Simple products: the whole truth about vegetable oil. Types of vegetable oils, classification and application

A little theory.

Vegetable oils belong to the group edible fats. Unsaturated fatty acids that predominate in vegetable oils affect the amount of cholesterol, stimulate its oxidation and release from the body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and activate enzymes gastrointestinal tract, increase the body’s resistance to infectious diseases and radiation. The nutritional value of vegetable oils is determined by high content they contain fat (70-80%), a high degree of absorption, as well as unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are very valuable for the human body. The raw materials for obtaining vegetable oils are the seeds of oilseeds, soybeans, and the fruits of some trees.
Sufficient consumption of oil is important in the prevention of atherosclerosis and related diseases. The beneficial substances in the oil normalize cholesterol metabolism.
Vitamin E, being an antioxidant, protects against cardiovascular diseases, supports the immune system, prevents aging and atherosclerosis, affects the function of the reproductive and endocrine glands, and muscle activity. Promotes the absorption of fats, vitamins A and D, takes part in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, it improves memory as it protects brain cells from free radicals.
All oils are an excellent dietary product, have a memorable taste and special culinary properties unique to each oil.

There are two ways to obtain oil:

Pressing- mechanical extraction of oil from crushed raw materials.
It can be cold or hot, that is, with pre-heating of the seeds. Cold-pressed oil is the healthiest, has a distinct smell, but cannot be stored for long.
Extraction- extraction of oil from raw materials using organic solvents. It is more economical as it allows maximum oil extraction.

The oil obtained in one way or another must be filtered - it turns out raw oil. Next, it is hydrated (treated with hot water and neutralized). After such operations, unrefined oil is obtained.
Unrefined oil has slightly less biological value than raw oil, but can be stored longer.

Oils are divided depending on the method of their purification:

Unrefined- purified only from mechanical impurities, by filtering or settling.
This oil has an intense color, pronounced taste and smell of the seeds from which it is obtained.
Such oil may have a sediment over which slight turbidity is allowed.
This oil preserves all biologically beneficial active ingredients.
Unrefined oil contains lecithin, which significantly improves brain activity.
It is not recommended to fry in unrefined oil, as toxic compounds are formed in it at high temperatures.
Any unrefined oil is afraid of sunlight. Therefore, it should be stored in a cabinet away from heat sources (but not in the refrigerator). In natural oils, the presence of natural sediment is allowed.

Hydrated- oil purified with hot water (70 degrees), passed in a sprayed state through hot oil (60 degrees).
This oil, unlike refined oil, has a less pronounced smell and taste, less intense color, without cloudiness and sediment.

Refined- purified from mechanical impurities and undergone neutralization, that is, alkaline treatment.
This oil is transparent, without sediment or sediment. It has a color of low intensity, but at the same time a pronounced smell and taste.

Deodorized- processed with hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230 degrees under vacuum conditions.
The oil is transparent, without sediment, faint color, with a weak taste and smell.
It is the main source of linolenic acid and vitamin E.

Store packaged vegetable oils at a temperature not higher than 18 degrees.
Refined 4 months (except for soybean oil - 45 days), unrefined oil - 2 months.

Types of vegetable oils

Those who remember the shops of the eighties will confirm that counters with vegetable oils of various types have changed a lot since then; yes, in fact, the quantitative series has increased tenfold.
Previously, to collect on regular home kitchen the entire line of oils, it was necessary to run around the capital's stores, and even this did not guarantee complete success.
Now you can find almost any type of vegetable oil in some large store.

The most used vegetable oils are olive, sunflower, corn, soy, rapeseed, linen.

But there are many types of oils:

]peanut butter
- from grape seeds
- from cherry pits
- peanut butter(from walnut)
- mustard oil
- wheat germ oil
- cocoa butter
- Cedar oil
- Coconut oil
- hemp oil
- corn oil
- Sesame oil
- linseed oil
almond oil
- sea ​​buckthorn oil
- olive oil
- Palm oil
- sunflower oil
- rapeseed oil
- from rice bran
- camelina oil
- soybean oil
- from pumpkin seeds
- cottonseed oil

In order to tell everything about vegetable oil, you will need more than one volume, so you will have to dwell on some types of the most commonly used oils.

Sunflower oil

It has high taste qualities and surpasses other vegetable oils in nutritional value and digestibility.
The oil is used directly as food, as well as in the production of vegetables and canned fish, margarines, mayonnaise, confectionery products.
The digestibility of sunflower oil is 95-98 percent.
The total amount of vitamin E in sunflower oil ranges from 440 to 1520 mg/kg. 100 g of butter contains 99.9 g of fat and 898/899 kcal.
Approximately 25-30g of sunflower oil provides the daily requirement of an adult for these substances.
The beneficial substances in the oil normalize cholesterol metabolism. Sunflower oil contains 12 times more vitamin E than olive oil.

Beta-carotene, a source of vitamin A, is responsible for body growth and vision.
Beta-sisterol prevents the absorption of cholesterol into the gastrointestinal tract.
Linoleic acid forms vitamin F, which regulates fat metabolism and cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as increases the elasticity of blood vessels and immunity to various infectious diseases. Also, vitamin F contained in sunflower oil is necessary for the body, since its deficiency negatively affects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of blood vessels.

Refined oil is rich in vitamins E and F.
In addition to its pronounced color and taste, unrefined sunflower oil is rich in biologically active substances and vitamins A and D.
Refined deodorized sunflower oil does not have the same set of vitamins and microelements as unrefined sunflower oil, but it has a number of advantages. It is more suitable for cooking fried foods, baking production, because it does not burn and has no odor. It is preferable in dietary nutrition.

Olive oil

40 grams of olive oil per day can cover the body's daily need for fats without adding extra pounds!

Olive oil is characterized high content oleic acid glycerides (about 80%) and low levels of linoleic acid glycerides (about 7%) and saturated acid glycerides (about 10%).
The composition of fatty acids in oil can vary over a fairly wide range depending on climatic conditions. Iodine number 75-88, pour point from -2 to -6 °C.

Olive oil is absorbed by the body almost 100%.

Extra virgin olive oil is considered the best.
The label says: Olio d"oliva l"extravergine.
In this olive oil, the acidity does not exceed 1%. The lower the acidity of olive oil, the higher its quality.
Even better if it is indicated that the olive oil is made by cold pressing - spremuta a freddo.
The difference between regular olive oil and extra-virgin olive oil is that extra-class oil - Olio d'oliva l'extravergine - is obtained exclusively from fruits collected from the tree, and the extraction must be done within a matter of hours, otherwise it will be very high acidity of the final product.

Olives that fall to the ground serve as raw materials for lampante oil, which is not suitable for food due to very high acidity and foreign impurities, so it is refined in special installations.
When the oil has completely gone through the refining process, a little extra-virgin olive oil is added to it and eaten under the name “olive oil.”
Less quality oil- Pomas is made from a mixture of olive kernel oil and extra virgin oil.
Greek olive oil is considered to be of the highest quality.

Olive oil does not improve its quality over time; the longer it is stored, the more it loses its taste.

Any vegetable dish seasoned with olive oil is a cocktail of antioxidants that preserves youth.
The polyphenols contained in olive oil are indeed powerful antioxidants.
Antioxidants suppress the development of free radicals in the body and thereby prevent cell aging.

Olive oil has a positive effect on digestion and is an excellent prevention of stomach ulcers.
Olive leaves and fruits contain oleuropein, a substance that lowers blood pressure.
The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil are also known.
The value of olive oil is explained by its chemical composition: it consists almost entirely of monounsaturated fats, which lower cholesterol levels.

Research in recent years has also revealed the immunostimulating effect of this product.

Real olive oil is quite easy to distinguish from fakes.
You need to put it in the cold for several hours.
In natural oil, when cold, white flakes form, which disappear again at room temperature. This occurs due to the content of a certain percentage of solid fats in olive oil, which, when cooled, solidify and give these solid flaky inclusions.
The oil is not afraid of freezing - it completely retains its properties when defrosted.

It is best to use olive oil when seasoning dishes and in baking, but it is not recommended to fry with it.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is obtained from soybeans.
Average fatty acid content in soybean oil (in percent): 51-57 linoleic; 23-29 oleic; 4.5-7.3 stearic; 3-6 linolenic; 2.5-6.0 palmitic; 0.9-2.5 arachidic; up to 0.1 hexadecene; 0.1-0.4 myristic.

Soybean oil contains a record amount of vitamin E1 (tocopherol). There are 114 mg of this vitamin per 100 g of oil. The same amount of sunflower oil contains only 67 mg of tocopherol, while olive oil contains 13 mg. In addition, tocopherol helps fight stress and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Regular consumption of soybean oil helps reduce blood cholesterol, improves metabolism, and strengthens the immune system.
This oil is also considered a record holder among other vegetable oils in terms of the number of microelements (it contains more than 30), contains vital fatty acids, including quite a lot of linoleic acid, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
It also restores the protective and moisture-retaining abilities of the skin, slowing down its aging.
Soybean oil has high biological activity and is absorbed by the body by 98%.

Raw soybean oil has a brown and greenish tint, while refined soybean oil is light yellow.
Low-refined soybean oil, as a rule, has an extremely limited shelf life and a rather unpleasant taste and smell.
Well-refined oil is an almost colorless, tasteless and odorless liquid with a specific oily consistency.
A valuable component extracted from soybean seeds along with fatty oil is lecithin, which is separated for use in the confectionery and pharmaceutical industries.
Used mainly as a raw material for the production of margarine.

Only refined soybean oil is suitable for food; it is used in the same way as sunflower oil.
In cooking it is better suited for vegetables than for meat.
Most often used in Food Industry as a base, as a dressing for sauces, and also for the production of hydrogenated soybean oil.

Corn oil

Corn oil is obtained from the germ of corn.
The chemical composition of corn oil is similar to sunflower oil.
It contains acids (in percent): 2.5-4.5 stearic, 8-11 palmitic, 0.1-1.7 myristic, 0.4 arachidic, 0.2 lignoceric, 30-49 oleic, 40-56 linoleic , 0.2-1.6 hexadecene.
Pour point from -10 to -20 degrees, iodine number 111-133.

It is golden yellow in color, transparent, odorless.

It is believed that corn oil is the healthiest oil available and familiar to us.

Corn oil is rich in vitamins E, B1, B2, PP, K3, provitamins A, which are the main factors determining its dietary properties.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and promote the removal of excess cholesterol from the body, have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects, and improve brain function.
Thanks to nutritional value Corn oil is used for irritated and aging skin, regenerating it.

In cooking, corn oil is especially suitable for frying, stewing and deep-frying, since it does not form carcinogens, does not foam and does not burn.
It is also good to use for preparing various sauces, dough, and baked goods.
Due to its beneficial properties, corn oil is widely used in the production of dietary products and baby food.

Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil has a light yellowish color with a green tint, the taste is pleasant, characteristic of vegetable oils, without any foreign flavors.
Relative density 0.920-0.956, pour point - 13-17C, iodine number 94-143.
Grapeseed oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats, especially linoleic acid - up to 76%. Has a hepatoprotective effect; has a positive effect on the kidneys; contains vitamin E - one tablespoon of grape oil per day is enough to cover the daily requirement of this vitamin in the human body.

The high biological activity of grape oil is due to the complex biologically active substances, among which the central place is occupied by proanthocyanidin, an antioxidant that prevents cell degeneration.
If it were not for the high price level of grape oil, it could be used for frying - sunflower oil will begin to smoke and burn at a fairly low temperature, but grape oil, when heated to 210 degrees, does not change color, smell, or taste.
In cooking, nutritious and light grape oil is used in the preparation of marinades, salad dressings, mayonnaise, baked goods and as a peanut butter substitute.
It is recommended to add grape seed oil when canning vegetables, but grape seed oil is ideal for marinating meat and fish.
It also gives amazing color. fried potatoes- just add 2 tablespoons of grape oil to a frying pan with sunflower oil.

Pumpkin oil

In the modern world, pumpkin oil has lost its position, which it held for many years - in Austria, where the best pumpkin oil is produced, in the Middle Ages the price of this product was equal to real gold.
There was a royal decree prohibiting the consumption of pumpkin seed oil as food, it was to be used exclusively as a medicine!
Pumpkin oil is still considered one of the most expensive, second only to pine nut oil.
If we talk about the benefits of pumpkin oil, then it is impossible to overestimate its properties - this oil is called a preventive panacea. The only contraindications to consuming pumpkin oil are individual intolerance.

Pumpkin seed oil has a greenish tint and, depending on the variety, has a nutty aroma or a distinct aroma of roasted pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin oil contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, C, P, F; it contains more than 90% unsaturated fats, from 45 to 60% linoleic acid and only up to 15% linolenic acid, is rich in fatty acids, has a unique complex of essential phospholipids plant origin. Contains a large number of biologically active substances: carotenoids, tocopherols.

Pumpkin oil does not tolerate heat, so it is better to keep it in a tightly sealed bottle in a cool, dark place.
Pumpkin oil does not tolerate any heat!
Therefore, it is added exclusively to cold dishes.
The main purpose of oil in cooking is dressing salads, main courses, and preparing cold marinades.

Can be stored for about ten months at a temperature of +15 degrees C.

Linseed oil

Among vegetable oils, flaxseed oil is the undisputed leader in its biological value, since the content of unsaturated fatty acids is 2 times higher than fish oil and represents an ideal natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and many other diseases associated with impaired blood flow, thrombosis, as well as cancer of various locations.

The use of flaxseed oil in cooking is quite wide - it gives unique taste vinaigrette, goes especially well with sauerkraut; added for flavoring to milk porridges, combining especially well with honey and apples.

Not subject to prolonged heating!
Flaxseed oil should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature no higher than 20° C, for no more than 8 months.
Store opened packaging in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-6 ° C with a tightly closed lid for no more than 1 month.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth is a broad-leaved annual herbaceous plant 3-4 m in height with multiple elegant inflorescences containing seeds.
This magnificent, ornamental and medicinal plant is an absolute record holder for protein content.

In Russia, this plant is little known, but in Europe and Asia over the last decade it has become widespread in gardening circles.

Amaranth oil is made from the seeds of the plant's inflorescences.
It contains 67% polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6), lecithin, a large amount of squalene - a polyunsaturated liquid hydrocarbon (C30H50) - its content in amaranth oil is 8%.
This wonderful compound saturates the tissues and organs of our body with oxygen. In addition, amaranth seeds contain a lot of tocopherol (vitamin E), which has an antioxidant effect.

The most valuable amaranth oil for its healing properties much superior to sea buckthorn - in folk medicine used for external use for burns, rashes, eczema, abscesses, trophic ulcers for their fastest healing.
In addition, it protects the skin from direct sunlight and is included in anti-wrinkle creams.

Amaranth oil is an effective dietary product that helps strengthen the immune and hormonal systems and eliminate metabolic disorders. Regular consumption of oil helps remove toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body, improve the condition of anemia, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other body functions.
In cooking, the use of this oil is not common; young leaves and shoots of amaranth are used much more often for food - they are consumed raw in salads, blanched, boiled, fried, stewed.
But if you introduce into your diet vegetable salads, seasoned with amaranth oil or will you add this oil to homemade cakes- especially bread, pancakes, cheesecakes - you will feel not only a new taste familiar dishes, but also enrich your body with useful substances.

The modern food industry uses different types of vegetable oils in its production. Yes, and in stores today there is a huge selection of them, and when cooking we no longer use only one sunflower oil, but use other types. Many of them are also used in heavy industry, as they have a number of unique properties. Let's look at the features of these oils and the differences between them.

What does vegetable oil mean?

The most popular types fat is vegetable oil, this is the main element for dressing salads and frying foods. It is extracted by pressing seeds and fruits, which are preheated and crushed. Crops related to Maslenitsa are taken. The consistency is:

  • Liquid oil- obtained from sunflowers, rapeseed, olives, corn, peanuts, sesame, flax, etc.
  • Solid- cocoa, coconut, palm oil.

There are several ways to obtain oil:

  1. Cold- squeezing out the crushed seeds is carried out with a press. The liquid released during this process is oil.
  2. Hot- the crushed seeds are first heated to 100 degrees and only then are they sent for spinning. Exposure to elevated temperatures leads to increased fat secretion.
  3. Extracted- This method is not good for health. All fats dissolve in gasoline. The seeds are poured into it and only after the oil has been released does the gasoline evaporate.

  • Unrefined- this oil undergoes filtration from impurities and mechanical cleaning. Preserves all the benefits of the product from which it is produced: smell, taste. Its consistency is thicker with rich color. During long-term storage, sediment is released. It is used as a salad dressing, but it is bad for frying.
  • Refined- in addition to filtration, other cleaning methods (neutralization with alkali) were also used. This oil is tasteless and odorless, can be stored well and is better for frying with. It does not smoke or foam and is used primarily for culinary purposes.
  • Hydrated- the oil is cleaned using a spray hot water. It has no sediment and is not cloudy.
  • Deodorized- used for cleansing hot steam under vacuum. This oil is odorless, tasteless and colorless.

The calorie content of vegetable oil is very high, since it contains fat. 99,9% . But it is impossible to completely remove it from the diet; the body will lack vitamin E, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which are involved in the construction of our cells. All of them have a large number of useful substances, so the choice depends on your taste.

For example, rapeseed oil is often used in industry and only after refining is it suitable for cooking. But the main sesame Asian cuisine and in India.

Properties of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is the most common vegetable oil in Russia; we all use it almost every day. In addition, the Russian Federation is the main producer of this type of oil. The technology was developed in Russia in the 19th century.

This oil is high in calories, contains vitamins E, A, D, has a wonderful taste and is universally used (cooking, frying, salad dressing).

Sunflower oil happens refined and unrefined- these are the main types. There are others, but they are less common. Of course, unrefined is healthier, since all the vitamins are stored in fresh, and it smells like sunflower.

The oil is used both in folk and official medicine for prevention and treatment. These are diseases such as the gastrointestinal tract, liver and lungs, heart, toothaches and headaches, arthritis, etc. This oil is added to ointments. It is also often used in cosmetology as an additive to masks and sometimes even in its pure form.

Harmful properties of oil- These are carcinogens that are released during frying. Therefore, you cannot eat a lot of fried foods and use the same oil several times. Be sure to wash the pan after each use.

Do not store sunflower oil in the light, it provokes the destruction of beneficial elements.

What are the similarities and differences between sunflower and vegetable oils?

Sunflower also belongs to vegetable oils. Well, they are all very useful for our body, at any age (vitamins, fatty acids, etc.), but everything should be consumed in moderation. In addition, they are all used for cooking. Sunflower and other vegetable oils are used successfully in cosmetology and medicine. Oils are similar in production method and types, such as: refined, unrefined, etc.

There are few differences, but they are:

  1. Sunflower oil is made from sunflowers, and vegetable oils are made from various other crops (flax, cotton, coconut, peanuts, sesame, olives, etc.).
  2. A large number of vegetable oils are used in industrial production, but sunflower oil is generally not practiced.
  3. Vegetable oils, except sunflower oil, are more popular outside of Russia. But sunflower oil, on the contrary, is in greater demand in the Russian Federation than other oils. And the technology was developed in Russia.
  4. Another difference is that depending on the plant (its medicinal properties) from which the oil is produced, it has a preventive or therapeutic effect on a specific organ in our body.

In short, we can conclude that all vegetable oils, including sunflower oil, are good for us and should be consumed. Fortunately, today there is a large assortment of them in stores and you can choose it to your taste.

Oils from various plants have been used for a long time. The scope of their application is quite wide - from cooking various dishes before creating cosmetics for body and hair care. Each nation preferred a certain type of oil. The Slavs prepared and used hemp oil, the Greeks and Egyptians used olive oil, Asians and Easterners traditionally used palm oil, and Africans used coconut oil.

What is it and what does it look like?

Oils from various plants have been used by mankind since time immemorial. In ancient Egypt they collected valuable oils olives, sandalwood, cardamom and others, using them to treat various diseases, as medicine and as a base for incense. With their help, healing balms were prepared and mummifications were performed.

Ancient people used oils in food, knowing about their nutritional properties. The Hellenes made sea buckthorn compositions, using them in military campaigns as disinfectants for wounds. In the 17th century it was brought to Europe exotic oil sunflower seeds from South America- a new continent, and with it amaranth solid oil. This is how the product, familiar to everyone, came to Russia. Before this, sesame seeds were used, adding it to soups, porridges and baked goods. Traditionally, oils are divided into edible and essential oils, and also differ in their intended purpose, the original raw materials from which the product is extracted, and manufacturing technology.

A large supply of vegetable fat in oilseeds is an inexhaustible source of useful elements and minerals. It is often extracted from seeds, since most of it is contained there. There are liquid and solid forms. Moreover, oils in liquid form are the most common.

Solid fats are also called butters. These can be natural oils, for example, coconut, argan, shea butter, or their synthetic analogues. In any case, their consistency softens and becomes liquid at 30 degrees.

Oils are also distinguished by the method of production. The safest of them is cold pressing or pressing. The oil parts (selected seeds) are placed under a press and crushed, and the resulting raw materials are collected, filtered and distributed into containers. The oil yield with this production method is 26%. The product is labeled “extra” - the highest quality.

The next method of producing oil is pressing. To produce it, ordinary plant seeds are taken, which are heated in special ovens before pressing. Exit finished product significantly higher – 45%. But the quality of the oil is significantly lower than the previous one.

The most inexpensive and conservative method is the so-called extraction. Low quality organic matter is used for it. The method involves using chemical elements– petroleum products for oil extraction by dissolution and condensation. Next, the oils are extracted with steam and the residues are removed. harmful substances alkali.

The extracted oil becomes refined, bypassing several stages of purification: evaporation (hydration), freezing, refining and deodorization.

During the hydrogenation phase, the oil base is deprived of phospholipids, which precipitate into a cloudy precipitate during long-term storage. Freezing removes harmful resins and wax. Refining completely cleanses the oil of all impurities and neutralizes the color. Deodorizing additionally removes odor from the product.

The plant product, extracted by pressing, frozen and purified, is used for nutrition. The most popular is sunflower oil, produced from sunflower seeds. Then – olive, rich in monounsaturated fats that are resistant to high temperatures.

Benefits and harms

The nutritional and healing value of oils is based on the presence of fatty acids and other beneficial elements in them.

Saturated acids have antiseptic and bactericidal effects, giving the product unique properties destroy pathogenic microflora, and also take part in the process of building collagen and elastin fibers. These fats are found in sesame, soybean and cottonseed oils. Therefore, these products are used in cosmetology to enrich compositions, emulsions and elixirs.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are responsible for normal metabolism, cleanse the walls of blood vessels, break down cholesterol plaques and adhesions, and help restore cell membranes. The hepatoprotective effect is due to the presence of Omega-7 palmitoleic acid, as well as oleic acids contained in grape, sesame, rapeseed and olive oils.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids - alpha and gamma linoleic, normalize hormonal background in the body, protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis. They are rich in sunflower, mustard, corn, rapeseed, cedar, soybean and other oils.

Among other things, plant oils contain a number of essential substances and elements: vitamins, which include D, B, A, E, nicotinamide and phospholipids (lecithin). Phosphatidylcholine protects the liver from harmful glycogens and breakdown products, and also promotes the breakdown of fats by participating in carbohydrate metabolism.

Many fatty acids are not produced in the human body. Therefore, they must be obtained from the outside along with food. Fatty acids have a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • are lipotropic, reduce the presence of fats in liver cells;
  • maintain vascular turgor, preventing cholesterol sedimentation;
  • restore cells, being the building material of membranes and smooth muscles;
  • normalize the formation and outflow of bile;
  • are powerful antioxidants, remove toxins, free radicals and breakdown products;
  • cure tumors, including malignant and other neoplasms;
  • smooth out menopausal phenomena, normalizing hormonal levels;
  • treat constipation and improve intestinal motility;
  • prolong youth and protect against wrinkles;
  • restore brain cells, improve neuron conductivity;
  • restore bone structure and cartilage tissue after injuries and surgery;
  • stabilize the functioning of the immune system and mental state.

This is not a complete list useful qualities oils for the health of the human body.

Vegetable oils are used to treat many diseases.

  • Pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas. A feature of the disease is poor absorption of fats, so oils should be consumed exclusively in medicinal doses and only during the recovery stage.
  • People should use oils with caution With various shapes diabetes A low-carb diet can lead to a deficiency of acids involved in the production of hormones, including insulin. By adjusting the daily intake of plant products, the condition of diabetic patients can be significantly improved. Moreover, the consumption rate should not be higher than two tablespoons. Residents of the Mediterranean rarely suffer from such diseases caused by metabolic disorders. As a result of research, it was found that this is facilitated by the constant consumption of olive oil, as well as products and dishes containing it.

It should be introduced into the diet of diabetics gradually, with great caution, only in small doses. But these doses can work real miracles, and in many cases contribute to complete healing from the disease.

  • For diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, for removing toxins, cleansing the colon, as well as for constipation and hemorrhoids.

  • For hypertension, hypotension and any vascular problems, including disorders of the circulatory system and heart, as well as heart attacks, strokes and other diseases. Fats make blood vessels elastic, restoring their structure, which normalizes blood flow and normalizes blood pressure.
  • For gout and arthritis in complex therapy and as an auxiliary complex.
  • For the treatment of the thyroid gland and normalization of the endocrine system.
  • For colds and viral infections as a general tonic.
  • As a massage base For the treatment of pinching, lumbago and rheumatic joint pain, as well as for radiculitis and other inflammatory diseases, oils enriched with esters with medicinal properties are used.
  • In cosmetology The use of vegetable oils is very widespread. In restorative medicine it is used as a regenerating agent that restores the structure of cells and tissues. In folk medicine it is used as part of external and internal remedies, as well as in complex methods of treating certain diseases.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of vegetable oil. The main condition is its moderate consumption.

Still, there are a number of features that you need to know.

  • Unrefined product should not be used for deep-frying and frying. This is fraught harmful consequences, since when heated, oil releases chemicals and carcinogens. Once in the human body, they can cause irreversible pathological processes. It is best to use purified, refined oil.
  • Do not boil or heat the oil too much before use. You should know and take into account smoke points, which are critical marks - indicators of a decrease in the level of usefulness of the product. Beyond this point, most of the beneficial substances disappear. Therefore, it is advisable to use the herbal product cold.
  • The optimal heating temperature is 80 degrees Celsius. Beyond this point in the oil the composition is disrupted. And for various oils this figure fluctuates. For grape seed oil, as well as rapeseed and corn oil - 160 degrees, for sunflower and soybean oil - 170, for olive and peanut oil - 210-220, for palm oil - up to 240 degrees Celsius.

  • Reusing oil without cleaning is especially dangerous. This composition is a 100% carcinogen holder.
  • An unrefined product is prone to rapid cloudiness with loss of nutrients. Four months after production and bottling, this oil becomes cloudy, produces sediment and becomes bitter. This also happens with refined oil if stored incorrectly. You cannot use spoiled product for cooking.
  • The daily requirement for oil should not be exceeded. It averages 100-110 grams. Excessive consumption of fat can cause the appearance of excess cholesterol and also increase body weight, which is extremely undesirable, especially if you have heart and vascular problems.
  • In the active phase of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, as well as in renal failure and during exacerbations, oil should be temporarily excluded from use.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the product and allergies.

It should be remembered that if used excessively and incorrectly, even the most beneficial product can cause harm.

Which oil is considered the healthiest?

In the chain of essential oils, olive oil comes first. In its usual form it is similar to sunflower, but when heated, unlike it, it does not lose its qualities and properties. Oleic fats do not oxidize and do not disintegrate under the influence of temperatures.

Sunflower seed oil contains many more beneficial minerals and vitamins than other products. Therefore, it can be attributed to useful products. Its main advantage and advantage is the content of a powerful antioxidant - tocopherol, in sufficient quantities.

Next comes flax oil - the lowest calorie product in this line. It is often used in the dietary aspect, and also in cosmetology. It normalizes hormone levels and is suitable for both women and men. Nutritionists advise taking two tablespoons of butter with cottage cheese daily - this is the best preventive measure against the formation of cancer cells. This method has fully proven its validity, thanks to the research of D. Budwig. It is successfully used to treat autoimmune and heart diseases, as well as for age-related changes of a menopausal nature.

Sesame oil is rich in potassium and calcium. It is useful to take for the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue, as well as for gout and other diseases of the skeletal system and connective tissue. Often a dark product is used because it is richer in composition. The oil cannot be heated; it is used to season vegetables, first and second courses, and is used exclusively cold.

Mustard oil is a natural preservative, since along with fatty acids it contains essential oils. When heated, it does not lose its properties, and baked goods with it are covered with a crispy, non-staling crust.

Chemical composition

Oils consist of chemical elements:

  • arachidonic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic and oleic acids;
  • vitamin A (retinol), improves vision, general condition of the skin, its structure and vascular bed;
  • vitamin D, has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, is involved in the regulation of the endocrine and nervous systems, and also binds calcium in the skeletal system, preventing its loss and leaching;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol), which removes decay products, toxins and poisons from the human body;
  • vitamin F, which helps strengthen connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers, restoring connections between neurons, thereby improving cognitive abilities;
  • omega-3 and -6 fatty acids containing vitamin F, they are essential fats for restoring nerves and treating neurological diseases;
  • presence of minerals: potassium, calcium, boron, iron, copper, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium and manganese makes oil the most beneficial product;
  • esters and polyesters, proteins, lecithin, tannins and other micro- and macroelements, including essential acids, saturate the body, replenishing the daily need for substances necessary for normal human life.

Contrary to popular belief, vegetable oils do not contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is a substance, a hormone, that is produced by the human body under the influence of certain elements. Its presence is necessary for the body, but a deficiency or excess is harmful. Excessive production of cholesterol can clog blood vessels, which can negatively affect the general condition of the body. Fatty acids in large quantities may well trigger the production of cholesterol.


There are several types of vegetable oils. They all depend on the production method.

    Unrefined sunflower oil produced by squeezing seeds under a press with preheating. The spent cake is used as a feed base in livestock farming. This product has a pronounced smell of seeds, has mild taste roasted seeds. Unrefined oil contains more beneficial substances than refined oil. It contains 70 mg of vitamin E per 100 g, while olive oil contains only 25 mg. It contains various impurities, soap, pigments and odorants, the constant use of which is undesirable for health. Unrefined oil is added to salads and other dishes, using it exclusively cold.

In the table technical specifications GOST 1129-93 states that in the second grade, the slight smell of mustiness and bitterness in the taste characteristic of sunflower oil are the norm, quite acceptable in a natural product.

  • Refined or purified oil has no smell or taste. The derivative mass undergoes a purification process using chemical reagents. Going through several cleaning methods, including manual and mechanical, the raw materials are gradually freed from color, taste, and even density changes. All that remains is the fat base, resistant to heat and easy to prepare. Therefore, this waste oil is used in cooking for preparing hot dishes and canning.

  • During the process of hydrogenation, vegetable oils become solid. Hydrogenated products - butters or margarine - are widely used in the food industry. To produce them, the liquid base is first treated with nickel oxide, then placed in a special chamber, where the mixture is hydrolyzed under the influence of hydrogen and high pressure. Next, emulsifiers and starch are added to the composition and removed from color and odor. It turns out hard fat- a base into which you can add flavors, dyes and other ingredients to give the product the desired qualities and properties. Hydrogenated fats are trans fats that replace saturated fats in the body.

Such a substitution does not bode well and can negatively affect your health. Regular consumption of such a product can cause a number of diseases due to the accumulation of low-density cholesterol in the body.

  • Deodorized oil It is prepared exclusively in production conditions, where it is cleaned with hot steam in a special chamber in the absence of oxygen. In the process, color, smell, taste, and sediment are removed. At the same time, the vitamin complex remains, minerals And useful elements. This oil is almost colorless, can be stored well and for a long time, and is suitable for heating and deep frying.

All types of plant products are produced in accordance with international quality standards and are completely suitable for consumption.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Sunflower oil appeared in Russia relatively recently - in the 18th century. Previously, they used sesame, flaxseed and mustard oil. At first it was supplied from Europe, but soon sunflower took root in the Russian expanses and oil production began to grow in scale.

Today, this type of vegetable oil is the most popular in comparison with other similar products. There are a huge number of analogues to sunflower oil. All of them are different in manufacturing method and quality. In many ways, high product performance depends on raw materials. For its production, sunflower seeds growing in the southern regions of the country are used. They go to oil mills and are processed using any of the methods described above. Then manufacturing companies, using their proprietary brands, deliver the product to store shelves.

The list of the best producers of the finished product includes domestic manufacturers. According to an independent study, among enterprises engaged in the production of purified plant products from sunflower seeds, places were distributed as follows:

  1. JSC "Efko";
  2. CJSC "Donmasloprodukt";
  3. Kargil LLC;
  4. Dixie Group of Companies;
  5. LLC "Company "Blago";
  6. OJSC "Holding "Solar Products";
  7. OJSC "Fat Plant Yekaterinburg".

Among unrefined oils:

  1. LLC "Company "Blago";
  2. LLC "Agricultural Enterprise "Yug";
  3. PC "Our Product" LLC;
  4. JSC "Efko"

The products “Zlatozhar”, “Dobavkin”, “Karolina”, “Kargil”, “Kubanskoye”, “Rossiyanka”, “Sloboda”, “Generous Leto”, “Gifts of Kuban”, “Selyanochka” meet all standards and requirements and are highly quality product production.


The beneficial properties of the oil are used in folk medicine to treat hair, skin and nails. They are also used as a massage base, adding various essential and aromatic oils to them. Oil bases are used in cosmetology and perfumery.

There are varieties of oils that are used in certain cases for hair problems. Thus, for hair loss and hair loss, castor and burdock oils are used, for nutrition - olive and unrefined sunflower oils, for moisturizing, jojoba and grape oils are more suitable, to enhance the growth and strengthening of hair follicles - rose and almond oils.

Each type of oil is suitable for a specific hair type: for those prone to oiliness - macadamia oil, for dry hair - wheat germ, for brittle and damaged - coconut and peanut butter. Milk thistle oil is used to restore damaged curls. Him in small quantity added to the conditioner, which is applied to the scalp and washed off after 5-7 minutes.

A mask made of heated sunflower oil helps in the fight against dandruff, irritation and itching. It is rubbed with a cotton swab into skin covering head about half an hour before washing your hair.

In terms of their medicinal qualities, cosmetic oils significantly exceed ordinary oils, especially in the form of special skin and hair care products.

In the cosmetic industry, these oils are presented in products for the care of mature and dry skin. They have pronounced softening, nourishing and moisturizing effects.

In combination with other elements, the oil enhances the healing effect. Any purchased lotion, emulsion or cream can be enriched with cosmetic oils: peach, walnut, sea buckthorn, watermelon, coffee, primrose, poppy, St. John's wort and others.

In folk medicine, ordinary edible oils are used. They are included in the composition of masks for hair and facial skin. For massages, complex compositions of ordinary, cosmetic and essential oil extracts are used, varying them in accordance with their purpose. For example, for lumbar pain, rub oil into the desired area tea tree, which has a disinfecting and analgesic effect. For gout, a compress with cucumber oil is applied to the sore spot to drain fluid from the joints. For a relaxing massage, mint compositions are used, and for a warming massage, mustard ones are used.

For cosmetic and therapeutic massages, special oil compositions with lavender and leaf oil are also used. green tea and juniper oil. A few drops of the elixir can work wonders: old pain goes away, the overall tone of the skin increases, it becomes clean, healthy and elastic.

In beauty salons and salons, oils are used for manicures and pedicures, as a base for laminating hair and nails, as well as in complex therapy for the restoration and stimulation of hair follicles. The molecular composition and density of oils allows them to be used for sensitive skin around the eyes.

Oil bases, unlike collagen, are able to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, restoring its structure from the inside. That is why they are one of the most effective means in the cosmetics industry.

To soften rough skin on the feet, use a mixture of linseed and olive oils. They are applied with massage movements after bath procedures on pre-steamed skin, then put on cotton socks.

Flaxseed oil perfectly seals split ends of hair, split nail plates, and also gets rid of calluses and corns.

Sunflower oil together with nut oil is an excellent tanning product. The slightly heated mixture is applied to prepared, cleansed skin, left until completely absorbed, and then blotted with a cotton towel. In addition, this product protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, so it can be used as a UV filter. A beautiful, even and safe tan will be guaranteed!

Don't forget about beauty baths. To prepare, take half a glass of peach or apricot butter and a cup of cream. Everything is poured into hot bath. You can additionally add a cup of honey and any essential oils, then the healing effect of the oils will be complemented by an aromatic effect.

This evening procedure perfectly relaxes, calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep. The skin doesn't look amazing afterwards.

For acne, pimples and other similar skin problems that can be caused by age-related changes, use black cumin oil in combination with camphor. Cotton pads are soaked in the composition and masks are made to cover problem areas. At the same time, the intestines are cleansed by daily consumption of any vegetable oil on an empty stomach.

Heated almond oil, massaged gently into the skin around the eyes and lips, eliminates fine lines and wrinkles. crow's feet" It is the softest of all oil bases and is most suitable for this procedure.

Cedar and pine oils are used for inhalations and compresses in the treatment of colds and viral infections as bactericidal and antiviral agents. Gargle with oily mixtures and oral cavity, thus protecting against pathogenic microbes during periods of increasing morbidity and epidemics. This rinsing also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums and protects against unpleasant odor.

Oil green coffee Known for its ability to fight cellulite, it is therefore included in formulations for the body and problem areas. A scrub made from half a glass of wheat germ oil and the same amount of medium-ground salt helps with stretch marks. The mixture is massaged into problem areas in the shower, then washed off with clean water.

Rice oil relieves skin of pigmentation and other defects. But you should not apply oil compositions to moles, warts and papillomas, otherwise they will grow and increase in size.

Essential oils of vetiver, hibiscus, oleander, lavender, macadamia, mandarin, rose, cornflower, rosemary, coriander, musk, nutmeg, saffron, lemongrass, lime, orange tree, barberry, cedar, patchouli, peony, poppy, edelweiss are used in perfumery. , magnolia, jasmine, sandalwood, black pepper and others.

The effectiveness of using oils for the treatment of seborrhea, eczema and other skin diseases has been proven by numerous studies. Some of its types, for example, nut, tangerine and grapefruit, are used to treat fungal infections. They treat while simultaneously forming a protective healing film on the affected surface.

You can prepare a universal balm for dressing salads, main dishes and other dishes. To do this, take refined sunflower and olive oils in equal proportions, add aromatic herbs and spices, leave for two weeks, then filter and use for their intended purpose.

The oil is also used as a base for preparing a savory sauce that can be used to season any dish. To do this, take a glass of oil, a quarter glass balsamic vinegar, a little mustard, two tablespoons of sugar, salt and pepper to taste, a tablespoon tomato paste, curry, oregano and rosemary. Everything is whipped with a mixer. You can store the sauce in the refrigerator for quite a long time. But it is better to prepare it in small quantities, for one or two uses.

Since ancient times, Indian yogis have used the method of rinsing the mouth with an oil composition as a remedy for any problems with teeth and gums, as well as to cleanse the body. The method is based on the principle of analogy between rinsing the mouth and the effect on the large intestine. There are areas in the oral cavity where absorption of substances occurs very quickly. Absorbed into the blood, bypassing digestive tract, the oil acts purposefully and quickly, improving overall tone and promoting tissue regeneration.

As a preventive measure against breast cancer, women at risk are recommended to consume pumpkin, sunflower and flaxseed oils daily. The composition is taken half an hour before meals. You can enter it in food ration as a dressing and for preparing various dishes.

Compresses made from these oils help with mastopathy. They are made like this: soak gauze with pumpkin oil and apply it to the chest for several hours.

Oil can also remove ticks by pre-heating it. A few drops are enough to kill a tick. Then, with twisting movements, it is carefully removed from the body with tweezers.

What can be replaced?

The effectiveness of vegetable oil is obvious. There are its analogues - saturated fats, while vegetable fats are unsaturated. Saturated fats are thought to be less susceptible to oxidation when heated and therefore safer to use. The issue is controversial, but for everyone who thinks so, there are alternative options - butter, ghee and animal fat. There is also margarine, but it contains trans fats, so its constant use is unsafe for health.

Butter consists of almost 69% stable fat. It contains vitamins, fatty acids, but due to the fact that the product contains proteins and sugar, it has a low smoke point. This does not allow it to be used at high temperatures. You can’t cook with this kind of oil – it will simply burn.

Ghee – traditional Indian product dairy origin. The technology of its production is based on the ancient method of melting for the purpose of separating milk protein from the fat base. The resulting fat is resistant to heat and is used to prepare various dishes.

Animal fats used in cooking are goose and duck, chicken, lamb, pork and beef. They are also stable and therefore can be subject to temperature changes. You can safely fry, cook and bake with them without fear of harmful carcinogens. But there is one peculiarity: from the abuse of animal fats you can gain excess weight, so they are of little use for dietary nutrition.

A separate topic will be medicinal fats of animal origin: mink, nutria, badger, bear, goat, sheep, camel and others. They are taken orally in microdoses. Long-term use guarantees a lasting therapeutic effect for many diseases. Taking a match head of bear fat daily for two weeks is enough to replace a course of treatment with hepatoprotectors.

Bear fat cleanses the blood and liver, removes toxins and normalizes the activity of the stomach and intestines. Mink oil has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and blood vessels. Animal products are used in cosmetology as additives in creams and ointments. External use of creams based on animal fats is carried out in courses due to the specificity and richness of the compositions.

How and for how long to store?

If the rules for storing vegetable matter are not followed, oil product cases of poisoning are possible. Therefore, you need to store it correctly - in a dark place, at a stable temperature no higher than 23 degrees, in a durable container, protected from light. The shelf life of an opened product should not exceed four months if kept in a refrigerator.

At room temperature, the period is much lower and is about a month. The unrefined product is stored even less - a maximum of two weeks. After the expiration date, the oil becomes bitter and precipitates. This product should not be used.

High-quality vegetable oil is very beneficial for the human body. It improves taste and nutritional quality dishes, and can also replenish the energy supply of nutrients and elements. In addition, it is used for medicinal purposes and in folk medicine.

The highest quality product is cold pressed oil. Healthy oils include olive and sunflower. It is preferable to consume the unrefined product without heating. You can replace this product with margarine, butter, butters and animal fats. The product has no synthetic analogues.

The product should be consumed within a month from the moment the bottle is opened. Store in thick dark glass, protected from light, in a dry place. Open product It is advisable to store in the refrigerator. Vegetable oils are good to combine, combine and alternate.

​​​​​​For cooking, frying and deep-frying, a neutral product free of impurities is more suitable. For cold dishes and salads - unrefined oils that have the taste and properties of the original product. In order for a vegetable oil product to have its beneficial effect, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics, as well as adhere to restrictions on consumption.

Watch the following video for the whole truth about vegetable oil.

Until recently, sunflower was the most popular and most widespread vegetable oil because, in essence, it was the only one on sale. Nowadays you won’t see any kind of vegetable oils on store shelves: from corn to amaranth. But all of them are overshadowed by olive oil - the healthiest, most necessary for the correct taste of dishes. Sunflower oil, of course, is still the most common today, but more likely due to its cheapness than due to respect for its taste and benefits. However, was it deservedly neglected?

Unrefined sunflower oil, unlike olive oil, contains only 1% omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). But this is the only thing in which it is inferior; in some other indicators, sunflower oil is either not inferior or even superior to olive oil! Thus, it contains not much less than olive oil monounsaturated fatty acid omega-9 (its other name is oleic acid, its content can reach 40%) and a larger amount of omega-6 PUFAs (linoleic acid up to 62%) . And it contains more α-tocopherol (vitamin E) than not only olive oil, but generally any vegetable oil - about 60 mg (per 100 g of oil).

Due to its composition, sunflower oil (but only unrefined!) is a good antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, improves tissue nutrition and even slows down the aging process in the body!

If you compare the composition of various vegetable oils, it becomes clear that in order to obtain all the substances the body needs, you should not give preference to any one type of oil: it is better to combine and alternate oils.

Thus, essential and rather rare omega-3 PUFAs will be provided by flaxseed and mustard oils, as well as fatty sea ​​fish and fish oil. Essential omega-6 acids are contained in sufficient quantities in almost any vegetable oil: sunflower, grape, flaxseed, olive, corn. Well, in order to get valuable biologically active substances: vitamins and microelements, you must definitely use unrefined or raw oil obtained by direct pressing.

Therefore, you should not extol olive oil exclusively, forgetting about sunflower and all the others.

Now let's start from the beginning: what is vegetable oil?

An organic chemistry textbook will give a comprehensive answer to this question. Fats(or triglycerides) are organic compounds formed by glycerol esters and fatty acids. They are of animal and plant origin. Vegetable fats are called oils. Fats themselves have neither taste nor smell, and their properties as fats are determined by the type of fatty acid that is part of a particular fat.

Fatty acid have different structures and properties and are divided into two large groups - saturated and unsaturated. When all the chemical bonds of carbon in fatty acids are filled with hydrogen, they are saturated. Unsaturated acids can be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, depending on the number of free bonds (instead of a bond with hydrogen, they form a bond between adjacent carbon atoms).

Each group of acids has its own characteristics in its effect on the human body. Saturated fatty acids They are generally considered harmful and are associated with increased cholesterol levels and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, which has recently been questioned. Saturated fatty acids contain mainly animal fats, as well as two types of vegetable fats: coconut and palm oil . Characteristic feature saturated fat is its ability to have a solid consistency at room temperature.

Have the greatest nutritional valueunsaturated fatty acids , the content of which determines the usefulness of a particular vegetable oil.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic, arachidonic And linolenic(linoleic and linolenic acids are also called vitamin F) are essential, since they are not synthesized in the human body and must be supplied with food. These acids take part in the regulation of metabolism, the synthesis of hormones and the maintenance of immunity. Monounsaturated acids are not essential, since the body is capable of producing them. However, they are considered very valuable because of their ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. The most common monounsaturated fatty acid is oleic, the largest amount contains olive oil - 65%.

Most plants contain fats in very small quantities, with the exception of oil crops, in which their content can exceed 50%. The most famous vegetable oils are apricot, peanut, grape, mustard, castor, coconut, hemp, corn, sesame, flax, poppy, almond, olive, palm, peach, sunflower, rapeseed, rice, camelina, safflower, soybean, pumpkin , cottonseed, cedar and cocoa butter. There are also watermelon, beech, cherry, melon, coriander, crambe, euphorbia, plum, rapeseed, tomato, tung oils and some others.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are found primarily in oils derived from seeds and nuts: avocados, olives, peanuts and canola. And polyunsaturated ones - from vegetables, seeds, nuts: corn, safflower, sunflower, soybeans, cotton seeds and sesame.

Obtained from plants, the oil contains 95–97% fat, and the remaining 3–5% forms various impurities: fat-like substances - phospholipids (among them lecithin and keflin - very valuable biologically active substances), waxes, free (unbound) fatty acids, lipochromes , tocopherols, vitamins and other substances. It is the impurities (especially phospholipids) that determine the taste and smell of oils, and also affect its beneficial properties.

The oil may also contain various chemical impurities obtained and accumulated by the plant from fertilizers, growth and development stimulants, and pesticides. It may even contain carcinogens that are formed when seeds are improperly dried with flue gases or when seeds are improperly stored, which can result in self-heating.

Vegetable oil production

Using the example of sunflower oil production, we will analyze the main stages and concepts of this process, as well as the types of oil.

In our country, a fairly large amount of agricultural land is devoted to sunflower cultivation. But this plant itself has not been known to us for very long. Its homeland is Mexico, where the sunflower was considered a symbol of the Sun deity and was grown back in the 3rd millennium BC. It was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 16th century and grown as an ornamental plant. In the same capacity, sunflower came to Russia; it was almost Peter I himself who brought it from Holland. But the serf peasant D.S. Bokarev from the Voronezh province figured out how to extract oil from it in 1829, and already in 1833 the first oil mill was built. Sunflower oil has spread everywhere due to the fact that the Church recognized it lean product. It even received a second name - “vegetable oil”.

Sunflower is a rather demanding plant, especially regarding soil fertility, as well as light and warmth. The quantity and quality of oil in seeds directly depends on the number of warm and sunny days. Therefore, sunflowers “for oil” are cultivated in the southern regions, and those grown to the north are used to feed livestock. Since this is a very “greedy” crop, and its planting greatly impoverishes the soil: it is possible to grow sunflower in the same place only after 7-8 years.

Before processing, sunflower seeds are additionally cleaned of foreign debris, dried, then the peel is peeled (destroyed) and separated from the kernel. After this, the kernels are crushed, resulting in mint (pulp).

Oil is obtained from mint in two ways: pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly method, but it produces less oil, and it is called prepress. There are also two types of spinning: cold and hot.

Cold pressed oil obtained by simply squeezing the mint under a press. With this method, all biologically active substances are preserved. According to international terminology, this oil is called Extra Virgin.

Hot spin used to increase the yield of the finished product. First, the mint is heated in special roasting pans, constantly stirring and moistening, and then pressed in screw presses. This oil smells stronger and its taste is brighter: it resembles roasted sunflower seeds.

The higher the heating temperature in the braziers, the more saturated phospholipids(responsible for smell and taste), you will get oil. This oil is called "forepress aromatic oil" It may be sold under the name “sunflower oil for salads.” It can be used both for salads and for frying, but its shelf life is limited; over time, it loses part of its original composition of unsaturated fatty acids and phosphalipids.

When pressing, the oil cannot be completely extracted from the seeds, so the mass remaining after pressing (cake) is subjected to extraction. Or the raw material can be immediately sent for extraction, bypassing pressing. This method was developed at the end of the 19th century in Germany and requires the use of special equipment (extractors) and organic solvents, most often extraction gasolines (gasoline, hexane, acetone, carbon tetrachloride).

In this method, the mint or cake is filled with gasoline (the best solvent for any oil), resulting in a solution of oil in the solvent and a fat-free solid residue. The gasoline is evaporated, but the oil remains as a heavier fraction. It is then settled, filtered and further processed.

Unrefined VS Refined

According to the degree of purification, vegetable oils are divided into raw, unrefined and refined.

Crude vegetable oils only filter, removing mechanical impurities. These oils are the most valuable; they completely preserve phospholipids, tocopherols and all biologically active components. Such oils have a short shelf life and often do not have a very pleasant appearance: they are cloudy, dark, and there may be sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

Unrefined vegetable oils partially purified: settled, filtered, hydrated and neutralized.

Settlement and filtration serve to remove mechanical impurities.

During hydration(treatment with a small amount of hot water) removes a significant portion of useful but inconvenient impurities: phospholipids and proteins. Phospholipids are unstable substances that can precipitate during transportation and storage, causing cloudiness in the oil, and this impairs its presentation. Proteins, present in small quantities in oil, are considered healthy, but in the presence of moisture they decompose and can contribute to the spoilage of the oil during storage. Once the impurities are removed, the oil becomes clear (and is called “commercial hydrated”).

At neutralization(alkali cleaning) the heated oil is exposed to alkali. Thus, free fatty acids are removed from the oil, the excess content of which can give an unpleasant taste.

Compared to raw vegetable oils, unrefined vegetable oils have a longer shelf life, a more “smooth” taste and smell, but are inferior in the content of nutrients.

Refined vegetable oils- These are oils that have been thoroughly refined to remove all impurities.

In addition to filtration, hydration and neutralization, in this case the oil is also subjected to refining, deodorization and freezing.

During refining(bleaching) adsorb dyes from the oil, no pigments remain in it, including carotenoids, and it becomes light yellow.

In progress deodorization Volatile aromatic substances are removed by running water vapor under vacuum, which deprives the vegetable oil of its odor.

Freezing- this is the effect of low temperatures on the oil to bind and remove waxes and waxy substances, which can form noticeable turbidity during oil storage.

As a result, refined oil (also called “depersonalized”) is transparent, without sediment. It is lightly colored and practically has no color, taste or smell. It is devoid of all biologically active substances, and its the nutritional value determined only by the presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic).

This oil is resistant to long-term storage without changing its appearance. It is recommended to be used for frying because it has a high smoke point, due to which it practically does not form carcinogens during frying and does not smoke, and also has almost no odor.

Is refined oil healthy? Yes, because fatty acids in fats remain in their places even after complete purification. However, these benefits are not comparable to those that raw or unrefined oils bring to the body.

So to get maximum benefit, you need to choose the right product: for frying - refined oil, for salads - raw or unrefined. Of course, you can fry in unrefined oil, but, firstly, it is more expensive, and secondly, you need to comply the necessary conditions, which we will talk about next time.

Vegetable oil is a product obtained from seeds, fruits, roots and other parts of various gifts of nature, and is the most common available fat in the human diet. Vegetable oils were also used for culinary purposes, this can be confirmed by absolutely any national culinary school. This product was the most common means of preserving beauty, cosmetical tools based on vegetable oils, both in ancient centuries and in our time, occupy a leading position among all those presented. And of course, one of the most popular roles of vegetable fats was that of a health savior. And now this product will always be one of the first to be purchased by supermarket visitors. Fans of traditional medicine and admirers home cosmetology they also cannot do without this gift of nature.

Useful properties of the product

The beneficial properties of vegetable oils are that they are a product consisting of waxes, phosphatides and triglycerides. Their composition is additionally enriched with such components as free fatty acids, lipochromes, tocopherols, vitamins and many additional beneficial substances. All these components are essential to the human body for full life. Scientists have proven that a lack of vegetable oils in the daily diet can lead to various bad consequences, including the development of diseases, such as impaired cholesterol metabolism and the occurrence of atherosclerosis, and its regular use, on the contrary, reduces the chance of developing these diseases to a minimum, additionally supplying the body with the necessary set of nutrients.

The composition and chemical set of vegetable oils very much depends on what kind of processing it went through and from what product it was obtained. But what all vegetable oils have in common is that they are rich in alphalinolic acid (omega 3), which:

  • It is necessary for people suffering from diabetes to maintain normal body and blood sugar levels.
  • In the presence of cardiovascular diseases strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • In the case when vision problems are diagnosed, it serves as an additional component that helps restore the required level.
  • Strengthens the immune system, helping the body cope with pathogens.
  • Helps with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The second important component in the composition of vegetable oils is linoleic acid (omega 6), the only acid that can be reformed into other acids, thus compensating for their deficiency. The lack of this acid is especially dangerous for young children, because it leads to:

  • Slow development of a small organism.
  • Diseases of the epidermis.
  • Digestive disorders.

Vegetable oils contain a large amount of tocopherol (vitamin E). This determines the following positive qualities of this product:

In addition to the above, vegetable oils are rich in phytosterols, phosphatides, pigments and many other substances that give color to this product, ensure its long-term storage, aroma and taste. And at the same time, they also have a beneficial effect on the health of the liver, strengthen its cells, helping it perform its cleansing function. They also normalize metabolism in the body and help produce bile. An insufficient amount of these components of vegetable oils can cause the development of atherosclerosis and anemia.

Vegetable oil production

Vegetable oil production now exists in every corner globe. In each region, it is obtained from plants characteristic of that particular region. Get them from:

  • Oilseeds, for example, from mustard, sunflower, soybean, poppy, rapeseed, flax, cotton, etc.
  • Fruits of oilseed plants.
  • When processing plant raw materials– tomatoes, rice, wheat germ, almonds, corn, apricots, etc.
  • Orekhov, Almost all nuts are suitable for producing oil.

The process of extracting oil from the base can be done in two ways, which are radically different from each other:

  • Pressing- consists of a mechanical effect on plant raw materials, in other words, they squeeze it out. It was in this way that vegetable oil was obtained in ancient times. And now nothing has changed. The oil thus obtained has maximum number useful substances, it retains its natural structure. Pressing can be carried out using both hot and cold methods. When hot, the vegetable base is first fried. This allows you to increase the amount of product obtained, which will also have a richer taste and aroma. But this method shortens the shelf life. Cold method does not involve thermal processing of raw materials, thanks to which the oil obtained this way can be stored longer.
  • Extraction– this type of production of a certain vegetable oil is based on its ability to dissolve in special organic solvents. A solvent is repeatedly passed through the raw material, completely removing the oil from the plant base. After this, the solvent is distilled off, and we get pure oil. This method allows you to increase the amount of product obtained.

What types of vegetable oil are there?

Types of vegetable oil are now presented in a wide range. Due to the fact that oil is obtained from plant products, there are a huge number of types of this product. Each country has its own preferences, primarily related to the flora growing there. But, nevertheless, we can distinguish the main types that are most widespread on the world market:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • rapeseed;
  • peanut;
  • sesame.
  • from grape seeds;
  • mustard;
  • corn;
  • soy;
  • linen;
  • cotton

In addition to these, there are also a huge number of other types, such as pumpkin, walnut and many others. It is impossible to single out the best vegetable oil from this series, because each has its own remarkable characteristics and areas of use.

Most often we buy refined oil for food consumption; it is this oil that is mainly presented on store shelves. What does this word mean?

The refining process involves various types of purification of oil obtained by cold or hot pressing. This product is most often refined in order to clean it from impurities and various substances that shorten its shelf life. In addition, refining allows you to get rid of the specific taste of the plants from which the oil was pressed. This is very important for culinary purposes, because when preparing various dishes, the natural taste, for example, of sunflower oil, can spoil the result and interrupt the taste of the prepared products.

But the negative side of refining can be considered the almost complete cleansing of vitamins and other useful substances in the oil.

Use in cooking

On store shelves we can see a huge variety of products in this category. You shouldn’t limit yourself in the kitchen to just one, for example, sunflower oil. By diversifying your supplies with various aromatic bottles, you can significantly expand your daily diet, enriching it with new tastes. In addition, in this way you enrich the prepared dishes very much. useful vitamins and microelements, so necessary in our time, characterized by fast pace, lack of healthy food and snacks on the go.

Some varieties and types should be used for frying foods, while others great benefit you can season salads or prepare marinades, while others will add more flavor to your desserts and pastries.

Unrefined sunflower oil will add incredible flavor to any salad. Olive oil can generally be considered a storehouse of vitamins and a hallmark of Mediterranean cuisine, so pizza and pasta are impossible without this elixir of youth.

Dough made with vegetable oil will help you continue to please your family members while fasting. delicious pastries and aromatic baked goods.

Cabbage with vegetable oil, an ordinary light salad, will save you in case of unexpected guests. And creamy vegetable oil, which has now appeared on store shelves, will allow you to enjoy your usual sandwiches for breakfast, reducing the harm of this animal product.

Mix salt and vegetable oil, whatever you like, and you will get a wonderful marinade for meat, poultry or fish.

By alternating rapeseed, soybean, sesame, peanut and pumpkin oil in the preparation of familiar dishes, you will allow your usual food combinations to sparkle with new notes, which means your culinary masterpieces will never be repeated.

Despite the rather high calorie content of vegetable oil, approximately 1000 kcal per 100 g. product, you should not be afraid of the possibility of gaining excess weight. Still, as a rule, it is used for one meal at all. small dose this product. In addition, the fats included in this product are very easily absorbed by the body.

Vegetable table oils spoil very easily, so you must strictly follow their storage conditions: keep in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid or stopper, protect from sunlight and strictly adhere to the expiration date. In this case, they will bring nothing but benefit!

Application in cosmetology

Vegetable oil has been used in cosmetology for a very long time. Even the ancient beauties noticed that different kinds This useful gift of nature can cope with many cosmetological problems and give beauty to the skin, hair and nails. Oils obtained from seeds, seeds of various plants and nuts are still used in the production of various personal care products.

The composition of this product is perfectly balanced and similar to the composition of sebum, which allows it to be easily absorbed by our skin. Well, the variety of types of oils and the functions they perform will allow every beauty to choose the ideal product for herself. After gaining some experience, you can easily even create a mixture of vegetable oils, taking into account the characteristics of your skin type.

For example, for dry aging skin The best care products will be avocado, rosehip, and wheat germ oils. Olive, sea buckthorn and peach oils are ideal. Sensitive skin will easily accept castor or peach oil, without irritation or allergies. A oily, combination type“with delight” to get acquainted with grape seed oils, hazelnut, jojoba, olive.

Even our great-grandmothers trusted castor and burdock oils for hair care, thanks to which they could be proud of their braids into old age. You can use this recipe: heat 1 tbsp. castor or burdock oil and rub into the hair roots. Then wrap your head in a warm towel and hold for an hour. If you use this recipe twice a week, after a couple of months you will notice that your curls have become thicker and have a healthy shine. And hair growth and the appearance of new ones will not keep you waiting.

Nails, for example, will become stronger and grow faster if you use almond or apricot oil for warm baths.

The benefits of vegetable oil and treatment

The benefits of vegetable oil have long been familiar to people, which is why both traditional and folk medicine successfully use vegetable oils to treat various diseases.

For example, in industry, in the manufacture of medicines, such a component is successfully used for external use in order to create a greenhouse effect, due to which medicinal substances penetrate deeper into the skin. And the oils themselves have enough wide range useful functions performed.

Traditional medicine is literally saturated with various beneficial vegetable oils, which are used both externally and for internal use. Let us give an example of several types of oils with recipes for their use.

Linseed oil:

  • To prevent cardiovascular diseases, you need to consume one teaspoon of flaxseed oil every day.
  • If you have a sore throat, gargle with warm linseed oil. Take one tablespoon of warm product into your mouth and roll from cheek to cheek for five minutes. Then spit it out.
  • In case of frostbite, apply a compress with this oil to the damaged part of the skin for 20 minutes.

Sesame oil:

  • Toothache can be easily treated by rubbing sesame oil into the inflamed gum.
  • For otitis media, place warm oil in the ear.
  • To normalize digestion during constipation, drink one tablespoon of the product every day on an empty stomach.

Sunflower oil:

  • To treat rheumatism, heat one glass of sunflower vegetable oil and add 4 hot red peppers. Infuse the medicine for two weeks, and then rub the sore area.
  • For sinusitis, suck one tablespoon of the product every day like a lollipop.

Olive oil:

  • For regular headaches, drink two teaspoons of olive oil every morning and evening before meals.
  • Chapped lips will “come to life” thanks to a compress of this oil.
  • To combat cough, drink one teaspoon of warm oil twice a day.

The scope of application of this product in medicine is unusually wide. And this is not surprising; it is difficult to find such a unique combination of a variety of product types with an incredible number of beneficial properties and medicinal functions.

Harm of vegetable oil and contraindications

The harm of vegetable oil and contraindications to its use are so small that you just need to know some rules for choosing the necessary product and the specifics of its use in order to reduce the negative impact to zero: