Uzbek pilaf correct lamb recipe. Uzbek lamb pilaf

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Pilaf - wonderful dish, known since the time of Alexander the Great. Each nation has its own recipe for preparing this tasty and hearty dish. There are also many such recipes in Uzbekistan. In Tashkent they prepare delicious pilaf for every day. And I will share this recipe with you. I suggest cooking pilaf in Uzbek style in a cauldron.
See how it's prepared
To prepare Uzbek pilaf, we will need a 4-liter cauldron (it is designed for preparing pilaf from 1 kg of rice.

Ingredients for the dish:
- 1 kg of lamb thigh meat with bone;
- 1 kg of rice;
- 800 grams of onion;
- 800 grams of carrots;
- 1 glass of vegetable oil;
- 1 tbsp. salt;
- seasonings: turmeric, cumin, coriander, barberry;
- 3 heads of garlic.

Recipe with photos step by step:

To prepare pilaf in Uzbek style, cut the meat in a cauldron in large pieces. Heat oil in a cauldron.

While the meat is roasting, cut the onion into half rings. Throw the onion into the cauldron and fry.

We cut the carrots into plates, put them in 2-3 pieces and cut them diagonally.

When the onion turns golden, add the chopped carrots to the cauldron. Simmer until the carrots become soft.

Then pour 2 liters of boiling water, turn the heat to medium and close the lid. After 1 hour, add salt, seasonings and garlic to the zirvak. Place the whole head of garlic, peeling it only from the very top husk and existing roots. Zirvak with seasonings boils for another 15 minutes. During this time, we thoroughly wash the rice. Make a big fire under the cauldron. Then carefully place the rice on top of the vegetables and meat. The rice should completely cover them. The water should cover the rice by 1 phalanx of the index finger. If it boils too much in the zirvak, then add boiling water.

The water in our pilaf should boil away. In order for the rice to cook equally from below and from above, it must be carefully stirred from time to time, without touching the layer with vegetables and meat. As soon as the water has boiled, turn the heat to low, cover tightly with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the Uzbek pilaf with lamb is ready, but after turning off the gas, you need to let it stand for another 5-10 minutes. Then mix the pilaf, taking out pieces of meat. Finely chop the meat. Place the pilaf on a porcelain dish (lyagan) in a heap, sprinkle meat on top and decorate with garlic. Now you can call your family too. They have been trampling under the kitchen door for a long time and everyone is trying to break in. This is how Uzbek pilaf with lamb is prepared deliciously and appetizingly. Also find out

If you conduct a survey among Russians on the topic “the most popular dish from rice”, then the winner is known in advance. The usual pilaf will win by a large margin over all kinds of rolls, paella and risotto.

This name brings together hundreds of the most unexpected combinations various ingredients. Pilaf is considered almost the main dish in dozens of national cuisines peace. Its main and constant feature is the obligatory presence of rice. Other important ingredients - meat, vegetables, fruits and spices can be very different.

Other important detail is that in Central Asian countries it is customary to prepare pilaf in the form common dish: rice is combined with meat and vegetables in one cauldron and then cooked together. In some other countries (India, Azerbaijan, Iran), rice and other ingredients are prepared separately. First, rice is boiled as the basic element of the entire dish, and then flavored with meat, fruit or vegetable gravy(sauce).

A little theory

So, pilaf in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries of the region is a single and absolutely self-sufficient dish. In addition to rice, meat and vegetables, its composition may include: fresh fruits, nuts, dried fruits and other ingredients. All products are prepared in advance and then cooked together.

For pilaf, first of all, you need two things: a good cauldron and the right rice.

Of all the variety of varieties of this common cereal crop, noble brewers value the following most of all:

  • devzira - a dense variety with a brown or red scar on the elongated grain;
  • chungara - a type of devzira with a little high content starch;
  • lazar (azure) – with soft, long grain;
  • avant-garde - an inexpensive variety, an analogue of Krasnodar rice with round grains;
  • dastar-saryk – seasoned, smoked rice with a pronounced odor and yellow, absorbs water and fat well;
  • Basmati is a classic type of white, firm rice with thin, long grains.

By the way, basmati is considered the ideal rice for preparing separate pilaf

After choosing rice, all that remains is to decide on the type of meat or prepare pilaf without it at all, limiting yourself to vegetables and dried fruits. This type of dish is called Bukhara-style pilaf and is valued no less than the traditional meat classics.

Fergana style pilaf

Perhaps this particular recipe for pilaf with lamb in a cauldron is the most suitable for a clear understanding of the entire technology of preparing the dish. Using his example, it is easier to master all the nuances, after which it will definitely be easier when working with other varieties of Uzbek pilaf.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg lamb (pulp);
  • half a dozen lamb ribs;
  • 600 g fat tail fat;
  • 2 kg of devzir rice (or other medium-sized grain);
  • 2 kg of large ripe carrots;
  • half a dozen onions (medium);
  • 4 heads of garlic;
  • several pods hot pepper(taste);
  • zira, barberry (optional);
  • salt.

Cooking technique

The algorithm of actions is as follows: first, using a sharply sharpened knife, you need to cut all the carrots. By the way, in order to cook real pilaf in Uzbek, the choice of carrots is extremely important. Ideally, you need to stock up on large, ripe, reddish root vegetables. They should not be too watery or juicy.

It is not customary to grate carrots or process them in a blender or food processor.

Carrots should only be cut using a knife: first into plates approximately 3 mm thick, and then into strips measuring 3 * 3 mm

The meat is prepared as follows: the flesh is cut into cubes with a side of about 1.5–2 cm. The ribs are separated one at a time.

Fat tail fat from authentic recipe It is quite possible to replace it with an identical amount of vegetable oil. It is better if it does not have a strong odor.

The rice should be carefully sorted and washed thoroughly. This must be done until the flowing water becomes clear. Next, the cooked rice needs to be soaked in a significant amount of warm water.

The next stage is preparing the cauldron. It doesn’t matter how further cooking will take place - over a fire or gas stove- In any case, the fire should be kept at maximum.

The first thing you need to do is put the cubes into a well-heated cauldron. tail fat

It is important to drown it properly. The remaining fried cracklings can be either thrown away or eaten. They are usually eaten salted with pickled onions, flatbread and pomegranate seeds, accompanied by a glass of vodka.

If instead of fat tail fat is used vegetable oil, then it must be thoroughly calcined until smoke appears. Then put the peeled onion in the cauldron and fry until black. In this way, venerable Central Asian chefs get rid of foreign odors.

After the fat tail comes the turn of the ribs. They should be prepared quickly: turn them over a couple of times and within five minutes they will acquire an appetizing golden hue. Then they need to be removed from the cauldron and placed on a plate for a while.

Heat the fat again, then add all the onions, cut into rings, into the cauldron. Fry the onions carefully, without letting them burn completely, stirring occasionally until they turn golden red. It is very important to evaporate moisture as much as possible from onion rings. The meat that will be further fried on onions should not be stewed.

Finally, it's time for the meat. The prepared lamb pulp should be placed in a cauldron and fried, stirring occasionally with the onion. After the meat pieces are sealed and a crust appears, you can start adding carrots. It is better to do this in an even layer and after five minutes thoroughly mix the carrot chips with onions and lamb throughout the entire volume of the cauldron.

Fry, stirring occasionally, for at least 15 minutes. Finally, the heat should be reduced to moderate. By this point the carrots are usually soft. You can add half the cumin and enjoy the characteristic smooth smell.

Then pour boiling water into the cauldron so that the water covers all the ingredients by one and a half to two centimeters. You should peel the garlic heads in advance, rinse the hot Bell pepper, and then send them to the boiler.

Place pre-fried ribs there. Let it boil and then reduce the heat to low. After which the entire contents of the cauldron will boil for at least 30–40 minutes. open fire. The liquid will gradually begin to boil away, and the broth will become transparent along with a pronounced reddish-brown color. At this stage, barberry lovers usually add this aromatic smooth spice to the cauldron.

The correct preparation for pilaf without rice with a characteristic color and the desired consistency is called zirvak. It should be salted and the heat should be increased again to the maximum possible

Next, you need to drain the water from the prepared rice and distribute it evenly over the cauldron using a slotted spoon. Carefully pour boiling water (about a liter), trying not to disturb the integrity of the rice layer. Ideally, it is better to pour a little less water and then add the missing amount, rather than pouring too much at once. The rice should be covered with liquid by about a centimeter or one and a half.

The heat at this stage of cooking needs to be maximum. Everything should boil quickly. The oil will eventually float to the surface and sink back down as the rice cooks, coating every grain of rice in a greasy film. This is exactly the effect we need. This is the only way you will prepare real pilaf, and not rice porridge with lamb. It is extremely important not to mix the layers of rice, meat, and carrots. You can only level the surface of the rice if necessary and transfer it to places with a lower boil.

You can start tasting the rice when the liquid has completely disappeared from the surface. Visually, the grains will clearly expand in volume, but they should not crunch.

To check readiness, carefully remove the pilaf from one of the edges with a slotted spoon. If there is still a lot of water left below, you need to make several holes in the rice layer to increase the boiling rate. Otherwise (dryness), add a little boiling water (up to a quarter cup).

If cooking progresses without any problems, you should reduce the heat to low, wait for the final evaporation of the remaining moisture, and reduce to a minimum

Only now can you season the dish with the second half of the cumin and finally close the lid. The agonizing waiting time is 20 minutes.


Before serving ready Fergana pilaf You need to carefully remove the garlic heads and pepper pods. Then thoroughly mix all layers of the dish: meat, rice and carrots. Place the pilaf in a heap on a voluminous, round, holiday dish. Top with peppercorns, heads of garlic and lamb ribs.

It is customary to eat pilaf with a spoon or with your hands if you have the appropriate skill. In company, it is eaten from a common dish, breaking the heads of garlic into cloves and squeezing their baked pulp onto the rice. This garlic stimulates the appetite better than any aperitif or savory snack.

Pilaf is washed down exclusively with hot green tea

Iranian recipe

This classic recipe is interesting technological features in preparation. At the final stage of cooking, such pilaf is cooked in a stove or oven.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of lamb pulp (shoulder, hind leg);
  • 1 kg rice (basmati);
  • half a kilo of onion;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • 300–400 ghee;
  • a glass of katyk or matsoni;
  • saffron infusion;
  • raisins, barberries (50 g each);
  • 100 g raw, unsalted pistachios and peeled almonds;
  • 3 l. water and 2 l. milk (for rice);
  • turmeric, cumin, black pepper.

Cooking technique:

  1. Cut young lamb into portioned pieces. Fill ceramic pots with them. Add onion, salt, turmeric, cumin. Place the pots in hot oven for an hour. Then remove the meat and let the broth drain.
  2. Beat the eggs together with katyk or matsoni. Salt, season with black pepper, turmeric, pour in 2-3 teaspoons of saffron infusion. Place the meat in the marinade and leave to soak.
  3. Soak the rice in advance. Boil in salted water with milk until half done. Place in a colander and wait until all the liquid has drained out. Peel the nuts and blanch briefly in boiled water, remove the skin. Slice lengthwise and dry in a hot frying pan.
  4. Wash raisins and barberries, remove dry branches, then pour boiling water over them.
  5. Fry nuts and berries in melted butter one by one.
  6. Remove lamb from marinade. Put some boiled rice in it. Mix well until it becomes a porridge. Too liquid katyk or matsoni can be thickened with a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  7. Take bulk cast iron or ceramic dishes. Generously coat with melted butter and fill rice porridge with marinade. Place the meat on top, covering it with another layer of rice.
  8. Place nuts and berries in the following layers, alternating with layers of rice. Pour saffron infusion and melted butter over all layers.
  9. Cover with a thick lid or piece of foil. Place in the oven for one to two hours.

Immediately before serving, do not forget to carefully move a wooden spatula or slotted spoon in the space between the crust of the dish and the walls of the container.

The baked pilaf itself should be turned over onto a pre-prepared voluminous dish. It can be reheated just before serving.

After mastering these classic recipes With pilaf, it’s quite possible to start culinary improvisations. In Uzbekistan, for example, in each city there are several original ways preparing this dish. All of them are effective and interesting in their own way. So - nothing prevents you from slightly modifying standard recipes by adding your favorite ingredients, spices or seasonings.

You can quickly prepare lamb pilaf at home if you follow step by step all the steps in the recipes that you will see below.

Lamb pilaf with pomegranate

The most simple recipe is homemade pilaf lamb with pomegranate. But ease of preparation does not affect the taste. Try it and rate it.

You will need:

  • lamb – 450 gr;
  • round rice – 400 g;
  • onions – 1-2 pieces (depending on size);
  • pomegranate seeds – 100 g;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • sunflower oil – 1 cup.


  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • cumin;
  • dried barberry berries;
  • turmeric;
  • curry.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and dry the meat. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron on the stove.
  3. Place the meat in a cauldron and fry over maximum heat without covering with a lid. If you close the lid, the meat will be stewed, not fried.
  4. Cut the onion into large pieces and add to the meat. Fry everything until the onions are caramelized.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the pomegranate seeds, but reserve some of the whole grains to garnish the finished dish.
  6. Pour the juice over the meat and onions and simmer the meat until done.
  7. Cook the rice separately. A few minutes before cooking, add spices.
  8. Place rice on a large plate. Place meat and onions on top. Decorate with grains.

Lamb pilaf in a cauldron with vegetables

Next on the list is a recipe for Uzbek pilaf with lamb and vegetables. Its preparation is a little more complicated, since it is not oil that is used for frying, but fat tail lard. But it’s easy to deal with if you follow the recipe.

You will need:

  • lamb meat – 1 kg;
  • fat tail fat – 200 g;
  • long grain rice – 500 g;
  • carrots – 500 gr;
  • onion – 300 gr;
  • tomatoes – 300 gr;
  • bell pepper – 300 gr;
  • spices for pilaf – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fat tail into small pieces and place in a cauldron. Melt the lard over maximum heat and remove the cracklings from the cauldron.
  2. Chop the onion into large pieces and pour into the melted lard. Fry until nice golden color.
  3. Wash and dry the meat. Cut into small pieces: approximately 3 by 3 cm.
  4. Pour into the casserole with the onions and fry until the meat is browned.
  5. Wash bell pepper and tomatoes. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into cubes. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and chop into cubes.
  6. Add pepper and tomato to the meat, sprinkle with pilaf spices and salt.
  7. Pour boiling water over the meat so that it covers the meat by a couple of centimeters. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 40-40 minutes.
  8. Do strong fire and add rice. Distribute it evenly over the meat and vegetables and pour in boiling water in a thin stream. The water should cover the rice by 3-4 cm.
  9. Do not cover with a lid. The water should boil by half. Then reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid. Cook like this for about 15 minutes more.
  10. Using a spatula, carefully gather the rice into the center of the casserole. Place a clean cloth between the rice and the lid and cover the pilaf tightly. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. The napkin will absorb excess moisture and the rice will be crumbly.
  11. Remove the lid and remove the napkin. Stir the pilaf and place on a plate. Or lay out the rice first and then place the vegetables and meat on top.

We will need:

  • lamb (shoulder) – 1 kg;
  • long rice – 350 g;
  • onions – 3 pcs;
  • carrots – 3 pcs;
  • fresh garlic – 1 head
  • sunflower oil – 100-150 gr.


  • salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • dried barberry berries – 2 teaspoons;
  • cumin seeds – 2 teaspoons;
  • red pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and dry the meat. Slice large pieces: approximately 5 by 5 cm.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron.
  3. Place the meat in a cauldron and fry it over high heat without covering it with a lid.
  4. Coarsely chop the onion and add to the meat. Fry everything until the onions are caramelized.
  5. Cut the carrots into small cubes. Add to meat and onions. Fry everything until the carrots soften.
  6. Sprinkle the meat with spices. Peel the garlic and place it in the center of the cauldron.
  7. Pour boiling water over the meat so that it covers the meat by a couple of centimeters. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 30-40 minutes.
  8. Turn the heat back up to high and add the rice. Distribute it evenly over the meat and vegetables and pour in boiling water in a thin stream. The water should cover the rice by 3-4 cm.
  9. Do not cover with a lid. The water needs to boil by half. Then reduce the heat to low and close the lid. Cook like this for another 20 minutes.
  10. Now check if all the water has evaporated and if the rice is ready. If everything is ready, turn off the heat, stir, close the lid and let stand for 15 minutes.
  11. Place on a plate and enjoy.

Pilaf with lamb and apples

You will need:

  • lamb – 300 gr;
  • round rice - 1 cup;
  • onion – 150 gr;
  • carrots – 150 gr;
  • apples – 2-3 pieces (depending on size);
  • raisins – 70 gr;
  • small head of garlic;
  • sunflower oil – 1 cup;
  • meat broth - 2 cups.


  • ginger;
  • coriander;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat sunflower oil in a cauldron.
  2. Chop the onion into large pieces and add to the hot oil. Fry until golden brown.
  3. Rinse and dry the meat. Cut into small pieces: approximately 3 by 3 cm.
  4. Pour into the cauldron with the onions and fry everything until the meat is golden brown.
  5. Cut the carrots into thin cubes. Add to meat and onions. Pour in half a glass meat broth and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Add salt and pepper to the meat to taste. Pour in the rice and spread evenly over the meat.
  7. Pour in the remaining broth so that it covers the rice by 2 fingers.
  8. Peel and core the apples, cut into large pieces and place on top of the rice. Add raisins and coriander.
  9. Close the lid and simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  10. Remove the apples to a separate plate. Add ginger to the pilaf in the cauldron. Close the lid and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  11. Remove the cauldron from the heat, wrap it in a towel and let stand for 30 minutes.
  12. Stir the pilaf and place on a plate. Or place the rice first, and then vegetables and meat on top. Garnish with stewed apples and raisins.


Pilaf is an amazingly tasty oriental dish, for which there are a great many recipes. There are pilafs with different types of meat, vegetable pilaf and even a fruit variety of this dish. However, pilaf prepared with lamb meat is considered classic. How to cook it correctly and, most importantly, tasty? You should start with a competent selection of the main ingredients, namely meat, rice and spices.

Selection of lamb for pilaf

One of the secrets delicious pilaf lamb is right choice meat. The lamb for this dish definitely needs to be fresh. When buying meat, pay attention to its color: fresh lamb has a light color and a good meaty smell. A sign of old lamb is dark color meat, yellow fatty layers, musty smell.

You should not cook pilaf from frozen lamb - the dish will lose a lot in taste.

What kind of rice will make pilaf truly delicious?

Not every variety of commercially available rice is suitable for pilaf. The final quality and taste of this amazing oriental dish depends on the choice of rice. The rice in real pilaf should be crumbly, not stick together into lumps and hold its grain shape well. Perfect rice for long-grained or medium-grained pilaf, with a ribbed, rough surface - this is the type of rice that will absorb all the aromas of spices and the taste of meat well.

There is also a special variety of rice for pilaf, which is grown in the Fergana Valley. The variety is called “Devzira” and can be found in large grocery supermarkets, although there is a risk of running into a fake. Real Devzira rice crunches when rubbed and the grain of this variety cannot be crumbled or broken.

A few words about spices and oil for pilaf

For pilaf it is best not to purchase ready-made sets spices, but buy spices separately, a little of each. IN good pilaf There must be cumin, turmeric, and a little barberry. It would be useful to use several types of pepper, powder dried tomatoes and garlic. True, it is better to put the last vegetable in pilaf in its natural form.

In preparing delicious pilaf it is permissible to use the most various types oils, however from aromatic sunflower oil you should still refuse - it will give the dish the wrong smell, overwhelming the spices and herbs. For lamb pilaf, it is best to use fat tail lard instead of butter - then the taste of the pilaf will be the fullest.

Recipe for delicious lamb pilaf

To prepare pilaf for 10 standard portions you will need:

  1. The lamb flesh itself – shoulder blade or rear end, approximately weighing 1.5 kilograms;
  2. One and a half kilograms of long grain rice;
  3. Half a kilo of onions;
  4. One kilogram of carrots, preferably the yellow sweet variety;
  5. Various spices for pilaf of 50 grams;
  6. Fat tail fat approximately 450 grams.

The cauldron needs to be rinsed hot water and set to high heat. The vessel should warm up well, after which you need to add fat tail fat. Wait until the fat begins to dissipate and the corresponding odors and fumes come from the cauldron. You can put it in melted and hot fat onion, which is pre-cut into large rings.

Onions are fried in oil at open lid and stir vigorously. The onion should be fried until golden brown and only after that the meat, cut into neat pieces, is added to it ( the average size piece - no more than 4 centimeters).

Frying meat takes about 15 minutes: during this time the lamb should be coated beautifully. golden brown crust. Meat must be stirred when frying.

The next stage of preparing pilaf is throwing carrots into the cauldron. The carrots must first be cut into long and thin strips. The meat and carrots should also be well fried for 15 minutes.

Then you need to add water to the vegetables and meat. The water should cover the mass in the cauldron, but not go beyond its level. You need to pour into the cauldron boiling water and keep the water boiling over low heat. Meat, vegetables and water make up zirvak - meat base pilaf

After pouring in the water, add spices and salt (approximately two tablespoons of salt per volume of the recipe). The cauldron remains on the fire until full readiness meat.

An important step is laying the rice. Let the zirvak boil and only then add the finished rice to the cauldron. The rice is leveled over the surface and poured with boiling water so that the water is at least 1.5 centimeters above the level of the grain. Now you need to wait until the rice is half-cooked and cover it with a plate, cover the cauldron with a lid and let the pilaf simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. Then turn off the fire and let the pilaf brew for another ten minutes. The finished pilaf is stirred evenly and placed on a large dish.

Pilaf is such an ancient dish that historians still cannot agree on where it was first prepared. But the fact that lamb pilaf is a dish that came to us from the East is an indisputable fact.

In the East, pilaf is prepared not only as an everyday meal. Pilaf is also popular for various holidays and is prepared for birthdays, weddings and other important events. In addition, there are masters who prepare pilaf, called ashpazy.

Lamb pilaf recipe

by admin Published: April 21, 2014

  • Preparation: 30 minutes
  • Cooking: 60 minutes
  • Total: 1 hour 30 minutes

Lamb pilaf is one of the oldest dishes since centuries-old history, …


  • 500 gr.
  • 2 pcs.
  • 4 things.
  • 1 PC.
  • 3.5 tbsp.
  • 6 tbsp.


  1. To prepare lamb pilaf we will use the following ingredients: 500 gr. lamb, 2 onions, 4-5 carrots, garlic, 3.5 cups rice, salt and spices.
  2. Like any other dish, pilaf should be prepared by preparing all its ingredients. To do this, rinse the carrots thoroughly, peel them and cut them into small strips. We recommend cutting the carrots into strips by hand, without using a grater.
  3. We also peel the onions for lamb pilaf, cut them into two halves and cut them into half rings.

  4. It's time to start preparing the meat for the pilaf. To do this, take a cauldron, add a little oil to it and start frying the lamb meat, cut into fairly large pieces.

  5. Fry the meat for about 30-40 seconds on each side, then add a little cumin and salt. Stir the meat and fry over high heat for about 1-2 minutes. As soon as the meat is golden brown, place the onion cut into half rings on top and reduce the heat to low.

  6. The color of the future pilaf will largely depend on the color of the fried onions and meat. If you want a light dish, fry the onion for just a couple of minutes. If you want to get golden pilaf, you should wait for the onions to caramelize.

  7. As soon as the onions are ready, place the carrots cut into strips on top of the meat and onions, stir and heat them for a couple of minutes. After this, you can add 4 glasses of water to the cauldron and leave the meat and vegetables to simmer over low heat for about 60 minutes. Don't forget to add garlic to the dish, which should simply be placed in the center of the cauldron.

  8. Once the meat and vegetables for the lamb pilaf are ready, remove the garlic and set it aside. Carefully add the rice and make sure it is completely submerged in the broth. If there isn't enough water, don't be afraid to add a little more as the rice will absorb most of it. Once the rice is completely immersed in the broth, you can return the garlic back to the cauldron.

  9. As soon as the rice is completely cooked, the lamb pilaf can be considered almost ready. You should notice that the broth will be completely absorbed into the rice, and the rice itself will have a golden hue. All that remains is to cover almost ready-made pilaf of lamb in a deep plate and reduce heat to low. In this state, the pilaf will need to cook for about 15-20 minutes.

  10. Once the lamb pilaf is ready, you can mix all the ingredients and cut the meat again if you find the pieces too large. Remember, the meat for pilaf should be of such a size that the meat and rice itself fit on a tablespoon without any problems.

  11. We hope that our recipe for lamb pilaf will help you get acquainted with new dishes of world cuisine, and will also pleasantly please your family members or friends with delicious food. oriental dish, with a centuries-old history.

  12. Cook with pleasure! Always yours