Homemade wine marmalade. How to make marmalade from grape juice

Georgian grape marmalade without sugar

Let's figure out how to make grape marmalade. Choose sweet grapes. Cook in an enamel pan, stirring with a wooden spoon. We sterilize containers and lids.


Carefully separate the berries from the ridge and rinse thoroughly with running cold water. Now briefly put the berries in a pan of boiling water, in which a little baking soda is dissolved (0.5 tablespoons of soda per 5 kg of grapes). After 5 minutes, drain the water, mash the berries with a masher and rub through a fine sieve to separate the juice and pulp from the skin and seeds. Transfer the resulting pureed mass into a clean saucepan and simmer over medium-low heat until tender. Stir constantly so that it does not burn. We pack hot in small sterilized glass jars. Seal when cool, after a crust has formed on the surface of the marmalade.

Source: http://womanadvice.ru/marmelad-iz-vinograda-recept#ixzz2nLWacvjT

Marmalade grapes recipe

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 liters of grape juice - 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.


We wash the bunches well and carefully separate the berries. Place them in a saucepan and boil while continuously stirring over low heat. Knead, boil a little, then add sugar and cook in several stages until thickened. During the break between boiling, strain through a fine sieve.

Grape marmalade

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 kg of table grapes - 200 g of homemade grape wine (same color) + 1 kg of granulated sugar.


Wash the grapes, carefully separate the berries from the ridges, put them in a saucepan, add wine and boil with continuous stirring over medium-low heat. Strain through a fine sieve, add sugar, dissolve it and boil until tender in several batches. Place in sterilized jars.

Grape marmalade with quince


  • grape berries - 1 kg;

  • quinces - 200 g;

  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;

  • sugar - 100 g.


Boil clean grapes (without the ridge), cool and rub through a fine sieve. Quickly cut the quince into 4 parts each, remove the seed pods with seeds, sprinkle with lemon juice and chop into small pieces with a cleaver (or plan with a knife). Mix with grape juice, add sugar and simmer over low heat until tender.

Thick, aromatic grape jam is a delicious preparation for the winter. The consistency of the delicacy is suitable for baking, and its extraordinary taste will transform any dish. This wonderful treat is quite simple to prepare, and you will certainly like the result.

How to make jam from Isabella grapes for the winter?


  • grapes – 775 g;
  • sugar – 245 g;
  • lemon juice – 25 g.


First, prepare the grapes properly. For jam, it is better to select large berries, then the seeds can be removed without difficulty. If you are using overripe and soft grapes, squeeze the pulp into a container along with the seeds, then boil the mixture for a couple of minutes and strain through a large sieve. This way the seeds won't get into the jam. Now cook this mixture, combining it with the unpeeled peel.

Sprinkle seedless grapes with sugar and add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Place on low heat, wait until the mixture boils and cook in this mode for 20 minutes.

You can check the readiness of the jam with a simple test: place the saucer in the freezer for about 10 minutes, and half an hour after cooking, put 1/2 teaspoon of jam on the saucer and put it back in the refrigerator for a minute. Take out a saucer of jam and run your finger along it, forming a kind of groove. If it doesn’t numb right away, the jam is ready! And if the mixture is a bit runny, boil for a couple more minutes.

Place the finished, slightly cooled jam into hot, sterile containers and seal with lids.

Kishmish grape jam - recipe


  • raisins – 965 g;
  • sugar – 735 g;
  • lemon.

    Grape jam for the winter. The best recipes with photos


First prepare the grapes. Rinse it thoroughly, remove all dirt and tails, remove the berries from the branches. Now proceed directly to the process of making jam. First, pour all the berries into a suitable pan, preferably enameled. Place this container on the stove and heat it up a little to extract juice from the berries. Now add lemon slices and add sugar. At this stage of preparation, add heat and cook the future jam, remembering to constantly stir and skim off the foam, which will form frequently and in fairly large quantities. The jam will be ready when it thickens enough.

You can try this delicacy as soon as it cools down. Or you can prepare it for the winter by sealing it in sterilized jars. The delicacy will thicken more as it cools.

Grape marmalade - recipe

An excellent type of preparation for the winter is grape marmalade. This delicious delicacy is good served with tea or can be used to prepare various confectionery products. Of course, to prepare grape marmalade you need to use only table grapes.

Georgian grape marmalade without sugar

Let's figure out how to make grape marmalade. Choose sweet grapes. Cook in an enamel pan, stirring with a wooden spoon. We sterilize containers and lids.


Carefully separate the berries from the ridge and rinse thoroughly with running cold water. Now briefly put the berries in a pan of boiling water, in which a little baking soda is dissolved (0.5 tablespoons of soda per 5 kg of grapes). After 5 minutes, drain the water, mash the berries with a masher and rub through a fine sieve to separate the juice and pulp from the skin and seeds. Transfer the resulting pureed mass into a clean saucepan and simmer over medium-low heat until tender. Stir constantly so that it does not burn. We pack hot in small sterilized glass jars. Seal when cool, after a crust has formed on the surface of the marmalade.

Grape marmalade recipe

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 liters of grape juice – 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.


We wash the bunches well and carefully separate the berries. Place them in a saucepan and boil while continuously stirring over low heat. Knead, boil a little, then add sugar and cook in several stages until thickened. During the break between boiling, strain through a fine sieve.

Grape marmalade

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 kg of table grapes – 200 g of homemade grape wine (of the same color) + 1 kg of granulated sugar.


Wash the grapes, carefully separate the berries from the ridges, put them in a saucepan, add wine and boil with continuous stirring over medium-low heat. Strain through a fine sieve, add sugar, dissolve it and boil until tender in several batches. Place in sterilized jars.

Grape marmalade with quince


  • grape berries – 1 kg;
  • quince – 200 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 100 g.


Boil clean grapes (without the ridge), cool and rub through a fine sieve. Quickly cut the quince into 4 parts each, remove the seed pods with seeds, sprinkle with lemon juice and chop into small pieces with a cleaver (or plan with a knife). Mix with grape juice, add sugar and simmer over low heat until tender.

You can add gelatin or agar-agar to grape marmalade (this is done towards the end of the process), this preserves it better.

You can also serve marmalade made from pears or watermelon rinds with a cup of tea in the family circle.

If you are thinking about what other tasty and aromatic jam to prepare for the winter, make jam from Isabella grapes. Have you ever made grape jam? Be sure to try it. From “Isabella” the jam turns out to be tasty and aromatic, and also very beautiful in color. Both adults and children will enjoy eating this jam. It’s not difficult to make Isabella grape jam in a slow cooker.

Jam-jelly from Isabella grapes in a slow cooker

Required ingredients:

  • grapes – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 4.5 tbsp;
  • water – 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Tear the grapes from the branches.

Grape jam for the winter

Rinse the grapes thoroughly and then place in a colander to drain off excess water.

Pour water into the multicooker and add 1.5 cups of sugar. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode. Stirring occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then place the prepared grapes in the hot syrup. Let the grapes simmer for 5-10 minutes without switching the mode.

Then strain the jam through cheesecloth. Squeeze the grapes well. Return the strained jam to the slow cooker. Add the rest of the sugar.

Cook the jam for 30 minutes, setting the “Stew” mode. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up. After cooling, the jam will thicken.

Classic grape jam “Isabella” in a slow cooker

Required ingredients:

  • grapes – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg.

Cooking process:

Sort the grapes carefully, immediately discard spoiled berries, as they can spoil the taste of the finished jam. To make jam, choose large, juicy berries.

Remove the seeds from the berries and place them in a slow cooker or bowl. Sprinkle the prepared grapes with sugar. Stir and leave overnight, or for 8-10 hours.

Then stir the berries again. If they stood overnight in a bowl, transfer them along with the released juice to the slow cooker.

Turn on the “Stew” mode and cook the jam for 2 hours.

While the jam is preparing, prepare the jars. Wash and sterilize them. Place the jam in jars and seal with sterilized lids.

Isabella grape jam with seeds in a slow cooker

Required ingredients:

  • grapes – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 4.5 tbsp;
  • water – 0.3 l.

Cooking process:

First of all, carefully sort the grapes and wash them, separating the berries from the branches. Place the berries in a colander to drain the water.

Meanwhile, pour water into the slow cooker and add sugar. Turn on the “Stew” mode and cook the syrup. Remember to stir the sugar and water until the syrup is ready.

When the sugar is completely dissolved in the water, add the grapes to the slow cooker. Boil the jam for 10 minutes without switching mode. Then, turning off the multicooker, let the jam cool completely.

Then turn on the “Stew” mode again and boil the jam for about 10 minutes. Let the jam cool completely again.

Repeat everything the third time: that is, boil the jam in the “Stew” mode for 10 minutes. Place the hot jam into jars and roll up.

But you can make jam a little easier. From water and one and a half cups of sugar, cook syrup in a slow cooker as described above. Then add the prepared berries to the slow cooker. Boil the jam and turn off the multicooker. Wait until the jam has cooled completely.

Then add three more cups of sugar into the slow cooker. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode again. Cook the jam for 30 minutes. Don't forget to stir the jam from time to time.

Also place hot jam into jars and seal with metal lids. Wrap it up and leave the jam overnight, then put it in a cool place to wait in the wings.

Vitamin marmalade made from grape juice is an excellent option dessert for children who don't like fruits. They will certainly like this healthy marmalade. It’s quite easy to prepare and you’ll get it right the first time..

For grape juice marmalade you need:

  • 1 liter of grape juice
  • 20 grams of gelatin
  • 2 cups granulated sugar


1. Pour gelatin with water and leave until it swells.

2. Add granulated sugar to the grape juice and place over medium heat. Brew syrup until the sugar dissolves. Add diluted gelatin to it. Cook the marmalade until it thickens.

3. Pour the marmalade into molds and cool the treat. Sprinkle the marmalades with powder or sugar. The delicacy can be served to the table.

How to make marmalade from syrup at home

You can use fruit and berry puree as the basis for marmalade. If there are no fresh or frozen fruits, they can be replaced with jam, juice, or syrup. Let's make cranberry syrup marmalade! This is both unusual and tasty, and useful.

1. Take half a kilogram of cranberries, wash them well and fill them with water. The water should cover the berries by a couple of centimeters. Add two cups of sugar to the cranberries (if the marmalade is not sweet enough, you can add more sugar).

2. Boil cranberry juice over low heat. Remove it from the counter and cool to room temperature. Pass the juice through a sieve (this will help remove the seeds). Now you have the syrup ready.

3. Put the syrup on the fire. Add a tablespoon of agar agar and cook for a few minutes until the marmalade becomes thick.

4. Pour the marmalade into silicone molds. When it has cooled, carefully remove the gummies and sprinkle them with powder.

Only the best marmalade recipes for you in the collection of recipes on the site!

An excellent type of preparation for the winter is grape marmalade. This delicious delicacy is good served with tea or can be used to prepare various confectionery products. Of course, to prepare grape marmalade you need to use only table grapes.

Georgian grape marmalade without sugar

Let's figure out how to make grape marmalade. Choose sweet grapes. Cook in an enamel pan, stirring with a wooden spoon. We sterilize containers and lids.


Carefully separate the berries from the ridge and rinse thoroughly with running cold water. Now briefly put the berries in a pan of boiling water, in which a little baking soda is dissolved (0.5 tablespoons of soda per 5 kg of grapes). After 5 minutes, drain the water, mash the berries with a masher and rub through a fine sieve to separate the juice and pulp from the skin and seeds. Transfer the resulting pureed mass into a clean saucepan and simmer over medium-low heat until tender. Stir constantly so that it does not burn. We pack hot in small sterilized glass jars. Seal when cool, after a crust has formed on the surface of the marmalade.

Grape marmalade recipe

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 liters of grape juice – 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.


We wash the bunches well and carefully separate the berries. Place them in a saucepan and boil while continuously stirring over low heat. Knead, boil a little, then add sugar and cook in several stages until thickened. During the break between boiling, strain through a fine sieve.

Grape marmalade

Calculation of ingredients:

  • for 2 kg of table grapes – 200 g of homemade grape wine (of the same color) + 1 kg of granulated sugar.


Wash the grapes, carefully separate the berries from the ridges, put them in a saucepan, add wine and boil with continuous stirring over medium-low heat. Strain through a fine sieve, add sugar, dissolve it and boil until tender in several batches. Place in sterilized jars.

Grape marmalade with quince


  • grape berries – 1 kg;
  • quince – 200 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 100 g.


Boil clean grapes (without the ridge), cool and rub through a fine sieve. Quickly cut the quince into 4 parts each, remove the seed pods with seeds, sprinkle with lemon juice and chop into small pieces with a cleaver (or plan with a knife). Mix with grape juice, add sugar and simmer over low heat until tender.

Autumn is rich in its gifts, so the grapes begin to ripen, and from them you can prepare many delicacies. Today I’ll tell you how to make marmalade from white grapes. It turns out to be such beauty.

So, we need white ones, we can use pink grapes (black ones are made a little differently).

We wash the grapes, separate them from the brush and squeeze the juice out of them. You can use a juicer, you can use a colander, and then strain through cheesecloth or a strainer.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and add half a kilogram of sugar, put it on low heat and cook for an hour, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.

We dilute 20 grams of gelatin in a glass of cold water and leave to swell. It took me about 10 minutes for it to swell. You can read and do as indicated in the instructions.

Cool the juice slightly so that it is hot, but not boiling water, and add gelatin to it and mix. If the gelatin produces grains or lumps, strain through a sieve. Pour into the mold.

I used plastic packaging from grilled sausages, it’s very convenient and corrugated, making it easy to cut. You can use an ice tray. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

As soon as it hardens, take it out of the refrigerator, lower the mold into boiling water for 1-2 seconds and turn it over onto a plate covered with a paper towel to remove excess liquid and dry the marmalade.

Cube or rectangle mode, whichever you prefer.

Now dip each piece in sugar.

Place in a vase and serve with tea.

This marmalade can be perfectly stored for a long time; to do this, put it in a cardboard box and cover it with parchment paper. Store in a dry and cool place where there are no sudden changes in temperature.

Enjoy your tea on this warm autumn evening!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.