Can watermelon have an effect? The benefits and harms of eating watermelon

At the end of summer, it is difficult to resist enjoying the juicy pulp of a watermelon. Meanwhile, such a feast can result in serious health problems. How can watermelons be dangerous?

What are the benefits of watermelons?

The most valuable thing in watermelon is folic acid, which actively participates in blood circulation processes and affects the chemical balance of the body. In addition, watermelon pulp contains fructose, nitrogen compounds, fiber, mineral iron salts, vitamins B1, B2, C and PP, and carotene. Watermelons are an effective diuretic and choleretic agent; they are useful for gout, arthritis, atherosclerosis, obesity, liver and gallbladder diseases, since the fiber they contain helps remove cholesterol from the body. Watermelon pulp is also recommended for anemia, heart defects, and nosebleeds.

Who are contraindicated for watermelons?

Meanwhile, watermelon is contraindicated for certain ailments. Thus, it should not be consumed by diabetics because it contains high sugar content. It is not recommended for pregnant women to eat it either. The fact is that in the later stages of pregnancy the fetus constantly puts pressure on the pelvic organs. Squeezing the bladder already leads to frequent urination, but this adds an additional burden.

Since watermelon can cause flatulence, intestinal colic and increased blood pressure, it is not advisable to eat it in large quantities for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems and hypertensive patients. Doctors advise such patients to eat watermelon only in small doses and always separately from other foods.

How can you get poisoned from watermelon?

If watermelons are grown in compliance with all rules and technologies and are stored under normal conditions, then they should not contain substances hazardous to the body. However, recently they are increasingly being “fed” with nitrates. Especially dangerous in this regard are early watermelons, which are sold in June and July. They are given saltpeter injections to help them mature faster.

But even if the watermelon is not nitrate, there is a constant risk that it has absorbed harmful and toxic compounds from the environment, because watermelons are often sold by the side of highways and stored in inappropriate conditions. For example, they may contain high concentrations of heavy metals.

It is generally better not to give watermelons to children under three years of age - at this age the digestive system is very sensitive to any kind of toxins. Children who have already reached the age of three can be given watermelon pulp in an amount not exceeding 100 g per day. The same goes for pregnant women.

How to avoid problems with a watermelon diet?

Watermelon is traditionally considered an effective remedy for weight loss. However, doctors have found that if you replace a third of your usual diet with watermelon pulp for 12 days, then a lot of vitamins, mineral salts and other valuable substances will be excreted from the body along with urine.

This is why the watermelon diet should be treated with caution. If you want to normalize your weight, it will be enough for you to consume about 300-800 g of watermelon pulp daily, and in between main meals. Another option is to arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week. These days you can only consume up to 2 kg of watermelon pulp or up to 2 liters of juice, as well as drinking water.

Those who like to eat this berry have probably heard that watermelon is very beneficial for the kidneys. As for undesirable consequences, few people think about it. It turns out that not everyone is recommended to use this product often and in unlimited quantities.

Impact on the body

The benefits of watermelon are undeniable: it contains vitamins and many minerals necessary for the body (Mg, K, Fe, Na, Ca). Lycopene, which gives the pulp its red color, has an antioxidant effect.

Favorable action:

  • helps get rid of edema, promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system;
  • helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • allows you to quickly restore blood counts in case of anemia.

The listed properties confirm that watermelon is healthy. For those losing weight, a special diet has been developed that makes it easy to get rid of a few extra pounds: the product is low-calorie (25 kcal per 100 g).

Many people are concerned about the question: will eating watermelon harm kidney stones? In this case, it is important to observe a sense of proportion: you should not consume the product in large quantities.

Caution is required for people with renal failure or hypertension. In this case, the load on the kidneys is already great; it is undesirable to load them further.

Watermelon for kidney stones

Watermelon contains magnesium and potassium in large quantities. Magnesium, being a mineral, improves metabolism. This helps prevent the development of urolithiasis.
It is not recommended to try to remove oxalate stones from the kidneys on your own.

If the diameter of the stones is small (up to 3 mm), they are able to come out on their own. In this case, the benefits of watermelon will be undoubted if everything is done correctly.

However, doctors do not have a consensus on the use of watermelon and bread as a diet. They are confident that along with the stones, useful substances will be removed from the body. And the combination of watermelon and black bread, according to experts, can increase the acidity of gastric juice. The consequence of this will be gastritis.

Doctors are also confident that excessive consumption of the watermelon diet can cause harm. There is confirmation of this - people after such a diet ended up in intensive care.

There is an opinion that black bread should be replaced with white. Watermelon has obvious alkaline properties, so when it is consumed, acidic urine becomes alkaline. This causes the movement of kidney stones.

If you nevertheless decide to cleanse the kidneys in this way, then you need to choose a product that does not contain nitrates:

  • buy it in the last days of August or the first days of September;
  • give preference to a medium-sized watermelon;
  • it is desirable that the product has a dried “tail” and a yellow spot on the side;
  • it is better when the crust is shiny and hard to the touch;
  • When tapped, a ringing sound should be heard.

Berries with nitrates can be recognized by their appearance:

  • the pulp acquires a purple tint;
  • the fibers inside are yellow instead of white;
  • The cut surface is velvety instead of smooth;
  • a piece of pulp dropped into water can change the color of the water. The use of such a product is strictly prohibited.

Removing stones using the traditional method

It should be remembered that the use of this method has a number of contraindications:

  • intestinal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • BPH;
  • phosphaturia;
  • nephroptosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • congenital pathology of the urinary organs;
  • adhesions associated with surgery;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Such cleansing requires special attention from people suffering from peptic ulcers and other pathologies of the digestive system. It is prohibited to use this method for patients who have coral stones in their kidneys. Cleansing the kidneys with watermelon increases the secretion of urine; such stones can injure the ureter.

It will take a week to clear your kidneys. Watermelon can be consumed in unlimited quantities, and a little bread can be eaten. The diet is considered strict and is not recommended if there are contraindications.

Kidney activity is observed between 5 and 9 p.m.; stones are excreted more actively at this time. The patient fills the bathtub with warm water and sits in it (this procedure helps to dilate the urinary tract).

This also helps to reduce the pain that accompanies the passage of stones. At the same time, you need to consume the pulp of watermelons.

The benefits of watermelon are noticeable quickly: within the first week, sand begins to come out. Fans of the watermelon diet need to repeat the procedure every six months. At the next stage, stones may descend into the ureter. It is very important to carefully monitor your health - the stone can settle in the ureter.

The process of cleansing the kidneys is a useful procedure, it gives the desired result. You should do it correctly and be extremely careful not to harm yourself. When consuming watermelons with a high concentration of nitrates, there is a risk of intoxication with subsequent dehydration.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, thereby minimizing possible risks. In order for the kidneys to function well, experts advise for preventive purposes to consume not only watermelon pulp, but also its juice (its cleansing qualities are no worse).

Delicious cold watermelon berries perfectly quench your thirst on hot summer days. The sweet juicy bright red pulp of watermelon lifts your spirits just by its appearance! The season of striped watermelons is approaching, which means every family will choose a watermelon for the table. Let's try to figure out how to choose a watermelon, how watermelon is useful and whether watermelon can be used for pregnant women.

Carving (curly carving) on ​​a watermelon, as well as the choice of Japanese knives

Useful properties of watermelon

The benefits of watermelon cannot be described in a nutshell. Let's start with the fact that watermelon is the richest source of useful elements with a calorie content of only about 38 kcal per 100 grams of product. Watermelon is rich in easily digestible sugars. Watermelon contains pectin, sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, C and essential folic acid. So the benefits of watermelon are obvious!

Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, carotene, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin, which protect the body from age-related changes, some of them have an anti-cancer effect, and the antioxidant lycopene has a beneficial effect on male infertility problems.

Those who want to lower cholesterol levels should take advantage of the beneficial properties of watermelon, such as the ability to remove bad cholesterol. Reducing cholesterol levels is the prevention of atherosclerosis and some other diseases.

The beneficial properties of watermelon are not limited to this. Watermelon is especially rich in two microelements - potassium and magnesium (100 grams of watermelon contains about 60% of the daily value of magnesium). Potassium regulates water balance in the body and normalizes cardiovascular activity, and magnesium is necessary for muscles (including heart) and bone tissue.

People with problematic blood pressure certainly need the beneficial properties of watermelon. Magnesium and calcium help lower blood pressure by removing sodium from the body. Magnesium is an excellent antidepressant. If you are depressed for several days in a row, sleep poorly and cannot concentrate on routine work, perhaps the watermelon diet will restore your strength and vigor.

How is watermelon good for the kidneys? Magnesium prevents the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys and bladder, which most often consist of calcium and oxalic acid salts. By increasing magnesium in the diet, recurrences of urolithiasis are reduced by 90%. Watermelon prevents the formation of stones not only in the kidneys, but also in the gall bladder. After all, magnesium reduces nervous excitability, relieves pain, calms spasms of the bile ducts and improves the passage of bile through them. The benefits of watermelon for the body are invaluable.

How much watermelon can you eat?

  • healthy adults can eat watermelon with virtually no restrictions;
  • for children 2-3 years old, 100 g of watermelon per day will be enough;
  • children 3-6 years old - no more than 150 g of watermelon;
  • For older people, 1-2 slices of watermelon will be enough.

Beneficial properties of watermelon for pregnant women

Watermelon is famous for its high content of folic acid (vitamin B9 or folacin - 150 g of pulp is enough to meet the daily requirement for this substance), without which our body cannot develop normally. Folic acid is actively involved in hematopoiesis, prevents the process of fatty infiltration of the liver, maintains a stable state of the immune system, and normalizes the functioning of leukocytes. Folic acid is necessary for the construction of DNA and RNA, is involved in cell division and regulates the absorption and processing of proteins. Watermelons are useful for pregnant women, as well as those who are planning to have children soon. Folic acid contained in watermelons regulates the formation of nerve cells in the embryo.

Attention: The beneficial properties of watermelon for pregnant women are obvious, but keep in mind that watermelon is a strong diuretic. Excessive consumption may cause discomfort and a feeling of fullness in pregnant women. In addition, eating watermelon along with other foods leads to severe gas formation.

Watermelon diet

The beneficial properties of watermelon should be used by those who want to lose weight. The ability of watermelon to accelerate weight loss is due to:

  • firstly, it has a diuretic effect - watermelon removes excess liquid (1-2 kilograms);
  • secondly, the beneficial properties of watermelon suppress the feeling of hunger due to filling the stomach and sweet taste (38 kilocalories per 100 grams).

Sweets are a source of satiety for the brain, so a watermelon diet is much easier to tolerate than a cucumber or kefir diet. For your information, the watermelon diet is not recommended for long-term use, just like any other mono diet. However, during the season, you can arrange several fasting days on watermelon every 4-5 days. In principle, fasting days on watermelon can be carried out from twice a week to once every ten days. The watermelon diet is based on the consumption of watermelon pulp throughout the day. The menu on a fasting watermelon day is as follows: one and a half to two kilograms of watermelon, water/tea. Watermelon should be eaten in 4-5 servings. For those who find such a watermelon fasting day hungry and difficult, you can diversify your menu with black bread and rye crackers. The watermelon diet is an excellent cleansing of the entire body; you will get rid of toxins, sand, excess salts, excess cholesterol, and stimulate the immune system. However, please note that the watermelon diet is not recommended if you have reduced kidney function and the presence of stones larger than 4 mm in diameter.

How to choose a watermelon?

The task of each buyer is to choose a ripe, juicy watermelon with a minimum content of harmful substances. The first thing to do to minimize the risk is to buy watermelons during their natural ripening season. This means you can choose sweet watermelon without nitrates from mid-August. It can be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to choose a watermelon, but it is possible if you follow simple rules:

  • How to choose a watermelon by size

You should not choose the largest watermelons at the watermelon stand. There is a logical explanation for this. A watermelon grown in our climate without the use of fertilizing and fertilizers cannot be large. There is a possibility that a large watermelon was grown artificially. And small watermelons may not be too sweet. So, to choose a watermelon by size, you need to ask for a berry weighing 5-7 kg.

  • How to choose a watermelon by shape

It's hard to explain, but a perfectly even and smooth watermelon is not always the most delicious. More often than not, a watermelon of somewhat irregular shape with a yellowish spot on the side turns out to be sweet, juicy and aromatic. Feel free to inspect the berry from all sides to choose a ripe and tasty watermelon. It is better if the watermelon is shiny without a matte coating, with clearly defined stripes

  • How to choose a watermelon boy and a watermelon girl

There is an idea that watermelons differ by gender. It is believed that boys' watermelons are larger, and such watermelons are slightly elongated along the vertical axis passing through the tail. The girl's watermelons are smaller in size and flattened. Female watermelons are believed to have smaller seeds and are sweeter and juicier.

  • How to choose a watermelon by its tail

When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the presence of a tail. The tail of a watermelon is an indicator of maturity and must be present. It’s easy to choose a watermelon by its tail: a yellowish dry tail indicates that the watermelon is already ripe, and if the tail of the berry is green, the watermelon was picked while it was still unripe, which means it will be unsweetened.

  • How to choose a watermelon by knock and sound

To select a watermelon by knocking, you need to lightly knock on it and listen. Typically, a ripe, ripe watermelon will make a hollow sound when tapped. You can also squeeze the watermelon a little from above and below. A ripe watermelon should crackle slightly. The absence of the characteristic cracking sound of the rind of a ripe watermelon also indicates its artificial ripening.

  • How to choose a watermelon to cut

Many customers ask to cut the watermelon to check its ripeness. It’s better not to do this, and especially not to buy berries that were cut before you. Because watermelon tends to instantly absorb everything around it, bacteria, dirt, and dust can penetrate into it. To select a sweet watermelon, it is better to use the methods described above.

  • How to choose watermelon without nitrates

To confirm the quality of the watermelon, do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and other documents. It is impossible to tell by appearance whether a watermelon contains nitrates or other harmful substances. Unfortunately, not every seller will allow you to use a portable device to determine nitrates when choosing a watermelon. For your information, the maximum permissible concentration of nitrates is 60 mg/kg wet weight.

You can find out whether a watermelon contains nitrates by cutting the watermelon:
- as a rule, white or yellowish veins indicate that the watermelon contains more nitrates and pesticides than normal;
- place a small piece of watermelon pulp in a glass of water, if the water in the glass turns pink or red, then the watermelon contains nitrates, and if the water has not changed its color, but only became a little cloudy, then the watermelon is natural.

So, we told you about the beneficial properties of watermelon and now you know that watermelon is not only tasty, but also healthy. This means that during the melon season, our tips on how to choose a sweet and ripe watermelon without nitrates will be useful to you. And if you decide to use such an excellent means of losing weight as the watermelon diet, then use our recommendations. Let us remind you of another important point: the purchased watermelon must be thoroughly washed under running water, wiped dry and only then enjoy its taste and benefits!

How to grow watermelon in the country

Watermelons are heat-loving plants. But if you really want to, you can grow them at your dacha in central Russia. To tell the truth, you have to want it very badly, because there will be quite a lot of care for them.

The first thing you need to do to grow watermelon is to prepare a place on the site. It should be remembered that watermelon is a heat-loving plant, and, therefore, it must be grown in a greenhouse. Yes, and in no case should we forget that watermelons love the sun and light, which means the greenhouse should not be in the shade. It is advisable to prepare it in advance, in the fall, so that no unpleasant incidents arise in the spring. It would also be a good idea to fertilize the soil with rotted manure and mowed grass. If this is done in the fall, then in the spring nothing will stop you from trying to grow a watermelon. By the way, it should be noted that it is better not to plant watermelons in the same place year after year. The soil should rest from this crop for at least a year.

So, the dacha plot is prepared. The next step is to understand what exactly we will grow. As you know, watermelons come in completely different varieties, and not just any will be suitable for our purposes. If you just take the seeds out of a watermelon you buy and eat, you’re unlikely to get anything useful. Since in central Russia the weather is not at all the same as in the south, where, in fact, watermelons grow, you should choose early-ripening seeds or at least those that do not ripen for very long, so that the watermelon has time to grow in a short summer.

The optimal varieties of watermelons for growing in summer cottages are “Sugar Baby”, “Spark”, “Gift to the North”, etc. But attention should be paid not only to the name of the variety and the speed of its ripening, but also to the place from which these seeds were brought. Southern watermelons are unlikely to feel comfortable in the middle zone, where strong temperature changes are frequent.

You should start planting watermelon in the spring.. Initially, you will have to grow seedlings for planting in the ground. Watermelons are too delicate plants to survive the spring night frosts of mid-latitudes. However, it’s also not worth it to spend too much time growing a watermelon in a pot: a month will be more than enough for it. The diameter of the seedling pot should be about 12-15 centimeters.

Before planting seeds in a pot, they must be soaked for about 10 minutes in water at a temperature of about 45-50 degrees. C, and then keep them in water at room temperature until they begin to germinate.

It is important not to miss the moment at which the seeds begin to germinate. As soon as such a moment comes, you need to plant the seeds in pots to a depth of 3-4 cm and wait for them to sprout. However, watermelon, growing in central Russia, is a very fastidious plant, so it is not at all enough to simply wait for shoots: it is important to maintain the correct temperature around: 23 degrees Celsius during the day, 18 at night. When the first shoots appear, the constant daytime temperature should be reduced to 18 degrees. C, and after 4 days return it to the previous level. Now you just need to maintain the correct temperature and wait until the end of May, when you can plant the seedlings in the greenhouse prepared for them.

Finally the end of May arrives, the seedlings are ready to be planted in the ground. Even if the soil has been fertilized since the fall, in order to grow tasty and sweet watermelons, it won’t hurt to add more manure to it before planting. It is only very important to ensure that the seedlings do not come into contact with manure after planting. Watermelons are planted quite rarely, per 1 sq. m. there should be no more than 3 plantings.

At first, watering watermelons should be carried out regularly and abundantly, then as soon as they bloom, regular watering must be stopped: a large amount of moisture can have a bad effect on the taste of the watermelon.

When a watermelon has bloomed, it needs to be pollinated.. Since our watermelons grow in a greenhouse, this will have to be done by hand. To do this, you need to pick the male flowers and bring them to the female ones. It should be remembered that one plant physically cannot grow more than three fruits, so when more small watermelons appear, the excess ones will need to be removed.

The ripening time of watermelon fruits in such conditions depends, first of all, on the variety. On average, the time from planting to full ripening of a watermelon will be about 70 days. Checking the ripeness of a watermelon is quite simple: you just need to knock on it with your knuckle. If the sound is ringing, then the watermelon is ripe.

Growing a watermelon is not the easiest thing and not everyone succeeds the first time. If something goes wrong, don’t be upset or worry too much about it: you can always try again next year.

In the world. Many people are eagerly awaiting the appearance of these stripes on the shelves. Both adults and children like the taste of watermelon. It is very difficult to stop eating it, as the pulp literally melts in your mouth. Therefore, when eating a large amount of watermelon, it is important to know whether this can cause benefit or harm to our body.

Watermelon, like any berry, is a source of antioxidants. The pulp contains: carotene, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine. The benefit of watermelon is that thanks to these substances, it literally helps to prolong life. Antioxidants are the body's protectors. They perfectly slow down the aging process. Many of the substances contained in watermelon have anti-cancer properties. The benefits of watermelon are great for people with visual impairments. The pulp contains the substance carotene, which affects visual acuity.

Watermelon is essential for pregnant women. It contains folic acid, that is, this substance affects the development of the body, that is, if the fetus or even an already born child does not have enough of it, this can lead to various abnormalities. If the body does not receive enough folic acid, then failures can occur even at the RNA and DNA level. The benefit of watermelon is that thanks to B6, its consumption helps improve the condition of the skin, stabilize the digestion process, and increase milk production for nursing women.

This berry is quite strong, which is why it is not recommended for pregnant women to lean on it in the last stages of pregnancy. The fetus already puts a lot of pressure on the bladder, and eating a piece of watermelon can lead to great discomfort for a woman. Also, pregnant women are not recommended to combine the intake of this berry with other foods, as this can contribute to the appearance of flatulence, which will create problems with the intestines.

The benefits of watermelon are great for organs such as the kidneys and heart. This berry contains the trace element magnesium. It is necessary for people with diseases of these internal organs. So, 100 gr. Watermelon pulp contains more than half the daily requirement of this microelement. In turn, magnesium affects the body's absorption of potassium, sodium and calcium. It supports normal muscle function and affects the state of the nervous system. Consumption of watermelon prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys.

What else is good about watermelon? Its beneficial properties are varied. This is an excellent antidepressant. It also helps with insomnia and chronic fatigue. It will supply the body with essential microelements such as iron and sodium, which help maintain the functioning of the circulatory system.

Various drinks are made from watermelon. It consists of almost 90% water. This berry quenches thirst well in hot weather. “Stripe” can be eaten in moderation by people with diabetes, as well as those with kidney problems.

If watermelon is so healthy, why can't you eat it in large quantities? the pulp of this berry can lead to intestinal problems. Watermelon, on the one hand, provides the body with moisture, and on the other hand, it can cause diarrhea in a person, which will lead to dehydration.

This berry helps you lose weight. Very often, excess weight is formed due to excess water. Watermelon will cope perfectly with it and will establish the water-salt balance in the body. In addition, the pulp perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. "Polosatik" is one of the lowest-calorie foods. Calories in watermelon - 38 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, nutritionists often advise doing this. This berry also helps maintain strict diets. Include it in your diet and you will feel how much more comfortable it is to endure food restrictions. It is useful to sit not only for those losing weight, but also for those who simply want to cleanse their body of excess salts, toxins, and “bad” cholesterol.

How are melons useful and to whom are they contraindicated? We asked general practitioner Leonid Kharlampyev about this.

- Leonid Nikolaevich, so what are the health benefits of watermelons and melons?

Firstly, they are sweet, as they contain fructose and sucrose, which means they are a source of energy. Secondly, they contain a lot of vitamins B, C, E, PP, and folic acid. That is, watermelons and melons can protect our body from harmful effects, strengthen the immune system, nourish and promote the restoration of nerve cells. Thirdly, watermelon and melon are fiber, which means they contribute to normal intestinal motility. Fourthly, they contain a lot of liquid and are able to quench thirst. And watermelons and melons are simply delicious and bring a lot of pleasure when eating them. In addition, melon can help fight depression.

- Yes, there are a lot of benefits. Is it true that doctors especially recommend watermelons for those who have kidney problems?

This is not entirely true. Perhaps watermelons can help those who are at risk of developing kidney stones. But with exacerbation of inflammatory kidney diseases, watermelon or melon is unlikely to help.

- Who are melons and melons contraindicated for?

People suffering from diabetes should not eat a lot of watermelons and melons, as they can increase blood sugar levels. Otherwise, with moderate consumption, these delicacies have no special contraindications, and they can be eaten by everyone.

Many people go on a “watermelon diet” to cleanse their body of toxins and lose weight. Is it true that you can lose weight well?

This is true. Watermelon and melon can help a person lose weight and cleanse themselves of toxins, because they consist of water and fiber. But before any diet, you should still consult your doctor.

- What is the danger from overeating watermelon with chemicals? And is it true that it is better to buy them at the beginning of autumn?

Nitrates contained in watermelons and melons can weaken the immune system, contribute to decreased ability to work, and cause weakness and headaches. Yes, buying watermelon and melon in September and October gives some chance that these plants do not contain so many nitrates. But this fact does not guarantee the absence of nitrates.

- Leonid Nikolaevich, what kind of watermelons do you buy: grown in Yakutia or imported?

Sometimes I buy both, knowing that both local and imported ones may well contain nitrates, herbicides, and insecticides. Alas, no one gives a complete guarantee of environmental friendliness of products. It is profitable for all agribusiness traders to grow and sell as many watermelons and melons as possible. Here, businessmen are not worried about the health of customers. At the same time, they do not hesitate to use various chemicals that accelerate the growth of vegetables. And we console ourselves with the hope that suddenly there are no chemicals in them. But we have no choice. In Yakutsk there are no special stores, like in Europe, that guarantee the environmental friendliness of the origin of products. And the cost of such products would be several orders of magnitude higher. And who would go to these stores to buy “golden vegetables and fruits”? Therefore, we are content with what we have.

We choose a watermelon by sound and crunch...

It should be immediately noted that those Yakut residents who buy watermelons at the beginning of autumn are doing the right thing: after all, the risk of buying melons with only nitrates is less. By this time, already ripe fruits are brought to us. After all, the watermelons that are sold now may contain too many nitrates.

In this case, it is better to throw it away without putting yourself at risk. If you notice thick yellow veins on the flesh of the fruit, you can be sure that the watermelon is full of chemicals. The maximum acceptable level of nitrates for the body is considered to be 60 mg/kg. Alas, today you are unlikely to find a watermelon that does not contain at least a small amount of chemicals.

Another simple way to determine the concentration of chemicals in a watermelon: dip a piece of pulp into a cup of water. If the water just becomes cloudy, everything is fine, but if it turns color, it means the watermelon contains chemicals.

How to choose a ripe watermelon?

You have to knock on it. A ripe fruit should produce a dull sound. Try squeezing the watermelon with your hands and if you hear a crunch, the fruit is definitely ripe!

You've probably noticed that some watermelons have yellow (not white) spots - this is a good sign. However, if the spot is very large, the watermelon will probably be unsweetened, as it ripened in insufficient sunlight.

The watermelon rind should be shiny and free of cracks and strange spots. It is better to choose medium-sized watermelons, since too large ones may be stuffed with special drugs to accelerate growth, and small ones may turn out to be unripe.

Under no circumstances should you eat watermelon that has a sour smell, as you may get poisoned.

How to choose a melon?

When choosing a melon, you must also follow some rules. First of all, you need to look at the stalk, which is always dry in ripe fruits. A fruit with a dried “tail” will delight you with its aroma and taste.

Do not buy melon that has been cut or has a crack in it. The fact is that the bacteria that cause salmonellosis and botulism can live in cracks.

Try squeezing the melon with your fingers: the skin of a ripe fruit will be slightly springy. Unripe fruits have a hard peel, while overripe ones, which will soon begin to spoil, have a soft peel. When you tap a ripe melon, you will hear a hollow sound, just like with a watermelon.

The “correct” melon has a pleasant aroma, and if it has no smell, then it is better not to buy it.

Cautionary Hazards

The main danger is an excess of nitrates in melons and watermelons. The fact is that some of the nitrates are converted into nitrates that can react with hemoglobin. As a result, methemoglobin is formed, which is unable to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues. In this case, the metabolism, nervous and immune systems come under attack. Blood pressure may drop and the liver may suffer, activity decreases, weakness and lethargy occur.

Of course, if you eat just one slice of watermelon containing nitrates, it will not harm your health. However, if you eat a whole watermelon, you may suffer from intestinal upset or liver function problems.

All kinds of microbes live on the surface of the watermelon rind, which are sometimes even more dangerous than the chemicals contained in the pulp. So, before eating watermelon, you need to wash it with soap or pour boiling water over it. Only after this can the berry be cut. If you do not kill the pathogens, they will immediately get into the pulp and begin to actively multiply in it.

About the rules for purchasing melons

In connection with the beginning of the season for the sale of melons and melons, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) reminds the population of the rules for their purchase:

1. Choosing the right outlet. Retail outlets for melons and melons are located in places determined by the administration of the city of Yakutsk, administrations of municipal districts, as well as in markets and shopping complexes, fairs. You should not purchase from random people, in spontaneous markets, or in the immediate vicinity of highways. The minimum distance from the retail outlet to bus stops is 25 m. The retail outlet must be equipped with a canopy, shelving and a sign. The seller must have a neat appearance, work clothes, and a personal medical record.

2. The consumer has the right to request documents confirming the quality and safety of products sold (declarations and certificates of conformity). Watermelons and melons should not be stored in bulk and sold in parts. Do not buy melons with cuts and do not ask the seller to make a cut to determine its ripeness, as there is a high probability of bacterial contamination. Heat and the presence of a nutrient medium (sweet pulp) are conditions conducive to the rapid growth and reproduction of bacteria.

5. Before eating, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the surface of the watermelon (melon) under running water and laundry soap, since there is a high risk of microbes from the surface getting into the pulp of the berry when cutting.

6. Choose the largest watermelon that you can eat without leaving it until the next day. If there is any residue, cover the cut with cling film and store in the refrigerator. Storage conditions should prevent contact with raw, unheat-treated products (eggs, meat, poultry).