Why did the Thai elephant restaurant close? Elephants are the sacred symbol of Thailand

A large, spacious restaurant “Thai Elephant” is conveniently located on Khoroshevskoye Highway. Those who love a relaxed atmosphere and original food come here.

The Thai Elephant restaurant is a guarantee of a wonderful holiday. The chic design here is combined with excellent cuisine and attentive service, combining into a true harmony that attracts guests.

All restaurant decoration "Thai Elephant" on Khoroshevskoe Highway does not let you forget about its Asian roots, but at the same time it is very different from other oriental restaurants. First of all, for its size, because it is designed for more than two thousand people. The hall of the Thai Elephant restaurant is full of air, it is spacious and bright. “Thai Elephant” on Khoroshevskoe Highway is very colorful and original: walls, tablecloths and chair upholstery in light colors give the restaurant lightness and grace, and translucent organza on the windows and warm, muted light create a certain intimacy. Of course, the hall is full of elephants, they are present everywhere: in the corridor between the halls, their sculptures are lined up, on panels hand-embroidered by Thai craftsmen, and even on plasma TVs among the bright tropical foliage.

“Thai Elephant” on Khoroshevskoe Highway is divided into unique zones in which you can stay depending on your mood.

  • From the podium hall of the Thai Elephant restaurant you can watch the chefs in action through the glass.
  • The cozy sofa room of the Thai Elephant restaurant is ideal for a romantic date.
  • On two bright verandas with display windows you can dine with pleasure while enjoying the rays of the gentle sun.
  • Separate rooms in the “Thai Elephant” on Khoroshevskoye Shosse are suitable for confidential negotiations and business meetings.
  • For those who want to retire and be away from prying eyes, the Thai Elephant restaurant has a VIP room.
  • You can have a pleasant and fun time in the karaoke room, singing your favorite songs with your friends.

Entertainment at the Thai Elephant

Today you won’t surprise anyone with simply delicious food; now, as they say, people demand “bread and circuses.” “Thai Elephant” on Khoroshevskoye Shosse succeeded in both. For entertainment purposes, the Thai Elephant restaurant has a karaoke room with a professional sound engineer.

And on weekends, the Thai Elephant restaurant organizes real family days, during which children happily play and have fun, and at this time adults have the opportunity to pay attention to each other without worrying about their child. Entertainment programs, theatrical shows with the participation of artists, animators - your child will definitely not be bored here! And also in "Thai Elephant" on Khoroshevskoe Highway Children's parties and celebrations are organized.

International menu of the Thai Elephant restaurant

There is an opinion among people that two housewives cannot live in one kitchen. But in the kitchen of the Thai Elephant restaurant, four chefs have coexisted at once, offering their guests dishes of different cuisines: Thai, European, Japanese, Chinese.

So every visitor will find dishes to his liking: Japan is represented by classic miso soups, sushi and rolls, the Chinese part of the menu contains various salads, Peking duck, pork in sweet and sour sauce, noodles, and Europe offers popular salads such as “ Greek”, “Caesar”, soups, and various steaks, kebabs of rack of lamb, foie gras with berry sauce and more.

Based on the name of the restaurant, one can understand that it is Thai cuisine that makes up the main part of the international menu of the Thai Elephant. There are many dishes here that you can only dream of: tom yum kung soup in coconut milk with shrimp and Thai champignons, original beef with lemongrass.

And also sea bass with ginger and mango, crab rice, shrimp with bamboo, and for dessert fried ice cream, glass (caramelized) pineapples and fried bananas in lemon sauce. Besides, in restaurant "Thai Elephant" on Khoroshevskoye Shosse excellent bar menu and many very tasty non-alcoholic drinks.

"Thai Elephant": the whole world in one plate!

On March 7 we celebrated our daughter’s birthday. Everyone was very pleased with both the service and the quality of the food. The waiter was friendly, attentive, with a sense of humor, recommended certain dishes, and told how they were prepared. We ordered dishes from Chinese, Thai, and Japanese cuisine (rolls). Everything was very tasty prepared and beautifully presented. Special thanks to the chefs for this! I really liked it...

On March 7 we celebrated our daughter’s birthday. Everyone was very pleased with both the service and the quality of the food. The waiter was friendly, attentive, with a sense of humor, recommended certain dishes, and told how they were prepared. We ordered dishes from Chinese, Thai, and Japanese cuisine (rolls). Everything was very tasty prepared and beautifully presented. Special thanks to the chefs for this! I also really liked the foie gras from European cuisine. Wonderful desserts, especially the chocolate flan. The only thing that was a little annoying was the “singing”, or rather the howling from the karaoke hall. But what can you do, people were also relaxing... This is not the first time we have come to this restaurant and everything there is always at the highest level.



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I am still in an unpleasant amazement from visiting the Thai Elephant restaurant yesterday. I'm really sorry because my husband and I have always loved this place near our home. Now our feet will not be there. I organized a surprise party for my husband's birthday. I booked a table for 8-10 people in advance and left an advance payment. The food and service were ok, but not great to be honest. However, the mood...

I am still in an unpleasant amazement from visiting the Thai Elephant restaurant yesterday. I'm really sorry because my husband and I have always loved this place near our home. Now our feet will not be there. I organized a surprise party for my husband's birthday. I booked a table for 8-10 people in advance and left an advance payment. The food and service were ok, but not great to be honest. However, we were in a great mood, until a certain “senior waitress” (she did not serve us, we actually saw her for the first time at the end of the evening) brought us the change from our paid bill (the bill size was about 30 thousand rubles) with complaint about why we left so little tip - not 10 percent, but 7. I would like to remind you that in all normal establishments tips are left after the account is closed. And even more so, the staff does not discuss the size of these tips with clients. But this is in normal restaurants. At the same time, the waitress publicly humiliated me and my husband, in an arrogant tone, asking what exactly we didn’t like about the service. I encountered such an attack from a waiter for the first time in my life. As my husband pointed out, this girl should have been working as a bouncer in the station canteen, and not waiting tables in what we thought was an upscale restaurant. Neither this girl’s apology (very vague) nor the manager’s promise to punish everyone (yes, that’s what I believed), alas, could not fix the ruined birthday. Such bestial treatment of people in your establishment should ultimately lead to bankruptcy.



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It's not about the money, but about the attitude towards regular customers. The only pity is that we will no longer smoke your really good hookah and communicate with the very pleasant Nazar. We have been clients of the Thai Elephant restaurant for 3.5 years. But! This restaurant is not suitable for regular customers; you can stop by for dinner but nothing more. That's why we stopped being their clients...

It's not about the money, but about the attitude towards regular customers. The only pity is that we will no longer smoke your really good hookah and communicate with the very pleasant Nazar. We have been clients of the Thai Elephant restaurant for 3.5 years. But! This restaurant is not suitable for regular customers; you can stop by for dinner but nothing more. That is why we stopped being their clients 1. for 2 years they did not give us a discount card in a restaurant, taking into account the celebration of many birthdays in the amount that allowed us to receive a discount card, but we were informed about this a few years later 2. on one from the events they issued an inappropriate invoice, but gave us a card and did not make a discount on it 3. at one of the following events, for dropping the microphone on the sofa (it did not break and continued to work), they charged us 4,000 rubles (in the rules of use of the karaoke room, as It turned out that if a microphone falls, it costs 4,000 rubles, but this is not certified by the restaurant’s seal, and if there is damage, then 24,000 rubles, which we paid at the previous event) so the manager refused to cross out these 4,000 rubles from our bill even after The karaoke hall employee confirmed that everything was ok with the microphone. While discussing this, the security guard began to be rude not to give the things back, after which I had to talk to him as needed, he gave the things back, but pressed the button to call the police at the request of the manager, although she saw that the payment had already been made according to the invoice that was issued to us. And this is after the fact that we went there for 3.5 years, for 2 years we visited this establishment 4-5 times a week and celebrated birthdays there and more. Decide for yourself whether this establishment is good or not....



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The location of the restaurant is very convenient for my husband and I, 5 minutes from home by car. The kitchen is great! The waiters are good! We've been going constantly for about 5 years now - once a month for sure, there has NEVER been ANY "leftist" about anything. Well, as for the prices - people write that they are unreasonably expensive, it’s not true, this is not some kind of Tanuki!!! On weekends there is children's animation, which is very convenient and my son loves it! In general, buzz!!!

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I've been going to this restaurant for a long time, but only now got around to writing a review. I really love unusual, unlike anything else, Thai cuisine. Thanks to this place for giving us the opportunity to experience all its charm. And Peking duck is absolutely the best in Moscow.

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We live not far away and I can say that Thai Elephant is the best place in this area. The food is very tasty and unusual, the interior is super, very homely, the service is normal for this place and for these prices. Parking is convenient.

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It was the first and, I think, the last time. Firstly: the service leaves much to be desired. To place an order we had to wait for the waiter for 30 minutes. The young man who approached referred to the “full house in the restaurant”, while the room in which we were sitting was half full... Wine and water were brought at approximately the same time interval. One would think that some slowness is inherent...

It was the first and, I think, the last time. Firstly: the service leaves much to be desired. To place an order we had to wait for the waiter for 30 minutes. The young man who approached referred to the “full house in the restaurant”, while the room in which we were sitting was half full... Wine and water were brought at approximately the same time interval. One might think that some slowness is inherent only to an individual waiter, but, as observation of the young lady serving neighboring tables showed, in this establishment they really love guests and do not want to part with them for any longer :). This is nice, BUT there is one caveat - I really wanted to eat... and this form of hospitality was not appreciated. Further: such simple things as salt and pepper are missing on the table, and because... sometimes ALL waiters tend to disappear from the room for a very long time - this becomes a problem (you have to search around the neighboring tables on your own). Devices are brought after 2 reminders. Third: the price of wine is unjustifiably expensive for such an establishment. At the same time, beer, water and spirits are the same as in any chain restaurant. On the positive side: the food is delicious, the portions are not small (apparently, the administration took into account the previous criticism :), however, be prepared for the fact that if you want to add your salad, for example, with noodles, the waiter may not hear this and then make up something that, they say, she (noodles) in the salad. Then, nevertheless, you will split: there is none, and after 30 minutes, bring another salad (this time with the above-mentioned noodles) and with a discouraging look you will wonder why you are not eating what you brought. At the same time, the salad, which pleases, will not be included in the bill. In general, this is such an establishment - with a slight touch of absurdity.



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very tasty and cozy. There were three of us, we were greeted normally, the veranda was very cozy, we ordered Peking duck, seafood salad, Tom Yum, we really liked everything, the desserts were delicious, the bill was around 3500 rubles.

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For lovers of Thai cuisine, I inform you that Mali, known for her work at the Lang Sang restaurant, is now working at the restaurant. Thai menu takes things to the next level. Well done!

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I visit quite often, the interior is excellent, cozy, cute, tasteful, but the quality of the food leaves much to be desired. A week ago I was served a cheesecake that was not fresh, to which the waiter told me that the desserts were fresh. Since I ordered this cake all the time, I could easily determine that the strawberries were not fresh. Unfortunately.

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Today we went to the Thai Elephant. Very cozy atmosphere, relaxing. I liked the food, just a small wish - make the portions larger, otherwise everything is OK. I'll come again))

Of all the animals that can be found in Thailand, elephants, of course, attract special attention. Indeed, in addition to their enormous size and long trunk, they also have a fairly developed intelligence, an amazing sense of rhythm, as well as individual and social self-awareness. This is probably why they arouse such keen interest among us people.

When a person sees an elephant for the first time, especially if the meeting is accidental, the first sensations can easily be compared to a slight shock bordering on wild delight. A huge animal hangs high above your head and looks at you with surprisingly intelligent eyes. It seems that in another moment he will say something, but the elephant remains silent, nodding his huge head and flapping his ears.

The animal's mood is very easy to feel. He can be gloomy and thoughtful, or he can be in a great mood and make fun of passers-by, because they have a wonderful sense of humor. They also love music and dancing. Sometimes you look at an elephant, and he dances, humming a simple melody in his head.

Types of elephants and their differences

Today there are only two species of elephants left on earth: African and Indian (also called Asian), the latter live in Thailand. There are quite significant differences between the species, which are obvious even to the average person:

  • the African elephant is much larger than the Asian one, and sometimes reaches 7.5 meters at the withers, and its weight is up to 7 tons, while the height of its Indian relative does not exceed 3.5 meters, and the average weight is 5 tons;
  • The ears of the African elephant are much larger and wider. In the Asian one, they are relatively small and pointed downwards;
  • The Asian elephant has one finger-like process on its trunk, while the African elephant has two;
  • African elephants have tusks in both males and females. Indian females do not have them; moreover, sometimes not every Asian male can boast of such a formidable weapon. The shape of the tusks, by the way, also varies significantly. For Africans, they are long and curved, while for Asians they are much shorter and straight;
  • African elephant skin is more wrinkled and has an intense brown tint. Indians have smoother skin, and the color varies from dark gray to brown;
  • and most importantly, elephants of different species have completely different personalities. African giants are more aggressive, so today they are practically not tamed. Their Indian counterparts are more friendly to humans, and they are widely accepted as pets.

Elephants in Thailand

The role of elephants in the history of Thailand is very difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, these animals have been an integral part of the life of both the common people and the state as a whole. They were used in religious rites, as transport, labor and military force. Today they have become part of the tourism business, which feeds many in the kingdom. It is not surprising that elephants are loved, respected and revered as a sacred animal in Thailand.

The elephant is a Thai national symbol, and is identified with three key institutions of society: religion, king and nation. Until 1917, it was depicted on the national flag of Thailand, until His Majesty Rama VI approved the tricolor, which to this day flies on the flagpoles of the kingdom. The elephant remained only on the flags of the Thai navy.

In Thailand, elephants were used primarily to transport people and cargo, and only a few saw action in warfare. Animals were rarely used in battle: only to attack or intimidate an enemy who had never seen gray giants before. This is explained by the fact that in the heat of battle, elephants sometimes stopped sorting out their own and foes and attacked everyone. They played a much more important role during military transitions, transporting supplies of provisions and military weapons.

Elephants also play a very important role in the religious life of the kingdom. One of the fundamental concepts of Buddhism is the fact of reincarnation of the soul after death: which, at the end of one life, is reborn, passing into a new body. So, one of the reincarnations of Buddha was an elephant. In this regard, in Buddhism there are many rituals and ceremonies associated with the use of these animals. At the same time, white elephants are especially revered.

Royal white elephants

The white elephant (Chang Samkhan) is a symbol of the king and incredible luck. According to Thai law, His Majesty has unquestioned ownership of all albino giants in the kingdom. The person who finds and transfers such an animal to the palace will be provided for until the end of his days.

White elephants are kept in special conditions, surrounded by love and attention. A special department has even been created to care for animals. Albinos never work, and are only sometimes used in religious ceremonies. Not life, but raspberries! In 1963, the white elephant was declared the main national animal of the kingdom by the Royal Forestry Department.

In April this year, a white calf was spotted among a herd of wild elephants in the Keng Krachan Nature Reserve. After the king announced a 6 million baht reward for the capture of the rare animal, rangers have significantly strengthened security at the site where the albino was spotted - they fear that poachers from all over the world will now flock there. In the last three decades, this is the first birth certificate of a white elephant calf in Thailand, and if this fact is confirmed, it will be a sign of extraordinary luck for the current king.

Life of elephants in the Kingdom

Gray elephants have a more prosaic life than their white counterparts. They are kept on elephant farms, where they work from morning to evening until old age. They are used in construction, loading operations and tourism. Elephant riding is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Thailand today.

The rights of elephants in the kingdom are protected by the constitution. They are used for work from 14 to 60 years. And the working day is regulated by 8 hours. In addition, all elephants have health insurance and a health certificate.

At 60, animals retire, a privilege that ordinary Thais can only dream of. Payments amount to 5,000 baht, which is completely spent on food, because every day an elephant must eat up to 8% of its weight in food. However, the catch is that not all elephants live to retirement age; their average life expectancy is 55 years, so, unfortunately, not all hard workers have the opportunity to enjoy the sweet “doing nothing” in retirement.

Training and relationships

Babies are separated from their mother and placed in the care of a trainer at the age of 3 years. From this time on, a very strong bond begins to be established between the mahout and the baby elephant.

In essence, a person replaces the baby elephant's mother, exerting a huge influence on him. The education process is very painstaking and lengthy. Little elephants are the same children to whom you need to devote all your time and mental strength. Training uses the “carrot and stick” method, where the whip is a long stick with a sickle-shaped metal tip, which, fortunately, is not immediately used. As the animal matures, the driver teaches it to follow both vocal and tactile commands.

Elephant Day in Thailand

Elephants are so revered in Thailand that every year they celebrate a holiday dedicated to them - Elephant Day. On March 13, Buddhist ceremonies and solemn processions take place in all cities of the kingdom. Very small cubs and adult animals are dressed up with bright blankets and garlands of flowers. They are given a grand feast of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as ice cubes with frozen peaches, watermelons and pineapples.

Every year a huge number of people gather for the holiday - everyone wants to express their respect to the gray giants and, as far as possible, contribute to the fund for their protection.

Many people know that elephants are widely used in tourism, construction, transport and loading work, but few people know that they are useful in other ways. Their dung is used to make paper. Whatever you say, Thailand can surprise, and today souvenirs made from such exotic raw materials are very popular among tourists.

From an unpleasant-smelling mass to dense sheets with an interesting structure, there is a rather long and labor-intensive path. First, the raw materials are washed in a large amount of water and boiled for 3-5 hours (by the way, the resulting liquid is used as fertilizer). Then hydrogen peroxide, soda silicate, and soap solution are added and crushed on a special machine. Afterwards, the resulting mass is kneaded with feet until it forms a dense dough, then divided into portions, dissolved in water, and poured into molds. All this is dried in the sun and, as a result, thick paper with a very interesting texture is obtained. Moreover, each leaf is completely unique, and its appearance depends on what the elephant ate the day before. As a result of a complex technological process, all bacteria and microorganisms that are usually present in all biomaterials are completely removed from the original raw materials, so the resulting paper is absolutely odorless, so you can safely buy it without sniffing.

Original photo frames, albums, notepads and writing sets are very popular among tourists who want to give such an ambiguous gift to someone, for example, their mother-in-law or boss!

Another by-product of elephant activity is a special type of coffee, which is poetically called “Black Ivory”. But today it is the most expensive drink in the world: one cup will cost you $50 US, and a kilogram of grains will cost you $1,100. Are you ready to pay that kind of money for something that an elephant ate, digested, and... well, do you understand?

It's all about the taste of the drink - there is no bitterness at all. Gourmets, one and all, note that elephant coffee has the mildest taste on earth.

And now the most interesting part - the cooking process:

By analogy with the drink obtained from grains that have passed through the digestive system of monkeys (civet cats), Black Cat is fermented in the intestines of elephants. It is there that special substances rid the beans of coffee protein, which is the culprit of the bitter taste. I wonder who was the first to think of making such an unusual coffee?

The production of elite coffee is carried out in the Golden Triangle area of ​​Chiang Rai, on the territory of an elephant camp, where a herd of 30 individuals lives. The reserve's workers use selected Thai Arabica, collected at an altitude of 1,500 meters, as food for their charges. The elephants happily consume the delicacy, and then “specially trained” people collect the manure, which has become truly priceless. After separating the “wheat from the chaff,” the coffee is dried in the sun and packaged. Proceeds from the sale of the miracle drink feed the entire herd, camp workers and their families.

Animal advocates tried to protest, accusing the caretakers of addicting a whole herd of animals, which, by the way, are listed in the Red Book, to caffeine. However, after research, this version was smashed to smithereens. After all, in order for caffeine to begin to be produced, the beans must be heated to 70 ° C.

Black Cat coffee can only be purchased in Chiang Rai and the Maldives. Starbucks won't serve you such a drink, don't ask.

IPod, IPhone... IElephant or a very funny story

This story happened to one very smart elephant, who, without knowing it, made the best iPhone advertisement in the entire history of the Apple corporation.

A group of young and very curious students from China, who have been accustomed to filming everything that happens to them since childhood, went on vacation to Thailand. There they met an elephant who had always been interested in high technology and had long dreamed of becoming famous.

The girls decided that the animal was hungry and began to feed it bananas. Naturally, they considered it their duty to record everything that was happening on all the recording and storage devices they had, including the telephone. They filmed how bananas lie in a basin, how an elephant eats bananas, how they film how an elephant eats bananas... Their parents will be proud of them - now future generations will be able to see these important milestones in their life's journey.

And then the elephant realized - his finest hour had struck, he, too, would make films and become famous throughout the world, joining the ranks of Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock. He snatched the iPhone from the hands of a gaping Japanese student and, after taking a few picturesque shots, ate it.

- Wai, wai, wai! Save, help! Mister! “Your elephant ate our phone,” the girls squealed and rushed to the uncomprehending driver. He pretended to be a hose for a long time and politely while his pet carefully pushed the Apple product down his esophagus. Then he looked into his mouth and, making sure that the smartphone had been completely eaten, said:

“Salt, miss,” he shrugged and smiled broadly.

Steve Jobs can be proud of his invention - his phones work even in... an elephant! You can't think of a better advertisement! Has your phone been tested in an elephant's stomach?

Elephant protection

And now about the sad thing. Unfortunately, today the number of elephants on earth continues to decline. Since 2006, hunting wild elephants for tusks and skeletal parts has been officially prohibited, as has international trade. However, this practically does not curb the growth of the black market and poaching. In the news blocks, there are increasingly reports of the detention of illegal shipments of this raw material, which are truly enormous in size. The animal population continues to decline and, according to the International Animal Welfare Fund (IFAW), wild elephants may disappear from the face of the earth within 15-20 years. Analysts from the Scientific American Journal agree with their opinion. According to the latest estimates, the number of giants living in the wild of Thailand today is 1000-1500 individuals.

The head of Kaeng Krachan National Park, Mr Chaiwat Limlikhit, which is home to a significant proportion of wild animals, notes that over the past five years it has become increasingly difficult for them to fight poachers. Their methods of killing are becoming more sophisticated and daring. And this is largely due to the undiminished demand for ivory and some organs. As long as people continue to buy products made from these materials, it will be difficult for conservationists to curb the pressure of poachers. An interesting fact is that there are alternatives to ivory, for example, mammoth fossils mined in Russia or some types of hard nuts. In fact, they can produce the same beautiful products as ivory. But, despite this, people continue to kill innocent animals to please their own whims.

- one of the most remarkable animals. It's not just about the size and unusual shape of the body. They have a developed intellect and are aware of themselves as individuals. All this arouses genuine interest among tourists, especially if they have the opportunity to communicate with these gray giants in person. Therefore, the question: “Are there elephants in Thailand” is asked by almost everyone who goes there for the first time.

The first meeting with a Thai elephant is a whole storm of emotions. It’s always a little scary to see a mountain-like living colossus next to you. At the same time, you experience childish delight. After all, there is so much intelligence in the animal’s gaze that it seems as if it is about to say hello and speak, shaking its huge head.

Elephants are very emotional. If they don’t like something, then they are gloomy and thoughtful; during the mating season they can be inadequate, but in a good mood, animals are able to joke. Both with fellow tribesmen and with random passers-by. They have an excellent sense of rhythm and are able to remember music. Sometimes you can spot a moment when an elephant is entertaining itself, dancing rhythmically to an unknown tune that it “plays” in its head.

Varieties of elephants

Today there are two types of elephants. These are African and Indian. The latter are also called Asian. They are the ones who live in Thailand.

  • Asian elephants are smaller than African ones. The inhabitants of the savannas of the Black Continent are up to 7.5 meters tall at the withers and weigh about seven tons. Its Indian relative is no taller than 3.5 meters and heavier than five tons.
  • Protruding ears are more common among Africans. The ears of Asian elephants are relatively small and strongly pointed at the bottom.
  • If there are two processes at the tip of the trunk, then this is an African, and Asians have only one “finger”.
  • There are also differences in the tusks. Female Asian elephants do not have them at all, but males have them small and almost straight. There are also unarmed males. Africans have long and curved tusks.
  • The skin of Indian elephants is relatively smooth, and its color is not only dark gray, but also brown. Africans are brown in color and have more wrinkles on their skin.

African elephants are aggressive and practically impossible to train. Indians are peaceful (to a certain extent) and friendly. But this is the result of centuries of selection, since it was in this part of the World that elephants were used as draft animals. Evil and dangerous animals were simply not allowed to reproduce.

History and legends

There are many religious rituals associated with elephants. In the Hindu pantheon, the god of prosperity and wisdom - Ganesha - has the head of an elephant. Therefore, giants enjoy love and respect, coupled with sacred awe.

The elephant is the sacred animal of Thailand and national symbol. He personifies the trinity of the religious spirit, the king and the people. Now his image is on the Thai naval flag, and until 1917 it was also on the state flag.

Traditionally, Thai elephants were used for transportation and jungle clearing. In battle, they, enraged and frightened, cease to distinguish friend from foe, so they exerted more psychological pressure on the enemy. Today, they play the role of performers in various shows, and elephant riding in Thailand has become part of most excursion programs. And it is very popular among tourists. However, in hard-to-reach areas of the country, they still carry heavy loads and perform other work.

Royal white elephants in Thailand

The white elephant in Thailand is considered a symbol of royal power. There is a special law by which His Majesty has a special right of ownership over all albino elephants. A subject who finds and transfers such an animal to the palace is guaranteed lifelong maintenance. Therefore, among the people they are also a symbol of incredible luck. The status of the main national animal for Thai white elephants was assigned in 1963 by decree of the Royal Forestry Department.

Albinos (Chang Samkhan) are provided with especially comfortable conditions; they are surrounded by attention and genuine love. Among the many government agencies, there is one that is exclusively engaged in ensuring their maintenance. White elephants are not used for work. Only in religious ceremonies with the participation of members of the royal family. Most Thais can only dream of such a fate.

Everyday life

No one can tell you the exact number of elephants in Thailand. But the role of these animals in the daily life of the country is very great. The use of the giant power of an intelligent animal in agricultural work, construction and war is a national tradition. There is no better vehicle to travel through the jungle without roads.

Life for ordinary gray elephants is not as wonderful as for white elephants. They are kept on elephant farms and work from the age of fourteen until the age of sixty. However, even ordinary citizens can only envy them, since a separate chapter of the country’s constitution is devoted to the rights of elephants and the regulations for their application.

For example, the working day of giants cannot exceed eight hours; all of them are provided with health insurance and undergo regular examinations. Their maximum working age is 60 years, but most animals do not manage to live up to it. On average, the elephant age lasts 55 years.

The pension for elephants in Thailand is 5,000 baht. Even those who own them cannot count on such a sum. However, it is justified by the animal’s large appetite. During the day, he eats an amount of green mass that is equal to 8% of his weight.

The gray elephant, although respected and worshiped, is a working animal. Therefore, you can buy it if you are confident that you can maintain it.

How much does an elephant cost in Thailand? There is no clear answer to this question. Usually they focus on the weight of the animal, age and degree of training. On average, the issue price ranges from 1 to 3 thousand dollars.

This is not so much by Russian standards, but it would be a smarter move to just buy an elephant souvenir from Thailand. For the reason that building a hierarchy of relationships with an animal is very difficult.

How elephants are raised and trained

Elephant childhood ends at three years of age. At this age they are separated from their mother and begin training (read more about that). A close, almost family-like, connection is established between the mahout and the animal, since the baby elephant retains the following reflex. Raising him is as difficult as raising a human child. The process takes away not only all mental, but also physical strength. The “carrot and stick” method of teaching is classic, but the instrument of punishment is a bamboo pole with a metal sickle-shaped tip. An ordinary rod, like a horse, cannot penetrate a thick-skinned animal. They use violence quite rarely, increasing the force of influence as they grow older. There are several schools for training Thai elephants. Usually they are taught the habit of working with their voices. Tactile commands are used less frequently.

Every year on March 13th, Elephant Day is celebrated in Thailand. In all cities of the country, ceremonial processions are held with these sacred animals, decorated with garlands of flowers and bright blankets. Animals of all ages take part in them - from baby elephants to pensioners. They end with a grand feast at which they are served various vegetarian delicacies - fruits, vegetables, as well as ice cubes in which pieces of watermelon, pineapple and peaches are frozen.

These celebrations attract huge crowds. Tourists are simply interested, but Thais sincerely express their respect to the gray giants. During the festivities, charity events are organized to raise funds for the “eared eared” protection fund.

Elephant dung paper and coffee

Elephant paper souvenirs are very popular in Thailand. The basis of the technological process is animal droppings. Their manure contains a large amount of crushed but undigested plant fiber, which goes into use. The final product looks like regular cardboard with a rough texture.

Well, a particularly exquisite delicacy is a type of coffee Black Ivory- black bone. Its cost is ten times higher than usual (from $1000 per kilogram). A special feature is the method of fermentation of grains, as a result of which their taste changes. To do this, they travel from the trunk to the tail. Connoisseurs note the absence of bitterness and the special bouquet of the drink prepared in this way.