Real whiskey - how to distinguish it from a fake. Differences between real and fake whiskey

True connoisseurs of strong alcoholic drinks have long revered the world-famous bestseller in the world of whiskey - the brand Jack Daniels, produced since 1875 in Tennessee (USA). Natural grain raw materials (80% corn), spring water, and especially unique filtration through charcoal American maple, give the legendary whiskey a unique soft taste.

The popularity of the brand provokes scammers to counterfeit, which should not be surprising: the price of a liter bottle of the drink is Russian market is almost 2500 rubles. To avoid becoming a victim of deception, you should know how to distinguish a real one. Jack Daniels from fake.

Comparative analysis of the original and counterfeit

Counterfeiting is carried out different ways. Most often, fake whiskey is bottled own production– they are far from the branded counterpart. The sticker, cork, and protective shell of a fake drink also have a lot of differences from real accessories.

Occasionally, bottling is carried out in branded bottles, but even then an attentive buyer will be able to distinguish a thin fake without opening the container. Next, let's talk about everything in order.


The manufacturer packages Jack Daniels in containers that are shaped like a parallelepiped with sharp vertical and horizontal edges and pronounced top and bottom edges. You can notice a fake already at this stage of analysis: its upper and lower edges are usually rounded.

Pay attention to the design detail, which is very difficult to falsify. The original has an easily readable raised logo engraved on the hangers on four sides - Jack Daniels (in words), and on the bottom edge there is a raised inscription informing about the displacement. You can spot a fake Jack Daniel's by its blurry, hard-to-see embossing.


U original bottle Jack Daniels it has a slightly “pot-bellied” configuration, slightly tapering towards the cork. At the bottom of the neck there are rectangular edges of equal width. A fake bottle of whiskey can be easily distinguished by its cylindrical neck with faint rectangles that smoothly turn into shoulders.


It should have the shape of a clearly defined square with corners cut at 45°. On the surface of the glass there is embossed, legibly written information for the buyer. A fake is identified by the rounded corners of the square. The next sign of Jack Daniels counterfeiting is a fairly noticeable circle after the pressing machine. It covers up information that is already difficult to read.


In the original whiskey it is made of black plastic, has smooth sections (without chips) and one corrugated belt. The lid and ¾ of the neck are covered with glossy black protective film. A sign that Jack Daniels is not real is a metal stopper and the absence of a protective film on it.


Using the Internet, carefully study its updated design to know the exact spelling and size of the text. When examining the proposed bottle of whiskey, pay attention to the neatness of the fastening and the absence of traces of glue on the label. With a corporate design, it is positioned absolutely symmetrically, covering 3 sides of the bottle. Along the left and right edges at the bottom there are clearly visible and tactile corrugations. A fake can be distinguished by a crookedly pasted label and lack of relief.

On original version Jack Daniels does not have a single inscription in Russian, and at the very bottom of the sticker the batch number is indicated - the so-called EI code. The numbers indicate the barrel number and packing date. If, before opening the bottle, you could not distinguish fake whiskey from real one, look: is there a dispenser? Its presence is one of the signs of the Jack Daniels signature drink.

Appearance, smell and taste

Visual and olfactory signs of this noble drink are a dark amber color and aroma with hints of smoke. If you've already tasted Jack Daniels, you're familiar with it. special taste: tart-sweet, with hints of caramel and vanilla. If you notice at least one of the signs of a fake, and after opening the bottle you smell a strong alcoholic smell, you should not risk your health and drink dubious “whiskey”.

Where and how to buy Jack Daniels?

It is better to purchase elite alcohol in a specialized store, where you can calmly check all the parameters and read the accompanying documents. This will be very difficult to do in a supermarket.

Nowadays, online trading, including alcoholic beverages, is on a large scale. To avoid receiving a pre-paid counterfeit by mail, make your purchase by cash on delivery and conduct a visual analysis before payment.

How to distinguish fake whiskey from the original? The question is serious, because the world market currently offers a large number of alcohol. And scammers take advantage of this situation.

In the article:

How to distinguish real whiskey

Recently, in our country, as well as throughout the world, the level of culture of drinking alcoholic beverages has increased significantly. The modern consumer is increasingly buying well-proven alcohol brands.

Unscrupulous traders took advantage of this situation strong drinks. Along with high-quality alcohol, a large number of counterfeit products have appeared on the market. And first of all, whiskey producers came under attack.

This is due to the fact that whiskey is one of the most popular and affordable spirits in the world. Great combination prices and quality of this alcohol attracts a large number of fans. And the question of how to distinguish fake whiskey from real whiskey is becoming more and more pressing.

Signs by which you can distinguish whiskey from a fake

Distinguish real alcohol it is quite easy to fake it. Any connoisseur of good whiskey can easily identify a counterfeit product. When purchasing alcoholic beverages, you need to pay attention to the following facts:

  1. the retail outlet where the whiskey is sold;
  2. the price of the product;
  3. bottle;
  4. color of the bottle contents;
  5. consistency of liquid;
  6. availability of information about the composition of the product;
  7. taste and aroma qualities of whiskey.

Let's consider each point separately.

Alcohol sales point

In order not to be mistaken in the quality of the whiskey you are purchasing, it is best to buy the drink in stores specializing in the sale of alcoholic beverages or in large supermarkets. In an era of fierce competition, these traders very carefully monitor the quality of the goods offered.

Also, at any retail outlet, upon request, you are required to provide a certificate for alcoholic beverages. If for some reason this document cannot be provided, feel free to refuse to purchase the product, despite the seller’s explanations.

Another plus in favor of specialized retail outlets is the presence of consultants. The consultant will provide you with all the information about alcoholic products and tell you about the features various types whiskey, will select a drink according to your taste preferences.

Specialized retail outlets are very sensitive to their reputation, so they offer goods of decent quality and a high level of service personnel.

The price of the product

When buying whiskey, do comparative characteristics prices of the purchased goods with analogues in other retail outlets. Good alcohol is not cheap, and it is worth spending your time on price analysis. This is easy to do on the Internet. The very cheap price of the product, compared to analogues, should alert the consumer. Don’t buy any explanations – feel free to refuse the purchase. The money saved can cost you and your loved ones not only a spoiled celebration, but also health problems.


The next factor in determining the quality of the whiskey you purchase will be examining the bottle. Having chosen the brand of alcohol that you want to purchase, go to the manufacturer’s website and familiarize yourself with the product protection measures they use.

You need to carefully study the quality and content of the label, its location on the bottle. Some manufacturers place the label at a certain, strictly adjusted angle. The label must be carefully glued, without marks or glue drips. The color, image, information on the label must correspond to the brand.

Every self-respecting manufacturer noble whiskey does not deprive the cork of its attention.
In addition to integrity, it is necessary to pay attention to the cork’s compliance with the given brand. This information can also be found on the official website of the alcohol manufacturer.

Whiskey producers great attention is paid to the bottle, in which noble drink reaches its fans. In this matter, the flight of imagination of designers knows no bounds. Some people use square carafes, others prefer bottles with rounded edges. Some distillers make containers for their exclusive whiskeys with an engraving of the logo and individual number of the drink. A striking example of this is the bottles of which feature a horse. All this information is reflected in great detail on the manufacturer’s website. It is very difficult to produce such containers in handicraft production conditions. It is the bottle that is the clearest proof of the quality of the purchased drink.

Maker's Mark whiskey

For example, for Maker's Mark whiskey producers, the bottle is a special pride. The containers and labels of this manufacturer cannot be faked without expensive equipment.

A prerequisite for real whiskey is the presence of a tax stamp. Only alcohol with a tax stamp can be considered real.

Whiskey color and consistency

The color of real whiskey varies from light straw to brown. But no matter the color, the drink should remain transparent. Real whiskey contains no foreign impurities, sediment, or flakes. The original noble drink should not be cloudy. The presence of foreign colors and impurities in alcohol indicates a violation of the production process, which is unacceptable from a legitimate alcohol producer.

Another way to distinguish a fake drink from a real one is to shake the contents of the bottle. Real whiskey has an oily consistency, so when shaken, quite large bubbles form inside the bottle, which do not disappear for several seconds. Due to this, a drop of real vetch flows very slowly down the glass of the bottle.

If, when shaking, small bubbles formed in the bottle and immediately disappeared, then the quality of the drink is questionable.

Composition and taste of whiskey

On back side bottle manufacturers strong wine provide information about the composition of the product. Study the list very carefully. The information must be translated into Russian and contain the entire list of ingredients included in the alcoholic drink.

Real whiskey contains only natural ingredients. It contains no artificial colors, flavors or other additives.

Alcohol connoisseurs know exactly how to distinguish whiskey from a fake by its taste and aroma qualities.

When inhaling the aroma of real strong whiskey There cannot be a strong smell of alcohol. The drink exudes pleasant aroma malt and oak.

The taste of true whiskey is soft, with a complex bouquet that leaves a long aftertaste. The counterfeit product has a pungent odor and scalding taste.

The combination of all the above qualities may indicate the authenticity of alcoholic products. Once you hold a bottle of real whiskey in your hands and taste the taste of exquisite alcohol, you will never confuse it with a fake.

As whiskey became popular around the world, so did the number of counterfeits. Nowadays, fake whiskey can be found in almost any store. Moreover, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality. Every lover of this alcohol should know how to distinguish real whiskey from a fake. The current material is devoted to this issue.

To avoid buying fake whiskey, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

1. Point of sale and price. Real whiskey, especially if its label contains the words “Deluxe” or “Premium” (as they mean elite varieties), should only be purchased in specialized stores that sell alcoholic products. I advise you to ask the seller to show you a quality certificate. The store is obliged to show this document upon the buyer’s first request.

Another advantage of specialized liquor stores– You can use the services of consultants there. They will select whiskey that will satisfy your requirements for quality and price.

If there are no separate stores selling alcoholic beverages in your city, then it would be correct to buy whiskey in large supermarkets, but not in kiosks. Experts advise choosing one store whose product quality suits you, and always purchasing alcohol only there.

It would be a good idea to pay attention to the cost of the drink. If in one store the whiskey of the chosen brand is several times cheaper than in others, then it is better to refuse such a purchase, since you risk purchasing a fake.

2. Appearance of the bottle. Typically, counterfeit manufacturers rely on the inexperience of the buyer and the low price, so they save on the bottle.
A sign of fake whiskey is incorrectly labeled or Bad quality label. If you have decided on the brand of whiskey you are purchasing, then even before purchasing, you can see on the manufacturer’s website what the bottle looks like and what protection measures it has.

The absence of a tax stamp should immediately alert you. This may indicate that the whiskey was brought into the country illegally or is simply counterfeit. In any case, you shouldn’t buy it, since no one can guarantee the quality of the drink.

3. Color. High-quality whiskey should be transparent, this indicates the purity of the water from which the drink is made and full compliance with the production technology. The color of whiskey ranges from light yellow to brown, but in any case, the drink should not be cloudy or contain sediment.

The right color of whiskey

4. Shaking. You can distinguish whiskey from a fake using one simple method: Shake the bottle well and look at the bubbles. They should last a long time and be large. In high-quality whiskey, after shaking, the drops slowly flow down the glass of the bottle; in counterfeit whiskey, they flow very quickly.

5. Smell and taste. Whiskey should have a light oak or malt aroma and not reek of alcohol. A quality drink leaves a long aftertaste.

Fake whiskey is fraught with mortal danger, so it should not be purchased or consumed under any circumstances. There are a number of signs by which it is easy to determine the authenticity of a drink. Before purchasing, you should carefully examine not only the bottle and label, but also the liquid itself.


How to distinguish a fake? When purchasing, pay attention to certain features of the product. The cost and place of purchase of the product are of considerable importance. Original product must be purchased exclusively in specialized places where alcoholic beverages are sold.

It’s good if the label says Premium, Deluxe. This fact signals the elite nature of the drink. For complete safety, you should ask the sales representative for a quality certificate: it must be provided upon the client’s first request.

Whiskey quality certificate

A good advantage of specialized stores with alcoholic beverages is the help of a consultant in choosing the right product. By using his services, you can significantly save time, since it is enough to voice the appropriate cost and wishes regarding quality. The store employee will quickly select the appropriate copies.

If it is not possible to go to special shop It is best to buy whiskey in a large shopping center. Beware of counterfeits, you should not go to kiosks and other small retail outlets to buy a drink. According to experts, it is necessary to buy whiskey in a store whose products have been tested by time, and whose products are satisfied with taste and quality.

It will be possible to recognize a surrogate by its cost. When a particular store sells a certain brand of whiskey at a lower price compared to others, it is better not to risk your health. It is likely that this is a fake, since such savings are not at all justified.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Often, when producing a counterfeit product, the manufacturer decides to save money on the bottle, guided by the inexperience of the consumer and the low cost of the product. The appearance of the package will say a lot; for example, a fake is indicated by an incorrectly attached label; it may be poorly made. Having chosen a suitable brand of drink, before making a purchase, you should go to the manufacturer’s website and familiarize yourself with the bottle’s protective equipment and its appearance.

Bottle protector

The consumer should immediately be alert if there is no excise stamp: This is the first sign of counterfeit or illegal entry of goods into the country.

You cannot purchase such a drink, as there is no guarantee of its quality.


You should always pay attention to the color of the product. High-quality whiskey is characterized by transparency, which is an indicator clean water. This is a guarantee of full compliance technological process. Unlike fake whiskey, real whiskey is free of sediment and is not cloudy. Its shade can vary from light yellow to rich yellow color, sometimes reaching a brown tint. It all depends on the recipe and aging.

You can determine the original using one simple method: you need to shake the bottle thoroughly and take a closer look at the bubbles that form. Their size must be large, and they must be preserved for a long time. IN natural drink drops flow down the walls of the vessel slowly after shaking, which cannot be said about a fake specimen.

Determining the naturalness of an alcoholic drink

When the bottle is opened, the drink should emanate a malt aroma, with a slight whiff of oak notes. If there is a strong smell of alcohol, then the quality should be questioned. It leaves a long, very pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

To make good finished product malt is used, while cheap scotch and bourbon often contain ethanol and methanol. It should be borne in mind that whiskey made from by-products of alcohol production will never have decent taste.


In England and other European countries, production of counterfeit goods scotch whiskey is a serious crime. If whiskey is distilled inappropriately or contains alternative components, then consuming it is very dangerous to health. If a person drinks a small amount of a drink containing methanol, he experiences abdominal pain and malfunctions digestive system, organs of vision.

If abused fake whiskey After a short period of time, a high level of risk of deterioration in health appears. The most terrible diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver. The body experiences a restriction of blood flow through this organ, the liver will become unable to destroy toxic substances, control blood clotting.

Abuse of counterfeit alcohol

It should be noted that natural whiskey has a very high level of strength, and there is no need to talk about fake whiskey. The minimum is 40%. Even if you drink quality drink V large volume, you can get poisoned. When the blood composition reaches excessive high level alcohol concentration, breathing problems are observed, vomiting occurs, and rapid heartbeat.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that uncontrolled consumption of whiskey causes the disappearance of the edge of permissibility. Severe intoxication leads to risky actions, driving in drunk and other manifestations of aggression, agitation. Deadly consequences often occur if there is no feeling of fear.

Many characteristics can indicate a fake, so you need to approach the choice of drink responsibly, so as not to regret the consequences later. True gourmets and whiskey connoisseurs prefer only natural products, imitation products are created for people who want to know the approximate taste of whiskey.

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Whiskey like any other good alcohol, very popular on the black market. Manufacturers of counterfeits rely on the inexperience of the consumer and lure them in with a reduced price. Without knowing some secrets, it is quite easy to fall for this trick.

You need to purchase the product in a large store, preferably specializing in alcoholic drinks. Small outlets, and even more so kiosks, are potentially dangerous: they often cannot provide the appropriate licenses and do not work directly with the factory or a certified sales representative. If you know in advance what brand of alcohol will be purchased, you should go to the manufacturer’s website and find out appearance bottles, means of protection. Each bottle must have a tax stamp.

You should not buy frankly cheap whiskey. Take a look at nearby store shelves and compare prices. Of course, drinks labeled “Deluxe” and “Premium” are more expensive than others, but in general the patterns are easy to follow.

After choosing a bottle, read the composition of the drink. Real whiskey will never contain dyes, flavors or other dubious ingredients. If there are any, it is better to choose another option. Next, let's look at the contents beautiful packaging

. Good whiskey is transparent, its color ranges between light yellow and brown. Sediment, turbidity, and foreign flakes in the drink are a sign of low quality. In addition, the bottle must be shaken until bubbles form. The latter should be large and stay on the surface for a long time. The drops in excellent whiskey flow down the glass slowly. Open bottle should not emit a strong alcoholic aroma, the smell is rather oak or malt. High quality whiskey long time

leaves an aftertaste.

With the liquor industry expanding every day, navigating it can be challenging. The following are recognized as the highest quality whiskey brands: Highland Park, Macallan, Glenfarclas, Hankey Bannister, Yoichi and Hibiki. And of course, good whiskey differs from a fake by the absence hangover syndrome