Recipe: Pancakes in the oven - for those who cannot eat fatty and fried foods. Pancakes on kefir with boiling water

12 Cooking Secrets delicious pancakes- How to cook and bake delicious pancakes? Secrets from the chef. Who doesn't love delicious pancakes? And even with with different fillings? And on Maslenitsa, God himself ordered to bake pancakes and eat them! But how can a young housewife cook delicious pancakes? My own experience is not enough, so the women's magazine site suggests that before preparing pancakes, you get acquainted with the most important secrets of preparing and baking pancakes, as well as read the most best recipes preparing delicious pancakes and pancakes not only for Maslenitsa, but in general for the table any day. Let's start with the secrets of making pancakes. After all, even experienced housewife does not always know how to properly and tasty cook thin pancakes or pancakes with kefir, pancakes with milk or yeast pancakes, regular pancakes or sour pancakes, buckwheat pancakes or classic pancakes, stuffed pancakes or thick pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes... Secret of making delicious pancakes No. 1: Be sure to sift the flour for pancakes, even if you are sure that it is absolutely pure - sifting loosens the flour with air, and then the dough becomes soft and fluffy. You need to sift the flour immediately at the time of preparing the pancakes, but not ahead of time. Secret of making delicious pancakes No. 2: When preparing pancakes, you can only use fresh eggs, and before adding eggs to the dough, they must be beaten well. Secret of making delicious pancakes No. 3: Salt and sugar for making pancakes and pancakes... dissolve, stirring, in a separate bowl, then you need to strain the liquid through a sieve so that pieces of undissolved salt and grains of sugar do not get into the dough and spoil its structure. And only the already strained liquid with sugar and salt dissolved in it is poured into pancake dough. Secret to making delicious pancakes No. 4: Often pancakes don’t turn out well because the sequence and specific order of actions when preparing pancakes is not followed. In order for the pancakes to turn out “correctly” - tasty and beautiful, you should never pour freshly sifted flour into the liquid mixture! First you need to mix in one pan liquid ingredients pancake batter (remember to dissolve salt and sugar separately and then filter), then pour into another pan required amount sifted flour, and then, in a thin stream, slowly, continuously stirring the dough, pour in liquid consistency into a saucepan with flour. Secret to making delicious pancakes No. 5: To make really tasty pancakes, you should know that egg yolks for the dough are prepared separately from egg whites. Not all sugar and salt should be diluted with water, but only part of them, or only salt should be dissolved in water. Both the yolks and whites must be beaten or simply ground very well with sugar. It is advisable to beat the whites well with a mixer. After this, the yolks mashed with sugar are first (!) added to the pancake dough, the dough is mixed, beaten a little, and only then whipped whites are added to the pancake dough! This is how the dough for delicious pancakes is prepared. Secret of making delicious pancakes No. 6: Good recipe preparing pancakes and pancakes involves adding a certain amount of creamy or vegetable oil. Just add it to the dough after adding flour and the final kneading of the dough - at the very end. Otherwise, the dough will turn out dense, too elastic and tasteless. And you need to add oil - in moderation, but no more. Secret of making delicious pancakes No. 7: To bake sweet pancakes, you can add more sugar to the dough (to get thin pale pancakes you need less sugar, but because too large quantity sugar, pancakes can burn), and when adding soda to the dough, be sure to take a little of it and quench it with liquid citric acid, previously dissolved in water, or you can quench soda acetic acid in the ratio - a quarter teaspoon of soda and a couple of drops of vinegar (the soda should completely dissolve). The most delicious yeast pancakes are obtained if the dough is mixed with milk, and the fluffiest ones are obtained if the yeast dough is mixed with water. Yeast dough for pancakes, do not stir as usual unleavened dough for pancakes. For yeast pancakes to turn out well, it is advisable that the dough rises 2-3 times. If the dough has not “fermented”, the pancakes will be dense and tasteless, and if the yeast dough has fermented, then they will be inexpressive, pale and with an unpleasant sourness. When preparing pancakes sour milk or kefir, soda must be quenched with acid in a separate bowl and added to the pancake dough immediately before adding flour. Secret to making delicious pancakes No. 8: To make delicious pancakes and pancakes, it is advisable to beat the pancake batter a little, but not too much. To prepare yeast pancakes, it is important to be able to catch the moment when the dough has already risen, but has not yet “fallen” - then they need to be baked. Secret of preparing delicious pancakes No. 9: To obtain rosy, tasty pancakes and pancakes, you need to heat an iron frying pan well, preferably with a thin bottom or cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom, or regular modern frying pan with non-stick coating. It is advisable to thoroughly heat the pancake pan over high heat before baking pancakes, or even better, heat it with coarse table salt, shaking it regularly in the pan. After calcining the pan with salt, you do not need to wash it - just wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. It is important that only pancakes are cooked in the pancake pan, and that it is stored in a separate, clean place, because washing the pancake pan is not advisable. Some people prefer to grease the pan with lard the old fashioned way - but this is not an acquired taste. It is best to grease the bottom of the pan with butter, but if it is in short supply, then sunflower oil refined oil will do. You can turn pancakes with a fork, a special elongated fork made from table set or a wooden spatula. Secret to making delicious pancakes No. 10: Use a small ladle to pour the batter into the frying pan - and only add a little bit of batter so that the pancakes don’t turn out too thick and clumsy. When pouring the dough into the frying pan, hold the ladle in one hand and the frying pan in the other. Moreover, the dough must be poured onto the hot surface of the frying pan quickly, and turning the frying pan back and forth so that the dough is quickly and evenly distributed over the surface of the frying pan. Fry the pancakes over good, but not excessive, heat for 30 seconds - one side of the pancake. When turning the pancake, it should easily separate from the surface of the pan, and you need to determine the moment when the pancake can already be turned over by the following signs - the appearance of bubbles in the baked pancake and the edges of the pancake acquiring a brownish tint. Secret of making delicious pancakes No. 11: Baked pancakes should be placed on one plate of suitable diameter, and the layers between the pancakes should be greased with butter, and the top of the pancake mound should be covered with a clean towel so that the pancakes breathe, but do not cool down. Secret of making delicious pancakes No. 12: Pancakes can be formed into triangles, wrapped in tubes, handkerchiefs. Pancakes can and should be stuffed with different fillings and minced meats - mushrooms and onions, minced meat with onions, stuffed with chopped herbs and eggs, sweet cottage cheese with raisins. Also, children and adults love to gobble up pancakes on both cheeks with various jams, jam, honey, condensed milk, chocolate butter, sour cream. And the most main secret delicious pancakes - pancakes should be eaten immediately after they are prepared, as they say - “hot, hot!” Following the simple rules for preparing delicious pancakes, the Maslenitsa holiday will delight you and your loved ones with only the most delicious and beautiful pancake “suns”. And may all your pancakes on Maslenitsa be delicious and not a single one “lumpy”! Author: Tatyana Laptishcheva

Pancakes - a traditional dish Eastern Slavs. Among the ancient Slavs, pancakes were obviously a ritual food; they are an indispensable attribute of the Maslenitsa holiday. Nowadays, pancakes are practically no longer perceived as a ritual food, and have taken their place in the everyday Russian diet.

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking thin, translucent, beautiful and airy pancakes is already an art, and it has its secrets.

How to make sure there are no lumps in pancake batter

1. Milk and water need to be poured into the flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of lumps.

2. There is another option for preparing pancake dough without lumps. To do this, on the contrary, you first need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour in all the rest of the liquid according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turns out to be too liquid, do not pour flour into the bowl immediately - pour out part of the dough, add flour, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the remaining dough.

How to make pancakes look beautiful

1. To ensure that the pancake is even and of equal thickness, pour the dough onto the edge of the frying pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and make a rotational movement so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.

2. The brownness of the pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But don’t overdo it: if there is too much sugar in the dough, the pancake will burn and not become golden brown.

The main dish of Maslenitsa week is pancakes. Experienced chefs They claim that baking them is easy. There are many secrets and tricks that will help you prepare the “correct” pancakes - thin, smooth and tasty.

Rules for preparing the dough

You need to start preparing pancakes 3 hours before you serve them. If you are making yeast dough, start kneading it 5 hours in advance. You must sift the flour, this will loosen it and your dough will be softer and fluffier. Remember that you need to sift the flour not in advance, but directly while preparing the pancakes. Use only fresh eggs. It is also recommended to beat them well before adding eggs to the dough.

Pancakes will turn out tastier if you cook the egg yolks for the dough separately from the whites. It is recommended to grind both the yolks and whites well with sugar or beat them with a mixer. First add the yolks to the dough, then mix the dough and let it rise (if you are preparing yeast dough) and only then add the whites. Remember that the dough and whites are mixed from top to bottom to maintain the foamy structure of the dough. Then the dough is allowed to rise again and the pancakes are immediately started to be baked.

When mixing pancake dough, it is important to follow the cooking sequence. Remember that sifted flour should never be added to the liquid mixture. First you need to mix all the liquid ingredients, and then add the mixture to the flour in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

It is better to add salt and sugar to pancake batter by first dissolving them in water in a separate bowl. Before adding, the liquid must be strained so that pieces of undissolved salt or sugar do not get into the pancake dough. To make the pancakes successful, it is recommended to add vegetable or butter. This is best done at the end, when flour has already been added to the dough. When adding oil, know when to stop - 2-3 tablespoons will be enough.

The more sugar in the dough, the redder the edges of the pancakes. If your pancakes turn out pale, your batter has become sour. You can correct the situation by slightly sweetening the dough. However, even here it is important to know when to stop, too sweet dough will burn.

If you are making yeast dough, don't worry if it hasn't risen enough. Everything will be fixed warm milk, which must be gradually added to the dough, stirring it constantly. It is believed that yeast pancakes turn out tastier if the dough is mixed with milk, but fluffier if it is mixed with water. Yeast pancake dough should rise 2-3 times. If it is not “fermented”, the pancakes will turn out too dense, and if the dough has fermented, the pancakes will turn out to be pale and sour in taste.

If you are preparing pancake dough with kefir or sour milk, you must quench the soda with either citric or acetic acid. It is recommended to do this in a separate bowl; it should be added to the dough before adding flour.

If you kneaded the dough too thick, you can thin it. However, you should not add milk to it, otherwise the pancakes may start to burn. It's better to add water to the dough. You can also add beer, then the pancakes will turn out thin but durable. There should be no lumps in the pancake batter, but do not beat the pancake batter for too long, otherwise it will become too sticky.

Subtleties of baking

It is important to start baking pancakes in right moment: The dough should rise but not collapse. There is no need to stir it, take the dough with a spoon from above.

Pancake dough is poured into the pan in a thin layer. If you added butter to the dough, then you only need to grease the pan with butter before the first pancake. It is important not to overdo it with oil. If you do not pour oil into the frying pan, but grease it with a piece of potato, then there will be no excess left. You can also grease the pan with a piece of bacon.

The dough should be poured quickly onto a hot frying pan, tilting the pan in different directions so that the dough is quickly and evenly distributed over the surface.

It is recommended to fry pancakes over moderate heat. You need to turn them over when the edges are already dry and the middle is covered with “pimples.” The pancake should separate well from the surface. If the pancakes don't turn over well, tear, or bake poorly, it means there is not enough flour in the dough. You can correct the situation by adding the missing ingredient.

Pancake batter is not fermented if bubbles form in the middle of the pancake during baking. Place the dough in warm water for a while, this will save the situation.

The pan in which you are going to fry pancakes must be clean. It’s better if it’s a special frying pan on which you won’t cook anything other than pancakes. It is not recommended to wash the pancake pan with abrasive detergents, as this will prevent anything from burning on it and the dough will stick less. Before you start baking pancakes, warm up the pan thoroughly.

It is better to pour the dough into the frying pan with a small ladle. It is better to turn pancakes with a wide wooden spatula. In order to evenly distribute the dough in the pan, you can use a special spatula in the form of a rake without teeth.

Usually, ready-made pancakes Place on a plate on top of each other and cover with a lid. You can coat them with oil. It is better to serve pancakes hot.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

What you need to know about the dangers and benefits of pancakes?

    Make your own pancakes.

    It’s worth making a reservation: if we’re talking about pancakes in finished form, which are massively sold on the shelves of our stores, then talking about the benefits is, in principle, inappropriate. Such products contain a variety of products that, if they do not cause harm to the body (although everything depends on the additives themselves, so read carefully the description of the components), will certainly benefit their chemical composition You can't expect anything from them either.

    Attention! Carbohydrates.

    Remember that there is enough in pancakes high content carbohydrates, so try not to eat them in the afternoon, so as not to complicate your work digestive system, and also not to accumulate the energy that you most likely will not have time to spend during the rest of the day, which means everything will be deposited in problem areas.

    Less fat.

    The health effects of pancakes depend on how they are prepared. If in addition taste sensations, it is important for you that pancake week does not become a test for the body, immediately pay attention to the concentration of fats in the dish. If you cook with milk, try to reduce its fat content by diluting it with water 1:1. Or you can use skim or extremely low-fat milk.

    Eggs are very healthy.

    Many people know about the benefits of eggs: they contain vitamins, proteins and unsaturated fats that are beneficial for the body.

    Essential fiber.

    Flour provides us with fiber (especially beneficial for the digestive system). Ideally use a mixture of wheat and barley flour. Plus, to increase the fiber content of the dough, use some rolled oats.

    Add vegetable oil.

    It is very useful to add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to it while beating the dough: it contains essential fatty acids that help the body digest all the fats that come with food, and also strengthen blood vessels and promote. By the way, the butter added to the dough prevents the pancakes from burning.

    Be careful with sugar!

    Often in recipes they write: “salt, sugar to taste.” However, taste often characterizes us as having a sweet tooth, which is why many add sugar to the dough with all their hearts. Still, don’t overdo it in this matter. And if you are not convinced by the argument that excess sugar in the diet can lead to weight problems, diabetes and related diseases, keep in mind that over-sugared dough will burn badly in the pan.

    Think about the filling.

    Too sweet and too fatty fillings are contraindicated for people suffering from overweight, and those diagnosed with diseases related to the pancreas. Give preference to filling, but dietary fillings, and in sweet fillings use ingredients such as honey, dried fruits, sweet vegetables, berry or fruit jams, .

    Know your limits!

    During Maslenitsa week and, especially, on the last day of Maslenitsa, we really eat as many pancakes as we probably don’t eat in the whole year. The problem is that many people think of pancakes as a light snack (regardless of whether they have filling or not), so we often do not deny ourselves this pleasure. However, you need to remember that, on average, one pancake contains 115 kcal, which means that if you eat only 3 pancakes without filling, it will be 345 kcal (for comparison: 100 g of chicken - 236 kcal, 100 gram of pork - 316 kcal, 100 gram of potatoes - 77 kcal (imagine how many potatoes you will eat to get the same 345 kcal!). What if you add filling!? And if you drink it alcoholic drinks(as we like to do this during folk festivals)?! The conclusion suggests itself: everything needs moderation!

Happy Maslenitsa!

Photos from open sources

Maslenitsa was originally a pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring, buttering the god of cattle breeding Veseles by eating round pancakes reminiscent of the warm sun. We have selected the most Interesting Facts about pancakes and those who bake and eat them...

Why is the first pancake lumpy?

Today, this saying is associated with the fact that the first experience is most often unsuccessful - due to a poorly heated frying pan. However, there is a problem here - why did people in the past, instead of heating a frying pan, write proverbs?

In fact, the meaning is different. They used to believe that during Maslenitsa week the souls of the dead returned to earth. Therefore, the first pancake was intended for them: “At Maslenitsa, the first pancake is for the dead.”

Also, the first pancake was given to the poor so that they would remember all the departed. It was believed that the “souls” themselves take an active part in baking the first pancake, in fact, which is why sometimes it turned out “lumpy”.

Why is the pancake round and flat?

At first glance, this is a strange question. However, not all so simple. Everyone knows what the hell this is ritual dish, which used to be eaten at certain times of the year, namely, when it was believed that the souls of the dead came to earth.

That is, the pancake was considered as bread, connecting two dimensions - the real and the afterlife. It was believed that the “souls of the dead” lose the ability of three-dimensional vision and see everything flatly. That’s why the pancake was baked round and flat.

Where did the word "damn" come from?

The most common version is that “pancake” comes from the ancient Russian “mlyn” (from the verb “to grind”). However, it is not clear how the sound “m” turned into the sound “b”. Therefore, there is another point of view that connects the “pancake” with a distorted “reality”: they say, “souls” who come to the pancakes see everything from a distorted perspective, therefore the “reality” (reality) is perceived by them as a “pancake” (reality with a slight refraction ).

The third version connects “damn” with an obscene word, because it meant “lie”, “deception”, “delusion”. And since the pancake acted as a kind of imitation of bread for the “souls of our ancestors” with our “flat” perception.

Why couldn't you eat pancakes on ordinary days?

Today this rule is not observed. However, this used to be taken seriously. They ate pancakes only at the permitted time, when the “souls of grandfathers and great-grandfathers” came to rest in our reality.

It would never have occurred to anyone to eat pancakes at an ordinary, non-ritual time - they could have gone to their great-grandfathers forever. It was believed that only sorcerers, for the sake of communicating with the “dead,” could dare to violate this prohibition.

What celestial body is the pancake associated with?

Today it is believed that the “pancake” symbolizes the Sun. Mainly because round shape. However, in some Russian apocrypha one can also read a reference to the Moon. This looks more logical, since it was believed that the “souls of ancestors” do not perceive sunlight well and are under the protection of the lunar element.

Why does pancake taste like this?

That is, slightly sour. This is due to the belief that the “dead” prefer everything sour. And, say, salt in general can scare away and offend the “soul of an ancestor.” That is why pancakes with caviar are a “lordly” innovation and are in no way connected with the old tradition.

Why does a pancake need to be rolled into a tube?

At first glance it’s clear – because it’s more convenient. But according to a number of scientists, rolling a pancake into a tube began relatively recently - about 200 years ago. Before this, the pancake was mainly rolled into an “envelope” - and in the most intricate shapes. Then the so-called “pie” trend ruled – but this was also an innovation.

Because even earlier, pancakes were not rolled at all, since there was no filling. The pancake itself was considered a ready-to-eat product, and for fillings there was a format of pies, the appearance of which, by the way, was also associated with the “souls of ancestors” ritual.

And further:

The height of the tallest stack of pancakes was 82 cm. It was built in honor of the Maslenitsa celebration by employees of the Food Network UK TV channel. The cooking process itself took 13 hours. 253 eggs, 5 kilograms of flour and 15 liters of milk were spent. The stack consisted of 725 pancakes. The record was recorded on March 9, 2013.

1092 pancakes per hour - this is exactly the record for high-speed baking of pancakes set on August 13, 2013 by American restaurant owner Ros McCurdy. Before Ross, this unusual record belonged to Steve Hamilton, who baked 956 pancakes in an hour.

In February 2012, another “pancake” record was set. English students set the record by holding the largest pancake flipping event. The event was organized by students from the University of Sheffield and broadcaster Dan Walker. 930 people took part in it. At the same time, they turned over a pancake in a frying pan; the whole action took the participants of the record-breaking action about 30 seconds.

The largest number of pancakes made by a team within 8 hours is 76,382 pieces. The record was set on May 9, 2009 in a hotel in Atlanta. The pancakes were prepared by 175 volunteers, and in 8 hours they served about 20 thousand people.

Dominic Kuzakri threw the highest pancake in New York - 9 meters 47 cm. The record was recorded on November 13, 2010. By the way, the previous record also belonged to Dominic, he improved his figure by 30 cm.

The world's largest pancake was baked on August 13, 1994 in Great Britain. The diameter of this giant pancake was 15 meters, 2.5 centimeters in height and 3 tons of weight. The pancake turned out to be quite filling, and it energy value amounted to as much as 2,000,000 kilocalories.

In Russia, they also tried to set a record and on Maslenitsa 2010 they baked the world's longest pancake, the length of which was 1 kilometer, weight 300 kilograms, and area of ​​150 square meters. This pancake strip was cut into 5620 pieces, which were treated to everyone

St. Petersburg resident Andrei Smirnov ate as many as 73 pancakes, weighing more than 2 kilograms, while celebrating Maslenitsa, and it took him only 60 minutes to do it.

According to research by Russian historians, the yeast pancake appeared somewhere around the turn of 1005-1006. Thus, in 2011, the Russian pancake turned 1005 years old

The most ancient pancake holiday in Europe - pancake races in Great Britain. They have been held since 1445. According to legend, in 1445, one of the housewives of the town, carried away by baking pancakes, completely forgot about the Maslenitsa service in the church. Hearing the ringing of church bells, she ran out of the house in a panic, holding a frying pan with a pancake in one hand and tying her cap with the other. From this incident the idea of ​​the “pancake race” was born.