imagination with a variety of ingredients. Our version is cheese, spinach and a slice of avocado.

3. Grilled eggplant sandwich
To truly appreciate the taste and aroma of this vegetable sandwich, grill the eggplant on both sides and make the filling with the ingredients you like best. For example, from tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini and lettuce.

4. Tapioca pancakes
Tapioca is a grainy, starchy food that is rich in fiber and essential fatty acids but does not contain gluten. Tapioca pancakes are an unusual dish, but very tasty.

5. Cucumber sandwich
This unusual dish perfectly satisfies not only hunger, but also thirst. Cut the cucumber in half and remove the core. When this “submarine” is ready, feel free to fill it with your favorite ingredients and enjoy the unusually juicy taste!

6. Tomato burger
The cooking principle is the same as for sandwiches. Choose any filling, secure the tomato halves with a toothpick or skewer and enjoy a flavorful vegetable sandwich.


We add kefir with a low fat content to low-calorie cottage cheese. Mix until a homogeneous paste is formed. Add salt and favorite seasonings to taste. Add greens to your taste, you can use dill, onion, garlic.
Cut the bell pepper into pieces and mix with the paste. Spread the paste onto the bread.
Place trout pieces and cover with bread on top.

Lose weight for your health!

Quick diet sandwiches - for everyone

Healthy sandwiches in a hurry - for health

When it comes to diet, the first thing we think of is sweet tea, which we don’t want to say goodbye to. And the second is sandwiches. Some people make do with a sandwich with sausage and cheese for breakfast. And for some they replace lunch and even dinner. Many simply have no other opportunity to eat other than fast food, where hamburgers play an important role. Maybe there are other options for creating sandwiches that will replace high-calorie fatty meat? Of course have. After all, vegetables act on the body as a cleanser. And if you combine them with other products, you can get a completely acceptable sandwich. Of course, you shouldn’t think about losing weight because of bread. But the bread must be replaced with cereal. This will help improve your health and strengthen your immune system.
What can you add to this bread?

Low-fat cheese;
feta cheese;
dietary cottage cheese;
a little honey;
some raisins;
steamed protein fish;
steamed chicken protein;
boiled eggs;
soybean oil, etc.
As we can see, the list is not short. The main thing is to remember a simple thing. Fats are inevitable if you eat meat products. But their number can be minimized. Cheese also contains fat, so it is better to use dietary varieties. There is a product that does not contain fat - caviar. Great as an addition to a sandwich.
Here are some secrets of diet sandwiches. Don't forget that many vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers - act as a laxative. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with this product if you are not ready for this procedure. These sandwiches are quick and easy to make.


It turns out that diet sandwiches can be prepared not only with the usual cheese and ham. There are more than 100 recipes for this popular dish. In fact, you can easily transform your favorite sandwich into a diet one - take whole grain bread instead of white, and low-fat fillings instead of regular ones. Well, for strict followers of protein, vegetarian or low-calorie diets, there are more unusual, but no less tasty recipes in nature.

Diet sandwiches with different breads
Classic cheese sandwich
Cheese like “Athlet”, “Oltermani” or any other with a fat content of less than 20%, whole grain bread, toaster, a little low-fat creamy cottage cheese. Cut the cheese into thin slices and the bread into portions. Lightly dry the bread in the toaster. Then brush each piece with a small amount of cottage cheese and place cheese on top. You can melt the cheese in the microwave, heating it literally for 1 minute.

Sandwiches with chicken breast and Scottish bread
4 slices of Scottish bread - low sugar brown bread with added prunes, 1 boiled chicken breast, some baby applesauce, green salad, curry seasoning. Cut the chicken breast into thin strips along the muscle fibers. Lightly toast the bread or simply cut into portions and sprinkle with curry. Then spread applesauce on each piece of bread, arrange chicken breast pieces and lettuce leaves.

Sandwiches with cottage cheese
1 tomato, ground black pepper, 300 g low-fat creamy cottage cheese, sea salt, basil. For the base, you can take Borodino bread, or bread with the taste of Borodino bread, or classic dry yeast-free rye bread. Grind the tomato with a blender, add pepper, cottage cheese, basil and mix, add salt. We spread the sandwich paste on the bread; you can pre-dry it. You can make a sweet version of this sandwich - take half a banana, applesauce and cinnamon instead of tomato, and oatmeal bran bread instead of Borodinsky.


"Protasovskie sandwiches"
First option: 4 large bell peppers, a portion of creamy cottage cheese, basil, a little sea salt, tomato, lettuce. We cut the tomato into thin slices, the bell pepper into 4 parts, having previously freed it from seeds and partitions. Mix cottage cheese with finely chopped basil and sea salt. For each quarter of a bell pepper, place a leaf of lettuce, a slice of tomato and a tablespoon of cottage cheese with spices. Second option: 4 large cucumbers, dill, low-fat cottage cheese, ground black pepper, salt. We cut off the “tails” of the cucumber, cut them into long layers, preparing a sandwich base. Lightly salt each piece, mix cottage cheese with pepper and pre-chopped dill and spread over the surface of the cucumber.

Sandwiches for a vegetable diet
Option 1:
4 new potatoes, tomatoes, green salad, avocado, garlic, salt. Boil young potatoes in their skins so as not to overcook, the vegetable should remain firm. Let cool and cut into slices with a sharp knife. We cut the tomatoes into thin slices, and turn the avocado, garlic and salt into a puree. Place a little avocado puree on each potato slice, top with a green salad and a slice of tomato. This sandwich is the main dish.
Option 2:
large beets of the correct shape, 1 green apple, dill, some black olives, tofu soy cheese. Grind the tofu into cream, quickly bake the apple in the microwave and turn it into puree, mix with tofu. Boil the beets, peel, cool, and cut out the “sandwich base.” Place the pasta on top, sprinkle with chopped dill and slices of chopped olives.

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

17 sandwich dressing options

First, you need to cut the French bread or loaf into medium slices. Then brush each piece with olive oil or melted butter. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the bread slices for 15 minutes until golden brown.

Sandwich filling options

1. French version - thinly slice the onion and fry in oil. Place onions on toast along with brie cheese and apple slices.
2. Place thinly sliced ​​apple slices on toast, sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese, and bake the toast in the oven until the cheese melts.
3. Spread slices of bread with butter, add thinly sliced ​​ham and gherkins.
4. Spread cranberry sauce over French bread slices and sprinkle with sea salt and ground pepper.
5. Fry finely chopped dill and raisins in olive oil until soft, place on toast.
6. Place slices of fresh tomatoes on the bread, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
7. Mix the stewed beans with finely chopped green chilies, spread on toast, pepper and add a slice of cheese, bake in the oven until the cheese melts.
8. Mix sour cream and cream cheese in equal parts, spread on toast, add chopped roast beef.
9. Cut the asparagus in half, cook al dante, season with salt. Place the chopped boiled egg on the toast and add asparagus on top.
10. Chop fresh spinach, place on toast, add finely chopped bacon and hard-boiled eggs.
11. Place green lettuce leaves on toast, top with Caesar salad, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and garnish with anchovies.
12. Sprinkle toast with Brie cheese, put thinly sliced ​​ham on top, and you can also add a little mustard.
13. Place Mascarpone on bread, then a slice of bacon and pieces of grapes.
14. Mix cream cheese with lemon zest, spread on toast, add a few raspberries.
15. Spread Nutella chocolate hazelnut cream on toast and add orange marmalade on top.
16. Fry apple slices in butter until soft, place apples on slices of baked bread, cover with thinly sliced ​​ham.
17. Spread the bread with butter, sprinkle with peanuts, add banana slices and a few drops of honey.

3. Green oil

250 g soft butter, 20 g each parsley, dill, basil, 1 clove garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Chop garlic and herbs. Then add oil and spices. Mix well.

4. Walnut oil

Need to: 50 g walnuts, 1 clove garlic, 150 g soft butter, 0.5 teaspoon salt, pepper to taste. Chop nuts and garlic, add oil, salt and pepper.

5. Herring oil “for caviar”
You will need: 200 g butter, 200 g herring fillet, 2 boiled carrots. Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater, add finely chopped herring. Mix everything with oil. If desired, beat in a blender.

6. Curd paste

You will need: a bunch of dill, parsley, onion, 1 clove of garlic, 300 g of cottage cheese, salt to taste. Finely chop the greens, add chopped garlic, cottage cheese and salt.

7. Cheese cheese paste

You will need: a bunch of cilantro, 70 g of walnuts, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 300 g of cheese, 100 g of soft butter. Finely chop the cilantro and garlic, add chopped nuts, mash the butter and cheese separately, combine everything and mash well.

8. Egg paste

Take: a few green onions, 5 boiled eggs, 1 pack of processed cheese, 0.5 cups of sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Chop the onion. Grate eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Combine all ingredients. Mix well, breaking up any lumps.

9. Lard spread

You need to take: 200 g of fresh lard, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, black pepper, red pepper to taste. Pass the lard through a meat grinder, chop the garlic with a knife or in a press. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly.

10. Curd mass

You need to take: 500 g of cottage cheese, 250 g of butter, 200 g of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of salt, any greens to taste. Mix all ingredients. It is best to spread when chilled.

11. Tuna spread

1 can of tuna, 4 boiled eggs, a few green onions, herbs, half a lemon, 100 g of soft butter. Drain the liquid from the tuna, mash with a fork, grate the eggs on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Combine everything with oil. Place half a lemon on each piece of bread with spread.

Sandwiches are a favorite breakfast and quick snack for many people. But can they be dietary? Can such food help improve the health of the body? As many believe, no, because in the understanding of many, classic sandwiches are a snack with butter, cheese and sausage or ham. But in reality, everything is not like that. Sandwiches can be both healthy and dietary. It all depends on what ingredients they are prepared with.

How to make diet sandwiches?

For dietary sandwiches, it is best to take not wheat bread, but yeast-free bread made from whole grain flour. You can also use special ready-made bread. These types of bread not only benefit the body, but are also ideal for dieting - the body spends more calories digesting them than they contain. There is no need to use white bread.

What to make low-calorie sandwiches from?

The main ingredient is usually vegetables - steamed or baked in the oven. You can also use low-fat cheeses, feta cheese, various soy products, lean fish or white chicken meat. Occasionally, no more than twice a week, you can add a boiled egg to your sandwich. For diet sandwiches it will be useful to use various sauces or dressings. But they should not be made from mayonnaise or sour cream, but healthier options should be prepared - from lemon juice with vegetable oil or homemade ketchup, which, of course, is not very spicy.

The best low-calorie sandwich recipes

1. Sandwich with cottage cheese and herbs

Cut whole grain bread into thin slices, place a layer of low-fat, slightly salted cottage cheese on top, and put a sprig of basil, dill, and parsley on top.

2. Chicken breast sandwich

Slices of whole grain bread or crispbread are brushed with lemon-butter sauce. Boiled chicken breast cut into thin plastics is placed on top. The next layer is laid out with any vegetables, optionally slices of fresh or pickled cucumbers, boiled carrots, broccoli or cauliflower. Decorate the finished sandwiches with any of your favorite greens.

3. Sandwiches with cheese and tomato

Plastic pieces of cheese are placed on slices of bread lightly toasted in the toaster, and slices of fresh tomatoes are placed on top. There is no need to salt these sandwiches, since the cheese itself is quite salty. Top the dish with fresh herbs.

4. Sandwiches with diet pate

Using a blender or meat grinder, mix one boiled egg, several sprigs of different herbs (you can use herbs with a strong aroma - basil, marjoram or parsley), several pitted olives, a little hard cheese. Add a little vegetable oil to the mixture (preferably unrefined olive oil). Spread this pate on bread and serve sprinkled with herbs.