Homemade chocolate fondue recipe. Chocolate fondue

Chocolate fondue is small pieces of fruit, berries or biscuit in chocolate glaze. Today I offer a couple of recipes on how to make fondue at home. Consider a classic recipe for dark chocolate fondue, as well as white chocolate fondue.

Classic chocolate fondue recipe


  • dark chocolate - 150 g,
  • heavy cream - 1/4 cup,


  1. Grate the chocolate, mix with cream in a bowl and melt in the microwave or in a water bath. Stir the melted fondue until smooth and leave to simmer in a water bath so that the glaze does not thicken ahead of time.
  2. Cut dried sweet biscuit, apples, pears, banana, kiwi or other fruits into cubes (no more than 2 cm). We use whole fresh firm berries (strawberries, grapes, gooseberries).
  3. Place the filling ingredients onto the tip of a toothpick and gently dip into the chocolate glaze. To ensure that the glaze hardens evenly and does not smear, the other tip of the toothpick can be inserted into the soft surface until the glaze dries completely. Read more

Chocolate fondue with white chocolate


  • 1 cup heavy cream,
  • 1/2 tbsp butter,
  • 50 g white chocolate,


  1. Heat the cream in a water bath, add grated white chocolate, butter and stir until the chocolate and butter are completely dissolved. Just like the first recipe, cut the fruit and biscuit into cubes. Dip into glaze and let harden.
  2. This chocolate fondue will be an excellent dessert - assorted at a children's party or a friendly tea party.

Simple chocolate fondue recipe

Fondue is a national Swiss dish; it is prepared in a special vessel called caquelon, or simply “fondue dish”. This is a great opportunity to get together in the evening, as Swiss shepherds did centuries ago. To have dinner and warm up, in the evenings they heated cheese and wine in clay pots and ate it all with bread.

Therefore, classic fondue recipes include cheese, and it is recommended to dip pieces of bread on skewers into it. Dishes similar to fondue can be found in many cuisines around the world: Italian, Dutch and even Chinese fondue. Over time, fondue also appeared in sweet versions; for example, there is a very simple recipe for chocolate fondue. This is a delicious dessert that can be eaten by dipping fruit, cookies, sponge pieces or marshmallows into melted chocolate.


For the chocolate fondue:

  • 500 g chocolate (bitter, milk or even white)
  • 300 ml cream 10% fat
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

For serving:

  • Any fruit or berries of your choice: strawberry, apple, kiwi, banana, pineapple, pear, orange, seedless grapes
  • Lemon juice, skewers
  • Optional: biscuit, cookies, marshmallows
  • Walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts


  1. Cut the apple, kiwi, banana, pear, pineapple into slices, and divide the orange into slices. Sprinkle lemon juice on apple, pear and banana to prevent them from browning. Cut the biscuit so that it is convenient to eat. After the chocolate fondue, the products can be dipped in chopped nuts if desired.
  2. Break the chocolate, put it in the fondue pot, add cream. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly and gently.
  3. Next, dip the prepared fruits and sweets into the chocolate fondue and enjoy the taste.

Chocolate-coffee fondue

Today we will prepare a delicious chocolate and coffee fondue. This sweet hot dessert will surprise and delight your guests and loved ones and will become a worthy decoration for any table.

Fondue is prepared in a special vessel - a caquelon or fondue pot, which is a small cauldron on legs that is placed over a roasting pan. In such a container you can cook fondue right on the dining table, watching the process with interest and impatience.

Fondue ingredients:

  • 200g. chocolate
  • 6 tbsp. condensed milk
  • 3 tbsp. vodka or cognac
  • 1 tbsp. instant coffee
  • white bread or biscuit
  • fruits - any

Preparation of fondue:

  1. Pre-freeze the chocolate and then break it into pieces or grate it.
  2. Heat and melt the chocolate in the caquelon, stirring constantly.
  3. Add condensed milk and stir again until smooth.
  4. Add instant coffee, stir.
  5. Keeping the caquelon on low heat, serve the fondue.
  6. Pieces of fruit, sponge cakes or bread are taken with a fork and dipped into the chocolate mixture.

Bon appetit!

Chocolate caramel fondue

Try making chocolate caramel fondue too. To keep the fondue warm for as long as possible, you can purchase a special fondue pot with a candle or burner.

You will need:

  • 400g milk or dark chocolate
  • ¾ cup cream
  • 2 tablespoons Cointreau liqueur
  • 4 Belgian sugar wafers
  • mixed berries

How to cook Chocolate fondue :

  1. Mix chocolate, cream and liqueur in a heatproof bowl. Melt the mixture in a water bath, stirring for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, toast the waffles. Cut them into heart shapes or finger shapes.
  3. Serve waffles on a platter with berries for dipping in fondue.
  4. Pour the finished chocolate mixture into a heated fondue pot (see tip) and immediately serve with waffles and berries.

Chocolate fondue

Fondue– the favorite national dish of the Swiss was originally prepared by local shepherds from slightly dried cheese, wine and stale white bread. But chefs, in their creative impulses, constantly invent new recipes, sometimes leaving only the name of the original dish. The same thing happened with fondue. Now it is known not only as cheese, meat and fish, but also as an exquisite dessert, which we will now prepare.

To prepare chocolate fondue we will need:

  • Dark chocolate - 2-3 bars
  • Orange – 1 pc.
  • Cream – 1 cup (fat content not less than 30%)
  • Exotic fruits and berries. In our case, these are canned pineapple slices and fresh watermelon.


  1. Cut the watermelon into small pieces and remove the seeds. Grate the zest from the orange and squeeze out the juice.
  2. We break the chocolate into pieces for more uniform melting and place it in a cast-iron fondue pot or thick-walled pan, which we place on the fire.
  3. Stirring constantly, add the zest to the melted chocolate one by one, pour in the orange juice and cream. Mix again to achieve a homogeneous mass. Remove from the stove and place on the burner.
  4. Place pieces of watermelon and pineapple in cups and begin tasting. All is ready.
  5. Fondue is usually eaten in a large, cheerful company, so invite your friends to the table and let them enjoy such a simple and at the same time original dish.

Chocolate fondue


  • Cream 30% - 200 ml
  • Dark chocolate - 200 g
  • Cognac - 30 ml
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped walnuts - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped almonds - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Any fresh fruit, diced biscuit, marshmallows - to taste


  1. Place the fondue bowl in a water bath.
  2. Break the chocolate and mix it with cream, nuts, honey and cognac.
  3. Heat the mixture and stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  4. Remove from the water bath and consume while the fondue is hot.

Chocolate fondue recipe


  • Bitter chocolate 340 g
  • Almond milk 0.75 cups.
  • Vanilla extract 1 tsp
  • Dark brown sugar 1 tsp

Step by step recipe

1. Break the chocolate bars and mix them with warm milk and sugar.
2. Heat the mixture in a water bath or in a coquelon.
3. Pour the chocolate into the fondue pot, if it is not already there, and without turning off the burner, enjoy, dipping fruits and sweets into it.

For a pleasant end to a romantic dinner or for cozy long gatherings with family/friends, we suggest preparing a very simple, but incredibly original dessert - chocolate fondue. This rich chocolate cream dessert will not leave anyone indifferent. Preparing chocolate fondue at home is not only easy, but also very quick, so you can pamper even unexpected guests with this dessert. The most important condition for preparing such a dessert is the presence of special dishes for serving, since its design provides for constant heating of the chocolate, preventing it from hardening during a long dinner.

There are a lot of options for preparing fondue; you can always experiment with the choice of chocolate, spices, and alcohol. If desired, if small children will eat fondue, then instead of alcohol, you can add juice, weak coffee, or simply take more cream to achieve the desired consistency.

To make chocolate fondue at home you will need:

  • chocolate (dark) – 120 g
  • cream (fat) – 120 g
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. (optional)
  • cognac – 2-3 tbsp.
  • butter – 15 g
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.

Chocolate fondue - homemade recipe with photo:

Pour heavy cream into a small saucepan or a regular glass with a volume of at least 200 ml (traditionally, cream with at least 33% fat is used, but if such heavy cream is difficult to obtain in your region, then it can be replaced with cream with a lower fat content of 15-20% , but in this case their quantity needs to be reduced to 60-80 g so that the chocolate fondue does not turn out to be too liquid), add powdered sugar to them (we take the amount depending on the bitterness of the chocolate used) and vanilla. Mix and put on fire or in the microwave. Heat the mixture until the cream begins to boil.

Break/cut the dark chocolate into small pieces and pour in the sweet creamy mixture. Leave for 1-2 minutes.

Then mix thoroughly until a smooth cream is obtained.

Add a piece of butter and mix again.

When the oil has melted, add cognac (liqueur, rum) and stir until smooth.

Pour the aromatic chocolate cream into a fondue container and place it on a stand with candles or a burner.

What should you dip into this fondue? In general, everything you want! Bananas, kiwi, pineapple, mango, apples, large grapes, peaches and strawberries are perfect for fruits and berries, but besides them, you can also dip pieces of marshmallows, cookies or biscuits into chocolate fondue, soft dried fruits can also be safely served.

Before serving with fondue, all berries and fruits must be washed, dried and cut into portions.

That's all!

Our homemade chocolate fondue is ready!

Bon appetit!

Chocolate fondue is a creamy dessert in which pieces of fruit, cake, marshmallows and other goodies are dipped to give them a unique taste with chocolate notes. This dessert is prepared very quickly and easily; you can quickly delight guests gathered at the same table by melting fondue chocolate and adding various spices to it. During the season of abundance of fresh fruits and various berries, this dish can be used to diversify the dessert table.


As noted, making chocolate sauce is very easy. An important condition is the presence of a special one. To prepare the sauce, a metal bowl with fixed legs is used, under which there is a place for installing a burner. The burner is necessary to ensure that the chocolate mixture is constantly heated and does not cool down. In addition, the set includes special long forks on which to string pieces of goodies waiting to be dipped into the sauce.

The preparation of chocolate-based sauce has various variations. The basis of the dish is chocolate.

What kind of chocolate should I use for fondue?

You can use bitter, milk, white chocolate. Everything here depends on personal preference. When melting chocolate, you can add a little cream, condensed milk, or a couple of drops of liqueur to give it a subtle aroma. into such an amazing, delicate sauce – it’s a matter of taste. You can take dried fruits - dried apricots or prunes, which will not leave anyone indifferent. Plus, you can dip anything into the sauce. Answering the question about what kind of chocolate is needed for fondue, you can answer with complete confidence that you can use any chocolate to prepare the dish.

It is best to serve chocolate sauce with cherry liqueur, cognac, and liqueurs. Naturally, you can also serve coffee or tea. If wine is added to a dish, then the same wine should be on the table.

A little history

This version of the dish is interesting. In 1966, one hundred journalists were invited to one event, followed by a dinner. It was served as a first course, meat fondue as a second course, and Toblerone chocolate sauce for dessert. Toblerone chocolate bubbled in a ceramic container over the candle flame. Nearby were special forks, pieces of bread, cookies, and fruits for dipping into the chocolate mixture.

After this, notes appeared in various magazines and newspapers about the appearance of an amazing dessert that conquered all of America. The director of a Swiss restaurant in New York commented skeptically on the information about the appearance of an incredible chocolate dessert. However, after he tried it, the dish was immediately added to the menu, and all visitors were charmed by this dessert. When other high-end restaurants included the dish on their menus, it took off.

In 1967, the dish came to Switzerland, where it was served at the most famous winter resorts, and then to Germany, where it was called “Chocolate Fondue”. It should be noted that the best chocolate sauce is obtained when using Toblerone chocolate. Honey and almonds in this chocolate make the mass incredible and unforgettable.

Features of preparing chocolate fondue

The amazing aroma of chocolate dessert, candles, pieces of fruit, and wine help create an incredible atmosphere for a romantic dinner. And for chocolate dessert to grow into something more than just a hobby, you need to make a significant effort. How to make chocolate fondue?

One of the basic rules in this case is that less is better, but better. Before you prepare chocolate for fondue, you need to choose it. You should choose chocolate from well-known manufacturing companies. The cocoa content in the bar should be more than 75%. The combination of melted 99% chocolate and 75% chocolate is amazing. You should also prepare some cream, spices, and butter. The volume of these ingredients can be changed depending on the desired taste. Chocolate dessert can have a tangy, mild or spicy flavor. Based on your own preferences, you should choose cognac, brandy or another drink to add to the dish. Here alcohol acts as a spice. You only need to add a couple of drops to get an incredible intoxicating note.

They look quite effective, but you can make the sauce without them. You can take a glass or metal container of suitable size, bamboo skewers or Chinese chopsticks. To melt a chocolate bar, take a separate container of boiling water. A candle will only be effective for keeping the sauce warm.

You need to heat the cream in a water bath, add chocolate. The mixture must be stirred until it is homogeneous. Next, add oil and alcohol to it and bring everything to a boil.

Whether to add pepper or not is up to the person preparing the dish to decide. This ingredient adds piquancy to the sauce, imparting a fiery note to the chocolate. You can add a vanilla pod. But you must first cut it lengthwise into 2 parts and remove all the seeds. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves to the dessert.

The sweet dessert is surprisingly complemented by a savory filling in the form of citrus slices or walnuts. But what kind of fondue chocolate was used also plays a significant role here. If a bar of dark chocolate was used as part of the mass, it is imperative to add the following sweet ingredients to it:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • mango.

All kinds of fruits go great with any type of chocolate, especially white:

  • banana;
  • kiwi;
  • melon;
  • apples and many others.

The most versatile option is strawberries. Chocolate sauce with strawberries is the epitome of romance and the promise of an incredible evening. And, as already noted, any chocolate for fondue can be combined with strawberries: white, black and milk.

Fondue is a national Swiss dish, which is also popular in France, Germany and other countries. The name of the dish translates as “molten” and very accurately reflects the technology of its preparation. After all, the dish is based on melted products, most often cheese or chocolate. Cheese fondue appeared earlier, when shepherds decided to melt dried cheese by mixing it with white wine. Chocolate is younger, it was first served in 1966 in New York after the end of one of the press conferences. Journalists liked it, and its fame quickly spread around the world. Soon, Swiss restaurateurs began to include in their menu not only cheese fondue, but also chocolate fondue, which is quite easy to make at home. You just need to know a few subtleties and have a fondue maker that will not allow the chocolate to quickly cool and harden. After all, according to tradition, you have to dip berries and pieces of fruit into it.

Cooking features

There are not so many secrets to making delicious chocolate fondue at home.

  • The main secret is in the choice of ingredients. The base is chocolate. The original recipe calls for a Toblerone product, but in fact, at home you can use bars made by any company. The main thing is that the chocolate is of high quality, with a high content of cocoa beans, without filling.
  • Fondue is most often prepared with cream or condensed milk. The higher the fat content of the cream, the more tender the dish will be. Condensed milk must be made from whole milk, without adding vegetable fats.
  • Some recipes suggest using alcoholic beverages to prepare fondue. Their quality is also of great importance.
  • When a recipe calls for coffee, it means a drink made from ground coffee beans, not instant powder. If coffee is brewed in a Turkish coffee pot, it must be strained before adding to chocolate.
  • It is customary to dip berries or fruits in chocolate fondue. They must be washed, dried, and cut into pieces in advance. A harmonious taste is obtained if you add seedless dried fruits to fondue. You can also use biscuits, marshmallows, and cookies.

They eat fondue, gathered around the fondue pot at a common table. It is better that the company is not too large, since reaching for chocolate across the entire table is not very convenient. You also need to prepare more napkins.

It is best to wash down chocolate fondue with the drinks that were used to prepare it. Wine, cognac, milkshake or coffee shake are suitable.

Simple chocolate fondue recipe

  • dark chocolate – 0.32 kg;
  • cream – 0.2 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • fruits (assorted) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • In a ceramic container, heat the cream over low heat until bubbles begin to appear on the surface.
  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and add it to the cream.
  • Add a pinch of salt.
  • Whisk without removing from heat until the chocolate is completely melted.
  • Place the container over the alcohol lamp and light the fire.

This is how the chocolate fondue is served. It is served with apples, bananas, and pears pre-cut into small cubes. You can add other fruits depending on your taste.

Chocolate fondue with condensed milk

  • dark chocolate – 0.24 kg;
  • condensed milk – 80 ml;
  • cream liqueur or cream – 40 ml;
  • fruits - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Crumble the chocolate and place it in a small, thick-bottomed saucepan.
  • Pour in cream liqueur or cream.
  • Add condensed milk.
  • Place over low heat and heat, stirring, until the contents of the pan turn into a completely homogeneous mass.
  • Pour the contents of the pan into the fondue pot, put it on the fire and invite the guests to the table.

Don't forget to cut the fruit in advance. Fruits with sourness, such as apples and kiwi, go well with chocolate fondue prepared at home according to the given recipe.

Chocolate fondue with cognac

  • dark chocolate – 0.3 kg;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • cognac – 20 ml;
  • dried fruits, biscuit - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the cream in a small saucepan.
  • Break the chocolate bars into pieces.
  • As soon as the cream starts to boil, add the chocolate slices.
  • Continue heating the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until the chocolate is melted and the creamy chocolate mass has a viscous consistency.
  • Remove from heat and pour into fondue pot.
  • Add cognac, stir.
  • Place the fondue pot over the alcohol lamp.
  • Cut the biscuit into pieces.
  • Soak dried fruits in water, squeeze and dry.

When serving, dried fruits and biscuits should be placed on separate plates.

Chocolate fondue with pepper

  • dark chocolate – 0.5 kg;
  • cream – 0.4 l;
  • ground cinnamon – 5 g;
  • cayenne pepper – 5 g;
  • strawberries, crackers, marshmallows - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Crush the chocolate and place it in a small saucepan.
  • Pour in cream and place over low heat.
  • Stirring constantly, allow time for the chocolate to melt and the mixture to thicken.
  • Add spices, stir and pour the chocolate fondue into a clay pot from a special set, place it over the fire.

Fondue prepared according to this recipe has a piquant taste and is quite spicy. Spices help highlight the taste and aroma of chocolate, but if you are not used to it, you may not like a dish with them. Therefore, when preparing pepper fondue at home for the first time, it makes sense to reduce the amount of ingredients by half.

Chocolate fondue with coffee

  • dark chocolate – 0.2 kg;
  • ground coffee – 25 g;
  • starch – 25 g;
  • cream – 0.3 l;
  • milk – 0.3 l;
  • ground cinnamon – 5 g;
  • vanilla – 1 pod;
  • butter – 80 g;
  • berries and fruits - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour coffee into a small saucepan, pour cool milk over it, and place on low heat. Carefully monitor the contents of the pan, as they quickly “run away”. As soon as signs of boiling are detected, remove the pan from the heat without waiting for the coffee with milk to begin to rise. Strain the resulting drink.
  • In a separate container, mix sugar, cream, butter, starch and chopped chocolate. Heat this mixture, stirring until it reaches a thick consistency.
  • Add cinnamon, vanilla, pour in coffee, stir and heat the mixture for a few more minutes.
  • Pour the chocolate-coffee fondue into a fondue pot.

This fondue is served with pieces of berries and fruits and goes well with bananas, strawberries, and pears. You can also serve cookies with it.

Chocolate fondue with pears

  • dark chocolate – 0.2 kg;
  • black coffee (expresso or Turkish) – 75 ml;
  • heavy cream – 120 ml;
  • pears – 0.8 kg;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g;
  • creamy ice cream - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pears and cut out the core. Cut the fruit into portions (about 1.5 cm in size).
  • Boil the water. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it, add regular and vanilla sugar. Heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Place the pears in the syrup, leave them there for a couple of minutes, then remove. Remove the syrup from the heat.
  • In a separate saucepan, boil the cream and mix it with black coffee. When the mixture begins to boil, add the chopped chocolate into it and keep it on the fire until the chocolate has completely melted. All this time the mixture must be stirred.
  • Pour the chocolate mixture into the fondue pot.

Place pears on serving plates, pour syrup over them, and place scoops of ice cream next to them. Serve homemade chocolate fondue with them. If desired, some of the coffee in it can be replaced with coffee liqueur during preparation.

Chocolate fondue is an original dessert that will appeal not only to children.

Fondue is a delicious dish that will perfectly complement a romantic evening or a feast with friends. The article talks about how you can deliciously prepare cheese and chocolate fondue.

Fondue - a classic Swiss dish. It is distinguished not only by its originality and unusual appearance, but also by its incredibly delicate aroma. It is noteworthy that fondue has many interesting traditions of its origin and the meal itself. If you treat your guests to chocolate or cheese fondue, you can be sure that your loved ones will be delighted.

First of all, it is worth noting that the word “fondue” is translated from French as "melt" or "melting". In the original, the fondue must include two obligatory types of cheese - “Emmental” (spicy, sweetish, aromatic cheese with large holes), as well as “Gruyère” (yellow, hard cheese, which has a slightly sharp and slightly nutty flavor, the cheese does not have holes).

To prepare traditional fondue you must have special equipment e, in which you need to drown small pieces of cheese. However, this must be done in dry wine preheated in a bowl. There are a huge number of delicious recipes, who suggest mixing other additives into the cheese, for example, cherry vodka, from which the fondue only “benefits”!

INTERESTING: The history of fondue is very unusual. For the origin of the dish, we should thank the Swiss shepherds, who could graze their cattle in the valleys and mountains for several days in a row. They had only cheese, wine and crackers as provisions. Under the hot sun, the cheese melted and the shepherds came up with nothing else but to dip pieces of crackers into wine and liquid cheese.

Classic fondue

Fondue recipes for the fondue maker

Fondue "French":

  • You should have three types of different cheeses for such a dish.
  • Useful: Savoyard Comte cheese, Swiss classic Emmental and Beaufort. Add the quantity according to taste and the volume of the fondant.
  • Also use 100 ml. dry white wine
  • Wine can be replaced with milk if you do not drink alcohol.
  • Add to the mixture a small clove of garlic, passed through a crush and 1/3 tsp. ground nutmeg.

French fondue

Fondue “Italian”:

  • For this fondue you only need one type of soft cheese called Fontina. Use approximately 150-200 g. The quantity should be adjusted according to preference and the volume of the fondue bowl.
  • Add 100 ml. any milk (the fattier the better)
  • You will also need one egg, previously beaten and poured into the mixture in a thin stream.
  • For flavor, you can add 10-20 g of fresh truffles or 2 tbsp. truffle oil.
  • You can also add 0.5 tsp if desired. dried “Italian herbs”: oregano, basil, marjoram.

Italian fondue

German fondue:

  • Milk (preferably full fat) – 125-150 ml.
  • “Gouda” cheese - 100-150 g (add cheese in an amount preferable to the volume of the bowl).
  • Edam cheese - 100-150 g.
  • White gin – 2 tbsp. (can be replaced with vodka)
  • Corn flour - 1 tbsp. (can also be replaced with the same amount of cornstarch).
  • Pepper and nutmeg – a pinch each for flavor
German fondue

Fondue at home without a fondue maker

To prepare you will need regular Teflon-coated frying pan or heavy-bottomed cooking ladle:

  • Turn on the lowest heat on the stove and place the dishes.
  • Place a large spoonful of butter in the bottom of the dish.
  • Grate the chosen fatty aromatic cheese for fondue (any) into shavings.
  • Pour 100 ml into the oil. full-fat milk or cream, and gradually add cheese shavings.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly
  • If the mass seems to you that the mass is liquid. You can add 1 tbsp. flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • Place the hot fondue on the table immediately and serve it to your guests with ham or pieces of croutons.

Is it possible to prepare fondue without a special fondue maker?

Sweet fondue: recipe

Regular sweet fondue is very easy to prepare. You will need:

  • Cream as a base for fondue – 400 ml. (choose the fattest ones).
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet
  • Sugar – 150-250 g (according to your preferences)

IMPORTANT: As it boils, the cream will thicken. If the mass seems liquid to you, you can add 1 tbsp. corn starch. Fondue is suitable for dipping fruit, biscuits and pieces of crackers.

Chocolate fondue with fruits: homemade recipe

You will need:

  • Dry white wine – 100 ml.
  • A bar of chocolate (any: milk or bitter) – 100 g (approximately).
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Cocoa – 1 tsp.

IMPORTANT: If the mass seems too thick and it burns in the bottom of the bowl, you can gradually add a small amount of wine or milk to it if you are making non-alcoholic fondue).

How to make delicious chocolate fondue?

Swiss fondue - Emmental: recipe

You will need:

  • Cheeses "Emmental" and "Gruyere" in equal proportions. Grind them into crumbs.
  • Add 1 tbsp. butter
  • Pour in 100 ml. full fat milk
  • A few tbsp. dry white wine, preferably French.
  • For thickness, you can stir in 1 tablespoon. regular flour.

Eggplant fondue recipe for the winter

Eggplant fondue– an unusual recipe that can be used to diversify your menu. You will need:

  • Ripe eggplants – 2 kg.
  • Vegetable oil – 500 ml. (use whatever you like).
  • Garlic – several pieces. cloves
  • Parsley – bunch (approximately 15 g)
  • Preferred spices (any spices you like).


  • Eggplants are peeled and finely chopped
  • They are soaked for half an hour in saline solution
  • After this, excess water is squeezed out
  • Oil is heating up in a frying pan
  • All eggplants are put into oil and fried there until they have a beautiful color, mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Add garlic and chopped herbs, as well as spices, to the mixture.
  • Wash glass storage jars with baking soda
  • Divide the hot mixture into jars, close the lids and after it has cooled, put it in the refrigerator.
  • This preservation can be eaten both cold and hot.

How to make cheese fondue at home?

Making fondue at home is quite easy and simple. To do this, you don't need to look for hard-to-find original European cheeses. You can use the ones sold in your store.

If you are looking for cheese for fondue, it is important to choose on aromatic and hard cheese.“Swiss” with large holes is suitable (often called “Royal” or “Emmental”). It’s good if you add this cheese in half with Parmesan or Grano Padano.

As a liquid base you can use white wine, not sweet and not too strong. For those who do not drink alcohol, you can use milk. It is poured into a bowl under a candle, wait for it to heat up and drop small pieces of cheese into the liquid one by one. As the cheese melts, stir the mixture, add spices to taste and a clove of garlic for flavor.

IMPORTANT: You can dip bread crumbs, chips, dried lavash sheets, salted crackers, boiled vegetables, pieces of ham, fried mushrooms and much more into this fondue.

How to properly prepare cheese fondue?

Cheese fondue: what do you eat it with?

Cheese fondue has several very successful flavor combinations and therefore is recommended to be eaten with products such as:

  • Bread croutons or crackers (slices of fresh bread are quite suitable).
  • Pieces of ham or smoked beef, chicken (not fatty, no lard). You can also use pieces of any boiled meat.
  • Boiled vegetables: potatoes, carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers and others.
  • Fried mushrooms (preferably whole)
  • Crackers, chips, salty cookies
  • Nuts

IMPORTANT: You also need to eat fondue correctly. A piece of food should be picked up with a special fondue fork, dipped into the cheese and put into the mouth.

What should you eat fondue with?

Meat fondue: homemade recipe

Meat fondue involves pre-marinating pieces of meat so that, while dipping into the fondue bowl, it can be completely cooked before eating.

You will need:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet - 200 g per person.
  • Lemon juice – a few tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 cup
  • Soy sauce - to taste


  • The meat is cut into beautiful and neat pieces, approximately 2 cm.
  • A marinade is prepared from lemon juice and soy sauce, in which the pieces of meat should lie for about an hour.
  • Heat the oil in a fondue pot
  • Pieces of meat are pricked with forks and sent into oil for cooking, after which they are eaten when golden brown.

How to properly prepare meat fondue?

Chinese fondue: recipe

You will need:

  • Vegetable oil – 120-150 ml.
  • Soy sauce – 50 ml.
  • Grated ginger root – 5 g.
  • Garlic – several pieces. cloves to taste
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Hot pepper or a mixture of peppers – 1 tsp.

The resulting mass should be heated in fondue and brought to a boil. After this, you can dip pieces of raw chicken, beef or shrimp on forks into it.

Video: “How to prepare fondue?”