My favorite mayonnaise made from seeds. Recipe for raw food mayonnaise for salads from Sergei Lutsenko Raw food mayonnaise from seeds

Good day, my dear chefs. Most often we season the salad with vegetable oil or lemon juice. These are great options. But why not season it with a delicious sauce? No, no, not store-bought, but made with your own hands. Moreover, today I want to let you in on the secret of how to make raw food mayonnaise. Once you taste it, you will understand that there can be no better sauce :)

You can prepare this sauce at any time of the year. In winter, add dried herbs to the composition. And in the summer, use fresh herbs - marjoram, basil, parsley, dill, etc.

Also, look at the amount of water added. I recommend pouring just a little liquid first. And already in the process of preparing the cream, add more as needed. That is, control the water consumption, otherwise you will end up with soup, not sauce :) I also have recipes for preparing first courses. Choose what tastes better - raw food borscht or okroshka.

I offer you 5 delicious options for raw food mayonnaise. Choose according to your taste and cook with pleasure. And write your comments which one you liked best.

From sunflower seeds

This incredibly delicious creamy sauce is perfect for vegetables and salad dressings. And it cooks very quickly.

You will need the following components:

  • sunflower seeds 150 gr
  • water 120-240 ml (½ - 1 glass)
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - about 3 tbsp. (or natural apple cider vinegar)
  • olive oil - 60 ml (about 3 tbsp)
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • sea ​​salt - ½ tsp.
  • black pepper - 3-4 peas

According to your taste, take a small handful of fresh dill, 1-2 tsp. dried basil and half a teaspoon. spoons of thyme.

Now let's start cooking . Place the shelled sunflower seeds in a bowl and cover them with filtered water. Leave for at least 4-6 hours. Ideally, soak them in the evening and go to bed.

In the morning, start preparing the sauce. Strain the seeds (just don’t throw out the water, you’ll need it later). Wash the seeds, place them in a blender bowl and grind.

Add water, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and lemon juice to a blender bowl. Then turn the blender on high speed and puree for 1 minute. As a result, you should get a homogeneous smooth mass. Add half a glass of water first, and then check the consistency.

Add herbs (dry or fresh) and mix the ingredients on low speed with a blender. The ingredients must be completely combined.

Voila! Divinely delicious mayonnaise is ready. It's time to taste it :) Once you try it, write a review about it in the comments.

Avocado and cucumber

This cream can be used to dress light salads, as well as fresh zucchini pasta. Or you can simply spread it on some bread and have a satisfying snack. To me, it's more of a creamy sauce than mayonnaise. What do you think? Share your opinion :)

The combination of cucumber and avocado gives the cream richness and a hint of refreshing coolness. In addition, the exotic fruit makes the dish more nutritious. And this is not surprising, because it is the avocado pulp that serves as a source of valuable oil. If the “oilyness” seems a little low to you, add a couple more tablespoons of olive oil to the sauce.

Prepare the following components:

  • avocado -180 g (1 piece medium size),
  • cucumber - 200 g (1-2 pieces),
  • sunflower seeds - 54 g (3 tbsp.),
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 30-40 ml (juice of 1 lemon),
  • basil - several large leaves,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • black or white pepper - ¼ tsp,
  • salt - to taste.

Carefully remove the seed from the avocado. Then cut the exotic fruit pulp and cucumber into large slices. Grind the hulled sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder. Place the resulting mass and remaining ingredients into a blender bowl. Mix everything until creamy.

Essentially, the raw food cream is ready. You can, of course, enrich its composition with your favorite spices. But it seems to me that there is already enough spice here. However, the choice is yours :) Just don’t forget to write in the comments what spices you used and what happened.

From pumpkin seeds

This cream has an amazing taste! Thanks to pumpkin seeds, it turns out slightly sweet with a nutty flavor.

Ingredients :

  • pumpkin seeds - 40 g,
  • shallots - 1 piece,
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp,
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • salt and nutmeg - to taste.

Peel the shallots and roughly chop them. Grind the shelled pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and mix. Start with low speed and gradually move to high speed. Because blended ingredients may splatter, clean the edges of the blender jar as needed. As a result, you should have a homogeneous creamy consistency. Pureeting may take 1 to 2 minutes.

Add water or milk a little at a time. Adjust the amount of liquid yourself. The consistency of the finished cream should be similar to a creamy mass.

Cashew sauce

Components :

  • cashew nuts - 220 gr,
  • honey dates - 4-6 pieces (peeled),
  • water - 180 ml (or nut milk),
  • vanilla powder - ¾ tsp.

Place cashew nuts in a deep container and fill with water. Leave them to soak for at least 4 hours. If possible, leave it overnight. Remember, friends, the longer the nuts are soaked, the better. Especially if you don't have a high speed blender.

Drain the water, then place the nuts and dates in a blender bowl and grind.

Add nut milk or water a little at a time while grinding. And then add vanilla. You should get a homogeneous mass. This mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

From sunflower and sesame seeds

This is a very simple recipe. Its main components are sesame and sunflower seeds. If you wish, you can make the same sauce from flax. That is, take flax instead of sesame or use both of these components.

Required components:

  • sesame seeds - 50 g,
  • sunflower seeds - 50 g,
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp,
  • salt - to taste (I recommend ¼ tsp),
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • water - 200-250 ml.

Grind sesame and sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder. Transfer the resulting mass to a blender bowl, add the remaining ingredients, and grind everything thoroughly. If you find the mayonnaise too thick, add a few tablespoons of water. Add water gradually while pureeing.

These are the delicious sauce recipes invented by raw foodists. And most importantly, they contain the benefits of natural products for our body. And much less caloric content than simple mayonnaise (500-640 kcal).

This sauce is my lifesaver; it makes any dish tastier! It is so versatile that I use it all the time - as a dressing for vegetable salads or soups, as a sauce for pasta, as an addition to grilled vegetables... In general, for me it is a healthy and tasty substitute for regular mayonnaise, which I don’t even eat anymore I don’t remember how many years. Dishes with this sauce really cannot be distinguished from “mayonnaise” ones, so take note! Especially those who like to eat tons of mayonnaise, but understand that it is harmful)

And for me, this sauce became a salvation after giving up using oil. Some time ago, I studied the topic of oils in detail and came to the conclusion that 100% vegetable oils are not beneficial to the body. It is much more correct to get the fatty acids we need from whole foods, that is, eat avocados, sesame seeds, nuts, seeds, and not oils from them obtained industrially. I wrote about this in detail in, read it. In general, I decided to minimize the use of oils. But without oil, the salads became dry. But raw food mayonnaise sauce was a great solution for me!

So, making the sauce is super simple, you only need a blender, you can’t do without it.

We will need:

cashew nuts (raw) - 1 cup (I have a small glass!)

lemon juice - 1 tsp.

garlic - 1/2 clove

salt (Himalayan pink or just sea salt) - 1/2 tsp. I wrote about which salt you should not eat at all, and which is the best.

ground ginger - 1/2 tsp.

water - by eye to the desired consistency (1/2 cup or a little more)

What do we have to do:

1. Soak cashews for an hour or overnight so that the nuts become soaked and then quickly grind into a homogeneous mass without lumps. But if you haven’t done this, but want to make the sauce, then it doesn’t matter! You just need to increase the amount of water in the recipe a little and grind the sauce ingredients in a blender a little longer until smooth.

This time I soaked the cashews overnight. In the morning I washed the nuts. Cashews do not expand much when soaked. They just become very soft and lighter. It looks like this (on the left - washed nuts after soaking, on the right - the approximate volume of nuts before soaking).

2. Next, throw all the ingredients into the blender - nuts, garlic, spices, lemon juice. First add 1/2 cup of water (this is if you soaked cashews). And only then, if necessary, add a little water until the consistency of the sauce becomes creamy and homogeneous.

I have a powerful blender - the process takes 2-3 minutes. I advise you to first turn on the blender at a slow speed and only then increase the speed to maximum. You will immediately feel if there is not enough water - it will be difficult for the blender to grind the nut mass.

In general, that's all! As you can see, it's quick and easy!

You can surprise your loved ones and cook something with this sauce. I can guarantee you with 100% probability that no one will guess what it is actually made from)))

Many people ask me if cashews can be replaced with other nuts. I wouldn't recommend it. Since cashews have a neutral taste. This sauce does not have a pronounced nutty aroma at all, which is why it is universal. Plus cashews are not such fatty nuts. In general, I’m telling you with knowledge of the matter - nothing better than cashews for this sauce has yet been invented))) And most importantly, do not add butter to the sauce! Cashews already contain a lot of oil, where else?

This basic recipe raw food mayonnaise. If you experiment with ingredients, you can get many different variations of the sauce. For example, if you add green basil, you get it, which goes perfectly with pasta! And if you add ground mustard seeds, you get a delicious mustard sauce.

Overall, experiment and enjoy the different flavors of my favorite sauce! I hope you love it too!

On a note! With this sauce you can cook pasta with .

Bon appetit! Eat more healthy vegan dishes!

Raw food mayonnaise is a living sauce that will brighten up the transition to a raw food diet, will be a good alternative to regular mayonnaise, and will also be an excellent help in preparing a holiday table.

This mayonnaise is not only no worse than regular mayonnaise, it is much tastier!

We will need: A cup of nuts (cashews or almonds), a large date (or a couple of small dates), garlic, cold-pressed vegetable oil (if you don’t use it, you don’t have to use it), lemon, sweetener (honey or agave syrup or if you don’t have it, more dates) and sea salt. And, of course, we will need a blender!)

Take a cup of nuts, it’s better to grind them (as in the pictures above) so that the blender can handle it faster. Or soak it in water for several hours.

We take the pit out of the date, finely chop the date and garlic (1-2 cloves, to taste) and add to the blender.

Press the button... Vzhiiii... The mayonnaise is ready)

Recipe 2: raw mayonnaise with avocado

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 Avocado
  • 2 tablespoon Lemon juice
  • Sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon Honey
  • 300 g. Almonds
  • Black salt
  • Black pepper
  • 2 tablespoon Olive oil

Particularly hungry vegetarians have long been wandering around in search of a complete replacement for mayonnaise. We hasten to provide you with one of the variations of its preparation. This vegetarian mayonnaise goes well with any vegetable salads, recipes for which you can see on our website.

Peel the almonds, soaked for several hours, and place them in a blender, along with the avocado pulp. We add all the other ingredients there, the volumes of which are determined by taste. Grind until smooth and taste. To adjust the consistency, add water. Let cool in the refrigerator and serve. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Raw mayonnaise (basic version)

Beat in a blender:

  • ½ tbsp. peeled sunflower seeds (pre-soak for several hours)
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • 2 cloves garlic

Recipe 4: Live mayonnaise from Yuliana Kutsenko

  • 2 tbsp. shelled sunflower seeds (pre-washed and soaked overnight)
  • ½ tbsp. cold pressed unrefined vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • about 1 tsp. mustard powder
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • optional - sea salt, curry or any other seasonings

1. In a blender, mix the seeds and water until smooth.

2. Add oil, lemon juice, mustard powder, you can add curry or any other seasonings to taste, sea salt. Mix everything until smooth.

3. Add water if the consistency is too thick for your taste.

“Mayonnaise” is ready.

Recipe 5: raw mayonnaise made from nuts, seeds, butter

We will need:

  • Cashew nuts or raw sunflower seeds 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp.
  • Flaxseed oil 2 tbsp.
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp.
  • Honey 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Sea or black salt
  • Mustard powder (seeds) 1 tsp*
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Ground pepper
  • Dry ginger**
  • Water ½-1 tbsp. (depending on desired consistency)

Pre-soak nuts (seeds) for 2-3 hours***. Next, put all the ingredients in a blender (add ½ cup of water to start) and grind. Add more water as needed. When the sauce acquires a homogeneous creamy consistency, it is ready.

On the second day, the sauce infuses and becomes even more mayonnaise, so it makes sense to prepare it in advance.

The sauce can not only be used to dress salads, but it is also good for spreading on bread, or you can dip chopped vegetables (cucumbers, peppers, celery) into it, or use it instead of cheese when preparing raw sushi.

Nut sauces are food that is difficult for the stomach, although they are not as harmful to the body as their industrial counterparts, they should not be mixed with starchy and carbohydrate foods.

There are plenty of variations on the theme of this sauce: add a little more mustard and honey, and you get mustard-honey sauce; you can add your favorite herbs or other seasonings (cumin seeds) so that the taste of the sauce takes on a new shade each time.

Calories: 604.84
Cooking time: 10
Proteins/100g: 13.6
Carbohydrates/100g: 4.95

Raw foodists very often prepare a variety of foods and, of course, have long figured out how to replace classic mayonnaise without changing their nutritional principle. Usually crushed nuts or seeds are used with various additives to give an original taste.
One of the classic raw food sauces is raw mayonnaise made from sunflower seeds with lemon juice. It is very simple to prepare, the taste is excellent, and due to the mustard and lemon juice it is similar to Provencal mayonnaise. And how many benefits there are in such a sauce!.. I recommend it!

- half a glass of peeled sunflower seeds,
- half a lemon,
- 0.5 tsp. mustard,
- 1 small clove of garlic,
- salt and black pepper to taste.

How to cook at home

Place the peeled sunflower seeds into a food processor or chopper.

At high speed, grind the seeds into fine crumbs. The smaller the better. Ideally, grind it into dust, but not every combine can do this.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and peel the garlic. You can take any mustard, even beans.

Pour lemon juice into the crushed seeds, add garlic and mustard. Whisk.

Now the mass has begun to acquire the consistency of a sauce. Salt and season with pepper. You can add a little water if the sauce is too thick.

We continue to grind the sauce until it turns white and becomes thick and uniform in consistency.

Place mayonnaise in a bowl or jar. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, but is best consumed immediately.
Use raw seed mayonnaise as a dressing in salads or as a sauce for main dishes. We advise you to get acquainted with another recipe

In the usual sense, mayonnaise is on the list of prohibited foods for raw foodists, since it contains eggs, refined oil, numerous preservatives and flavorings. However, people who live by these ideas also want to diversify their diet, so they create real masterpieces from products of plant origin.

Look carefully at what is included in this or that raw food mayonnaise recipe. Some may include products that are controversial for a strictly vegetarian menu: for example, honey or butter. If you use them, cook them, if not, look for another option.

This sauce is an excellent solution for those who are losing weight: it is low-calorie, contains a maximum of useful substances that are not lost during heat treatment, allows you not to feel a shortage of permitted dishes, and gives salads an unusual taste.

Vegetable oil must be first, cold pressed, unrefined, marked Extra virgin on the packaging. Animal fats are replaced with vegetable fats - from avocados, seeds or nuts.

Flavoring additives include citrus juice, some dried spices (black pepper, ginger, curry) and herbs. They can be combined in different ways in recipes, so don't be afraid to experiment and create a new taste and consistency each time.

Out of habit, do you throw the root part of the dill into the trash bin because it is very hard? To prepare mayonnaise, all components are still ground in a blender, so do not neglect it - it adds a special piquancy.

It is better to soak nuts and seeds in warm water for at least 4 hours, maximum 8-9. They will soften and become softer, which will make it easier and faster to grind them in a blender. This will allow you to prepare a homogeneous mass without lumps. If you didn’t have time to soak them, and you need the sauce urgently, add water (+ 50-100 ml to the volume indicated in the recipe) and increase the speed and time of whipping.

If you know all these nuances, you will get excellent raw food mayonnaise, which will surely seduce someone at home with its unusual taste. It would not be a shame to serve it at a large table for guests.

From almond milk

What do you need:

  • unsweetened almond milk - 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • ground mustard seeds - 5 g;
  • juice squeezed from? lemon;
  • sea ​​salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • black pepper - a pinch.

How to cook:

  1. Whisk the almond milk, pouring the butter into it in a thin stream.
  2. Add remaining ingredients.
  3. Blend in a blender until thick.

Recipe Notes:

  • almond milk and butter should be at the same temperature;
  • You can use flaxseed oil instead of olive oil;
  • recipe option: you can add a little parsley and dill and even cucumber puree.

From sunflower seeds and greens

What do you need:

  • plain water - 200 ml;
  • pink salt - a pinch;
  • juice squeezed from? lemon;
  • parsley and dill - 50 g each;
  • spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the seeds and rinse. Soak overnight.
  2. In the morning, put them in a blender, add water, and blend at low speed.
  3. Cut the greens with a knife, add to the seeds, add the rest of the ingredients. Now you can beat at full power.

Recipe Notes:

  • the result should be a creamy sauce with a pleasant light green tint;
  • It can be stored for no longer than 4 days in the refrigerator;
  • options: instead of sunflower seeds, you can take walnuts or sesame seeds, and replace the parsley with 2 cloves of garlic.

From honey and oils

What do you need:

  • raw sunflower seeds - 200 g;
  • raw pumpkin seeds - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • - 30 ml;
  • juice squeezed from 1 lemon;
  • natural honey - 30 ml;
  • black salt - 10 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 5 g;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • Asafoetida powder - a pinch;
  • plain water - 300 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the seeds and soak overnight (each type in a separate container) in warm, slightly salted water.
  2. The next morning, put all the ingredients into a blender at once.
  3. Beat for 3 minutes at high speed.
  4. Assess consistency. If necessary, add water and beat again.

Recipe Notes:

  • if you are a raw foodist who does not eat honey, you can exclude it;
  • options: you can increase or decrease the volumes of mustard and honey - each time such experiments will give completely different tastes, you can also add any herbs;
  • Please note that Asafoetida is a seasoning with a very specific smell, reminiscent of a mixture of onion and garlic, which many people do not like, but it is very good for health: it prevents helminthiasis, treats fungal diseases, puts hormonal levels in order, improves potency, and helps with rheumatism.

From avocado

What do you need:

  • avocado - ?;
  • almonds - 50 g;
  • juice squeezed from? lemon;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • pink salt - a pinch.

How to cook:

  1. Soak almonds overnight.
  2. In the morning, peel it off.
  3. Grind into fine crumbs.
  4. Cut the avocado into large pieces, add to the nuts, and beat at high speed.
  5. Add remaining ingredients.
  6. Beat until the mayonnaise becomes a homogeneous mass.

Recipe Notes:

  • this mayonnaise will not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator, so prepare it for 1 time;
  • it is ideal for dressing salads;
  • almonds act as a thickener here, but they can be made the main ingredient if you remove the avocado and increase the amount of nuts to 200 g.

From nuts and dates

What do you need:

  • nuts (cashews or almonds) - 200 g;
  • dates - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • - 30 ml;
  • juice squeezed from 1 lemon;
  • agave syrup - 30 ml;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the nuts and soak in warm water overnight.
  2. In the morning, grind in a blender.
  3. Remove the pits from the dates, chop them and the garlic, add them to the nuts, and grind them.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients, beat until smooth.

Recipe Notes:

  • some raw foodists refuse to eat even cold-pressed vegetable oil: in this recipe it does not play a major role, because nuts will act as fat, so this ingredient can be omitted - the taste and consistency of the sauce will not change significantly;
  • You can use honey instead of agave syrup as a sweetener if you allow it. If both of these ingredients do not suit you for some reason, just take 4 dates rather than 2.

From cashew

What do you need:

  • raw cashews - 200 g;
  • concentrated lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • pink or sea salt - a pinch;
  • ground ginger - a pinch;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Soak the peeled cashews overnight.
  2. Place all ingredients immediately into a blender.
  3. Scroll at low speed first. If the mixture is too thick, add a little more water.
  4. Turn on the blender at full power for 2-3 minutes.

Recipe Notes:

  • if you give this mayonnaise to someone, they are unlikely to reveal the secret of the composition: the special feature of the recipe are cashews, which do not have a pronounced nutty taste and aroma;
  • possible variations: add basil - we get a sauce a la pesto (ideal for raw food pasta), and you can also add a little ground mustard seeds.

Raw food mayonnaise “Provencal”

What do you need:

  • ground mustard seeds - 10 g;
  • ground white flax seeds - 10 g;
  • juice squeezed from? lemon;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • black salt - 5 g;
  • plain water - 200 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dill sprigs - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 500 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Mix all ingredients except oil, beat at low speed in a blender.
  2. Pour in the oil in a thin stream, stirring continuously.
  3. Beat at high speed.

Recipe Notes:

  • This mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for a week;
  • it will be the perfect dressing for any salad.

The variety of recipes allows you to try a new raw food mayonnaise every time, choosing a flavor for a specific dish. For example, avocado is more suitable for vegetable salads, cashew for fruit salads, etc. This sauce is a real find not only for those who adhere to this strict vegan trend, but also for those losing weight due to its low calorie content.

If you still think that a raw foodist has nothing to pamper himself with and his diet is quite limited. We will debunk this myth. Read our reviews: