A simple recipe for whole ranetka jam. Quick five-minute apple jam

I don’t make ranetki jam very often, but I carefully keep the recipes in my notebook. Sometimes they are needed - for example, once my husband brought three whole buckets of small, cute apples from a trip around the region. It was a shame to throw away the miracle apples. Very sorry. What to do with them? And I’m not used to throwing away food, one crisis follows another in the yard, I don’t want to be a wasteful lazy lady in such an environment.

I had to call a friend, or rather, a former colleague. She has more experience in preparing things than I do, so she dictated as many as five recipes for delicious ranetki jam. I have tried all these recipes, so I can confidently recommend them to you. Let's prepare a beautiful and fragrant ranetka jam for the winter.

It so happens that most often I make jam in a large enamel basin. In the case of ranetki, it is very convenient, since the apples are small and it is easier to stir them in a large, wide bowl than in a deep pan.

Whole ranetka jam


  • 1 kg ranetki;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice.


Sort through the apples and rinse them with cold water. Pierce each one through with a toothpick to better absorb the syrup. Boil syrup from water and sugar in a basin. Place the fruits in boiling syrup, cook for 10 minutes over low heat, sometimes pouring syrup on top using a ladle. I don’t recommend stirring, as you can damage the integrity of the ranetkas.

Cool the bowl of jam. After steeping for about a day, repeat the ten-minute cooking, pour in lemon juice and cook for another 10 minutes at a barely noticeable boil. Place the apples in sterile jars, pour boiling syrup over them, and roll up the treated lids. The preparation turns out very nice and tasty.

Do you know how to make ranetki jam in a slow cooker? Take the previous recipe as a basis.

Prepare the syrup in the multicooker bowl, add selected apples, pierced with a toothpick, and cook for 10 minutes at intervals until the brew cools. There is no need to close the lid; the cooking program is “Soup”. Please note that the bowl should be filled no more than halfway so that the foam from the jam does not rise and fall on the heating element.

Jam from ranetki with tails

It is prepared almost as in the previous version, only I replace lemon juice with citric acid (I take a pinch for 1 kg of apples). This jam should be cooked in 3 batches with an interval of 12 hours. It turns out very convenient if you start cooking early in the morning. Then you get the following scheme: the first brew at 8 am, the second at 20.00. The apples are infused all day and then all night, gradually absorbing the syrup. Add citric acid before the third (final) cooking, which occurs the next morning after the start of cooking. Roll hot jam into jars - what's not a good start to the day?

Transparent ranetka jam for the winter

The point of the preparation is that the fruits are not boiled in syrup for long, but they are brought to a boil so many times that they become almost transparent. It all looks amazing and is prepared like this.


  • 1 kg ranetki;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1200 grams of sugar;
  • a quarter teaspoon of citric acid.


Wash the fruits, remove any spoiled ones, and pierce each fruit with a toothpick. Add sugar to boiling water, stir until dissolved, and bring to a boil. Place apples in boiling syrup, cook for 5 minutes and leave to cool, covered with some kind of pressure (so that the apples are completely in the syrup). And then cook for 5 minutes at intervals of 10-12 hours. When the ranetki become transparent, add citric acid to the syrup, cook for 3 minutes, place the apples in sterile jars, pour hot sweet syrup and roll up.

Ranetka jam with cinnamon

It is prepared according to the principle of clear jam, only 1 cinnamon stick per kilogram of apples is added to the syrup.


  • 1 kg ranetki;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 cinnamon stick.


Do everything the same way as in the recipe above. During the first cooking, add a cinnamon stick (and citric acid is not needed in this case), and remove it before rolling.

Ranetka jam in slices

There are 2 ways to make this jam: with syrup and without it (when apple slices are immediately covered with sugar and boiled when the juice is released). I tried both methods, it tastes better with syrup.


  • 2 kg ranetki;
  • 1.7 kg sugar (divided into 2 equal parts);
  • juice of one lemon;
  • 2 glasses of water.

If desired, you can add a cinnamon stick during cooking.


Wash the ranetki, soak for 10 minutes in cold water. Then cut into slices, discarding the core. Place in a bowl, pour in lemon juice, add half the amount of sugar. Boil syrup from the remaining half, cool it for half an hour. Pour the warm sugar syrup over the apple slices and bring to a boil, stirring gently with a wooden spatula to dissolve the sugar. Once boiling, wait 3 minutes and remove from heat. Let the future jam brew for 12 hours. Repeat the cycles of boiling, short cooking and infusion 3 times. After the third “approach”, pour the boiling mixture into jars and roll up.


  • 3 kg ranetki;
  • ">3 kg of sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. water.


Sort the Ranetki carefully, remove wormy and rotten fruits. Then wash the apples, pierce the skins with a fork or toothpick in several places and place them in boiling water for a few minutes. Then remove the ranetki from the water and drain in a colander. Meanwhile, cook the syrup: dissolve sugar in water, put on fire and cook until sugar dissolves. Pour hot syrup over apples and cook over medium heat for about half an hour. Ready jam from ranetki with tails leave to brew for 2 hours, then put into jars and close them.

Transparent jam from ranetki


  • 2 kg ranetki;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2-3 tbsp. water;
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid.


To make the apples in the jam transparent, you will have to spend a little more time than in the previous, quick recipe. Ranetki with ponytails sort, rinse, pierce through with a toothpick and dry. Boil sugar syrup in a large saucepan. To do this, mix sugar, water and citric acid, put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook until the syrup becomes homogeneous and transparent. Pour boiling syrup over the ranetki and cook for 5- 10 minutes, without stirring, so as not to damage the fruits.

After cooking, remove the pan with jam from the heat and leave to steep for a day. If the apples float to the top, cover the jam with a plate and place a small weight so that the ranetki are completely in the syrup. After 24 hours, boil the jam for another 5- 10 minutes. Then take a sample: take out one apple, cut it and see if it is sufficiently saturated with syrup. If not, then soak the ranetki in the syrup for a few more hours and boil again. Pack the finished product hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

  • Apples (Ranet, Chinese or cinnamon) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • Water - 1.5 cups.
  • Citric acid - 1/4 tsp.

Cooking method

  • Step 1 Sort the apples for integrity and absence of wormholes, then wash and dry. We pierce the bottom of each apple almost all the way through with a toothpick along the entire length of the core.
  • Step 2 Prepare clear syrup from sugar, water and citric acid. Immerse apples in boiling syrup. Now you can’t stir the apples, otherwise they will fall apart. You can only pour syrup over the apples, collecting it carefully with a ladle around the edges. Thus, depending on the size of the apples, 5–10 min. simmer them over low heat.
  • Step 3 Then remove the jam from the heat. Place a deep bowl on top of the pan, similar in diameter to the diameter of the pan, and a light weight. Place the bowl so that its bottom submerges the apples in the syrup. Now we leave our clear apple jam for a day.
  • Step 4 A day later, boil the apple jam again over low heat for another 5–10 minutes. Now take the largest apple from the pan and cut it in half. If the fruit is easy to cut and the structure resembles marmalade, then our apple jam is ready. If the apple is not sufficiently saturated with syrup, then leave the jam for another 5-6 hours and boil again.
  • Step 5 Pour the finished ranetka jam hot into sterilized jars with a screw cap. This apple jam is stored in a cool cellar or refrigerator.
Bon appetit!

Ranetki is a variety of apples distinguished by rather small fruits that rarely reach a weight of more than 15 grams. Apples have a bright sweet taste with a slight sourness and a wonderful aroma. Apple trees of the Ranet variety are very prolific and produce a lot of harvest. Housewives make compotes and confitures, jams and preserves, apple wine and other tasty and aromatic preparations from ranetki.

Recipe for ranetki jam for the winter

Many housewives do not know that small apples (ranetki) can be used to make rich and very tasty jam with a delicate aroma. And this is really so!


  • ranetki – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.3 kg;
  • filtered water – 100 ml.

On a note! You can add original notes to the original recipe using lemon juice or grated ginger.

Cooking method

Recipe for jam from whole ranetki

An excellent dessert would be whole ranetka jam, with clear amber-colored syrup and bright, aromatic fruits. A jar of this delicacy will take you from the cold winter to the hot August summer and give you a good mood.
Beautiful heavenly jam looks very impressive in a vase when it contains not only whole apples, but also with tails. They can be used to decorate various desserts, cakes and pies.


To make jam from ranetki with tails, for several jars you will need:

  • apples;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar.

For a kilogram of fruit, take the same amount of sugar and one glass of water. If you have a lot of apples, then increase the amount of sugar and water according to the indicated proportions.

Cooking method

Whole ranetka jam recipe

Original heavenly jam made from small apples will delight all those with a sweet tooth. This unique preparation for the winter has an amazing property: the fruits look as if they were glazed. This sugar jam will be an excellent independent dessert, and it is very easy to prepare, since the recipe for the sweet is simple and straightforward. In appearance, the delicacy seems honey-amber, but the taste is superior to many other delicacies that are prepared for the winter.


  • ranetki – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 glass.

Note! You should also prepare 1 large pan and several toothpicks or skewers.

Cooking method

Using a step-by-step recipe for whole ranetka jam with photos, making a fragrant and rich delicacy will not be difficult.

Video recipes for jam from ranetki

I want to watch video recipes for ranetki jam not only to learn how to prepare this delicacy, but also to simply enjoy the wonderful view of these little delicacies.

Time: 880 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 5 out of 5

Ranetka jam in a slow cooker: prepare it in two ways

Ranetki are capricious fruits. Sourish, hard, you definitely can’t eat much, but this is a whole storehouse of useful substances: in comparison with their fellow apples, small apples are significantly ahead of them in terms of the amount of pectin, vitamins B and P and potassium.

Today we will show you how to make jam from ranetki in a slow cooker, cutting apples of paradise into slices or from whole fruits - the cooking technology in this case is slightly different.

However, both types of jam are stored for a long time and can last all winter.

Before you decide to try any of the recipes below, decide for yourself what the consistency of your homemade dessert will be. If you want to get aromatic pieces of ranetki in syrup, then give preference to fruits with dense pulp. But for a homogeneous, soft consistency, more “loose” varieties of paradise apples are ideal.

Jam from whole ranetkas.

In order to cook a delicious delicacy, you will need the following ingredients:


Ranetki - 1 kg.
Granulated sugar - 1 kg.
Boiled water - 1.5 tbsp.
Lemon - 1 PC.

Step 1

Get ready for the fact that the recipe will require patience from you, because ranetki are stubborn in this regard, and they need to be cooked for a long time, even if cooked in a slow cooker.

Let's get started. Wash the lemon, cut it in half, and squeeze the juice out of it, which is then poured into the multicooker. This is done so that the delicacy lasts all winter and does not become sugary.

Now add granulated sugar there. Fill with hot boiled water.

Activate the “Steam” function for 10 minutes. Stir everything in the slow cooker to form a syrup.

The recipe, of course, does not give the exact time for preparing the syrup - rely on its appearance. It should become viscous.

Step 2

Let's take care of the apples of paradise. We sort through them especially carefully, mercilessly throwing the fruits out of the wormholes. Also, we try to select apples that are suitable in size - then they will all cook evenly.

However, the recipe will not suffer if the ranetki are slightly different from each other - this is a purely aesthetic component of the dish.

Wash the selected fruits and dry them slightly. In the meantime, turn on the “Baking” function for 25 minutes, without closing the lid of the kitchen device - it is necessary for the sugar syrup to begin to bubble.

Step 3

Place a kilogram of whole, clean fruits with tails in a multicooker, directly into the hot sweet mass, mix everything carefully, trying to cover every wound with syrup. Cook the jam in the slow cooker for the remaining time.

Once the cooking time is over, the hard part remains. We open the lid, press it firmly with a press - a plate with a jar of water placed on top of it works perfectly as it.

Leave the treat for 8-9 hours.

Then turn on the baking mode again for 25 minutes.

And again press the ranetka jam with a press for 6 hours.

We repeat the procedure again with the baking mode.

Place the hot food in prepared sterilized jars, roll it up with an iron lid, turn it upside down and let it cool. That's it, this delicious dessert will last all winter.

Recipe two

Ranetka jam in slices.

We will need:

  • Ranetki – 1 kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kilogram.
  • Hot water – 1 multi-glass.
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife (if you are going to store the sweetness all winter).

Step 1

Wash the Ranetki, remove the core, stem, and cut into thin slices. Set aside.

Note: if the variety is very hard, you can pre-boil it for 3-5 minutes before putting it in the slow cooker.

Step 2

Turn on the multicooker to the “Steamer” mode. Pour in the sugar and water, mix everything in the slow cooker, and prepare the sweet syrup for 10 minutes.

Then pour in the prepared fruits, mix everything, and leave to brew for 5 hours, without pressing.

At the end of this time, in the “Baking” mode, bring the mixture to a boil, turn off the multicooker, and leave again for 5 hours.

For the third time, we finally boil the ranetka jam in slices and pour it into prepared jars. Your homemade treat for the winter is ready!