Meat pie “Snail” made from puff pastry. Snail pie made from puff pastry Snail pie made from puff pastry

Which will fill your home with an amazing aroma. We offer several recipes with different ingredients. The choice is yours.

Pie “Snail” with cherries

Required ingredients:

  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • vanilla;
  • ¼ cup powdered sugar;
  • 0.4 kg cherries (pits removed);
  • sugar - ½ cup is enough;
  • 150 gram piece of butter;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • flour (any type) - 3 cups.

Cooking process

  1. Pour the required amount of flour into a deep bowl. Add vanilla and oil. Salt. Pour in kefir. Mix the ingredients with a fork. What's next? Knead the dough by hand. It should turn out soft and elastic. In this case, there is no need to put the dough on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. Immediately roll it out into a layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 3-4 mm. It is very important.
  2. Cut the dough layer into strips. The width of each of them is 6-7 cm.

  1. We wash fresh cherries with tap water. Be sure to remove the seeds. Place the berries in the middle of each dough strip. It turns out to be a kind of “snake”. Sprinkle the cherries with sugar.
  2. Carefully pinch the strips. Now they resemble thin rolls.
  3. Take a baking dish. Coat its bottom with oil. Place strips with sweet cherry filling in a snail shape.
  4. Preheat the oven. We recommend a temperature of 180 °C. Place the form and contents in the oven. The “Snail” pie (with cherries) will be baked for 40 minutes.
  5. Remove the finished dessert from the mold. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. If desired, it can be replaced with coconut flakes. We wish everyone a pleasant tea party!

Layer cake “Snail”

Product set:

  • 200 g each of hard and soft cheese;
  • one egg;
  • sesame seeds;
  • 0.5 kg puff pastry (sold in the store);
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp is enough. l.

Detailed instructions:

Step No. 1. Grind hard cheese (for example, “Russian”). Let's put it aside for now. We also grate soft cheese (let it be “Adyghe”). What are the next steps? We combine two types of cheese. Drizzle with mayonnaise. Mix.

Step No. 2. Thaw the puff pastry. It is advisable to take a yeast-free product. On a table sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer. Then cut it into long strips (6 cm wide).

Step No. 3. Return to the bowl with the cheese mixture. Place the prepared filling strictly in the center of each strip, along its entire length. We make “rolls” by lifting the edges towards the middle and fastening them at the top.

Step No. 4. Cover the baking sheet with parchment. We lay out the “rolls”, moving from the center, in a spiral. The result is a snail. All that remains is to grease it all with beaten yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Step No. 5. The “Snail” pie will be baked in the oven at 180 °C. This process will take half an hour. A fragrant dessert with a golden brown crust can be served.


  • Don't be afraid to experiment with types of cheese. The more unusual the combinations are for you, the better. To prepare this pie, you can use cottage cheese. Just don't forget to add a little salt to it.
  • Sesame seeds can be replaced with grated cheese. Sprinkle it over the pie in 5-7 minutes. until the baking process is complete. A golden brown crust will be ensured.
  • Snail Pie can be made with different fillings: spinach, fried mushrooms, chicken and fresh berries.

Multicooker recipe

Grocery list:

  • two eggs,
  • 1 tsp each salt and sugar;
  • refined oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • a glass of milk (medium fat);
  • flour - 750 g.

For the filling:

  • 0.6 kg beef liver;
  • yeast - 10 g will be enough;
  • medium bulb;
  • 100 gram piece of butter;
  • one carrot;
  • favorite spices;
  • 50 g hard cheese.

Practical part

  1. First, let's dilute the yeast using warm milk. Add sugar to the same bowl. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Break one egg into the bowl containing the yeast. Salt. Pour in 2 tbsp. l. oils Mix.
  3. Now add flour. Let's start kneading the dough. When it is ready, cut it into several pieces. Each of them should be rolled out. Leave the pieces for a while so that they rise a little.
  4. Let's start with the filling. We wash a piece of liver in running water. Be sure to remove large veins and films. Cut the liver into large pieces.
  5. Grind the washed and peeled carrots using a grater. The onion can be cut into cubes.
  6. Pour 1 tbsp into the multi-bowl. l. oils Lay out pieces of liver, chopped carrots and onions. Salt. Sprinkle with your favorite spices. Find it in the menu and start the “Extinguishing” mode. Recommended time - 60 minutes. As soon as the beep sounds, transfer the liver and vegetables to a blender for subsequent grinding. The result is a pate. Add a piece of butter to it. Turn on the blender again.
  7. Roll out one part of the dough into a layer. Place it on it and sprinkle with grated cheese. Carefully wrap the filling into the dough. We pin it around the edges. You need to make 3 of these sausages.
  8. Grease the multi-bowl with the remaining amount of oil (1 tbsp.). We lay out the sausages, wrapping them around the circumference - from the center to the edges. The surface of our pie must be greased with egg.
  9. Pie “Snail” will take 40 minutes. prepare in the “Baking” program. That's not all. We take it out and turn it over with the brown side up. Grease with egg. Place in a steaming basket. Place it back into the slow cooker. We start the “Baking” mode for another 20 minutes. Once the process is complete, place on a flat plate. Cut into pieces. All that remains is to invite your family members to the table.


It doesn’t matter which snail pie recipe you choose. In any case, you will get baked goods with a wonderful aroma and unsurpassed taste. Continue to delight your household by preparing “Snail” with different fillings (vegetable, meat, sweet).

Place a small saucepan on the burner to cook the potatoes. Quickly peel a couple of potatoes, wash them, cut them into small cubes, up to 10 mm. Cook until done, don’t forget to add salt, drain the water.

Place finely chopped brisket or bacon in a very hot frying pan. While the brisket is fried for 2-3 minutes and the fat is rendered, cut the washed and well-dried pork fillet into the same cube. Add to the brisket, fry, stirring, for 4-5 minutes. During this time, the fillet is already ready. Mix with seasonings and spices, with boiled potatoes. Lightly fry the finely chopped onion and garlic. Add to meat and potatoes - the pie filling is ready.

Lightly roll the defrosted puff pastry (1 sheet of 500 g or 2 sheets of 250 g each) with a rolling pin, cut lengthwise into 2 long, even pieces. Place half of the filling in the middle of each, lift and carefully pinch the edges.

We got 2 long “sausages”, we roll each one into a snail shape. If there are 4 sausages, we still make 2 snails, adding a second one to one sausage during the rolling process. Before placing in the oven, brush the pies with whipped yolk or just cream or milk.

Bake snail pies for 25-30 minutes at 200°. Grease the finished pies - although this is not necessary - with a piece of butter and cover with a towel for 10-12 minutes. Slice and serve.

Pie “Snail” with meat filling

Ingredients for snail pie:

  • Puff pastry – 500 gr. (yeast-free)
  • Minced meat – 300 gr. (I have pork + beef)
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Cheese – 100 gr. (I have solid Dutch)
  • Greenery
  • Ground black pepper
  • Sesame
  • Egg for brushing the cake

How to make a snail pie from puff pastry:

Pass the meat and onions through a meat grinder, add grated cheese, chopped herbs, season, you can add salt to taste, but I didn’t add salt, the cheese is already salty. Defrost the puff pastry and roll it out lengthwise in one direction. My dough consisted of 2 parts, I rolled out and cut each layer into 3 long strips. I placed minced meat filling on each strip and pinched the ends along the entire length.

Now let’s place our snail-shaped pie on baking paper (do not lay it out too tightly). Brush the top of the pie with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake in preheated to 180 degrees. oven for about 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

A hearty and very tasty snail puff pastry with meat filling is ready! :whistle:

For viewing, I offer a video recipe for making layered snail pie with cheese from the channel “Simple Recipes”

Snail with meat - recipe.


Cooking time: 50 min.

Number of servings: 4

  • Yeast dough, sponge - 500 gr.
  • Homemade minced meat with onions - 500 gr.
  • Chicken egg (this is important) - 2 pcs.
  • Sesame seeds - 50 gr.
  • Thyme seeds - 50 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
How to cook

1. Divide the dough into the required number of pieces to make it easier to roll out, then roll it into a thin LONG strip 10 cm wide

2. Add thyme seeds to the minced meat, knead and SPREAD the minced meat in a thin layer onto the dough.

3. Roll the dough with minced meat into a tube.

4. Roll the tube into a snail, place it in the mold,

5. Next, we repeat the procedure, only now we twist the finished tube around the finished snail and so on until we get tired of it :) just kidding, it all depends on your shape, the last snail should rest against the edges of the shape. (I have a silicone mold 22 cm)

7. Let it stand for 10 minutes so that the dough rises and the filling is absorbed into our pie and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 C

PS The pie is very good both hot and as a cold snack.

Recipe: Snail with meat, how to cook quickly and tasty at home

Layered pie “Snail” with minced meat

Minced meat – 400 g

Ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking process

Layered pie “Snail” with meat is an incredibly tasty and juicy dish; your family and friends will enjoy tasting it with a cup of aromatic tea and various sauces. An insane variety of options for preparing pies will help you choose the one that suits your taste, but in this recipe we will consider the option of creating baked goods from puff pastry without yeast and minced meat - it is very similar to the Abkhazian achma with meat.

You can replace the minced meat with suluguni cheese or ricotta, cottage cheese or cheese (feta) - it all depends on your desire. Thanks to today's technologies, dough can be purchased at an affordable price in any store or supermarket, as well as minced meat. Remember that ground beef or lamb will create a more flavorful dish! So, let's prepare all the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

Defrost the puff pastry without yeast at room temperature, since it is sold frozen, and roll it out into a wide rectangular layer. The thinner your rolled out layer, the faster the cake itself will bake. Cut the layer into long narrow strips 10 cm wide.

Place a long strip of minced meat in the middle of each strip. The minced meat already contains finely chopped onions, salt and ground black pepper. If you have not created minced meat, be sure to add the listed ingredients to it.

Roll each strip of dough into a roll so that the minced meat remains in the middle. Grease the mold with vegetable oil and place the dough rolls with filling in it in a circle.

Let's grease our pie preparation with yolk. Place in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes at 200C. We will monitor the baking surface and cover it with foil if necessary.

Layered pie “Snail” with minced meat is ready. Remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly, then transfer it to a plate.

Let's cut it into portioned pieces, the middle of the pie is unusually appetizing, and the aroma that floats around the kitchen - your family will definitely come running to it, so don't forget to place a kettle on the stove to create tea!

Puff pastry snails stuffed with meat

No matter how much we all would like delicious and fresh food to appear on our table with the wave of a magic wand or with the help of a self-assembled tablecloth, but, alas, this only happens in fairy tales. Whatever one may say, you still have to spend most of your life in the kitchen in order to prepare something edible, preferably tasty, while spending as little time and effort as possible. Therefore, it would not hurt for every housewife to have a notebook with simple “quickie” recipes on hand. For example, we suggest adding a dish such as snails made from puff pastry with meat filling. It is prepared quite quickly and without any tricks. Any savvy housewife, if she doesn’t know how to make puff pastry herself, then stores at least one package of store-bought dough in the freezer. Many people probably also have ready-made minced meat in their storerooms. All that remains is to get everything in advance, defrost it and quickly prepare such a simple dish. We assure you that the result will definitely please you. These snails can easily be served as an appetizer at a holiday feast or taken on a trip for a snack, cooked for dinner or served with tea. Moreover, the filling can be anything (mushrooms or vegetables, jam or jam) - this is a matter of imagination.


  • prepared (seasoned with onions and spices) minced meat – 600 grams;
  • puff pastry dough – 500 grams;
  • mayonnaise – 60 grams;
  • tomato paste – 15 grams;
  • “Russian” and sausage cheese – 150 grams in total;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • You will also need literally a handful of flour to dust the table when rolling out the dough.

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 20 puff snails.

How to cook puff pastry snails with meat:

Place the minced meat in a frying pan, knead it (it’s most convenient to do this with a fork) and fry (rather, simmer) until tender, adding oil and a little water. Let it cool on the table.

Meanwhile, turn on the oven and leave to warm up to 200 °C. Grind all the cheese using a coarse grater and mix.

Dust the table with flour and roll out half the dough into a thin (2mm) rectangular layer. Immediately coat it with a mixture of tomato paste and mayonnaise.

Spread the minced meat (half) in an even layer.

Sprinkle cheese on top.

Carefully wrap it in a roll and cut into pieces 1.5 to 2 cm wide.

We do the same manipulations with the second part of the dough and the remaining filling.

Place the sliced ​​pieces cut-side up on a baking sheet (cover it, of course, with a silicone mat or parchment) and brush with well-beaten egg. Place the baking sheet with the ingredients in the oven for 30 minutes.

We take the rosy and aromatic puff snails with meat filling out of the oven, transfer them to a dish previously covered with napkins (so that the baked goods do not get wet from the dishes) and serve them to the table while still hot, so to speak, piping hot.

Layered pie “Snail” is one of my family’s favorite pies. I am sure that most housewives have already prepared this delicious fluffy pastry for their other halves and children. On our website we have “Snail” with cherries for those with a sweet tooth, as well as “Snail” with minced meat for those with a meat tooth.

I will present a snack version of the Snail pie made from puff pastry with cheese. My daughters love it and they help me cook.

We need to take a plate of puff pastry, cheese, parsley or dill, a chicken egg, sunflower oil and sesame seeds.

Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.

Break a chicken egg and add it to the filling. Part of the yolk should be left to lubricate the surface of the pie. Grind the greens into the filling. It is allowed to use fresh dill, fresh parsley, or all together at the request of the hostess. The cheese and herbs must be mixed.

Defrost a plate of puff pastry dough. Using a cheburek knife, divide it into three strips.

Roll each strip into a long ribbon. To ensure that the ribbons are even and the dough is easy to mold, use a curly knife again to cut the pasties. You need to distribute the cheese filling in the center of each ribbon.

Connect the edges of the tape together along the entire length and press lightly towards the center.

We twist the stuffed strips into a spiral with a seam in the middle. Place on a baking sheet on baking paper greased with sunflower oil. From the remaining dough we make eyes for the snail.

Let's grease our girl with yolk diluted with water.

Let's add sesame seeds.

Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20-30 minutes. Pie “Snail” made from puff pastry with cheese is ready!

Let's serve puff "Snail" with cheese as an appetizer for the children's holiday table.

How do you like our piece of layer cake, tender on the inside and crispy on the outside? Me and my daughters love it!

Add salt, cream, heat, but do not boil. Beat with a blender. One of the fillings for the pie - “mushroom caviar” with vegetables - is ready!

Let's prepare the rest of the fillings for our pie. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, fry the onions until transparent, cut the sausage and bacon into thin strips, grate the pickled cucumber, grate hard cheese and feta cheese (you can add Adyghe cheese if you wish), cut the olives into thin “slices”. The rest of the fillings are ready! Let's start preparing the Snail pie itself from puff pastry.

Fill all the puff strips in this manner until the filling runs out. Leave a little hard cheese, tomato and olives to sprinkle and decorate the pie at the end.

The filling should not “come out” of the strips; carefully and carefully pinch the edges.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle with semolina, or you can simply grease it with butter (vegetable or butter, to your taste). Place the stuffed puff strips in a snail-like pattern in a circle, with the seam facing inward. Brush the layer cake with beaten egg, garnish with cherry tomatoes, olives and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Focus on the golden brown crust of the pie.

After removing the puff pastry “Snail” pie from the oven, brush it with a small piece of butter, cover with a towel and leave to cool. Cut into portions and enjoy.

Bon appetit! Eat with pleasure!

A great opportunity to diversify your home menu with delicious pastries with an original spiral design. The filling in this case can be absolutely anything - the pie can be made either a hearty meat dish or a sweet dessert, using berries/fruits as a filler.

In our example, we will prepare a snail pie with cheese and ham. Thin airy dough combined with standard filling is a win-win option for any situation. We stock up on simple products and get to work!


  • puff pastry - 300 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • lean ham - 100 g;
  • sesame (optional) - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Snail pie made from puff pastry recipe

How to make snail pie with cheese and ham

  1. First, let's prepare our filling. To do this, grate the cheese and ham coarsely.
  2. Now let's do the test. Having defrosted in advance, roll out the base of the future baked goods into a thin rectangular “sheet” 2-3 mm thick. If necessary, add a little flour.
  3. Cut the dough into 4 long and equal-width strips. Place ham on each piece, leaving some free space on the sides.
  4. Generously sprinkle the ham with cheese shavings.
  5. Slightly stretching the edges of the dough and pressing down the filling, carefully “glue” each strip together, hiding the cheese and ham inside. As a result, we get 4 long “sausages”.
  6. Having covered the baking sheet with parchment, we lay the first bundle in the form of a tight spiral (the seam should be on the bottom).
  7. We lay out the next piece around the first flagellum. Thus, we form the entire cake in the form of a spiral (do not forget that the seams should be at the bottom). To obtain an appetizing rosy hue, grease our “snail” with beaten raw egg. As a decoration, you can sprinkle the product with sesame seeds (both black and white are suitable).
  8. We send the semi-finished product to the oven. The snail pie with cheese and ham is baked for about 20-30 minutes. The optimal temperature is 180-190 degrees.
  9. This airy and tender pastry is especially good when warm, although you can eat the pie completely cooled if you wish.

Snail pie made from puff pastry will be a good accompaniment to vegetable soups, light broths and hot drinks. Bon appetit!