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Long winter evenings, a quiet family atmosphere, New Year's holidays - and now your desire awakens in us

Winter crafts with and for children

 12:26 November 27, 2017

Long winter evenings, a quiet family atmosphere, New Year's holidays - and now the desire to create unprecedented beauty with our own hands awakens in us. And if you add to your own imagination the huge mass of ideas with which the Internet is simply overflowing, then you can actually become addicted to homemade products. Moreover, you don’t need any unusual materials for this. Just the opposite: on winter crafts Anything in the house will do.

Such funny snowmen made from felt, socks and even salt dough.

A funny penguin made of colored paper will amuse a child and teach the basics of geometry.

Snow-white winter is our favorite time of year for many of us, and New Year is one of the best holidays. Just imagine: it’s frosty outside, the roads are snowy, everything is covered with huge snowdrifts, and the whole family has gathered in a warm, cozy house on a day off. And when the kids start fiddling with colored paper and scissors, normal parents will not be able to stay away and will definitely join in the needlework, which will bring pleasure to both themselves and the kids. The desire to create awakens even more with the appearance of a fluffy Christmas tree. That’s when the children with mom and dad open a real workshop of Santa Claus, so many Christmas tree toys, garlands, snowflakes and decorations for gifts appear from under their hands. Not only is it beautiful, but it also brings great joy to those making crafts and those who see them.

If you remember, we wrote in detail how to make a solution for crystals.

Our inventive mothers, if desired or necessary, can adapt any item for decoration. This is how New Year’s crafts FROM FIGURED PASTA PRODUCTS have become very popular. You can get creative with your child and make unusual toys and funny garlands. Even if you simply paint them gold or white and sprinkle them with frosted pieces, the tree will sparkle from them, and the baby will be simply delighted. For the little ones, simple toys made from cardboard templates are suitable. The child will be able to cut out figures from paper, felt or foil. You can also use unnecessary beads and buttons found at home, different in shape and color. The child can sew them according to his own taste to previously made figures. Then they must be hung on the tree in the place of honor.

Winter crafts from pasta

For crafts you will need pasta of different shapes, glue and glitter.

Children's winter crafts

For older guys, we can offer more serious kids winter crafts, requiring certain skills. This way, younger schoolchildren can easily cope with a New Year’s craft - SLIPPERS WITH SANTA CLAUS. Of course, they can be made “in an adult way” - from thick felt, insoles, padding polyester. But in our case, a simpler one is suitable - a souvenir version of slippers that can be hung, for example, for combs in the hallway. They are made either from thick fabric or cardboard. In this case, the child traces his foot on cardboard and cuts out the base. Then he cuts out the top of the slipper from another piece of cardboard, and you can offer him to cut out its shape according to the template you made in advance. Before connecting both blanks, the upper part is decorated to resemble the face of Santa Claus. To do this, you can take a braid of a suitable tone, thick fabric, colored paper, two white buttons and two black beads from which the eyes are made, multi-colored yarn, padding polyester for mustaches, beards and the edges of a hat. You can decorate everything with white gouache and glitter. If your child gives such a souvenir to his beloved grandparents, then their happiness will know no bounds.

Winter theater made of felt.

Beautiful New Year card.

And here is another postcard with a snowman.

A fun version of a New Year's craft - Christmas tree decorations FROM EGGSHELLS. First, the white and yolk are carefully blown out of a whole (fresh) egg through punctures at its ends. Then the most creative stage begins - decorating the shell. The easiest way is to cover the entire surface of the eggshell with small pieces of colored paper. You can glue different applications from the same colored paper. If you add cotton hair, a mustache, a beard and a paper cap to the drawn mouth, nose and eyes, you can get a cute gnome, clown, Santa Claus or someone else. You can also cover the egg with glitter, decorate it with finely chopped “rain”, various ribbons, and absolutely anything else you can get your hands on. You can also simply paint the shell, but not with watercolors or gouache. They do not adhere well to the surface of the egg, so oil or acrylic paint is more suitable. A thread for hanging the toy, first threaded through both holes, is secured at the lower end of the egg, for example, with a thread tassel or bead.

Sugar snowmen.

Do you still not know how to properly use plastic bottles?

But for an APPLE OF PARADISE, everything in the kitchen will do. This way you can crumple the foil and give it the shape of a small apple. On top it needs to be wrapped with a finishing layer of the same foil. A peppercorn is glued into the recess at the bottom of the apple, and two holes are pierced in the upper recess into which a stalk, a leaf and a fastening thread will be inserted. For the cutting, you can use a twig, a real tail from an apple or a piece of twine, and the leaf can be successfully replaced with a bay leaf, which is better tinted for greater naturalness. Now all that remains is to sprinkle the apple with snow. It can be replaced with scraps of paper, small polystyrene foam balls, or even ordinary granulated sugar. To prevent the snow from falling off, the apple should be coated with glue or clear polish (nail polish) and rolled in snow material prepared ahead of time. Moreover, you do not need to roll the entire apple, but only one side or the top. When the apple is dry, it will be ready to hang on the tree.

Ball of corks

Winter in our region lasts a long time. And what can you do with your baby on long winter evenings? Why not start making winter crafts together with him? Even preschool children can make them with their own hands. Many parents will need winter crafts for kindergarten. Therefore, the ideas presented below will be very useful. You just need to set aside one evening and start creating magic together with your beloved baby.

Material selection

Typically, winter is associated with snowflakes, snow, winter sports, snowdrifts and the New Year. Based on this, it is necessary to select materials to implement ideas.

The easiest way would be to make a panel or drawing. But it should not be simple, but made using some interesting technique. The drawing canvas can be filled in:

  • Mankoy.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Plain water.
  • Crushed eggshell.
  • Sugar and much more.

The use of these materials involves gluing them to a cardboard base.

New Year's installations are a favorite type of creativity for children. To do this, you just need to take an unnecessary empty box, for example, a shoe box, and cut off two walls from it. This will leave a floor with two walls at an angle. From this you can make the basis for an amazing winter landscape, forest or scene. You can use cotton wool as snow, trees and houses can be made from cotton swabs or newspapers rolled into a tube and painted with brown paint on top.

Crafts can also be made from empty plastic bottles or paper, from burnt out light bulbs - literally from anything that can be found at home. For example, from a plastic bottle and light bulbs you can get an unusual penguin or dog. From threads you can make three-dimensional figures of snowmen, as well as unusual interesting panels using the technique of thread printing or from thread crumbs.

It's worth taking a closer look , from which you can create crafts with your own hands on a winter theme.

Burnt out light bulbs

It is very good if you have a large light bulb. You can make a real New Year's penguin out of it. To make such a craft you will need the following tools:

Step-by-step instruction

The unusual penguin is ready!

Plastic bottles

You can also make a penguin or Santa Claus from plastic bottles. The scheme is quite simple and similar to the previous one. For this craft, you need to take two empty plastic bottles of the same size and shape. From one you need to cut off only the bottom, and cut the second in half and use tape or glue to glue the top and bottom of the first bottle to it. This will create a block.

Now it needs to be painted white and allowed to dry. In exactly the same way as with the light bulb, you need to draw the contours of the front part for the penguin. If you are making Santa Claus, then you need to draw a face. These parts remain white, and the rest is painted black for the penguin or red for Santa Claus. After this, you need to paint the face and draw other necessary details. A scarf and cap are put on top; if you made Santa Claus, then you need to glue on a beard from felt or cotton wool.

It turns out to be quite an interesting craft that can be easily made with your child from unnecessary things.

Panel made of cotton pads

It's hard to imagine winter without a snowman. Kids love to sculpt them in the yards and play in the snow, making lumps out of it. However, making this winter hero at home from scrap materials will be quite interesting and simple. For the creative process you will need:

Step-by-step master class on making a snowman

The unusual winter panel is ready!

Panel made of semolina, plasticine or thread

This is another interesting and exciting option for creating a winter-themed painting. The child will simply be delighted with this activity. To make such a craft, you need to take colored cardboard, a simple pencil, PVA glue, semolina or sugar.

Snowman made of threads

You can make a beautiful, large and openwork snowman from threads. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

Step-by-step manufacturing diagram

In principle, you can decorate such an original snowman at your own discretion, you just need to show your imagination.

Christmas trees made from balls of thread

For a children's exhibition, you can also make a composition in the form of a New Year tree from balls of thread. To make it you will need:

Step-by-step master class

A Christmas tree can be made without a base from a pot and a stem, while the cone will be made from balls. It will be much faster and easier.

New Year's wreaths

Such wreaths are classics of the genre. All New Year's fairs are literally inundated with them. Wreaths can decorate any room during the New Year holidays. Most often they are made from scrap materials; they can be used:

To make a New Year's wreath, you only need to understand the principle: first of all, the base is made from cardboard or a ready-made purchased foam ring, after which it is decorated at your own request. The selected elements are glued onto it quite tightly. They can be combined with each other; finally, the wreath can be decorated with a bow or ribbon on the side. The finished wreath is hung on the entrance or interior doors.

Child psychologists say that children should make crafts for school or kindergarten on their own, and parents should only help. According to experts, this affects the development and self-esteem of the baby.

New Year is a magical holiday for every child. You just can’t count how many crafts you can create for children’s exhibitions yourself. Children will be very happy to join the creative process. After all, any child loves to sculpt, draw and glue something.

Winter craft