Sunflower oil, its composition and useful properties. Unrefined sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is the main culinary vegetable oil in the CIS countries, and in the world it occupies the 4th position in terms of production volumes. In addition to the food industry, this product can be used in medicinal and cosmetic purposes. For maximum useful application should know how to choose the best sunflower oil benefits and harms, how it is obtained, cleaning methods and how best to preserve its properties.

From this article you will learn:

How sunflower oil is obtained

Nowadays, sunflower is most actively grown in Russia and Ukraine, respectively, and in terms of sunflower oil production, these countries are among the leaders. Probably, the reason for this is the fact that it was in the Russian Empire that sunflower developed as an oilseed crop. The invention of the technology for obtaining oil from the seeds of this plant in 1829 is the merit of the fortress town of Aleksevka, Belgorod Region, Daniil Bokarev. Five years later, the peasant managed to open his own oil mill, and by 1860 there were already 160 factories of this kind operating in the city.

Seed processing

For the production of oil, sunflowers of oilseed varieties are used. The seeds of these plants maximum content fat - this indicator is called oil content. The grain arriving for processing will be checked in the laboratory for moisture content, oil content, weediness, and ripeness. Processing includes cleaning, drying, peeling, sorting, grain grinding and oil extraction. A by-product of sunflower oil production is meal, a valuable feed product enriched with protein. It is used to improve the diet of fish, birds, livestock. Raw proteins in the meal can take up to 41% of the composition.


Pressing is one of two ways to extract vegetable oil from sunflower seeds. Compared to extraction, it is considered more environmentally friendly, but has a lower oil yield. This figure rarely exceeds 30%.

The mint obtained after grinding the kernels is usually heated in braziers to 100-110˚C, after which it is sent to screw presses. Depending on the thickness of the mint layer, the density and viscosity of the oil, the pressure in the press, a different volume of oil can be squeezed out of the grains relative to its actual share in the composition. Due to the heating, the oil obtained in this way is recognizable by its pronounced aroma. roasted sunflower seeds. It also contains decomposition and oxidation products, due to which the smell and color are more pronounced.

Without heating the mint, cold-pressed oil is produced. Unlike the product described above, it preserves better useful material: antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, organic and fatty acids. minerals, sunflower oil salts. The disadvantage of this type of oil is that it has a short shelf life, which makes it bitter and cloudy quickly.

Sunflower oil pressed in this way is called raw. Subsequently, it is subjected to settling and filtering. This treatment makes the liquid the most delicious and healthy. The cake remaining after pressing can be processed into a feed animal product, or it can be sent for the extraction of the remaining oils.


Obtaining sunflower oil by extraction is carried out by immersion in an organic solvent in the extractor. As a result of this processing, two products are obtained: solid fat-free meal and a solvent-oil solution called a miscella. Passing through screw evaporators and distillers, the oil is separated, settled, filtered and further technological steps.

Most often, extraction gasolines are used as solvents. With their help, it is possible to extract up to 99% of the oils contained in the seeds. Such a high efficiency is beneficial for producers, so enough a large number of oils.


Oil refining - the general name of the aggregate technological stages, during which substances are removed from the oil that give it a smell, color, taste and other physical and chemical characteristics. In fact, there are no mineral and vitamin supplements in refined oil, so sometimes you can hear the definition of “impersonal”. Sunflower oil refining consists of six stages:

  1. Removal of mechanical impurities. It is always carried out. Oil that has passed only this stage of refining is sold as unrefined. Its purification includes only settling, filtering and running through a centrifuge.
  2. Hydration and separation of phosphatides. It is a treatment with water heated to 70˚C. Thanks to it, swelling and precipitation of mucous and protein substances occur, which contribute to the speedy deterioration of the oil.
  3. Neutralization removes free fatty acids from the product, which smoke during frying, turn into carcinogens, and generally shorten the shelf life. This step is also necessary for the removal of pesticides and heavy metals. An oil that has passed this stage can be sold as non-deodorized refined.
  4. Whitening with organic adsorbents, most often with clays. They draw out dye components, which also cause oxidation, and the liquid brightens. After this stage, the oil does not contain pigments and has a light straw color.
  5. Deodorization is a vacuum treatment with dry hot steam (up to 230˚C), which removes odorous substances that also oxidize the product during storage.
  6. Freezing to remove the waxes that get into the oil from the seeds. They are especially noticeable in cloudy oil standing in the cold. After freezing, the product becomes even lighter.

Refined oil is sold not only as a food product, but is widely used in the production of cooking oils, margarines, sauces, mayonnaise and other products. In this case, the absence of a strong smell or taste is a plus, as it does not affect the quality of the final product.

The use of sunflower oil is not limited to the food industry. It serves as an auxiliary raw material in the production of canned meat and fish. It can also be used in soap making, although it does not have the best soap characteristics, as well as in the production of paint and varnish products.

Unrefined vs Refined - What's the difference?

Most of the sunflower oils sold today in supermarkets and shops are refined. Advertising, basically, frightens with the presence of cholesterol in unrefined oil, as well as the release of carcinogens during frying. However refined oil some consumers call useless. Say, if there are no vitamins or minerals, why is it needed.

The answer to the question of which sunflower oil is best for frying is refined. It can also burn and create smoke, but its smoke point is much higher: +232˚C versus +107˚C. That is, unrefined oil will smoke almost always, and when frying on a refined product, this can be avoided.

However, scientists say that frying with refined oil is also unsafe. It produces trans fats that are not perceived by the body and damage cell membranes. As a result, this leads to the development of coronary disease, atherosclerosis, hormonal instability and oncological formations. In addition, such oil is useless in cosmetology, because it contains much less of one of the most valuable components in this regard - tocopherol. This antioxidant helps keep you young and prevent cancer.

Unrefined oil is healthier in composition, but requires special handling. It really is better to use it in frying to a minimum. But for dressing salads, making homemade mayonnaise and other uses without high temperatures, it is great. Here the oil will show its best properties. The main thing is not to store it for future use because of the short shelf life, but to keep it cool without access to light in an airtight metal or glass container. After opening, it is best to keep the liquid in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of sunflower oil

Chemical composition sunflower oil is as simple as that of most other vegetable fats. It is 99.9% fats and fatty acids, and the remaining 0.1% includes some water, vitamin E and phosphorus. Calorie content also corresponds to pure vegetable oils - 899 kcal per 100 g.

According to the content of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) in diet there are practically no products that interrupt sunflower oil. The benefit of this substance lies in the strongest antioxidant properties. Tocopherol prevents the destructive activity of free radicals, which increases the risk of developing cancer, and also accelerates the aging process in cells and tissues. According to the content of this substance, sunflower seed oil is ahead of olive oil.

About 60% of the oil is linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acid, about 24% - oleic monounsaturated, and another 11% saturated acids: palmitic, stearic, arachidic, behenic.

The presence of linolenic and linoleic acids is useful because human body does not synthesize them on its own. Sometimes they are also called vitamin F, the deficiency of which is most common. Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for strengthening cell membranes and nerve fibers. In addition, they help to eliminate cholesterol and stabilize the circulatory system.

Medicinal properties

the best medicinal characteristics has unrefined sunflower oil of the highest grade, easily recognizable by its pleasant aroma and characteristic aftertaste. The presence of sediment in the product does not always signal poor quality. If it is formed by phosphatides, then it is useful for the production of phosphoric acid by the body and the growth of cell membranes.

Both folk and traditional medicine recognize sunflower oil as useful, offering it for the prevention of liver and kidney diseases, digestion, thrombophlebitis, and ailments. women's health, heart and blood vessels, encephalitis and problems of the musculoskeletal system.

It is believed that the oil stimulates the intestines and to treat constipation, you need to take 2 tablespoons of liquid on an empty stomach daily in the morning. Rubbing and massage with oil are advised by traditional healers to relieve rheumatism. To enhance the healing effect, it is recommended to add garden wallflower flowers, rosemary herb or pepper tincture to vodka. Sick joints are advised to rub with a mixture of equal parts of oil and propolis, mixed in a water bath.

A burning remedy for the treatment of articular rheumatism is prepared from red pepper. It is crushed, poured with oil and kept warm for about 9 days. After shaking, the mixture can be rubbed into the joints, but one must be prepared for the fact that the skin will burn and redden.

With osteochondrosis, a remedy made from salt, sunflower oil, which are mixed in proportions of 1: 2, helps. After mixing thoroughly, they must be left to dissolve for several days, so that the liquid becomes whitish-cloudy. To speed up, you can use slightly warmed oil. This simple drug should be smeared into the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine in the first days for 2-3 minutes. Further, every day the duration of the procedure should be increased by 1-2 minutes, until it reaches a third of an hour. Thanks to the salt treatment of osteochondrosis, metabolic processes are stimulated, blood flow and the removal of harmful substances are accelerated, which helps to reduce inflammation and relieve swelling.

With an old cough, it is recommended to mix a tablespoon of honey, flour, oil, mustard powder and half a spoon of vodka. The product is heated and mixed for a couple, turning into a sticky dough. It needs to be kneaded and spread in a small layer on the chest through gauze folded four times, covered with a scarf or film on top and left overnight. You can warm up in this way a couple of times a week.

Traditional medicine recommends instilling sore ears with a mixture of sunflower and geranium oil in a ratio of 3: 1. For those suffering from sore throats, it is advised to lubricate the throat with a solution of sunflower and aloe oils. To restore the skin from cracks and diaper rash, you can make a sunflower compress applied to the problem area during sleep. Positive effect also has rubbing with this oil of bedsores.

Despite high calorie content, sunflower oil is not dangerous for those who are on a diet. In addition, stable functioning of the body is impossible without fats. IN large quantities you still won’t be able to use it, and a tablespoon of liquid will not only make a salad with sprouted wheat tastier, but also contribute to an efficient metabolism.

Harm and contraindications

The main danger of sunflower oil is carcinogens that appear during thermal processing. For this reason, it is better for him to choose a good alternative for frying in the form of an olive type refined or pomace. In salads, soups, pastries, dressings and sauces, sunflower oil remains harmless.

Refined sunflower oil can only be used for frying at low temperatures, up to +200˚C. At the same time, washing dishes after it must be treated very responsibly. Residual oil when reheated will contaminate harmful substances and fresh product.

Due to the choleretic effect, the use of oil can adversely affect the condition of people with diseases of the biliary system and gallbladder.

Is it possible to treat burns with sunflower oil

Sunflower oil, the benefits and harms of which are wider than it seems, is mistakenly used to lubricate fresh burns. This is categorically false. The fact is that heated, burned cells need heat to escape. The oil creates an impenetrable film that prevents the tissues from cooling, in fact, clogging the cause of pain inside.

For severe burns, it is much more beneficial to wash the skin. cold water, quickly pulling out excess heat. But for the rapid healing of blisters and wounds left from burns, sunflower oil is suitable. It is necessary to mix it with wax from a ratio of 2: 1, warm it up until it is evenly mixed and apply it warmly to the wound through a napkin.

What sunflower oil is useful in cosmetics

In cosmetology, sunflower oil is rarely used. Perhaps the reason is that its availability and widespread culinary demand do not create the impression of an extremely valuable and rare oil, saturated with a huge amount of useful substances. In composition, it really loses to many vegetable oils, but this does not make it useless for personal care. Can be used quite effectively sunflower oil for hair, face and nails.

Thanks to fatty acids and tocopherol, the application of this liquid in a thin layer helps to nourish, hydrate, restore cells and strengthen immune properties skin. You should not be afraid of oily sheen, because sunflower oil is close in structure and composition to natural sebum. Thanks to this, by the way, it is well absorbed and accepted by the epidermis.

In general, this product can be used along with other vegetable oils in masks, hair wraps, creams and ointments. Cosmetologists note that this is an affordable basis for restorative and moisturizing preparations for hair.

Sunflower oil is suitable for removing make-up, as it perfectly dissolves cosmetical tools. Even persistent cosmetics, once in the country without special tools, can be removed with a cotton pad soaked in oil. The nourishing and moisturizing effect is an added bonus.

Sunflower oil benefits and harms For massage

IN pure form sunflower oil is very rarely used as a massage base, as it tends to form a film on the surface of the skin. More often it is mixed in different proportions with other base and essential oils when creating complex mixtures.

However, in the absence of alternatives, you can take this oil. The main thing is that it will provide sliding of the hands, preventing damage to the skin. For massage of the back, feet, arms, shoulder and elbow joints, a mixture of 50 ml of sunflower, 4 tbsp. coconut, and 5-10 drops essential oil lavender.

Some ways to use oil in everyday life

  1. A mixture of equal parts alcohol and sunflower oil helps to remove stains from lacquered furniture, giving a second life to solid chests of drawers, tables, chairs and other interior items.
  2. Sunflower oil can be used to remove fresh paint stains on clothes. Here it serves as a solvent - you need to apply the oil for 5-10 minutes, and then wash it with dishwashing detergent.
  3. Rubbing with sunflower oil will help remove Not nice smell in the refrigerator or remove the onion flavor from cutting board or a knife.
  4. Dachas and private houses are sometimes attacked by ants who want something to eat. Oil helps to scare them away - they need to coat the edges of containers with cereals or packages with products of interest to insects. This is useful to know when preparing for a picnic.
  5. By mixing 30 g of oil with 90 g of melted rosin and 1 tsp. syrup or honey, you can get a mixture for homemade duct tape against insects. It is necessary to anoint thick paper with it, and Velcro for the same ants is ready.
  6. Sunflower oil can temporarily lubricate the hinges of doors and furniture. But grease them over suitable remedy needed as soon as possible. Oil, by the way, helps from jamming locks on clothes and bags.
  7. Oil can restore shine kitchen utensils and cutlery.
  8. For situations with a power outage in the country or just to create a special atmosphere, oil lamps are used. And yes, in a critical situation, you can replace the special oil mixture with ordinary sunflower oil.

How to choose the best sunflower oil

About how to choose an oil based on the purpose of its use, it was said above. Summarizing, we can say that unrefined is for cold use, and refined is for not too hot frying and dishes in which the aroma and taste of oil should not be felt.

Sunflower oil benefits and harms

How to choose quality oil from sunflower seeds of one type or another on the store shelf. You need to be guided by the following signs:

  1. The liquid should be clear, but not necessarily colorless. A dark yellow color is acceptable, especially in unrefined product. It may also have a weak sediment. But refined oil with sediment is a fake or a spoiled product.
  2. The unrefined liquid has a clear sunflower aroma and taste. In refined oil, they are either less pronounced or completely absent (in deodorized oil). Any type of product should not taste bitter.
  3. On the label good product there is information about the name, nature of cleaning, composition, available additives, GOST, place and date of production, as well as the shelf life of the product. In the Russian Federation, since July 1, 2014, the national standard GOST 1129-2013 “Sunflower oil. Specifications".
  4. Naturally, the “younger” the oil by the date of production, the more willingly it should be taken.
  5. Sunflower oil stored in the light oxidizes, so it is better to take bottles from the depths of the shelves, where the lighting is poor.
  6. "Sunflower oil" - pure product from sunflower seeds. Trade item with the name " vegetable oil» may contain impurities from other oils.
  7. Manufacturers that emphasize the presence of vitamin E often add it as a vitamin supplement. Although, there is nothing frankly bad in this, of course.

In 2014, the publication Roskontrol conducted an examination of 22 copies of refined sunflower oil sold in retail chains in the Russian Federation. The most consistent with the declared characteristics was shown by the popular Oleina brand and oil from the economy segment Every Day. With weaker performance, but compliance with the standards, the tests were also carried out by the brands "Anninskoe", "Zlato", IDEAL. The highest content of unsaturated fatty acids was noted in Every Day oil - 64.2%, and IDEAL and Anninskoye became the leaders in terms of the amount of vitamin E - 45.65 mg and 45.52 mg per 100 g.


Contrary to the opinion of many consumers, sunflower oil does not have a very long shelf life. This is especially true for an unrefined product, which already oxidizes under the influence of light, and after opening the package, the spoilage process is accelerated several times. Therefore, with rare use, it is better to buy small amounts of oil that will not have time to deteriorate while standing on the kitchen shelf.

Before the plastic bottle with oil is opened, it should be stored in a dark and cool place (from +5˚C to +20˚C). The expiration date, which is indicated on the bottle, is relevant only under these conditions and until it is opened.

After depressurization, unrefined oil packed in plastic container can be stored for up to 2 months. After transfusion into glass bottle(preferably from tinted glass) and placed in a dark place, this period may increase to 3-4 months, but it is still better to use the product within 60 days. Popularly used to extend the shelf life to the bottom glass jar put a spoonful of salt or a few dry beans.

For long-term storage freezing can be considered. In fact, the liquid does not freeze, but retains beneficial features much longer. After one freeze-thaw cycle, food and medicinal value the product does not change.

How to clean oil at home

Sunflower oil can be obtained not only industrially, but also at home. To do this, the grain is moved, crushed, separated from the husk with water. After that, you can squeeze out the oil. In everyday life, for this, you can use a special nozzle to separate the juice from the cake. Some home-grown butter makers equip presses for this purpose. grape juice. One way or another, after obtaining coarse oil, it becomes necessary to clean it.

First you need to drive the resulting liquid through a funnel-shaped filter made of paper or non-woven fabric. As an alternative, a cloth that allows oil to pass through is suitable, because at this stage the main thing is the mechanical cleaning of oil from cake, pieces of husk, etc. You can take repeatedly folded gauze. Paper filters for oil is rare, but are in specialized stores. The product should be filtered immediately after squeezing, as the oxidation of the components begins immediately after squeezing.

Instead of straining, you can try to defend the oil. To do this, it is poured into an opaque container made of mild steel, glass or plastic, closed with a lid and left alone for about a day. This is enough to move light inclusions to the surface, and heavy inclusions to the bottom. For better cleaning the liquid can be filtered after this stage, after which unrefined home-made sunflower oil will be obtained.

At home, the possibilities of oil purification end there. Yes, alkaline neutralization and hot steam deodorization are possible at home, but this, firstly, costs time and money, and secondly, requires a good understanding of the process from a chemical point of view. In general, homemade unrefined oil is more than suitable and healthy for eating. It is not inferior to the purchased one in its characteristics and is kept in excellent condition provided suitable storage conditions are provided.


Sunflower oil is one of the best vegetable fats and indispensable product food for every person. No housewife can do without it. Sunflower oil is used for frying and stewing, dressing salads and soups, it is added to dough and sauces, used for homemade preparations. Navigate in today's abundance different varieties sunflower oil is not so easy.

A bit of history

Today, Russian cuisine cannot be imagined without sunflower oil, but it first appeared in Russia not so long ago. Peter I brought the first handful of sunflower seeds to St. Petersburg from Holland and ordered them to be sown in his pharmacy garden. In 1829, the Russian peasant Daniil Bokarev invented a method for obtaining oil from sunflower seeds, and in 1833 the first plant for the production of sunflower oil was built in Russia. Very soon Russian Orthodox Church recognized sunflower oil as a lean product, and since then its widespread distribution has begun. In the middle of the XIX century. half of the agricultural areas in the south of Russia were sown with sunflowers, and by the beginning of the 20th century. sunflower oil has already become a national Russian product.

The healthiest oil

How to store sunflower oil. To preserve its useful properties, sunflower oil should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of +5 to +20deg; C and protected from contact with water and metal.

Sunflower oil is a product with unique properties. In terms of digestibility and content nutrients sunflower oil is superior to many vegetable oils; neither soy, nor rapeseed, nor corn can compete with sunflower in terms of usefulness. The composition of sunflower oil includes unsaturated fatty acids that are indispensable for the human body and other equally useful fatty acids.

Sunflower oil is the richest source of fat-soluble vitamins, the main of which are vitamins A, D, E and F. Linoleic and linolenic unsaturated fatty acids contained in sunflower oil are not synthesized in the human body, but are vital substances. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids is called vitamin F, and the human need for these substances is even higher than for other vitamins. Vitamin F is involved in the formation of cell membranes and the formation of nerve fibers, is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, cell regeneration and skin elasticity, supports immunity, increases vascular elasticity and improves blood flow. Vitamin F fights atherosclerosis, participates in fat metabolism and removes cholesterol from the body.

Vitamin E prevents oxidative processes in the body, improves memory, participates in metabolic processes, fights aging at the cellular level and improves the function of the endocrine and sex glands. Vitamin E promotes better absorption of fats and vitamins A and D, has a beneficial effect on nervous system, prevents the appearance of senile pigmentation on the skin, the development diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin A, which is also rich in sunflower oil, is necessary for growth and vision. It slows down the aging process and takes part in metabolism, cell renewal, hair, nails, bones and teeth formation. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant and is used to prevent and treat cancer.

Vitamin D provides growth and development of bones, so it is indispensable for children and adolescents. It prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis and has a beneficial effect on general exchange substances. Vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of muscles, intestines and kidneys, prevents the development of skin diseases, improves immunity, regulates blood clotting and has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

Sunflower oil - only pluses! Sunflower oil is such a useful product that its only drawback can be considered a high calorie content: 100 g of sunflower oil contains 900 kcal, and one tbsp. a spoonful of butter 160 kcal. The optimal dose for a person is 20 g of oil per day.

According to GOST means quality

If you want to buy high-quality oil, choose one that indicates that it is produced in accordance with GOST R 52465 2005. Those grades of oil that are produced not according to GOST, but according to TU, undergo less strict control during production, and rely on them quality need with great care. GOST R 52465 2005 divides sunflower oil depending on its quality, processing method and purpose into the following grades:

Refined deodorized "Premium" is used for direct consumption and for the production of baby and diet food.

Refined deodorized "Top Grade" and "First Grade" is used for direct consumption and for food production.

Refined non-deodorized is used for food production and industrial processing.

Unrefined "Top Grade" and "First Grade", which is produced only by pressing, is used for direct consumption, food production and industrial processing.

In accordance with GOST, on the label correct oil information about the manufacturer, production date, expiration date and storage conditions, as well as the designation of this GOST and information on confirmation of conformity, must be indicated.

What else does the label say?

Several types of sunflower oil are produced, which differ in the way they are produced and the degree of purification of the product.

Raw sunflower oil, or ndash virgin oil; the most useful, because all biologically valuable substances are completely preserved in it. It has a pleasant smell and taste characteristic of sunflower oil. It is good to use it in dishes without heat treatment: salads, vinaigrettes, cold appetizers. Such oil cannot be used for cooking, because. when heated above 100deg; C, substances harmful to the body are formed in it.
Unrefined sunflower oil also has a specific taste and smell, but during production it is partially purified: it is settled, filtered, hydrated and neutralized. Therefore, it has a slightly lower value than virgin oil. Unrefined oil is not fully refined and may contain residual herbicides, so it should not be used to feed children under 3 years of age.

Refined oil goes through a full cleaning cycle. This ensures its transparency and complete lack of taste. But the biological value of such oil is somewhat lower, because. during cleansing, some of the vitamins are destroyed. Refined oil is ideal for frying, deep-frying and baking, and does not form sediment during storage.

Deodorized oil obtained from refined by exposure to water vapor under vacuum. As a result of this process, all aromatic substances are removed from the oil. This increases the shelf life of the oil. Products cooked in this oil retain their own taste during the cooking process. The high degree of purification of refined deodorized oil makes this product hypoallergenic, which makes it possible to use this oil for baby food.

frozen butter It is obtained when microparticles of natural wax are removed from sunflower oil using a special freezing process, which can give the oil some turbidity.

hydrated it is an oil that has been treated with water to remove perishable components containing phosphorus. After this operation, the oil becomes transparent.

Cholesterol Free. The inscription on the label does not contain cholesterol does not say anything about the quality of sunflower oil - by definition, there can be no cholesterol in vegetable oil, it is found only in products of animal origin.

homemade butter

Recently, the city markets often sell the so-called. homemade sunflower oil. As a rule, such oil is produced in small farms in the southern regions of the country. Homemade oil can be both cheap and useful, but you need to choose it especially carefully. Before you buy such an oil, you must definitely taste it. It should taste like fresh, unroasted seeds. If the oil smells like fried or burnt seeds, this means that it was produced at a very high temperature, and it may contain carcinogens (heating the raw material to a temperature of 200-300 C is used to increase the yield of oil from the seeds).
The most delicious homemade butter is sold in November-December, at which time it is produced from the freshest raw materials. In the later months, it is produced from raw materials that have already been stored for some time, and if the seeds were not stored in very suitable conditions, the quality of the oil will be worse. But the presence of a small suspension or husk in homemade oil says that the oil was indeed produced in an artisanal way, which means without any chemicals.

Today we will tell you about how sunflower oil is made and what properties it has. this product. We will also tell you about what varieties of vegetable fat are available and what composition it has.

General information about the herbal product

Sunflower oil is a vegetable oil obtained from sunflower seeds. This is the most common type of vegetable oil in Russia. By the way, our country is one of the leaders in the production of this product in the world.

History of occurrence

The evolution of oilseed sunflower as a cultivated plant took place in the Russian Empire. Its industrial processing is closely connected with the name of Daniil Bokarev. It was he who in 1829 invented unique way obtaining oil from sunflower seeds. Four years later, in the Voronezh province (in the settlement of Alekseevka), with the assistance of Bokarev, the merchant Papushin built the first oil mill in Russia. Bokarev opened his own oil mill in 1834. And already in 1835, the active export of this product abroad began. By 1860, there were approximately 160 oil mills in the Alekseevka settlement.

Sunflower oil production

As mentioned above, the source of oil is sunflower seeds. Most crushing plants produce this product using the following technology:

  • In a special rush-veechnoe department, seeds are cleaned from various litters. In it, collapse occurs, as well as the separation of the husk from the nuclei.
  • In the roller shop, all the cores are passed through the rollers. As a result of this processing, mint is obtained. Subsequently, it is transported to the press department.

  • In it, mint undergoes heat treatment in special braziers. Then the raw material enters the presses, where, in fact, the pressing oil is pressed. In the future, it is sent to storage and sludge. As for the resulting mass, called pulp, which has a high residual oil content (about 22%), it is fed to the oil extraction shop. If the pulp was pressed to a residual oil content of 8-9%, this product is called cake. In some cases, in the oil extraction shop, mint is sent to the roaster using a conveyor. There she is subjected heat treatment, or the so-called toasting. After pressing, the pulp is immediately sent to the extractor.
  • Extraction of vegetable oil is carried out in special apparatus called an extractor. This process is carried out using organic solvents. As a result, the so-called miscella is obtained, as well as a solid fat-free residue, which is wetted with a solvent (i.e. meal). Subsequently, oil is distilled off from them in the extractor.

After the pressing and extraction shops, the oilseed product is subjected to subsequent purification, or refining. In other words, the oil is purified from various organic impurities. Such methods usually include centrifugation, settling, filtration, hydration, alkaline and sulfuric acid refining, deodorization, bleaching and freezing (that is, the oil is cooled to 10-12 degrees to form wax crystals, which are subsequently filtered).

As for sunflower cake, a very valuable meal is obtained from it. Meal is a high-protein feed product that is included in the diet of livestock, fish and poultry. Content crude protein it is about 30-41% and quite strongly depends on the degree of purification and undermining of the mint, as well as the class of raw materials used.

As you can see, the production of sunflower oil is not an easy process. Despite this, this product is available to everyone and everyone.

Properties of vegetable oil

Almost all sunflower oils have the same properties. raw product has a pleasant aroma and taste. Its density at 10 degrees is 920-927 kg per m3. The pour point ranges from -16 to -19 degrees. The temperature at which sunflower oils smoke is 232 degrees. The kinematic viscosity of the product occurs at 20 degrees.

It should also be noted that sunflower oil is classified as semi-drying vegetable oils. When exposed to oxygen (at room temperature) it forms a soft and sticky film. By the way, semi-drying oils include not only sunflower, but also soybean, safflower, camelina, poppy, and so on.

There are two types of unrefined sunflower oil: pressed (that is, obtained by cold pressing) and extraction. As a rule, it is produced in oil extraction plants.

Composition of the product

What is the composition of sunflower oils? The manufacturers of this product state that it contains great amount fatty acids, namely stearic, palmitic, myristic, arachidic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic. At the same time, of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it contains only 1% omega-3. Sunflower oil is also rich in omega-6.

The benefits of sunflower oil are directly related to its composition. For example, it contains a large amount of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on work. digestive tract and condition of the skin.

It should be especially noted that sunflower oil (refined and unrefined) cannot contain cholesterol. This is due to the fact that it has only vegetable origin. Despite this, many manufacturers specifically emphasize its absence. This is for promotional purposes.

Types of oils

What are sunflower oils? Manufacturers produce unrefined and refined products. How do they differ from each other? Not all housewives know the answer to this question. Therefore, we decided to present this information below.

Unrefined or refined?

Everyone knows that vegetable oils are very beneficial for health. Unlike Soviet times, today in stores you can find completely different types this product. But how to choose the right one among the many oils?

The main difference between oils produced from the same raw material is the degree of purification. Both refined (that is, completely refined through several stages) and unrefined sunflower oil, the purification of which is limited only by mechanical filtration, goes on sale.

There is an opinion that the first option is completely useless for health. But it's not. The fact is that the degree of usefulness of this product is determined by its fatty acid composition. So, in the process of refining, the composition of vegetable oil, as well as the ratio of its fats and acids, does not change. In view of this fact, it can be safely noted that if the oil is useless, then it is useless in any form (whether refined or unrefined). And the degree of purification does not affect it in any way.

Product Application

In the period from 2007 to 2008 agricultural year, about 10 million tons of sunflower oil were produced in the world. This product is one of the most important vegetable oils in the post-Soviet space. This is due to the fact that it is of great economic importance.

As for cooking, refined and unrefined sunflower oil can be used for frying, as well as dressing. various salads. In addition, cooking fats and margarine are made from it (by hydrogenation). Sunflower oil is also used in the production of canned food, as well as in the paint and varnish industry and soap making. Moreover, it is part of many ointments.

Summing up

A spoonful of sunflower oil contains a huge amount of fatty acids and vitamin E. By regularly eating this product, you can forget about digestive problems forever. By the way, sunflower oil is very popular in traditional medicine ingredient. It is used to relieve severe constipation (whether by mouth or by giving enemas), as well as to give smoothness. skin. If your hands or face are chapped, then lubricate them with sunflower oil and leave for a while. After a few procedures, you will notice that your skin has become soft, smooth and silky, and there are no signs of chapping left.

Thus, by purchasing high-quality refined or unrefined sunflower oil, you can not only cook delicious dishes, but also noticeably improve.

Labels are full of inscriptions “No cholesterol”, “Rich in vitamin E” ... For mercy, what kind of cholesterol can be in vegetable product? Yes, and vitamin E is in any oil, however, in different quantities.

And what do the cumbersome terms “frozen out”, “hydrated” mean? What is the use of this oil and will it smoke in the pan? Which is better - sunflower, corn or olive? Let's figure it out together.
Perhaps the most useful in vegetable oil - fatty acids. Almost everyone has all three of their types: saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated. The difference is only in proportions.

Saturated acids we need very much small quantities; their excess is fraught with a violation of fat and cholesterol metabolism and, as a result, an increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. There are many of them in peanut, palm and coconut oils.

unsaturated fatty acids on the contrary, are very useful. They regulate metabolic processes in the body. Especially now they talk a lot about linoleic (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic (omega-3): according to the latest data, they prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and even destroy those that already exist. The body cannot produce these acids on its own, we get them with food, and vegetable oil is the main source.

We consume these acids, as it turned out, wrong: we are fond of omega-6 (sunflower, sesame, corn oil) and neglect omega-3 (linseed, rapeseed, oil walnut). Doctors believe that such a bias can cause health problems. That is why it is important for us to "eat" different oil.

Big purge

The usefulness of the oil depends not only on the feedstock. Much determines the way of pressing and cleaning. Vitamin E, which manufacturers love to write about, is quite stable, but still heat treatment not very helpful to him. The more it is, the less vitamin remains in the product. The oil, in which biologically active substances are preserved to the maximum, is obtained by cold pressing. On the labels they write - “first spin / cold press”. Such oil is only filtered to get rid of mechanical impurities. Alternative way- extraction. In this case, organic solvents are used. Such oil goes through more than one stage of purification, and most of the valuable components, alas, are lost in the process.

For the sake of increasing the shelf life, unrefined oil can be treated with alkali. This is called neutralization. If the oil has been processed hot water, it says "hydrated" on the label. The taste of this product is not so bright, the color is less saturated, and, of course, some of the useful substances are lost. But with a guarantee, heavy metals and pesticides that could be contained in the feedstock were removed.

Refined oil is impersonal: it is colorless, almost does not smell. If at the same time it was also deodorized, you can be sure that there are practically no vitamins and other valuable substances in it. But fatty acids, on the contrary, are.

The inscription "frozen" means that waxes have been removed from the product. It is because of them that the oil becomes cloudy in the cold or in the refrigerator and does not look very appetizing. With all its advantages, unrefined oil, unfortunately, is not suitable for frying - it burns and smokes.

But even with refined, not everything is simple: the more polyunsaturated acids it contains (as, for example, in sesame, soy and safflower), the worse it tolerates heating. You can and should fry in rapeseed, mustard, and best of all - in olive oil.

Oil with a high concentration of polyunsaturated acids cannot stand light and smokes in a frying pan. It is best used for salad dressing.


■ Unrefined oil is better to buy in the store. Counterfeits can be harmful to health.

closed bottle must be stored in a dry, dark, cool place. Open - only in the refrigerator.

■ Salt salads before adding oil: salt does not dissolve in fat.

If you fry meat or vegetables on cottonseed oil, they will be with a delicious crispy crust. real plov cook on it

What options?

We don't love him so much for nothing. It has a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, and a relatively low concentration of saturated ones, which is good. It’s not worth frying on sunflower, but it’s good to season vinaigrettes with it, sauerkraut or herring. Refined oil is suitable for both frying and baking, it is often added to sauces.

The record amount of monounsaturated fatty acids makes it an important ingredient in the famous Mediterranean diet. Scientists claim that this oil helps fight cardiovascular diseases. The most useful variety - Extra Virgin i.e. cold pressed. There are countless options for dishes with olive oil. It gives a special "southern" taste to salads, pasta sauces and chops.

Contains a lot of omega-6 acids and vitamin E. It happens only refined. You can fry on it, but it is better to use it in potato and carrot salad and vegetable stews.

Champion in the content of omega-3 fats. Deteriorates quickly from heat and light. The taste of the oil is specific, but if you mix it with crushed garlic, you get spicy sauce. They can be seasoned with soups, poured over boiled potatoes, added to cottage cheese with herbs. By the way, a teaspoon linseed oil at night - an excellent natural laxative.

pumpkin seed oil
A lot of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, vitamins B, PP, C. Does not tolerate high temperatures and light. Its slightly sweet taste is good in meat salads, they season fish and vegetable soups and even added to the dough for baking.

Grape seed oil
Source of vitamin E ( daily allowance in a tablespoon) and omega-6 fats. Light fragrance does not clog grapes, but enhances other odors. Therefore, cooks fill green and fruit salads with such oil, add it to marinades. Resistant to high temperatures, does not smoke when frying.

What to put in the basket?

Unrefined sunflower:

Light (dark is made from burnt seeds);
almost clear with little sediment. This is not "dregs", but useful phospholipids. The oil "sludge" contains substances that help the body build cell membranes and fight harmful factors from the outside;
no bitter smell. Pleasant aroma- guarantee of oil freshness;
more viscous. The drop should spread very slowly, and the oil should flow silently (for example, from one container to another). It is the easiest way to check this quality in the market.

Refined sunflower:

Oil of large manufacturers: they most likely comply with production standards;
light (dark may contain carotenoids, which are destroyed when heated). The lighter the oil, the more suitable it is for frying;
without sediment: a good refined oil should be absolutely transparent;
without antioxidants in the composition;
in dark glass bottles. Or what is in the far dark corner: in the light, useful substances are quickly destroyed in the oil;
for children, it is better to choose frozen butter, on the label of which there is the letter "P" or "D";
always pay attention to the labeling: oil is premium, premium and first grade. Premium, of course, is the best.

It is believed that best time for the production of sunflower oil - November or December. Read the label

Expert comment

Irina Arkatova, chief expert of Roskontrol

« All contestants, except for Mr. Ricco, have already been checked by Roskontrol. Therefore, we can compare the indicators: for example, "Zlato", "Sloboda" and "Oleina" have never caused any complaints. There were some minor questions about Golden Seed. To the "Good", which was tested in 2016, there were the same claims as now. In the laboratory, among other things, we determine the peroxide, acid and anisidine values ​​of each sample. These are indicators of oxidative deterioration of sunflower oil. During storage, they increase at different rates. What did the examination show? Oil "Blago" in terms of "peroxide value" does not correspond to the declared premium grade. The rest of the samples were amazing. Unless at the “Golden Seed” the indicator “anisidine number” is approaching the maximum allowable already in the first quarter of the shelf life. However, at the time of verification, it met the requirements of GOST.

On a note

Stainless steel faucets will shine like new if you rub them lightly with sunflower oil.
Old stains can be quickly removed by spraying them with a mixture of sunflower oil and fresh lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio.
After a variety of repair (especially painting) cases, hands will be washed better if they are lubricated with sunflower oil before starting work.
To make leather products - jackets, shoes, gloves - look perfect, grease with sunflower or olive oil. Leave for five minutes and wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Refined deodorized sunflower oil

1st place


Complies with all safety requirements and characteristics specified in the marking. High-quality sunflower oil of the highest grade, corresponding to GOST.

2nd place

Mr. Ricco

JSC "Kazan Fat Plant"
Mr. Ricco came to our laboratories for the first time, and for the experts he was a "dark horse". We have not identified any shortcomings. The oil is of high quality, and we can recommend it for purchase without a doubt.

3rd place


If we had a competition “where is the most essential linoleic acid”, then “Oleina” would definitely win. The other parameters of this participant are also on top, although the manufacturer declared the first grade, and not the highest or premium.

4th place


JSC "MZhK Krasnodar"
Top quality oil. Complies with safety requirements for proven indicators. He's a little taller than the others mass fraction moisture and volatile matter. No other differences with other samples were found.

5th place

"Golden Seed"

Yug Rusi group of companies
One of the indicators is slightly overestimated, but is within the normal range, there are no more complaints.

6th place


LLC "Company Blago"
"Blago" is listed as a premium oil. But some contestants of the first and highest grade are ahead of him in terms of performance. In the lab it turned out that it didn't match the premium variety at all. This led to the last place.

What is vegetable oil? The answer to this question lies in the name - this is an oil made from vegetable raw materials.

All vegetable oils are divided into types depending on the degree of purification, purification method and consistency. Certainly, great importance has the original plant from which the oil is made. The most common types of vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, corn, sesame, walnut, palm.

It is wrong to think that all vegetable oils are liquid. Solids include cocoa, palm, palm kernel and coconut butter. What do experts think about palm oil, - read the Community blog.

In terms of health effects, it is best to choose unrefined oil, that is, one that has undergone exclusively mechanical purification. With this method, it is possible to preserve as much as possible all the useful substances. Besides unrefined oils have the most pronounced taste and smell.

But for frying, refined is best, because it has the most high temperature"smoke". What is it and why does heating make oil dangerous,

Many vegetable oils contain beneficial vitamins, including A - retinol, E - tocopherols, Beta-carotene. However, we must not forget that the oil consists exclusively of fats, which means that this is a high-calorie product, therefore, despite the benefits, it should be consumed in limited quantities.

Roskontrol has repeatedly conducted an examination of vegetable oil. What is the best, what became the leader of the rating and what brands are recommended for purchase - read in our Catalog.