Why do pancakes with mineral water stick to the frying pan? How to Prepare a New Cast Iron Frying Pan

Ruddy, aromatic, delicate and incredibly tasty! What are we talking about, you ask? Of course, about the favorite dish of all Russian people - pancakes! Every housewife has several pancake recipes in her piggy bank, which she uses to delight her family on holidays or weekends. However, sometimes real confusion occurs in the preparation of this dish, as a result of which the pancakes stick. Housewives do not always understand why this happens. But such an annoying oversight can not only ruin the mood of experienced housewives, but also lower their self-esteem. If you, too, have encountered a similar problem and cannot determine the reason why the pancakes tear and stick, then read our article. In it we have collected all the existing reasons that can ruin your fragrant culinary masterpiece.

Russian pancakes are the most common ritual dish

Every Russian person believes that pancakes appeared in Rus' and are ours. traditional dish. Historians do not entirely agree with this statement, but they believe that our ancestors first enjoyed pancakes more than one thousand years ago, and therefore we can well consider them an original Russian tradition.

For many centuries, the Slavs prepared this dish for almost any occasion. For example, they treated women who had recently given birth to them and celebrated the birth of a baby by treating all neighbors and friends to pancakes. They were also baked for all festivities, the most famous of which was Maslenitsa.

However, few people know that pancakes were originally sacred. ritual dish. It was customary for them to remember the dead, and it was from this tradition that the custom of putting this dish on the table on Maslenitsa, which was considered a sacred holiday, arose. On this day, according to the beliefs of the Slavs, winter dies, so it needs a real send-off, otherwise spring may not come.

Interestingly, each family had its own pancake recipe. It was in no way told to outsiders, but was passed down from generation to generation through the female line. Moreover, even the process of preparing this dish and kneading the dough for it took place in secret. Women began to make the dough in the evening at such a time that this process would last until the moon appeared in the sky. In its light, the housewife had to read a special spell, which she received along with the recipe from her mother or grandmother. After all these manipulations, the pancakes turned out tasty and aromatic, delighting all the family and guests who dropped by.

But why do pancakes stick? modern housewives? As practice shows, every second woman faces this problem, despite the abundance of modern kitchen utensils with special non-stick coatings. So, let's find out the reasons why pancakes stick to the pan and tear.

List of the most common reasons for unsuccessful pancakes

It often happens that even those housewives who were previously proud of this dish no longer succeed. Once smooth and fragrant pancakes turn into lumps, tear, burn and stick to the pan. We have collected the most common causes of this problem, which can be easily eliminated:

  • dough consistency;
  • wrong recipe;
  • changing the frying pan;
  • insufficient heating;
  • lack of oil.

Now let's go through the items on the list in more detail.

About consistency

Housewives often try new pancake recipes. They are shared by friends and other women on special forums, but the next recipe does not always result in a pile of flavorful pancakes appearing on the plate. Housewives on the Internet often write that they kept all the proportions when making the dough and added everything necessary ingredients, and even heated the frying pan to the specified temperature. But, alas, the pancakes began to burn and turn into unsightly lumps when flipped. Why do pancakes made according to all the rules stick? In fact, the answer to this question is extremely simple.

The point is that sometimes using different varieties flour in the same proportion gives a completely unpredictable result. The dough changes its consistency, becoming too thick or very liquid. Ideally, it should resemble liquid sour cream, only in this case the pancakes will easily turn over and acquire a beautiful golden hue.

If you notice that your dough is too thick, then add the liquid specified in the recipe to it. This role is usually played by water, milk, kefir or even yogurt. And in case of excessive liquid consistency feel free to add flour and bring the dough to the required condition.

Recipe: errors or intentional non-compliance

Many women are accustomed to cooking without looking at the recipe. It seems to them that by changing the proportions just a little here and there, they will not spoil the dish at all. However, in reality, it is precisely these women who then have to get upset and think about why the pancakes stick.

The fatal mistake is too much or too little baking soda and eggs in the recipe. The first ingredient makes the pancakes so loose that they simply cannot be flipped. But saving eggs turns the dough in a frying pan into something white and absolutely unappetizing. Therefore, it is precisely this reason that may lie the secret of why pancakes stick to the frying pan. What to do in this case?

The trial and error method will help here. Add the eggs to the batter and pour a portion into the pan. If this time the pancake turns over easily, then you have corrected the mistake and achieved the goal. Excess soda is more difficult to deal with. In this case, you will have to mix the dough again, but without soda and mix it with the first portion.

Changing the pan

This reason is the most common among all. After all, even skillful and experienced housewives are having trouble trying to make pancakes using just a store-bought frying pan. If you have new aluminum or cast iron utensils in your kitchen, then carry out a number of manipulations with them.

First of all, place it on the stove, filling the bottom with salt and soda. Moreover, one tablespoon is enough for the latter. Stir the resulting mixture periodically until it changes color to cream. After this, cool the pan and wash thoroughly.

Now you can start baking pancakes and be sure that they will turn out just perfect.

Why do pancakes stick and what to do?

If you start baking pancakes in a frying pan that is not yet hot enough desired temperature, then most likely you will be faced with the fact that they will all turn out lumpy. Therefore, take care of this at the test stage.

It is best to heat the pan initially without oil, during which time you will have time to prepare the dough. Afterwards, thoroughly lubricate it with fat or oil and warm it up a little more. Only after this can you start baking pancakes.

Oil saving

Even if you are on a diet and proper nutrition, then you shouldn’t give up oil when preparing pancakes. Remember that they cannot be tasty without this important ingredient. Therefore, immediately abandon recipes that do not initially say about adding oil. Also note that even the most modern frying pan needs to be lubricated. This affects taste qualities pancakes and their appearance.

If your pancakes do not want to turn over, then add oil to the dough and try to grease the pan with it before each pouring of the dough. In the case of this Russian dish, we can say that it is difficult to spoil it with an abundance of fat.

Why do pancakes made with milk stick?

This question is asked by many housewives who prefer to make dough only based on this product. Oddly enough, this ingredient often causes pancakes to burn and clump. To avoid this, change the proportions of milk by replacing half of it with plain water.

There is another reason why pancakes stick to a frying pan in milk. It lies in the fact that milk product sometimes it starts to sour right in the dough. This changes its consistency and makes it overly sour. As a result, the pancakes begin to burn and stick. You can solve the problem by adding flour and soda; it would also be a good idea to slightly dilute the dough with boiling water. All of these ingredients perfectly neutralize excess acid.

Pancakes with kefir: how to avoid sticking

Many housewives prefer pancake recipes with kefir. They always turn out very tender and thin, but this is the problem. After all, it is very difficult to turn such a pancake over.

Experienced housewives advise following several rules in order to kefir pancakes yours always came out perfect. Select a thin spatula for turning, wash thoroughly and then wipe dry the frying pan, and also add to the dough vegetable oil.

To ensure your pancakes always flip easily, we've put together some general tips:

  • grease the pan along with the sides;
  • for baking pancakes, choose frying pans with a thin bottom and edges;
  • select the required one temperature regime(high and low heat equally contribute to the dough sticking);
  • use only products during the dough making process room temperature.

And finally, I would like to say that there are no housewives who do not know how to bake pancakes. If they don’t work for you, then it means you just haven’t found your recipe yet. Try it. And one day a stack of fragrant and openwork pancakes.

As we know from the popular saying, the first pancake is always lumpy. But what to do if the second, third and fourth come out in a lump?

Errors in the recipe or low-quality flour may be the cause of the problem. Read why pancakes stick to the pan and what to do.

The most common reasons include not knowing how to prepare a dish. To prepare thin lacy pancakes, it is important to follow the recipe.

But there are other factors that can get in the way of creating the perfect breakfast.

Check out the reasons why pancakes stick, and also find out how to grease a frying pan:

Cause Description What to do to prevent the pancake from sticking
The pan did not heat up Every housewife knows that it is impossible to fry a dish on cold dishes. The pan must be pre-heated Wash the damaged dishes and start frying properly. Temperature should be slightly above average
Wrong utensils It is important to cook in a good pan. Excellent choice cookware will be non-stick coated or made of cast iron material You can buy a cheap option - a pancake maker, on which thin pancakes never burn
Dough consistency Not thick, not liquid - this is the description that any housewife will give. A thick mass will make thick pancakes, but a liquid mass will not be able to fry Add a little milk to the thick dough, and flour to the liquid dough.
Recipe Many women use a clever life hack that helps them cook tomorrow even with bad dishes. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the recipe If all the ingredients are already mixed, do not take out the mixer again. Shake the dough by hand using a fork. Stir the resulting mixture periodically
Grease the pan Even to make pancakes you need to grease the pan a little.

Do not forget that you need to apply the fat in a thin layer; you can use a pastry brush. Grease your dry frying pan periodically

You can lubricate dishes not only sunflower oil, but also any vegetable, coconut, olive, suitable for frying.

You can melt a piece creamy product, apply a thin layer pork fat or treat the frying pan with lard

Important! People are thin openwork pancakes called nalistniki.

And don't use new dishes to prepare your favorite breakfast. The purchased pancake maker must first be thoroughly washed and treated soda solution and throw away the fried first dough.

Dishes may stick to scratched utensils. It is important not to use forks or iron devices for turning. Buy a wooden or silicone spatula.

Recipes using milk and kefir to prevent pancakes from sticking

The right recipe is half the success. To prepare delicious and delicate pancakes, you will need a little time and the most simple products. This recipe makes breakfast for the whole family.

The kitchen should have the following ingredients:

  • Kefir and milk - 200 milliliters each.
  • Sugar – 40 grams.
  • Vegetable oil 20 - 30 milliliters.
  • Eggs – 2 pieces.
  • Flour – 1 cup.
  • Salt, soda.

A universal option that is suitable for stuffing sweet and savory options. You can use less sugar than indicated. Follow the sequence to ensure a lump-free dough.

Advice! Without eggs, the pancakes will tear, but you can replace them with a ripe banana.


  1. To begin, mix milk and kefir in a tall bowl. equal proportions. Add a mixture of eggs beaten with salt and sugar.
  2. It is better to choose flour premium. To avoid lumps, add bulk ingredients one tablespoon at a time.

    When mixing with a mixer, you can immediately mix all the ingredients in one bowl.

  3. Add baking soda on the tip of a knife to finished mass. The dough will begin to bubble. Some housewives extinguish it with vinegar.
  4. To prevent the pancake from becoming lumpy, add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. Beat the mixture thoroughly.

Now all that remains is to fry the pancakes. Heat a frying pan, grease with oil.

Scoop out the dough with a ladle, keep in mind that the mass should spread easily and quickly, adjust the amount per serving. Quick movement spread the dough over the entire surface of the pan.

For the filling you can use jam, melted chocolate or ham and cheese.

Place your favorite foods in the middle, close the edges and heat the envelope in a frying pan or in microwave oven. Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes on the water

Women often go on a diet and do not allow themselves to eat extra calories. But lean pancakes will not harm the figure.

This recipe can be used even by vegetarians, because eggs are not used for cooking.

All you need to do is mix a glass ice water with the same amount of flour. Add sugar, salt to taste, and use the tip of a knife to add baking powder or baking soda.

You will need 40-50 ml of vegetable oil, no less, otherwise the pancakes will tear.

Advice! To avoid dirtying the dishes, mix all the ingredients in a liter plastic bottle.

Shake the mixture thoroughly and pour portions into a hot frying pan.

Fry the dish in the classic way. Instead of regular flour, you can add rye flour and 1 tablespoon of fiber - breakfast will become even healthier.

For the filling, mash the cottage cheese or add fresh chopped herbs.

What is missing in the dough if pancakes tear?

Do you follow the exact recipe, but breakfast doesn’t work out? This means something didn't go according to plan. Check that the recipe is correct and all ingredients are mixed.

There are several reasons why this happens and what is missing:

  • Torment. The dough is not thick enough, there is not enough gluten, so the sheets tear.
  • Eggs. According to the classic recipe for yellow pancakes, it is better to use at least two homemade chicken eggs.

The pan may not have warmed up enough or you may have turned the pan over too early.

Poor quality flour may also be to blame. To avoid mistakes and cook pancakes quickly and tasty, follow the recipe.

Useful video

At first glance, baking pancakes is a simple task. However, even the simplest recipe has its own subtleties in preparing the dish. Knowing why the first pancakes stick will help a beginner not lose the desire to cook and continue to learn the basics of culinary art.


There can be several reasons why pancakes stick to the pan: from incorrectly selected utensils to errors in preparing the dough.

Incorrect selection of ingredients and their quantities. In a pancake recipe, all the ingredients are important: eggs, milk (or kefir), flour and other ingredients. The lack of some or the absence of others will affect the quality of the dish. Therefore, it is better for culinary beginners to do everything according to the recipe. This will allow you to gain experience so that in the future the pancakes will turn out without lumps and will not burn.

Dough consistency. When mixing pancake batter, it is very important to achieve the desired thickness. In order for the pancakes to turn out thin and delicate, you need a dough that resembles liquid sour cream. If too much flour has been added and the consistency is too thick, it is diluted with additional liquid (milk, kefir, water).

If a lot of liquid has been added to the dough, add more flour. It's important not to overdo it here. To avoid lumps, you can use a mixer. Some experienced housewives first dilute the thick dough, and then dilute it with liquid to the required consistency. This will avoid lumps and prevent overfilling of water or milk.


Baking in a new frying pan. A very common reason why pancakes stick to the pan, even for an experienced housewife. The best solution is to use old pans for baking pancakes. However, if its condition poses a threat to health, and the new frying pan beckons with its beauty, then you should remember several nuances.

Cast iron cookware should be seasoned with salt before first use. To do this, pour salt into a cold frying pan in one layer and add soda, mixing everything thoroughly. After this, the dishes are placed on the stove to heat up. Leave the pan on the stove until the salt turns creamy. After this, it is washed under running water without adding cleaning agents. Before baking, grease the pan with oil.

Insufficient temperature of the pan. Another reason why pancakes can burn is insufficient heating of the pan before baking. This usually involves a little culinary experience. In order to avoid burning pancakes, the pan should be set to heat up from the moment the dough is prepared. At first it is better to leave it dry, then, immediately before cooking, grease the pan with a thin layer of oil.

Lack of oil. Some housewives add butter to the dough. However, if there is too much of this component, it will affect the taste of the dish. Therefore, many cooks advise greasing the pan. It's better to do this before each pancake. Then the dish will not only have excellent taste, but each pancake will turn out delicate and beautiful.

Dishes not clean enough. The main advice to remember is experienced chefs: There should be a separate frying pan for baking pancakes. Sometimes after cooking another dish, even after washing, small particles may remain in the pan. When baking pancakes, this will cause them to burn and break their integrity. If it is not possible to allocate a separate frying pan for pancakes, then the dishes should be thoroughly washed before cooking, then thoroughly dried with a dry towel.

The pan is very hot. In this case, the selection optimal temperature carried out by trial method. With experience come necessary knowledge. You can first put the frying pan on low heat, gradually bringing it to the required limit. This will prevent the food from overheating and burning.

Other reasons

  1. Haste in preparing a dish. Pancakes require special approach both to the dough and to the baking process itself. After kneading the dough, you should let it stand for a few minutes. This is necessary for the flour to release maximum amount gluten Thanks to this, the pancake becomes more elastic and does not tear.
  2. Lack of eggs. Eggs are important component pancake dough. Of course, you can cook without them, because there are special recipes for this. However, real pancakes are impossible without this product. A deficiency in their quantity is the reason why pancakes stick to the pan.
  3. Features of the included ingredients. Quite often those pancakes that were made with kefir stick. This is due to the special tenderness of this dough. To prevent kefir-based pancakes from tearing, you should turn them over carefully, slowly, with a special spatula. Before this, the pancake must be well fried in order to be more durable.
  4. Use of cold components. Before preparing pancakes, it is better to remove all components of the recipe from the refrigerator in advance. Milk can be heated if necessary. The required temperature of the products will allow them to interact better with each other and the pancakes will not burn or tear.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and burn? This question is asked by inexperienced and sometimes experienced housewives. In fact, there may not be many reasons. Some of them relate to the dough, while others relate to the frying pan and its heating temperature. Let's consider everything possible options correct the situation. What should you add to the dough to prevent the pancakes from burning?

Reason #1 - incorrect dough consistency

It often happens like this: the hostess took new recipe and decided to try it. She observed all the proportions, measured everything with spoons, kneaded the dough, heated the frying pan and greased it. But why do pancakes burn and stubbornly refuse to turn over to the other side?

It's all about lack of experience and errors in the recipe. Some housewives claim that different flours requires different quantities liquids.

The dough can be very thin or very thick. For thin pancakes you need a composition similar to liquid sour cream.


The error can be fixed simply:

  • If the dough is thick, dilute it with the liquid with which it was kneaded (milk, kefir, water). It is better if the liquid is at room temperature or lukewarm.
  • If the dough is liquid, then add flour without fear and mix thoroughly.

Reason No. 2 - non-compliance with the recipe

Housewives who love to cook everything according to taste and by eye often encounter this problem. Thus, an excess of soda causes the pancakes to stick to the pan and tear immediately after trying to turn them over. Eggs are important element in a dough that binds all the ingredients. The lack of this product makes the pancakes pale and doughy.


What to do if pancakes stick to the pan for this very reason?

  • Try adding one egg and frying one pancake. If history repeats itself, we can add more.
  • No result again? So it's all about the soda. Correcting this situation will be more difficult. You need to knead another portion of the dough without soda and add it to the main part of the batch.

Reason #3 - a new frying pan

Let's say the housewife has extensive experience in preparing pancakes according to her favorite recipe. He prepares them, always following the recipe, and knows exactly what consistency the dough should have. But her beloved husband gave her a new one cast iron frying pan, and then problems began (for my husband too). The wife’s mood was ruined, and at the same time half of the dough went down the drain. But why do pancakes stick to a new cast iron frying pan, and how to deal with it?


The most simple solution will not use a new frying pan when baking pancakes. But if the old frying pan has gone to waste, then you can heat the new dishes. In fact, cast iron is recommended for use for pancakes. After all, the temperature is distributed evenly over the surface of such a frying pan.

A cast iron or aluminum frying pan is calcined as follows:

  1. Pour a layer of salt onto a cold frying pan so that the bottom is not visible.
  2. Add a tablespoon of soda.
  3. Stir and place the frying pan on heat
  4. As soon as the salt becomes creamy, turn off the heat and pour out the contents.
  5. Rinse the dishes with water and always wash them without any cleaning agents or rough scourers.

Before baking, be sure to grease the pan with fat, preferably a piece of lard.

Reason No. 4 - insufficient heating of the pan

This problem occurs due to impatience or inexperience. Hence the proverb about the first pancake. This is what happens, the first pancake is fried in an insufficiently hot frying pan and therefore comes out lumpy. And the subsequent ones flour products They are already easily removed from the pan and do not stick.


Start heating the pan at the same time as kneading the dough. First, heat it without lubricant. Then coat with a thin layer of fat or oil and leave on the fire until the first smoke appears.

Reason #5 - insufficient oil

You shouldn't skimp on oil for a dish like pancakes. Recipes that do not include a clause about adding oil are either erroneous or given to the hostess by an envious friend.

It often happens that there is more dough than stated in the recipe. For example, if the cook achieved the desired consistency and added certain products every now and then. In this case, you need to take into account that you need to pour more vegetable oil into the dough. The rule here is: it is better to overfill than not to overfill.

  • Ungreased frying pan

Of course, you don’t have to lubricate Teflon and non-stick surfaces, but this will not affect the taste of the pancakes for the better. But cast iron and other frying pans need to be greased with fat or vegetable oil.

Sometimes it is enough to grease the pan every three or four pancakes. But if the frying pan is new, then this must be done every time before pouring the dough again.

  • Incorrectly selected and low-quality grease for lubrication

Our ancestors had no problems with pancakes sticking because they only used animal fat for frying. Grandmothers in villages continue traditions and grease dishes lard. To do this, they prick a piece of this fat on a fork and coat the hot frying pan before each pancake. By the way, this is how you can check the degree of heating of the pan. Lard will not heat if the surface is not hot enough.

Why do pancakes made with kefir stick?

made with kefir are always tasty and tender, but a common problem for them is sticking and burning.

  • Firstly, this is due to the tenderness of the flour product. It's worth arming yourself with a good turning spatula. You need to act carefully so as not to tear the pancake.
  • Secondly, the problem may lie in the cleanliness of the frying pan, or rather, in its absence. You need to wash the surface well and wipe dry with a cloth. You can use the old advice and also rub the pan with salt.

Sometimes you can solve the problem by simply adding another egg to this dough. Must be included kefir dough should be vegetable oil.

Why do pancakes still burn, and how to quickly fix it

Why do pancakes burn when everything has been tried and nothing helps? Below are a few more tips that will help the housewife bake thin, even pancakes without sticking.

What to do if pancakes stick - video

Recipe for potato pancakes that never stick



  1. Cut the peeled potatoes into four parts. Add water and cook in salted water until tender. Cool slightly and place in a blender bowl with water. Grind the potatoes to a paste.
  2. Add garlic, pressed through a press, eggs, flour, cow's milk. Add vegetable oil (three tablespoons) and salt. Mix everything well and let stand for 20 minutes.
  3. A hot frying pan needs to be greased a small amount oil and bake thin flour products over medium heat. The size should not be large, otherwise the pancakes will be difficult to flip. Serve with herbs or sour cream.

Hello! There is no housewife who has had pancakes stick to the pan at least once in her life. And we know how offensive and unpleasant it is. After all, so much work and soul was invested in the cooking process itself. And now we will give advice on what to do if pancakes stick to the frying pan?

Magic, or how not to stick a pancake to a frying pan

In order for your pancakes to be tasty, tender and beautiful, first of all, you need to pay attention to the ratio of components in the dough. And in order for your dough to be truly perfect, you need to take into account classic recipe cooking pancakes. To do this you need:

  • Sifted wheat flour - 4 cups.
  • Milk (water) – 2.5 cups.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Butter – 2 tbsp.
  • Yeast – 20 gr.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

Sharpen your skills specifically this recipe, later you will be able to use other more complex recipes.

As you know, experienced housewives have long stopped using measuring cups when cooking. And in order to give the dough a thicker or thinner state, simply add water or flour.

The quality of the dough also depends on the presence of eggs in it. After all this product acts as a kind of glue. And even if you need to get fatty pancakes, then you shouldn’t ignore the eggs, just separate egg white and add it to the dough.

A small amount of oil also affects adhesion. There should be enough of it, both in the dough itself and in the pan. In addition, any type of oil adds its own flavor to the finished dish.

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People love pancakes not only on Maslenitsa, but also on common days. Vegetarians also have their own recipes. Main feature...

Properly prepared frying pan

Of course, in modern world everything is constantly evolving, and manufacturers have long made sure that there are special pancake pans with non-stick coating. But what if you don’t have such a frying pan? Don't be discouraged and use the following tips:

  • The main thing is to wash the pan thoroughly. Then dry it. And only now put it on fire. At the same time, be sure to pour 0.5 cups of salt and a couple of tablespoons of soda onto the bottom.
  • Heat the pan until the poured contents change color. Then throw away the soda and salt, rinse the bottom and wipe dry with a rag.

Your pancake maker is now ready for frying. Please note that you need to warm the bottom again and add oil there.

And in order to completely forget about the problem of sticking, get specialized or use proven utensils that are not used for preparing other dishes.

Thanks to effective advice, you will now know what to do if pancakes constantly stick to the frying pan!