Is it possible to bake meringues in the microwave? Meringue in the microwave

Everyone probably loves meringues! At least the children - for sure! The appearance and taste of the meringue that we prepare in the microwave, of course, differs from the appearance and taste of the one cooked in the oven. But the base is the same - it’s very airy, tasty and sweet.

Such a simple recipe can help you out at the most inopportune moment - after all, there will always be an egg and sugar in the house, even if all the sweets run out. But it happens that a child walks around and drones: “I want, I want” - without knowing what)) There’s mom with her recipe, and she’ll let him beat it himself - in general, there will be no limits to happiness! And then the kids themselves will learn how to make meringues in the microwave.

It is especially convenient to make meringue in the microwave when you need a layer of meringues for a cake - once and done! After all, while the meringues are baked in the oven, a lot of time will pass, and you won’t want to bake the cake! And here everything is very simple! Try my experiment - maybe you’ll like it too! For comparison: the final photo shows meringue from the same mass in the oven and microwave; it took 2 hours to cook in the oven, and 5 minutes in the microwave.

Take the products according to the list, you can add a little lemon juice (but not necessary).

We can make powdered sugar ourselves or take ready-made sugar and place it in a mixing bowl.

Separate the white from the yolk and add to the powder.

We begin to grind with a fork or spoon, grind until the powder dissolves and a thick mass is obtained. You can take a mixer.

Add lemon juice and continue whisking.

Place in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes at a power of 750 W. If you are preparing meringue in the microwave for the first time, then pay special attention to the process. Sometimes the bezels in the center can burn, everything is individual for each microwave oven.

At first the meringues will dry out, then they will foam, just become bubbles, and then they will settle and become flat. Do not open the door immediately, let them stand for a while. If you overexpose them, they will not separate from the plate very well, so it is better to do it with paper. I tried both options.

These are the bezes you can make in the microwave. Not very fluffy, but very tasty!

Recipe No. 1 - in the microwave in 30 seconds!

To prepare meringue in the microwave, you need to separate the whites from the yolks. Eggs must be chilled and very fresh. First, wash the eggs thoroughly. Not a drop of yolk should get into the whites, and the mixing bowl should be completely dry. Take a couple of proteins for testing, then, if everything turns out well and you like it, make more. You need the same amount of sugar as protein by weight. Considering that the weight of the protein is 25-40 g depending on the size of the egg, calculate it yourself. Additives for meringues to your taste, you can add lemon juice, chocolate, etc. We begin to beat the whites at the lowest speed. As soon as the whites become cloudy, gradually increase the speed and bring it to maximum. Beat until strong foam and begin adding sugar in small portions, continue beating for another 5-10 minutes until stiff peaks form.

At the end, add either lemon juice or other toppings. Place the air mass into microwave-safe molds. Fill the molds halfway. Cook at high power for 30 seconds. There is no need to open the microwave right away, wait 30-40 seconds, otherwise the whites may fall off. Remove the meringue to a plate and decorate with berries, fruits or chocolate. If it doesn't come out well, run a sharp knife along the edge of the pan. Microwave meringue is ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 2, meringue ALWAYS turns out!!!

I’ve never been able to make meringue before - it either dries out, falls off, doesn’t fluff up, no way... But not so long ago, a friend shared with me a recipe, thanks to which meringues always turn out!

Meringue - ingredients

  • whites - from 5 eggs (if the eggs are selected and large, then 4 are enough);
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - a small pinch;
  • powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • sugar - 120 grams.

Meringue - preparation

We always use the whites from the refrigerator (we also pre-cool the bowl). Beat the whites with salt at low mixer speeds, then at high speeds.

Add sugar, lemon juice and beat until you have an elastic, shiny mass and the sugar has completely dissolved.

Add powdered sugar little by little and mix gently with a spatula so that the prepared mass does not settle.

Fill a pastry bag with the mixture and squeeze it out in small portions onto a baking sheet previously lined with parchment paper. Try not to make the products too tall.

Place in an oven heated to 200 degrees.

Turn off the oven after 3 minutes and do not open it for 10-12 hours. You can make the meringue in the evening and leave the products in the oven overnight, just do not open it.

Our portion is enough for 40 small and 15 large meringues.

That's it, the meringue is ready.

Bon appetit!

09.02.2012 30.04.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

A meringue cake in the microwave turns out not quite familiar, not the same as if it were baked in the oven. But it only takes a few seconds to cook.

The unused mixture can be placed in the refrigerator, where it will keep well for a week. You just need to wrap it well so it doesn't dry out.

Microwave meringue recipe

If you don't know how to cook meringue in the microwave, then here's your answer. Take one egg white and 275 grams of powdered sugar (preferably sifted). This microwave meringue recipe is simple both in terms of ingredients and execution. You just need to very carefully grind the protein and powder, which should completely dissolve. It is better to take whites chilled. And rub with a spoon, and not beat, as is customary for baking in the oven.

At first the protein mass will be liquid, but after 5 minutes it will become thicker and lighter in color.

Using a pastry syringe or two spoons, place the meringues on a sheet of waxed (baking) paper placed on a microwave turntable. Be sure to leave space between the stacked meringues - they will expand and do not put them in the center - there they will cook too quickly (dry out), and the rest will not be ready yet.

Bake for 1 minute at 750 W. The meringue will increase in volume and spread a little. Do not open the door immediately, let it cool.

How to make meringue in the microwave

You can do it this way too. Take 1 egg white and 120 grams of powdered sugar. If you have homemade powdered sugar, be sure to sift it.

Beat the whites with a fork. Continuing to beat, add the powder and stir thoroughly until you get a homogeneous fudge. At the end you will have to use your hands, since the fondant will be quite thick and it is better to knead it with your hands.

Divide the resulting mixture into 13 parts and roll into balls.

Cook 7 first and then the remaining ones. Place them on a parchment-lined turntable. Leave room for the balls to grow.

Bake for 1-1.5 minutes on maximum.

Remove from paper and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Strawberry meringue in the microwave

A quick strawberry dessert recipe that takes just one minute to cook in the microwave.

Strawberry meringue turns out very fragrant and tasty, quite sweet, light and airy. It’s not for nothing that strawberry meringue is translated from French as “strawberry kiss”, just as sweet and light!


  • egg - one;
  • powdered sugar - a glass;
  • strawberry - glass.

Making strawberry meringue in the microwave

Separate the white from the yolk. You won't need the yolk in this recipe.

Combine the protein with powdered sugar and rub thoroughly. At this stage, do not beat anything, but intensively rub the egg white into the powdered sugar. The mass should lighten and become thick.

Add chopped strawberries to the resulting mass and now beat thoroughly with a blender.

After a while the mass will become homogeneous,

and then begins to increase in size.

Beat until peaks appear.

Using a pastry syringe, place small meringues onto a plate. The meringue will increase slightly in size when baking, so it is advisable to leave some space between them.

Microwave for one minute on high power.

Serve the cooled strawberry meringue, garnished with strawberry slices and mint leaves.

Meringue recipe in paper molds


  • 1 protein,
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar,
  • a little bit of citric acid.


Using a mixer, beat the egg whites into a good foam. Add a drop of citric acid and add a little powder at a time, continue beating until thick.

Place in a pastry bag and use it to pipe the protein-sugar mixture into paper molds. Bake on high for 1-2 minutes. Let it sit without opening the door.

Meringue Islands

If you don’t have molds, you can cook in cups, for example. The most delicate island dessert. For it you need:

  • chilled whites,
  • powdered sugar - the same weight as the whites,
  • vanilla (vanillin) - to taste,
  • dark chocolate - a little,
  • lemon juice - a little bit.


Beat the whites at low speed until they become cloudy. Then gradually increase your speed. Beat until stiff.

Add powder and beat for another 5-10 minutes.

At the very end, add lemon juice and vanilla.

Finely grate the chocolate and carefully fold it into the egg whites.

Divide the protein mixture into cups or small molds, filling them halfway - it rises a lot during baking and place in the microwave.

Power 800 W, time - 30 seconds. Don’t pull it out for at least a minute so that it doesn’t fall off.

Serve directly in a cup or place on a plate (easy to spread).

Step 1: Separate and beat the whites.

First, rinse the chicken eggs well under running water and dry them with a kitchen towel. Then break them into a separate deep bowl, separating the yolk from the white. Set the yolks aside; you can use them to prepare another dish, and add table salt to the whites on the tip of a table knife and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon, and then beat with a mixer into a thick foam. In this case, the protein mass should increase, at least 2 times.

Step 2: Add the remaining ingredients and beat the egg white mixture.

Then add citric acid and half of the remaining granulated sugar to the protein mixture at the tip of a table knife, and beat the mixture again with a mixer at high speed. Then, continuing to beat, gradually add the remaining granulated sugar to the mixture. Beat the mixture until it reaches a smooth consistency and the sugar is completely dissolved in the mixture.

Step 3: Prepare the meringue in the microwave.

Now line a microwave oven rack with foil and grease it with a little butter. You can transfer the finished protein mass into a special pastry bag and squeeze small meringues out of it onto the prepared foil. In this case, they will turn out incredibly textured and aesthetically pleasing in appearance. If you don’t have a pastry bag at hand, you can reproduce the same action using a teaspoon. At the same time, leave a small distance between the meringues, approximately 1-1.5 centimeters so that it does not stick together during cooking. Turn the microwave oven on convection mode and heat it up up to 130 degrees c, then place the baking sheet with meringue inside and bake at this setting about half an hour.

Step 4: Serve the meringue in the microwave.

Remove the finished meringues from the oven, cool slightly, then transfer to a serving dish and serve with tea as a separate independent dessert. In addition, if you wish, you can use this meringue to form other culinary products. For example, while preparing or decorating various cakes. You can also prepare hot chocolate cream, add pre-peeled and crushed nuts (any nuts of your choice) to it, then grease the bottom of the meringue with this cream and connect two pieces together. As a result, you will get delicious and very beautiful cakes - meringue with chocolate. Enjoy your meal!

Meringue according to this same recipe can be baked in the oven. But at the same time, the cooking time for the meringue will increase by 2 times, that is, the dish will need to be baked for 1 hour at a temperature of 100 degrees.

If desired, the pastry bag can be replaced with a regular thick plastic bag. To do this, place the prepared protein mass in it, tie it tightly, and cut one of the corners with scissors. Squeeze the mixture a little at a time onto the prepared sheet of foil.

If your microwave oven does not have a preheating function, then place the meringue rack in the microwave and turn on the “convection” mode.

Also, if desired, you can prepare multi-colored meringues, which are especially popular with children. For this you need to use powdered food(!) coloring. Divide the mixture into several parts (depending on the number of colors desired) and mix each with dye in proportions according to the instructions on the paint package.