I drink beer every other day, what should I do? What happens if you drink beer every day: excess weight and hormonal imbalances

A lot has been said about the dangers of beer. This low-alcohol drink negatively affects brain function and does not have the best effect on your figure. And most importantly, it slowly but surely leads to alcoholism. What is the truth in these words, and what is just a misconception of ardent opponents of alcohol? What happens if you drink beer every day?


In the deep Middle Ages, the British did not think about what would happen if they drank beer every day. Residents of Foggy Albion consumed ale in unlimited quantities. Until one of the kings became concerned about the fate of the nation and introduced prohibition. However, ale continued to be drunk furtively in abbeys, castles and huts on the outskirts of the city. After all, the forbidden drink is especially sweet.

In the seventh century, the English added honey to their ale. That's why it was really sweet. Only at the end of the Middle Ages did the British become familiar with the bitter drink. The bans had been lifted by that time. It would hardly have occurred to the wife of Henry VIII to ask advice from those close to her on how to wean her husband from drinking beer every day. The ruler drank at least four liters of intoxicating drink for breakfast.

There is no need to talk about German beer culture. There are few areas in Germany suitable for growing grapes. That’s why beer has been the only consolation for Germans since time immemorial. There are many varieties of this drink in Germany. Do Germans drink beer every day? Residents of modern Germany are unlikely. But until the beginning of the 20th century, Pilsner and other famous varieties were an integral part of the German meal.

Residents of Russia knew the German drink back in the pre-Petrine era. However, the Great Reformer believed in its extraordinary benefits, and therefore ordered each of the soldiers to use it daily. Catherine II did not deny herself the pleasure of drinking a glass or two of porter.

Beer is a man's drink. But even female representatives sometimes prefer it to the exquisite wines of Italy and France. Is it harmful to drink beer every day? What effect does it have on the body? In order to answer these questions, you need to understand the composition of this product.



  1. Hop.
  2. Malt.
  3. Sugar.
  4. Alcohol.

One of the main components is ethyl alcohol. What are the consequences of daily consumption?

Not everyone can stop drinking. Alcohol addiction is almost impossible to overcome. Alcohol is a danger to the body no matter how many degrees it has.

Question " How to stop drinking beer every day?"has become one of the most relevant today. But we’ll talk about the insidiousness of beer alcoholism later. First, a few words should be said about other consequences of consuming this drink.

Excess weight

You should stop drinking beer every day if only to get rid of extra pounds. That's what opponents of alcohol say. Consuming a foamy drink in unlimited quantities is certainly harmful. However, the fact that he adds extra pounds is rather a myth.

In some national cultures, this drink is usually called “liquid bread”. It contains barley, which explains its high calorie content. In fact, it is less harmful than other types of alcohol. At least it has fewer calories than vodka. It is not beer itself that is harmful, but the snacks that are traditionally combined with it.

According to culinary laws, it is customary to serve the following dishes with this drink:

  • nuts;
  • crackers;
  • chips;
  • dried fish.

All of these products are high in calories. If a person drinks beer every day and eats it with chips or salted nuts, he will certainly gain weight. Therefore, it is not so much the drink that is harmful to consume as the snacks that come with it.

There is another indirect reason for the appearance of extra pounds. A person drinks two to three liters of foamy drink. What are the consequences? The carbon dioxide contained in the drink causes the stomach to expand and irritate the receptors. A wild appetite appears. The body requires food. Moreover, mostly salty or spicy.

A person satisfies his needs by eating an impressive amount of food. And if such a meal ends every evening, then after a couple of months the extra pounds become noticeable. The conclusion that a person comes to in such a situation is: “ Beer is harmful, it makes you gain extra pounds».

Should I stop my husband from drinking beer?

Is a low-alcohol drink absolutely harmless? As the Germans say, there should be moderation in everything. Even in drinking their favorite drink.

As a result of research, scientists came to disappointing data. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink beer every day, given the statistical data, is clear. Men who drink it every day develop heart and digestive system diseases. They become irritable and, of course, have every chance of acquiring alcohol addiction. There are other consequences, less dangerous, but more unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view. Namely, a decrease in the production of male hormones.

Excess estrogen

That is, if a person spends several evenings a week in a pub or other drinking establishment, where the bar menu is dominated by foamy, low-alcohol drinks, will he soon, like the great French commander, turn into a woman? Of course no. There is no direct connection between beer consumption and the development of a particular disease. Diseases occur under the influence of many factors. But it’s still worth trying to stop your husband from drinking beer every evening. If only because this activity negatively affects male potency.

To justify beer, it is worth saying that Napoleon was never concerned with the question of how to stop drinking beer every day. The emperor suffered from a hormonal disease. He didn’t like beer at all, just like anything German.


Narcologists identify a special group of addicted people who prefer beer to other, stronger varieties of alcohol. In medicine, terms are not used to denote the different types of alcohol dependence.

The signs and symptoms of this disease do not depend on what a person prefers: beer, champagne, vodka or pure alcohol. Alcoholism is called beer alcoholism if it is caused by regular consumption of this low-alcohol drink. And this disease, unfortunately, has reached alarming proportions today.

Drinking beer is also harmful because drinking this drink leads to the development of alcohol dependence unnoticed. Intoxication comes slowly. A glass of cold drink calms you down and relieves stress. Few people are concerned with the problem of how to stop drinking beer every day. A bottle of Miller and Heineken is a logical end to a long working day for many. And, according to generally accepted opinion, drinking beer does not harm either physical or mental health.

The modern lifestyle involves the need to relax after every working day. For the vast majority of men, it has become the norm to drink 1 or 2 beers after work. Beer has become not only fashionable, but also necessary. The team looks askance at anyone who doesn’t drink. What should a woman whose husband drinks regularly do? After all, regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, including low-alcohol ones, implies the development of alcohol dependence.

My husband drinks beer every day

What should relatives do if their loved one drinks regularly? The problem of men drinking beer every day is typical for all developed countries of the world. Those who drink beer every day almost always consider their actions to be completely normal and not leading to negative consequences for their health. Beer is on the man's table every day. Many of these people are not only susceptible to beer alcohol addiction, but are often already chronically dependent on beer.

Why do many men drink beer every day?

Because many men don’t think that beer is alcohol. Others do not think that beer is harmful alcohol. Such men are convinced that beer is a tasty and aromatic drink that helps you relax and forget all your problems. Having bought beer, you can have a good time in the company of fellow lovers of the foamy drink. Beer, they believe, helps to relax and promotes fun communication in the company. Drinking beer on weekends has also acquired the status of a tradition.

All of the above is absolutely contrary to the opinion of doctors. Doctors unanimously say that beer contains alcohol and is an alcoholic drink. By drinking beer every day, you are putting your health at great risk.

How is beer produced in modern conditions?

Modern beer production technology involves the formation of many different substances from hops. Natural fermentation for 14 days or more implies natural beer production technology. Natural beer has a short shelf life. The production technology of modern beer is completely different. The fermentation period of such beer is significantly shorter than that of natural production. This fermentation does not occur naturally, but is accelerated by the use of several chemicals. The shelf life of such beer can be 6 months or more. The composition of modern beer includes the following components:

  • Alcohol (ethanol). Modern beer, as a rule, contains a fairly high concentration of ethanol (about 12 - 14%),
  • The taste and smell of modern beer is imparted through the use of harmful higher alcohols and esters,
  • The content of many toxic substances that are formed as a result of accelerated production is always present in modern beer,
  • Drugs (such as those similar to hemp) are typically found in the raw material for beer production (hops).

Useful properties of natural beer

In cases where men drink natural beer in small quantities, they experience the following: state of the body:

  • Possible decrease in blood pressure,
  • Reducing the chances of developing myocardial infarction,
  • Medicine has noted a decrease in the risk of cancer incidence,
  • Active ventilation of the lungs occurs,
  • Improvement in the body's metabolism.

What are the signs of beer alcoholism?

  • An irresistible craving for beer (alcohol) develops when a man drinks beer every day,
  • Drinking at least 1 liter of beer daily,
  • The single dose of beer consumed increases daily,
  • Drinking beer occurs frequently and regularly,
  • A man cannot stop drinking beer on his own,
  • A man who drinks beer every day completely denies his alcohol addiction,
  • Such a man has a strong belief that he can stop drinking at any time if he wants,
  • The need for a hangover in the morning is daily,
  • Constant bad mood, which increases after drinking another (often increased) portion of beer,
  • Modern beer contains some psychoactive substances. And in a sober state, a beer alcoholic has a poor memory and does not perceive any information well,
  • If there is no opportunity to drink beer, then a person develops unreasonable aggression,
  • A beer alcoholic begins to violate generally accepted rules of behavior and moral standards, as he begins to drink beer in places where it is prohibited (stadiums, playgrounds, etc.),
  • The person’s figure becomes obese, and the body becomes flabby and loose,
  • Noisy and heavy breathing appears,
  • The appearance of severe pathology. This is evidenced by “bags” under the eyes,
  • Beer addiction has a very negative effect on the heart. Regular consumption of large amounts of beer strains the cardiovascular system, which wears out. The heart muscle wears out quickly and becomes flabby. The result of this is the heart’s poor performance of its functions, that is, the heart poorly supplies the body with oxygen,
  • The body of a beer alcoholic simply requires regular drinking of beer. A beer alcoholic can switch to stronger alcoholic drinks,
  • The man becomes irritated. His irritation is observed constantly and decreases only when he drinks beer,
  • A beer alcoholic constantly has loose stools and diarrhea,
  • His blood pressure is high,
  • The chronic form of beer alcoholism leads to the destruction of brain cells and dementia,
  • Modern beer is a very high-calorie drink. Constant drinking of beer contributes to the appearance of a beer belly,
  • Beer increases appetite, which also leads to changes in figure. The figure becomes obese
  • The production of the male sex hormone, testosterone, is significantly reduced. A man begins to have problems in his sexual life and fertilization,
  • The hair that is characteristic of men begins to decrease significantly,
  • Human biorhythms are disrupted. This means that he cannot sleep at night, and during the day he really wants to sleep,
  • There is a gradual feminization of men.

How do internal organs and their functions change if you drink beer every day?

Drinking beer every day will inevitably destroy the body:

  • The heart of an alcoholic. The fact is that using a high concentration of cobalt to form thick and high foam on beer greatly damages the cells of the heart tissue at the cellular level. A large amount of beer consumed overloads the heart and the human circulatory system becomes overloaded with beer. The consequence of this is a significant increase in the size of the heart muscle. The heart becomes flabby and works very poorly.
  • Alcoholic brain. Beer has a very negative effect on the brain, destroying its cells. Beer contains microdoses of cadaverine, which destroy blood vessels in the brain. All this leads to the alcoholic developing dementia and personality destruction.
  • Reproductive functions of an alcoholic. Testicular pathology occurs in all beer alcoholics. The body stops producing male hormones androgens, which are responsible for stimulating a man’s sexual desire. The result of this is a decrease or complete absence of sexual desire (libido) in a man.
  • The digestive tract of an alcoholic. Excessive drinking of beer overloads the human food system. In this case, the most negative effect is on the liver. The infection barrier is reduced. A person experiences various inflammatory processes and cirrhosis. In men, digestion is disrupted and food ceases to be absorbed. An alcoholic suffers from severe pain. There is medical evidence that beer alcoholics develop colon cancer.
  • Alcoholic kidneys. Beer has a diuretic effect. As a result, all substances useful and necessary for the body are washed out of the body. The kidney vessels become thinner and work under overload. Hemorrhage in the kidneys is possible.

What is the difference between beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism has several differences:

  • Beer addiction develops very quickly,
  • Society ignores the problem of beer alcoholism, considering beer a harmless drink,
  • Anyone who drinks beer in unlimited quantities does not consider it dangerous, and therefore does not try to get rid of alcohol addiction,
  • For a long time, addiction to beer is invisible to people around,
  • Drug addicts equate beer with drugs. Increased aggression occurs in those who drink beer regularly. This effect of beer on the human psyche and body explains the facts of murders, fights, robbery and rape after beer gatherings.

The problem of beer addiction

  • During Soviet times, almost non-alcoholic beer was brewed. This beer contained no more than 1.2% ethyl alcohol. Modern beers are produced with a strength of about 12 - 14 degrees. Dry wine has exactly the same characteristics. Previously, beer was consumed to quench thirst, but today beer is a strong drink;
  • The current trend in drinking beer is such that children and adolescents (that is, those who have not reached the age of 18) drink beer uncontrollably and regularly. Statistics show that teenagers drink beer about 3 or 4 times a week in a volume of over 1 liter at a time. Being in adolescence, the human body is still developing and that is why addiction to alcohol occurs faster;
  • If drinking beer has become a daily occurrence, then the person has already developed an alcohol addiction. Medicine says that beer alcoholism, like any other addiction, is very difficult to treat.

What can I do to get a man to stop drinking beer?

If a husband drinks beer in large quantities and regularly, what can and should his wife do?

If a wife loves her husband, she will take all possible actions to rid her husband of the harmful habit of drinking.

It is necessary to understand why the man began to drink:

  • How many liters of beer does your husband drink daily?
  • What strength beer does he usually drink?
  • Do you regularly increase the dose of beer you drink?
  • How does your husband's behavior change before drinking?
  • How appropriate is a man’s behavior after drinking beer?
  • If you tell your husband that his regular drinking of beer is harmful to his health, what is his reaction?
  • It is necessary to determine how strong his dependence on beer is. Try making a bet so that your husband stops drinking beer within a month and see how he feels during this period. In the event that his mood is depressed and it is not easy for him to resist alcohol, this means that beer alcoholism has already set in.
  • Look at your husband's reaction to your words that you are very concerned and upset about his excessive drinking of beer. Does he himself realize that he is deteriorating?
  • In the case when the portion of beer does not increase and remains small from time to time, and the spouse’s behavior is quite adequate, then you should not be afraid. However, if this does not happen, then most likely he has already developed an alcohol addiction.

The wife must show wisdom and change herself, and then help her husband change for the better. What should a wife do if her husband drinks beer every day:

  • Analyze the current situation and try to draw conclusions. Don't give in to your own emotions. Think about why the man began to drink and abuse beer. Maybe your spouse does not feel like a man needed by the family and does not feel that he is the head of the family? Perhaps the man, for some reason, is constrained in his actions and actions. Perhaps he doesn’t have free time that he can spend on hobbies or relaxation? Maybe he doesn't have a hobby? Perhaps the cause of alcoholism lies at work or at home? Does he have psychological discomfort?
  • It is important to set yourself a goal. At the same time, it must be clearly and correctly formulated. It’s not so important to think about what you need to get rid of, but rather to formulate the desired result. That is, what you want to achieve as a result of your actions.
  • Try to carefully and delicately, but constructively, explain to your husband the consequences of abusing low-alcohol drinks and especially beer. The greatest influence is exerted by the given facts about a decrease in sexual male power (problems with potency). As a rule, it is this fact that makes men think hard about their behavior.
  • It would be wise to find an alternative drink for a man to drink. It is important to teach him to relax without the help of beer or any other alcohol. A good rest is considered to be a bath with aromatic oils, massage, fitness, etc.
  • Be sure to change the atmosphere in the family. Change your own attitude towards your husband. Ask him what he is missing? Perhaps he lacks warm relationships within the family or comfort and homeliness? Try to communicate a lot with your husband, walk together on the street, parks, etc. Prepare home-made and healthy food.
  • Try to be closer to your husband. Show interest in his official affairs. Be sure to take an interest in his hobbies and interests. Watch football and hockey with your husband, go fishing or hunting together. Traveling together helps a lot in bringing people together.
  • Try to discuss your joint plans a lot. Discuss and consult with him about your affairs and work. Help your spouse see the prospect of developing a life without alcohol.
  • A man should feel loved by all family members. Give him a lot of time. Hug him, be sure to kiss him several times a day.
  • Change yourself. Go to the mirror and take a critical look at your reflection. Maybe it's time for you to change your image or hairstyle? Maybe you need to change your makeup and clothing style? Try to seem like a weak and defenseless woman and be gentler with your husband. At every opportunity, ask him for help, even in small things around the house.
  • Together with your husband, it is advisable to calculate your family’s budget. How much money does he spend on beer? How much money do you spend on other purchases? Perhaps you should start saving for something big? This could be a new car or a summer house, or renovations in an apartment, or newfangled fishing gear, etc.
  • It is convenient to use the situation with the car as an argument. For example, if your husband is an avid motorist and has his own car. Here you can play on the legal aspect of the issue of driving. Abuse of beer is not approved by traffic police inspectors. Drunk driving has many negative and destructive consequences.
  • Psychologists believe that alcohol addiction develops in those who feel their lives are empty. As a rule, such people lack passion, warm and sensitive relationships, and recognition of their positive qualities. Prohibitions and moralizing will not have the desired effect and will not help eliminate alcohol addiction. It is important to replace alcoholism and its manifestations with useful and necessary activities. A person must himself realize the harmfulness of his addiction and voluntarily come to change his lifestyle. It is the wisdom of a loving wife that should help her in getting rid of her husband’s alcohol addiction. Try not to force things and not to put psychological pressure on your spouse, as this will lead to the opposite result and he will become even worse in his habit. Your tenderness towards your husband, friendliness, love and great patience will help you save your spouse.

Techniques that are advisable to use to prevent your spouse from becoming an alcoholic

What to do if your spouse drinks beer very often?

  • Issues of alcohol addiction of any family member must and must be resolved calmly, peacefully and without scandals;
  • Do not start a conflict if your spouse drinks beer often, irregularly and in small portions;
  • Develop a clear action plan and start fighting for a healthy life for your spouse;
  • Begin to methodically eradicate your spouse’s addiction if he drinks a large amount of beer every day, but can still control his condition;
  • Explain to your spouse all the consequences of alcohol addiction;
  • When the situation has reached the point of alcohol addiction and the spouse gets drunk regularly and shows aggression, then it is necessary to immediately seek qualified medical help.

How to treat beer alcoholism

Getting rid of beer addiction is considered a difficult task both for the addict himself and for his attending physician. Narcologists associate beer with a drug, since it contains narcotic substances. Treatment of beer alcoholism involves the help of qualified doctors:

  • It is necessary to eliminate all manifestations of alcohol dependence;
  • It is necessary to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • It is necessary to stimulate the work of internal organs affected by alcohol;
  • Detoxification medications must be administered.

A positive result of recovery from alcohol addiction is possible only with the coordination of the efforts of the doctor and the alcoholic patient. Official medicine widely uses drugs to help combat alcoholism. Such drugs are divided into 3 groups:

  • drugs that cause alcohol intolerance,
  • medications that reduce the need for alcohol,
  • drugs that help relieve hangovers.

Drinking beer every day. Why does a person do this? The answer to this question needs to be understood not only by the wife, but also by the attending physician. Treatment of alcohol addiction will be successful if the patient himself is aware of his problem, as well as all the risks that are associated with it. It is necessary that the main desire of an alcoholic is to get rid of alcohol addiction. If the patient himself does not want to be treated, then in this case the doctor must reduce the daily portions of beer. This process must be consistent and rigorous. It is important to change your current lifestyle. For example, if your spouse always combines watching evening TV shows and movies with drinking beer, then you should try to use this period of time in a different way: go for a walk, visit the gym or go to the sauna. This kind of time will help you change habits and change your lifestyle.

A good way is a simple piggy bank. A person addicted to alcohol should take a piggy bank and every time he wants to buy beer, he should throw money into the piggy bank instead of buying it. The accumulated funds can be used to purchase something needed or desired. This technique is a good additional incentive when getting rid of addiction.

It is no secret that daily consumption of beer causes great harm to human health. Beer is useful only when it is naturally brewed and is consumed rarely and in small doses. Regular drinking of low quality beer and in large doses will certainly lead to beer alcoholism. This disease has many negative consequences and manifestations in the human body and his life in general. The functioning of absolutely all internal organs in the body is disrupted. However, such a disease can and should be treated. The beginning of treatment for alcoholism is an understanding of the reasons that were the initial impetus. After this, it is advisable to take measures to treat beer alcoholism.

Alcoholism does not have to be associated with strong drinks. You only have to look at hop lovers to understand what will happen if you drink beer every day. We can immediately say that this drink will not bring anything good to a person’s life, and over time it will result in real problems for all family members.

When and how was beer invented?

Today it is difficult to say who came up with the very first beer recipe. Most likely, nature itself prompted man, with the help of fermented grains. Brewing traditions spread over thousands of kilometers; this drink could be found almost anywhere in the world. And the point here is not its usefulness:

  • It is not difficult to prepare; even a thousand years ago, the level of technology made it possible to cook a high-quality product.
  • Low production costs.
  • You can brew beer in almost any climate, as long as you have hops.
  • Before you get drunk, you need to drink a lot of beer, which makes the drink ideal for long feasts.

By and large, for many years our ancestors had a choice only between wine and beer:

Based on all that has been said, you might think that beer is an ideal choice for a holiday and, in general, a wonderful drink. Perhaps this is really a good option for infrequent “get-togethers,” but the fact is that people now prefer to enjoy hops for any occasion:

  1. End of the work week? Why not have a drink.
  2. Start of the weekend? Another great reason to “sip” on the beer.
  3. Is your hard day at work over? Time to return home with a 2 liter bottle.
  4. Does your favorite team play football? Certainly not without beer.

Such husbands are not uncommon; it just so happens that it is the “strong half” that is most often affected by alcoholism.

To change the situation for the better, you will have to resort to tricks:

  • Go to a narcologist on your own and get an “in absentia” consultation. You may be advised of special medications that can cause an aversion to alcohol.
  • Refuse to perform your duties when your husband touches the bottle. If he wants to drink beer, let him cook his own dinner, do his laundry and clean the house.
  • Show coldness on those days when your loved one preferred beer and be the very charm when your husband is sober. If a person has at least some feelings left, he will make a choice on his own.
  • Enlist the help of his comrades and colleagues. Perhaps the authority of acquaintances will make some impression on the novice alcoholic.

How can a woman stop drinking beer?

But sometimes women are also susceptible to this addiction. Often, in such cases, the whole family already drinks, and the wife begins to drink alcohol, imitating her husband. But there are also exceptions.

Any external load wears out our body, but its safety margin has a certain limit. Almost every girl dreams of giving birth to a healthy child, or maybe even several.

Pregnancy and childbirth are also additional stresses that require the mobilization of all resources. Therefore, beautiful ladies, before drinking, should understand:

  1. Alcoholism is a mental disorder and in women it is almost impossible to cure.
  2. Every glass of beer or glass of something stronger ages you and negates your natural attractiveness.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth will most likely not pass without pathologies if you have a solid “experience” behind you.
  4. Everyone is only interested in their own well-being, so you will have to deal with the problem on your own. Perhaps relatives and close friends may provide some help.

Awareness of the problem will be the first step towards quitting beer. The main thing is that the first step does not turn out to be the last, resulting in depression and additional depression.

How to stop drinking beer every day?

Beer is in many ways better than strong alcoholic drinks, but this does not mean that you can and should drink it regularly, every day:

  • Try to occupy yourself with something else, find a more interesting pastime.
  • Decide for yourself, for what purpose do you drink alcohol? Perhaps the problem is something completely different, and it needs to be solved, and not drowned in booze?
  • Figure out what is more important to you - beer or the well-being of your family. Choosing between a drink and your favorite people is not that difficult.
  • Replace beer with kvass or lemonade in your diet. This is a trick to deceive the body and consciousness.
  • The first time can be really difficult, then once a week you can “skip” a bottle non-alcoholic drink
  • Take advantage of the support of others, if you have any. Everyone has their own problems, but caring people are always ready to provide all possible help.

It is necessary to sharply and decisively stop drinking beer, but if it doesn’t work out, then it would be a good idea to at least reduce the amount consumed. This will also affect your health.

What is the harm from constant drinking of beer?

It's easy to guess that Constant consumption of intoxicating drinks will not improve your health:

  1. The nervous system develops dependence. Over time, the impact will intensify and alcoholic degeneration of nervous tissue will occur.
  2. , due to changes in blood pressure and dysregulation of vascular tone.
  3. Liver forced to work “double shifts”, coping with toxins constantly entering the blood.
  4. The kidneys have to remove much more fluid from the body, first filtering it. Overloading this system has far-reaching consequences.

Most changes in tissue occur over time, taking months and even years. But the psyche “shatters” the fastest; even a month is enough to form an addiction. As a result, a “vicious circle” is formed when a new dose of alcohol comes simply because the body requires it. And every new glass you drink leads to the fact that more and more often you want to please yourself with hops again.

It’s better not to learn from your own example what will happen if you drink beer every day. At least from a purely aesthetic point of view, such a picture can hardly be called pleasant.

Video: is regular beer consumption harmful?

In this video, narcologist Valery Sutotsky will tell you what can happen to you if you drink a bottle of beer every day:

It is not known for certain who invented beer, but it has been proven that its history goes back centuries. Today it is difficult to meet an adult who does not know this foamy drink and does not love it for its taste. According to statistics, about 27 liters of beer per capita are consumed annually in Russia, and in Germany - 127.4. The Czech Republic is in first place for this indicator. Here there are 161.4 liters per person. Due to the fact that there are more and more beer drinkers every day, in our country this drink is one of the most profitable products in grocery stores and departments.

What is the product

Beer is a low-alcohol, foamy drink rich in carbon dioxide. Production occurs through the fermentation of hopped malt wort with brewer's yeast. There are three types of drink according to the type of fermentation:

  • grassroots;
  • riding;
  • spontaneous.

The last two varieties are preferred by gourmets. But the majority are still lovers of one and a half or two liters of the first category. The forums are full of reviews about fun get-togethers every day in warm company.

Positive points

The product is considered refreshing, has a special hop aroma and a pleasant bitter taste. The drink is used to quench thirst, increase body tone and normalize metabolism. After all, beer contains a high content of vitamins B, H and PP. The drink consists of 90% water, 5% sugars and only 4.5% alcohol. It also contains a small amount of carbon dioxide, proteins and mineral salts.

Beer lovers can justify their addiction to it precisely because of the beneficial properties of the product. It is worth making a reservation: all the positive qualities are valid only in natural, unfiltered beer, which fully contains useful microelements. After all, they help:

  • activate metabolism;
  • stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • improve digestion due to increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • saturate the body with useful substances;
  • prevent the development of atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, cancer and heart attack;
  • eliminate underweight in people who are too thin.

In order for drinking beer to be beneficial, you need to know about the maximum permissible standards. It is recommended to drink no more than a liter of drink per day containing three to five percent ethanol. This dosage is the upper limit, which will not cause harm and a way to gain weight. However, you should not go to the upper limit. Consuming the maximum amount daily leads to the development of beer alcoholism. The question is precisely why it is harmful to drink the foamy elixir too much and often.

The dangers of beer addiction

According to narcologists, the harmfulness of the drink lies in the low percentage of alcohol it contains. This does not reduce the harmful effects of beer on the body. It is recommended to change your mind and treat the foamy drink like vodka or other strong drinks. In addition, a person gets used to beer 3-4 times faster than to stronger liquids.

The effect of tonic foamy drinks on the body is similar to the effect of moonshine. Beer contains substances similar in composition to vodka. Therefore, daily libations usually result in extremely unpleasant consequences. These include:

  • destruction of brain cells - a chemical compound present in beer leads to the development of dementia;
  • disruption of the heart - carbon dioxide and cobalt destroy the muscle layer of the organ, which leads to enlargement and weakening of the myocardium;
  • indigestion and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - daily consumption of beer washes out essential vitamins and microelements from the body, leading to overload of the kidneys.

It turns out that frequent drinking of beer is alcoholism with consequences similar to vodka addiction.

How to recognize addiction

Most fans consider drinking beer a way of pleasant relaxation and warm communication. But it has been proven that the beer drink is a full-fledged alcoholic drink, since it contains ethanol. It causes no less harm than vodka or cognac.

Beer alcoholism is determined by the following criteria:

In addition, beer addiction often leads to sexual dysfunction, the appearance of an excess eyelid, and the destruction of liver cells. Such alcoholics sleep poorly and only cause, as the Italians would say, pieta (pity). We must not forget that such addiction is difficult to treat, but it is possible to wean a person from drinking beer every day.

Consequences for women

The foamy drink has an extremely detrimental effect on the body of the fair sex. When young and adult women drink beer, the functioning of the hormonal system is disrupted. “Invigorating elixir” contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, so the body gradually stops producing its own substances. This leads to serious health problems, and, first of all, reproductive ones. Girls and adult women are more likely to experience:

  • cysts of various origins;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • uterine fibroids.

This is only a small part of the problems that beer abuse leads to. All of them lead to infertility. Regular drinking of beer while carrying a baby threatens his health and life. Such women experience miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and stillbirths and premature babies. Breastfeeding mothers should not drink beer either, as ethanol leads to the development of all sorts of pathologies in the baby.

Beer alcoholics have a high risk of cancer. “Non-fatal” but aesthetically unpleasant consequences are:

  • obesity;
  • "beer" belly;
  • swollen face;
  • cellulite;
  • dull hair and gray skin.

To prevent such results, you need to wean yourself from daily libations and know how much you can drink.

Consequences for men

Externally, beer alcoholism among the powers that be manifests itself in the same way as in women: excess body weight, bloated belly, and more. In addition, phytoestrogens lead to changes in appearance. A man becomes like a woman:

  • breast enlarges;
  • hips are rounded;
  • hair disappears on the body and face.

As a result, erectile function is impaired in men, early ejaculation occurs and sperm quality deteriorates. Naturally, all this leads to the inability to have children, premature death from heart attack, ischemia, stroke and cancer. Any representative of the stronger sex, be it a husband or a son, should stop drinking often, even a weak, but still alcoholic, drink.

Consequences for teenagers

It is with regret that we have to admit that minors also become addicted to beer. The consequences for fragile organisms are even worse. Children ruin their health ahead of time. The result is barren girls and feminine boys.

Addiction treatment

In the presence of this disease, an enzymatic failure occurs. As a result, alcohol breakdown products and toxins are poorly removed from organs and tissues. To restore the system you need:

  • carry out detoxification with a complete cessation of drinking beer (one and a half to two months);
  • consolidate the result with the help of a psychologist.

The advanced form of the disease requires drug treatment. In order for a person to stop drinking beer, the same medications are used as for getting rid of regular alcohol addiction, as well as coding, psychology and folk remedies. The use of herbs allows you to relieve cravings and cause a complete aversion to alcohol in the patient.

The help, support and advice of relatives is no less important. This helps eliminate psychological dependence.

Family members of the patient should:

  • motivate an alcoholic to exercise;
  • refuse beer and any alcohol together with a loved one;
  • organize proper nutrition.

In addition, during treatment, a beer addict is not recommended to eat sweets, watch provocative films and programs, avoid beer advertising, and not visit places where one might want to drink foam. And then it will be easier for him to stop drinking this drink.

"Golden mean"

Situations where a husband drinks beer every day, and his wife makes comments to him about non-compliance with the norm, are not uncommon in our society. How to determine what the “golden mean” is? For each person, this indicator differs depending on the state of health and characteristics of the body, as well as the strength of the drink consumed.

Scientists have found that a human body weighing 70 kg is able to process only 170 grams of pure ethyl alcohol per day. Translating to a safe beer standard, we can say:

  • women should not consume more than 330 ml every day;
  • men - 500 ml.

It is precisely these volumes of beer that will not harm your health and will not lead to addiction. If you form an attitude in your head about the drink as a medicine and drink it as a healing substance, then you won’t have to worry about negative consequences.

Summarize. Is it safe to drink beer every day? Yes, but only for an adult and one bottle of the permissible size. At the same time, if you suffer from any chronic diseases, it is better to stop drinking beer every day and stop drinking alcohol-containing products altogether. The safe dosage established by scientists is applicable only to healthy people. If there are contraindications, life should be alcohol-free.

Beer is considered one of the most popular low-alcohol drinks today. It perfectly quenches thirst in the heat, and after a hard day you really want to relax by drinking a bottle or two of cold, aromatic beer. Well, how can you deny yourself the pleasure of buying such a refreshing drink to go with a barbecue, with salted fish, or just when meeting with friends? How can you watch a football match without it?

Undoubtedly, for fans of foamy beer, beer is a light, harmless drink, after drinking which there is no hangover or heaviness (for example, compared to vodka). That's why many people drink it every day. But how harmless are “only natural hops and malt”, so zealously promoted and advertised everywhere?

Is beer a healthy or harmful drink?

Brewing has its roots in ancient times. The product itself contains live yeast, beneficial for the body, B vitamins, silicon, as well as a large amount of antioxidants. In addition, several diets have even been developed based on beer, and its normalized consumption has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Where then did the term “beer alcoholism” come from and why do doctors unanimously declare that beer is harmful to health?

The main enemy of everyone who drinks this intoxicating drink is the complete absence of any norm. As a rule, people drink a lot of beer, with or without reason. The state of intoxication is achieved as a result of uncontrolled doses, which in terms of “degrees” can be compared with the use of vodka. The alcohol component contained in beer affects the functioning of the brain and the central nervous system as a whole.

Like, how much alcohol is in a bottle of beer? Half a liter of drink, depending on its type and strength, contains from 20 to 40 g of ethanol. And, as you know, ethanol is a neurotoxic substance that has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system and brain function at the cellular level. Even a seemingly harmless three or four mugs a day can cause addiction.

What are the consequences of drinking beer with “addiction”?

As sad as it may be, external negative signs of excessive passion for beer sooner or later make themselves felt. A rounded face and an impressive beer belly always indicate lovers of an intoxicating drink. The reason is that the kidneys cannot cope with the large amount of fluid entering the body, resulting in edema. Polyuria or increased urination is a fairly common phenomenon among beer consumers.

The liver is especially under attack when trying to cleanse the body of incoming alcohol. In the future, this can lead to chronic disturbances in its functioning and, as a consequence, to cirrhosis of the liver.

The medical term "bull heart" or, more simply, enlarged heart is a typical syndrome for people dependent on alcohol. It is caused by the damaging effects of alcoholic beverages. Arrhythmia, developing heart failure, high blood pressure are serious consequences that arise from excessive consumption of beer, even if it is considered low-alcohol.

It's no secret that the drink, beloved by many, contains estrogens of plant origin, similar to female hormones. For men, this is fraught with an increase in weight, the size of the mammary glands, as well as a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm.

To drink or not to drink – that is the question

Of course, you can drink beer, and even need it in reasonable quantities. But not every day. A couple of half liter bottles per week will be enough. And then one of the most ancient drinks will reveal all its best qualities, among which it should be noted a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in appetite, saturation of the body with useful microelements and vitamins, diuretic properties, and improved kidney function.

Conclusion: You can drink beer every day! And even necessary, but in small quantities! Beer improves short-term memory. But drink no more than 0.5 liters of beer per day. Doctors recommend limiting the daily dose of the foamy drink to 0.33 liters per day. At the same time, you must take breaks for several days and drink only natural, high-quality beer!