Sunflower oil: product composition and beneficial properties. Refined sunflower oil

Description of the stages of vegetable oil production.

Very often the question arises - what is the difference between unrefined cold-pressed oil and the refined oil that many are accustomed to, sold on store shelves. To answer this question, Let us consider in detail the production process and its varieties.

Seed processing. The quality of sunflower oil depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the timing and conditions of storing the seeds before pressing. The main qualitative characteristics of sunflower seeds are oil content, moisture content, and ripening period. Oil content depends on the sunflower variety and how warm and sunny the summer was. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content for sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6%. Seeds that are too wet are stored poorly and are heavier. The ripening period in our climatic conditions is a very important factor that indirectly affects the price of sunflower oil. Peak production and supply of finished vegetable oil is October – December. And the peak of demand is the end of summer - beginning of autumn. Accordingly, the earlier the raw materials are received, the faster the finished product will reach the consumer. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the debris content should not exceed 1%, and broken grain - 3%. Before processing, additional cleaning, drying, collapsing (destruction) of the seed skin and separating it from the kernel are carried out. Then the seeds are crushed to form mint or pulp.

Extraction (production) of sunflower oil. Vegetable oil from sunflower seed mint is obtained by 2 methods - pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly way. Although the oil yield, of course, is much less and does not exceed 30%. As a rule, before squeezing, the mint is heated at 100-110 °C in a roasting pan, while simultaneously stirring and moistening. Then the fried mint is squeezed out in screw presses. The completeness of the extraction of vegetable oil depends on the pressure, viscosity and density of the oil, the thickness of the mint layer, the duration of the extraction and other factors. The characteristic taste of the oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of toasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the decomposition products that are formed during heating. A cold pressed sunflower oil obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is that it retains most of the beneficial substances: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and goes rancid. The cake remaining after oil extraction can be extracted or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called raw, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. This product has high taste and nutritional properties.

Extraction of sunflower oil. The production of sunflower oil by extraction involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special apparatus - extractors. During extraction, miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled from the miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. The finished oil is settled, filtered and further processed. The extraction method of extracting oils is more economical, as it allows you to extract fat from raw materials as much as possible - up to 99%.

Sunflower oil refining. Refined oil has virtually no color, taste or smell. This oil is also called impersonal. Its nutritional value is determined only by the minimal presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic), which are also called vitamin F. This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of hormones and maintaining immunity. It gives stability and elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and radioactive radiation, regulates the contraction of smooth muscles, and performs many other vital functions. In the production of vegetable oil, there are several stages of refining.

First stage of refining. Getting rid of mechanical impurities is by settling, filtration and centrifugation, after which the vegetable oil goes on sale as a commercial unrefined oil.

Second stage of refining. Removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot water - up to 70 ° C. As a result, protein and mucous substances, which can lead to rapid spoilage of the oil, swell, precipitate and are removed. Neutralization is the action of a base (lye) on the heated oil. This step removes free fatty acids, which catalyze oxidation and cause smoke during frying. The neutralization stage also removes heavy metals and pesticides. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since some phosphatides are removed during hydration, but it can be stored longer. This treatment makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

Third stage of refining. Removal of free fatty acids. If the content of these acids is excessive, vegetable oil develops an unpleasant taste. Vegetable oil that has gone through these three stages is called refined, non-deodorized.

Fourth stage of refining. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of organic origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the fat is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten oxidation of the finished product. After bleaching, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw-colored.

Fifth stage of refining. Deodorization is the removal of aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230°C under vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances that lead to oxidation are destroyed. Removing the above undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil.

Sixth stage of refining. Freezing – removing waxes. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Waxes make the oil cloudy, especially when sold on the street during the cold season, and thereby spoil its presentation. During the freezing process, the oil turns colorless. Having gone through all the stages, the vegetable oil becomes impersonal. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking fats are made from this product, and used for canning. Therefore, it should not have a specific taste or smell, so as not to disturb the overall taste of the product.

Sunflower oil reaches the shelves as the following products: Refined, non-deodorized oil - outwardly transparent, but with a characteristic odor and color. Refined deodorized oil is transparent, light yellow, odorless and tasteless. Unrefined oil- darker than bleached, maybe with sediment or suspension, but nevertheless it went through filtration and, of course, retained the smell that we all know from childhood.

Depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the timing and conditions of storing the seeds before pressing. The main qualitative characteristics of sunflower seeds are oil content, moisture content, and ripening period. Oil content depends on the sunflower variety and how warm and sunny the summer was. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content for sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6%. Seeds that are too wet are stored poorly and are heavier. The ripening period in our climatic conditions is a very important factor that indirectly affects the price. Peak production and supply of finished vegetable oil is October – December. And the peak of demand is the end of summer - beginning of autumn. Accordingly, the earlier the raw materials are received, the faster the finished product will reach the consumer. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the debris content should not exceed 1%, and broken grain - 3%. Before processing, additional cleaning, drying, collapsing (destruction) of the seed skin and separating it from the kernel are carried out. Then the seeds are crushed to form mint or pulp.

Extraction (production) of sunflower oil. obtained by 2 methods - pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly way. Although the oil yield is, of course, less. As a rule, before squeezing, the mint is heated at 100-110 °C in a roasting pan, while simultaneously stirring and moistening. Then the fried mint is squeezed out in screw presses. The completeness of the extraction of vegetable oil depends on the pressure, viscosity and density of the oil, the thickness of the mint layer, the duration of the extraction and other factors. The characteristic taste of the oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of toasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the decomposition products that are formed during heating. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is that it retains most of the beneficial substances: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and goes rancid. The cake remaining after oil extraction can be extracted or used in animal husbandry. , obtained by pressing, is called “raw”, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. This product has high taste and nutritional properties.

Extraction of sunflower oil. The extraction method involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special devices - extractors. During extraction, miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled from the miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. The finished oil is settled, filtered and further processed. The extraction method of extracting oils is more economical, as it allows you to extract fat from raw materials as much as possible - up to 99%.

Sunflower oil refining. Refined oil has virtually no color, taste or smell. This oil is also called impersonal. Its nutritional value is determined only by the presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic), which are also called vitamin F. This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of hormones and maintaining immunity. It gives stability and elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and radioactive radiation, regulates the contraction of smooth muscles, and performs many other vital functions. In the production of vegetable oil, there are several stages of refining.

First stage of refining. Getting rid of mechanical impurities is by settling, filtration and centrifugation, after which it goes on sale as a commercial unrefined product.

Second stage of refining. Removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot water - up to 70 ° C. As a result, protein and mucous substances, which can lead to rapid spoilage of the oil, swell, precipitate and are removed. Neutralization is the action of a base (lye) on the heated oil. This step removes free fatty acids, which catalyze oxidation and cause smoke during frying. The neutralization stage also removes heavy metals and pesticides. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since some phosphatides are removed during hydration, but it can be stored longer. This treatment makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

Third stage of refining. Removal of free fatty acids. If the content of these acids is excessive, vegetable oil develops an unpleasant taste. Anything that has gone through these three stages is called refined, non-deodorized.

Fourth stage of refining. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of organic origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the fat is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten oxidation of the finished product. After bleaching, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw-colored.

Fifth stage of refining. Deodorization - removal of aromatic substances by exposure to hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230°C under vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances that lead to oxidation are destroyed. Removing the above undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil.

Sixth stage of refining. Freezing – removing waxes. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Waxes make the oil cloudy, especially when sold on the street during the cold season, and thereby spoil its presentation. During the freezing process, the oil turns colorless. Having gone through all the stages, he becomes impersonal. Margarine and cooking fats are made from this product and used for canning. Therefore, it should not have a specific taste or smell, so as not to disturb the overall taste of the product.

The following products hit the shelves: Refined non-deodorized oil - outwardly transparent, but with a characteristic odor and color. Refined deodorized oil– transparent, light yellow, odorless and tasteless. Unrefined oil - darker than bleached, maybe with sediment or suspension, but nevertheless it went through filtration and, of course, retained the smell that we all know from childhood.

Sunflower oil bottling. has a limited shelf life. The shelf life of bottled oil is 4 months for unrefined oil and 6 months for refined oil. For bulk oil – up to 3 months. By purchasing according to GOST, you are insured against troubles: unexpected oil spills in your bag, purchasing low-quality goods, etc. Oil packaged in bottles contains all the necessary information about the product on the container, and is also hygienically cleaner. Modern technologies for the production of packaged sunflower oil practically eliminate manual labor. Everything is done on an automated line - quickly, efficiently, accurately. The plastic from which the containers are made is durable, lightweight and environmentally friendly. The bottles are sealed hermetically, the shape of the container is optimized to suit customer requests, and also has convenient recesses and a textured surface, which prevents the container from slipping in the hand.

Types of sunflower oil

Raw sunflower oil (first pressing) - oil that is only filtered, so it is the healthiest. It completely preserves phosphatides, tocopherols, sterols and other biologically valuable components. It has a pleasant smell and taste, but it cannot be stored for long, it quickly becomes cloudy and goes rancid.

Not — cleaned mechanically without additional processing. The oil has a rich dark yellow color, a pronounced taste and smell of seeds. There are top, first and second grades. The highest and first grades have a specific taste and smell characteristic of sunflower oil, without foreign odors, taste and bitterness. Second grade oil may have a slightly musty smell and a slight bitter taste, and there may be sediment. Unrefined oil is partially purified - settled, filtered, hydrated and neutralized. Unrefined oil retains beneficial substances and vitamins: phospholipids, vitamins E, F and carotene.
Unrefined sunflower oil is ideal for preparing salads and cold dishes, and is also used for making dough.

Hydrated sunflower oil - obtained by mechanical cleaning and hydration. To do this, hot water (70°C) is passed through the oil heated to 60°C in a spray state. Protein and mucous substances precipitate, and the product is separated. Oil, unlike unrefined oil, has a less pronounced taste and smell, less intense color, without cloudiness and sediment. Hydrated oil, like unrefined oil, is produced of the highest, first and second grades.

Refined sunflower oil - transparent, without sediment, has a low intensity color, quite pronounced taste and smell. Refining is a stage in the production of vegetable oil, which is the purification of vegetable oil from various contaminants. processed with alkali, free fatty acids and phospholipids are removed from it; the product separates, the purified vegetable oil rises up and is separated from the sediment. The vegetable oil is then bleached. Biologically, refined oil is less valuable because it contains fewer tocopherols and does not contain phosphatides.

Refined deodorized sunflower oil obtained by exposure to water vapor under vacuum. During this process, all aromatic substances that can lead to premature spoilage of the oil are destroyed. Sunflower oils come in grades “P” and “D”. Brand D itself means that the sunflower oil is refined and deodorized. The oil of this brand is intended for the production of baby and dietary food products. In terms of physicochemical parameters, it differs from brand P in acid number. For grade D oil it should be no more than 0.4 mgKOH/g, and for grade P oil the norm should be no more than 0.6 mgKOH/g.

Frozen sunflower oil obtained by removing natural wax-like substances (wax) from sunflower oil. These waxes give sunflower oil a cloudy appearance. If the oil has been “frozen”, then its name is supplemented with the word “frozen”. in home cooking it is used for frying and stewing. Since it does not add additional odor to the food, it is perfect for deep-frying. Margarine and cooking fats are also produced from refined sunflower oil. Refined sunflower oil is used in the production of canned food, as well as in soap making and the paint and varnish industry.

Refined or unrefined?

For proper nutrition of the whole family, both are necessary.

Unrefined oil It has a specific pleasant odor and forms a sediment during storage. Unrefined is a natural product; it retains all the natural components necessary for the human body - vitamins A, D, E, tocopherols and other biologically active substances, so it can and should be consumed in its “raw” form. It is best to add unrefined to salads, cooked stewed or boiled food. But frying in unrefined sunflower oil is not recommended, because... during the heating process, it loses all its wonderful properties.

Refined sunflower oil– transparent, golden or light yellow. During storage, no sediment forms in it. It is great for baking and frying: it does not foam and does not “shoot” in the pan, does not have a pungent odor or bitter taste.

Storage conditions

All vegetable oils have three enemies: light, oxygen and heat. Therefore, oils should be stored in a dark place in tightly closed containers, since many of their beneficial properties are lost in the light. The optimal storage temperature is from +8° to +20°C. must be protected from contact with water and metals. Unrefined, so-called homemade, oil should be stored not only in a dark place, but also in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.

Unrefined oil is stored for 4 months, refined oil – 6 months. Some housewives, for better preservation, pour a little salt into the oil and dip several cleanly washed and dried beans into it.

What not to do with oil

1. Pour oil into a hot frying pan. All fats spontaneously ignite when exposed to high temperatures. And the temperature of a heated frying pan can easily exceed 3000C!

2. Leave oil unattended. Never leave it to heat unless you keep an eye on it, because... Spontaneous ignition of the oil is possible! And yet, if your oil suddenly catches fire, then don’t panic: quickly cover it with a damp cloth (rough canvas apron, etc.) and under no circumstances pour water on it to put it out!!

3. Fry food in hot oil. Any overheated oil will burn and will invariably ruin the taste of the product you are preparing.

4. Keep the oil in the light. Light provokes oxidative processes in the oil and destroys the beneficial substances in it. Unrefined oil quickly loses its color (the pigments in the oil are destroyed) and goes rancid. Refined oil also “fades” and although this does not critically affect the quality of the oil, it is still worth storing it in a place protected from light.

5. When making dishes from minced meat amount of liquid(milk, water, mayonnaise) added to the minced meat should not exceed 10% by weight of meat. Excess liquid and juice flowing out of the product during frying is collected in a condensed form in the frying pan, and also provokes the “shooting” of your oil.

6. Before frying meat, it should be dried first.(wrapped in a paper napkin), because... moisture in the meat (often not completely defrosted) gets into the oil and the oil begins to “shoot” and smoke.

7. Sliced ​​raw potatoes must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water before frying. to remove starch grains from the surface, otherwise during frying the slices will stick together and may even stick to the bottom, and also dry (for example, with a paper towel) - this will speed up the formation of a crust, the oil will not splatter, and the pieces will fry evenly.

8. Use for food after the expiration date. Over time, oxides are formed in it, which disrupt the body's metabolism.

9. Reuse oil after frying. When heated, toxic compounds are formed that have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. But there are no useful components left in it at all.

Vitamins and healing properties of sunflower oil

- one of the best types of vegetable fat. Due to its composition, it has the highest energy intensity, since when burning 1g of fat, 9 kcal of heat is released, while when burning 1g of protein or carbohydrates, only 4 kcal is released. The created energy reserve (within reasonable limits) allows the body to endure unfavorable conditions, especially cold weather and illness. - a product that is not inferior in caloric content to fats of animal origin. Thus, it is 899 kcal/100 g, and for butter - 737 kcal/100 g. In addition, the digestibility of sunflower oil is 95-98%. But one of the most important reasons why we all simply need to use it is that it is a unique source of a whole complex of biologically active substances.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) called an antisterile vitamin, as it is necessary for the normal reproduction process. A lack of this substance () leads to degenerative changes in sperm in men, and women lose the ability to bear a fetus normally. It also neutralizes oxidative reactions in the body and is one of the main natural antioxidants. It is of great importance in the prevention of atherosclerosis, muscular dystrophy and tumors. Vitamin E improves memory because it blocks the production of free radicals that cause aging in the body. It is not for nothing that it is also called the “vitamin of youth”, because its lack in the body will immediately affect the condition of hair, nails and skin. Thanks to vitamin E, blood circulation improves: blood clotting is reduced and the formation of blood clots is prevented. And the strengthening effect of vitamin E on the immune system is beyond any doubt: it is thanks to tocopherol that our body is able to resist a variety of viruses and infections. Here are a few more important functions of this vitamin: help lower blood pressure, prevent inflammatory processes and prevent the development of cataracts. In addition, vitamin E, which promotes the development of physical strength, is necessary for those who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. An adult needs an average of 10-25 mg of vitamin E per day. The highest dosage is used by athletes, pregnant and lactating women. 100 g of sunflower oil contains up to 50 mg of this vitamin! Don’t forget, by the way, that natural vitamin E is better absorbed by the body than pharmaceutical vitamin E.

Vitamin F (polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic) - a vital complex of biologically active substances that is not synthesized in the human body and should be regularly supplied with sunflower oil - a rich source of vitamin F. It is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, maintaining immunity and cell regeneration. A better ally in the fight against atherosclerosis cannot be found.

Sunflower oil is a type of vegetable oil obtained by pressing sunflower seeds. Widely used as an ingredient for preparing various dishes in Russia and Ukraine. In other countries, vegetable oils based on the seeds of other oil-bearing plants are more common.

Sunflower oil is often used in cooking for salad dressing, frying and baking. In the food industry, sunflower oil is used to produce margarine, cooking fats and canned food.

Information about sunflower oil:


Sunflower oil contains:

  • Fat – 99.9%;
  • Water – 0.1%.

Sunflower oil contains only one macronutrient – ​​phosphorus. Among the vitamins, it contains vitamin E.

Sunflower oil is based on various fatty acids. Of the saturated fatty acids, it contains: palmitic, stearic, behenic and arachidic acids. It contains oleic or omega-9 as a monounsaturated fatty acid. Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid.

Sunflower oil also contains the natural organic compound beta sitosterol.

The calorie content of sunflower oil is 899 kcal per 100 grams of product.


There are 5 types of sunflower oil:

  1. Unrefined. This is the oil obtained as a result of first pressing and filtration. It has a rich aroma and taste and is dark yellow in color. Mainly used as a salad dressing. It is practically not used for frying, as it gives the culinary product a specific bitter taste. Unrefined oil is obtained by cold and hot pressing, as well as extraction. During cold pressing, the oil is pressed out without increasing the temperature, while part of it remains in the cake, but it turns out to be of the highest quality. During hot pressing, less oil remains in the cake, but the product is of lower quality. When extracting from the cake, almost all the oil is obtained by mixing it with gasoline or hexane, which dissolves the oil from the cake in itself. Subsequently, gasoline or hexane is separated from the oil by separation. Unrefined sunflower oil has a shorter shelf life than refined sunflower oil.
  2. Hydrated. Oil, which, in addition to primary filtration, is treated with hot water, as a result of which protein and mucous elements are removed from it. Thanks to this, the oil is stored longer, becomes lighter, the structure is more uniform, and its taste becomes less intense.
  3. Neutralized refined. This type of oil, in addition to filtration and hydration, undergoes a neutralization process. When neutralized by alkali, free fatty acids, pesticides and heavy metals are removed from the oil. This makes sunflower oil transparent with an even less pronounced smell and taste.
  4. Refined deodorized. This oil is purified from excess impurities by settling, filtration and centrifugation. After this, it is treated with hot water and neutralized with alkali, which allows the removal of phosphatides, mucous, protein elements, free fatty acids, pesticides and heavy metals. Then the oil is bleached and deodorized, that is, it is cleared of odors. Thanks to refining and deodorization, it becomes light, tasteless and odorless. Refined sunflower oil does not emit smoke when frying and is stored longer. There is refined sunflower oil labeled P - regular and D - dietary and suitable for children.
  5. Refined deodorized frozen. In addition to all stages of refining, this oil goes through a freezing stage, at which it is mixed with kieselguhr and cooled to a temperature of 5-8 degrees Celsius, kept for some time and sent for filtration. This allows you to remove wax from the oil and further increase the shelf life of the product.

Production technology:

The technological scheme for obtaining refined sunflower oil includes 5 stages:

  1. Hydration. At this stage, sunflower oil is cleaned of mucous, protein substances and phosphatides using hot water. They swell and precipitate, after which they are removed from the oil by filtration.
  2. Neutralization. At this stage of obtaining refined sunflower oil, fatty acids are removed from it under the influence of alkali. The neutralization process takes place in special separators at a temperature of about 100 degrees Celsius. The fatty acids removed from the oil are further used in the soap industry.
  3. Whitening. Here the oil is purified from pigments, soap and phosphatides using special bleaching devices in a vacuum at a temperature of about 110 degrees Celsius. Special clay or activated carbon is used as a bleach. After this, the oil is filtered.
  4. Freezing. At this stage, the oil is purified from highly similar substances by mixing it with the natural material kieselguhr, cooling to 5-8 degrees Celsius and aging. After which the oil is filtered.
  5. Deodorization. At the last stage of the technological scheme for the production of sunflower oil, it is exposed to steam at temperatures reaching 260 degrees Celsius. Thanks to this, residues of fatty acids, pesticides, odorants and herbicides are removed from it.

The result is a transparent oil without color, taste or smell, ideal for preparing dishes that do not need the taste of natural sunflower oil.

What is the difference between refined sunflower oil and unrefined:

Refined sunflower oil has a homogeneous structure, transparent, colorless and odorless. Unrefined oil has a smell and taste, has a rich yellow color, and there is sediment in it.

Refined sunflower oil is used for frying and baking, as it does not emit smoke. It is used for preparing dishes that do not require a strong oil smell.

Unrefined oil is used mainly for dressing salads; it gives them a specific taste. When frying, natural unrefined oil emits smoke and gives the dish a bitter aftertaste. At high temperatures, unrefined oil can contribute to the formation of harmful substances in the dish, so it is not recommended to reheat it.

How to replace sunflower oil:

If refined sunflower oil is not available in the kitchen, but it is in the recipe, then it can be replaced with other refined vegetable oils, such as olive, canola, flaxseed and coconut.

How much sunflower oil in a teaspoon or tablespoon:

A tablespoon contains 17 grams of sunflower oil. A teaspoon contains 5 grams of sunflower oil.

Boiling temperature:

The boiling point of unrefined sunflower oil is 120-150 degrees Celsius, and that of refined sunflower oil is 150-200 degrees Celsius.


Sunflower oil is rich in fatty acids, which supply the body with energy. But if consumed in excess, fatty acids can cause harm to humans. They can be relatively beneficial if sunflower oil is consumed in moderation.

Sunflower oil can be beneficial for the human body due to the presence of vitamin E in it. It is a good antioxidant, stimulates the immune system, and promotes overall strengthening and healing of the body. Vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, reduces bad cholesterol levels and has a positive effect on the endocrine system. This vitamin rejuvenates the skin, strengthens nails and hair.

For women, vitamin E is useful because it increases libido and normalizes the menstrual cycle. In men, vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system and increases attraction to the opposite sex.

More vitamin E is contained in unrefined oil, so in this regard it is healthier than refined oil. But this is true if you do not expose unrefined sunflower oil to heat, do not fry it or bake it, otherwise all its beneficial properties turn into harmful ones.

But all the beneficial properties of sunflower oil are conditional. It must be remembered that vitamin E, which has a large number of beneficial properties, is contained in sunflower oil in a much smaller volume than fatty acids, which produce a negative effect on the body. You should not consume sunflower oil for the sake of vitamin E, since all its beneficial properties will be interrupted by the harm from fatty acids. Therefore, it cannot be said that sunflower oil is somehow beneficial to the body; it is rather harmful.


Sunflower oil is very high in calories, so if consumed in excess, it can lead to obesity with all the ensuing consequences. In addition, the fatty acids contained in sunflower oil are unstable and can cause chronic diseases.

People with individual intolerance to sunflower seeds and their oil should avoid sunflower oil. Due to its high fat content, people with diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gallbladder and biliary tract, and people with high cholesterol levels in the blood should use sunflower oil with extreme caution. Consumption of sunflower oil can aggravate the diseases of these groups of people.

Expired sunflower oil is very harmful, since some substances contained in it acquire harmful toxic properties.

Sunflower oil is known to every housewife as a rather convenient and tasty product that can give food a special aroma and texture. But few people realize that sunflower oil can be used in cosmetology and even medicine.

Sunflower history

In times forgotten by our ancestors, the sunflower flower was considered an ornamental plant that was associated with the sun, it was worshiped, considered a sacred flower symbolizing wealth, health and fertility. In Russia, sunflowers were planted in parks, estates, fields, they decorated vegetable gardens, but were not used in cooking or medicine. And only in 1829, Russian peasant Daniil Bokarev, having planted several sunflowers in his garden, tried to be the first to beat oil from sunflowers, using a hand press.

After successful extraction of sunflower oil, the first oil factory was created in the village. At the end of the 19th century, sunflower seed oil began to be widely used not only in Russia, but in Europe and other Western countries. Today, sunflower oil production accounts for about 70% of all vegetable oils and is widely used in all countries of the world. There are about 50 types of sunflowers, but the oilseed sunflower, which is grown all over the world, is most often used to produce vegetable oil.

Nowadays, sunflower oil is considered an important vegetable product that is widely used in cooking. In addition, given its unique and healing composition, this product is used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. In the process of producing vegetable oil, sunflower seeds undergo several stages of processing to obtain the desired type of oil, which has a pleasant aroma and specific taste.

Initially, the sunflower was considered a decorative flower.

Types of sunflower oil

Depending on the degree of purification, sunflower oil is divided into unrefined and refined.

    Unrefined oil During production, it undergoes only filtration, which eliminates mechanical impurities and preserves biologically valuable components. This type of oil is the most healthy; it has a dark color, rich color and tart taste. Unrefined sunflower oil has a short shelf life, so after a long period, sediment may appear in it.

    Refined oil (purified)– goes through several stages of processing: hydration, neutralization, deodorization, and freezing. After long-term processing, heavy metals, pesticides, free fatty acids and other substances are removed from it.

As a result of cleaning, not only harmful substances are eliminated, but also useful and valuable components. Therefore, refined oil is recommended for use only in cooking, but for treatment it is not effective, since during the processing a large amount of useful substances is removed from it. Refined oil has a long shelf life, is transparent in appearance, without a pronounced odor or taste.

Refined sunflower oil is ideal as a culinary product for making sauces, mayonnaise, baking, and frying, since it does not have a pungent odor or bitter taste. But for the treatment and prevention of diseases, it is better to use unrefined sunflower oil, as it contains many useful and healing substances.

In such oil you can often see a sediment, which does not at all signal a poor or low quality of the product, but, on the contrary, indicates that it contains a sufficient amount of phosphides, which are essential for the human body to form cell membranes. Therefore, you should choose only unrefined sunflower oil as a remedy.

Composition of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil contains a large number of useful and essential substances, without which the human body is not able to function properly. However, the composition of the oil depends on the place of germination of the plant, the type of sunflower and the method of processing the seeds, which may slightly affect the quality and composition of the product. Sunflower oil contains a sufficient amount of vegetable fats, which are not synthesized by the body and are absorbed better than animal fats. Sunflower oil contains the following beneficial components:

  1. Fatty acid- necessary for the body to form tissues and cells, as well as for the functioning of the nervous system. Sunflower oil contains:

    linoleic acid;

    oleic acid;



    linolenic acid;

    peanut acid.

    Vitamin (A)- ensures normal and full development of the body: improves skin condition, increases immunity, has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

    Vitamin (D ) - indispensable during the period of growth and development, strengthens the skeletal system, prevents bone fragility. It has a positive effect on the cells of internal organs, increases immunity, and improves the functioning of the endocrine system.

    Vitamin (E)- improves blood circulation, normalizes the reproductive system, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and slows down the aging process.

In addition to all of the above, sunflower oil contains a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, lecithin, and phytin. Also, the composition of this unique product is rich in tannins, various minerals and other vitamins. In addition, this product contains no cholesterol, which is an ideal option for people diagnosed with atherosclerosis or other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Sunflower oil contains many vital substances

Beneficial properties of sunflower oil

For medicinal purposes or for the prevention of a number of diseases, you should use only unrefined sunflower oil, which contains many useful and medicinal components. Sunflower oil has the following beneficial properties:

    Participates in the formation of cell membranes and nerve fibers;

    Positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

    Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

    Acts as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, heart attack and other pathologies of blood vessels and heart;

    Has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves memory and concentration;

    Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Has a positive effect on the endocrine and genitourinary systems;

    Improves the condition of skin and hair;

    Prevents premature aging.

Despite the high calorie content of sunflower oil, it is recommended by nutritionists for people with excess body weight, and this product should also be included in a child’s diet.

Sunflower oil benefits the entire body

Contraindications to the use of vegetable oil

Unrefined sunflower oil should be included in the human diet, but not more than 20 grams per day. Excessive consumption of this product can lead to disruption of internal organs. Therefore, before using it for medicinal or prophylactic purposes, you should consult your doctor.

Sunflower oil in folk medicine

Sunflower oil is used in official and folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. Such diseases include: thrombophlebitis of various etiologies, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, liver and lung pathologies. Also used for gynecological diseases, headaches and toothaches, heart disease and other diseases. Ointments and solutions for external use or oral administration are prepared based on sunflower oil.

Usually, other products of plant or animal origin are used to prepare a medicinal product from sunflower oil. Let's look at several recipes using sunflower oil.

    One of the common methods of treatment is the so-called “sucking” of sunflower oil. For the procedure, you will need 1 tablespoon of oil, which you need to put in your mouth and keep it in your mouth without swallowing (about 10 - 20 minutes). When the oil becomes liquid, float it out and rinse the mouth thoroughly. This recipe is effective for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. This recipe can be used for a long time, especially if there is a history of chronic diseases.

    Garlic oil. To prepare the recipe you will need 1 glass of unrefined sunflower oil, 1 head of garlic, which must first be peeled and chopped. The garlic mixture is added to the sunflower oil, mixed well and left in a cool place for 12 hours. Add lemon juice to the prepared oil and take it 30 minutes before meals, three times a day.

The course of treatment with this mixture is from 1 to 3 months, then it is recommended to take a break of 1 month and extend the course. Garlic oil is recommended for use for cerebral vascular spasms, headaches, heart pathologies and other diseases, as a preventative or therapeutic agent.

You will need 2 tbsp wild rosemary herb, which needs to be crushed and mixed with sunflower oil. Place on the stove and heat, then leave for 24 hours, strain and apply to the damaged area. This rubbing mixture is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A similar mixture for rubbing can be prepared from other herbs that have healing and medicinal properties: chamomile, celandine, calendula, oak bark.

Sunflower oil in cosmetology

Due to the healing properties of vegetable oil, it is widely used in cosmetology as a moisturizer and regenerating agent. This product is also used for hair and skin; it is used to make masks, hair conditioners, creams and other natural cosmetic products.

    Nourishing face mask. You will need 20 ml of unrefined sunflower oil, apply to a cotton swab and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Then take a clean cloth soaked in warm water and remove the oil. Remaining oil can be removed with a damp towel.

    Sunflower oil for hair care. Sunflower oil has a positive effect on the hair structure, nourishes it with useful substances, makes it healthy and strong. Sunflower oil can be added a few drops to any hair mask.

In the article we talk about sunflower oil, its beneficial properties and contraindications to its use. You will learn whether sunflower oil contains cholesterol, and how to use the herbal remedy in cooking, cosmetology and for the treatment of various diseases.

Beneficial properties of sunflower oil

The beneficial properties of sunflower oil are due to the presence of a large number of useful microelements in it.

The product contains the following elements:

  • linoleic acid;
  • oleic acid;
  • arachidic acid;
  • myristic acid;
  • palmitic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • linolenic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • tocopherol, incl. and vitamin E.

Sunflower oil contains vitamin D, tannins, carotenoids, vegetable proteins and carbohydrates, waxes, inulin, mucus. It is noteworthy that the chemical composition of the product may vary depending on the region and growing conditions of the plant.

What effect does sunflower oil have on the human body:

  • improves the functioning of neurons;
  • strengthens vascular walls, prevents atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes metabolism, has an antioxidant effect;
  • prevents the formation of tumors;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • normalizes blood viscosity indicators;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • improves the condition of the skin and bones.

The benefits and harms of sunflower oil are indicators that depend not so much on the composition of the product, but on the correctness of its internal intake and external use.

When using herbal remedies, follow the prescribed dosages, and before using for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor.

Does sunflower oil have cholesterol?

Contrary to popular belief that plant products cannot contain cholesterol, lipophilic alcohol is part of sunflower oil. Cholesterol is found in the cell membranes of all living organisms.

In sunflower oil, the level of organic compounds reaches 14 mg/kg. These figures are quite small; for example, egg yolk contains 15 g/kg of cholesterol.

BJU and calorie content of sunflower oil

100 g of sunflower oil contains 99.9 g of fat, 0.1 g of proteins and carbohydrates.

The calorie content of 100 g of sunflower oil is 899 kcal.

How is sunflower oil produced?

Sunflower seeds are used to produce oil. The seeds are cleaned and the kernels are separated from the husk. Next, the kernels are passed through rollers and pressed raw materials are obtained - mint. It is subjected to heat treatment in roasting pans, then the press oil is squeezed out in presses.

The press oil is settled. To obtain the final product, it must undergo an extraction procedure. Organic solvents are added to the oil, the action of which separates the product into an oil solution and a fat-free solid residue. The resulting product is sent for purification and refining.

Types of sunflower oil

What types of oil are there:

  • Unrefined - first-pressed oil, subjected only to filtration, is the most useful, since the maximum amount of microelements is retained in the product.
  • Hydrated - in addition to cleaning, the product is subjected to hydration, the oil is passed through hot water, as a result of which proteins and mucus precipitate. After cleaning, the product has an unexpressed taste and aroma, a light shade without sediment.
  • Neutralized refined - the product is completely purified from impurities and free fatty acids through alkalis. This oil has no taste, odor or beneficial components. It is used for frying.
  • Refined deodorized - obtained by filtration and exposure to water vapor under vacuum. The product has no odor or characteristic taste, but has a longer shelf life.
  • Refined frozen - when frozen, waxes are removed from the oil, this increases the shelf life of the product. After processing, the oil has no taste, smell, or beneficial substances.

Refined and unrefined oil - which is better?

If we talk about the benefits for human health, unrefined oil is better, since all the beneficial substances remain in it. Refined oil does not contain fatty acids, vitamins and other microelements. Its use is advisable for preparing hot dishes.

Unrefined oil should not be used for frying, stewing or baking foods, as when heated it will begin to foam and smoke. It can be used to season salads and already cooked food.

Sunflower oil in cooking

Sunflower oil is most often used for cooking, due to its availability in our country and low price compared to olive oil. However, the product should be consumed with caution; if used incorrectly, it can be harmful to health.

For frying, stewing, baking, baking, use refined oil. Heating unrefined at high temperatures promotes the release of ketones and aldehydes. Ketones have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect, aldehydes accumulate in the body and have a toxic and irritating effect.

Unrefined oil is used to season vegetable salads and is added to ready-made dishes to flavor them. To get the maximum amount of beneficial microelements, choose unrefined, cold-pressed oil.

Sunflower oil in cosmetology

The natural product is used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body and hair. It is most advisable to use sunflower oil for dry and aging skin. It retains moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis and activates the production of collagen and elastin by skin cells. Sunflower oil is also used to restore skin after frostbite and cleanse it of impurities.

For the body, the product is used as a healing agent for cracks in the feet, hands and lips. Used to eliminate skin irritations and rashes. Problem areas are lubricated with oil 2-3 times a day, after mixing it with liquid vitamin A.

For hair, sunflower oil is used in masks. It nourishes the scalp and hair roots, strengthens them, makes them silky and prevents frequent hair loss.

How to take sunflower oil

For oral administration, you can use 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower oil per day, including its content in dishes.

To use in its pure form, take 1 tablespoon of product in the morning on an empty stomach.

For constipation

Sunflower oil helps in the treatment of constipation, it softens waste products in the intestines and ensures their release. For these purposes, use unrefined sunflower oil, take 1 tablespoon in the morning.

Also, to treat constipation, oil can be added to cereals and salads.

Sucking sunflower oil

Sucking oil helps normalize metabolism, improves immunity, and prevents the development of heart, stomach, and colds. When sucking oil, beneficial substances are absorbed into the blood vessels of the oral cavity and enter the blood.

For the procedure, take 1 tablespoon of oil, suck for 15-20 minutes, then spit out the product.

Rinsing your mouth with sunflower oil

Rinsing the mouth with sunflower oil is used to treat diseases of the gums and respiratory system. How to take the oil - take 1 tablespoon of the product into your mouth and rinse for 10 minutes, then spit it out. Repeat the procedure every morning.

How to make sunflower oil at home

To prepare sunflower oil at home, peel the hulls from the seeds. Grind the purified raw materials to mint in a blender, coffee grinder, or pass through a meat grinder. Pour over hot water, the temperature should not exceed 120 degrees.

After this, a soft substance is formed - pulp. Oil will begin to separate from the pulp. Collect the oil. To clean it, it can be filtered and frozen at minus 15 degrees.

How to store sunflower oil at home

The shelf life of sunflower oil is 1 year in a closed container from the date of production. Opened oil should be stored for 2 months if it is refined and for 1 month if it is unrefined.

Store the product at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees in a dry place protected from sunlight. Do not use oil after the expiration date.

Vodka with sunflower oil according to the Shevchenko method

Method N.V. Shevchenko suggests using sunflower oil with vodka to treat many diseases, including cancer, stroke, allergies and others.

Recipe according to Shevchenko's method


  1. Sunflower oil – 30 ml.
  2. Vodka – 30 ml.

How to cook: Mix the liquids in a glass jar, close the lid and then shake well.

How to use: Take a deep breath and drink the product in one gulp. Take the medicine 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 10 days. After therapy, take a break for 5 days, after which you can repeat the treatment.

Note! There is no information about scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of this method. Before taking a folk remedy, be sure to consult a doctor.

Which oil is healthier - olive or sunflower?

It is impossible to determine which oil is healthier, as monounsaturated fatty acids predominate in olive oil, while polyunsaturated fatty acids predominate in sunflower oil. Both are indispensable for the human body.

There is high oleic sunflower oil, rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is why it is called an inexpensive analogue of olive oil.


The main contraindication to using the product is an allergic reaction to sunflower oil and seeds.

The oil should be used with caution under the following conditions:

  • chronic heart and vascular diseases;
  • dysfunction of the biliary tract;
  • gallbladder dysfunction;
  • gallstones;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes.