Practical work preparing cheesecakes from cottage cheese. How to cook cottage cheese pancakes in a frying pan, with semolina, in the oven

Pancakes, pancakes, casseroles, classic cheesecakes: every housewife knows the recipe for these dishes. To make homemade cottage cheese pancakes truly delicious, it is important to strictly follow the technology and use the highest quality products.

The fresher the cottage cheese, the more delicate the taste of the finished products. Those who love variety should supplement their cheesecakes with raisins, dried apricots, nuts or a delicious sweet sauce.

Cottage cheese pancakes are an ideal breakfast dish. Adults and children love them. Even those who are not too fond of ordinary cottage cheese treat fluffy, crispy cheesecakes favorably.

If you want to make classic cheesecakes, their recipe can be very varied. Cottage cheese products can be sweet or salty, cooked in a frying pan or in the oven. Semolina, herbs, apples and other ingredients are added to the dough. But ordinary cottage cheese pancakes with a pleasant sweetish taste and a golden brown crust remain a classic.

To prepare cheesecakes according to the classic recipe, you need fresh, not too sour cottage cheese. It is important that it is not liquid; ready-made pastes will not work. In order for the products to acquire the desired shape and not fall apart during the frying process, you need to choose slightly dry cottage cheese.

If the product is not thick enough, to achieve the desired consistency, you can put it on a sieve or hang it in a gauze bag overnight, allowing excess liquid to drain.

If you want to know how to make cheesecakes tender, the secret is simple: you cannot add too much flour to the dough. Excessive sugar will make the products heavy and will cause them to burn. It is better to first rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to get rid of hard lumps that spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Curd cheesecakes: classic recipe

Cottage cheese pancakes prepared according to this recipe are fluffy, delicate in taste and not too sweet. If the cottage cheese turns out to be sour, the amount of sugar can be increased slightly.

To prepare you will need:

  • 250 g fresh cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pre-sifted wheat flour;
  • 1 large egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. semolina for breading;
  • salt to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil for frying.

The classic recipe is simple. The cottage cheese is thoroughly ground with egg, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and salt; during the mixing process, flour is gradually added to the mass. The dough for cottage cheese pancakes can also be kneaded in a mixer bowl, so it will turn out more homogeneous. If the mass turns out to be too liquid, you can add a little flour. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the dough will be too dense.

The resulting mass must be divided into small lumps, each rolled into a ball, and then flattened into a thick cake. Classic cheesecakes must be given a round shape.

Curd cheesecakes should not be too thin. The secret to success is the contrast between the tender, soft center and the crispy crust. Each product is carefully rolled in semolina. Breading ensures that the cheesecakes do not fall apart during frying. Heat odorless vegetable oil in a thick-walled frying pan.

You cannot fry cottage cheese pancakes in butter, they will burn very quickly. Do not add too much fat, otherwise the products will turn out heavy and tasteless. Each cheesecake is placed in the center of the pan, and after a few seconds it is moved to the periphery. When the products are browned, they need to be carefully turned over with a wooden or silicone spatula.

The finished baked goods can be placed on a plate lined with a paper towel, which will absorb excess fat. Then the cheesecakes are laid out on pre-heated plates and served immediately. Each serving can be topped with sour cream, honey, jam, condensed milk, and decorated with chopped fruit. This dish is especially delicious with freshly brewed green or black tea.

How to make cheesecakes in the oven?

For those who don’t like fried foods, you can cook cottage cheese pancakes in the oven. To get a golden brown crust, at the end of baking, you can turn on the grill in the oven for 1-2 minutes.

For a richer taste, the cheesecake recipe is supplemented with dried fruits: finely chopped dried apricots and raisins. Instead, you can use chopped dates, dried cherries or pitted prunes.

To prepare you will need:

  • 250 g of fresh dry cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. thick sour cream;
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. light raisins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped dried apricots;.
  • 1 egg;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. sifted flour;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • salt to taste.

Seedless raisins and dried apricots should be thoroughly washed and soaked in cold water for half an hour. After this, the dried fruits are dried with a paper towel and cut into small pieces. Small raisins do not need to be cut. The cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve and mixed with sugar, salt, sour cream and a lightly beaten egg. Flour mixed with semolina is poured in portions. Then chopped dried fruits are added to the dough. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly. If it turns out runny, you can add a small amount of flour.

Pieces of dough are rolled into balls and then flattened to create thick round cakes. They need to be laid out on a baking sheet greased with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil. The products are baked over medium heat until fully cooked. Cheesecakes with dried fruits are especially tasty with honey and freshly brewed tea.

Number according to the collection of recipes No. 617 "Cottage cheese pancakes"

Product name

w?zek wid?owy z nap?dem silnikowym, wozki ton

Wheat flour

Weight of semi-finished product

Table margarine

Lots of ready-made cheesecakes

Cooking technology

Add 2/3 of the flour, eggs, sugar, and salt to the pureed cottage cheese. You can add 0.02 g of vanillin per serving, after dissolving it in hot water.

The mass is mixed well, shaped into a bar 5-6 cm thick, cut crosswise, breaded in flour, shaped into round balls 1.5 cm thick, fried on both sides, and then placed in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Cheesecakes without sugar can be prepared with cumin (0.5g per serving).

The caraway seeds are sorted out, washed, poured with hot water and left for 1-1.5 hours to swell, then the water is drained. Cumin is added to the pureed cottage cheese along with the other ingredients.

They sell cheesecakes in batches of 3. per serving with sour cream, or jam, or sour cream and sugar, with milk or sour cream or sweet sauces.

Cheesecakes with cumin are served with sour cream or sour cream sauce.

GOSTs and specifications for products included in the “Cottage cheese pancakes” recipe are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - GOSTs and specifications for products included in the “Cottage cheese pancakes” recipe

Product name

Name, GOST or TU No.

GOST R 52096-2003 Cottage cheese. Specifications

Wheat flour

GOST 52189-2003 - Wheat flour

GOST R 52121-2003 Chicken eggs for food. Specifications

GOST 21-94 Granulated sugar. Specifications

Table margarine

GOST R 52178-2003

Margarines. General technical conditions

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At first, housewives used a simple recipe for cheesecakes, then brave chefs, not afraid of experiments, invented hundreds of new recipes. Each cooking technology is interesting and unique. Each recipe is a basis that, using your imagination, you can turn into something new and original.

Classic simple recipe in a frying pan

Curd cheesecakes are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. Experienced cooks pass this classic recipe down to the younger generation. You will learn how to cook a hearty dish in a frying pan, the aroma of which is impossible to describe.


  • Cottage cheese – 500 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Flour – 100 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Ghee, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Let's start by kneading the dough. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, knead it thoroughly with a fork, add eggs and mix. Sprinkle the resulting mass with sugar, salt, add vanilla sugar and flour in moderate portions. The result will be a homogeneous and cool composition.
  2. We form blanks. Roll out a small piece of dough in your hand, make a ball and slightly flatten it on both sides. You can roll it out into a sausage and cut it into round pieces using a knife, and then slightly adjust the shape. Roll each one in flour.
  3. Fry in a frying pan on both sides one by one over low heat with a lid on. It will take no more than five minutes to fry each side.

Classic cheesecakes are an excellent breakfast dish or an excellent dessert. Usually they are topped with sour cream or fruit and berry jam. I use natural honey for this purpose. The treat goes well with black tea, coffee, cocoa and warm milk.

Video recipe

The most delicious recipe

Some start the day with a cup of tea, others prefer sandwiches, and still others do not eat anything at all. I try to please my household in the morning with quick delights, including delicious cheesecakes.


  • Cottage cheese – 500 g.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Delicate cottage cheese can be immediately used for kneading. If it’s dry and elastic, it won’t hurt to pre-grind it, pass it through a grater or grind it in a blender with fresh sour cream.
  2. Add eggs and sugar, mix and add flour in portions. The result will be a soft, non-sticky dough from which a “log” is formed.
  3. Using a knife, cut the workpiece into thin slices and use your hands to give each piece a round shape.
  4. Roll each piece in flour and fry in oil until a patterned crust appears.

I advise you to place five flower-shaped cheesecakes on a plate, and put a spoonful of sour cream, honey or condensed milk in the middle. A “blanket” of powdered sugar will not interfere with the sophistication.

Diet cheesecakes with semolina

Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare a delicacy at home. At the same time, we replace traditional ingredients that make the dish high in calories with dietary analogues.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 2 packs.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Semolina – 1 glass.
  • Sugar.


  1. Add the egg to the thoroughly mixed low-fat cottage cheese and mix. Add semolina in portions, from which the classic manna pie is made. Add sugar to your taste or your favorite berries.
  2. Since the composition does not include flour, rolling into balls is problematic. A little trick: lubricate your hands with a few drops of vegetable oil. Place a spoonful of dough in your palm, roll into a ball and press lightly to form a flat pancake.
  3. You can prepare low-calorie cheesecakes by steaming, in the oven or in a slow cooker. In the first case, cook for half an hour, but you can’t count on a golden crust. In the case of the oven, the cooking time does not exceed 30 minutes, and the maximum temperature is 180 degrees. With a multicooker it is much easier - activate the cooking mode and set the timer for 25 minutes.

Cheesecakes with semolina are an ideal option for a gourmet who wants to lose weight. This tasty and dietary delicacy will satisfy gastronomic needs and will not leave a trace in the form of fat deposits.

Preparing fluffy cheesecakes

The main highlight of the treat is the simple ingredients. But the result will shock anyone who is lucky enough to try them.


  • Cottage cheese – 500 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Semolina – 0.5 cups.
  • Corn flour - 0.5 cups.
  • Baking powder – 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt and cinnamon.


  1. To make fluffy cheesecakes, place fresh cottage cheese in cheesecloth, squeeze thoroughly and pass through a sieve.
  2. Add eggs, a pinch of cinnamon, a little salt. If you have a sweet tooth, add sugar to taste at this stage.
  3. Add corn flour, fine-grained semolina and baking powder to the curd mass. After mixing, you can safely form balls. If you don't have baking powder, baking soda can replace it. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the finished dish will get an unpleasant aftertaste.
  4. Place a spoon or two of dough in your palm, roll it into a ball and press lightly with your hands. Dip in flour and remove excess. Do the same with the remaining dough.
  5. Pour a little oil into a preheated frying pan and fry the cheesecakes on each side until golden brown. Cook covered over low heat.

Hot cheesecakes are tender, airy and incredibly fluffy. Even if the dessert sits in the refrigerator until the morning, the taste will not deteriorate, but the consistency will become denser. What to serve with, decide for yourself. It can be sour cream, jam, tea or cranberry juice. In this matter, I recommend being guided by personal tastes.

Video recipe

How to make cheesecakes in the oven

Cottage cheese is a wonderful product from which cheesecakes, dumplings, casseroles, cheesecake and cheesecakes are made. What is the secret to the success of the dish? The dessert baked in the kitchen oven turns out tender and juicy. And if you add a little vanilla to the composition, the treat will receive a pronounced, appetizing and sweetish aroma.


  • Cottage cheese – 300 g.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Flour – 100 g.
  • Yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Salt, vanillin.


  1. Grind the cottage cheese with a fork and add a little salt. Add sugar, vanillin, yolks and flour.
  2. After mixing, you will get a thick dough. Make small cheesecakes out of it. Take no more than a spoonful of mass to make one piece. To make it more convenient to work, first moisten your hands with water or lubricate them with oil.
  3. Line the bottom of the baking sheet you are using with parchment. Lightly grease the parchment paper with oil and lay out the pieces. Bake for about half an hour at 180 degrees.


dish cottage cheese costing raw materials

The main share in the structure of food production is occupied by grain processing (31.1%), meat processing (9.4%), dairy (10.2%), fish processing (3.2%), fruit and vegetable (2.2%), oil and fat industries (2.6%). The domestic market for dairy products in Kazakhstan will amount to about 1.6 million tons of milk equivalent in 2020, of which local products could account for about 1.5 million tons of milk equivalent. The main task facing agriculture is to increase the production of food products, including dairy, by 70% by 2050.

Recently, there has been a certain growth in the domestic food industry, which has also affected the dairy industry. More and more Kazakh entrepreneurs are turning their attention to the production of dairy products, and cottage cheese in particular. In terms of the number of significant enterprises, not only because of their scale, but also because of the impressive results of their market activities, the dairy industry occupies one of the leading places in modern Kazakh economic life. This confirms the relevance of the course work.

Cottage cheese is one of the healthiest fermented milk products. In addition to its excellent taste, cottage cheese has many healing and healing properties for the body. The unique properties of cottage cheese are due to the manufacturing technology of this product. In the process of making cottage cheese, the most valuable components are released from milk - easily digestible protein and milk fat. According to modern concepts of nutrition science, cottage cheese as a protein product is of great importance for a balanced diet of people.

Cottage cheese is widely used for preparing cold appetizers (salty cheese curds), second dishes (cheese cakes, puddings, dumplings, etc.) and sweet dishes (cheese curds, Easter).

The purpose of the course work is to study the technology of preparing dishes from cottage cheese. To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

study the characteristics of raw materials, the range of dishes made from cottage cheese and the methods of their heat treatment;

study the technological process of preparing dishes from cottage cheese;

learn to correctly calculate raw materials for dishes;

master the methodology for compiling and calculating costing, technological, technical and technological maps and technological diagrams

perform calculations of raw materials for cottage cheese dishes,

develop costing, technological maps, technological diagrams and technical and technological maps.

1. Organizational section

1 Characteristics of raw materials

Cottage cheese is a valuable food product. It contains proteins, fats, aromatic substances, lactic acid, all essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Cottage cheese proteins are complete, and fats are rich in biologically active unsaturated acids (Table 1).

Table 1 - Nutritional and energy value of cottage cheese

Curricular content of basic foods in 100 g of product, genergetic value, kiklvodabelkiugovodorganic acids in the calculation of malactualactosaharosis18 %fat65.014.02.8-1.001.02329 %fat 73.016,72,72,72,0-1.001.0159 "Krestyansky" 75.0 "Cross" 17 ,01.8-1.001.1124 "Table" fat content 73.016,01.0-1.001.01704 % fat content 77.515.01.0-1.001.0104 Low-fat

Cottage cheese is a traditional protein fermented milk product with high nutritional and medicinal dietary properties. It is produced by fermenting pasteurized whole or skim milk and removing part of the whey from the resulting curd. Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk can only be used for the production of products subject to mandatory heat treatment (dumplings, cheesecakes, etc.), as well as for the production of processed cheeses. The composition of cottage cheese includes 14-17% protein, up to 18% fat, 2.4-2.8% milk sugar. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium - substances necessary for the growth and proper development of a young body. Cottage cheese and products made from it are very nutritious, as they contain a lot of protein and fat. Cottage cheese proteins are partially bound to phosphorus and calcium salts. This promotes better digestion in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, cottage cheese is well absorbed by the body. Cottage cheese is also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and C.

Cottage cheese has a pure fermented milk taste and smell. Its consistency is delicate and homogeneous: for fatty it is allowed to be somewhat loose and spreadable, for low-fat it is crumbly, with a slight release of whey, for soft dietary it is pasty. The color of the cottage cheese is white, for fatty ones - with a creamy tint, uniform throughout the mass; for cottage cheese with fruit and berry fillings, the color is determined by the added fillers.

For 1st grade cottage cheese, table and peasant cottage cheese, a weak fodder taste, a taste of container (wood) and slight bitterness are allowed, for dietary fruit and berry - the taste and aroma of the added syrup. The color is white, with a creamy tint or slightly yellowish, for dietary fruit and berry cottage cheese - due to the color of the added syrup, uniform throughout the mass, for table cottage cheese - white.

The consistency of the cottage cheese should be soft, non-uniform is allowed; for low-fat, peasant and table - crumbly, with a small amount of curd grains, dietary cottage cheese should have a delicate spreadable consistency. In the 1st grade, a loose consistency, spreadable, is allowed, for low-fat - crumbly, with a slight release of whey.

The number of lactic acid microorganisms in 1 g of product during the shelf life is not >106. Phosphatase is not allowed in the product.

Cottage cheese is stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding 8 0C and air humidity 80-85%. It is placed according to production batches. The cells maintain a strict sanitary regime and do not allow significant temperature fluctuations.

The guaranteed shelf life of cottage cheese is 36 hours from the end of the technological process, including no more than 18 hours at the enterprise.

The conditions for transporting cottage cheese to retail and catering establishments are the same as for other whole milk products.

1.2 Primary processing of raw materials

Cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk is consumed in its natural form (except in the summer). Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk is used only for preparing dishes that are subject to heat treatment (cheese cakes, casseroles, puddings, dumplings, etc.). In children's institutions, the use of cottage cheese in its natural form is prohibited. Before preparing dishes from cottage cheese, it must be subjected to primary processing.

Before preparing hot dishes, cottage cheese is subjected to primary processing. The wet cottage cheese is squeezed out - placed under a press, and then passed through a meat grinder or a grinding machine. And if it is necessary to process a small amount, rub it through a sieve (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Primary processing of cottage cheese

3 Organization of work of production workshops

3.1 Organization of work of the hot shop

The technological process of cooking food is completed in the hot shop. It is in this workshop that heat treatment of various products is carried out, semi-finished products are prepared, first, second and sweet courses are prepared, products are prepared for the cold workshop, and sometimes flour products are baked.

The hot shop receives semi-finished products from all procurement shops (vegetables, meat, fish), so it must have a convenient connection with them. The hot shop premises should be located close to the cold shop and adjacent to the dispensing room. The hot shop must be connected directly to the tableware washing area.

The workshop area is determined in accordance with the number of dishes produced and the number of seats in the dining room, taking into account the standards developed for various types of public catering establishments.

The operation of a hot shop, like other production areas, largely depends on the correct organization of workplaces and their provision with appropriate equipment. The hot shop is equipped with stoves, food boilers with cold and hot water supply, ovens, electric frying pans, deep fryers, cookers, food and steam boilers, refrigerated cabinets, shelving, production tables, etc.

Sectional modulated equipment, which is implemented mainly in large catering establishments, provides convenient interconnection and sequence of implementation of various stages

technological process and working conditions of service personnel. With the linear principle of its arrangement, the paths for the movement of personnel and the movement of products, semi-finished products, and ready-made dishes in production are shortened.

To ensure that all heating equipment is used strictly for its intended purpose, the lines for preparing second courses are made up of the following sections: a stove with a continuous frying surface, a deep fryer, and a special frying cabinet. The heating line is complemented by food warmers for storing side dishes of main courses in a hot state, production tables with a built-in bathtub and a refrigerated container.

Cooks and other hot shop workers are required to study the rules of equipment operation and safety precautions.

3.2 Organization of work of the cold shop

The purpose of the cold shop is to prepare cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches.

When locating a cold shop, its convenient connection must be provided with the kitchen, where heat treatment of products for the cold shop is carried out, and with the procurement shops, from where products are supplied to the cold shop, which are then sold without heat treatment.

Cold shop products are sold to consumers in tableware, so the washing room should be located in close proximity to the cold shop. The workshop room should be bright enough, preferably with windows facing north-west.

The main operations carried out in the workshop are cutting prepared products, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. In accordance with this, the chefs' workplaces are organized, the appropriate equipment, inventory, and tools are used. Due to the fact that the workshop prepares dishes and cold snacks not only from semi-finished products that have undergone heat treatment, but also from raw products, it is important to distinguish between jobs for the manufacture of products from different types of raw materials.

The workshop's products are mostly perishable, so refrigeration equipment is required - cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigeration chambers with additional grid shelves for short-term storage of prepared products, a low-temperature counter and an ice maker.

The main equipment of the cold shop is a universal drive with a set of replaceable mechanisms, machines for slicing gastronomic products, an oil divider, a tabletop machine for slicing vegetables, production tables with slides, refrigerated containers and a refrigerated cabinet, egg slicers, apple slicers, etc.

2. Technological section

1 Heat treatment techniques

All cooking methods are divided into two main types: boiling and frying. In addition to them, there are combined methods and auxiliary techniques.

Combined techniques include:



frying cooked foods.

Auxiliary techniques include:



There are several methods for cooking food. When cooking in the main way, the product is completely immersed in water or a liquid containing water. When poaching, the product is heated with a small amount of liquid or in its own juice. Steam cooking of products is carried out in special steam ovens or steam boxes. Cooking at a low temperature is carried out in a water bath. Cooking at elevated pressure is carried out in boilers with a hermetically sealed lid or in autoclaves.

There are several ways to fry foods. The main way to fry is in a shallow dish (frying pan, saucepan) with a small amount of fat, heated to 150-160°C. Roasting over an open fire is carried out on a spit or on a grill. Closed frying is done in ovens.

Combined processing consists of several types of heat treatment.

Stewing is the simmering of a product with the addition of spices, seasonings or in a sauce. Before stewing, the product is fried. Brewing consists of first poaching the product in an oven with broth and fat, and then frying it in the oven. Boiling followed by frying or baking is used to prepare various puddings and casseroles, as well as to remove extractive substances from meat and fish products (these products are first boiled and then baked with sauce).

Auxiliary techniques include sauteing - frying a product (onion, carrots, tomato, flour) with a small amount of fat before its subsequent heat treatment and blanching - scalding the product with boiling water or steam before further heat treatment. This reduces the destruction of some vitamins and facilitates mechanical cleaning of products.

To prepare dishes from cottage cheese, various tools, devices and utensils are used (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Tools, appliances and utensils used for preparing cottage cheese dishes

2.2 Technological process for preparing dishes from cottage cheese

Cold and hot dishes are prepared from cottage cheese and curd mass. The first includes curd mass with various fillings (raisins, nuts, cocoa powder, etc.), with the addition of flavoring and aromatic substances (vanillin, cumin, etc.), cottage cheese with milk, sour cream, sugar, curd cream, and the second - dumplings, cheesecakes, casseroles, puddings.

To prepare hot dishes, pass the cottage cheese through a grinding machine; a small amount of cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve. When rubbing, losses of 1-2% are formed.

The second hot dishes are prepared boiled (lazy dumplings, steamed pudding), fried (cheese pancakes, curd bars) and baked (puddings, casseroles).

Cheese pancakes are prepared with or without sugar, as well as with the addition of various vegetables (potatoes, carrots) or spices (cumin). Puddings differ from casseroles in a larger number of components (vanillin, raisins, candied fruits), as well as a more delicate consistency, since they contain whipped egg whites.

Technology for preparing curd cream No. 470 (Table 2).

Softened butter is ground with egg yolks and sugar until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is formed. Vanillin dissolved in hot water and salt are added to the pureed cottage cheese, mixed with the egg-butter mixture and gradually whipped cream or sour cream into a thick foam. The finished cream is placed in a serving bowl in the shape of a cone or pyramid, sprinkled with chopped nuts (almonds, walnuts or pistachios) and cooled.

When dispensing, the cream is decorated with slices of fresh or canned fruit or jam (Table 2).

Table 2 - Recipe for curd cream No. 470

NameGrossNettoCottage cheese101100Eggs1 pcs.40Butter1515Sugar1515Sour cream2525Jam1515Yield200

Technology for preparing lazy boiled dumplings No. 380 (Table 3).

Add eggs, flour, salt to the pureed cottage cheese and mix. The resulting mass is rolled out into a layer 10-12 mm thick and cut into strips 25 mm wide. In turn, the strips are cut into pieces weighing 10-15 g, dipped in boiling salted water, brought to a boil and removed from the heat. After 5 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon. Served with sour cream.

Table 3 - Recipe for lazy boiled dumplings No. 380

Name Gross Netto Cottage cheese 166164 Wheat flour 2323 Sugar 1010 Eggs 1/3 pcs. 13 Sour cream 2020 Yield 200/20

Technology for preparing cottage cheese pancakes No. 463 (Table 4).

Add 2/3 of the flour, eggs, sugar, and salt to the pureed cottage cheese. You can add 0.02 g of vanillin per serving, after dissolving it in hot water. The mass is mixed well, shaped into a bar 5-6 cm thick, cut crosswise, breaded in flour, shaped into round balls 1.5 cm thick, fried on both sides, and then placed in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Sugar-free cheesecakes can be prepared with cumin (0.5 g per serving). The caraway seeds are sorted out, washed, poured with hot water and left for 1-1.5 hours to swell, then the water is drained. Cumin is added to the pureed cottage cheese along with the other ingredients.

They sell cheesecakes in batches of 3. per serving with sour cream, or jam, or sour cream and sugar, with milk, or sour cream, or sweet sauces. Cheesecakes with cumin are served with sour cream or sour cream sauce.

Table 4 - Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes No. 463

Name Gross Netto Cottage cheese 152150 Wheat flour 2020 Eggs 1/8 pcs. 5 Butter 2020 Sour cream 55 Yield 170

Technology for preparing cottage cheese pudding No. 467 (Table 5).

Vanillin is dissolved in hot water (10-20 ml per serving), then semolina is added and, stirring, brewed.

Egg yolks mashed with sugar, cooled brewed semolina, softened margarine and butter, salt, prepared and dried raisins, and chopped nuts are added to the pureed cottage cheese. The mass is thoroughly mixed. Beat egg whites until thick foam and add to the prepared mass before baking.

The resulting mass is placed on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs (or in molds), greased with sour cream and baked in the oven for 25-35 minutes.

The finished pudding is kept for 5-10 minutes and removed from the molds. Pudding baked on a baking sheet is not spread, cut into portions.

The pudding is served hot with sour cream, milk or sweet sauce.

Table 5 - Recipe for cottage cheese pudding No. 467

Name Gross Netto Cottage cheese 152 150 Semolina 1515 Sugar 1515 Eggs 1/4 pcs. 10 Raisins 20.420 Vanillin 0.020.02 Butter 55 Sour cream 2525 Rusks 55 Yield 220

Technology for preparing curd soufflé No. 367 (Table 6).

The pureed cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, flour and yolks are mixed or beaten, the egg whites whipped into foam are added in 2-3 additions, and mixed carefully. The mass is poured into greased molds and steamed.

Table 6 - Recipe for curd soufflé No. 367

Name Gross Netto Cottage cheese 152150 Milk 3030 Wheat flour 1515 Eggs x 10 Sour cream 2020 Butter 55 Yield 210

Technology for preparing cottage cheese casserole No. 469 (Table 7).

The pureed cottage cheese is mixed with flour or pre-brewed in water (10 ml per serving) and cooled semolina, eggs, sugar and salt.

The prepared mass is spread in a layer of 3-4 cm on a baking sheet or mold greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The surface of the mass is leveled, greased with sour cream, baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes until a golden brown crust forms on the surface.

When leaving, the casserole, cut into square or rectangular pieces, is topped with sour cream or sweet sauce.

Table 7 - Recipe for cottage cheese casserole No. 469

NameGrossNettoCottage cheese141140Semolina1010Sugar1010Eggs1/10 pcs.4Margarine55Crusks 55Sour cream3030Yield175

2.2.1 Patenting of cottage cheese dishes

Cottage cheese dishes are prepared in different countries of the world. And each dish has its own characteristics.

Dishes made from eggs and cottage cheese are common in Belarusian cuisine. To prepare cottage cheese bars, add flour, eggs, sour cream, sugar, soda, salt to the pureed cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. The mass is rolled out into a layer 10 mm thick and cut into even strips 20 mm wide, which are shaped into bars. Fry in a lot of fat. Dispensed with refined powder or sour cream.

Cottage cheese dishes are also popular in Jewish cuisine. Kugel from cottage cheese and porridge is prepared as follows: grind the cottage cheese with sugar. Combine with any porridge (semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), beat in an egg, add raisins, dried apricots or prunes, mix well. If the mass turns out to be rare, add a little dry semolina. Place the resulting mass in a mold or deep frying pan, previously greased. Bake on the stove or in the oven for 20 minutes. The finished kugel is cut into pieces and served with sour cream, jam or preserves.

Tortillas are a common dish in Central American cuisine. Tortillas are round flatbreads that are baked in countless tartilliers and in every home. Pieces of dough made from corn flour under the hands of the bakers instantly turn into round thin disks, quickly turn over, fly into the air and, imperceptibly for the eye of the observer, end up on a hot stove. If minced meat with vegetables, cottage cheese and onions are wrapped in tortillas, then this dish is called “enchiladas”.

Cottage cheese is also used in Mexican cuisine. To prepare a salad of avocado and cottage cheese, you need to grind the avocado together with cottage cheese and add dill. The resulting paste can be spread on bread or crackers.

Cottage cheese is also used in the cuisine of the United States of America. American cheesecake (curd pie) is prepared as follows: melt butter with granulated sugar and chocolate. Add cookie crumbs and knead. Place in prepared springform pan. Beat the eggs in a water bath with powder until foamy, add cheese (or cottage cheese) in parts, then add liqueur in a thin stream. Half of the mixture is set aside in another mold. Add melted chocolate to one half of the cheese mixture and mix well. Pour the white and chocolate parts alternately onto the base of the cake. Bake at 170 O From about 50 min. Cool well and keep in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours.

A common dish in Bulgarian cuisine is bannitsa with cottage cheese. To prepare it, the cottage cheese is pureed and mixed with beaten egg and sugar. The filling is laid out on the prepared dried layer, covered with another layer, the edges of the layers are connected, and several punctures are made. Drizzle with melted butter and bake.

In Hungarian cuisine, potatoes are prepared with cottage cheese. To do this, potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes and boiled. The cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve. Half of the potatoes are placed on the bottom of a lamb greased with pork fat, half of the prepared cottage cheese is placed on top, poured with fat and sour cream, salted, the rest of the potatoes and cottage cheese are laid out, poured with fat and sour cream, and baked in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

3 Quality control of finished products

The temperature of hot dishes and snacks should not be lower than 65 0C, cold dishes and snacks from 7 to 14 0C. After checking the temperature, determine the mass of the products. To determine the weight of cottage cheese dishes, 3 servings are taken (10 servings for cheesecakes).

For physical and chemical studies, an average sample is made: from one portion - for casseroles, puddings; from three or six servings of cheesecakes weighing 75 or 50 g, respectively.

After checking the temperature of release and the mass of dishes prepared for distribution, they begin to evaluate the appearance, color and consistency.

The cheesecakes should be a regular oval shape with a ruddy surface, without burnt areas, the crust should not lag behind the cheesecakes, and the consistency should be tender. The taste and smell are characteristic of cottage cheese, not sour (for cheesecakes with carrots, a moderate taste of carrots should be felt).

The surface of casseroles is ruddy, without cracks, the consistency is delicate, and excessive acidity is not allowed.

Puddings: the mass is porous, elastic, the surface of the baked puddings is browned.

According to microbiological indicators, dishes must meet the requirements (Table 8).

Table 8 - Microbiological indicators of cottage cheese dishes

DishKMAFANM, CFU/g Mass of product (g), in which BGKPE is not allowed. coliS. aureusProteus Pathogenic, incl. salmonella Lazy dumplings, steamed pudding 5 1021.0-1.0-25 Cheesecakes, casseroles, puddings, curd fillings 1031.0-1.00.125

3. Work with production documentation

1 Calculation cards

Sales prices for kitchen products sold at retail are calculated using calculation cards. Sales prices are calculated in the calculation card separately for each dish or kitchen item.

Drawing up a calculation calculation (card) and determining the selling price of a dish is carried out in the following order:

the assortment of dishes is determined (according to the menu plan), for which it is necessary to prepare a cost estimate;

standards for the input of raw materials for each individual dish are established (based on a collection of recipes);

the sales prices for raw materials to be included in the calculation are determined;

the cost of the raw material set of a dish (portion) is calculated by multiplying the quantity of raw materials of each item by the sales price and summing up the result obtained (the raw material set of a specific dish is taken from a collection of recipes, which shows the following data for each dish: name of the products from which the dish (portion) is prepared) ;

The selling price of one dish (serving) is established by dividing the selling price of the raw material set of dishes (servings) by the number of servings.

Calculation cards are registered in a special register after they are signed by persons who are responsible for the correct establishment of sales prices.

Calculation card No. 1 - Curd cream No. 470

No. Name 1 serving 60 servings Price per 1 kg Amount BN 1 Cottage cheese 1011006060600363.62 Eggs 1 piece 4060 pieces 20012003 Butter 15159008007204 Sugar 15159001451305 Sour cream 252515006009006 Jam1 515900600540 Cost of a set of raw materials 4853.6 Cost of 1 serving 80.8 Markup 40.4 Sales price 121 Yield 200

Calculation card No. 2 - Lazy boiled dumplings No. 380

No. Name 1 serving 60 servings Price per 1 kg Amount BN 1 Cottage cheese 1661649960600597.62 Wheat flour 2323138090124.23 Sugar 1010600145874 Eggs 1/3 pcs. 1320 pcs. 2004005 Sour cream 20201200600720 Cost set of raw materials 1928.8 Cost of 1 portion 32.1 Markup 16 Sales price 48 Yield 200/20

Calculation card No. 3 - Cottage cheese pancakes No. 463

Calculation card No. 4 - Cottage cheese pudding No. 467

No. Name 1 serving 60 servings Price per 1 kg Amount BN 1 Cottage cheese 1521509 120600547.22 Semolina 151590050453 Sugar 1515900145130.54 Eggs 1/4 pcs. 1015 pcs. 2003005 Raisins 20.42012246007206 Vani lin0.020.021.220002.47 Butter 553008002408 Sour cream 252515006009009 Rusks 55300800240 Cost of a set of raw materials 3125.1 Cost of 1 serving 52 Markup 26 Sales price 78 Yield 220

Calculation card No. 5 - Curd soufflé No. 367

No. Name 1 serving 60 servings Price per 1 kg Amount BN 1 Cottage cheese 1521509 120600547.22 Milk 303018001302343 Wheat flour 151590090814 Eggs 1015 pcs 2003005 Sour cream 202012006007206 Butter 55300800240 Cost of a set of raw materials 2669.4 Cost of 1 serving 44.5 Markup 22.2 Sales price 67

Calculation card No. 6 - Cottage cheese casserole No. 469

No. Name 1 serving 60 servings Price per 1 kg Amount BN 1 Cottage cheese 1411408460600507.62 Semolina 101060050303 Sugar 1010600145874 Eggs 1/10 pcs. 46 pcs. 2001205 Margarine 55300 300906 Rusks 55300800 2407 Sour cream 303018006001080 Cost of a set of raw materials 2154.6 Cost of 1 serving 36 Markup 18 Sales price 54 Yield 175

2 Technological maps

A technological map is a departmental technical document drawn up for production workers (cooks, confectioners) in order to ensure the correctness of the technological process and ensure the calculation of the amount of raw materials and semi-finished products required for preparing a batch of products.

The technological map contains:

recipe of a dish (product) for one serving (in pcs.);

food consumption per number of servings (items) most frequently produced by the enterprise (100, 150, etc.);

description of the technological process and method of preparing the dish (product);

brief description of the finished dish.

The recipe for a dish (product) is given in accordance with the current collections of recipes, price lists or other departmental technical documentation indicating the standards for laying raw materials by gross and net weight. Product consumption per batch (100, 150 servings) is indicated by net weight.

Technological map No. 1 - Curd cream No. 470

Brief description of the technological process Brief characteristics of the finished dish Butter is ground with egg yolks and sugar until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is formed. Vanillin and salt are added to the pureed cottage cheese, mixed with the egg-butter mixture and the sour cream whipped into a thick foam is gradually introduced. The finished cream is placed in portioned dishes, sprinkled with chopped nuts and cooled. The finished dish has a creamy consistency, the color matches the filling. When dispensing, the cream is decorated with slices of fresh or canned fruit or jam.


Name of products Norm of products for 1 serving in g Calculation of the number of servings gross 10203060 Number of products, in g net Cottage cheese 101100 1000 2000 3000 6000 Eggs 1 piece 40 400 800 1 200 2 400 Butter 1515 150 300 450 900 Sugar 50900 Sour cream 25252505007501500 Jam 1515150300450900

Technological map No. 2 - Lazy boiled dumplings No. 380

Brief description of the technological process Brief characteristics of the finished dish Eggs, flour, salt are added to the pureed cottage cheese and mixed. The resulting mass is rolled out into a layer 10 - 12 mm thick and cut into strips 25 mm wide. In turn, the strips are cut into pieces weighing 10 - 15 g, dipped in boiling salted water, brought to a boil and removed from the heat. After 5 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon. The finished dish should have the correct shape, without deformation or sticking together into lumps, and not blurry. The color is white with a yellowish tint, the smell is characteristic of cottage cheese and butter, the taste is sweet, the consistency is soft. Served with sour cream.


Name of products Norm of products for 1 serving in g Calculation of the number of servings gross 10203060 Number of products, in g net Cottage cheese 1661641640328049209840 Wheat flour 23232304606901380 Sugar 1010 100 200 300 600 Eggs 1/3 pcs. 1313026 0390780Sour cream20202004006001200

Technological map No. 3 - Cottage cheese pancakes No. 463

Brief description of the technological process Brief characteristics of the finished dish Add 2/3 of flour, eggs, sugar, and salt to the pureed cottage cheese. The mass is mixed well, shaped into a bar 5-6 cm thick, cut crosswise, breaded in flour, shaped into round balls 1.5 cm thick, fried on both sides, and then placed in the oven for 5 - 7 minutes. Ready cheesecakes should be of the correct oval shape with a ruddy surface, without burnt areas, the crust does not lag behind the cheesecakes, the consistency is delicate. The taste and smell are characteristic of cottage cheese, not sour. Served with sour cream, or jam, or sour cream and sugar, with milk, or sour cream, or sweet sauces.


Name of products Norm of products for 1 serving in g Calculation of the number of servings gross 10203060 Number of products, in g net Cottage cheese 1521501500300045009000 Wheat flour 20202004006001200Eggs1/8 pcs.550100150300Butter20202004 006001200 Sour cream5550100150300

Technological map No. 4 - Cottage cheese pudding (baked) No. 467

Brief description of the technological process Brief characteristics of the finished dish Add egg yolks, ground with sugar, cooled brewed semolina, softened margarine and butter, salt, prepared and dried raisins, chopped nuts to the pureed cottage cheese and mix. Beat the egg whites until thick foam and add them in advance. The mass of the finished pudding should be porous, elastic, the surface of the baked puddings should be browned. The pudding is served hot with sour cream, milk or sweet sauce, and the prepared mass before baking. The resulting mass is placed on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked in the oven.


Name of products Norm of products for 1 serving in g Calculation of the number of servings gross 10203060 Number of products, in g net Cottage cheese 1521501500300045009000 Semolina 1515150300450900 Sugar 1515150300450900 Eggs 1/4 pcs. 101002003 00600 Raisins 20.4202004006001200 Vanillin Butter 5550100150300 Sour cream 25252505007501500 Rusks 5550100150300

Technological map No. 5 - Curd soufflé No. 367

Brief description of the technological process Brief characteristics of the finished dish The pureed cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, flour and yolks are mixed or beaten, the egg whites whipped into foam are added in 2 - 3 additions, and carefully mixed. The mass is poured into greased molds and steamed. The finished dish should have a delicate consistency, the color matches the color of the filling. The taste and smell are characteristic of cottage cheese, not sour.


Name of products Norm of products for 1 serving in g Calculation of the number of servings gross 10203060 Number of products, in g net Cottage cheese 1521501500300045009000 Milk 30303006009001800 Wheat flour 1515150300450900 Eggs 10100200 pcs. 300600 Sour cream20202004006001200Butter5550100150300

Technological map No. 6 - Cottage cheese casserole No. 469

Brief description of the technological process Brief characteristics of the finished dish Grated cottage cheese is mixed with flour or pre-brewed semolina in water and cooled, eggs, sugar and salt. The prepared mass is placed on a baking sheet or mold greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The surface of the mass is leveled, greased with sour cream, baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes. The finished dish has a ruddy surface, without cracks, a delicate consistency, excessive acidity is not allowed. When leaving, the casserole, cut into square or rectangular pieces, is topped with sour cream or sweet sauce.


Name of products Norm of products for 1 serving in g Calculation of the number of servings gross 10203060 Number of products, in g net Cottage cheese 1411401400280042008400 Semolina 1010100200300600 Sugar 1010100200300600 Eggs 1/10 pcs. 44080120 240 Margarine 5550100150300 Rusks 5550100150300 Sour cream 30303006009001800

3 Technological schemes

Process diagram No. 1 - Curd cream No. 470

Process diagram No. 2 - Lazy boiled dumplings No. 380

Technological diagram No. 3 - Cottage cheese pancakes No. 463

Process flow diagram No. 4 - Cottage cheese pudding No. 467

Technological diagram No. 5 - Curd soufflé No. 367

Technological diagram No. 6 - Cottage cheese casserole No. 469

3.4 Technical and technological maps

Technical and technological map is a departmental technical document compiled for production workers.

The technical and technological maps indicate:

name of the dish;

technology of its preparation;

safety precautions;

equipment used;

list of products for 1 serving;

step-by-step sequence of technological preparation;

quality requirements;

design and presentation;

nutritional and energy value.

As an example of a technical and technological map, a technical and technological map for cottage cheese pancakes No. 463 (Appendix A) was compiled and designed.

4. Safety precautions and fire prevention measures in public catering establishments

1 Basic safety measures at work

The widespread use of electrical equipment in public catering establishments leads to the need for equally extensive training of service workers in the rules of safe operation of electrical equipment, since violation of these rules leads to damage to equipment, fires and loss of life.

In order to protect an employee from electric shock, it is necessary to use individual and general protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment includes dielectric gloves, mats, overshoes and insulating stands. It is recommended to have dry hands, clothing and shoes when working with electrical equipment.

General means of protection against electric shock include protective grounding, grounding and automatic shutdown of equipment.

When there are open moving parts of equipment or parts of equipment that have a high temperature, special fences are installed to protect operating personnel. Fences can be solid, lattice or mesh. Safety devices and instrumentation ensure the safe operation of machines and devices. By the nature of their action, they can be passive, warning of danger, and active, automatically eliminating danger during equipment operation. Passive safety devices include measuring instruments, valves and electric contact pressure gauges in digester boilers, gas automation devices, digester boilers, etc. Compliance with labor protection and safety regulations is important when operating all types of equipment.

Before starting each new machine, you should ensure that it is in good working order and check the operation of instrumentation and safety devices.

While machines and devices are operating, it is prohibited to clean, lubricate, adjust or repair them.

In accordance with labor protection and safety regulations, it is not permitted to operate heating equipment without working fittings (pressure gauges, safety and air valves, etc.). Safety instructions must be posted on each device.

2 Fire safety

Since fires often cause accidents, fire fighting technology is closely related to safety technology. Fire protection is a system of various measures, the purpose of which is to prevent fires and organize fire extinguishing.

Fires, as a rule, occur as a result of violation and ignorance of fire safety rules. Therefore, regular instruction on fire safety measures is important to prevent fires.

Production and warehouse premises are kept clean and tidy. After finishing the work, they carefully inspect: electrical equipment (except for refrigerators) must be turned off, gas equipment must be turned off by a valve on the internal gas pipeline, the workshops must be thoroughly cleaned.

Use only serviceable switches, sockets, plugs, sockets and other electrical fittings.

Do not leave switched on equipment and electrical appliances unattended. At the end of work, turn off the electric lighting (except for emergency lighting).

Smoking only in specially designated and equipped areas.

Keep passages, exits, corridors, stairs, vestibules clean, without cluttering them with containers and other objects.

The enterprise must have permanently operating primary fire extinguishing means.

Every food service worker must comply with applicable fire safety regulations. If a fire or signs of combustion are detected (smell of smoke, burning smell, increased temperature, etc.), you must:

stop work and turn off the equipment and electrical appliances used using the “Stop” button (switch, switch, tap, etc.);

immediately report this by telephone to the fire department;

take, if possible, measures to evacuate people, extinguish fires and preserve material assets.


Cottage cheese is a valuable food product. It contains proteins, fats, aromatic substances, lactic acid, all essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The main advantage of cottage cheese is its ability to be easily and quickly digested. Scientists have proven that proteins obtained from it enter tissues faster than proteins from meat, milk and fish. Moreover, fatty cottage cheese, the composition of which contains more protein and is absorbed faster than dietary cottage cheese.

The unique properties of cottage cheese are due to the manufacturing technology of this product. In the process of making cottage cheese, the most valuable components are released from milk - easily digestible protein and milk fat.

Cold and hot dishes are prepared from cottage cheese. Cold - with the addition of milk, cream, kefir, sour cream, sugar. Hot dishes made from cottage cheese are prepared boiled (lazy dumplings, dumplings with cottage cheese), fried (pancakes with cottage cheese, cheesecakes), baked (puddings, cheesecakes), steamed (soufflé).

According to modern concepts of nutrition science, cottage cheese as a protein product is of great importance for a balanced diet of people.

When completing the course work, all the goals and objectives were achieved.

The characteristics of raw materials, methods of primary processing of raw materials, an assortment of cottage cheese dishes and methods of their heat treatment were studied in detail.

The technological process of preparing dishes from cottage cheese has been studied, all calculations of raw materials for dishes have been made.

Methods for compiling and calculating all production documentation have been studied: costing, technological, technical and technological maps, technological diagrams.

All calculations according to the main production documentation have been completed. Calculations of raw materials for cottage cheese dishes were made, costing, technological maps, technological diagrams and technical and technological maps were developed.

List of used literature

1. Program for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Astana, 2012. - 97 p.

Tverdokhleb G.V., Sazhinov G.Yu., Ramanauskas R.I. Technology of milk and dairy products. - M.: DeLi print, 2006. - 616 p.

Krus G.N., Khramtsov A.G. Technology of milk and dairy products, M.: Kolos, 2002. - 426 p.

Bogusheva V.I. Organization of production and service at catering establishments. - M.: Kolos, 2005. - 253 p.

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. - K.: Ariy, 2013. - 680 p.

Galieva N., Smolkina V., Shaimardanova A. Calculation and accounting in public catering. - Astana: Folio, 2010. - 176 p.

A collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products from neighboring countries. - St. Petersburg: "PROFI-INFORM", 2004. - 424 p.

Vasyukova A.T. Collection of recipes for foreign cuisine. - M.: Publishing house "Dashkov and Co", 2008. - 816 p.

Appendix A

Technical and technological map

19. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing krupenik 10


20. Problem. eleven

Determine the amount of cereal needed for cooking

50 servings of viscous millet porridge, if the yield of one serving is 200 g.

21. Determine the name of a dish based on a set of products: 12

Pasta, carrots, parsley (root), onions, canned green peas, tomato puree, table margarine.

Draw up a technological scheme for its preparation.

Topic: “Dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta”

Standard answers

11. on milk; water; with milk diluted with water.

12. forms, egg whites.

13. hot, cold, slows down.

14. stop, level, 90-100ºС, resistance.

15. 5-8 hours, to reduce deadlines, forms;

16. A – 2, 4, 5;

17. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14.

18. Technological diagram for preparing cutlets and meatballs semolina

19. Technological scheme for preparing buckwheat grains:

20. Answer: 2.5 kg of millet cereal.

For 50 servings you need 10 kg of porridge (200 × 50). For 1 kg of porridge you need 250 g of cereal (table in the Collection of Recipes), and for 10 kg - 250 × 10 = 2.5 kg.

21. Technological diagram of the dish “Boiled pasta with vegetables”

Level 1

1. Boil an egg in a “bag”: 2

a) 2.5-3 minutes;

b) 4.5-5 minutes;

2. The process of egg white coagulation begins at a temperature of: 2

3. In which cottage cheese dish are raisins and nuts added? 2

a) cheesecakes;

b) pudding;

c) casserole;

d) dumplings are lazy.

4. Boil eggs, milk, salt, pieces of butter. 2

What dish is this?

a) egg porridge;

c) fight;

d) natural scrambled eggs.

5. Shelf life of curd pudding: 2

d) cannot be stored.

6. Shelf life of cheesecakes, pancakes with cottage cheese: 2

7. Pudding is... 2

a) fried dish;

b) baked dish;

c) steamed;

d) boiled.

8. Ingredients needed to prepare an omelet: 2

a) eggs, flour, sour cream, salt;

b) eggs, milk, salt, butter, flour;

c) milk, eggs, salt, butter;

d) eggs, water, salt, sugar, flour.

9. How is cottage cheese pudding different from casserole? 2

a) add beaten egg whites to the mixture;

b) add sour cream to the mass;

c) add flour to the mass;

d) softened margarine or butter is added to the mass.

10. Boiled curd dishes include: 2

a) dumplings, steam puddings;

b) dumplings, cheesecakes;

c) dumplings, casseroles;

d) pancakes with cottage cheese, cheesecakes.

2 level

11. Set the cooking sequence 4

dumplings with cottage cheese:

1) forming dumplings;

2) preparing the dough;

3) cooling of the semi-finished product;

5) preparation of minced meat.

12. Dumplings are placed in ... ... water and boiled from 5

boiling ... min. Cook at... boiling. The finished dumplings are placed in a bowl with... butter.

13. To prepare lazy dumplings you need 4

the following raw materials: ... Boil lazy dumplings in boiling water ... min.

14. Technological process for preparing pancakes with cottage cheese 5

consists of the following operations:

15. Draw up a scheme for preparing products for steam pudding 5

from cottage cheese:

Level 3

16. Distribute ingredients for cooking: 8

17. Match the name of the dish with 9

heat treatment methods:

18. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing cheesecakes 10

from cottage cheese" width="623" height="364 src=">

19. Match the cooking operations in the correct 10


Pudding baked from cottage cheese

Cooking operations

B Cottage cheese casserole

1. Dissolve vanillin in hot water and add semolina

2. Mix pureed cottage cheese with flour or brewed semolina

3. Add egg yolks with sugar and cooled brewed semolina to the pureed cottage cheese

4. Add softened margarine or butter to the mixture

5. Add salt to the mixture

6. Mix the mixture

7. Before baking, add egg whites to the mixture, beaten until thick foam, and mix

8. Grease the mold or baking sheet and sprinkle with breadcrumbs

9. Add raisins and nuts to the mixture

10. The surface of the mass is greased with sour cream

11. Bake in the oven until crusty

12. Place the resulting mass on a baking sheet or in a mold

13. Add eggs and sugar to the mixture

20. Based on the set of products, determine the name of the dish and 10

list 7 operations for its preparation and dispensing.

Set of products: eggs or melange, milk or water, salt, fresh zucchini, sour cream, butter

21. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing drachena: 10

Topic: “Dishes made from eggs and cottage cheese”

Standard answers

7. b, c.

11. 2→5→1→3→4.

12. In boiling salted water; 5-8 min.; weak; with melted.

13. Cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, salt, wheat flour; 3-4 min.

14. 1) preparing the dough;

2) baking pancakes;

3) cooking minced meat;

4) forming pancakes;

5) frying pancakes.

16. A – 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9;

B – 1, 3, 4, 5, 7.

17. A – 1, 8, 12, 13;

B – 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9;

B – 5, 6, 10, 11.

18. Technological diagram for preparing cottage cheese pancakes" width="623" height="408 src=">

19. A - 1→3→4→5→9→6→7→8→12→10→11;

B - 2→13→5→8→12→10→11.

20. Omelet stuffed with vegetables.


1) cooking minced meat;

2) preparing an omelette mixture;

3) frying the omelet until thick;

4) laying the minced meat and shaping it into a pie;

5) finishing cooking;

6) placing on a plate with the seam down;

7) leave with butter

Technology system


PM 03 “Preparation of soups and sauces”

Topic: "Soups"

Level 1

Select the correct answer Score

1. What determines the concentration of the broth? 2

a) the ratio of food and water;

b) depending on the cooking time;

c) on the cooking method;

d) on the degree of grinding of products.

2. Hot soup serving temperature: 2

3. What soups are seasoned with lezon and butter? 2

a) milk soups;

b) sweet soups;

c) puree soups;

d) clear soups.

4. Name soups that contain pickles: 2

a) cabbage soup, okroshka;

b) rassolnik, solyanka;

c) botvinya, borscht;

d) okroshka, cabbage soup.

5. Determine the set of raw materials for homemade pickle: 2

a) potatoes, parsley, celery, onions, pickled cucumbers, spinach, fat,

b) potatoes, cereals, carrots, onions, cucumbers, margarine;

c) fresh cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, pickled cucumbers, margarine;

d) potatoes, pickled cucumbers, onions, carrots, sorrel, spinach, margarine.

6. What is the distinctive feature of cooking borscht 2


a) season with garlic, ground bacon and lard;

b) served with a selection of meat products;

c) the broth is boiled with the addition of smoked meats;

d) prepared from sauerkraut.

7. Types of seasoning soups: 2

a) homemade noodle soup, okroshka, broth with egg;

b) daily cabbage soup, Leningrad rassolnik, potato soup;

c) Ukrainian borscht, mashed potato soup, milk soup;

d) fish solyanka, cold borscht, vegetable okroshka.

8. For which cabbage soup is stewed sauerkraut for 3-4 hours with the addition of 2

tomato and smoked meat bones?

a) cabbage soup from sauerkraut;

b) daily cabbage soup;

c) cabbage soup in Ural style;

d) Don cabbage soup.

9. Methods for preparing beets for borscht: 2

a) stewing;

b) steaming;

c) baking;

d) sautéing.

10. What kind of pickle is prepared with tomato? 2

a) home;

b) Leningrad; .

c) Moscow;

d) ordinary pickle.

Level 2

11. When stewing beets for borscht add... 4

12. Sautéed flour is added to seasoning soups 5

for ... for ... until the end of cooking.

13. Soups are classified according to three criteria... 4

14. Ready-made seasoning soups are infused... in order to.... 5

15. When cooking soups with sauerkraut, pickles, 5

sorrel, vinegar are first added... and boiled almost until..., since... in an acidic environment...

Level 3

16. Determine the sequence of operations during preparation 8

puree soups:

1) wiping;

2) connection with sauce;

3) boiling;

4) adding salt;

5) cooking or poaching foods together with vegetables;

7) vacation;

8) cooking or poaching foods;

9) introduction of sautéed vegetables;

10) dilution with broth.

17. Choose a side dish for soups: 10

18. Determine the order in which food is added during cooking 10


19. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing kvass 10

seasoned for okroshka:

Technology system

preparing kvass seasoned for okroshka" width="623" height="342 src=">

20. How to cut vegetables for soups? 8

21. Indicate the products needed to prepare borscht: 10

A. Ukrainian borscht

Product Name

B. Borscht with cabbage and potatoes

1. Fresh cabbage

2. Stewed beets

3. Potatoes

4. Sauteed onions, carrots, parsley

5. Tomato puree

8. Salt, pepper, bay leaf

9. Boiled beef

10. Sausages

11. Boiled beets

12. Smoked pork bones

13. Garlic

14. Salted bacon

15. Sweet pepper

16. Wheat flour

18. Sour cream

19. Pampushka

20. Margarine

Topic: "Soups"

Standard answers

9. a, g.

11. Water, fat, sugar, vinegar, tomato.

5. Sauces used for serving and stewing: 2

a) medium thickness;

b) thick;

c) liquid;

d) viscous.

6. Basic hot sauces stored: 2

a) from 3 to 4 hours;

b) from 1 to 2 hours;

c) from 2 to 3 hours;

d) from 4 to 5 hours.

7. Sauce served with fried lamb: 2

a) red main;

b) mayonnaise;

c) milk with onions;

d) Polish.

8. Fumé concentrate is added to sauces for: 2

a) improving consistency;

b) improve taste;

c) color improvement;

d) reducing calories.

9. When preparing mayonnaise sauce to emulsify oil 2


a) mixing;

b) rubbing;

c) heating;

d) whipping.

10. Sauces served with fatty foods: 2

a) tender;

b) sour;

c) spicy;

d) not acute.

Level 2

11. Determine the main purpose of sauces: 5

a) worsen the appearance of dishes;

b) increase the digestibility of food;

c) improve the appearance of dishes and increase appetite;

d) reduce the calorie content of dishes;

e) dishes become more juicy;

e) increase the nutritional value of dishes.


13. Determine the products needed for cooking: 5

14. Determine which group sauces belong to: 5

15. Specify the sequence of preparation of white sauce 10

main in meat broth:

1) sautéed white roots and onions;

2) hot meat broth;

3) salt, citric acid;

4) hot white flour sauté, diluted with broth;

5) cooking for 30 minutes;

6) bringing to a boil;

8) straining

16. Choose sauces for dishes: 10

Level 3

17. Complete the cooking process diagram 5

milk sauce:

1) Whole milk is brought to a boil;

2) ……………………….;

3) Boil for 7-10 minutes;

4) ……………………….;

5) Strain;

6) …...…………………..;

7) Pinched.

18. Determine the sauce based on the set of products: 5

Vegetable oil, egg yolks, table mustard, sugar, vinegar,

preparing sour cream sauce, used to prepare 30 servings of the dish “Potatoes baked in sour cream sauce”, if 100 g of sour cream sauce is used to prepare one serving of the dish, to prepare 1000 g of sauce - 500 g of sour cream.

20. Set Match: 10

21. Fill in the table: 10

Theme "Sauces"

Standard answers

11. b, c, d, f.

14. 1) a, d, d, g;

2) b, c, h, i.

15. 2, 4, 1, 5, 3, 8, 6, 7.

16. A) 1, 4, 5, 7, 10; B) 2, 3, 6, 8, 9.

17. 2) fatty white flour sauté is diluted with hot milk;

4) salt and sugar to taste;

6) to a boil.

18. mayonnaise sauce with gherkins.

19. 1) per 100g. sour cream sauce – 50g. sour cream;

2) 30 * 50 = 1500 g sour cream.

20. 1st; 2-d; 3-a; 4-g; 5-in; 6-b, g.

21. 1. Polish sauce;

2. white sauce;

3. milk

Test tasks for the professional module

PM 04 “Cooking fish dishes”

Topic: Processing of fish and non-fish seafood products

Level 1

Select the correct answer Score

1. Temperature of running water for soaking salted fish 2

a) 5° - 6°C;

b) 10° - 12°С;

c) 18° - 20°С;

2. Fish with a fat content of 2% to 5% is classified as: 2

b) medium fat content;

c) fat;

d) especially fatty.

3. The most valuable food product is fish 2

b) chilled;

c) frozen;

d) salty.

4. Types of fish that belong to salmonids: 2

a) sturgeon, pink salmon, perch;

b) pink salmon, salmon, trout;

c) salmon, trout, stellate sturgeon;

d) cod, pike perch, herring.

5. For frying in the main way, portioned pieces of fish 2

cut at an angle:

6. For better attachment of breading to the product, there are 2

moistened in a special liquids:

a) in milk;

b) in a mixture of water and milk;

c) in laison;

d) in cream.

7. Rolling the product in flour or ground breadcrumbs 2


a) blanching;

b) breading;

c) stuffing;

d) pickling.

8. The composition of the cutlet mass per 1 kg of clean fish fillet includes: 2

a) wheat bread - 250 g; water or milk - 100 g; salt-9 g; pepper-1g;

b) wheat bread - 250 g; water or milk; salt-20 g; pepper-1 g;

c) wheat bread - 300 g; milk-350 g; salt-20 g; pepper-1 g;

d) wheat bread 150 g; water-250 g; salt-10 g; pepper-1 g

9. Stuffed form is most often prepared: 2

a) cod, haddock, navaga;

b) sturgeon, salmon, herring;

c) pike, pike perch, carp;

d) pike, burbot, perch

10. Cephalopods include: 2

a) lobsters, lobsters;

b) crayfish, squid;

c) squid, octopus;

d) mussels, sea cucumbers

2 level

Add: Point

11. When preparing the cutlet mass, add 4

wheat bread that...

12. Wheat stale bread, without crusts, cut into 3

straws, that's...

13. To improve taste, aroma and soften consistency 3

When preparing semi-finished products, a technique is used...

14. Match: 5


16. Complete the table (mark the correct options with a “+”): 5

3 level

17. Complete the scheme for processing scaly fish with bone 10


a) cleaning scales;

b) …………….…;

c) gills and eyes are removed from the head;

G) ………………..;

e) washing;

e) ………………..

18. Set the sequence of these operations: 10

a) divide the fish into clean fillets;

b) add salt and pepper;

c) soak wheat bread without crusts in water or milk;

d) pass clean fillet through a meat grinder;

e) mix the mass;

f) grind the chopped fillet and swollen bread through a meat grinder;

g) knocking out the mass.

19. Complete the table (mark the correct options 10)