Protection from soil pests. What do common pests of garden plants look like? Pests affecting above-ground parts of plants

Listed ways to control pests and diseases effective in restoring the natural balance of the soil. However, most of our plots are far from this, and we are simply forced to use special preparations to save plants. As we know, any pesticides act en masse, that is, they affect not only the pest or disease, but also everything they come into contact with. Enough to mention imidacpopride, which is part of almost all chemical preparations for the Colorado potato beetle. If pollinating insects are exposed to these drugs, the result of the effect on them will be the same as on the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle: blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in the body, paralysis of nerve endings. As a result, pollinating insects lose their natural instincts and become unviable.

Do not use detergents or strong soaps as they are harmful to plants, soil and insects. Urine diluted in water and watered on plants kills pests. Mix 1 cup of urine with 10 cups of water. Let sit for 10 days in a closed container. After 10 days, cover the crops with this mixture.

Boil 1 cup of tobacco leaves or cigarette butts in 5 liters of water. Sift through the leaves or cigarette butts, add a little soap and spray the plants. Be careful not to apply tobacco to tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants as it harms these plants, and tobacco does not kill most pests that attack these crops.

Biological products act selectively, indirectly. They can be classified as probiotics (from the Latin “for life”), while chemical drugs are more likely to be antibiotics (from the Latin “against life”). The action of biological products is aimed at increasing plant immunity and resistance to pest damage.

We notice the main symptoms of the disease on the foliage, sometimes without even suspecting that the causative agent of the scourge may be under our feet the rest of the time - in the soil. And only under favorable weather conditions do spores of fungal diseases spread to the leaves, germinating and infecting cultivated plants. These diseases can be suppressed in two ways. The first one is permanent mulching plantings, which poses a serious barrier to the spread of diseases from the soil with rising air currents. Second - treatment with EM preparations, which effectively suppress pathogens, providing general improvement to the soil layer.

Physical methods of pest control

Avoid smearing your face or clothes with tobacco water. Avoid inhaling steam while boiling tobacco leaves. There are many methods of controlling pests or encouraging predators and parasites to act based on their habits and life cycles. Talk to other farmers to find out what methods they use.

Many birds, bats, insects and snakes eat pests and pollinate crops. You can tell which birds eat by observing the type of beak they have and the actions they perform on the ground. To scare away birds that eat their crops, some farmers hang brightly colored objects such as shiny paper, ribbons nearby. old cassettes and metal scraps.

However, diseases are found not only in our area, but also in our neighbors and in the neighboring field. They can come to us with the wind, on the legs of birds or insects. Therefore, it is necessary to spray plants on the foliage with biological products. Since the bulk of diseases are fungal and viral, the drug is intended to strengthen immunity to these diseases mikosan. Getting inside the plant, this biological product causes the production of an enzyme that dissolves the virus shell, and therefore the plants themselves successfully resist diseases. Because action mikosana continues for 2-3 weeks, then in order to avoid damage to plants, spraying in for preventive purposes We do it once a month. If it rains, we carry out preventive treatment after it. But preventing a disease is much easier than dealing with its manifestation, and even more so with the consequences.

Although almost all bats eat mosquitoes, some eat fruit and others eat other animals. If you watch what they eat or look at the remains of their food under where they sleep, they can know if they are eating the fruits of their trees or insects that bite people or eat crops.

Some physical pest control methods

To control fruit fly, place some fruits that are rotting in plastic bottle with holes the same size as flies. Hang it with fruit tree, which you want to protect, 6 weeks before the fruit ripens. The flies will fly into the bottle and will not be able to leave.

The most dangerous periods from the point of view of disease damage are early spring, when flowering stone fruit gardens are affected by moniliosis, and mid-summer, when high humidity and temperature, plants die from late blight almost before our eyes. It is at this time that it is worth increasing our vigilance and carrying out processing mikosan increased concentration. The drug works even with low temperatures, it is enough for the plants to be in a state of physiological activity. Therefore, when protecting against moniliosis, treatment can be carried out on flowering trees.

Drill holes in the bottle. Fruit fly trap. Many small wasps feed on pollen and pests. Plants that bloom and produce abundant pollen can be grown to attract this type of wasp, which in turn will protect the crop from pests.

Tall trees planted in a field can stop locusts or make them pass by. They also provide shelter for beneficial insects. Ants are fierce predators. If the weevil damages your crop, spray the branches or strawberry crops with sugar. The ants will be attracted to the sugar water and they will stay to eat the weevils!

When the air temperature rises to 15 degrees, you can carry out regular spraying with the solution radiance. By treating green foliage with cultures of living microorganisms, we obtain a complex result. Some microorganisms on the surface of the plant effectively suppress the development of pathogens and pathogens. Some of it penetrates into the plant and enters the root system with cell sap, where it contributes to the effective supply of nutrients. The same microorganisms that remain in the leaves and stems of the plant increase its overall immunity, which leads to a decrease in morbidity.

Many flying insects lay eggs in crops. The eggs are then incubated with pests such as weevils and caterpillars. If you hang a torch or lamp on top of a bucket or covered with a hollow one filled with water, the light will attract flying insects that will fall into the water and drown, thus solving the problem earlier. who laid the eggs and these incubations.

Change location and crop mix

Crops belonging to the same plant family can be affected by the same pests and diseases. For example, if potatoes are always planted in one field, potato beetles may become established and reproduce in that field. If, on the other hand, every 3 years something is planted that the beetles cannot eat, they will leave or die. The third year's crop should not be from the potato family, such as tomatoes or peppers, but from an entirely different plant, such as corn. This method is known as crop rotation.

So, in nature, weakened plants are most susceptible to diseases. Their immunity may be weakened due to insufficient nutrition or as a result of temperature changes. Plants especially suffer from spring return frosts or summer dry winds. To reduce stress and increase plant resistance, you can treat them with a solution Mars- an organic polymer that increases the density of cell sap. This leads to a decrease in the freezing point and, as a result, an increase in the frost resistance of the plant. In hot weather, the evaporation of moisture through the surface of the leaf decreases, which allows maintaining turgor. All this increases the plant’s resistance to adverse weather conditions.

To avoid diseases and pests, you can do 2 things: rotate the crop or divide different cultures. Rotating the crop serves to control diseases and pests by depriving them of food. It also improves the soil as it adds various nutrients. If, for example, crops grow from grains one season and beans the next, the land will be enriched. The grains will grow taller and provide organic matter, while the beans will add nitrogen to the soil.

Sow multiple crops together

Milk thistle attracts harmful aphids. There are few aphids near edible crops. Distracting plants attract pests. keeping them away from crops. Planting different types of crops provides favorable habitats for life and makes it difficult for pests to find the crops they love to eat. Planting different types of crops also improves food security because if one crop fails, there will be others that can be used. Landing different cultures one next to the other protects against pests in three ways.

On the ground in my flowerpots (not all plants) live white small and long insects, about 1-2 mm, that jump when I loosen the ground. Replanting into new soil did not help; the pests appeared again after a few weeks. I watered it with Actellik once, but it didn’t help. What to do? Where do they come from? And black and dark gray insects that look like midges fly over the pots. What are they called and how to get rid of them?

If you plant something more attractive to pests than the crop itself, the pests will remain in that plant as a distraction and will not attack your crop. What pests affect our crops. Different kinds pests can affect our crops. These organisms can attack roots, stems and foliage, reducing yield and product quality. Those organisms that attack roots usually survive in the soil and wait until they find the necessary conditions environment to attack their host plants.

However, those organisms that attack plant organs that are above ground are carried by wind, rain, or mechanically by insects and people. Diseases caused by bacteria. Bacteria are microscopic organisms that primarily affect the foliage organs of plants. Compared to fungi and viruses, bacteria cause fewer diseases. Bacteria can affect the transfer of water and nutrients from roots to leaves. They can reproduce in large quantities and block xylem and phloem, essential organs for distributing nutrients in the plant.

In summer, the soil in flowerpots quickly dries out and in order to water the plants less often, many people pour more water. It is not right.
Firstly, water displaces air from the soil and the roots suffocate.
Secondly, wet soil quickly deteriorates - it turns sour or alkalized and a whitish or rusty coating appears on the surface.
And thirdly, wet ground(namely wet, not humid) habitat of moisture-loving soil creatures. These are various flower flies: sciarids(or they are called tomato, fruit or fungus gnats), cucumber gnats and fruit flies (vinegar or fruit flies). And springtails(or fools), wood lice, enchitraea and others.
All flies love a wet substrate and the presence of undecomposed plant debris in the soil. They only lay eggs in wet soil. Small larvae eat plant residues in the soil, turning them into a sticky and viscous mass. This causes the soil to become compacted and air access to the roots to decrease. The roots and stem rot, the leaves become dull and lose their elasticity. When there are many larvae, they feed on the roots of the flower.
Flying adult sciarids are harmless. And adult cucumber mosquitoes and fruit flies damage the growing point and succulent tissues of plants in the absence of rotting fruits and vegetables in the house.
Flower flies cannot live in dry and poorly moistened soil. When the top layer of soil in the pot dries out between waterings, the eggs and larvae die. Therefore, the main way to deal with them is proper watering plants. The flower is watered after upper layer the soil will dry out slightly. And if there are flying flies, water even less often, when the top 2 cm layer of soil dries out.
If there are a lot of flying sciarid flies, use insecticides(agravertine, actara, actellik, intavir, kinmiks, fitoverm). Water the soil with an insecticide solution prepared as for spraying, 80-100 ml per 0.7 liter pot, 2 times every 7 days. Or, soil insecticides in granules (grom-2, basadine) are scattered in a thin layer over slightly damp soil, mixed with the top layer of soil and then watered thoroughly. After treating the soil with preparations, you should not water the plants for 3-5 days, so as not to weaken the effect of the insecticide by reducing its concentration or leaching from the soil coma.

Bacteria can also affect foliage by creating angular spots on the edges or necrotic areas surrounded by a yellow ring. Necrotic spots are caused when bacteria manage to colonize tissue and use the plant's nutrients to survive and reproduce. There are several means to combat bacterial diseases.

Diseases caused by fungi. Mushrooms are important organisms in many environmental aspects. They are responsible for breaking down organic matter, but they can also affect our crops. They affect almost all plant tissues. When they parasitize leaves, we can observe necrotic spots that, through a microscope, reflect the reproductive structures of the fungus. The spores are very characteristic of each fungus and are used by plant pathologists to identify them. These spores are primarily dispersed by wind, but they can also be transmitted by water and mechanically.

Jumping white and small insects are springtails. The main fight against them is not to over-moisten the soil. When there are a lot of pests, remove the top layer of soil by 2-3 cm, water it with an insecticide solution and add dry, washed sand. Any insecticide and soil preparations are suitable.
For springtails, pesticides may not be used. Watering with infusions of insecticidal plants helps: yarrow, hot pepper, tobacco dust. A good effect can be achieved if you spill the soil in pots several times with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate or soap solution(20-40 g of soap shavings are dissolved in 1 liter of water).
If springtails live in the house not only in a flower pot, then you need to get rid of them using alkaline preparations(soda, washing powder and others), which are added to water for washing windows and floors. It is also necessary to eliminate sources of unwanted moisture - leaking pipes, faulty taps.

Diseases caused by nematodes. Nematodes are microscopic worms that live in the soil. They affect primarily plant roots, although some may affect foliar tissue. Those nematodes that penetrate and grow inside the roots block the transport of nutrients and water to other parts of the plant. Additionally, there are nematodes that extract nutrients from behind the roots, and this only causes lacerations that allow other organisms to become infected. These worms prefer hot temperatures, which is a problem in tropical regions and in summer in temperate climates.