Cook the whole goose in the oven recipe. How to cook goose in the oven juicy and soft


A ruddy and appetizing goose with a crispy golden crust will be a worthy decoration for any holiday table. For a long time, goose stuffed with various fillings (apples, mushrooms) was considered not only a traditional dish for holiday meals, but was also a kind of symbol of prosperity and family well-being.

This is not at all surprising, since in addition to its excellent taste characteristics, goose meat is very beneficial for the human body, as it is considered a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals and contains many elements such as iron, copper, phosphorus and magnesium.

Due to the fact that meat is quite easy to digest, it is often included in the diet of people who need to restore strength and strengthen the immune system.

Baking a whole goose carcass in the oven, and at the same time preserving all its taste, is an art. The fact is that in order to cope with this task, you need to know certain subtleties and nuances of preparation.

Pre-treatment of goose carcass

Before you start cooking the goose, the bird should be prepared. Initially, you need to thoroughly rinse the carcass under running water, thanks to which you can eliminate blood clots that are present in the womb. Next, you need to inspect the skin for any remaining feathers. If there are any, you can remove them with ordinary tweezers. You can also scald it over an open fire.

Since it is planned to bake most often a whole poultry carcass in the oven, it must be brought into proper shape. Therefore, you should carefully remove all excess that is not needed for cooking. So, before baking the goose should be removed from the body:

  • paws need to be cut off at the joint;
  • the wings must be trimmed up to the elbow bend, since there is not much meat there, and the hairs are difficult to remove;
  • the bird's head must be cut off along the second vertebra located on the neck;
  • since the meat itself is quite fatty, all wen should be trimmed off;
  • remove all offal and entrails.

After you complete all the processing, the carcass should be thoroughly washed and soaked in water at room temperature for a couple of hours, or better yet, overnight. It is advisable to soak it after this and in the marinade for three to five hours.

Thanks to this, the meat will become softer and juicier, and the spices will thoroughly saturate the entire carcass. You can bake a goose in the oven using different recipes, each of which is unique and interesting in its own way. Therefore, let's look at some of the most popular recipes, using which you can prepare a real culinary masterpiece, delighting your family and friends.

Traditionally, on major holidays such as Christmas, housewives bake a goose in the oven. There are many variations of this recipe, but we will look at a more classic version of baked goose in the oven, stuffed with apples. This method is perfect for preparing both thawed and pre-soaked poultry carcasses.

In order to cook poultry according to this recipe, you will need:

  • goose carcass - one;
  • apples for filling - two kilograms;
  • quince - one;
  • carrots - two;
  • onion - two heads;
  • parsley root;
  • spices to taste;
  • fortified dessert wine - two hundred millilirs.

You need to peel the quince and cut it into several pieces. Apples should be peeled and pitted and cut into three or four pieces. The fruits will play the role of filling with which the goose will be stuffed. To prepare, chop parsley root, onion and carrots.

Now you can start preparing the marinade. To do this, pour wine and eight hundred milliliters of water into a bowl. You need to add seasonings to the mixture at your discretion. The bird carcass should be generously rubbed with spices, and the belly should be filled with the fruits that you prepared earlier. The skin must be sewn together with thread or secured with toothpicks.

Pour the remaining marinade onto a baking sheet and place the goose on it. The side dish and remaining apples should be placed around. The oven needs to be preheated to two hundred degrees and the meat should be placed there. The bird should be basted generously with marinade and the released fat every half hour. Thanks to this, you can achieve a golden brown and crispy crust.

After an hour and a half of baking, the goose is ready. Now it should be placed on a prepared dish and decorated with baked vegetables and fruits.

2. Goose baked in the oven

Prunes go perfectly with poultry, so the goose according to this recipe will exceed your wildest expectations.

To prepare goose according to the proposed recipe you will need:

  • carcass of one goose;
  • kitchen salt - three teaspoons;
  • spices to taste;
  • prunes - three hundred grams;
  • cognac – one hundred milliliters.

Initially, you should soak the prunes in cognac for a couple of hours. The carcass prepared according to the above rules should be generously rubbed on all sides with spices and salt. Prunes soaked in cognac should be used as a filling.

Before baking, the belly must be sewn up with thread or secured with toothpicks. It is best to bake the goose in a sleeve, as this will allow the meat to retain all its juice. You need to cut off one corner of the sleeve a little. This will allow the steam to find a place to escape during baking.

The carcass should be placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven, which has been preheated to two hundred and fifty degrees. After half an hour of baking, the degrees need to be reduced to one hundred and eighty. After two hours of cooking, you should carefully examine the juice that has come out of the bird. If it does not contain blood, then the meat can be placed on a dish and decorated with herbs and vegetables.

Whatever way you decide to cook a goose carcass, the dish is sure to turn out amazing and will delight your household. Most often, fruits and vegetables with which the carcass was stuffed are served as a side dish. But fresh vegetables or boiled or baked potatoes also work well. It all depends on your wishes and imagination. Thanks to experiments, you can surprise your loved ones every time with new dishes with interesting notes.

Goose meat contains a lot of protein, iron, B vitamins and microelements. It is recommended for use by people to restore strength after illness, as well as by those who engage in heavy physical labor. The skin of poultry is very oily, so people who are losing weight should exclude it from their diet.

Five of the lowest calorie goose recipes in the oven:

The carcass is marinated in mayonnaise, vinegar diluted with water, lemon juice, kefir, aromatic herbs and spices. It is stuffed with apples, oranges, quinces, potatoes, cabbage, rice and millet. The filling is mixed with mustard sauce, mayonnaise, and butter.

Chicken liver is cooked with garlic, nutmeg, sage and a mixture of peppers. Bacon, figs, white wine and cognac are added to the pate.

How to cook goose in the oven

The whole bird is baked for a family or dinner party. Pieces of goose are prepared on weekdays, and liver pate is served as an appetizer on any day.

Five of the most nutritious oven-baked goose recipes:

    1. In order for the bird to bake well, its weight should not exceed 4-5 kg.
    1. It is better to buy the carcass 1-2 days before cooking. First, it is defrosted and cleaned of remaining feathers, and if necessary, the entrails are removed. Then the goose is marinated in the refrigerator for 12-18 hours.
    1. The goose is filled with stuffing and the belly is sewn up with culinary thread. The wings and legs are tied, and the skin is pierced in several places with a fork or toothpick. The upper parts of the wings are cut off or wrapped in foil to prevent them from burning.
    1. The goose is placed on a baking sheet or wire rack with its back up and baked at a temperature of 180 ° C for 1 hour. After this, the carcass is turned over 2 times every 30 minutes.
    1. Cooking time for poultry pieces in a sleeve or foil is 1 hour.
    1. To prepare the pate, goose liver is passed through a meat grinder or beaten in a blender. The minced meat is mixed with fried onions and bacon, herbs and spices are added. The workpiece is transferred to a mold and lowered into a container of water. The structure is sent to the oven, heated to 170-180 °C.

The bird is served with mashed potatoes, pasta and vegetable salad.

Before serving, the treat is decorated with herbs and fresh slices of lemon or orange.

Read the article. Guaranteed results in preparing ideal dishes will be ensured. You will learn all the secrets and subtleties of your oven!

Roasting a goose is a troublesome task. Preparatory work must begin 1-2 days in advance. The whole goose carcass can be cooked by filling it with any combination of products. This will make a delicious meat dish and side dish at the same time. You can cook this bird in pieces, which is also very appetizing. Cooked dishes are always a decoration for the table. Therefore, the process itself must be approached with special care. In order for the meat to be tender and juicy, you need to know some subtleties.

It is better to buy fresh or chilled poultry. But if you come across a frozen goose, then defrost it gradually over the course of a day. When choosing a carcass, consider its size. The optimal weight is from two to four kilograms. It all depends on how many people you are going to feed. The age of the bird also matters. A young goose's legs are yellow, while an old goose's are reddish. The meat of a young specimen is more tender and will cook faster.

Marinate the bird

It's no secret that goose meat is a little tough. Therefore, the question arises: “How to cook a soft goose?” There are some subtleties here too. Festive goose dishes will be tastier if the bird is pre-marinated. The first thing to do after washing the carcass and preparing it is to rub it with salt and spices and leave it in the refrigerator for several days. For greater effect, wrap the goose in cling film. The second way to make goose dishes more tender in the oven is to soak the bird in a light solution of apple cider vinegar. This will take about 12 hours. White wine can also be used as a marinade. Rub the carcass with spices and salt, pour this drink over it and wrap it in film. Place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Baking rules

Roasting a goose also has its tricks. First we set the temperature to a very high temperature (250 degrees). We keep the bird for about 25-30 minutes. Then reduce the speed to 180 degrees. For the last hour, goose dishes are cooked in the oven at 200 degrees. If you are using a sleeve, cut it open 20 minutes beforehand and let the bird brown. Baking time is about 2-3 hours. It all depends on the size of the carcass. During the process, baste the goose with the fat that has been released. This will make the meat even more tender and juicy.

Goose with cherry sauce

Recipes with goose in the oven are distinguished by their diversity. Various fillings, sauces, side dishes and cooking methods make these dishes multi-faceted and appetizing. Let's prepare a goose with For this you will need a carcass weighing about 2 kilograms, 250 milliliters of red, three small spoons of cinnamon, 250 grams of pitted cherries, spices (salt and pepper).

We wash the goose, rub it with spices and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then we take it out and make several punctures in the carcass so that the juice is released during the baking process. This is the recipe. Place the carcass in the oven, not forgetting to make several holes in the bag for steam to escape. Bake the bird for about 2 hours. During this time you can prepare the sauce. Pour wine into a saucepan and add cherries. We also add a little salt, pepper and cinnamon. Bring the sauce to a boil and, reducing the heat, simmer for about 15-20 minutes. 30 minutes before the goose is ready, open the sleeve and pour the sauce over the carcass.

Goose with apples

Goose baked with apples is one of the most popular recipes. This dish is loved by many and is the main decoration of family celebrations. We choose a bird weighing at least three kilograms. You also need to take 5 large sweet and sour apples, one onion, two medium lemons, a peeled clove of garlic, one medium carrot, black pepper and salt. We process the carcass and rub it with pepper, salt and chopped garlic.

We put it aside for now, or better yet, in the refrigerator. Peel the vegetables and cut into strips. We take out the goose and make cuts in the skin. Place onions and carrots there. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and pour it over our bird. Place the goose in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Cut the apples into 4 parts, removing the core. We put them inside the carcass along with a bay leaf. Goose baked with apples will be ready in 2 hours. The heating temperature is 200 degrees.

Goose stuffed with buckwheat

For the first time it is better to use classic recipes. There are a lot of dishes with goose, but buckwheat is used as a filling very often. To prepare tender and tasty meat, you will need a goose carcass (2-2.5 kilograms), half a glass of honey, 150 grams of adjika, a glass of buckwheat, one onion, 200 grams of boiled mushrooms, vegetable oil and spices. Mix honey and adjika and rub the goose with this mixture. Place it in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film, for 5-6 hours.

In general, the longer the bird is marinated, the better and more tender the meat will be. Boil buckwheat with a little salt. It needs to be half raw. Cut the onion into cubes and fry with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Add boiled mushrooms (any kind) to the frying pan and lightly brown them too. Add this mixture to buckwheat and get a delicious filling. We stuff the goose and sew up the belly with thread. This is a goose recipe in the sleeve, so we pack the bird and put the baking sheet in the oven. The total baking time is 1.5-2 hours. The dish is perfectly complemented by fresh vegetables. The result is a rosy and delicious baked goose. The recipe is simple and straightforward, suitable for any feast.

Goose with potatoes

This recipe allows you to get tasty and tender meat and aromatic potatoes soaked in juice as a side dish. And for this you will need a standard set of products. Take a goose carcass (1.5-2 kilograms), 1-1.5 kilograms of potatoes, 100 grams of mayonnaise, a peeled head of garlic, salt, any spices and pepper. Chop the garlic in any convenient way. Then mix it with mayonnaise and spices. We wash and dry the carcass.

Rub it with the prepared garlic mixture on all sides. Place the goose on a baking sheet, and place the potatoes, cut into slices, around the bird. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with foil and send the dish to bake. Cooking time is 2-2.5 hours. But 15-20 minutes before it’s ready, you need to remove the foil and let the meat brown. To make the potatoes and goose juicy, you can water them with the released fat and juice during the process.

Unusual recipe

Some goose dishes in the oven require some skill. For example, removing bones from a carcass. We take out only accessible large bones so as not to disturb the integrity of the bird. Rub the goose prepared in this way with a mixture of salt, pepper and any spices. Lubricate it with mayonnaise and chopped garlic and send it to marinate in the refrigerator. From the remaining bones, cook the broth, and on its basis - millet porridge (2 cups) until half cooked.

Cut 300 grams of lard into cubes and heat in a frying pan. In this fat, fry three chopped onions and one finely chopped carrot. Then add porridge to the vegetables and mix. This will be the stuffing for the goose. We put it inside the goose, and sew up the belly with thread. Place the bird on a baking sheet and place it in the preheated oven. Cooking for about 2 hours. To make the meat more tender, pour it with the juice released during the process.

Christmas goose

All over the world, goose is traditionally cooked for Christmas. This recipe is optional, but is often used in such cases. You will need a goose carcass (about 2-3 kilograms), 700 grams of green aromatic apples, 300 grams of cranberries, half a glass of honey, three large spoons of mustard, vegetable oil and spices. As usual, rub the goose with salt, pepper and vegetable oil. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Then, when the bird is marinated, take it out and let it warm up to room temperature. At this time, let's prepare the filling.

Cut the apples into 4 parts, removing the core. Place apples and cranberries inside the goose and sew up the belly tightly. Coat the top of the carcass with a mixture of honey, mustard, butter and spices. You can bake the bird on a baking sheet or in a duck roaster. To do this, use a sleeve or cover the goose with foil. Periodically water it with the released juice. Baking time is 2-3 hours and depends on the size of the carcass. The result is a delicious and tender baked goose. The recipe can be supplemented with a side dish (potatoes or rice). Apples and cranberries add flavor to the meat and are an additional ingredient when serving the dish.

Goose with prunes

To prepare, take 200 grams of prunes, a little salt, pepper, 300 grams of ordinary rice and a goose carcass weighing about 4-5 kilograms. A minimum of products, and as a result - maximum pleasure from food. Boil the rice, but not until completely cooked. It will go together with the goose in the oven. Soak the prunes for 20 minutes and then cut into pieces. Mix it with rice and add a little apple cider vinegar. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper in advance. We do this carefully, not forgetting the inner surface. After the goose has been in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, fill it with filling. We sew up the carcass and pack it into a large bird. Place the baking sheet with the goose in the preheated oven and bake for 2-2.5 hours. Then we cut the sleeve and pour the released juice over the bird. In 15 minutes the dish will be ready. We take out the ruddy carcass and let it cool a little. You can serve goose dishes in pieces. To do this, cut it into pieces and place it on a large plate around the filling.

Goose with apples and quince

By adding quince, you can get an incredibly aromatic dish. Take a goose (4 kilograms), 300 grams of sweet and sour aromatic apples, 250 grams of quince, 200 grams of carrots and parsnips, 100 grams of sweet peppers, onions, prunes and dried apricots, several peeled cloves of garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, 5 cloves, ground black pepper, 4 small spoons of turmeric, 500 milliliters of water and salt. Let's start by preparing a mixture of pepper, turmeric and minced garlic. You can add other types of pepper if desired.

Rub the goose carcass inside and out with this mixture. Set it aside to marinate. We clean the carrots and cut them into fairly large circles. Remove the skin from the onion and cut it into approximately 8 pieces per head. Peel and core a third of the apples and cut into slices. We make light cuts on the rest so that they do not burst, because we will bake them whole. We peel the quince and cut it into slices (or any other shape). We also cut parsnips and sweet peppers into large pieces. Soak dried fruits in hot water for 15 minutes. Then we dry them and cut them into pieces. We take a large container and put apples, quince, dried apricots, parsnips, carrots, prunes and sweet peppers into it. Spread foil on a baking sheet and place the goose on it. We fill it with a mixture of fruits and vegetables. If the filling remains, then spread it around the carcass. Close the foil and put the goose in the oven. In two hours it will be ready.

Goose with oranges

Goose dishes in pieces require less cooking time. Take a carcass weighing about 1.5 kilograms and cut it into portions. Generously grease each piece with a mixture of honey, spices and vegetable oil. Let them marinate for at least 2 hours. Then transfer the goose to a baking sheet greased with oil. Add orange, cut into slices, juniper, thyme sprigs, pour 250 milliliters of red wine and 100 milliliters of chicken broth. Cover the baking sheet with foil and place in the oven for 2 hours. After this, open the goose and give it another 20 minutes to brown. We use the juice remaining in the pan to prepare a tasty and aromatic sauce. To do this, pour it into a saucepan, removing the juniper and oranges, and add spices to taste. Reheat and serve with meat.

Geese accumulate fat, which is superior in quality to the fat of any other bird. It contains almost no cholesterol and is capable of removing radioactive elements from the human body. Goose meat is an excellent source of protein and iron. Therefore, the goose needs to be cooked correctly in order to render out the fat, but not remove it completely, preserve the beneficial qualities and not dry out the meat. It is better to use an oven for this.

Every housewife, buying a goose in a store or at the market, dreams that she will get a juicy goose in the oven, a soft goose in the oven, in a word - a delicious goose in the oven. Recipes for cooking goose in the oven are varied and multifaceted. Here are just a few of the most common: goose with apples in the oven, goose in the oven with potatoes, goose with buckwheat in the oven, goose in the oven with prunes, goose with rice in the oven, goose with cabbage in the oven, goose with oranges in the oven. In addition, depending on the method of cutting the carcass, laying the meat, and thermal protection of the dish, recipes may also differ: goose in the oven in a sleeve, goose in the oven as a whole, goose in pieces in the oven, goose in the oven in foil, goose in dough in the oven.

Goose meat in the oven turns into a delicacy during cooking. The original taste of goose meat is enhanced by baking. Therefore, baking a goose in the oven is the most common way to cook a goose. The results are delicious aromatic dishes: goose with apples, baked in the oven, goose baked in the oven in a sleeve, goose in foil, baked in the oven, goose baked in the oven with buckwheat, prunes or potatoes. Often a goose carcass is stuffed with various products and ingredients. The recipe for stuffed goose in the oven involves the use of juicy sweet and sour products, usually apples. Stuffed goose baked in the oven is a signature dish of many lovers of this meat. To prepare this dish, you can use a recipe for goose with apples in the oven, a recipe for goose baked in the oven with apples and oranges.

New recipes for goose dishes in the oven are constantly appearing on our website. You will probably like goose in the oven with apples and prunes, goose in the oven with potatoes in the sleeve, roast goose in the oven. The recipe for goose baked in the oven is constantly being improved and supplemented with new ideas. This is largely due to our readers. Therefore, if you have any of your own signature recipes for goose in the oven, for example, a recipe for goose in pieces in the oven or a recipe for goose with buckwheat in the oven, post it on the website. Goose in the oven, recipe and photos from you will decorate our collection. If someone needs to prepare a “goose in the oven” dish, a step-by-step recipe is most convenient, try making this option and send it to us. How to cook a goose in the oven - photos of this process will help novice housewives.

So, have you decided to cook the goose in the oven? Our site will give answers to all your questions: how to cook a soft goose in the oven, how to cook a juicy goose in the oven, how to bake a goose in the oven, how to marinate a goose for the oven, how to bake a whole goose in the oven. In a word, you will understand how to deliciously cook a goose in the oven. Another important issue for preparing the “goose in the oven” dish is time and temperature. These indicators depend on the size of the poultry carcass, the products used, the method of marinating and cooking. For example, cooking a goose in the oven in a sleeve or foil significantly reduces the time for this operation due to less heat loss.

You might be interested in a few more tips for cooking goose:

Only young geese are suitable for culinary processing. The meat of old geese can be very tough, even if it is pre-seasoned in a marinade.

In order for the goose meat to be soft, it should be regularly basted with fat during the cooking process.

Before cooking, you can treat the goose so that the skin becomes crispy during baking. To do this, the bird needs to be doused with a large amount of boiling water so that the skin turns white and tightens. Then dry it, rub it with dry white wine and salt on the outside and inside and put it in the refrigerator overnight - on a wire rack, without covering it, to dry. Before baking, pierce the skin of the goose all over with a fork and rub with something fragrant. For example, ginger powder.

Pre-holiday chores always involve worrying not only about what to serve, but also how to surprise guests. I also want the menu for such a feast to be varied and satisfying.

On New Year and Christmas, the signature dish on the festive table will be goose baked in the oven. And no matter how the hostess decides to cook it, stuffed or without filling, with apples or porridge, the table will seem rich and the bowl will seem full.

The goose is a heavy bird, which is why many are afraid to cook it, explaining that it might be undercooked, burnt, etc. You really can’t go wrong, especially since the dish is mainly prepared for a festive feast. Roast goose is a classic on the lavish Christmas table. If you want to create a magical atmosphere of family comfort and celebration, then this dish is exactly what you need. A large baked goose with a crispy crust will please both family and guests. If the celebration is not numerous, then you can completely limit yourself to poultry as a meat dish.

There are many filling options for goose: apples, pineapples, buckwheat, potatoes, mushrooms... It turns out more tender and tastier with fruit fillings. You can, of course, bake it without any filling at all, but in this case it may turn out dry.

An important point is proper marinating, thanks to which the meat acquires a unique taste. Goose prepared according to this recipe turns out to be moderately fatty thanks to some secrets; the meat will delight you with pleasant juiciness.

This issue describes different recipes for preparing this bird; choose according to your taste and the availability of ingredients.

The first process of cooking goose with apples and prunes is a very noble and tasty combination.

recipe with apples and prunes

You will learn the most important secrets - how to make the dish turn out excellent!
So, if you want to pleasantly surprise your guests by placing a fragrant and appetizing goose with a crispy crust on the table, it’s time to start cooking!

  • Goose carcass – approximately 2.7 kg,
  • Salt,
  • pepper,
  • Table mustard – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Garlic – 5 medium cloves,
  • Butter or ghee – 50 g,
  • Apples,
  • Prunes (pitted).

Before baking, the goose needs to be prepared. If the carcass is frozen, take it out in advance so that it has time to defrost at room temperature; this will take several hours. It is not worth artificially accelerating this process by heating the meat.

Rinse the carcass well inside and out, cut off excess fat and wing tips. You can first soak the meat in water acidified with wine or vinegar; this step is optional, however, sometimes it is worth cooking to compare the result.

Pass the garlic cloves through a press, grind the salt and peppercorns in a mortar. Add other favorite herbs and spices to the above if desired.

If the interior fat is easy to remove, then under the skin it is not so easy to do. To make the skin nicely crispy without excess goose fat, use a sharp knife to make shallow cuts in the skin along the breast, being careful not to cut through to the meat. When baked, the fat will render and can be collected and saved for stir-fries or sauces.

Dry the goose slightly with a paper towel and rub generously with spices. Rub garlic only on the inside, do not rub it on the outside, otherwise it will start to burn.

I’ll tell you one secret on how to make goose meat more tender, even if the goose ran a lot or wasn’t too young before it came to the table. In this case, it is better to rub it overnight not only with spices, but also with ready-made table mustard. This will help keep the meat tender.

Wrap the spice-rubbed carcass in cling film and hide it in the refrigerator overnight or all day (if you plan to cook in the evening).

Take firm, sour apples, rinse, remove the core and cut into slices. No need to clean. Rinse the prunes with water.

Stuff the marinated bird with apples and prunes. To prevent the filling from falling out, you can pin the carcass together with toothpicks or sew it up, just don’t forget to remove the toothpicks (or threads) later.

Another little secret: brush the goose with butter or ghee before baking - the crust will turn out appetizing and crispy.

Place the goose on a wire rack and place a baking tray below into which the fat will drain. Pour water into the bottom of the pan to prevent dripping fat from smoking. Water will have to be added periodically. There shouldn’t be a lot of it, just enough to lightly cover the surface of the baking sheet.

Preheat the oven to 250°C in advance and place the stuffed goose in it for 20 minutes to “set” the crust.

Turn the carcass breast down and lower the temperature to 160 °C, leave to cook for 1.5 - 2 hours. Cooking time depends on the weight of the goose, approximate calculation: 1 hour per 1 kg.

If you bake a goose without a wire rack, try to turn it over every 20 minutes and pour the sauce over it from the baking sheet.

Serve the cooked goose on a nice large platter.

Of course, a whole carcass looks very impressive, but not every guest would risk cutting off a leg or wing to avoid getting dirty and spoiling the overall appearance of the dish, so you can divide the goose into pieces.

Potatoes or fluffy rice would be an excellent side dish for the bird; don’t forget to serve the apples with which the goose was baked.


If the goose starts to burn in the oven, then cover the most vulnerable spots with foil and pour the sauce from the bottom of the baking sheet over the carcass more often. Then the meat will cook evenly.

A home-made sauce will be an excellent addition to the dish; it will add a pleasant piquancy and new notes of taste. The gravy can be made from plums, oranges and cranberries or from tomatoes. And lovers of spicy foods can prepare a very simple garlic sauce; all you need to do is chop a few large garlic cloves, herbs and mix with low-fat mayonnaise or kefir.

Bon appetit and happy feast!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Another recipe for delicious baked goose with fruit from Galina Aleksandrovna, thanks to the author for the recipe and photo.

The recipe at first glance seems simple, it would seem that there is nothing complicated about it, I coated the goose, like the chicken, with spices, salted it, and - into the oven. But this is only at first glance, and if you don’t know a few subtleties, you risk ruining the bird. Since the size of the bird is not small, on average 3-5 kg. And the main difficulty in cooking will not be to get dry meat with charred skin or a beautiful golden crust, but meat with blood.

We suggest that instead of the standard goose with apples, prepare it with oranges, tangerines and figs. A festive dish after all!


  • Goose weighing 3.5 kg,
  • oranges and tangerines - three each,
  • figs – 10 pcs.,
  • lemon – 1 pc.,
  • natural honey,
  • soy sauce,
  • pepper and rosemary (ground),
  • salt - to taste.

Before washing the bird with water, tar it if there are any feathers left on it. This can be done with matches or over a gas burner fire.

Get rid of the innards and excess fat. As a rule, you can buy a goose carcass with giblets. There is no need to bake them; it is better to set them aside for preparing delicious homemade ones. By the way, the ends of the wings also need to be cut off and placed with the stomach, liver and heart in the soup.

Excess fat, if you don’t have time to deal with it, melt it later. Place it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. By the way, fried potatoes made with goose fat and skin are very tasty! You’ll do this another time, but now let’s move on to preparing the goose for baking.

The carcass must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, inside and out.
Mix salt and pepper and rub the goose with them. It is believed that goose meat will turn out juicy and tender if you salt it a couple of days before cooking and leave it in a cool place. If you don’t have much time to wait, 2-4 hours will be enough.

Place the deep baking tray with the bird (don't forget to add some water to it!) in a warm oven (160 degrees) for two and a half hours. During this time, don't just check in to make sure the goose is okay, and baste it periodically during cooking with the rendered fat.

If there is a lot of fat, it is better to carefully pour the excess into jars, because in the oven it starts to get very hot and smoke.

Once the jars of fat have cooled, you can put them in the refrigerator. You will truly appreciate the goose fat formed in this way (and melted) when you use it to prepare a variety of delicious dishes.

At this time, take care of the fruit. Divide oranges, lemon and tangerines without peel into slices. Pour boiling water over dried figs for a couple of minutes. If you prefer a slight bitterness, do not remove the peel from the citrus fruit, just wash it thoroughly. Pour honey over orange, lemon, tangerine slices and figs, sprinkle with rosemary.

After 2.5 hours it will be time to remove the goose to brush it with honey and soy sauce. Please note that the recipe does not indicate exact proportions. Stick to your own passions. Some people like a more pronounced honey note, while others want to give the dish a sweet and sour touch.

Place the prepared citrus fruits around the honey-glazed goose. Increase the temperature in the oven to 180–200 degrees and return the baking sheet with the baked goose to it for another half hour. The aroma of roasting meat will be joined by an incomparable delicate honey-citrus bouquet.

Transfer the goose and all its delicious “surroundings” to a beautiful dish and get ready for enthusiastic “oohs” and “aahs”.

Bon appetit and good recipes!