Liver pate, what to make from it. Liver pate

Beef liver is very useful for children and adults, so doctors always recommend including it in the diet of everyday cuisine. Today we will tell you how to prepare beef liver pate, recipes at home, in different versions. You might say, why cook at home if you can buy it ready-made in the store? Yes, but is it really possible to compare a product stuffed with all kinds of concentrates, dyes, flavors, and God knows what else - with a pate prepared with your own hands, from good products and without chemical additives.

Beef liver pate can be prepared in various ways: with butter, with carrots, with baked or boiled liver, with eggs, with milk, with lard. We will tell you the most delicious recipes, cook, delight your household with delicacies.

Fried beef liver pate

Fresh liver – 500 g
White onion – 2
Olive – 2 tbsp. spoons
Butter – 50 g
Medium carrots – 1 piece
Salt pepper

You can prepare a delicious pate at home, shall we? Process the liver: remove the film if possible, remove the veins. Using oil, fry the liver on both sides until fully cooked. To make sure whether it is ready inside, make a deeper cut; if there is no blood, the liver is ready.

While the liver is frying, do not waste time and fry the chopped onion. Place onions and carrots, pepper and salt, prepared beef liver, and butter in a blender, beat and the pate is ready. Let it harden a little in the cold and you can spread it on some bread for tea.

Pate in a slow cooker

600 g liver
3 eggs
1 white onion
Butter 120 grams
Salt and pepper
Milk - 1 glass
Garlic – 1 clove
Pinch of nutmeg

Wash the liver, remove the film, cut into pieces. Grind once using a food processor (meat grinder), repeat the process, but with oil. For the third time, let's skip the liver along with chopped garlic and eggs. It is also advisable to chop the onion in a food processor, adding it to the minced meat. Now all that remains is to add spices and milk. It all looks pretty runny, don’t panic. Place the food in the multicooker container and set it to the “Baking” program for 60 minutes.

We won’t take out the pate right away, we’ll leave it for 15, or even 20 minutes. The beef liver pate in the slow cooker is ready, aromatic and begging to be eaten!

Beef liver pate for children

400 g beef liver
Pork meat (without fat) – 100 g
Bay leaf – 1 leaf
One small onion
One carrot

I always soak the liver in milk for about 50 minutes, this way the bitterness goes away, and that’s what my mother taught me. While the liver is resting in milk, I will cook a piece of pork, for the recipe you will need another 100 grams of broth, but since we are talking about a pate for children, after boiling I will salt the liver and pour in new water.

I cook the liver with a whole onion and a carrot, cut into two.
The liver is ready, I take it out along with the carrots; I don’t need the onions and soup. The pork is ready, put it on a dish and measure out 100 ml of broth. I will add butter and salt to these products. Now all that’s left to do is just a little bit – I pass everything through the blender twice. The pate is ready.

Check out this delicious chicken liver pate, tender and aromatic, recipe with step-by-step photos.

Homemade pate with carrots

Beef liver 500 g
2 carrots
One onion
Rendered lard 100 g
Fresh milk 1.5 spoons
Butter 100 g
Salt pepper

Fry the processed and dry liver with chopped vegetables until fully cooked. Cook in lard, add salt and pepper at the end, sparingly.

Grind the liver with vegetables in a meat grinder, twice. Pour milk and mix with soft butter, mix well. Beef liver pate with carrots is ready. Let it harden in the refrigerator.

Classic beef liver pate

Beef liver 700 g
A pinch of pepper
Butter 80 g
Lard 120 g
One bow
Broth 50 ml
One carrot
One egg

Boil the lard along with the onion and carrots until half cooked, add the liver, a little salt and a lot of pepper. Cook until fully cooked, pass through a home meat grinder several times, gradually adding yushka so that you can adjust the thickness of the pate. Mix with soft butter and stir.

Beef liver pate with mushrooms

450 g beef liver
200 g mushrooms
80 g cream
Large carrot
One white bulb
A little parsley
Butter 150 g
Salt pepper

Chop the onion and carrots and fry in oil, you will need about 50 grams. Fry the prepared and chopped liver until cooked, which requires 50 g of oil. In the container where the vegetables were fried, fry the cut mushrooms.

Place the liver, vegetables, mushrooms, salt and pepper, butter and cream in a food processor and puree into a pate mass. Cool in the refrigerator and can be spread on fresh bread.

Beef liver pate for the winter

It’s good when you have supplies and you can use them at the right time, when guests show up unexpectedly, or you just want something tasty. Canning vegetables won’t surprise anyone, but preparing pate for the winter is interesting.

1 kg liver
2 white onions
Half a teaspoon of pepper
On the tip of a knife, nutmeg and ground cloves
Butter 100 g
Lard 50 g

Cut the liver into small portions and cover with cold water for 3 hours, then drain the water.
Heat the bacon and fry each piece of liver on all sides. Fry onion rings in the same fat.

Mince the liver together with the onion for the first time, add spices, and grind again. Repeat again, adding butter and salt to the minced meat.

Place the pate into prepared clean jars, but not to the brim, but only up to the shoulders of the jar. Cover with lids and sterilize for at least two hours. Close it with a key and wrap it up; later you can take it to the basement or cellar.

Beef pate with lard

Liver – 300 g
Smoked bacon – 100 g
Large onion – 1 pc.
Parsley root
Butter – 100 g
One carrot
One bay leaf
A pinch of pepper
Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Cloves – 1 bud
Sugar – 1 teaspoon
White wine – 0.5 cups

Separate the liver from the film; this can be easily done by immersing it in hot water for a few minutes. Cut into four pieces. Finely chop the bacon.
Chop the onion as if for roasting, carrots and parsley root into strips.

In a cauldron, cook the liver, lard, adding vegetables, spices and a glass of water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes.
Drain the broth and pass the minced pate through a meat grinder at least three times. Return the products to the cauldron, add wine, lemon juice, sugar and 50 ml of broth. Whisk the soft butter and add it to the pate, stirring well. Pate with beef liver and lard is ready.
Watch the video on how to make beef liver pate

Diet pate

Beef liver – 1 kg
Onions – 3 pcs.
Olive oil – 2 tablespoons
One carrot
Butter – 10 g
Bay leaf – 3 pcs.
Nutmeg – ½ teaspoon
One bunch of dill

Prepare the liver: remove the film, divide into small parts and cook together with one onion and one bay leaf. Fry the chopped onion in one spoon of olive oil, adding 2 tablespoons of water.
Boil the carrots and grind the bay leaf in a coffee grinder.
Grind all the products in a blender, adding the remaining butter and olive oil.
If the pate, in your opinion, turned out to be very thick, you can dilute it with broth.
The calorie content of this pate is minimal, suitable for those on a diet.

Baked beef liver pate

2 chicken eggs
600 g liver
Medium onion – 1
Carrots – 1 pc.
Lard – 50 g
Butter – 70 g

Soak the liver for 1 hour in cold water, boil the eggs hard, chop the carrots and onions. Divide the liver into pieces, place in a small fireproof dish with a lid, add vegetables and lard. Bake in the cabinet for 60 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
After time, add oil, add salt, blend with a blender and mix well. Baked beef liver pate is ready.

Check out this skillet pork recipe. recipe with photos step by step, simple and tasty.

Pate with boiled beef liver

Butter – 100 g
Beef liver – 600 g
Salt 1 tbsp. spoon
Medium-sized onion – 3 pcs.
Carrots – 2-3 pcs.
Lard – 200 g
Peppercorns – 5-6 pcs.
Bay leaf – 3 pcs.
Garlic – 2 cloves

Clean the liver from film and veins, divide into portions and place in a saucepan. Place onions and carrots in a container without cutting them, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaves. Fill with water, three fingers above the food. Cook for 35 minutes, add salt at the end. Grind the cooled products (excluding bay leaves and peppercorns) in a meat grinder several times. Combine soft butter with pate and mix.

Beef liver pate with cognac

1.5 kg liver
100 g garlic
Onion 200 g
Salt pepper
Nutmeg pinch
Carrots 200 g
Butter 300 g
Cognac 200 ml
Refined oil 100 ml

Chop the liver coarsely and blanch in refined oil. Remove the liver, add more oil and fry the chopped vegetables quite a bit, add nutmeg, garlic and cognac, wait until the alcohol evaporates. Return the liver to the fire and simmer until fully cooked. Pour in the cream, and after a few minutes remove from the stove.

Grind the liver mass in a food processor, beat the butter at room temperature with a mixer until white and mix with the pate. Taste and add salt if necessary.

Tips on how to cook liver pate correctly and tasty

  • Do not use frozen liver for pates.
  • Immersing the liver in hot water for a few minutes will help remove the film easier.
  • Adding cream will make the pate more juicy.
  • When using a meat grinder, you need to grind more than twice.
  • Salt the pate only before chopping.
  • You can add herbs when cooking the liver, this will add a touch of flavor.
  • Soak the liver in milk for one hour.
  • Store pates in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
  • Quail eggs will help you achieve a delicious and delicate taste.
  • To reduce the calorie content of the pate, boil the liver and vegetables.
  • Can be stored in the freezer in a food container.

We told you how you can prepare beef liver pate at home, choose, delight your household with delicious spreads on bread. By the way, such a pate can be used for boiled pasta or porridge.

Homemade liver pate? Nothing could be easier! Read the recipe to the end and become practically an expert in making pates. You will become a real expert when you try to cook it yourself a couple of times.

I won’t lie, kids love this dish, they can’t stand it at all. My wife and I love it! It’s fast, tasty, there’s something to spread on bread in the morning, and most importantly, everything is only natural, without food additives or preservatives.

What will we use to make pate?

We will prepare pate from beef liver, they say that it is healthier than, for example, pork.

For our recipe liver pate we will need the following products:

  • liver (mandatory ingredient), approximately half a kilo
  • butter, 200 grams
  • onions, one or two onions
  • salt, pepper to taste

How to make liver pate

Take a piece of fresh beef liver. It was a revelation to me that beef is spelled with a soft sign! All my life I thought that I should write “beef”.:)

Cut it into pieces about the size of a matchbox. We will still blend it in a blender, it’s just more convenient to fry.

Throw the liver into a frying pan and start frying it in butter. There is no need to throw all the oil into the pan at once, just a little bit, we will need it later.

While the liver is frying, chop the onion and also add it to the frying pan.

Salt and pepper to your taste and stir occasionally until the onion is cooked. The onion should become completely soft. Adjust the heat so that everything is fried and does not burn.

When the onions and liver are ready, take a deeper bowl and transfer the hot liver directly from the frying pan into it. We lay out everything: liver, onions, butter. We leave nothing behind.

Take a blender and grind the liver. The blender will mix everything thoroughly and you will get a homogeneous mass, almost a pate.

But that is not all. Now the most important thing. Before the liver has cooled, throw the butter into a cup and use a blender to turn the liver and butter into a homogeneous mass.

The butter will melt as the liver is still hot and will mix evenly with the liver.

Now we cover the cup with a lid and put it in the refrigerator so that the liver pate, firstly, hardens, and secondly, does not spoil.

But before you put it in the refrigerator, be sure to spread a piece of bread with the still warm beef liver pate.

Liver pate is easy to make at home. To make a delicious pate, there are some cooking secrets that you should follow:

  • Before cooking, the film is removed from the beef liver; to do this, it must be doused with boiling water.
  • To prevent pork and beef liver from becoming bitter, it is soaked for about 1 hour in milk, salt water or plain water with the addition of a spoonful of soda.
  • To make the finished pate more juicy, add a little cream, milk, pork fat or greaves to the ground liver.
  • To make the pate more homogeneous, all solid ingredients are passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times.
  • To make the pate taste tender and refined, the vegetables for the pate need to be fried in butter.
  • The pate will have an unusual taste if you add eggs, mushrooms, hard cheese, herbs or parsnip root, parsley, garlic, and pumpkin.
  • After chopping the ingredients, the pate can be baked in the oven, simmered in a frying pan with a lid, or cooked in a slow cooker.

How to make chicken liver pate?

Cooked chicken liver tastes sweet, so we add various spices and alcohol to the pate.

For chicken pate you need:

  • 500 g chicken liver
  • 2 small onions
  • 2-5 cloves of garlic
  • 50 g butter
  • 200 ml cream
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac
  • 1 tsp. a spoonful of gelatin soaked in 0.5 cups of water
  • Salt, ground nutmeg and black pepper to taste


  • From the washed liver, cut out the remaining veins and bile and discard.
  • Cut the onion into half rings, cut the garlic cloves into several parts, fry in a frying pan with butter.
  • We take the onion and garlic out of the frying pan, and put small pieces of liver on it and fry until crusty, cool.
  • Soak gelatin in half a glass of cold boiled water for half an hour.
  • We pass the liver through a meat grinder 2 times.
  • Add cream, cognac, salt and spices to the minced meat, knead and form a sausage.
  • Place the soaked gelatin on the fire and, stirring, dissolve it without bringing it to a boil.
    Dip small sprigs of greenery, rings of boiled carrots or a few cloves (spice) into gelatin, pour in the pate and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then you can serve.
  • The pate can be made without a gelatin “coat”, and simply filled with fat, but this way it is stored less, and covered with gelatin it can be stored for more than a week.

How to make pork liver pate with mushrooms?

For liver pate with mushrooms you need:

  • 500 g pork liver;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 5-6 champignons;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt, black and allspice pepper, nutmeg (ground) to your taste.


  • Pour the oatmeal with milk and let it swell for 10 minutes.
  • Wash the pork liver, cut out the veins, cut into pieces, prepare the onions and carrots too, and then put everything through a meat grinder.
  • Wash the mushrooms and chop them finely.
  • Beat the eggs.
  • Mix ground liver with vegetables, scrambled eggs, cereal with milk, salt and seasonings, mushroom pieces.
  • We cover a deep form with foil so that the edges hang over the sides of the form, pour the liver mixture onto the foil, and bay leaves on top, connect the ends of the foil at the top and bake at 180°C for half an hour. The pate can also be prepared in a sleeve.
  • Turn off the oven, let the pate in the pan cool completely, and then you can remove it from the foil and try it.

How to make beef liver pate?

This pate with milk turns out very tasty.

For the pate you need:

  • 500 g beef liver;
  • 1-2 carrots and onions;
  • 100 g lard;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of butter;
  • Ground black pepper and salt to your taste.


  • We cut off the films and veins from the liver and throw it away, and cut the liver itself into small pieces and wash it.
  • Cut the lard into small cubes and fry until the fat is rendered.
  • Peel the onion and finely chop it, fry it in the fat rendered from the lard for 2-3 minutes.
  • Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them and add them to the onion, fry for 3-5 minutes, stirring.
  • Add liver pieces to the onions and carrots and fry, stirring for about 10 minutes. Let it cool and then put it through the meat grinder 2 times.
  • Add salt, ground spices, butter and milk to the mixture and knead until smooth.
  • Let it sit in the refrigerator for about 1 hour and you are ready to serve.

So, we learned how to prepare a delicious pate from different types of liver.

The most delicious beef pate is, of course, homemade! Each housewife prepares it in her own way: she fries or boils the liver together with vegetables or all separately, adds special spices, grinds it in a meat grinder or grinds it in a blender. Some people like pate with lard and add a little lard to it, others prefer the dietary option.

Subtleties of the recipe for homemade beef pate

The classic recipe for beef liver pate at home includes only three main ingredients, including beef liver, carrots and onions. The most important thing in preparing this not at all complicated dish is the correct processing of the offal. The liver must be scrupulously cleaned of films, only then it will not taste bitter, and the pate will turn out to be very tender and velvety in consistency.

Vegetables and beef liver can be pre-fried in vegetable oil and then simmered until cooked. Or you can avoid pre-frying them (saute only the onions) so that the pate turns out to be less calorie-rich. The degree of “fatness” of the spread can be adjusted independently by adding a little more or less butter to the pate.


  • beef liver 500 g
  • carrots 1 pc.
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1 tsp.
  • mixture of ground peppers 2 wood chips.
  • water 250 ml
  • butter 75-100 g

How to make beef liver pate

  1. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into large circles - approximately 0.5 cm each. It is not worth grinding it finer, as it will subsequently serve as a kind of indicator of the readiness of the dish.

  2. Peel two large onions, cut into thick half rings, and then fry in well-heated vegetable oil. Bring the onion until soft, but do not overcook it so that the liver pate does not become bitter.

  3. We prepare beef liver for heat treatment. To do this, use a sharp knife to carefully trim the top film and remove all the veins, if any. The better the liver is cleaned, the more tender our pate will turn out in the end, it will not be bitter at all, it will become tender and homogeneous.

  4. We wash the cleaned liver in cold water and cut into large pieces. Unlike pork liver, there is no need to soak it additionally in water or milk; just rinse it well.

  5. We take a saucepan or pan with a thick bottom and put the food in it in layers in the following sequence: carrots on the bottom, then liver and sautéed onions on top.

  6. Add salt, a mixture of ground peppers and fill the contents of the saucepan with hot water so that it completely covers all its contents. No need to stir!

  7. Simmer the beef liver with vegetables over low heat, covering the saucepan with a lid. We determine the degree of readiness by looking at the carrots - they should be completely cooked and soft, on average this can take 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile, remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature to soften.

  8. Pour the broth into a separate container so that the liver and vegetables cool faster (a couple of tablespoons of liquid can be added to the pate when grinding if you find it a little dry). Place all solid ingredients in a blender designed for crushing ice and grind until smooth. For grinding, you can use not only a blender, but also a meat grinder or food processor.

  9. We take a sample - if necessary, add a little more salt or spices to taste (for example, a pinch of nutmeg). Add 75-100 g of butter, softened at room temperature, to the resulting mixture and beat everything again. The oil will give a special, very tasty creamy aroma to the pate, as well as the necessary pasty consistency.

  10. Place the finished pate in a container, preferably glass, and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. During this time, the oil included in the composition will harden and make the consistency of the spread dense.
  11. For a more impressive presentation, you can decorate the dish with softened butter, using a pastry bag and special nozzles for application.

Beef liver pate must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. You can increase the shelf life to 4-5 days if you put the spread in a pre-sterilized glass jar and cover with a clean lid. Another option is to put part of the pate in the freezer, wrapping it tightly in several layers of cling film (can be divided into portions). If frozen, the pate can be stored for up to 1 month. It’s convenient to take a portion as needed, defrost it on the refrigerator shelf, and then spread the pate on crispy toast.

Homemade pate - general principles of preparation

No store-bought pate can compare to homemade pate. Store-bought snacks contain a lot of preservatives and other harmful substances, which means they can be stored for a very long time. You can safely treat your family and friends with homemade pate without fear for their health.

There are several hundred ways to prepare homemade pates, among which you can find recipes for every taste. Meat lovers will certainly enjoy liver, chicken and beef pates, while vegetarians will enjoy mushroom and vegetable appetizers. To prepare homemade pate, you can use any canned fish and vegetables, various herbs, spices and herbs.

Homemade pate - preparing food and utensils

To prepare homemade pate, you need to prepare a bowl for mixing ingredients, a knife, a blender, a cutting board, a frying pan and a saucepan. The finished pate should be stored in a container with a lid in the refrigerator.

If you are preparing homemade pate from meat or liver, the products need to be washed, cut and fried (or boiled). We thoroughly wash and chop all vegetables and herbs, fry the vegetables if necessary. Drain liquid from canned foods.

Homemade pate recipes:

Recipe 1: Homemade pate

Instead of buying store-bought liver pates, stuffed with preservatives and who knows what, make your own delicious homemade pate. The easiest way to prepare chicken liver pate with the addition of vegetables and spices. Try it too!

Required ingredients:

  • 800 g chicken liver;
  • Two onions;
  • One large carrot;
  • Butter;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Greenery.

Cooking method:

We wash the liver, cut it into pieces and fry in butter for several minutes. Wash and peel the carrots, cut into cubes. Chop the onion. Fry the carrots and onions in the oil remaining after frying the liver. Fry the vegetables until the onion becomes transparent. Place the liver pieces on top of the vegetables, cover the frying pan with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer everything together for another 20 minutes. Place the contents in a bowl and puree with a blender until smooth. Add some salt to taste, add 50 g of butter, mix and put in the refrigerator. Serve homemade pate with chopped herbs.

Recipe 2: Homemade champignon pate with zucchini

Homemade mushroom pate with the addition of vegetables is a real gift for lovers of tasty and healthy food. To prepare such a snack you will need fresh champignons, zucchini, onions, processed cheese and seasonings. If everything is done correctly, no one will even guess that there is no meat in the composition.

Required ingredients:

  • Two medium zucchini (200 g each);
  • 300 g champignons;
  • Onion head;
  • One carrot;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml soy sauce;
  • Seasonings (curry, coriander, ground black pepper, nutmeg and thyme);
  • Greenery;
  • 100 g processed cheese (ideally Philadelphia cheese).

Cooking method:

We clean the zucchini, grate it on a coarse grater, add some salt and leave for half an hour. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, finely chop the mushrooms. First, lightly fry the onions and carrots, then add the champignons, add soy sauce and fry until all the liquid has evaporated. Don't forget to season the mixture with spices. Transfer the roast to a bowl. The zucchini should have released juice by this point. Squeeze out excess liquid through cheesecloth. Place the zucchini in a frying pan, add some salt, add herbs and pressed garlic. Fry over low heat (or under a lid with a hole) until the liquid has completely evaporated. Add the zucchini to the mushrooms and vegetables, puree the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Add grated processed cheese to the puree. Beat the mixture again using a blender. Instead of processed cheese, you can add curd cheese - the homemade pate will turn out even more tender.

Recipe 3: Homemade cod liver pate

Many housewives prepare cod liver salad, however, due to the increased fat content, this dish is not suitable for everyone. Cod liver pate is less fatty than salad, but also very tasty. This appetizer can even be served at the holiday table.

Required ingredients:

  • A can of canned cod liver;
  • One egg;
  • One potato;
  • One onion;
  • 25 g hard cheese;
  • 1 tsp. mustard.

Cooking method:

Chop the onion, mix with mustard and pour boiling water. After three minutes, drain the water through a colander and leave the onion to cool. Boil the egg and potato. Mash the cod liver with a fork along with the pickled onions. Puree the boiled potatoes in a blender and grate the cheese. Mix liver with potatoes and cheese. Grate the boiled egg and mix with the total mass. To ensure uniformity, the entire mass can be pureed in a blender. Homemade pate served with rye bread.

Recipe 4: Homemade bean pate

A very satisfying and healthy snack that will appeal not only to vegetarians, but also to meat lovers.

Required ingredients:

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil;
  • Half a lemon;
  • 8 sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil;
  • 2 spoons of capers;
  • A bunch of greens (sage, parsley, lovage);
  • Half a teaspoon of sweet paprika;
  • Half a kilo of canned white beans (boiled can also be used);
  • Two onions;
  • A clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

Chop the onion and lightly press the garlic clove. Fry the onion and garlic in olive oil (1 spoon) until golden brown. Drain the liquid from the canned beans, puree the beans using a blender with the remaining oil and a fried clove of garlic. Add the juice of half a lemon to the puree and mix. Finely chop all the greens with a knife, grind the sun-dried tomatoes with capers in a blender. Add chopped capers with tomatoes, onions and herbs to the bean puree. Season with paprika, salt and pepper. Mix the whole mass thoroughly. Spread homemade bean pate on fresh bread.

— Homemade pate can be made completely homogeneous by pureeing all the ingredients with a blender, or in the form of a mass with the addition of chopped onions, herbs and other ingredients;

— Before preparing liver pate, the liver can be soaked in milk for one and a half hours;

— Before preparing homemade beef pate, you need to remove the film from the meat.