Honey-lemon olive oil elixir: how to apply the healing mixture? Elixir of youth: honey, lemon, olive oil, use in folk medicine and cosmetology.

This oriental elixir of youth can be found in almost any collection of oriental health recipes.

From this article you will learn:

Oriental elixir of youth - recipe

Oriental elixir of youth - useful properties

This tool improves immunity well, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses blood vessels and liver, improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles.

If you make it a rule to take the elixir every day, in a month you will not only catch admiring glances, but also feel an amazing surge of strength and energy!

Main Ingredients

To prepare this wonderful elixir, you only need three ingredients:

  1. oil
  2. lemon juice

You can read more about the beneficial properties of honey, lemon juice is a source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, olive oil is a unique complex of vitamin E and healthy fatty acids.

All this taken together is a powerful anti-aging agent!

Oriental elixir of youth recipe


  1. 100 ml fresh lemon juice
  2. 200 g liquid flower honey
  3. 50 ml good quality olive oil


  1. Prepare freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix it with liquid honey and olive oil.
  2. Store this mixture in the refrigerator and take 1 teaspoon of this oriental elixir on an empty stomach in the morning.
  3. Before use, be sure to stir the mixture, as over time it may separate into layers.

The course of admission is individual.

You can drink the whole composition and cook more.

I take this elixir twice a year in autumn and spring, the course of admission is one month.

Try it and be healthy!

Oriental elixir of youth - contraindications for use

People suffering from various chronic diseases are advised to consult a doctor before use.

You may also be interested in these posts about homemade elixirs of youth and health.

Who does not know about the extraordinary benefits of honey, lemon and olive oil, which are widely popular and have proven their effectiveness in taking care of our health more than once. Each of these gifts of nature is a source of valuable substances and plays an invaluable role in the work of the body:

  • Lemon is famous for its high content of vitamin C, which is important for proper metabolism in every cell of our body and at the same time is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Honey, which contains more than 400 valuable components, is known for its antiseptic, immunostimulating and antibacterial properties. In addition, the bee product accelerates metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Olive oil is the richest source of unsaturated fatty acids, which play a special role in metabolism and protect the body from aging. The olive also has strong antioxidant properties.

One can imagine the benefits to the body of a mixture of these products, containing a truly invaluable storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Its components successfully complement each other, filling the body with all the necessary elements for its full-fledged work. The tandem of olive oil, honey and lemon is rightly called the "elixir of health, youth and beauty", which is a universal remedy that has a positive effect on the body both from the inside and outside:

  • A trio of lemon, honey and olive oil works wonders for the condition skin. Already after 6-7 days of using the "elixir" of the products we are considering, the skin of the face acquires an even and healthy color, the pores are cleansed, the number of acne eruptions is significantly reduced. And masks and other care products with a miraculous mixture nourish and moisturize the skin, smooth wrinkles and have a whitening effect.
  • Olive, honey and lemon are real hair healers. In combination, they saturate the curls with all the necessary substances, revitalize and strengthen them. Hair becomes soft, manageable, with an attractive natural shine.
  • Vitamin tandem of olive oil, lemon and honey is very useful for nails. It strengthens the nail plate, prevents its delamination and brittleness, and makes hands velvety and soft.
  • It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial effect of the olive, honey and lemon component of the "elixir of youth" on the functioning of internal organs. A mixture of these products improves digestion, normalizes the intestinal microflora, heals internal ulcers, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels, protects against atherosclerosis, improves liver and kidney function, and has a positive effect on the upper respiratory tract.
  • The combined effect of honey, lemon and olive oil on overall health is a huge boost of energy, boosting immunity, strengthening the nervous system, returning vitality and youth. And this is one of the best preventive remedies for colds.
  • An amazing food trio can be a great helper for those who want to have a slim figure. Honey contributes to the rapid digestion of fats, lemon reduces cholesterol and removes excess fluid, and olive oil will fully provide the body with polyunsaturated acids during the diet.

Tandem, consisting of lemon, honey and olive oil, proved to be excellent in solving many problems of the body. It is used both internally and externally for cosmetic purposes.

Recipes for internal use

Classical and perhaps the most popular recipe using our food trio is tincture "Elixir of youth". This tool improves immunity, gives a charge of vivacity, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, cleanses blood vessels, restores youth to the body and is an excellent prophylactic against many ailments.
The drug is prepared as follows:

  1. We prepare 50 ml of olive oil, 200 g of fresh honey and a couple of lemon pieces. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from citrus fruits, mix it with an olive product and finally add honey. Mix everything well and put the tincture in the refrigerator.
  2. We take the drug in a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. You can be treated with this remedy for 2 months twice a year. The best time for courses is spring and autumn. Elixir can be prepared every morning in small portions. In this case, the dosage is as follows - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, half an teaspoon of olive oil and a couple of teaspoons of honey.

A few more recipes using the oral products in question. Salt, mustard, yolk, garlic and other equally useful ingredients are added to some of them, which gives the drugs an additional healing effect:

  • Cough and cold syrup. Combine 150 ml of honey, juice squeezed from 3 lemons, and 50 ml of olive oil, mix it all up and heat slightly using a water bath. The syrup is placed in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for up to 2 months. Take medicine for coughs and colds in a tablespoon up to 4 times a day with warm water. This remedy can also be used in the treatment of pharyngitis.
  • To improve memory and general strengthening of the body. For a month, every day on an empty stomach, eat a quarter of a small lemon with the peel and drink a tablespoon of olive oil. The next month, eat daily 2 cm of crushed aloe leaf with honey, 5 g of spruce or pine resin, a couple of tablespoons of seaweed and a piece (the size of a bean) of licorice root. The course can be held twice a year.
  • To rejuvenate the body. The composition of the mixture is 5 medium lemons, 500 ml of honey and garlic (5 cloves). Grind lemons and peeled garlic in a meat grinder, combine them with honey and mix. Place the composition for 7 days in a dry, dark and warm place. After the expiration date, filter the mixture and take it in a teaspoon with warm water four times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 5 days. The tool will cleanse the blood vessels, increase the tone of the body, strengthen the immune system and cure the common cold. There is no olive oil in the drug, instead garlic is present, however, oil during treatment should be consumed by dressing vitamin vegetable salads with it.
  • With liver diseases. Mix 200 ml of olive oil and 1 kg of honey, add minced garlic (3 heads) and 4 medium lemons, from which the stones must be removed (the peel must be cut off from 2 lemons). Mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon. Pour the mixture into a glass container and refrigerate. Take a spoonful three times a day on an empty stomach before meals, 40 minutes in advance. Duration of treatment - from 1 to 2 months. You can repeat it up to 4 times a year. A remedy with an "elixir of youth", which contains garlic, is recommended for hepatitis, cholecystitis, and cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Drink recipe for weight loss. Squeeze 200 ml of carrot and artichoke juice, add a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice to taste. This drink can be consumed daily during the entire diet aimed at getting rid of excess weight.

Recipes for external use:

  • Relaxing bath. Prepare the mixture using the above recipe for the Elixir of Youth, add a handful of rose petals, sea or ordinary salt (1 tablespoon) to it. Place the finished product in a linen bag and place in a bath filled with warm water at a temperature of about 38 ° C. The duration of the bath - 20 minutes. This magical procedure will calm the nervous system, relieve depression and insomnia, and improve skin condition.
  • Whitening skin mask. Take a teaspoon of each of the three components of our "elixir", add the egg yolk and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture on the skin, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. After applying these masks twice in 7 days, freckles and even age spots will become almost invisible.
  • A popular wrinkle cream recipe. The composition of the mixture is a couple of teaspoons of olive oil, fresh honey (half an hour of a spoon), sea salt (a teaspoon), a couple of teaspoons of chamomile decoction and cosmetic vaseline, yolk. Mix everything well and place the cream in the refrigerator. 2-3 hours before bedtime, apply the cream daily on the skin with gentle massage movements, removing the remnants of the cream with a cotton pad moistened with mineral water after half an hour. After the procedure, drink a cup of warm chamomile tea with a slice of lemon.
  • Honey-lemon-olive skin scrub. Gently rub a mixture of a tablespoon of candied honey, the juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil into the heated skin with gentle massaging movements, then wash off the scrub with warm water. Grains of honey will gently cleanse the skin of dead particles, cleanse and open the pores, and eliminate peeling. Lemon will brighten and even out the complexion, and the whole vitamin mixture will nourish the skin with useful substances. You can carry out such gentle peeling twice a week, but not more often. Important point - this recipe is not suitable for inflamed skin.
To create a more economical composition, you can take sea salt instead of honey, also a tablespoon. It will not only exfoliate dead cells, make the skin soft and young, but also draw out excess water and toxins.
    • Wrap against cellulite. Lightly heat a couple of tablespoons of honey using a water bath, pour a tablespoon of olive oil into it and add dry mustard (a couple of tablespoons). All this is thoroughly mixed and applied to the problem area. Then wrap yourself in cling film, wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy a cup of tea with lemon in a relaxed atmosphere, which will nourish the skin with vitamin C and other beneficial substances. After an hour, wash off the composition with water, and moisturize the skin with cream.

  • Mask for strengthening nails. In 100 g of olive oil, add 5-6 drops of lemon juice, a couple of teaspoons of honey and an ampoule of liquid vitamin E. Apply the composition to the nails daily for 20-25 minutes.
  • Cream for dry skin of hands. The composition of the mixture is honey (15 g), lemon juice (4-5 drops), olive oil (25 g), one yolk. Apply the cream on the skin of the hands for the whole night, wearing cotton gloves on them. This mask will soften the skin, make hands soft and smooth.

  • Heel mask recipe. Mix a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and liquid honey, apply the composition on the heels and feet, rinse it off with warm water after 20-25 minutes, and wipe your feet dry with a towel. Next, cut off two slices of lemon - one on one heel, the second on the other. Rub lemon slices on the heels and feet, pat your feet dry with a paper towel and grease them with cream. Lemon additionally softens and nourishes the skin and has a deodorizing effect.
If there are wounds and cracks on the legs, it is better to refuse to use the citrus component.
  • Nourishing mask for curls. Ingredients - 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, one yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil. Mix the mixture well, the yolk must be carefully separated from the protein, which is extremely difficult to wash off the hair. Apply the mask on the strands and keep it on your head for about 40 minutes. The composition is washed off with shampoo.
  • A strengthening hair mask. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey, lemon juice and olive oil and distribute the composition over freshly washed hair. After half an hour, wash off the mask with shampoo.


The use of the tandem, called the "elixir of youth", has a number of the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to any of the products;
  • hypertension, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • chronic or acute diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Honey, lemon and eggs, including the yolk, are allergenic foods. Before using them in practice, a test for the tolerance of these ingredients should be carried out. And if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract about the use of products such as lemon and garlic, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

How to choose ingredients

Of course, all of the listed recipes will bring the greatest benefit only if each of their components is of good quality. When choosing olive oil, you should pay attention to its freshness and the presence of an inscription on the label "Extra virgin", which means that the product is produced by cold pressing from high-quality raw materials. It is not recommended to purchase oil with the inscription "Pomace" - it is obtained from the pomace of olive fruits through thermal and chemical processing. Such a product contains a minimum amount of nutrients.

Honey is remarkable in that it is stored for a very long time without losing its properties. However, for the manufacture of medicinal potions, it is better to take fresh liquid honey. It is more convenient in the preparation of mixtures and does not require heating, which loses some of the nutrients. But candied honey can also be useful, for example, for a scrub. It is advisable to buy this beekeeping product from reliable manufacturers, and preferably from familiar beekeepers. You should not buy it in stores where you can only find honey supplemented with preservatives or heat-treated, which destroyed the entire value of the product.

Picking lemons is pretty easy.- they must be strong, resilient and without putrefactive damage.

It is worth saying more about the choice of a product such as yolk, which is often found in recipes. To prepare masks, it is better to purchase eggs from village chickens from grandmothers in the market or from farmers. Eggs bought in a store are laid in an artificial atmosphere and are far from natural.

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For centuries, philosophers have discussed the reasons why people grow old, while alchemists have tried to find the elixir of youth, its recipe. A Chinese expedition called Xu Fu set out to search for the elixir of immortality. The Chinese ruler Qin Shi Huangdi believed such an elixir existed. The formed cult claimed that the person who tried it would become immortal. The emperor equipped 2 expeditions, their goal was to find this drink. The first expedition consisted of hundreds of women and men. He sent her to the holy island mountains, where, according to legend, the inhabitants possessed immortality.

After the departure, there was no news from this expedition. For this reason, some time later, a second expedition was organized, it included four magicians, among them was the teacher Lu, he told the emperor after returning that the search was unsuccessful, but he found a magical scripture, it dealt with the fall of the well-known during the Qin Dynasty. The ruler died after consuming "immortality" pills that contained mercury.

However, people still found the elixir of youth, its main ingredient is honey. By mixing it with other natural products, you can keep your skin and hair youthful for much longer, as well as improve your overall health.

The recipe for the drink "honey, lemon, olive oil"

Do you think that it is impossible to cook it at home? You are mistaken, this recipe is very simple. Despite the fact that here it is necessary to determine the scope. In the event that you want to help the body cope with a cold or lose weight with the elixir, then you need to use a composition that is suitable for internal use, the main condition is that there should not be any unnecessary or unnatural components. Only lemon juice, honey, oil, in a ratio of 1:1.

If the condition of the hair has worsened or skin problems have appeared, auxiliary elements can be added to the classic recipe. For example, when creating a mask-balm, it is possible to add castor or rosemary oils, egg white. And the face mask should be suitable for the type of skin, negligence can cause a deterioration in its condition.


  • 3 art. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

To rejuvenate the whole body, we will prepare a special drink for internal use, for preparation it is necessary:

Take half a lemon and squeeze it into a glass. Then add a few tablespoons of fresh olive oil to the juice. Then add four tablespoons of fresh honey. Mix all the ingredients with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The prepared elixir should be taken every morning before breakfast, one tablespoon. Keep the drink in the refrigerator. You need to use this remedy for about three weeks.

To whiten the skin on the face, we use a similar recipe with honey:

To do this, you need one tablespoon of honey, olive oil, lemon juice, mix everything in one bowl. Then the product is applied to the skin, while the liquid should not get into the eyes. The mask on the face should be 15 minutes. Use warm water to wash off and apply a rich moisturizer to your face. You need to use this mask for ten days.

To restore hair after all sorts of experiments with hair, you can prepare a balm mask:

Again using one container, mix: one tablespoon of honey, olive oil and lemon juice. The balm is infused at room temperature for 20 minutes. Apply a balm-mask to clean and damp hair, rub it into the roots, then the effect will be better. On the head you need to put on a plastic cap, wrap your hair with a towel over it. Wait 30 minutes. After, wash your hair with shampoo under running water.

Properties of components: honey, lemon, olive oil

Any vegetable oil, whether it be sunflower or olive, if it is of high quality, is rich in monosaturated fats and fatty acids, among which the percentage of Omega-3 makes up the majority. Thanks to these components, a complex cleansing of the body occurs: toxins and toxins are removed, cholesterol levels are reduced, blood is thinned, which prevents the formation of plaques and blood clots in the vessels, and also promotes the resorption of existing ones. In addition, it is rich in linoleic acid, which helps to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Olive oil and honey have similar health benefits. The bee product also has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism, especially the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In addition, it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties, is used as a natural probiotic, it contains vitamins and microelements. Different honeys have their own unique taste and aroma, so everyone can choose according to their taste.

Lemon perfectly complements this tandem. It is a generous source of vitamin C, which makes citrus a good antioxidant. Lemon helps to strengthen the immune system, helps regeneration, regulates the processes of digestion, hematopoiesis, increases the elasticity of the walls blood vessels and also synthesizes collagen. Many people use lemon to lose weight: it helps the body break down fat deposits, thanks to which new ones do not form.

6 reasons to use honey, lemon juice with olive oil

  1. Normalizes the processes of digestion, for the prevention of constipation.
  2. Promotes weight loss.
  3. Cleans blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels.
  4. Heals the liver.
  5. Treats cough.
  6. Restores the beauty of hair, skin and nails.

Linseed oil, honey, lemon - what is it used for

The honey-based elixir, which includes garlic, also uses flaxseed oil and lemon, is considered an effective remedy for overall health improvement. It is used in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. To increase the tone of the whole organism, you can also use the fruits of lemongrass. With all this, the ingredients of this medicine are natural and affordable, which makes it possible for almost every person to provide such assistance to their own health.

How to take a drink

Oriental elixir called "Old age goodbye"

Mix the ingredients until emulsified:

  • olive oil - 50g;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • liquid honey - 200 g.

It is necessary to take a drink twice a year, in the spring-autumn period.

Correct take: one teaspoon 20 minutes before breakfast. Use the elixir until it runs out. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Oriental mass for rejuvenation protects the body from the rapid aging process, activates the metabolism, and also assists in the work of the intestines.

Treatment of sinusitis with honey, soda and oil

The methods of treatment with traditional medicine have a lot of advantages, especially for sinusitis and sinusitis. Only after consulting with your doctor, you can start treating sinusitis with sodium bicarbonate (soda), oil and honey.

Honey folk recipes have advantages:

  • general availability;
  • all ingredients are at hand;
  • acceptable price of components;
  • it is not difficult to buy oil, honey and soda in any grocery store, in the market;
  • convenience and ease of preparation, as well as the use of folk remedies for sinusitis and sinusitis at any time convenient for the patient;
  • there are no side effects (if there is no allergy to the components);
  • relieve symptoms of the disease and strengthen the immune system.

Recipes for sinusitis based on oil, soda, honey

Alternately place a pea-sized butter in the left and right nasal cavity, do it at night, this will help eliminate inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. Removes puffiness and improves breathing after 5, maximum 6 procedures. To eliminate greenish mucous discharge, it is advised to treat ENT diseases for about two weeks.

A mixture of honey, sunflower oil and soda is recommended for an effective solution to such a problem as sinusitis. In order to prepare it, take all of the above components, 1 teaspoon. Cotton turundas moistened with a medicinal mixture should be alternately placed in the right, then in the left nasal sinus. After about 4 procedures, the maxillary sinuses begin to clear of pus.

Honey with soda solution and brewed strong tea, mixed in the same ratio, add 17 drops of eucalyptus tincture for alcohol per 10 ml of solution, you can buy it at a pharmacy. The resulting composition should be dripped into the nose, two drops three times a day. To prepare the solution, use a glass vial, which must be shaken well before instillation.

To prepare the composition, on a steam bath, it is necessary to mix honey, vegetable oil, milk, alcohol, onion juice and grated laundry soap in equal proportions. It is intended for application to cotton swabs with their subsequent laying in the nasal sinuses. This procedure takes 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 20 days.

onion remedy

For preparation, use 5 ml of onion juice and 5 ml vegetable oil which is pasteurized in a water bath. Bury 3 times a day, 5 drops. The duration of therapy is from 7 to 10 days.

Honey, soda, oil from sinusitis: reviews

Oksana Oleinik: “I live in the private sector, with sinusitis I go to the bathhouse, half an hour a day. Before visiting, I lubricate the sinuses with honey, and then a little oil on top. After 30 minutes, you breathe easier and your mood improves in general. After the third visit, it gets much better.”

Valentina Lashkul: “Turundas help me to treat inflamed sinusitis. Having moistened a cotton swab with a composition of oils, honey and soda, I introduce it into the nasal cavity for 30 minutes. I use this recipe for one week, but relief is felt after the first application. The nasal sinuses are moistened, puffiness is reduced, the breathing process is facilitated.

Olesya Solovieva: “When the child caught sinusitis, she treated with tea with honey. After drinking, smeared the nose with a mixture using oil and soda. This method was recommended by a doctor. It moisturizes and cleanses the nasal passages. The child’s breathing improved and his general well-being noticeably improved, we went through the course of treatment without being capricious.”

Elixir of youth: honey, lemon, olive oil: reviews

Egor Danilov, 45 years old

Somehow I read an article that this composition can remove stones that are in the gallbladder, and I suffer from them. After consulting with his doctor, he decided that this would not bring harm, that it could be bad in the juice of lemons or honey, and began to drink one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The state of health improved already after a month of such treatment, it did not work out completely, but the operation is no longer being discussed.

Ksenia Belova, 65 years old

I have never used such remedies and miraculous elixirs, as I was skeptical about them, preferring pure honey. But after reading about a very simple and quite affordable drink, I decided to experiment. After some time, I began to notice that wrinkles became less noticeable, and the skin was more silky and well-groomed, gastrointestinal problems were forgotten, and the first signs of atherosclerosis disappeared.

Ekaterina Ivanova, 46 years old

A familiar folk healer told me this homemade recipe and I decided to try it. Such a tool will definitely not cause harm. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator. From prolonged storage in the cold, the mixture will lose its properties, just find a cool place for it. I cook in small portions for a couple of days, after I eat, I do it again so as not to spoil. The effect is noticeable, the hair has acquired a healthy look, the nails have become less broken, wrinkles have smoothed out, and the skin has become much cleaner. I recommend this tool to everyone.

Olive oil is an indispensable component of a complete diet and an excellent medicine. In combination with honey and lemon, it turns into a miraculous drug for rejuvenation and healing of the whole organism. This magical mixture has unique properties and is widely used in folk medicine. Each of these products individually can be used in home cosmetology. And their combination is a powerful "vaccine" to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Useful properties of the mixture

Honey, lemon, olive oil - this is a unique "combination" of the most useful products, each of which has pronounced beneficial properties:

  1. Lemon is an indispensable source of organic acids and vitamin C. It is used in the treatment of colds, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency and to combat excess weight. For cosmetic purposes, lemon is used to soften, dry, whiten and rejuvenate the skin.
  2. Honey has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties, therefore it is used to treat many diseases. It contains vitamins and trace elements that provide maximum nutrition for the skin, hair and body as a whole.
  3. The composition of olive oil includes natural antioxidants and fatty acids, which contribute to the normalization of metabolism and prevent internal and external aging of the body.

Video: The benefits of olive oil in Malysheva's program "Live healthy!"

Considering the main properties of olive oil, honey and lemon, we can conclude that a mixture of these products is capable of a lot:

  • nourishes - maximally saturates the body with useful substances;
  • strengthens - increases immunity and improves well-being;
  • rejuvenates - improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • promotes weight loss - the breakdown of fats and the removal of cholesterol.

Rejuvenation of the body from the inside

The combination of honey, lemon and olive oil is often referred to as the "elixir of youth". The use of this mixture has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin, hair and the condition of the whole organism. And to prepare the drug according to a very simple recipe:

Oriental elixir of youth.

With daily intake, this remedy perfectly improves immunity, cleanses blood vessels, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, rejuvenates the skin and improves complexion.

Honey - 200 g.
Lemon - 2 pieces.
Olive oil - 50 ml.

1. Squeeze half a glass of fresh juice from lemons.
2. Take extra virgin olive oil and mix it with an acidic liquid.
3. Add natural flower honey.
4. Mix all the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass.
5. The drug is recommended to drink 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning.
6. The course of treatment can last up to two months.
7. You can store the mixture in a dark, cool place.

Facial skin care

Lemon, honey and olive oil are widely used in home cosmetics. From them you can prepare effective masks for nourishing and rejuvenating the skin of the face.

Whitening composition

The tool is more suitable for skin with high fat content, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, brightens the tone of the face, fights unwanted pigmentation.

Compound. Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp

1. Oil, lemon juice and honey are combined in the indicated proportions.
2. Apply the mask on the face, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes.
3. Keep the product for about 15-20 minutes.
4. Wash off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
5. This composition can be used every other day for 3-4 weeks.

Video: Recipe for a multi-component mask with honey, oil and lemon for dry skin.

Scrub mask with yolk.

Gently cleanses the face of dead skin cells, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes, moisturizes and tightens the skin.

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.
Yolk - 1 pc.
Honey - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 1 tsp

1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
2. With massaging movements, we spread the scrub on the face, rub it a little into the skin.
3. Keep the mask for about 12-15 minutes.
4. Wash off the product with warm water and treat the skin with a moisturizer.
5. It is advisable to use a scrub mask no more than 2 times a week and only in winter.

Hair strengthening

Honey, lemon and olive oil can be used not only to rejuvenate the skin of the face, but also to improve the condition and appearance of the hair.

Revitalizing mask.

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Honey - 4 tbsp. l.
Lemon - ½ part.

1. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and combine it with honey and butter.
2. We insist the mixture for about 30 minutes in a warm place.
3. Apply the mask to washed, dried hair and rub it into the scalp.
4. We put a bag on top and wrap our head with a towel.
5. Keep the mask for at least 30-40 minutes.
6. Wash off the product with warm water and shampoo.

Contraindications for use

The only contraindication to the use of the "elixir of youth" is considered intolerance to one of its components. It should be noted that the latter is not uncommon. Bee products and lemons are the strongest allergens, the careless use of which can cause a rash, redness on the skin and poor health. In addition, it is not recommended to take this mixture for acute or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of gallstones and hypertension.

A fatty vegetable product obtained from the olive, its pulp, is olive oil. The secret of its uniqueness and value is the composition, which includes many useful substances. Moreover, they are assimilated by one hundred percent, which makes it a valuable product.

It can be used both internally and externally, but olive oil is most beneficial when taken on an empty stomach. This method allows you to rejuvenate the entire body, improve the quality of hair and skin with nails. According to doctors, at this time there is a better absorption of substances with an effective cleansing of internal organs.

The benefits and harms of olive oil on an empty stomach directly depend on the components of this product:

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids, especially Omega-3, help to remove bad cholesterol and cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  2. Phenols help reduce inflammation.
  3. Monounsaturated fats can prevent the development of atherosclerosis with cancer.
  4. Establish the normal activity of internal organs and external systems a large number of fat-soluble vitamins.
  5. Helps heal various internal and external damage linoleic acid.

The production process and the possibility of long-term storage endow olive oil with benefits and harms in some cases, which will be discussed a little later.

miraculous action

Its use helps prevent the appearance of plaques from cholesterol, normalize metabolic processes in the body, reduce appetite, slowly convert lipids into fat, quickly heal existing gastrointestinal ulcers, reduce acidity and eliminate inflammation, cleanse the intestines, activate the liver, improve skin, hair, nail plates. , cartilage, bones and muscles.

Traditional and official medicine is absolutely sure of the benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach. Doctors explain this by the fact that an empty stomach better absorbs the products that enter it. And it is better that they are useful, which is contained in this product.

At this moment, the cleansing processes that occur throughout the day are activated. But such a reception can provoke an exacerbation of diseases existing in the body. Even those that the person himself did not know about.

Therefore, before drinking olive oil on an empty stomach, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions under which it cannot be consumed in this form with the advice of a physician. Any treatment should be carried out according to the developed scheme and under the supervision of a physician. Start taking, as a rule, with half a tablespoon. The same amount must be taken in the evening before dinner for half an hour. After two weeks, the dose is increased.

Drinking such a product immediately after lifting, you can permanently remove toxins from the body and normalize internal organs, in particular the liver. This can be done by adding lemon juice - first drink 1 tsp. oil and then a few drops of juice.

This method is the most optimal, allowing you to soften the effect of the oil. To completely cleanse the liver, you need to increase the amount of products - 1 tbsp. l. for the same amount of lemon juice. The same effect will be if you drink tomato juice instead of lemon juice - 1 glass of juice and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Rejuvenation, cosmetology and figure improvement

The most unique combination is honey, lemon and olive oil taken on an empty stomach. All of them are unique individually, and together they give an amazing effect.

Most of all, this method is used to improve physical fitness. Indeed, thanks to honey, fats entering the body are digested faster, lemon - unnecessary water is removed and cholesterol levels decrease, and oil fills the body with the necessary healing substances.

It should be borne in mind that while on a diet, this combination saturates with all useful trace elements.

Honey, lemon and olive oil

Honey, lemon and olive oil on an empty stomach has a positive effect on the skin and hair. To do this, you need to take 0.5 cups of lemon juice, honey - 1 cup and oil - 50 ml, mix everything thoroughly and put it in the cold. Eat the resulting mixture every day for 1 tsp. and the result will not be long in coming.

In cosmetology, this combination is also popular. To strengthen the hair, you need to take half a lemon and squeeze out the juice, honey - 4 tbsp. l., olive oil - 1 tbsp. l. Mix everything and insist 30 minutes in heat. Hair should be washed, dried and combed - apply a mask and wrap your head with a bag and a towel. Wash your hair with shampoo after 40 minutes.

These ingredients can also whiten the skin. To do this, everything is taken a little bit in equal amounts, mixed and chicken yolk is added. This composition also eliminates peeling and gives elasticity.

Like any product, this one also has contraindications due to the strong effect on liver activity in terms of cleaning. A teaspoon is enough to start the movement of stones in the gallbladder.

In this case, the result may be the need for surgical intervention. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary before you start drinking olive oil on an empty stomach without fail to find out about your state of health and consult with a specialist.

For a quality fight against excess body fat, it is worth adjusting your diet, excluding from it foods and dishes that are unnecessary for the body.

An equally important point lies in the choice of oil:

  1. The first thing to pay attention to is the freshness and whether the place where it was produced coincides with the place of bottling.
  2. You should look for the presence of such a mark - Extra virgin, indicating high-quality raw materials and cold pressing. If only the word Virgin is present, then the quality of the feedstock is slightly lower.
  3. In the presence of the inscription Pomace, the usefulness is reduced several times, since cake, heat and chemistry were used in the production.
  4. If there is an inscription on any other oil, stating the presence of olive oil in the product, you should not believe this.
  5. The oil should be sold in a dark glass bottle.

Considering all these points when buying oil, you can safely use it without fear of negative consequences. It is better to store olive oil in the dark and cool, but not in the refrigerator.

With the right approach, reasonable storage and use, you can take out a lot of useful and pleasant things from this product.