Undesirable consequences should simply be stocked up. What do they buy in reserve? Products and goods for the "strategic reserve"

Every housewife strives to have a strategic supply of products that can be stored for a long time and make life much easier in times of crisis and during times of severe cold. It is important not only to know what products are purchased in reserve, but also how to store them correctly.

Sugar in reserve

Many of us cannot imagine a cup of coffee or tea without a few spoons of sugar, and those with a sweet tooth will not refuse tasty and aromatic homemade baked goods, impossible without sugar, which can be stored for 7-8 years. It is best to purchase small packages (2-5 kg), which must be placed in a dry and ventilated area.

Pasta in stock

Noodles, vermicelli and pasta can be stored for up to 3 years. The storage place should be dry and dark, the packaging should be sealed. Pasta from open or damaged packaging must be placed in a glass or plastic container with an airtight lid. The condition of pasta is negatively affected by temperature changes and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Flour in reserve

With the advent of bread machines in our homes, many of us began to purchase great amount flour, preferring to take 50 kg bags. If you do not bake muffins and bread, then the strategic supply of flour can be significantly less - 10-15 kg. Flour can be stored for 10-12 months. Optimal temperature storage at 0°C, periodically all the flour must be sifted - this way you will avoid the appearance of mealworms and bugs.

Vegetable oil in reserve

Today this product sold in plastic container, less often - in glass. It is glass containers that contribute to long-term storage of oil, so if you purchased the product in plastic packaging and plan to store it for a long time, pour the oil into glass bottle or jar and close the lid tightly.
Our grandmothers very often added to a container with oil a small amount of salt to avoid sediment. Today there is no need for this procedure, since in most cases we use refined oil, does not form sediment. The oil can be stored for no more than 2 years at a temperature not exceeding 20°C in a dark place. Do not store butter in the refrigerator - it may lose its flavor and useful qualities.

Cereals in reserve

It is best to use plastic containers or glass jars for storing cereals. If possible, store cereals in the refrigerator. The shelf life of most cereals is 4-8 months. Ours for the longest time taste qualities Buckwheat retains its beneficial properties – up to 16 months of storage. Long-term storage of cereals will not negatively affect their external condition, but the taste and beneficial properties will be lost.

Home canned food in reserve

Regardless of conditions, shelf life home canning should not exceed 1 year. This is especially true for compotes made from cherries, apricots and plums with pits. Long-term storage of home canned food not only spoils the taste of the food, but can be dangerous to health.

Industrial conservation in reserve

Manufacturers canned food always indicate the conditions and shelf life, however, it can be significantly reduced if the can of canned food is damaged or deformed. When choosing a tin can of preserved food in a store, pay attention to the absence of dents and signs of corrosion. Buying canned vegetables in glass jar, make sure it is sealed tightly.

Spices in stock

Unopened and sealed spices can be stored for up to 2 years. To preserve their aroma and flavor, it is best to use airtight containers and store away from light and moisture. Ideal conditions– a dry, ventilated room, the temperature of which does not exceed 25°C. A familiar way to help prevent insects from appearing: Bay leaf– place 1-2 small pieces of leaf into a container with spices.

Nuts in reserve

The best place to store nuts is in the refrigerator. It is also possible to store them in freezer. The belief that nuts in shells can be stored for years can play a bad joke on you. Violation of the storage conditions of nuts leads to the fact that they lose all their beneficial properties. Outside the refrigerator, nuts can be stored for no more than 2 months.

Honey in reserve

Natural honey can be stored for years using glass containers with a tight lid. The product must be stored at a temperature of 5-10°C; at temperatures above 10°C it loses its quality and acquires a bitter taste.

It’s strange, but very little attention is paid to preparing food supplies on various sites and books dedicated to survival. The authors appeal to the fact that without water and shelter a person in an extreme situation will die much faster than without food. Well, you can’t argue with that, but this is not a reason to deny the importance of food.

Without food, a person weakens, loses coordination, becomes less resilient and thinks worse. Food is important. Therefore, it will never hurt to think about whether there is a supply of food in your pantry that will prevent you from starving in a survival situation.

List of shelf-stable products

The list of products that can be stored for a really long time (years) is not at all that long, so you shouldn’t delude yourself. However, if you collect a little of each, your chances of successful (and even quite tasty) survival are much higher.

  1. Cereals

Perhaps, it is on cereals that you can place your greatest hopes. Rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, cereals, bulgur, couscous - all this can be stored from six months to one and a half years (in this sense, the longest “long-liver” is white polished rice).

  1. Pasta

Pasta from durum varieties wheat, which contains nothing but flour and water, can be stored for up to 3 years. Pasta doesn't have the amazing health benefits of cereal, but it's filling and high in calories—and more often than not, that's all a prepper needs.

  1. Legumes

Peas and beans are similar in composition to meat products and in the absence of the opportunity to enjoy the latter, they will successfully replace them (if not in taste, then in nutritional value). Legumes should be stored in the same way as cereals - in a dry, airtight place, protected from light. True, try to renew your supplies more often - over time, legumes lose their nutritional properties.

  1. Dried breads, vegetables and dried meats

At all, dried products are stored very well - crackers, bagels, raisins, dried apricots, dried meat and fish - protect them from insects and keep them away from heat.

Honey practically does not spoil and does not lose its useful properties. In addition, do not forget about its ability to help the body fight infections and generally maintain overall tone - in a survival situation you often have to resort to folk methods treatment.

  1. Flakes

In everyday life it’s not very useful, but for an emergency reserve it’s just the thing. And microelements, and carbohydrates, and sweet, and quite satisfying. Can be stored in original cardboard packaging.

  1. Nuts

Any nuts are a calorie bomb, a charge of energy and benefits for your body. They perfectly satisfy hunger and do not take up much space.

According to statistics compiled by the Public Opinion Foundation, only half of Russians constantly buy goods for future use. On the contrary, about 90% of the population does. What products or goods are bought in reserve in order to feel confident and comfortable during any crisis?

Residents of large cities, as a rule, buy goods as needed. But half of the population is worried about the so-called “rainy day”. In our unstable times, much more of the population has begun to think about buying food in reserve. As for smaller cities and villages, almost 100% of the population there always have the habit of buying food in reserve and maintain this habit.

Important! In addition to what products to purchase during a crisis, you must also remember about water. Experts remind you that you need to have at least a month's supply at home. drinking water. It is calculated based on one to two liters of water per person. You can store water in plastic bottles in a dark room. Inventories must be renewed every six months.

What products to stock up on during a crisis:
Salt. Without it, it’s difficult to force yourself to eat any food. Salt is good because it does not spoil and can be stored for several decades. It is important that all packaging is sealed.
Jam. Experts highlight this product because it is the best way saving sugar. Sugar itself is capable of absorbing moisture and foreign odors, so there are many reserves of this product in pure form it will be difficult to do. The jam can be stored for five years and everything will be fine with sugar in this form.
Honey. Another one useful alternative sugar. Honey not only makes life sweeter, but includes many useful microelements, which are necessary for every person at any time. Honey can be stored for several years. Over time, it will become sugary, but this will not diminish the beneficial qualities of honey.
Stew. If you are thinking about the question of which products will become more expensive in the near future, then meat will be in the forefront. Therefore, it's time to stock up on stew. Its shelf life depends on what kind of packaging the stew is sold in. On average, meat can be stored in this form for several years. This kind of meat will be enough to live the winter autonomously and satisfyingly.
Canned fish. Products in this category have a shelf life of only a few years. It's best to take canned fish in oil or natural juice. Buy fish in tomato sauce It’s not worth keeping in reserve, because the acidic environment of the sauce will turn the fish into porridge.
Condensed milk. You can buy it in reserve only in tin can. It is necessary to ensure that the condensed milk is prepared strictly in accordance with GOST. Its shelf life is a year; if it contains vegetable protein, then such condensed milk spoils quickly and it is better not to buy it in order to stock up on food during a crisis.
Canned vegetables. Canned peas can be stored for two years, and beans can be stored for up to three years. In general, experts do not recommend storing such products for more than one year, because the contents of the jar will turn into puree. Pickled cucumbers or tomatoes can be safely stored for up to three years, and after this period they will simply lose their taste.
Flour, cereals and pasta. From a creation point of view strategic reserve extremely useful product- this is flour. It can be stored for six months. Rice, beans, peas and lentils can last for about a year. You should buy pasta in reserve only from durum wheat in sealed packaging. Pasta can be stored for up to four years.
Vegetable oil. Butter no need to stock up. It can indeed be stored in the freezer for a long time, but it soon loses its taste. Vegetable oil must be purchased refined, olive oil The first spin is not suitable for stock because it can only be stored in the refrigerator.
Tea and coffee. You need to buy natural coffee and, best of all, beans. If the coffee is ground and in airtight packaging, it can be stored for two years. For stock, use natural leaf tea, which can be stored for a year.

When you have purchased groceries, but you still have money on hand and it doesn’t give you peace of mind, you should buy goods that will help you save money. The answer to the question of what to buy during the 2015 crisis in order to save money largely depends on exactly how much money you have. For example, you can buy a new car from a showroom. You can spend your money on upgrading your refrigerator, TV or washing machine.

There is a correct answer to the question of which products will become more expensive in 2015. All experts agree that due to the current economic situation, all products will become more expensive. They have already started to rise in price. During such a period, recipes from simple and available products, For example, . Therefore, we advise you to stock up on products that, in case of difficult times, will help you stay afloat.

Read also

  • Eat this, not that, or how to choose the right foods in the supermarket?
  • What you can and cannot eat if you have diabetes: list of foods


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24.01.2015 / 02:55


From time to time I stock up on groceries for a rainy day and refresh them periodically. I stock up mainly on cereals, canned food, vegetable oil and flour. But I haven’t thought about storing sugar in the form of jam or honey before, but this is correct. I also didn’t worry about water, but in vain, because this is also important, without water a person cannot survive in difficult conditions. Now I will stock up on water. I would also like to add that it wouldn’t hurt to have a supply of laundry soap and candles in the house.

24.01.2015 / 19:54


I always try to buy food for future use. I buy it mainly during promotions, when there is a discount on a product or they sell 2 products for the price of 1. From food products: these are cereals, pasta, canned peas, beans, champignons, canned fish. We make the stew ourselves. As well as jam, pickles and other preparations. So in a hungry year we will be full! By the way, I also make compotes myself. This is much healthier than juices from the store. And they last longer. But I prefer to buy products such as sugar and flour at wholesale stores. In addition to food, there is a supply of soap, washing powder, shampoo and other hygiene products.

25.01.2015 / 23:26


I agree with Valeria: it is advisable to buy products on special offers! You eat perishable items quickly, while others last longer (cereals, canned food). You also need to buy products, again, if possible, in bulk - you save a lot! To save money during a crisis, you don’t need to buy refrigerators. TVs! Buy what you 100% need: soap, powder, the same panties and bras, socks, car wheels and other similar things!

Let's talk about food supplies for long term. We all live in unstable times, what will happen tomorrow, alas, is difficult to predict, so we want to protect ourselves and stock up on everything we need (and above all food) before the next crisis or, in the worst case, a BP hits.

If you need to stock up on food in case of a long-term crisis or worse, then you should immediately calculate how many and what products you should buy. Food supplies are made based on 6 months of the group’s life, without counting on the receipt of provisions from outside. This autonomy is created taking into account factors such as:

1. First time priorities.

Based on security reasons, the first actions that need to be performed at a strong point must be devoted to inspecting the territory and planning further actions, as well as other similar things.

2. The ability to “pause.”

There may be a time of passive use of food supplies, when you will need to be patient and wait for the right moment, without being constrained by the need for hasty action.

3. Increase in group size.

Food supplies must be calculated taking into account the increase in group size due to new people who may come without food.

4. Assessment of food storage abilities.

It is very problematic to stock up on products for more than six months, and storing food for such a period of time is not at all easy. The volumes required to store food for 6 months for 50 people are significant numbers.

Standards for storing products per person for 6 months:

  • Stew - 3 boxes of 45 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 liters
  • Lard - 18 kg
  • Condensed milk - 30 cans.
  • Canned meat - 30 cans
  • Corn and other canned vegetables - 30 cans
  • Salty canned food - 15 cans
  • Peaches and other sweet preserves - 30 cans
  • Rice, buckwheat and other cereals - 30 kg
  • Pasta - 60 kg
  • Peas or beans - 20 kg
  • Sugar - 10 kg
  • Salt - 15 kg
  • Wheat - 10 kg
  • Egg powder - 5 kg
  • Starch - 0.5 kg
  • Tea - 1 kg
  • Coffee - 0.1 kg
  • Black pepper - 0.2 kg
  • Spices - 0.1 kg
  • Onion - 20 kg
  • Dry sauces - 0.5 - 1 kg
  • Soda - 1 kg
  • Nuts with lemon in honey - 2 kg
  • Jam - 3 l
  • Dried fruits - 1.5 kg
  • Caramel - 3 kg
  • Chocolate - 1 kg
  • Galette cookies - 1 kg
  • Rusks - 10 kg

It is worth noting that the main food products in an emergency are spaghetti, stewed meat, cereals and lard. The rest can become auxiliary products and flavoring additives, as well as products that are used to diversify the diet.

This list is based on the experience of two families living on a limited diet for several months. The practice was not completely rigid - the diet included certain regular products, such as milk and bread. Days of rest with completely normal nutrition were also allowed, but according to this practice, recipes for preparing dishes were used, based on preferences and the rate of consumption of provisions.

Physical activity and stress level during this experiment were appropriate Everyday life urban dweller, so the need for food under high loads may increase.

In addition, the need to take provisions for trips was taken into account. To cover this need, the main quantities of stock were increased, and some products were specially added to the list to be used on trips.

One of the country's most secret organizations celebrates its 85th anniversary this year. And the service management decided to lift the veil of secrecy a little and talk about their work. For this purpose, an impromptu museum of Rosrezerv was opened in the Southern Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for several days.

The Rosrezerv service is engaged in the formation, storage and maintenance of the state’s strategic reserves, which are needed in case of emergency situations. For example, after a natural disaster, during a war or to provide humanitarian assistance. By the way, the 60 thousand tons of food and medicine that were delivered to Donbass in humanitarian convoys over the past two years were mainly taken from the warehouses of the southern administration. However, more on this a little later.

This department is considered one of the main elements of the state security system. It is known that food, various types of fuel and a number of other strategic products are stored in its storerooms. Statistical data (how much and what is in the warehouses), as well as the location of the warehouses themselves, is a state secret. Only service employees and the country's top leadership know it. This information is protected almost more closely than the location of Russia's largest nuclear mines or space defense facilities.

Service employees sign obligations to maintain state secrets, and talking with these people is a great journalistic success.

Six centuries of safety

Russian historians found the first mention of state reserves in chronicles of the 7th century. The documents say that at that time non-perishable goods were placed in warehouses - mainly grain. This made it possible to insure against mass famine in terrible lean years or after numerous wars that shook ancient Rus'.

True, then it was the personal initiative of the princes. A nationwide system of reserves began to take shape only in the 14th century, during the reign of Ivan Kalita, the collector of Russian lands.

The first specialized organization, the so-called Provision Order, appeared in 1700, under Peter I. The order was responsible for supplying the regular army with food. Stores (that is, special warehouses) were located in Moscow, Kyiv, Bryansk, Smolensk and other cities and were used during the Northern War. In 1716, the Order was transformed into the Provisions Chancellery, and after the victory of Russia, from 1724, it became part of the Military Collegium.

In 1920, for the first time in our country, it was possible to create a specialized grain fund; in 1927, a permanent grain fund began to be formed. Of course, during the difficult revolutionary and war years, reserves were at a minimum level. But after the war, when the threat of global nuclear war loomed before the world, Soviet specialists, as they say, brought the system to perfection.

No statute of limitations

As service employees said, today the world’s only Institute for Storage Problems operates in Moscow, which deals with issues of saving food and other products.

It turned out that some Russian technologies make it possible to store products for decades, while they do not lose their gastronomic and energy properties. True, these developments are needed more as a safety net - products are stored in warehouses for a strictly prescribed time. Delay is not allowed.

Storing such a huge volume so that it does not go missing and is used efficiently is not an easy task. Therefore, personnel is a special pride of the service.

It so happens that Rosrezerv plants are mostly staffed by entire families, several generations at a time. The service workers themselves do not say why this happens. This is probably due to increased secrecy: if grandparents, as well as parents, have worked all their lives in this system and showed themselves in the best possible way, they will probably teach their children to keep secrets.

It is only known that there are dynasties whose total work experience exceeds 180 years. Most employees have one entry in their work book.

Save Donbass

When armed conflict broke out in Donbass, it became clear that local residents were on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. Food disappeared from store shelves, and the Ukrainian authorities stopped supplying medicines, including life-saving ones. Then, in agreement with local authorities, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations began supplying all necessary products.

I couldn’t help but take advantage of the opportunity and asked the leadership of the southern Rosrezerv about how it was. First of all, I wanted to find out how unexpected these events were for the service and whether there were any interruptions in supplies, because, fortunately, they actually did not encounter such a volume of work in modern Russia.

One of our main tasks is to be one hundred percent prepared at any time for any emergency. Therefore, when the order came to form cargo shipments to Donbass, no difficulties arose. We worked in accordance with our instructions, which are regularly practiced during quiet times,” Alexey Butenko, deputy head of the Rosrezerv department for the Southern Federal District, told RG. - In August 2014, I was able to communicate with the drivers of the first humanitarian convoy, which took medicine and food to Donbass. These were all people with big hearts. After all, many of them volunteered to go, despite the risk of being shot at by the Ukrainian military. So, they, grown men, with tears in their eyes, told how local residents greeted them with flowers, and then bit by bit they took apart all the food that the rescuers brought. How one woman swept the floor of a truck with a broom to collect the remains of spilled cereal and feed her family. It's scary to imagine how many people would have died without medical care and from hunger, if not for timely help.

Unfortunately, such cases do happen. We helped people during the conflict in Ossetia, after the flood in Kuban in 2002, and so on,” says Butenko. “And today, when the world is once again unsettled, we, as always, stand guard over the safety of our citizens and are ready to help at any moment.