Rye flour, wallpaper and peeled in what. Whole grain flour has many names: coarse flour, wallpaper flour, grain flour, wholemeal flour, whole

Rye flour

For decades, rye, or rather bread made from rye flour, was the main food product for most of Rus'.

There are many proverbs and sayings about rye, which clarify the role that rye played in the life of the people. Here are some:
Mother rye feeds everyone completely, and wheat is optional
Boast about the harvest when the rye is poured into the barn
When the rye, then the measure

Let's define the terminology:

1. Flour is a food product obtained by grinding grains of various crops... What is sold in a regular store, as a rule, is produced by grinding not the whole grain, but its inner part, and is also flavored with bleaching additives and improvers.. .

2. Rye flour - flour obtained by grinding rye grains. Rye flour is produced commercially, usually in three grades: seeded, peeled, and wallpaper.
Rye flour is an indispensable product for rational and proper nutrition. This flour contains 5 times more fructose than wheat flour, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Products made from rye flour contain a sufficient amount of fiber and hemicellulose, which play a certain role in human nutrition - they enhance intestinal motility and strengthen the immune system.

3. Sifted flour - fine, almost white, completely without bran. It is obtained by grinding the central part of the rye grain after removing the bran from it - the surface shell of the grain and the germ. Together with the bran, most of the vitamins and valuable minerals are removed, and the resulting sifted flour is convenient for the baker - the bread rises well and the baked goods easily take on an attractive appearance.

4. Peeled flour contains a small part of the rye grain shells; it is not uniform in size. The color of peeled rye flour is grayish-white or creamy-gray. It contains fewer grain shells than wallpaper (they are partially peeled off). This is a valuable and useful product for those who monitor their health. Products made from rye flour have a pleasant taste combined with low calorie content and a high content of vitamins.

5. Rye wallpaper flour is obtained by grinding almost all (the flour yield is 96%) parts of the rye grain. The color of wallpaper rye flour is gray, and particles of grain shells are visible in it. Wallpaper flour has a low gluten content due to its high content of fiber and other beneficial substances. Wallpaper flour contains 17-22% grain shell particles (bran), the size of the ground particles is 30-600 microns. Because rye wallpaper flour contains little gluten; for better porosity of bread (when using yeast, not sourdough), grade 1 wheat flour (highest gluten content) is added to this flour. When using sourdough, there is no need to add wheat flour - it's just a matter of taste.

6. Coarse flour is actually the same as wallpaper flour. The only difference is in the name and the size of the flour particles.
However, there is “finely ground wallpaper flour” - why not?

7. Whole grain rye flour - 100% of the grain is ground into flour. 100% of vitamins and useful minerals - fruit and seed shells, germ, endosperm particles, etc. remain in the flour. It is fair to note that wallpaper flour is more uniform in coarseness than whole grain flour, which is important for its baking properties.
One significant, but not obvious reason why it is customary to remove the surface layer (bran) from grain is described in detail in the section

The main requirement for a healthy diet is to reduce the amount of food consumed by increasing its biological value. In order for the main product in the human diet to comply with this principle, the flour from which it is baked must contain a maximum of useful substances at a moderate level.

Only bread made from “coarse” flour retains a storehouse of useful components of grain, namely, all , and , and , which become a victim of fine grinding and sifting during the production of raw materials for baking “elite” varieties.

Wholemeal flour, which retains all the beneficial substances necessary for the healthy functioning of the body, includes wheat wallpaper.

Excursion into history

The diet of our ancestors consisted of 90% roughage. Bread was no exception, which was baked from “coarse” flour, which contained the entire spectrum of useful components of wheat grain. Initially, it was obtained by grinding cereals in a mortar or grain grater, and later using millstones. Nowadays, the most common way to obtain raw materials for baking is to grind wheat grains on cast iron rollers.

Varieties of wheat flour differ in the amount of grinding of cereal crops. The product is obtained by single, wallpaper and varietal (repeated or step) grinding of grain.

As a result of one-time grinding without separating the grain shells and further sifting, whole grain flour is obtained, the yield of which is 100%. It is known as “fodder” or “fodder”. This product contains the grain obtained by grinding the shell, as well as the germ, aleurone layer and adjacent parts of the grain endosperm. All these components saturate it with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and cellulose.

In the production of wallpaper wheat flour, a special technology of single-grade wallpaper grinding is used. With this grinding, the grain shells are partially removed, and the product yield does not exceed 96%. In terms of useful components, flour is practically not inferior to whole grain flour. Half a century ago, most of the bread was baked from such raw materials in what is now commonly called post-Soviet territory.

With the improvement of grain processing technology, varietal grinding has become most widespread, in which the shell is removed from the grains, and after sifting only small fractions remain. The higher the grade of flour, the finer the grind. The lack of nutrients and fiber in such a product is combined with an excess of gluten. Buns and confectionery products are baked from it.

In addition to making bread and baked goods, various types of flour are used in the production of sausages and sauces, as well as confectionery and sweets.

general characteristics

Wallpaper wheat flour is distinguished by the coarsest grinding, its grain grains reach 600-700 microns. The grain is not pre-cleaned and is crushed whole, after which it is sometimes sifted through a very coarse sieve. As a result of such processing, a product is obtained containing a large number of coarse shells and preserving almost all the beneficial properties of the grain.

Fresh flour has a pleasant smell and a sweetish taste. Its color is usually grayish-brown. The consistency should be crumbly and not “heavy” if you take a handful of it.

The product can be stored for about six months. At the same time, factory packaging often indicates a much more impressive shelf life - from 1 to 1.5 years.

However, this does not mean that “long-lived” flour is better in quality. Quite the contrary - a long shelf life indicates the inclusion of stabilizers, fillers and preservatives in its composition.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Wallpaper wheat flour is a rather high-calorie product. Its nutritional value is 312 kcal per 100 g. The nutritional composition is as follows: 11.5 g of proteins, 2.2 g and 61.5 g.

At the same time, wallpaper stands out among other types of wheat flour due to its chemical composition, which includes a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and useful elements. These are B, E, PP, as well as beta-carotene, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning dietary fiber, which helps remove toxins from the body and improve digestion. It is noteworthy that all of the above elements in wheat flour are in the most natural form - the one to which human digestion has adapted over many years of evolution.

So, in 100 g of wallpaper flour: vitamin PP - 5.5 mg; - 0.4 mg; beta-carotene - 0.01 mg; - 0.9 mg; - 40 mcg; - 4 mcg; choline - 80 mg; vitamin A - 2 mcg; vitamin E - 3.3 mcg

The product is rich in natural compounds. So, 100 g of product contains the following amount of macroelements: 39 mg, 310 mg of potassium, 94 mg of magnesium, 7 mg, 336 mg, as well as microelements such as iron (4.7 mg); (2 mg); (400 mg); (22 mcg); selenium (6 mcg); sulfur (98 mg) and others.

Beneficial features

As noted above, wheat wallpaper flour has a wide range of beneficial properties due to its chemical composition.

  1. First of all, this flour contains all the components that are the key to the benefits of wheat as such. It has long been known that almost all the vitamins and minerals of the main cereal crop are concentrated in the shell - the same one that is removed during the production of “elite” white flour. In this raw material, all useful components are preserved almost in full, which gives nutritionists reason to consider such flour much more useful than ordinary “white”.
  2. Fiber is the “trick” of this product. These are the very shells of wheat grains that are not digested in our body, but at the same time have a lot of useful properties. For example, they effectively stimulate intestinal motility, preventing stagnation and the onset of rotting and fermentation processes. Fiber also interferes with the absorption of “bad” and works like a sponge, binding and removing toxins and poisonous substances from our body.
  3. Baking made from wheat flour is considered dietary. It is recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes, excess weight, and diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. Calcium, manganese, iron and, present in wheat wallpaper flour, have a healing effect on the human circulatory and cardiovascular system. In particular, they make blood vessels more elastic and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on their walls.
  5. Helping to improve the functioning of the intestines, dishes made from these raw materials also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. In particular, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, rashes and peeling go away.
  6. Baking made from this type of flour is considered hypoallergenic, while doctors never tire of repeating that “elite” varieties can cause allergic reactions.
  7. This baking raw material is characterized by a high content of selenium, which has anti-carcinogenic properties and is used as a prophylactic agent that helps avoid the degeneration of benign tumors into malignant ones.

Contraindications for use

At the same time, despite the wide range of beneficial properties, wheat wallpaper flour also has a number of contraindications for use.

Due to the presence of rather large particles in its composition, baked goods made from it can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is better for people suffering from gastritis or cholecystitis to refrain from eating wholemeal bread.

In addition, due to the fact that wheat is subject to only minimal processing, heavy metals can get into baked goods along with the shells of the grains if the wheat was grown in environmentally questionable areas. Also, the specific microflora present on the shells of grains can upset the balance of the human intestinal microflora.

Use in cooking

It should be noted that in its “pure” form, wheat flour is practically not used in cooking. The thing is that due to the high fiber content in its composition, baked goods made from such raw materials rise very poorly, and the products themselves seem as if they were under-baked and do not look very aesthetically pleasing. So, bread made from this raw material, despite its bright, piquant taste, pleasant aroma and rich shade of crumb, looks heavy and rough.

Therefore, experienced chefs usually mix wallpaper flour with varietal flour, which allows, on the one hand, to preserve the beneficial properties of the grains, and on the other hand, gives baked goods a delicate texture. This mixture is used for baking bread and rolls.

From wallpaper flour in its “pure” form, flatbreads, waffles and pancakes are prepared, which are distinguished by their increased energy value and excellent taste.

We prepare bread from wallpaper wheat flour with. In order to bake two loaves of fragrant and healthy bread, you will need the following ingredients: 360 g of wheat flour, the same amount of premium wheat flour, 8 g of dry yeast, 250 ml of warmed yeast, 200 ml, two full tablespoons of honey, 70 g , teaspoon, for sprinkling.

Boil the milk and cool it to a temperature of 40 degrees. Pour the yeast into warm water and let it stand for a quarter of an hour.

Dissolve honey and butter in warm milk. Add salt to the yeast and stir. Sift the flour there and pour in the milk with honey and butter. Knead the dough. It should be quite soft. Knead the dough as thoroughly as possible, you can use a mixer.

Place the finished dough in a bowl, cover with film and place in a warm place for 40-60 minutes to rise. Please note that if the dough rises too quickly, you can knead it.

Grease the molds with oil. Place the dough on the table, divide into two parts. Roll it into balls and let it sit for about a quarter of an hour. Then form the loaves and place them in the pans. Let stand in a warm place for 35-40 minutes, then brush the top with melted butter and sprinkle with sesame seeds, then place in the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 45 minutes.

At some point, most of us come to the understanding that we can only be healthy by following the principles of proper nutrition. And how could it be otherwise? Healthy food has been proven to be the key to health. But not all modern products fit the concept of “correct” - the familiar high-grade flour is among the harmful ones. That is why I would like to dwell in detail on such a substitute for regular flour as whole grain flour: what is it, how to use it correctly, what is the difference between whole grain and regular flour, what types and varieties are there and what is the secret of its popularity among people who are healthy, healthy and even losing weight.

Types of whole grain flour

Just a hundred years ago, bread made from the highest grade of grinding (fine grinding) was called sieve bread.

It was not available to all classes - the price was high.

Most of the population only knew what whole grain flour meant. Peasants and working people ate bread, the basis of which was whole-grain wheat flour (the bread of the poor).

What is the difference between whole grain and regular grain? Ts-flour is the result of a certain method of grinding grain.

Modern pp recipes mention various types of this useful product; you may come across the following names:

  • wheat
  • rye
  • rye wallpaper
  • rice
  • oatmeal
  • corn

At all, From almost any grain you can get tsz-flour, which is useful and necessary for our health. Corn, barley and buckwheat can also be whole grains. But the varieties and characteristics of a particular tsz flour may differ depending on the grinding and processing technology.

Varieties (grades) of flour for grinding grain

The most popular is wheat flour. Here the varieties are divided as follows:

  • semolina (the most expensive variety of durum wheat, has the ability to swell after kneading dough);
  • premium grade (the most delicate finely ground flour, passed through several sieves, cleared of larger fractions;
  • first grade (contains part of the crushed grain shells);
  • second grade (the content of worn out shells is even higher);
  • wallpaper (don’t know what this means? Wallpaper flour contains the unsifted shell of the grain - bran).

Now it's clear that Whole grain wallpaper flour is a milling product that has not passed through sieves. If you adhere to GOST standards, then the yield of raw materials in this case is 95%.

By the way, often beginners in a healthy lifestyle cannot figure out how wallpaper differs from whole grain flour and is there a difference between whole grain flour and whole grain flour? The correct answer is nothing, all these concepts mean the same thing.

The varieties of rye flour are determined differently:

  • sifted (passed through fine sieves);
  • peeled (passed through large sieves);
  • wallpaper (not sifted)

Rye flour and peeled flour are not the same thing, since there is a difference in the percentage of endosperm (the inner part of the grain) and the grain shell. What is the difference between peeled and whole grain (wallpaper)? Wallpaper - yield 95%, peeling - no more than 87%. It is the peeled rye that is sold in stores.

Whole grain flour: benefits and harms

Ts-flour is most often used for baking bread.

Classic baking with tsz flour will be ugly and rough in structure.

Some types of dough (for example, puff pastry or choux pastry) cannot be prepared from tsz flour alone, since whole grain flour has very little gluten; you need to mix it with traditional premium flour.

To be honest, tsz-baked goods have a special, specific taste compared to classic premium bakery products. But the benefits of its use are ten times greater!

And if you try proven recipes - different pancakes - then it’s easy to understand that it’s easy to bake something delicious from whole ground ones. Even from tsz-flour they turn out delicious, no worse than the usual ones.

The benefits of whole grain bread are determined by the chemical composition and nutritional value of the raw materials.

Chemical composition of tsz flour and beneficial properties

The whole grain product has a unique composition, which differs significantly from the composition of refined wheat. The grain shell contains unique “benefits”:

  • vitamins E and group B;
  • microelements (calcium, iron, chromium, selenium, potassium - a whole chemical laboratory);
  • cellulose.

By sifting out bran, we deprive the product of many essential components. But in tsz-flour they are. Here are the benefits of whole wheat flour:

  • improves the digestion process;
  • does not increase blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • promotes weight loss.

Are there any contraindications?

Indeed, not all people can overuse baked goods made from wholemeal flour. For acute and chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and pancreas, doctors do not recommend tsz flour.

Patients with celiac disease (intolerance to the gluten protein) are understandably interested in the question: is there gluten in whole grain flour - rye, wheat, etc.?

Tsz-flour contains gluten, but its content is significantly less than in the premium product. Rye also contains gluten. Whole grain spelled flour contains the least amount of gluten of all wheat products.

What is spelled flour? It is flour made from a special type of wheat, which was used by our ancestors. Spelled (aka spelled) is an excellent product for pp.

Here is a video about spelled:

Features and differences of different tsz-flours

Features and differences are determined mainly by the technology for producing whole grain flour.

What a whole grain natural product looks like is easy to determine visually. Wallpaper or peeled (we already know what it is) differ from other varieties visually (what whole grain flour looks like can be seen in the photo below) and to the touch. It contains large particles (this is bran), it is darker than other varieties.

The moisture capacity (i.e., how much water whole grain flour requires) when kneading dough is slightly higher for tsz flour than for regular flour: large fractions, swelling, “collect” more liquid. This must be taken into account when baking.

Whole wheat flour from different grains has different glycemic indexes. The lowest GI is for rye (40), oatmeal (45) and buckwheat (50). Those who are forced to monitor their blood glucose levels should try to replace whole grain flour in their diet. How? There are many options - amaranth, pea or flaxseed oatmeal practically does not contain glucose, although these products also have a specific taste.

Whole grain flour for weight loss

  • help cleanse the intestines (fiber, like a “broom”, removes all “blockages”);
  • remove harmful substances - toxins (fiber works as an absorbent);
  • increase immunity, performance, physical endurance (the effect of microelements and vitamins)

It is thanks to these properties that whole grain flour will give the expected effect when losing weight, since it is unlikely to be a low-calorie product.

Take, for example, a wheat product. Whole grain wheat flour (calorie content per 100 grams - 298 Kcal), like any other whole-ground, is preferable to varietal (calorie content - 336 Kcal per 100 grams). Although the secret of its popularity among weight loss specialists and those losing weight lies in something else - a lower glycemic index, “slowness” of carbohydrates, and numerous beneficial qualities.

Some nutritionists also advise adding oatmeal to any tsz flour - this will further reduce the calorie content and increase the nutritional value.

Is it possible and how to make flour yourself?

It is not always possible for baking specialists to purchase a healthy natural base for baking in a store or order from an online store. How to make whole wheat flour at home? I can offer 2 options on how to do this yourself:

  • add bran to a premium or first-grade product (proportions 10:1) - this is the fastest and easiest solution to replace whole grain flour in baking if it is not found in your city;
  • Grind the cereals using a home mill (some manufacturers' food processors have this function) or a coffee grinder. A more labor-intensive process, but interesting.

Use of whole grain flour

Whole wheat flour is a versatile product. Therefore, there are hundreds of options that can be made from whole grain flour. The recipes are varied - from bread to drinks:

  • Whole grain bread
  • Oat or buckwheat pancakes
  • Pancakes
  • Cupcakes and muffins
  • Breads and flatbreads
  • Cookies, crackers
  • Pies with and without fillings
  • Kiseli
  • Smoothie
  • Pasta and pasta, homemade noodles
  • Ravioli, dumplings
  • Dumplings and dumplings
  • Dumplings with cottage cheese and berries

When choosing any tsz-flour, try to pay attention to the shelf life - if it is 6 months, then the product in front of you is natural, but if the shelf life is 12-18, then, most likely, some preservatives have been added to the flour.

If you use whole-ground dough for baking (regardless of the recipe), let the dough sit for half an hour - this will make the product more fluffy and the mass more convenient.

Rye flour is a unique food product, the value of which is difficult to overestimate. It is obtained by grinding rye grains. The grain consists of a mealy kernel, a plant germ and outer shells. In the production of flour, grain is used in whole or in part. Flour is qualified depending on the quality of grinding.

To obtain finely ground varieties, only the endosperm, the mealy kernel of the grain, is used. A coarser product is obtained by grinding the whole grain.

Several main varieties are produced from rye, including peeled and wallpaper flour. The less the raw material is subjected to pre-processing, the coarser the grind, the more beneficial qualities are retained in the final product.

This is a popular variety of medium-ground rye flour, white in color with a cream or grayish tint. Before grinding, the so-called “husks” - the outer shells - are peeled off the rye grains, hence the name “peeled”. This is a powder of heterogeneous consistency, in which large scaly particles are visually visible.

The reduced content of bran parts does not reduce the value of the product, but significantly improves its baking properties. This variety is one of the most useful and sought after. It is the peeled flour that contains the optimal amount of nutrients, microelements, and vitamins.

Since this product consists almost 90% from mealy grain cells, it retains one third more iron, one and a half times more magnesium and potassium than finer ground varieties. A very important factor is the high fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on human digestion and removes toxins and harmful compounds from the body. Accordingly, during production only 10% of waste remains in the form of husks.

This is a common variety that is coarse powder. The grain is ground, sometimes without even sifting, so there are quite large particles up to 700 µm. The flour is a dark gray powder with prominent brown inclusions.

In the production of this variety, the grain is used entirely, without pre-processing. That's why this flour is called whole grain flour. It contains a large number of “chopped off” particles of the grain shell, husk - the so-called “bran”.

It also contains wheat germ, which contains a significant amount of nutrients and fats. The presence of a high content of bran has a beneficial effect on the immune, reproductive, and musculoskeletal systems of humans.

General properties of peeled and wallpaper flour

Both varieties are made from rye grain, so the composition and properties of both products are similar. They have the same energy value about 296 calories. Both varieties belong to valuable food products that have a rich set of replaceable and essential sets of amino acids, vitamins, and fiber. They are widely used in the food industry for the preparation of bakery products.

The production technology of the “peeled” and “wallpaper” varieties involves minimal pre-processing of the grain, so they retain the maximum amount of organic matter and dietary fiber.

Rye protein is more complete compared to the protein of other grain crops. It does not form gluten and has a unique ability to swell greatly. In the presence of a large amount of liquid, the swollen protein turns into a thick sticky solution. For a long time, such flour was used to prepare paste - glue for paper products.

The difference between peeled flour and wallpaper

Peeled flour is a finer grinding variety that contains more carbohydrates and starch, but less sugar. Wallpaper, thanks to gentle production technology, has the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients.

It is characterized by a high content of vegetable protein, fats and dietary fiber. This flour is more saturated with macro and microelements. It contains 25% more phosphorus, 30% more sodium.

Higher content of potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, fluorine, 25% more copper, twice as much manganese. The content of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin E and B vitamins is also higher. Therefore, the healthiest bread is produced from wallpaper flour.

Unfortunately, the content of vegetable oils does not allow this variety to be stored for a long time. Literally after one and a half to two months, a specific smell and bitter taste appear, which negatively affects the quality of the finished bakery products. In addition, the high content of bran parts makes wallpaper flour heavy and unsuitable for baking in its pure form. It must be combined with other, lighter varieties.

Peeled variety:

  • Produced from mealy endosperm cells.
  • The grain is processed before grinding.
  • Finer grind.
  • Virtually no vegetable oils.
  • Can be stored for a long time.
  • Differs in a small amount of bran.
  • Actively used in baking.

Wallpaper variety:

  • Made from whole grains.
  • The coarsest grind.
  • Contains the maximum amount of bran.
  • Enriched with oils and vegetable fats.
  • It has a high fiber content.
  • It spoils quickly.
  • Does not have good baking properties.
  • Higher fructose content.
  • Contains hemicellulose.

The use of all parts of the grain in production increases the biological value of this variety, but reduces the baking properties.

Rye flour of both varieties is a complete low-calorie product, has rich taste and medicinal properties. The only negative factor is the high acidity of products made from it. This point must be taken into account when planning dietary nutrition for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system.

Friends, we bake bread and all other baked goods only on whole grain flour: wheat, rye, oatmeal, chickpeas, millet, buckwheat, etc.

What does it mean? This means that the flour was made entirely from the entire grain, preserving all its beneficial components.

The grain is covered with a brownish shell. Simply put, this is what it is - BRAN.
They contain protein substances, but most of all they contain fiber, vitamins B and E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. Bran first of all “cleanses” the intestinal walls, collects all the “dirt” and helps remove it from the body.

The aleurone layer contains a large amount of proteins, vitamins B1 and B2 and especially vitamin PP.

The endosperm does not form gluten. This is primarily the fat layer. This is why flour ground from whole grains can become bitter after some time.

Whole grain flour, unlike white flour (premium grade), can be stored for only a few months, not years.

Previously, it was not flour that was stored, but grain in the bottom of the barrel!

The mealy kernel occupies the entire interior of the grain. It consists of large volumetric cells filled with starch, protein particles, and gluten particles, which give the dough viscosity. It is from this part of the cream-colored grain that the flour sold everywhere is now produced.

EMBRYO– this is the most important part of the grain, the basis of life. Everything else is just shells that nourish and preserve it. The germ is primarily removed during the production of white flour. The embryo is a storehouse of vitamins, proteins and microelements.

What kind of flour is used everywhere now?

White flour - the so-called “Highest grade”.
As you now understand, the name here, unfortunately, does not correspond to the content of the flour, because... such torment is devoid of all living things.

It is also called “refined flour”. It is made from the very core of the grain - the endosperm, which contains only starch, and to improve its keeping quality on the counter, baking powder can be added to it, and to give it a snow-white color, it can be bleached with chlorine.

The nutritional value of such flour (number of kcal) is indeed very high. But from the point of view of the biological value of the product, this is a carbohydrate “dummy”. There is nothing useful or necessary for the body left in such flour. Our body cannot create new cells from the carbohydrates of this flour; for this it requires the entire variety of macro- and microelements, which nature provides only in WHOLE grains.

In addition to premium flour, wheat flour is produced:
- 1st grade,
- 2nd grade,
- and wallpaper flour (this is finely ground whole grain flour).
and two types of rye flour:
- wallpaper (whole grain)
- peeled (partially removed bran).

All these varieties differ from each other in grinding coarseness and the ratio of the constituent parts of the grain. The more grain components contained in flour and the larger the particles, the lower the grade.

What are the consequences of eating refined flour?

- first of all, to a deficiency of fiber, the most powerful antioxidant;
— “vitamin of youth” — vitamin E;
— B vitamins;
— and vital minerals, especially iron.

Iron and zinc deficiency leads to many severe irreversible diseases: anemia, infertility, deterioration of vision and memory, malignant tumors, etc.

We need fiber to cleanse the body of toxins and toxic decay products. Without the presence of coarse dietary fiber in the diet, all harmful foods accumulate in the body, which is the cause of many severe chronic diseases.

Whole grain - this is food for our little helpers - intestinal bacteria (intestinal microflora), on which 90% of our health and our immunity depend.

They warm us and protect us from disease. As soon as they get the food they need, they immediately get to work. Their direct responsibility is to support the vital functions of all our organs.

All these biologically active components, which is also important, are found in whole grain flour in a natural form that is understandable and easily digestible for our body.

WHOLE GRAIN FLOUR. Wallpaper flour. Wholemeal flour.

Wallpaper flour (whole grain) is obtained by grinding the entire grain. Accordingly, absolutely all components of the grain remain in the flour. This is the flower shell of the grain, the aleurone layer, and the grain germ. This preserves all the biological value of whole grains and all its healing qualities for the human body.

Whole grain flour comes in fine and coarse grinds.

Coarse wallpaper flour is the coarsest grind of flour. Accordingly, sifting wallpaper flour is done through a large sieve.

Fine whole grain flour means that the grain is ground into smaller particles. This process, for example, takes longer in production than with coarse grinding, but baked goods with such flour turn out fluffier and lighter.

It is equally important which mill the grain is ground in.

The most natural version of the mill is MILL with STONE GRILLS.
You can purchase such a mill on our website http://zdravyi.ru/komo.php

Mills with stone millstones used to be in almost every village where grain crops were cultivated in one way or another.

In this case, the grain is ground between two stone shafts, practically without heating.

At flour milling enterprises there are mainly screw mills, which do not grind, but chop grain.
In this case, there is contact with metal, oxidation of flour and heating.

Flour ground in a screw mill and a stone mill will differ greatly from each other, and its baking properties will also differ.

Whole grain flour has now become more commercially available.

But we prefer our own flour. The difference between store-bought flour and your own, freshly ground in a stone mill, is colossal. Baking and bread made with your own flour - they are different! Much tastier, it’s even difficult to compare! Easy to digest, leaving you feeling full for a long time! In general, it’s very difficult to express in words, try it! Pancakes, buns, pies, cookies, bread - wonderful!

Be sure to eat, including adding to bread, the following whole grains and seeds:
Amaranth, Rye, Spelled, Barley, Oats, Wheat, Green buckwheat, Chia seeds, Flax, Hemp, Milk thistle, Yellow mustard, Millet, Quinoa, Black, brown, red and wild rice, Sorghum, etc.

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