Rapeseed oil benefits and harm reviews. Useful information about rapeseed oil: harm and benefits, contraindications, medicinal recipes

Rapeseed does not grow wild in nature. But it has been cultivated for more than 5 thousand years. For a long time, the scope of application of the plant was limited to the technical field. Rapeseed oil has been used to produce biofuel, soap; in the textile and leather industry.

Unrefined rapeseed oil contains thioglucosides and erucic acid (more than 60%). These are substances hazardous to health: the human enzyme system is not able to utilize them. They accumulate in body tissues and cause harm.

Only mutant varieties of rapeseed, in whose oil the content of erucic acid is minimal, is suitable for food purposes. According to GOST 8988-2002, only unrefined first-grade rapeseed oil or refined, non-deodorized rapeseed oil, in which the concentration of erucic acid is less than 5% and thioglucosides - less than 3%, is allowed for food. If these conditions are met, the product will not cause harm.

Rapeseed oil, like any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn), is high in calories. The product is 99% fat. Let's highlight the most useful of them:

  • saturated fatty acids (10%);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (33%);
  • monounsaturated (oleic acid);
  • polyunsaturated (linolenic, linoleic acids);
  • phospholipids, etc.

The benefit of the product also depends on vitamin and mineral composition:

  • vitamin E (tocopherols);
  • carotenoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium, etc.

Sometimes rapeseed extract is called “Russian olive oil.” The composition of these products is similar, the benefits are enormous.

Beneficial features

Harm and contraindications

Application, harm and benefits of rapeseed oil

Benefits of rapeseed oil

In addition to its high calorie content, the benefit of rapeseed oil is that it contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, the proportions of which are ideal for the human body. Omega 3 supports normal human growth and development, is important for good skin and proper kidney function, and is vital for normal eye and brain function.

The oleic acid contained in the oil is an excellent component of dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

Linoleic acid in oil is not only a preventive agent for cardiovascular diseases, but also helps improve their condition.

A tablespoon of this product provides a person with the daily requirement of vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant. Regular use of it, thanks to a phytohormone identical to that of women recently found in it, promotes the conception of a child and makes a woman attractive.

Harm of rapeseed oil to the body

Only oil that is unrefined and made from low-quality seeds causes harm to the human body. This is explained by the presence in it of residual components of erucic acid, which is harmful to all mammals because it is not excreted, but is deposited in the tissues. The presence of erucic acid in the human body is fraught with a slowdown in growth and development of reproductive function, and disruption of the functioning of some internal organs. And therefore, even the relative cheapness of production did not make it possible to squeeze it for food purposes. But almost fifty years ago, a rapeseed variety was developed in Canada, the amount of erucic acid in which did not exceed two percent. This prompted industrialists to begin producing a new food product. Rapeseed oil began to be added to butters and margarines.

Contraindications for use

Rapeseed oil: benefit or harm?

Rapeseed oil gained wide recognition in the 80s of the twentieth century, when it became possible to reduce the level of erucic acid in rapeseed, a rather harmful product. At the moment, this oil is considered one of the most popular in Europe, as it has a balanced composition (it is in third place in demand).

Rapeseed does not occur in the wild. It is cultivated in countries where there are favorable climatic conditions for its growth - such as China, India, Canada, and Western and Central European countries. Its main producers are the Czech Republic, Poland and China, which harvest up to half of the world's rapeseed harvest.

Unlike other oils, rapeseed oil has an unusual flavor, very similar to a nutty one, which is favorable for creating delicious dishes. In most countries, it is used to prepare various sauces and salad dressings, although it can also be used for frying.

Rapeseed oil is quite balanced: it contains unsaturated fatty acids (66%), polyunsaturated fatty acids (27%), saturated fatty acids (6%). It contains less saturated fatty acids than other vegetable oils. Rapeseed oil contains vitamin E and carotenoids.

As you can see, the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) in this product is quite high, just like olive oil. These substances help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also reduce the risk of blood clots. Rapeseed oil is considered a product useful when following an anti-sclerotic diet. Many European doctors advise using it instead of olive oil for salad dressings. The main difference between these oils and each other is that the production of oil from olives is a rather expensive process, and therefore the price of such a product is significantly higher. Meanwhile, in terms of taste, rapeseed oil is in no way inferior to olive oil.

Rapeseed oil, like all other types of oils, should be stored in a cool, dark place so that its beneficial properties are not lost. In such conditions, it will stand for quite a long time without deteriorating or changing color or smell.

Currently, rapeseed oil, the harm of which, thanks to modern technologies, has been practically reduced to zero, is considered a complete food product. But several decades ago, when the content of erucic acid in rapeseed was quite high, this oil was used only for industrial purposes (in particular, for the production of soap and drying oil) and was unsuitable for consumption. Nowadays, the percentage of this acid has been reduced to almost zero, less than 0.2%, which does not affect the human body in any way. And soon in new varieties of rapeseed they promise to completely eliminate erucic acid and reduce the percentage of fatty acids. Therefore, rapeseed oil, the benefits of which have been proven above, is gaining popularity all over the world.

In this regard, rapeseed oil outperforms its peers, leaving behind the most common product in Russia – sunflower oil. After all, only the domestic market is saturated with this sunflower seed product; palm oil and flaxseed oil with rapeseed have been used all over the world for a long time - they are more beneficial for health.

Rapeseed oil - its benefits and harm. Methods of using rapeseed oil in cosmetology and nutrition.

Technologies: options for obtaining rapeseed oil

Characteristics: What are the benefits of rapeseed oil?

Based on the facts confirming how widespread rapeseed oil is in the global industry, we can talk about its beneficial characteristics. It may not be comparable in usefulness to olive or sea buckthorn oil, but nevertheless, rapeseed oil can boast the following properties:

1. First of all, rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Needless to say, these elements indicate the oil’s ability to support the body’s immune forces, ensure proper functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and brain, and also reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

2. Rapeseed oil also contains a fairly high percentage of a female hormone called estradiol. The level of this hormone increases naturally with the onset of ovulation. A woman’s skin becomes radiant and clean, and her hair becomes elastic and strong.

3. Thanks to this vitamin complex, the risk of breast cancer in girls tends to zero.

4. Do you want to lose weight faster? Rapeseed oil will be your assistant for this. It breaks down fats, lowers cholesterol levels, and significantly speeds up metabolism. It can be eaten as a complement to salads and other dishes.

5. Rapeseed oil is very often used as an element of any diet. It is rarely used independently. For example, it is added to kefir or protein diets, and is also used as a dietary supplement during the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. On top of that, rapeseed oil will be appropriate in masks for the face or hair. It heals small wounds, scratches, burns, strengthens the hair structure, and perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Contraindications for use and potential harm of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil must be refined, since the unrefined liquid may contain a high percentage of erucic acid. It is not considered too beneficial for the animal or human body, since it may well slow down the process of growth and development, as well as puberty. In addition, due to the high percentage of erucic acid in rapeseed, a healthy person may develop problems in the cardiovascular system, problems with the liver and kidneys. When purchasing rapeseed oil yourself, be sure to pay attention to erucic acid levels: normally they should not be more than 0.6%.

Of course, it is also worth mentioning individual intolerance to various types of oils, including rapeseed. Allergy sufferers should not eat this product, because there is a high risk of swelling, suffocation, rashes and itching.

At the same time, women with biliary tract diseases, pancreatitis and cholecystitis should not eat salads, first or second courses containing rapeseed oil. Moreover, those suffering from chronic diarrhea or hepatitis are prohibited from using rapeseed oil, because in this case it has a negative effect on the liver.

It is worth considering, among other things, some toxicity of rapeseed oil, which manifests itself during its heating. That is why nutritionists do not recommend eating too much of it, much less frying any food with it.

Relatively recently, other than sunflower and cottonseed oil, it was quite difficult to find other types of vegetable oils on sale. Therefore, few housewives could answer what rapeseed oil is made from. But today there are no problems with the choice of products, so one after another women began to try this product in their kitchen. It should be noted that many people liked it. Using rapeseed oil gives you the chance to offer your family a large number of healthy salads. It is similar to olive, but much cheaper. This is a determining factor in some cases.


Let's now take a closer look at what rapeseed oil is made from. From the seeds of the plant of the same name. It is primarily an edible oil, although it is also used in some industries. The value of the product interested producers so much that it was necessary to significantly increase the cultivation of raw materials. What rapeseed oil is made from is no longer a secret today. Let's say a few words about the plant itself.

Source of raw materials

The relative cheapness and ease of cultivation led to the fact that production volume began to increase every year. At the same time, the popularity of the product and consumer demand grew. So what is rapeseed oil made from? This is a herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family, that is, a relative of cabbage.

It contains an important set of fatty acids. These are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and some others. It is this composition that determines the properties of rapeseed oil. Margarine was originally made from it. But further research has shown that it is a storehouse of useful substances, and therefore it can be used for a variety of problems, in order to improve the health of the body, and not just as a food product.

Technical details

The production of rapeseed oil is not at all complicated. The procedure is very similar to obtaining similar raw materials from sunflower. Raw materials are inexpensive, so profits will begin to appear quite quickly. To obtain the final product, it is necessary to clean the seeds from impurities and debris. Then drying and pressing occurs, the oil settles in a bunker, filtration and cooling.

Beneficial features

It was said above that the composition of rapeseed oil is very similar to olive oil. All substances included in it are perfectly absorbed by the body. Fatty acids can normalize cholesterol levels. This is a very important moment for those over forty.

But this does not exhaust all the beneficial properties. Here are its advantages:

  • Rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E. This is a natural defense against the effects of free radicals. There is probably no element more necessary for female beauty and health.
  • The second group of essential elements contained in the composition are B vitamins. Almost all internal processes in the body depend on the timely supply of these substances. Without them, the nervous and circulatory systems of the body will not function normally.
  • Vitamin A - for vision.
  • Vitamin D - for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Minerals are also very necessary and important for the body.

As you can see, there are many reasons to include this product in your diet. This will have a positive effect on all organs and systems. Regular use will help improve the condition of the skin. But in fairness, it should be noted that it contains much less useful substances than in more popular types.

For food and more

It was mentioned that it is not only a valuable food product. Oil extracted from rapeseed helps to heal the human body. The composition contains the female hormone estradiol. Therefore, it is recommended for use by both healthy women and those who have problems with the reproductive system. It is advisable for pregnant women to add a teaspoon to their food every day. This will protect the embryo.

The medicinal properties do not end there. Today our goal is to fully disclose the harm and benefits of rapeseed oil. So, it allows you to quickly restore damaged tissues and helps relieve inflammation. It is for this reason that women sometimes replace creams and lotions with them. The effect is no worse, and the cost is many times less.

Use in folk medicine

You can often find recipes in which one of the most significant components is rapeseed oil. It has long been used for burns, wounds and cuts. When heated, it is excellent for treating joints. It relieves pain and inflammation. Doctors note that everything included in the composition has a positive effect on health. Its components:

  • Helps improve immunity.
  • Break down bad cholesterol.
  • Serve for the prevention of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Help protect against the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Rapeseed oil is used in diets. Of course, this alone will not help you lose weight, but as an addition to your diet, it is a great way to improve your metabolism.

The opinion of official medicine

Today, doctors are in full solidarity with their colleagues who are supporters of traditional methods of treatment. Of course, rapeseed oil is not a panacea, but it works great for prevention, and in some cases as an adjuvant treatment.

This is a recognized elixir of youth. Among other things, the oil improves collagen production. What does this give? Slows down the aging process, allows you to maintain youth and elasticity of the skin, as well as correct emerging wrinkles. And we’re not just talking about homemade masks. Today, the oil extract is successfully used in injections. The effectiveness of such treatment is much more effective, since all the nutritional components quickly get where they need to be.


Rapeseed oil is a storehouse of useful substances, but in some cases doctors recommend abandoning it. The reason is that the composition contains erucic acid, which can accumulate in the body, which leads to deterioration of health. This has a detrimental effect on the liver, heart and other organs. Of course, in order to fully experience the effects on yourself, you need to use the oil regularly and in large quantities. Therefore, adults can use it to dress salads with almost no fear. But for children it is better to avoid eating rapeseed.

One more thing. When heated, this product begins to release carcinogens. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use it for frying. But for dressing light salads, it’s just right.

How to select and store?

If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, then you need to choose only the highest quality of what is offered on the market today. The label “rapeseed oil” should not be the only selection criterion. Useful properties and contraindications directly depend on the quality. Let's look at the main points to pay attention to:

  • When choosing, it is worth checking if there is a cloudy sediment at the bottom of the bottle. In this case, you have a low-quality product that cannot be used for food.
  • Inspect the label. The content of erucic acid must be indicated. If the indicator is more than 0.5%, then refuse to purchase.
  • Refined oil is more desirable as it goes through all stages of purification.
  • The bottle must be made of dark glass.

For storage, you also need to choose a dark and cool place where the rays of the sun do not reach. In this case, the oil will retain its medicinal properties for five years.

Use in cosmetology

This choice was not made by chance. Rapeseed oil is used by cosmetologists for the following reasons. First of all, due to the high content of micro- and macronutrients. Affordability, as well as neutrality of color and smell, are also important. It is used for the preparation of various creams and lotions, shampoos and injections, balms. The oil effectively moisturizes and protects the skin from external irritants, gives hair shine and vitality.

Use in cooking

But most often we take oils for use in the kitchen. Today, rapeseed varieties have been developed in which the content of harmful acid is minimal. Thanks to this, the product can be used without harming your health. As mentioned above, it is necessary to check the erucic acid content on the label. This product is perfect for marinades and for making mayonnaise. The most popular dish is carrot salad with prunes and dried apricots, seasoned with rapeseed oil. The calorie content of the gas station is high, but since no one pours it in liters, there is no need to worry. Typically, a plate of salad requires no more than a tablespoon of oil.

Instead of a conclusion

Rapeseed oil is just gaining popularity today, so you can often find it only in large supermarkets. This is an excellent alternative to expensive olive oil, as many note the similarity in taste. The price differs very significantly. It can be used to season cold dishes and snacks, prepare sauces and marinades. The remains of rapeseed oil can be used as a mask for the skin of the hands and face, and as a hair balm. Due to its low price, you can always keep a bottle of this oil at home and use it at your discretion.

Rapeseed is a common agricultural crop cultivated in temperate and subtropical latitudes, primarily for oil production. Rapeseed oil, its harm, benefits and composition have now been well studied, various aspects of its use have been analyzed, but it still remains quite mysterious to humans.

Rapeseed oil consists of 99.9% vegetable fats, per 100 g there are about 19 mg of vitamin E and about 2 mg of phosphorus, there are vitamins A, B, D, F.

The oil is rich in various acids:

Name Mass fraction in %
OleicUp to 70
StearicUntil 3
PalmiticUp to 7
LinoleicUp to 30
GondoinovayaUp to 4.3
LinolenicUp to 14
ArachinovaUp to 1.2
ErukovayaUp to 5

Depending on the level of erucic acid content, the oil is divided into three types - low-, medium- and high-erucic. Low erucic oil can be safely consumed; high erucic oil is recommended for other purposes.

The products of rapeseed processing in the form of oil are refined and divided into refined and unrefined types.

Refined rapeseed oil is very similar in composition to olive oil, contains a small level of erucic acid and is used in cooking.

Beneficial features

Rapeseed oil began to be actively used only in the last fifty years, when new varieties of the plant and new ways to remove harmful acids appeared. Now it is used in cooking, for medicinal purposes, in industry, and in alternative energy.

Rapeseed oil (the benefits and harms of which have not previously been precisely determined) has the following beneficial properties:

Indications for use

Rapeseed oil, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, is used in the prevention of certain diseases and for the treatment of existing diseases.

Use by men

Rapeseed oil, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time, should be taken by men, especially young men, without much zeal, despite all its beneficial properties. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, has sedative, anticancer and many other beneficial properties.

However, its effect on male potency is still poorly understood. The presence of vegetable fats, Omega-3, phosphorus, and vitamin E in the composition has a positive effect on sex life, on the one hand. However, the oil contains substances that stimulate the production of the female hormone estrogen.

This can suppress a man’s libido and affect the quality of sperm, so it is better to consult an andrologist if in doubt. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil in this case must be especially correlated so that the man’s body works harmoniously.

Benefits for women

Rapeseed oil contains an analogue of the female sex hormone - estradiol, so for women, eating it can cause a very good effect. This is relevant for women who have problems with the production of estrogen in the body.

Beneficial properties for women:

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

For the normal course of pregnancy and intrauterine development of the child, it is necessary to receive the optimal amount of nutrients. Rapeseed oil, which is sometimes also called “northern olive oil,” contains vitamins E, omega-3, in which the fetus does not develop quickly enough, and after birth the child may lag behind its peers in development.

When breastfeeding, the product saturates milk with useful substances that support the normal formation of all tissues of the child - bones, internal organs, and the central nervous system. Oil is especially important for mothers when feeding prematurely born children.

There is experimental evidence that if a mother took rapeseed oil during pregnancy, it only brings benefits. Such children grow better, gain weight, and develop better coordination and motor skills. To obtain a balanced supply of essential plant fatty acids, it is enough for a nursing mother to include 1 tbsp in her diet. l. rapeseed oil per day.

For children

Children need fatty acids and other elements, including those contained in rapeseed oil, from birth. Infants receive their main diet from mother's milk and baby food. Rapeseed oil is one of the components of modern infant formula for infants.

“The harm or benefit of rapeseed oil in baby food” - there have been debates on this topic for a long time, but large-scale studies by German scientists have shown that they are beneficial in a certain dose. Studies were conducted among children under one year old and it was found that The mass fraction of rapeseed oil in baby food can reach up to a third of all fats.

Vitamin A helps a child grow and is responsible for vision; vitamin D has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and skeletal system. Vitamin E strengthens muscle tissue, stimulates hair growth, healthy nails and skin. Acids and phospholipids reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and support the immune system.

Fatty plant acids contribute to the normal development of the nervous system, including the central nervous system, and improve the psychological state of the child. Many people remember using fish oil in Soviet childhood; now an excellent substitute has appeared in the form of rapeseed oil.

Starting from 5-6 months of age, microdoses of rapeseed oil in the form of drops can be used to season mashed potatoes and porridges, gradually increasing the volume to a teaspoon.

Contraindications may be:

  • allergic reaction;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hepatitis in severe form.

During adolescence, caution is required when using the product for boys, because it can suppress the production of testosterone and the formation of the reproductive system.

For joint pain

For the treatment of joint diseases, rapeseed oil is used both as an additive to patch dressings and as a food supplement. Vegetable fats taken orally prevent the formation of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, stop the leaching of calcium from the body, and promote flexibility.

For prevention and treatment, you need to take a tablespoon of rapeseed oil per day for an adult. In case of inflammatory processes, a gauze bandage is soaked in slightly heated oil and applied to the sore joint.

As a rich source of linoleic acid, which can reduce inflammation, rapeseed oil is considered beneficial for arthritis and progressive connective tissue diseases. Painful areas can be massaged using the oil to relieve pain and improve flexibility.

When salts are deposited

As is known from chemistry, salts enter into a chemical reaction with acids, producing new substances. Rapeseed oil is saturated with various acids, which have already been mentioned, and they all have different chemical reactivity. Some acids are capable of removing accumulated salts from tissues and the body.

When the product is consumed prophylactically, it will become a natural barrier to the deposition of salts in the tissues of the body. You can make gauze dressings soaked in oil in places where salts are deposited - the oil penetrates through the skin and helps remove them from the body.

It is also useful to take hot baths with the addition of aromatic additives and two tablespoons of rapeseed oil. The oil easily penetrates heated skin and removes salts harmful to tissues.

For burns and wounds

Rapeseed oil has a high beneficial ability to regenerate human tissue, but its use in these situations is not always clear and can be harmful.

For second- or third-degree burns or large areas of injury, seek medical attention. In other cases, when the burn site has already cooled, rapeseed oil will be useful.

For minor burns from fire, hot water, or sunburn, the oil will cover the affected area with a protective membrane. The oil, rich in plant minerals and acids, will soften the skin and help the regeneration process. Before lubricating the affected area, it is better to heat the oil in a water bath, cool, and then use.

For small wounds and abrasions, the oil can be mixed with beeswax in a 3:1 ratio and applied to the wound 3 times a day, changing the bandage.

For diaper rash

In case of diaper rash, rapeseed oil performs the same tasks as in the treatment of wounds and burns:

  • pain reduction;
  • role of antioxidant;
  • softening and protecting the skin;
  • regeneration.

The difference is that diaper rash occurs more often in infants than in adults. The oil should be applied regularly and only to clean, dry skin. There can only be one remark - this is individual intolerance.

For dermatological diseases

For skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or skin rashes in adolescents, it is recommended to take 1 tsp of rapeseed oil. in the morning. In addition, 2 times a day lubricate the affected areas with oil heated in a water bath and then cooled. Treated areas of skin should be bandaged with a clean bandage and it should be changed once a day.

Use in cooking

Rapeseed oil has a pleasant aroma, unlike many other vegetable oils, and tastes like a walnut. The colors range from translucent yellow to dark brown. The oil is not recommended for frying or other thermal preparations., because it loses its beneficial properties.

The oil is widely used in salad dressings, as a useful component, in the manufacture of marinades, baked goods, and as an additive to soups and side dishes. As an ingredient, oil is used in the production of margarines, sauces, and mayonnaise.

Oil has been used as food relatively recently, but has already gained wide popularity. Rapeseed oil is, for example, very popular in modern German cuisine - up to 80% of the vegetable oil used in Germany is rapeseed. Apparently there is some correlation between this product and the life expectancy and health of Germans.

Application in cosmetology

Rapeseed oil is used for cosmetic purposes for several main reasons:

  • it contains many useful minerals, vitamins and active plant acids;
  • rejuvenating effect due to the ability to regenerate tissue;
  • neutral, but rather pleasant smell and color;
  • has an effect on hair growth;
  • small price.

It is used in the production of skin, hair, and nail care products - balms, shampoos, creams, ointments, lotions. The oil softens, moisturizes the skin and hair, fills them with nutrients. The hair becomes healthy and voluminous, the skin is rejuvenated and straightened.

Rapeseed oil, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied in cosmetology, should be used in moderation.

Mask for sensitive skin

It is necessary to puree pineapple in a blender and mix in equal proportions with rapeseed oil. After applying to the face, wait half an hour until all the active and beneficial substances penetrate the pores of the skin. Then wash off the mask with water without soap. Sensitive skin will receive protection from external irritants, and it will transform into a healthy color.

Cream with rapeseed oil for dry skin

To give the skin a natural look, in addition to rapeseed oil, you need lavender and bergamot. For 100 mg of rapeseed oil, take 2 mg of lavender and add 2 mg of bergamot. The cream is applied once a day, and soon the dry skin with characteristic scales gradually disappears.

Mask for aging skin

The recipe for a mask for aging skin is simple - for one tablespoon of rapeseed oil, take 100 g of finely chopped oatmeal, 30 g of lemon juice and two egg whites. All this is mixed in a blender. This mask should not be left on for more than a quarter of an hour. The procedure can be repeated once a day.

Mask with rapeseed oil for acne

For oily skin, use 50 g of white clay, 100 g of rapeseed oil, which are mixed thoroughly. After leaving the mask on the face for half an hour, wash off with warm water.

For dry skin you need 50 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of oil, which are also mixed into a homogeneous substance. Apply the mask to your face and let it harden a little until a crust forms - this means the procedure is completed and all the active substances are absorbed by the skin.

For normal skin, mix 100 g of oat flour with 100 g of butter. Leave the mask on your face for half an hour, then wash it off.

Mask for dull hair

To prepare the mask, mix the following ingredients in a blender:

  • 20 g fresh parsley;
  • 20 g rapeseed oil;
  • 10 g olive oil.

The finished mixture in the form of a puree should be rubbed from the roots to the very end of the hair. Sit in a warm room for up to 45 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo.


There are several contraindications when rapeseed oil is not recommended for use in any form:

As you can see, there are not many contraindications, which is why high-quality rapeseed oil has become so popular, and 14% of arable land in the world is already sown with rapeseed.

Possible harm and side effects

A person is strictly prohibited from consuming rapeseed oil with high levels of erucic acid. It tends to accumulate in the body, interfering with its normal functioning. This mainly applies to unfiltered oil that goes into industry; the share of erucic acid there reaches 5%.

Modern varieties contain much less of this component, plus the raw materials undergo hot or cold filtration. There is already a healthy product on store shelves, practically without unnecessary impurities. Excessive consumption of oil is also harmful, but this applies to any food product. Everything needs balance.

Selection and storage

When choosing an oil, you need to decide for what purpose it is purchased - for culinary, cosmetic, and maybe other needs. In cooking, there is also a choice of different types of oil - for baking, salads, sauces, side dishes, as well as frying.

Light-colored oil goes through large stages of purification and is quite suitable for all dishes, but especially for heat treatment. Darker-colored oil retains its unique taste and smell, making it suitable for cold dishes. In addition, these types of oil retain more beneficial elements.

When purchasing, you need to read the data, compliance with GOST, and check the expiration date. There should be no sediment in the container. The best container is a glass container; the storage conditions can be read on the packaging - the conditions are different for different types of oil.

The popularity of the oil has grown exponentially in everyday life over the past 30-40 years, as this product has become a symbol of a healthy lifestyle and natural, high-quality nutrition. The beneficial aspects of rapeseed oil are almost all open, but there is always something new, and there is practically no harm for a healthy person.

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Video about rapeseed oil

Features and benefits of rapeseed oil:

Rapeseed oil appeared on the shelves of Russian stores relatively recently and has already gained many fans. However, there are those who doubt the benefits of this product and treat it with caution. And yet, is rapeseed oil beneficial or harmful? Let's figure it out.

The product is produced from an oilseed herbaceous plant called rapeseed, a member of the Cruciferous or Cabbage family. This is a tall plant with elongated, lanceolate, blue-green leaves and bright yellow racemose inflorescences. It bears fruit in long narrow pods, inside of which there are seeds whose fat and protein content is not inferior to mustard and sunflower and superior to soybean.

The origin of rapeseed is very vague, since it is practically never found in the wild. According to scientists, the plant is a natural hybrid of cabbage and the weed rape grass. It began to be cultivated several thousand years BC, so rapeseed can be called one of the oldest agricultural crops.

Initially, rapeseed oil was used exclusively as a lubricant, for indoor lighting and in the production of drying oil and soap. It was not suitable for food, since the product contained harmful components and the taste was not very pleasant.

In 1978, Canadian breeders introduced the world to a new variety of rapeseed, called “canola,” with a minimum amount of harmful substances, which gave the plant, one might say, a “second life.” The new variety made it possible to safely consume rapeseed as food and obtain edible vegetable oil from it. The product is especially popular in European countries, where it is nicknamed “northern olive” - in terms of valuable properties, rapeseed oil is similar to olive oil.

Rapeseed oil is one of the few products in which the balance of fatty acids is almost ideal. Most of the product's composition is occupied by linoleic and linolenic acids, which the human body cannot synthesize. A deficiency of these components can lead to serious circulatory problems. These important acids maintain the walls of blood vessels in an elastic state, improve heart function, and prevent blood clots. In addition, another fatty acid is synthesized in the body from linoleic acid - arachidonic acid. One of its important functions is participation in the development of the musculoskeletal system in children. Without arachidonic acid, normal physical development of a baby is impossible.

Rapeseed oil contains a large amount of such a powerful antioxidant as vitamin E. It also contains vitamins A, D, F and B, carotenoids, tocopherols, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements.

By appearance It is an oily liquid with a nutty odor and a taste reminiscent of olive oil. Its color varies from yellow to brownish. The calorie content of rapeseed oil, like that of olive oil, is about 900 kcal per 100 g. The density indicators of the product are excellent - from 908 to 915 kg/m3.

Edible oil is made from rapeseeds using cold pressing.. The plant seeds are pre-cleaned and subjected to magnetic separation. Next, screw pressing is carried out, and then the product is filtered. It turns out unrefined oil, retaining most of the nutrients, as well as a nutty aroma and pleasant taste.

On sale edible refined oil found from rapeseeds. During processing, it is subjected to hydration, neutralization, refining and freezing. As a result of these actions, the product loses its biologically active components and odor. But its benefits still remain, because... Fatty acids are retained, although it is incomparable to the benefits that unrefined oil brings to the body.

These two types of oils also differ in color. Unrefined is yellow or amber-yellow, sometimes with a slight brownish tint, while refined is light yellow.

Rapeseed oil is also made by hot pressing. In this case, the crushed seeds are subjected to moisture-heat treatment, then squeezed and filtered. The output is a dark oily liquid with shades ranging from greenish to brownish-red. This oil is not suitable for food and is used only for industrial purposes.. It is important to know about this so as not to accidentally purchase just such a product in a store.

Beneficial features

The balanced composition of rapeseed oil suggests its undoubted benefits for humans. It:

  • improves cardiac activity, promotes normal functioning of the pancreas, as well as the liver and kidneys;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol, plays a significant role in normalizing fat metabolism;
  • good for digestion, reduces stomach acidity, has a mild laxative effect;
  • has a regenerating effect, which makes the healing process of wounds and burns much faster;
  • Having analgesic properties, it is useful for joint diseases;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair, preserving their beauty and youth.

This oil is especially recommended for women. It contains the hormone estradiol, which is responsible for the readiness of the female body to conceive and protects against gynecological diseases. The product is useful for pregnant women because it promotes the proper development of the fetus. “Northern Olive” is of great value for baby food, since it contains substances necessary for the healthy development of a child.

It is worth saying that the antioxidant vitamin E found in rapeseed prevents the formation of cancer cells and inhibits their growth. According to recent studies, women who use rapeseed or olive oil in cooking have a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer.

The body's daily need for vitamin E can be met with just a daily tablespoon of rapeseed oil.

Can it cause harm?

Rapeseed oil contains harmful substances that are extremely important to know about - erucic acid and thioglycosides. Our body cannot process erucic acid. Accumulating in tissues, it disrupts the functioning of the liver, heart and circulatory system. In addition, this acid causes problems in the sexual sphere. Dangerous components such as thioglycosides cause headaches and allergies.

However, the listed substances cause harm to the body only if they are present in the product in large quantities. This oil should absolutely not be used for food; it is used only for technical needs.

Rapeseed oil suitable for consumption is obtained, as mentioned above, from the canola variety, in which the amount of harmful substances is reduced to a minimum. This product is tasty, nutritious and healthy, and the content of erucic acid in it does not exceed 0.6%, which is completely safe for health. Due to the growing popularity of rapeseed oil, breeders are tirelessly working to create varieties with even lower and even zero levels of harmful substances in the plant, predicting a great future for rapeseed.


The properties of rapeseed oil allow it to be used in cosmetology, medicine, cooking and other fields. In all these areas it shows excellent results and has earned positive reviews. There are already many recipes using this product that are simple and effective.

In cosmetology

Pure rapeseed oil is used for cosmetic purposes, or homemade creams and masks are made from it. They perfectly nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. The product is especially indicated for tired, dry and rough skin. It is also useful for curls. After using the oil, the hair becomes soft, silky and shiny, and dandruff disappears.

Recipes with rapeseed oil for skin and hair:

  • Cleansing facial skin. Lightly heat a couple of teaspoons of rapeseed oil using a water bath (an easier option is to pour it into a heated spoon). Soak a cotton pad in warm oil and cleanse the skin with it. Next, take a new cotton pad and use it to apply our oil product liberally to the face, not forgetting the eyebrows and lips. After 2-3 minutes, the product can be wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in tea or water diluted in half with fruit juice. This procedure has a beneficial effect on any skin.
  • Mask for dry and chapped skin of the face and hands. Mix a couple of dessert spoons of butter with honey and cream or natural yoghurt, taken one tablespoon at a time. Apply the composition to your face and hands, and after 20-25 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Moisturizing bath for body skin. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil to a bath filled with water and bubble bath. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. After this procedure, the skin will be moisturized, velvety and elastic.
  • Eliminating dandruff. Add oil to shampoo in a ratio of 10 to 100 ml and wash your hair with it 1-2 times a week. A positive result will not be long in coming. The scalp will soften, dryness and along with it the unpleasant white flakes will quickly disappear.
  • Nourishing hair mask. Rub rapeseed oil into the scalp and hair roots with massaging movements. Next, cover your head with a shower cap and insulate it with a towel, and after half an hour, rinse off the product with warm water and shampoo. Carry out the procedure twice a month until the condition improves

In medicine and pharmacology

For medicinal purposes, rapeseed oil is consumed internally to improve the health of the body; its use as compresses for joint diseases and as part of ointments for the treatment of skin lesions is also effective. In the pharmaceutical industry it is used in oil injections and in healing ointments for external application.

Treatment with rapeseed oil:

  • Ingestion to strengthen the body. Take one or two dessert spoons of butter every day on an empty stomach an hour and a half before breakfast.
  • Treatment of joints. Apply a warm compress with oil to the sore spot for a couple of hours. Rapeseed reduces inflammation and relieves pain.
  • Healing of small wounds, cuts and burns. Apply rapeseed oil to the lesions up to 4 times a day.
  • A revitalizing bath after a hard day at work. Pour a mixture of 2 tablespoons of butter, a glass of milk, 50 g of sea salt, a teaspoon of starch, a tablespoon of soda, 3 drops into a bath with warm water and take it for no more than 20 minutes.

In cooking and other areas

Unrefined rapeseed oil is excellent for dressing salads, promoting better absorption of the beneficial substances contained in the ingredients of the dish. It is not recommended to fry with it. When heated for a long time, the product loses its beneficial substances and extremely dangerous toxic compounds are formed in it. To maximize the benefits of this wonderful oil, it is best to consume it cold or slightly heated in a water bath.

Despite the fact that the product can often be found as an ingredient in ready-made baby food, some nutritionists have expressed concerns about the consumption of canola by children. They believe that even a small amount of erucic acid can be harmful to a child's body. To minimize all possible risks, it is recommended to give your baby such food not on an ongoing basis, but only periodically.

In the food industry, the product is used in the production of cooking fats, mayonnaise and margarine. Technical rapeseed oil is used in metallurgy for the steel hardening procedure. Due to the product's resistance to low temperatures, it is successfully used to lubricate jet engines. This oil has also found application in the paint and varnish, chemical, printing, leather and textile industries. They do not forget about it in the production of soap, detergents and cosmetics.

Rapeseed oil is becoming increasingly popular as a biofuel component. By adding caustic soda and methyl alcohol to it, an excellent substitute for diesel fuel is obtained. Fuel based on rapeseed oil causes minimal harm to the environment and is half the cost.

Contraindications, side effects

Due to a number of contraindications, the use of this oil is not recommended:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • people with cholelithiasis and hepatitis;
  • for disorders of the digestive tract.

The oil should be used in moderation, taking into account all contraindications and not getting too carried away with it. Excessive consumption of this product can cause harm to health in the form of itching, skin irritation and even swelling.

How to choose

Rapeseed oil is a new product on the Russian market, so it is important to take its choice seriously. In a healthy “northern olive”, the content of erucic acid should not exceed 0.6%. This information should be found on the label. There can be no sediment in high-quality oil. It is also important to avoid rapeseed oil made from genetically modified varieties of the plant.

You should immediately stop buying hydrogenated oil, because it has an unstable molecular structure, which is why it quickly deteriorates.

It is best to buy rapeseed oil in stores specializing in natural oils.. They value their reputation and care about the quality of the product. You can buy a good product in a large hypermarket, but in this case you should choose it carefully.

On store shelves you can find oil produced by both Russian and foreign manufacturers: from Belarus, Finland, the Czech Republic, France, Denmark, England, Poland. Russian "Anninskoe rapeseed oil" from the company "MEZ Yug Rusi LLC" is popular. This is a refined, deodorized and frozen product, suitable not only for seasoning cold appetizers, but also for frying. It contains fatty acids that are extremely beneficial for health and even for weight loss.

Another well-known company offering high-quality rapeseed oil is “Olive” produced in Kazakhstan. This manufacturer enjoys a good reputation in the market. Foreign companies “Borges” and “Bonne” have also proven themselves well.

Where to store

Rapeseed oil It is also valuable because retains all beneficial properties for 5 years, the necessary transparency and a pleasant smell, which cannot be said about other edible oils. It should be stored in a sealed glass container in a dark place, for example, in a kitchen cabinet. It is important to ensure that the product is not exposed to sunlight.

If storage rules are violated, the oil may lose its aroma, become cloudy and acquire sediment at the bottom of the bottle, which signals oxidation and rancidity of the liquid. It is recommended to use the opened bottle of oil within six months and store it in the refrigerator.

In Russia, eating rapeseed oil has not gained much popularity, but in Europe this product is considered one of the main sources of fatty acids in any diet.

In terms of its beneficial properties and taste characteristics, it is comparable to olive oil, only it costs several times less.

Previously, rapeseed was used only as an agricultural crop, and the oil was extracted only for technical purposes. Today, oil is becoming increasingly popular in cosmetology, cooking and medicine.

Only mutant varieties of rapeseed, in whose oil the content of erucic acid is minimal, is suitable for food purposes. According to GOST 8988-2002, only unrefined first-grade rapeseed oil or refined, non-deodorized rapeseed oil, in which the concentration of erucic acid is less than 5% and thioglucosides - less than 3%, is allowed for food. If these conditions are met, the product will not cause harm.

Rapeseed oil, like any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn), is high in calories. The product is 99% fat. Let's highlight the most useful of them:

  • saturated fatty acids (10%);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (33%);
  • monounsaturated (oleic acid);
  • polyunsaturated (linolenic, linoleic acids);
  • phospholipids, etc.

The benefits of the product also depend on the vitamin and mineral composition:

  • vitamin E (tocopherols);
  • carotenoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium, etc.

Sometimes rapeseed extract is called “Russian olive oil.” The composition of these products is similar, the benefits are enormous.

Which rapeseed oil is good for humans?

People learned to grow rapeseed more than one and a half thousand years ago, but it was not eaten until the middle of the last century. This is due to the fact that it contains a substance such as erucic acid; it is not broken down in the human body, accumulates and has a negative effect on health.

Currently, breeders have developed many varieties of rapeseed with a minimum concentration of harmful acid, which has made it possible to use rapeseed oil in a wide range, including for treatment.

This product has gained the greatest popularity in Germany, where almost 80% of the population consume it daily.

Rapeseed is a member of the cabbage family, and the oil content of its seed reaches 40%.

Due to the fact that this agricultural crop is not demanding on environmental conditions, and oil production is practically waste-free production, the price of rapeseed oil is several times lower than the cost of other vegetable oils.

The main technological process for obtaining any vegetable oil is extraction and cold pressing. Initially, the collected rapeseeds are cleaned, crushed and placed under a press.

Thus, an unrefined oil is obtained that is not subjected to thermal and chemical treatment, and retains the maximum amount of nutrients and healing properties in its composition. Some producers re-press the remaining cake, and some mix it with livestock feed.

What is unusual compared to other oils is that rapeseed oil can retain its properties, color and smell for a long period of time without spoiling or going rancid.

Useful chemical composition

Almost all the healing properties of the oil are based on its main components - polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Currently, scientists have not yet fully studied the effect of rapeseed oil on the human body, so recommendations for its consumption are ambiguous.

In terms of its components, it is identical to olive oil, but can be harmful due to the toxic compounds present.

Oil is a very high-calorie product, as it is enriched with saturated and polyunsaturated fats, necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and tissues. Omega-3 and omega-6 acids are not able to be synthesized independently in the body, but at the same time they take part in the processes of synthesizing new protein compounds, in energy metabolism and other processes.

In the vitamin ratio, rapeseed oil contains carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamin A and D in high concentrations. They fill the body with energy and regulate fat metabolism.

Due to its chemical composition, rapeseed oil is absorbed almost completely by the intestines. However, erucic acid and thioglucosides, which have a toxic effect, in the oil composition are not able to be digested in the human body and, accordingly, accumulate, causing harm to health.

Therefore, only those varieties of rapeseed that are artificially bred with a minimum content of harmful substances are consumed.

The mineral composition of rapeseed oil is not enriched, phosphorus is present in various phosphate compounds, they help strengthen blood vessels.

Rapeseed also concentrates copper, zinc, calcium and potassium.

How to use correctly

The product does not lose its transparency for a long time, it has a subtle pleasant aroma, and its beneficial properties are preserved for at least five years.


In cooking, rapeseed oil is best used as a salad dressing. The product is not suitable for frying or baking. The fact is that under the influence of high temperatures toxic compounds appear in it.


Rapeseed product is quite often found in traditional medicine recipes. Warm compresses and baths from this product help eliminate joint diseases. It starts the regeneration process and can be used to lubricate wounds and burns.

Canola oil helps eliminate hangovers. To do this, dilute a few drops in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach.

Traditional medicine

Sterile rapeseed oil is used in pharmacology; oil formulations for injection are made on its basis.

For adult men and women

Monounsaturated oleic acid predominates in it. It is quickly absorbed by the digestive system.

At the same time, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which means it prevents atherosclerosis, also normalizes blood pressure and prevents diabetes.

Polyunsaturated acids (omega-6 and omega-3) are in the only ratio that is true for health: 1:2. And this is the correct functioning of the brain, heart, reduction of inflammation, prevention of tumors.

Harmful saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids make up a very low percentage, which reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The manufacturer, as a rule, enriches the oil with tocopherol(form of vitamin E content). It, like all antioxidants, is a powerful stimulator of regenerative processes. Accordingly, it improves the health of our skin, nails and hair.

For pregnant and lactating women

Is rapeseed oil good for expectant mothers? This oil is just a godsend. It contains a natural analogue of the female hormone extradiol.

This hormone affects a woman’s mood, attractiveness, stamina, and reproductive function. In addition, it is responsible for preserving the fetus and blood clotting, which is important for preparing for childbirth.

A group of French scientists found that in those regions where women constantly consume this product, there is a significantly lower percentage of breast cancer.

So nursing mothers do not have to worry for themselves, and for their babies too.

For children

Rapeseed oil is included in many infant formulas, therefore considered safe.

It can perfectly complement a regular children's diet because it is light, rarely causes allergies.

In addition, it has a good effect on the formation of brain activity. Why not experiment?

You just need to agree with your pediatrician on the daily intake dose, it is different for each age category.

For the elderly

Is a gentle product for the digestive system of older people. Therefore, it can serve as a supplier of essential acids for the body.

Moreover, animal fats and milk at this stage of life should be kept to a minimum. They contain too much cholesterol and saturated fat.

In old age, you should only consume refined oil. in the form of salad dressings. Frying on it is strictly prohibited.

Use in dietary nutrition

Rapeseed seeds contain up to 50% fat, 6% fiber, and up to 30% protein. The oil has a low calorie content, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which allows it to be used effectively in the fight against extra pounds.

Almost all diets allow the intake of rapeseed oil, since the product is well absorbed by the body. This oil is a mandatory component of the diet against atherosclerosis; it is prescribed for problems with the heart and blood vessels.


In medicinal and mono-diets, the daily dose of oil is 15 ml. With a protein and healthy diet, the amount of oil can be increased to 30 ml.

For children

In some European countries, this product is used in the production of baby food. It contains healthy fatty acids and is completely free of cholesterol.


Oil can be introduced into a child’s diet at 4-6 months, adding 1 drop to vegetable complementary foods. The dose can be gradually increased; within a week the daily amount of oil can be increased to 2 ml.

This product should not be added to store-bought vegetable purees - most often it is already included. In baby food, due to its mild taste, it is almost unnoticeable, so the baby will happily gobble up the food offered, and parents can be calm about the state of his health.

The daily dose of rapeseed oil for a child should not exceed 30 ml.

Rapeseed oil in cosmetology

Rapeseed oil is used to improve skin condition and eliminate dermatological problems. We bring to your attention several proven recipes.

Bath for softening the skin:

  • fresh milk – 220 ml;
  • soda – 12 g;
  • rapeseed oil – 30 ml;
  • dried lavender flowers (chamomile, calendula) – 50 g;
  • corn starch – 5 g.

Mix all ingredients, add 100 g of sea salt. The duration of the water procedure is no more than 20 minutes.


Rapeseed oil improves the condition of hair, it makes curls strong and shiny, and eliminates split ends. It should be added to shampoo or conditioner. For every 100 ml of base, 7 ml of oil is required.


Terry socks for the treatment of dry feet, with gel enriched with rapeseed, olive and mineral oils

Beneficial and medicinal properties of rapeseed oil

This product contains many substances that can have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Rapeseed oil significantly improves immunity, helps cope with bacterial and viral infections;
  2. Strengthens blood vessels, promotes the breakdown of bad cholesterol, which prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.

In addition, it affects the composition of the blood and its viscosity, therefore reducing the risks of thrombosis, myocardial infarction and stroke;

  1. Rapeseed oil is indispensable for the female body, as it contains estradiols, a replacement component of female hormones.

Due to them, disrupted hormonal levels are normalized in girls, the menstrual cycle is restored, and unpleasant symptoms during premenstrual syndrome and menopause are alleviated;

  1. Cosmetologists use the oil in masks and creams for hands, face and body.

After regular use, the skin becomes smooth, soft and acquires a radiant color;

  1. Due to the high content of carotenoids and vitamin E, rapeseed reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, eliminates free radicals and fights cancer cells;
  2. When dieting, rapeseed oil promotes the rapid breakdown of fat deposits and enhances metabolic processes in the body.

However, it must be eaten regularly, combined with proper nutrition and sports activities;

  1. Restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping the gastric mucosa, reduces its acidity, and heals intestinal ulcers.

Rapeseed oil also enhances intestinal motility, removes toxic substances and waste deposits from the body;

  1. It is rightfully considered the elixir of longevity and youth, as it stimulates the production of collagen fibers, thereby removing facial wrinkles, making the skin smooth and even.
  2. Rapeseed oil has also found application in the pharmaceutical industry; specialists use it to prepare injection solutions and add them to healing creams and ointments;
  3. Strengthens the nervous system during stress, anxiety, and also helps cope with insomnia;
  4. During the period of gestation and nursing women, it is recommended to regularly drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil in the morning, as they saturate the newborn’s body with all the necessary elements and minerals;
  5. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for gouty arthritis, doctors advise applying rapeseed oil lotions to diseased areas of the body.

Experts believe that you should take one to two dessert spoons of rapeseed oil every day. In this case, the body will be saturated with polyunsaturated fatty acids and other complex chemical compounds that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

It should be drunk early in the morning immediately after waking up, that is, on an empty stomach, at least an hour before meals.

Healing recipes using rapeseed oil

It is used not only in folk medicine for the treatment of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. The oil is actively used for cosmetic purposes to strengthen and restore hair, moisturize the skin of the face and hands.

  • To relax your body, tired during the day, you can take a restorative bath in the evenings.

First you need to mix a glass of warm milk, two tablespoons of coarse sea salt, soda, starch, a few drops of lavender oil and a couple of tablespoons of rapeseed oil.

After this, pour the mixed mixture into hot water and lie in the bath for no more than 20 minutes, then take a contrast shower.

  • To make your hair smooth, manageable and shiny, just rub rapeseed oil into the hair roots and scalp twice a month, massaging it thoroughly.

After this, you need to put your hair in a special cap and wrap it in a towel, warm your head for half an hour and rinse well with regular shampoo.

It should be borne in mind that washing off oil from the head is quite a difficult task, so cosmetologists have their own tricks. You need to dilute the yolk and a few drops of lemon juice in water, and then start washing your hair.

  • The following recipe is suitable for the face and skin of the hands.

You need to mix two dessert spoons of butter with natural yogurt and honey. Apply the product for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse under warm running water. Thus, you can protect delicate skin from sudden temperature changes in winter, remove flaking and moisturize dry epidermis.

  • To cure the gastrointestinal tract, gastroenterologists recommend consuming fresh rapeseed oil on an empty stomach, a teaspoon several times a day.

You can also add it to snacks and salads, replacing other vegetable oils.

Possible contraindications and harm to the body

The most serious and dangerous deficiency in the composition of rapeseed oil is the presence of erucic acid. When accumulated, it begins to have a toxic effect, primarily on the liver, heart and musculoskeletal system.

Therefore, when choosing rapeseed oil in a store or pharmacy, you should pay special attention to the level of thioglycosides and the content of erucic acid.

Some pediatricians in European countries are against eating rapeseed oil by young children, believing that it is harmful to the fragile children's body.

When heated, oil releases carcinogens that provoke the development of cancer, as well as toxic substances that cannot be eliminated from the human body.

The main contraindications for which the use of rapeseed vegetable oil is prohibited are:

  • dysentery and diarrhea, which are accompanied by stool loss and vomiting;
  • cholecystitis in the acute stage and various types of hepatitis;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components in the oil;
  • allergic reactions, as if consumed in excess it can cause swelling, inflammation, irritation and itching.

Selection of rapeseed oil in the store and storage options

The main requirements for choosing vegetable oil include:

  • When choosing an oil, you need to pay attention to the presence of sediment in the bottle.

Its presence at the bottom of the container indicates low-quality raw materials that should not be eaten;

  • You should also pay attention to the ingredients label.

It must indicate the exact concentration of harmful erucic acid, it should not be more than 0.5%;

  • It is recommended to choose only refined oil that has gone through all stages of physical and chemical purification;
  • The label should not contain an inscription indicating that the product is hydrogenated.

This is the process of treating vegetable oil with water. In this case, it acquires an unstable chemical structure and is more susceptible to rancidity.

  • Rapeseed oil has a bright golden color and a faint pleasant aroma.

The ideal option for storing vegetable oil at home is a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid. At the same time, it is recommended to store it in a cool, dark place away from sunlight, so as not to lose all the healing substances.

In Russia, such oil is inexpensive; a liter can be purchased for around 100 rubles. This is due to the fact that it is easy to obtain and the cleaning process does not take much time and money. In addition, the rapeseed crop produces seeds more than three times a year.

Thus, each person chooses for himself whether rapeseed oil will benefit the body or cause harm. However, modern scientists believe that it has much more beneficial properties than other vegetable oils.

Rapeseed oil price

Although this product is extremely useful, it is not always available near your home. Finding a bottle with a valuable composition on the shelf of a large supermarket or buying it in an online store will not pose any special problems. What's the average rapeseed oil price? The product is inexpensive - within 45-60 rubles per 1 kg. Due to its affordable price, rapeseed oil may well compete with sunflower oil or more expensive olive oil, which is common in households.