“Malachite bracelet” and “Africa”: salads with chicken and kiwi. Kiwi salad malachite bracelet

Salad " Malachite bracelet» in recent years has won the hearts of many housewives. Him along with traditional salads Olivier and herring under a fur coat can often be found on festive table. Interesting taste And original design made him popular. If we talk about the recipe, it is prepared classic salad“Malachite bracelet” with chicken and kiwi in the form of a ring, a kind of bracelet, hence the name of the dish. Additional Ingredients salad consists of apples, carrots, hard cheese and eggs. In some recipes you can see ingredients such as garlic and raisins or prunes.

Concerning external design salad “Malachite Bracelet”, then each housewife also approaches it with creativity and designs it individually. Traditional decoration salad - kiwi slices or finely chopped kiwi cubes, laid out on the final layer of yolks. For additional brightness and contrast, the salad is often sprinkled with chopped walnuts or pomegranate seeds and red currants. Decorate with parsley leaves or dill sprigs.

Today I want to show you how to cook salad "Malachite bracelet" - step by step recipe with photo.


  • Apples - 2 pcs.,
  • Kiwi - 6 pcs.,
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • Chicken - 300 gr.,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Salt.

Salad “Malachite bracelet” - recipe

To prepare the salad, you need to boil carrots, eggs and chicken. Instead of boiled carrots in the Malachite Bracelet salad recipe, you can use fried carrots for vegetable oil about 5 minutes until soft.

Grate the cheese.

Chicken - chicken breast or leg, after cooling, cut into small pieces.

Fruits for the salad, namely apples and kiwis (3 pieces of the total quantity) must be rinsed cold water. Peel them from the skin, then cut them into cubes.

As with many other salads, the eggs for this salad must be divided separately into whites and yolks. Crush the yolks with your hands until they form fine crumbs.

Grate the whites on a medium grater.

Now that all the ingredients for the Malachite Bracelet salad are ready, you can start assembling it. Since the salad will be prepared in the form of a ring, in addition to the plate, a glass is also consumed for its preparation. Place a glass in the center of the plate. Spread around it boiled chicken. Flight with mayonnaise. Lightly salt this layer of salad.

Place apple cubes over chicken.

Sprinkle them with grated cheese. Top with mayonnaise.

Place the next layer of boiled (fried carrots). By the way, with fried carrots I like salad better.

Season this layer of Malachite Bracelet salad with mayonnaise. Arrange kiwi on salad.

Top with mayonnaise. Place a layer of grated egg whites.

Sprinkle the salad with yolk crumbs.

The “Malachite Bracelet” salad is almost ready. All that remains is to decorate it. Carefully remove the glass from the center of the salad. Decorate the salad with halves of kiwi slices on the sides and in the center.

Salad “Malachite bracelet” with chicken and kiwi Before serving, place in the refrigerator to soak for several hours. The salad will soak well and become even more delicious. Enjoy your meal.

Salad “Malachite bracelet”. Photo

You always want to decorate the holiday table in an original way, and the “Malachite Bracelet” kiwi salad is perfect for this. This dish is interesting because its composition can be different. They make it with chicken and pork, add both raw and boiled carrots, and apples, mushrooms, and nuts can also be used as ingredients.

So why do salads with different compositions have a common name? This is explained simply. Malachite, also called emerald, jade - thanks to the green color of the tropical kiwi berry. The bracelet is solely due to its design in the form of a ring.

Kiwi salad “Malachite bracelet” - dish decoration

Although the appetizer looks original, its design is quite simple.

To make a salad, in addition to the ingredients you will need: a flat dish, a glass, a salad ring. If this is not the case, then you can use the side of a springform baking pan, but you can do without this part.

  • Place a glass on the dish in the center, also place a ring and place the salad inside. The components can be mixed together and then laid out, they can be laid out in layers. If there is no ring, then simply place it around the glass, adding it with a spoon. the required form.
  • After adding all the ingredients, carefully remove the ring, then take out the glass. The result is a ring (bracelet) that needs to be beautifully decorated.

I will offer you several recipes with photos, in which the composition and decoration will be different.

This recipe is interesting because we do not cook the chicken, but quickly fry it, which gives the dish a more piquant taste. Often added to cold appetizers walnuts, for example, but in this recipe we use pistachios; their greenish color suits the name of the salad.

Required components:

  • chicken meat - 400 gr
  • carrots - 1 piece large
  • cheese durum varieties- 150 gr
  • eggs - 5 pcs
  • kiwi - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • ground pistachios - 2 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise
  • sunflower oil for frying

How to do:

Cool the appetizer slightly in the refrigerator and serve.

Cold appetizers with pickled mushrooms are especially popular, and they wouldn’t be out of place in a recipe with fruit. According to reviews from mushroom lovers, they go well with sweet and sour taste kiwi.


  • chicken fillet- 300 gr
  • hard cheese - 100 gr
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 gr
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • corn - 50 g for decoration
  • mayonnaise

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  1. Boil chicken fillet, eggs and carrots.
  2. The salad is laid out in layers, soaking them in mayonnaise.

Remove the glass, decorate with kiwi slices and corn.

Pork, Korean carrot and garlic will add a certain spiciness to the salad, I’m sure men will especially like this combination.


  • boiled pork - 300 gr
  • eggs -4 pcs
  • kiwi - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • green apple - 1 pc.
  • Korean carrots 100 - 150 gr
  • garlic - 2 - 3 cloves
  • mayonnaise

How to make the salad:

  1. Cut the pork into small cubes. Boil the meat in salted water. Without removing it from the broth, to make it juicier, cool it. Mix pork with mayonnaise, adding garlic, passed through a press.
  2. Place half the meat on a dish, put a layer of kiwi, cut into thin slices, on top, put the remaining meat and again put a thin layer of kiwi.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the beki on a coarse grater and place in the next layer, coat with mayonnaise without garlic.
  4. The next layer is a peeled and coarsely grated apple. To prevent it from darkening, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  5. Place Korean-style carrots on the apple and spread with mayonnaise.
  6. Using a spoon, give the dish the desired shape, cover with grated yolk, and decorate with kiwi slices.

Tender crab meat goes well with the sweet and sour taste of kiwi and the result is a delicate, pleasant salad.


  • crab meat - 1 package
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • processed cheese - 2 pcs
  • corn - 1 can
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise

How to cook:

  1. Cut crab meat, hard-boiled eggs and 1 kiwi into small cubes.
  2. Add corn and mayonnaise to them - mix.
  3. Give the salad the desired shape, place the grated salad on top processed cheese. To make it easier to grate the cheese, you can put it in the freezer for a while.
  4. Garnish the salad with kiwi slices.

Diet salad with kiwi and raisins

This easy option will certainly appeal to women and those who watch their weight. Reviews about this salad are very positive; all components combine perfectly with each other.


  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • apple - 2 pcs
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • raisins - ½ cup
  • walnuts - ½ cup
  • cheese - 200 gr
  • sour cream - 200 gr

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over seedless raisins for 10 minutes, drain the water, and lightly dry the raisins.
  2. Place the first layer on the dish around the glass raw carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Place raisins on top and brush with sour cream.
  3. The next layer is peeled apples, grated on a coarse grater, again greased with sour cream.
  4. Chop the nuts with a knife, not very finely, and place in the next layer.
  5. Place grated cheese on top. Cheese for this recipe better to take with soft creamy taste. Spread with sour cream and garnish with chopped kiwi thin slices.

Salad “Emerald Bracelet” - video recipe

As I said, sometimes this dish is called “ Emerald bracelet", see the video for the option with olives and fresh cucumber.

I told you about different variants salad with kiwi “Malachite bracelet” and if you like the combination of fruits and meat, then it will take its rightful place in your recipe box.

Bon appetit!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

The recipe is original, tasty and beautiful holiday salad, which we will prepare with chicken and kiwi. The dish got its name because of the shape (fitted like a bracelet) and color of the main ingredient - kiwi. It is this green beauty that makes the Malachite bracelet unique and spectacular: both in appearance and in taste.

This salad will definitely surprise your guests: the hostesses will certainly take the recipe from you, believe me. One thing: I personally would not recommend preparing it, for example, a day before serving - over time, the salad noticeably loses its taste. However, you can pre-cook the chicken, eggs and carrots, which will do just fine in the refrigerator. Well, it won’t take much time to prepare the apple and kiwi.

Surely you are wondering what the Malachite bracelet salad tastes like, right? It's quite difficult to describe, but I'll try. First of all, it is not dry, quite juicy and crispy (this is an apple), well soaked not only with mayonnaise, but also due to the fruit’s own juiciness. Chicken fillet adds satiety to the dish, and boiled eggs- tenderness and airiness. In general, the taste is interesting, cook it!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

First, let's cook the carrots: wash the fruits, put them in a saucepan or stewpan of a suitable size, and fill two fingers with water. In their uniforms, medium (closer to large) carrots will cook for about 20 minutes after boiling.

Next, set the chicken eggs (I have large ones - about 55 grams each) to boil hard - 9-10 minutes after boiling over medium heat. To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, they must be room temperature, just like water. In addition, you can additionally salt the water or pour in a little vinegar - then the likelihood of damage to the shell is minimized.

Boil the chicken breast (or thigh fillet, for example, if you want). In general, there are two basic rules according to which it is customary to cook it. If you need broth, the meat is placed in cold water, and when you are preparing the breast itself (for example, for the same salads), put it in boiling water. Then the breast will turn out juicy and very soft, since it will not have time to give all its juices to the broth. Thus, put the breast in boiling water and cook at moderate boil for about 15 minutes (after the water boils for the second time - the boiling stops when you add the meat, as the water temperature drops). However, it is important to understand that cooking time depends on the size of the pieces.

For dressing we use mayonnaise, which we flavor with crushed cloves (I put them through a press). fresh garlic. Traditionally, I prepare this sauce myself in a couple of minutes -. By the way, if you don’t like the garlic taste and smell, you don’t have to add it to mayonnaise.

The main ingredient, thanks to which the salad received the name malachite bracelet, is kiwi. In total we will need 4-6 fruits - the number depends on their size. We clean the fruit by cutting off the thin terry skin. We cut half of the fruits into fairly small cubes (this part will go into the salad itself), and the rest - in half lengthwise and not very thin slices (for decoration).

Peel a medium-sized apple (preferably sweet and sour varieties), cut out the seed pods and cut the pulp into small cubes. To prevent the fruit from darkening, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Cool the boiled chicken eggs, peel them, and separate the whites from the yolks. In separate bowls, grate the whites on a coarse grater, and the yolks on a fine grater.

Remove the finished breast from the broth and let it cool. We use the broth to prepare first courses. If you cook the chicken breast correctly and do not overcook it, the small cubes of meat will turn out nice and neat in shape, but will not disintegrate into fibers.

Boiled carrots We clean and grate almost everything on a coarse grater. If desired, some can be used to decorate the salad (I have flowers that I cut out using mastic cutters).

Assembling the Malachite bracelet salad. Take a flat one wide dish(mine is 22 cm in diameter), place an inverted glass in the center. Place the boiled chicken cubes in the first layer.

Each layer will need to be covered with a fairly generous mesh of mayonnaise. To do this we shift cold sauce into a bag, tie it and cut off the tip.

Salad “Malachite Bracelet” is not just an appetizer, it is a decoration for any table. Ring (bracelet) of a beautiful green color, presented with thin slices of kiwi, beautifully laid out on top ready-made dish, will definitely attract the attention of absolutely everyone at the table.

The main ingredients are meat (or other protein product, for example, fish), hard cheese, chicken eggs, mayonnaise for dressing and kiwi for decoration. But this is not an exhaustive list of products that can be found in this salad. Each housewife brings to traditional recipe something of its own.

Classic recipe step by step

Ingredients Quantity
chicken fillet - 800 g
eggs - 4 things.
hard cheese - 100 g
carrots - 100 g
sweet and sour apple - 100 g
kiwi - 3 pcs.
garlic - 6 g
mayonnaise - 90 g
lemon juice - 5 ml
Cooking time: 40 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 134 Kcal

This snack option is not only spectacularly beautiful, but also quite juicy and satisfying, and the composition of the ingredients makes it attractive in the eyes of fitness enthusiasts and those who have decided to lose weight. You can reduce the calorie content of the dish by replacing high-fat mayonnaise with yogurt.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing the Malachite Bracelet salad with kiwi:

Salad “Malachite bracelet” with chicken and prunes

This snack has its own unique twist - an ingredient that simultaneously complements two main products (chicken and kiwi). These are prunes that balance the sourness of kiwi with their sweetness and go well with white meat chicken.

For the “Malachite Bracelet” with a twist, you need to take products in the following proportions:

It will take no more than 20-30 minutes to create edible malachite jewelry.

The nutritional value ready-made salad, calculated per 100 grams, will be 167.2 kilocalories.

Algorithm of actions during the preparation process:

  1. Chop the ingredients, each separately. Disassemble the meat into fibers or turn into small cubes. Carrots, cheese and eggs can be cut into cubes or grated with a coarse grater;
  2. Peel and chop half the amount of kiwi into cubes, and leave the other half for final decoration. Rinse the prunes and chop into cubes, like other products. Finely chop the green onion feathers with a knife;
  3. Around the glass, as in the previous recipe, lay out the ingredients in layers: chicken eggs, green onions, chicken fillet fiber, prunes, kiwi, boiled carrots and hard cheese;
  4. Remove the glass from the center of the salad and decorate the ring on all sides with thin slices of kiwi.

Option with salmon and kiwi

This version of the “bracelet” will delight any fishy soul, and especially lovers of red fish (salmon). When preparing this appetizer, you need to be careful and careful with salt. The fish is already salted, so, as a rule, there is no need to add additional salt to the salad.

Salmon is inimitably tasty in combination with other salad products, especially with sweet and sour kiwi.

For fish variation malachite snack need to prepare:

  • 200 g salmon;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 250 g tomatoes;
  • 250 g kiwi;
  • 300 g mayonnaise.

Even if the eggs were not hard-boiled the day before, it will take a maximum of 40 minutes to prepare the salad.

Work progress:

  1. Chop all ingredients into small cubes, except eggs and cheese. It is better to grate them on a coarse grater. The onions can be briefly pickled in water and vinegar, but this is optional;
  2. The salad assembly process is similar previous recipes, the order of layers only changes slightly and, taking into account the juiciness of tomatoes and kiwis, there is no need to smear each layer with dressing. The order of laying out the products: salmon, ½ the amount of onions, mayonnaise, hard cheese, tomatoes, the remaining ½ of the onions, mayonnaise, chicken eggs and the final layer of kiwi.

The central element of the salad composition is kiwi, so you can remove or replace any other product in the dish except this fruit. To quickly and easily peel kiwi for salad, you need to cut off the “butts” on both sides with a sharp knife, then place a teaspoon under the peel and, turning it in your hands, separate the pulp from the skin.

When the spoon has passed around the entire surface of the kiwi, all that remains is to simply remove peel light movement.

Since the salad is laid out in layers, and each of them is smeared with mayonnaise, the question arises: how to distribute the dressing on the layers as evenly as possible. It will be much easier to do this if you distribute the mayonnaise over each layer not with a spoon, but spread it with a fork.

If the “Malachite Bracelet” is being prepared for a feast on the occasion of the Eighth of March, then you can design it in the form of a “malachite” eight. Appearance snacks will become more spectacular and symbolic.

To form a ring, a flat, cylindrical glass or any other device (for example, a ring for forming small-diameter dishes) is suitable.

All versions of the salad contain a layer of boiled chicken eggs, but housewives often have difficulty peeling them, especially if the product is fresh. You can quickly and easily clean the shell if you first break it, then roll the egg a little between your palms and immerse it in cold water for a while.

    Do you want to surprise your holiday guests? unusual dish? Prepare a beautiful and original salad Malachite bracelet with chicken. Layered and topped with kiwi, it will look stunning on any holiday table. The recipe also includes an apple, but many people don’t like to add it to it. meat salads, so you don’t have to put it either, but in classic version it is. In addition, it includes 3 kiwis: 2 pcs. - for decoration, 1 pc. - in a separate layer. In my opinion, this is too much and they clog the taste, so sometimes I only use 2 pieces. on top, but I don’t put it inside. But I advise you to cook according to the classic recipe for the first time, and only then change it to your taste. But, in general, it looks very beautiful, so I constantly prepare a Malachite bracelet for New Year and birthdays.


  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc. (300 g)
  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc. (optional)
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Mayonnaise

Step by step photos of the recipe:

The salad will be light spicy taste thanks to the garlic, but if you like it spicy, you can add more garlic.

Place the mayonnaise in a deep container and squeeze out the garlic. Mix. We will coat each layer with this sauce. And don't forget to add a little salt to the ingredients.

Take one kiwi, peel and cut it small cubes. This is the second layer.

It is advisable to take sweet, ripe kiwis. Since there will be as many as three of them in the salad, they can clog the taste of the other ingredients, so you don’t have to put them inside in a separate layer, but just lay them on top.

Boil the eggs and wait until they cool down. Chop and place on top.

Boil the carrots in their skins, peel and grate them on a coarse grater.

The next layer is apples, grated on a coarse grater. You can take both sour and sweet apples - at your discretion.

Some people don’t like apples in salads with meat, so you don’t have to put them, but in classic recipe they enter.

Cover the top and sides with grated hard cheese.

Don't forget to water each layer garlic mayonnaise and salt.

Well, now all that remains is to decorate our holiday dish so that the salad looks like a real emerald bracelet.

Take the remaining two kiwis, peel and thinly cut into circles. The thinner you cut them, the easier it will be to lay them out and they will not fall off.

Carefully remove the glass and let the salad brew in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Bon appetit and happy holidays everyone!

The “Malachite Bracelet” salad looks very impressive on the holiday table. If you want to surprise your guests or you're just tired classic snacks, try to cook this delicious and original dish. It got its name thanks to unusual design in the form of a ring, as well as the use of an emerald-colored ingredient - kiwi. The composition also includes chicken meat, carrots, cheese, eggs. Some housewives add fresh cucumbers, apples, raisins, nuts. Instead of boiled carrots, you can use Korean carrots. The ingredients are laid out in layers and coated with mayonnaise.

Kiwi is native to China, which is why its second name is “Chinese gooseberry”. After New Zealanders developed cultivated varieties, the berries began to be exported to the USA and then to other countries. It contains the enzyme actidin, which promotes rapid digestion of meat. In addition, the use of " Chinese gooseberry» helps reduce blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels from blood clots, replenishes iodine deficiency. Its sour taste adds sophistication and tenderness to dishes.

Boiled chicken fillet can be replaced with smoked or baked chicken fillet - this way you will give the dish more rich taste. In order not to spoil the appetizer, you need to choose the right meat:

  1. the breast should be free of bruises and cuts;
  2. Pay attention to the expiration and storage dates, information about the manufacturer, storage rules. The shelf life cannot be long, otherwise this indicates the presence of preservatives in the product.
  3. when pressing on the fillet, the notch should quickly recover; if this does not happen, it should be defrosted again;
  4. if the breast big size, perhaps the bird was fed hormonal drugs, so it is better to choose medium-sized fillets.

Any type of cheese can be used. You can use Parmesan, it will make the dish brighter in taste, or you can use regular Dutch with a delicate creamy taste, which also goes well with chicken. Instead of hard cheese, you can use processed cheese. It contains practically no carbohydrates and cholesterol, it is quickly absorbed, and the presence of vitamins and amino acids helps strengthen the body. When choosing cheese, you should exclude some signs that indicate its poor quality:

  1. cracked and loose consistency;
  2. dents and cracks on the surface;
  3. greasiness indicates what was used in the preparation Palm oil
  4. the presence of mold, plaque and swelling of the crust indicates that the product is spoiled.
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